Modern Farm || The Sims 4: Speed Build

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hi guys it's almost here so welcome to another speed build so today i am building another family home and this time i am building a sort of modern farmhouse here in brindleton bay and i just think it's super cute and i just absolutely love the way it turned out so i'm hoping you guys are going to like it as much as i do but before we get too far into the video i'd like to thank the sponsor of today's video which is every farm you can download it for free in the description of this video every farm is a multiplayer farm builder game where everyone can farm and own a village grow crops cook even open and run restaurants where you can use your own harvestables there are 50 types of crops on the farm and 30 types of food and beverages available for the restaurant so there's so much to do and it's endlessly entertaining every farm also has social features that allow you to visit your friend's farm you can also help and get help from your friends it's so interactive every farm also has many interesting buildings where you can even decorate your own farm the way you want which i just absolutely love there are so many unique characters that unveil their interesting stories throughout your gameplay every farm is a free to play farming blockchain game on the wiimix platform you can play harvest and even earn through playing download every farm in the description of this video so you won't miss the fun thank you every farm for sponsoring today's video and supporting my channel so my main idea for this house was basically to build something cute and cozy here next to the like sea area of brindletoe bay i mean there's two different sea areas because there is the area by the docks um and then there's this part of the world um but it's across the road so it feels a little bit more like rural i mean this whole part is rural but it feels a little bit more like farmland and i thought it'd be cute to have a little farm over here and i went from a bit more of a modern style and i used this peach siding which i'm not really sure if i have ever used i may have used it like once or twice but it has been a very long time since i have done so um i was also going to use these window boxes in this um green color i think it's really cute but it just became a bit too much for me when i started adding them on too many windows and i wanted flower boxes on most of the windows so i ended up changing the color of those here in just a little while but i kept the peach siding and i think it's really cute and makes the house feel just very bright and cheerful and i also liked using the metal roofing i use this every once in a while and every time i do i just i'm always really happy with it i just think it's really really cute um and it i kind of i feel like it makes the build feel a little bit more modern too so it's not like a super modern home but i think it has modern elements and it's incorporated with more traditional elements so it still has that like farmhouse kind of cozy feel and i definitely used a lot of stuff from cottage living even like the chickens and i placed a llama in the yard and i sized down the llama shed so you can't see it and i hit it you'll see that here in just a little while and it's fully functional i did play test it because i definitely want to make sure that worked but over here on this side of the building i decided to make sort of like a sun broom which i am so happy with i think it's so cute and i just i don't know i would absolutely love something like this in real life and i can just imagine sitting in there and having some coffee and taking care of my plants and just and the light coming through the windows i just think it's so dreamy and so pretty so i was really happy to be able to include it here in this build um but here i did something that i don't usually do i noticed that the shape of the build was going to be a little bit weird so i decided just to start working on the floor plan now instead of waiting until i finish the entire shape of the exterior um that way it kind of you know was a bit easier to work with and maybe would make more sense as a floor plan i don't think it's like the most perfect floor plan i've ever done but i do think that helped me quite a bit so i'm really happy with that and then i was able to finish the back of the build based on where i was planning to place the rooms and yeah it's a very simple home i tried to not overthink it and over complicate it because i feel like a home like this i could get lost in all of the extra details and spend like 24 hours on one single build but i tried to i tried to not do that so hopefully it doesn't um i don't know feel like i was missing anything but i still feel like it has all of the details that i wanted to have but i want to build a bigger farm i think i built one when we got cottage living i built a couple of them actually i built some smaller ones and like bigger ones um but i feel like i should probably build another big one so let me know if you guys would like to see more farm builds um and let me know what you guys think about this one and i like how i just added that door into the sun room i thought that was a really nice detail because like it looks like it's open and i used an archway to like be like the frame of the door um i think that's super cute and here i did move the staircase because i realized that wasn't going to work very well for the floor plan downstairs and for the upstairs too i felt like it was going to make it a little bit awkward and then i decided to use this archway that came from the industrial loft kit in between where i place the dining room and the kitchen and i really really like that door i really wish though that it came with a closed version because i like using it on the exterior of buildings and i think it looks nice for screenshots especially if it's like the summer time in game but i feel like if it's a rainy day or you're playing in the winter you would want it to be closed and i just wish it came with a closed version because it would be easy just to swap them out but um unfortunately that's not how it worked but here you can see i have moved on to the exterior um placing some bushes and the landscaping for me was a little bit tricky because it is a bit of a smaller lot i wanted to add like the farm elements without it being like a big fully functional farm like i think this is a bit more of like a hobby farm like there's a small garden over here there's a couple of chickens one llama it's not like a giant industrialized farm and i did think about using these larger plant crops but i decided that i wanted it to be more of just like an in the ground garden i mean the plant crops are supposed to be in the ground but they are technically just like the planter pods they're just dirt basically um but i wanted the plants to be in the ground and i wanted to use terrain paint to make the rose and stuff so you'll see me make the rose here in just a little bit and i do have my play chester stem go through and plant a garden with some berries and some vegetables and flowers and then in the sun room i had my sim plant some like herbs so there's like a sage in there and parsley and those sorts of things and i think it looks really adorable and i'm really happy that i did that because sometimes i decide to leave things empty usually not though if i make a garden because i want them to be pretty for the screenshots and easy for you guys if you decide to download the build uh to just start playing and not have to plant the garden yourself but you could of course just delete them if you did want your sim to like level up their gardening skill by collecting the plants themselves and growing them and harvesting them and all that kind of stuff but uh it's available if you don't want to do all of that oh in this build i also used quite a bit of stuff from the latest kit which is the little campers kit and i just i am so obsessed with that kid i want to use i'm going to use those items probably in most of my family homes because they're so cute but in the last build that i did that i just shared i didn't get a chance to use the swing set but in this one i did um so that's the swings that i placed here it's a little bit weird though i like the design of it with like the plants trailing up the side it's a cute different sort of swing set than we have um you know compared to our other swing sets in game but it also has like rugs underneath the swing sets which is kind of weird not every swatch has it but quite a few of them do and i'm not sure how often i will use that version i think it's a bit strange i don't know have you guys ever seen a swing set with little rugs underneath this wings before i just i've never seen that before it's cute um but it's just kind of unexpected i guess and i'm not really sure what to do with it um but around the garden i decided to place a bee box one of the bug houses and then i also placed a decorative birdhouse and then i took the bird tree that came from cottage living and i shrunk it down and merged it inside of it you can still see some of it like poking through if you need to click on it because there are some interactions that you can do with like the birds and stuff um but i wanted it to look like they were actually using a birdhouse some of the animations are a bit strange because the birds kind of land in the places where they wouldn't normally sit on that birdhouse but i still think it looks good and i actually play tested this build quite a bit and i'm really happy that i did because the refrigerator didn't work and that would have made me sad if i would have uploaded it to the gallery and you couldn't even use the refrigerator sometimes i'm not the best at play testing things like that cause i just assume that they work so i'm glad that i play tested this build a little bit longer and i was able to fix that problem because it was just the kitchen island was too close to the refrigerator so i had to move it over like just a hair i hardly had to move it at all but yeah in the last build that i did uh showcasing the little campers kit i didn't get a chance to use this fire pit either so i definitely made sure that i used it here in this build and it's really cute i really like how it has like the cut out details on the sides with the trees and the bigfoot i think it's so fun and i really hope that we get like a bigfoot character because i think that would be a really cool like addition to the game especially if you didn't see them very often like i think they're supposedly supposed to be some sort of creature off of the island of windenburg i've never seen it and i always hear that people haven't seen it as well but then you hear every once in a while that somebody has seen it so i think it would be really cool if it worked that way because then it would be more i don't know special and not so like in your face like some of the other um characters are in game like vampires and stuff i mean of course it wouldn't function the same as vampires i'm sure but you know what i mean anyways here i am uh doing some landscaping adding some bushes and stuff around the front gate adding some more terrain paint and then i also added that chicken coop over there and then here i'm adding the animal shed so um what i do is i size it down initially by just the bracket keys if you use the left bracket key it sizes items down if you use the right then it sizes items up and then i also used the tool mod to shrink it down even further so it's just really small so i could easily hide it in another object and i decided just to place a little like um uh planter decoration this little pot here with some flowers in it and then i placed it down in a basement and then i raised it up using the nine key and then i used the tool mod just to sort of adjust the placement of it and i made sure a tiny little bit of the shed was poking out the side of it so you could easily click on it to clean the shed and to refill the food and that sort of stuff or to purchase an animal and then i placed a hay bale next to it just to kind of add more decoration to it and everything it needs to be placed in uh the the basement and then raised up if you want to decorate a shed this way and kind of like hide it in other objects and when i was play testing i realized that those debug plants and the fence that i was using um sims know that they're there and they can't walk through them so i did have to place those in the basement as well and raise those up so it was an easy fix because it wasn't working at first i was able to purchase an animal and the animal was fine doing all their interactions but when it came to actually restocking the food and cleaning the shed i couldn't do those interactions but thankfully i made it work and i'm really pleased with the way that turned out so yeah anyways here i'm moving on to the interior decorating the kitchen first and here in the kitchen i decided to go for a bit more of a modern style and this is really when i think the modern elements showed through the most is in the kitchen i mean the rest of the build definitely has modern elements throughout too but i think using these dream home decorator counters really added that kind of like modern feel to the build um over here is like a little coffee station i put some cups that came from uh get together i have them stacked up and sort of like you know stacked on top of each other in my gallery so you can download those if you guys are interested um you probably saw me place them just a little bit ago and then i also have a microwave and then just other kitchen items but as you can see the island in here is quite big so i just had to move it so slightly away from the refrigerator and then i just pushed the refrigerator a little bit closer to the wall and then my sim was able to use it i couldn't figure it out i thought that it was maybe the chicken coop on the other side of the wall that was blocking it but um it wasn't that i moved it like out of the way completely and i moved everything away from that side of the house and it ended up being the island so um yeah it wasn't too hard to fix thankfully but over here i added a few decorations i merged this base game fruit bowl into this decoration that came from dream home decorator just to look like a more modernized fruit bowl and i think that looks really nice and then there's also a side table beneath the window with a lamp and a plant and a fish bowl on it and i just love that view into the kitchen through this archway i just love all the glass it's so so pretty and then over here is going to be the dining room and again i'm using this table i've been over using it probably in like a lot of these sort of like farm style rustic homes but i just love this table because the table has like this rustic appearance to it where you can see like the warmness on the woods and like little like chips and stuff in it and then has the tablecloth and it's just it's so pretty i wish there was a smaller version of it though because i almost didn't use it because i felt like it was a bit big for this room because it's kind of crowded especially here on the left side of the room because i used this hutch but i don't know i decided it was worth it the sims can walk around the other side if they need to get to the back door to the other chairs so it has plenty of room it's just a bit crowded and i wish that there was a four-seater version um rather than this larger one but yeah over here i'm adding some decorations to this hutch the hutch came from the jungle adventure game pack and i'm just adding a few different items on it and then i added some of these jars that came from the country kitchen kit and i thought those are super cute and yeah i tried to keep the decorating pretty simple in here like i said because it is more of a modern style i feel like adding too much clutter and decorations takes away from that modern feel like i feel like modern homes are usually a little bit simpler a little bit cleaner but it still has some of those like cottagey feeling elements like farmhouse elements from cottage kitchen or country what is it country kitchen yeah that's what it is a country kitchen kit in cottage living i was like mixing the two names together and so i think adding items from those packs give it a little bit more of that like country cottage feel but then it has like modern elements with some of the furniture pieces and like the kitchen and stuff that i added um but over here is going to be the living room i used this fireplace that came from cottage living and here i'm just using the tool mod to place a tv up on top of it um that worked out pretty nicely and then for the couches in here i had no idea what couches i wanted to use i really wish that the pillows that came with the um little campers kit came in some plain swatches because then i probably would have used maybe a different couch but i decided to actually use these ones that came from seasons because i haven't used them in a long time and i really like how like comfortable the pillows look even though like the frame of it doesn't look super comfortable for indoor furniture i still really like them and i liked the size of them because it the space wasn't very big for like you know full-size couch these love seats definitely worked a lot better and then here for the coffee table i used this coffee table that came from dream home decorator and then i also used these side tables that came from dream home decorator or these in tables rather and then i sized them down and merged two of them together to look like a tray on top of the table and i think this actually looked really nice and i've done it a few different times before but i just think it's a really nice trick just to sort of add um just a different decoration because i usually go for that tray that came from the i think it's the tiny tiny living stuff pack is that what it's called i'm like forgetting all the names of the different packs there's so many of them now but yeah it's the tray with like the stack of books and a plant and the candle i use it on so many coffee tables just because it's a nice easy decoration and i think it makes sense to have on a coffee table but it's nice to kind of make your own custom one too and then over here is going to be the downstairs bathroom i also decorated a laundry room so here on the first floor there's a laundry room and a bathroom so if you feel like you need another bathroom in the build the laundry room would be an easy space to do it also if you have like a cat or something in the build the laundry room would be a great spot to put a litter box i was thinking um yeah the bathroom is fairly simple um i really like this combination actually this tile that came from parenthood with this base game flooring i felt like even though the flooring color wasn't necessarily in the tile color i felt like it kind of worked somehow and looked really cute and then here is adding some decorations up on top of the counter just a few simple decorations oh yeah i use this basket that came from the jungle adventure game pack you can find it in the debug menu i'm not sure where it is like in the game pack itself but anyways i thought it looked really nice there and i've often used that same basket with those same decorations from vintage glamour like a bunch of different times but i felt like this particular time the basket just suited the style of the build so nicely because it kind of has that like boho feel to it and i feel like even though i was going for like modern farmhouse it has a bit of a modern sort of boho feel to it too um so over here is the sun room and in here i knew i definitely wanted to have planter boxes i know i want to have the flower arranging table and then i thought about placing this dining table i have this dining table on the back porch currently and i leave it there i actually forgot to decorate the back porch once i finish decorating the interior so i decided just to add like a few simple decorations when i was taking the screenshots but yeah i was thinking having that dining table on the back porch and then also the dining table in the dining room was plenty of dining spaces and so in here i added an art easel instead and i felt like that was a like a better use of the space and it added another skill building opportunity and another activity for your sims to do and then over here above the flower ranging table i had no idea what i wanted to add but i already had this shelf on the other wall and so i decided that this shelf worked perfectly because it has the little watering can the shovel and the bag and then i just hung up uh pitchfork and shovel decoration but also some aprons i feel like um aprons are perfectly appropriate in that sort of interior room basically because normally i would place the aprons in a kitchen thinking that the sims would wear them while they cook but you might also wear an apron if you are doing flower arranging so i thought that was pretty perfect and i was kind of proud of thinking of that but over here is the upstairs bathroom it's the only bathroom upstairs so there's just the downstairs one and this one and then there's of course the laundry room like i mentioned that could easily be turned into another bathroom if you feel like you need it but up here there are three bedrooms i decorate two kids rooms and then a master bedroom and up here at the top of the staircase i just make a little study nook with a computer desk and a bookcase um i put a computer of course on the desk and just a few decorations i was trying to find a smaller desk to use um and i actually ended up going with this debug table from eco lifestyle i really liked the style of it and i felt like it suited the build really nicely and then i just added a few simple decorations up on top of it again trying to not add too much decorations in trying to not over clutter the space of course with the kids brooms that was not the case i definitely over cluttered them up especially the second kids room i added a lot of clutter in there but i really love that one i think the theme of it and everything was so fun i used lots of stuff from the new kit um and then the parents room is very simply decorated honestly when i was decorating i thought it looked really nice and then i was taking the screenshots and i felt like maybe it was a bit too plain um i don't know i feel like it's good though to do some planar room sometimes and not overly decorate everything all the time because then it adds a bit more variety and of course there's different players some people want more clutter and some people want less if they you know download a build from the gallery and so it adds a bit more variety of course i'm definitely on the side of clutter but um yeah i don't know i was taking the screenshots and i felt like i probably should have added maybe a bit more detail to it but you guys can definitely let me know what you think so over here is going to be the first kids room so for this kid i was definitely thinking they're very into nature i used this wallpaper that came from cottage living because of course it has like the acorns and the leaves and the bunnies and the mushrooms it's just it's so cute it's easily our cutest wallpaper in game and then here i was going to add some pillows up on top of the bed i did this in the build where i was showcasing uh the little campers kit but i don't know i felt like there was too many patterns with the pillows and the wallpaper so i ended up removing the pillows but i do place one again just on the floor so it looks like it was just you know left there on the floor the kid dropped it or was laying on the floor with the pillow or something like that and i mean that's of course i think the purpose of that decoration but it's it's just so cute and i love the patterns i'm completely obsessed with them but i do actually use the pillows on the bed in the next kids room so you'll see that here in just a moment and then over here i do place a dollhouse this is the same dollhouse that i placed down in the yard area by the swing set i wanted to have another activity than just the swing set outdoors for the kids so i thought that was a nice one to place outdoors and then i decided it also fit this room so yeah here i thought about switching up the wallpaper because again i was thinking about like just too many patterns but i thought it was better to keep the wallpaper and then just move the pillow off the bed to the ground and delete one of them and i think that was a better solution and then over here i did add the new stuffed animal toy from the little campers kid it's so cute in here and a bear chair and a bookcase and i add a few decorations up on top of the bookcase this radio is from the new kit too and i'm just i'm honestly really obsessed with the kit i like all of the items i like the swatches i like the patterns like i think they really did a good job on the kit like i will use those items all of the time i'm just yeah really happy with them um over here i'm just picking out some wallpapers so i decided right now to place this one with the flowers on it that came from cottage living but once i was thinking about the actual theme that i wanted to go for for that room i don't end up keeping it so you will see me switch it up but here i'm decorating the parents room i decided to use these side tables that came from dream home decorator and put two of them next to each other i've done this a few different times but i think it's a nice way just to sort of fill in the space when you have a bit wider of a space on either side of the bed and then i use this dresser that came from the kid's room stuff and then just a chair and a lamp in the corner and then a mirror and then i hang this wall tapestry over here so i was thinking that it look it matched the build and i think it does but i don't know i feel like i probably should have added a few more details i think it's a bit too plain for my taste but like i was saying i do think having a variety of different sort of decorating styles is probably a better thing but i don't know i think more would have been a little bit better but anyways i hear i did switch up the wallpaper like i was saying i wanted to go for a space theme for this bedroom i was going to use the new bed from the kit but like i mentioned in the build where i was showcasing the kit the bed only interacts as a light i am really confused by it i'm not sure why it has the options like a light does like like when i clicked on the bed it only gave me uh like the options to turn off the light or turn on the light or set the intensity in the color it was very strange i'm not sure why that's the case but i think it's definitely a glitch so hopefully that will change in the future because i didn't have any actual bed interactions when i was playtesting that last build so it was very strange but anyways i absolutely adore this dollhouse that came in that kit it looks like it's made to be a rocket ship and the pillows have little rocket ships on them so i definitely wanted to go for a space theme because we have lots of really good space decorations for children in game and i think this wallpaper actually works really nicely too i was hoping to find a wallpaper that had stars on it but i couldn't think of one and i looked and i i don't think one exists but this one has clouds and i felt like that worked pretty nicely and we have really great artwork in game we have like posters and this wall painting that has like the planets and stuff on it so it's like there's so many good options and you can really like do a really detailed room i think if you do a space theme for uh children in the sims 4. and so yeah i think it turned out really nice uh this is the dresser that i used it came from i believe parenthood i might be wrong about that but i'm pretty sure and i was able to add more space clutter because from parenthood we also got these school projects that the kids can create i'm using them of course through the debug menu and i think they make really nice clutter in kids rooms i use them all of the time and then over here on this wall i had no idea what i wanted to add but then i thought about the new arts and crafts table that came from the kit too and so i thought that worked perfectly in here and then i just added a couple of different things around like this radio and a school project there's also a toy box in here and i just kind of shuffled things around until i felt like it all looked nice and everything was where i wanted it to be but i still really wanted it to feel like a kid's room and like a kid has actually decorated because sometimes i feel like um i try to make kids rooms a bit too like organized and matchy-matchy i think this one's still a bit matchy-matchy but i don't know i was trying to make it look a little bit more like a kid decorated it and then i used this new rug that came from the kit as well but it's technically a blanket but i think it looks really nice and then this is basically it for the build so hopefully you guys have enjoyed this one and hopefully you guys enjoy the screenshot so thank you so much for watching and please leave any comments or suggestions you have and i'll talk to you guys soon bye [Music] but that's not the case [Music] [Music] we can do it we can do it i know we'll find a missing frame sideways [Music] no is how hard i get the blues you keep me steady [Music] [Music] [Music] sideways up or down it's [Music] don't leave already oh no no i'm not that steady [Music] we can do it we can do it [Music] we can do it we can do it [Music] [Music] we will do it
Channel: SimLicy
Views: 72,133
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #beautiful, #sims, #simlicy, #sims4, #builds, #building, #apartments, #simsbuilds, #restaraunts, #french, #Asian, #Italian, #cityliving, #gettogether, #popular, #funny, #parenthood, #family, #traditional, #suburban, #modern, #fantasy
Id: uZgEuG47bxg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 46sec (1666 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 03 2022
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