How to Shade a Human Eyes in Blender Cycles

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hello beautiful people i hope you guys are doing well and having a wonderful day my name is imani lukafo and in this tutorial i'm going to be showing you guys how to set up an eye shader inside blender so let's get started we're just going to go ahead and add a uv sphere so this will vary depending on the polygon count which you your budget is and the size of your character's eyes so but we'll just work with the default one the scaling might not be accurate especially with the size of the um popular and everything but this is just to show you how to set up the shaders and textures and everything okay so once you have your sphere we're going to edit mode and select this portion so i'll use the tool to bring out the move key small um before we do that i'll just quickly turn on the shortcut so you can follow along anything i'm clicking any button so you can just follow along now i'm going to extrude this outwards and ctrl b bevel this slightly i mean this is not really important because we could apply subdivision and that will fix that so this is what we have now i will click on this visualization button to allow the subdivision to be previewed in edit mode next i will select this point and shift d to duplicate it extrude it inwards something like this so this as it matters if you're trying to create a cute character a more realistic character so it the size of this might vary and you can always adjust it with shape keys and set it up so leave this as it is but before that let's just move it inwards like it's a concave shape okay so we'll leave that open and we'll do another shift d and we'll scale this up and just fill it okay so this is our setup now so what we have here we have three geometries okay so um just to assist ourselves later to be able to quickly visualize or have access to the inner geometry i'm going to select this faces and go ahead and click on your vertex script assign that and i will add a mask okay so something like this so with the new blender feature which kind of enhances the max max too um you can use a threshold to just adjust this slightly so you have it looking like this and i'm going to turn off the render preview so by we don't make mistake and leave it on and we don't see the result happening okay so to get rid of this those artifacts will select everything and do shift n and it's going to recalculate the normal so as you can see here you can either switch it to make that look good so we're all set now we can go ahead and start shading and texturing the sky so before we start texturing we need to unwrap this model so i'm going to switch to um edge buttons can work too holding down alt and clicking on the right mouse i will subdivide um create a seam so usually um the main focus area is just this half part of the model so we want this to have more resolution and scaled up when we unwrap it so i will maxim there and selecting everything i'll apply the location rotation and scale first and then unwrap so here in the uv editor we'll just kind of scale things up to favor certain parts of the eyes so we want this to be relatively big so we'll hide that we also need this to be relatively big because these are going to contain the textures that we want okay the iris will be here um the image of the iris over here so just leave that and then for the rest we can scale it down doesn't really matter um depending on what you want though um if you have a scene where you probably will go really close or see the back of the eyes then you probably want to scale this up at least have an even uv okay so this doesn't matter because it's just the shaded blank just move this out of the way okay so we are all set now i will click on add new and we'll call this i material we'll create a new texture and hit new so give this about a 2k texture we can call this eye texture so for the color we'll set it to 0.7 so it's just bright enough um it also depends if more realistic um or more cartoony continuity trying to make it brighter but 0.7 usually works for me so that's good i will hit ok and then we can go from there we can pop into the um texture paint mode and we'll right click here header show to settings so i have a shortcut for that which is alt f1 so if you see it opening and closing that's what i'm doing so we can paint on this and do anything we want so um let's start so i want to kind of paint right this i love this just to quickly get started so a quick way to do that is um let's see if i can find that okay so if you go to options and you will see occlude and back um face calling so you just uncheck that and now when we paint it's going to go through it like this so i think this is really red make it slightly something like this so so it's going to paint through it i mean you could use the symmetry but um it works too okay so once you have that um you can start adding variation kind of um at least break up the colors of the eye so it doesn't look so even especially if you're going for something more realistic then we use we draw some veins so i'm using my pen i'll just adjust it so you can just have fun with the spot if you have a reference that will be quite convenient um i forgot to turn this off i will deal with that later so so this would just be our rob veins and stuff you can different color okay so once we have that uh before we continue just fix this quickly um just paint all right i should fix that and i would turn off this i'll enable this so we don't make that mistake again so now we can proceed to add in the iris color basically the color of the eyes and the texture so for that we'll um click on new um set this to stencil okay and you just basically load into tech where you have your textures i have some go to eye textures i'll just quickly load them up so let's do like a green eyes let's do this one okay so you want to scale it to match it to be more precise with the painting process so i'm going to hide this the the shell and then select this particular mesh okay and when i go to paint um the paint mode i will click on this so it's just going to allow us to see what the edit mode sees so we can be more precise with our texture painting so we'll set the color back to white increase the string to one and just paint let's see it's not even i'll fix that okay so we have the eye texture now so before we continue just quickly save this somewhere oh sorry that's the wrong one save as desktop cool so now let's also um paint this i will select that this object go into the paint mode if we have this checked we can just isolate this object and fill it up so this is what we have now let's save this okay enable this we can see the complete stuff happening um okay so the next process is basically shading this with cycles because i mean you could set this up to work for eevee but it's easier to um i tend to use this method for cycles because it gives a better more realistic result so let's start shading i'm going to delete this shader and add a subsurface cutter plug in the color you can try using the colors the radius okay and now we need to be able to see the i iris so we'll select this this part and now we'll go into that text paint i mean you can do this process with the texture paint you can paint like a mask here which is what i'm trying to do i'm going to set the color to black and if you click hit shift k you can fill it up or you can same thing here set buttons color shift k so we'll still need to do some refinement here but we'll deal with that later so now we can quickly set this up so move this aside i will open this up for you guys i'm going to add a mix mix shader add a glass shader okay and then add another shader here this is just kind of um making the glass shader more optimized especially when you have um low bounces to kind of speed up your render time we could just use the glass but we probably need to um increase the bounces so it's kind of bright because if you reduce the bones it's it kind of becomes darker because light doesn't bounce so much and especially for glass it'll be quite noticeable so to bypass that you use this kind of quick method so glass plus um a transparent shader okay and then the final um chevron shown is at the light part node will set use a shadow ray and it's there okay so it's working now but we cannot really sit with this is the pure glass and so now we'll get that batteries color which we created and take the factor and plug it in there so it's it's telling us we need to invert it so we could just flip this and you have your eye shader okay so um now we'll just do some finishing touches let's kind of clean everything up and have it's ready so add a clock glossy so we could add the glossy right here so that the white part has some has some specularity okay um so one thing you you can do because we could make this shader quite complex with um several maps um because we need this um this part the outer part of the sub suffix some sub surface and this parts will need to be diffused so instead of using mask we'll just create a new material and fix that so create a new material and assign this the shader for this is going to be diffuse shader and the texture is going to be same texture basically so the eye texture which we created okay so you can see it's behaving well now so you can just focus your energy here and play with the glossy and you can increase this sub surf okay um let's see what wait wait wait wait wait okay so now let's kind of finalize that vertex paint which we painted like i said you could still achieve the same result with texture as the mask but this is just more convenient for me um so i will grab the blob brush by from the tool that's the magic way not how to select it i think you can still select it from here i don't know but it's faster when you use the tool and you can access it here so blur paint smear and all the rest of the gang so now we can just use the blub brush and blur out the edges so you can see it's now feels like multiple objects so we can't even see we can't because what you want to avoid is the edge being quite obvious so that's what we've done okay so um now it's just kind of building up the materials some more to give it more details so for the eye we probably want to add like some bump to give it even more depth and more complexity so using the color ramp i'm going to create that and add a bump node such as to height okay so we can start seeing some register so if you don't want it to be so obvious you can adjust it and then we'll go back to the eye shader we need to create like some bump so this is not so perfect um we can use derive the information from the texture which we painted since it has like the eye veins so gets also get a bump node and plug it straight in so let's see what we have we invert that i mean it's not perfect um you probably if if you're going for like extreme realism you might want to spend time especially if the eye is the main focus of the stuff um okay so i'm just adjusting it so all those artifacts are not quite i'm not problem so we have it just what you're seeing just the thing which is perfect so we'll use this pump and connect it to all the materials if i'm not wrong you can just do this okay so just connect it to all the materials so normal normal so you if you go closer you can see the wings coming through so this point one you could also play with the roughness of just to enhance it some more let's see um i'll just get like a random grunge map so if you have any questions so far you can leave it in the comment um i'll try my best to answer because i of course it's there's some tech especially if you're kind of starting out you might get confused in certain areas so i'm going to plug it into the roughness let's i don't see how it's working okay we'll probably have to adjust that later but just so that we'll see the main effect okay so for the adjustment we'll add a mix mix rgb and set this color to black so there are some imperfections there we could even um derive um create a new bump from that actually just to break it up some more so i'm connecting i'm creating a bump and using that normal for the bump we created earlier and the image is from this then i will reduce the influence greatly just to break any sign of perfection on it okay so i mean now it's just any other thing you want to do is just luxury stuff as you can see you can still play with this um sub sub if you think it's too much so now i'm going to enable caustics it actually creates a very cool effect here so it's even more depth and coolness okay so let's go ahead and give this a nice render i'll save my scene at the camera so let's go um 2k sample of 600 let's see so i'm using the new cycle cycles x and a tetsy 80 um gtx our text 3080 i don't know how you say that um this is the result you can see go in and refine the the sub surface um especially if it's kind of inter making it look um better thing to do is just use this as the radius you know fix that so i'll go ahead and render this [Music] so it's done rendering as you can see this is the result so you can still take your time especially when creating the vein to match that style you're going for or the reference which you're working from kind of tweak it some more to get a better result i'll go ahead and create like a quick animation too so that we can see it's increasing but before that i did some more changes especially with the roughness i reduced the visibility of the texture by just moving the slider higher so it's kind of favoring the black color um basically when dealing with roughness black means it's going to be um very shiny um very reflective and white means it's going to be less reflective i also connected it to the glossiness for the the white part of the eyes and yeah that's it i'll go ahead and render this and you guys sort of find out animation you
Channel: Luwizart
Views: 34,463
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, blender tutorial, blender 2.8, blender 2.8 tutorial, how to, blender 3d, blender how to, blender cycles, how to create eyes in blender, how to make eyes in blender, cycles render, cycles, intro to blender, blender how to make an eye, how to design a 3d character in blender, blender (software), how to create realistic eyes in blender, how to use blender skin shader, how to make glass in blender, how to add material in blender
Id: qpzapi4vkxw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 2sec (1442 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 02 2021
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