Blender | Model & Rig A Modern Lamp | Easy

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hello guys and welcome to another blender tutorial so today i'm going to be showing you how to make this lamp the whole process including this really awesome little rig that has an ik controller and it controls these two pistons as well and then you can rotate the lamp like this and you can also control the foot here so just a really fun little thing to play around with i've really enjoyed making this now i am going to be doing the modeling a little bit arbitrary so i'm not going to give exact like measurements or anything i'm just going to eyeball things it's just a little bit of fun and i don't have that much time to be too precise so um if this is a little bit complicated maybe check out some of my other tutorials and by the way i am making this model available on my patreon which you guys can check in the description and i'm also on fiverr if any of you are interested in some of my gigs you can also check that out so let's get into this i hope you guys enjoy and learn something okay so if a new scene open up in blender we're gonna select all the default objects we're to hit x and delete we're going to hit shift a we're going to go to mesh options add in a circle and with this circle selected let's go into edit mode and of all of the vertices selected we're going to go e to extrude and s to scale only going to go in this much then we're going to deselect that shift and alt click on this outer edge here it's going to loop select these vertices then you're going to go e to extrude and z to limit it to the z axis and you're going to bring it up about this much and then we're going to go e to extrude and s to scale and we're going to bring this in quite small like this go to your front orthographic view and then go g z so it's limited to the z axis and we're going to bring it up about that much just like that so we're going to come over here ctrl r double click to add it in a loop cut and we're going to go alt s and just expand that out along the normals of alt s like that i'm going to tab out of edit mode and we're going to come to our modifiers to give this guy a subdivision surface modifier go to object and enable shades move so let's just quickly go back into edit mode and to tighten things up here let's just go control r so hover over here of your mouse cursor ctrl r click and you get the loop cut in here we're going to go double g so gg and just slide that along there and then ctrl r double click double g to slide just like that so it tightens that up a bit so now we have the bottom um base plate here so now let's go shift a we're gonna go once again to our mesh options add in a cylinder and with this cylinder here we're gonna go s to scale that guy down and we're gonna go to a front orthographic view and you can see the scale we're dealing with here so not too big not too small so just something like that we can go g and z bring this guy up to here just so it's sitting like in the middle like that go to object and enable shades move we're gonna go to our add modifiers let's just give this guy a bevel or not a bevel modifier but a um edge split so let's get the edge split uh where is that guy here edge split tab into edit mode and i'm gonna go shift and alt click on this edge here so it's gonna select all of these vertices we're gonna go alt i'm sorry control b or command b and that's gonna create a bevel let's just make a small one like that so once we've done that we're gonna once again we're gonna go shift a and let's just add in another cylinder scale it down and then g z bring it up too bad here and then we're gonna go um to our front orthographic view and we're gonna go r y nine zero and hit enter sorry not r y we're gonna go r x nine zero and hit enter so now we've just rotated this guy 90 degrees on the x-axis so in your front or graphic view if you hit one on your number pad you should see this we're going to go s to scale that guy and you can hit z go into wireframe and we want the width of this the diameter here to be as wide as this cylinder at the bottom so we're going to bring it right to there and we can test to see if that's okay so we're going to bring it up a little bit just to there like that right and then we're going to go to object and enable shades move we're gonna go control a or command a and we're gonna apply the rotation tab into edit mode and we're gonna go ctrl r add in a loop cut and what we're gonna do is select this half hit x and delete vertices go to add modifiers and let's add in a mirror enable the y axis and get rid of the x and make sure to enable clipping we're then going to give this guy an edge split modifier and then we go shift alt click on this edge here to loop select these vertices and we're going to go ctrl b just to create a bevel like this we're then going to just go to our face select select this face here and then go i to insert it to about here and an e to extrude just a little bit we'll get to back to this a little bit later so let's just tab out of edit mode and what we're going to do now is we're going to hit free on our number pad to go into our right orthographic view so you're going to see over here right orthographic view and let's go shift a we're going to add in a cube s to scale this guy down and then g to move it to your left so i'm going to place it right here so just like that and we're going to go s y oh sorry s x and scale it on the x just a bit and then on the back in the right orthographic view s y scale it down on the y a bit bring it in closer to here uh about here i'm gonna grab this guy here tab into edit mode again with that face selected just go control plus or command plus to grow the selection g y and bring these faces forward so it's touching right there in fact just grab this face here and just go s to scale it down a bit now tab out of edit mode select this um cube again tab into edit mode go to face select and select this face over here go to your right or graphic view again zoom back a little bit and now we're gonna go g z and bring this guy up and if you look at your grid here we can see we have one grid space here and then another grid unit so we're gonna just bring this guy a little bit higher so about that much as you can see here tab out of edit mode let's give this guy a mirror modifier click on the little eyedropper and then we'll select this base plate here get rid of the x and enable y so it's mirroring along the y now this is all good but we want to modify it a little bit so what we're going to do is tab back into edit mode we're going to come in here control r that's going to add in a loop called double click double g and just slide it up to about here and then we're going to go to our face select select this face over here and we're going to go g y and we're going to move that face in like this and then what we're going to do is we're going to go e to extrude it up like that so just something that looks like this and if it's too tall for you you can just select these faces at the top and just bring them down so it's up to you um just roughly a height like that will do and just bring this face up a little bit just something like that and we can come in here and adjust it in a little while but in our right orthographic view again we're gonna go shift a and add in a cube again and then s to scale this guy down g z bring it up just so it's sitting right over here like that then we're gonna go s y and scale it down onto y like that and now what we're gonna do is tap into edit mode go to our face select select this face here go to your front view orthographic and zoom back a bit and we're going to once again use this grid spacing here as a reference so we're going to go um g z and bring this guy up to about there as you can see so once again you can use the grid spacing here as a reference just like that and then we're going to go i to insert it so hit i and then e to extrude up again just like that tab out of edit mode and then we're going to go ctrl a and apply the scale let's give this guy a bevel modifier and we're gonna you can decrease the offset here if you want so just bring down the offset make sure you set the limit method to angle and then bring down the offset a bit and then increase the segment count just to round out those edges go to object and enable shades move and we can grab this guy and just do the same thing give it a bevel limit method should be angle also make sure to go ctrl a and apply the scale and let's just bring the offset amount down on this guy and increase the segment count object and shade smooth so now that one has got a nice bevel so it's not as sharp so now we're going to go shift a just add in okay maybe first we'll just edit this guys we're going to grab this guy here and we're going to go to our transform pivot here i'm going to make it active element and then what we're going to do is we're going to go r 45 sorry r negative 45 in our frontal graphic view and then we're going to grab this guy here and we're going to move it so it's sitting right here and we can adjust it in a little while so just roughly so it's sitting in the middle here like that then we're going to go r 45 in our frontal graphic view and hit enter and now what we're going to do is we're going to hit g just to move this guy i'm going to try and line up these two corners over here as much as possible so just like that so now they're both at a 45 to each other and we're just going to simply select this guy here go to the front of graphic view shift d move it over here go into wireframe if it helps and just scale it down and we just want to place it so it's right in the middle of this edge here and this edge here so just like that you can eye it it should be fine for something like this and then go to your right orthographic view tab into edit mode just select all of these faces here g y and move them in in fact move them out a little bit maybe and then what we can do so i'm just experimenting a little bit here maybe move them in like this just so you have this guy sticking out here just like that just something like that should be fine we can mess around with it a little bit later in fact what i think i did with my original i scaled the whole thing down and then in edit mode i just kind of brought all of these faces out like that so up to you doesn't really matter just right about there and that's going to be our pivot point for this guy here and now we're going to go shift a just go to our measure options add in a uvs here go to object and enable shades move s to scale this guy down and then g z move it up go to your front view offer graphic view and roughly with a scale of about this much we're just going to place this guy here s to scale it down maybe just a bit more so just there and this is going to be kind of like the ball pivot point where our lamp is going to be pivoting around so if that guy done we're now going to make our lamp so the easy way to do that is just select the base plate shift d to duplicate and then just move it up to here and then we're going to go in our front view r minus nine zero and hit enter and then we're gonna go g move this guy over here just so it's in the middle of this ball here and we're gonna hit free to go into right or graphic view and we're just gonna line this guy up so that hole there sits in the middle of this lamp once again i'm not being very precise i think we can get away with it for this particular design now once you have it kind of like in the middle of this ball joint here we're going to tap into edit mode of this guy and then we're going to select this edge here control plus to grab a selection once hit x and delete vertices we're going to select this edge here then we're going to go g y so g x say hit g x move it forward a bit and then s to scale it sorry make the transform pivot here median point again then go s to scale out a bit just like that and then we're gonna go um e to extrude s to scale and then alt s just to expand that out a little bit and then we got e to extrude s to scale and then g x move that guy in a bit and then e to extrude s to scale just a little bit and then e to extrude s to scale like that and i'm going to go e x to extrude it in a bit and then e x one more time s to scale it a bit and then we're gonna go e to extrude s to scale just a little bit and we're gonna hit f to fill that face and then we're going to hit i just to insert it one more time like that tab out of edit mode and also you can just come at the back here and just select this loop at the back s to scale that guy up just so it's a bit bigger and i think this guy's maybe a bit too big so i'll just scale it down just a bit so now you can see what our lamp is kind of looking like so this guy is going to be pivoting around that guy like that so it'll make more sense when we rig it so this is pretty much kind of like the model m so now we're going to model this little piston part in here and that's relatively easy so we're just going to grab this guy over here and we're going to go into wireframe shift d and just move this guy so it's sitting in the middle of this guy here this guy here just like that and then what we're going to do is we're going to grab this guy over here go shift d to duplicate it and move it over here and we want this little orange pivot point to kind of be in the center of this circle here and i'm going to go s to scale down a bit and then g z move it up like this i'm going to tab into edit mode and with these faces at the top selected we're just going to go g z and move them up like that in fact i think we might want to just go into object mode and just scale this down just a bit tab back into edit mode g z just bring this guy up now we want this guy to kind of come to where the meeting point is between here so we don't want to go too high not too low so just kind of lining up with this nut over here and then we're going to just select this face here go i to insert it a bit and then e to extrude z and just bring that down then go shift d to duplicate that face hit p and separate by selection tab out of edit mode and then just select this new face by itself tab into edit mode select this face and then go e to extrude and z to bring it up up to about here and then what we're going to do maybe a little bit lower is we're going to come over here go ctrl r add in a loop double g to slide it up then in your front orthographic view we're just going to get our face select hit b to box select we're just going to select all of these faces here at the front we're then going to go to our right orthographic view and we're going to go e to extrude it out to about here and i'm going to go s y zero and flatten those out and go e to shoot them out one more time like this then we're going to select these top faces here and then e to extrude them up like this in fact we're going to make them a little bit higher just like that so we should have something that looks like this tab out of edit mode and this guy here is going to pretty much be the piston that drives all of this as you can probably figure it out so what we could do to make this work a little maybe a bit better is just select all of these free over here and let's just go g and maybe just move this guy down just a little bit to about here this is grab this guy here go to edit mode and just move all of these faces at the top up a little bit just so it's back in the middle point here and let's just do the same thing with this piston let's just select all of these top faces here and go g z and just move them up like that okay it's moving up a bit more cool we're getting there so let's just select this cylinder down the bottom we're gonna go shift d z and just bring it up like this is to scale it down like this and then get rid of that mirror modifier tab into edit mode and then we're going to grab this face here and just go e to extrude it out like this and then e to extrude as the scale and then e took shoot it out tab out of edit mode and let's just grab this guy here let's go back into edit mode and just select these top faces and just bring this plate up just a little bit so now we have that that's looking fantastic so now we pretty much have our lamp done modeled so let's grab this bottom plate let's give a new material here and let's just call this plate one and let's go down to our viewport display i'm just going to give it a viewport color making it something kind of like a grayish kind of blue just for now and then i'm going to select this arm part here and then i'm going to select this arm part here and give that a new thing i'm going to call it plate 2 and i'm gonna go to my viewport display and just give it a viewport display color like that grab this arm here and give it that same plate to material and then i'm gonna select um the piston part here and give it that plate one material and grab this guy here give it that plate one and then this guy here i'll give it the plate one material as well and this little joint here will give it the plate to material like that we'll also grab this piston part here go new and let's just call this metal and this guy over here to the viewport display and bring up the metallic slider just so it looks metallic i'm going to select this part here and give it that metal material just like that and then what we're going to do is select the lamp part here go new this is called this plate free and what we're going to do here is bring the roughness down on the viewport display and then we're going to tab into edit mode select this face in here go control plus to grow to selection hit the plus here go new and assign that material let's call this light hit enter and make sure it's assigned and just to see if it's assigned let's just make it kind of yellowish tab out of edit mode and now we can see that material is applied over there let's grab this socket here and let's just give it that plate free material as well so this is what we have so far it's looking pretty good um so what we're going to do next is we're going to come in here and we're going to rig this guy and then i'll show you how to kind of mess around with the rig and then um yeah we just mess around with the materials a little bit maybe even set up some lights or something like that but this is the model modern lamp with the little piston so just have a good look at it it looks pretty cool okay so before we can really get too much into the rigging we're gonna apply a few of the modifiers so let's grab this guy over here let's just go to our modifiers and we're gonna apply the mirror and just apply the bevel in fact i don't think we even need to apply the bevel that should be fine so just leave the bevel and then we're gonna do is grab this guy here and we're just gonna apply the mirror don't really have to but you can go ahead and do it i'm gonna apply the mirror on this guy grab this guy here don't have to do anything with that um should be fine um so just this guy really with the mirror um just gonna apply that so let's start with our rig here so in our front or graphic view and obviously make sure you go shift s and just make sure your cursor is in your world origin here so it's placed in the right position obviously i think you guys should know that hopefully so we're going to shift a and we're going to go down this time to our armature and let's just add in a single bone just keeping things simple with this single bone selected to be able to see what we're doing let's just quickly go click on this little green dude down here go over to your viewport display and if you click in front you will see the bone in front of your mesh geometry no matter where you're looking from so that's a little useful thing for you there so with this bone selected let's go and go to edit mode and what we're going to do is we're going to select the top of this bone this knob here we're going to go g z and bring this bone down to here and then what we're going to do is we're going to grab this guy go shift d z and bring it up we're gonna hit z and go into wireframe and what we simply want to do is go g z and just bring it up so the bottom triangular part of this here is in the middle here and you can look at these two flat lines here as a reference it's just getting it roughly in the middle of the cylinder if you hit free to go to the right of graphic view you can see it's perfectly in the center so let's just select this knob up here now and in our front orthographic view go g and just move it up to here and roughly get it in the center of the sky here now there are ways you can get it perfectly in the center and snap it there i'm just gonna eye it should be fine for this you won't notice anything so just right there like that right in the middle once again in a front of graphic we're going to go e to extrude that nub and we're going to bring this guy right in the middle of this sphere over here so just eyeing it it should be fine you can see it's kind of like even all around and then we're going to go e x and extrude it out on the x like this grab this knob here and then e z to extrude it up and this is going to be our ik controller so we need to select it and then we're going to go alt and p and we're going to go clear parent and then one more time we're gonna go alt p and we're gonna go disconnect bone so this guy has no relationship with these bones which is what we want because it's gonna be our ik controller and having it have any relationship with these bones here can really mess things up so we don't want that so what we're going to do now is also just add in two little simple bones here so let's just select this guy down here actually go shift d and just bring it over here and once again we're going to make this bottom triangular part kind of just make sure it's sitting right in the middle of this guy here and in the right orthographic view it should be in the middle as well so it should be fine there so it's right in the middle here as you can see look at the distance all around here it should be just eyeing it should be okay grab the top knob go g z and bring it up just a little bit it doesn't really matter too much then we're gonna grab this guy go shift d to duplicate it and go z bring him up and then we're gonna go r 180 and hit enter okay so it's kind of messed things up here so let's just rotate it by hand so we just r to rotate it in the front view and once it's rotated around we're just going to go s x and hit 0 and hit enter and that's going to make it perfectly flat along the x then we're going to go g z and we'll do the same thing here we can see this cylinder back there we want to go g z and bring it down so this guy is right in the center here so you can see this triangular tip here we want that to be perfectly in the center of the cylinder so just eye it like that so you can see that's in the center there that's fine and with this bone selected hold and shift and select the big bone over here go control p and go make parent keep offset then i'm going to grab this guy here holding and shift select the bone underneath it control p and keep offset so now this guy is a parent of this one so it'll stick around and this guy will stick this little guy will stick to the big one up here so that's now a parent child relationship and what we're gonna do is we're gonna also just select this big one holding and shift select the little one at the bottom ctrl p and go keep offset so now this big one here is parented to this little one so this little one if we go into pose mode and grab this little one you can see all of those bones are parented except the ik which is what we want let's now while we're in post mode which is where we want to be we're going to select this bone here and holding in shift we're going to select this bone down here we're going to go ctrl shift and c so ctrl shift c and then we're going to go damp track so damn to track and i'm going to select this guy and then holding and shift select the one atop then ctrl shift c and go damned track so now this guy will look at this guy and this guy will always be pointing at this guy no matter where we move them we're now going to select this ik bone up here and then holding and shift we're going to select this big bone here ctrl shift and c and let's go inverse kinematic now that is pretty good but what we need to do is now select this bone that's yellow and i'm going to go over here to our constraints tab and what we want to do is we want to go to the chain length and increase it to 2 and all that simply means is now this ik controller is going to be controlling one bone and then another bone down the chain and essentially just with inverse kinematics all it means is instead of having to come in here and individually rotate all these bones piece by piece we just have one simple controller that we can move around and all of these ones down the chain and the hierarchy will kind of just follow along and then we have this guy here which is just going to be one that gives us individual control over this lamp rotation up here so if we grab the ik here we just move it you can see that these two are now pointing at each other like that so now we can start parenting so let's just quickly go into object mode and let's grab this guy here so this bottom part here then holding and shift we're going to select a rig then we're going to go into pose mode and then what we're going to do is we're going to click on this bone here this big bone at the bottom ctrl p and we're going to go bone so we're going to parent it to the bone and then we're going to go back into object mode and then select this arm up here this guy holding in shift we're going to select the rig again and go into pose mode then select the big bone here and go control p and then go phone so now if we select this ik controller and we go g you can see that those two are moving along with it which is really good um so what we can also do is go back into pose mode we're going to select this little piston here and we're going to hold in shift like the rig again so this guy here and holding it shift as well select the cylinder down the bottom so these these two make sure you select them then holding in shift select the armature it's now active once again into pose mode then select this little bone and once again ctrl p and then go bone and let's do it to this guy here it's pretty much self-explanatory so grab this guy here holding and shift select a rig make it active go into pose mode then select this bone up here control p and then bone so if you grab the ik now and you hit g just to move it around you can see those guys are now moving around so let's keep doing it so we're going to grab the different pieces but to make it a little bit easier i'm just going to hit z and go into wireframe for now select this piece here then holding and shift select the rig go into pose mode and we also want to make this guy part of this so grab this bone here ctrl p and then bone so now that's also parented go back into object mode and you can just choose any of these pieces so grab this guy here as well okay we've already parented that one so let's grab this guy now so this guy down here and holding shift as well select the base plate then holding and shift just select a rig go into pose mode and i think this is one of the last ones so just select this little bone at the bottom control p and then go bone and then obviously we just want to select the go into object mode again select the lamp here and holding and shift select a little ball socket thing and then holding in shift we want to select the rig here go into pose mode and then select this guy at the very front here go control p and then go bone so now hopefully if we grab this ik controller in a front orthographic view we go g we can see we can now move that which is good quickly go into pose mode and i just missed one little item here if we just grab this little guy back here holding and shift select the rig and obviously we want to make that guy part of this one so select this guy control p and then go bone so now that should all follow along so yeah that's looking really cool also these bones are in the way just go back to the little green dude and just click in front so untick that and now you can no longer see the bones if you do want to see them what you can always do is go and make this guy here b bones then go back into edit mode hit a to select everything then you can go ctrl alt and s and just scale those down so control alt and s like that now we can go back to pose mode and things are a lot more organized now this is our ik control so quickly explain it that's our ik control this is our bone that we can rotate the lamp with here and this is our main controller if we grab it everything goes along so let's just quickly go back into pose mode just select this guy here holding and shift select the rig this is go back into pose mode and then select this base one here control p and then go bone so if we move it okay that's now going along okay so that's really good so let's just quickly go back into object mode we're going to go shift a just add in an empty quickly a cube one s z to scale it down under z and then we're just going to select our rig here and then holding and shift we're going to select the empty then we're going to go control p and then go object key transform so now this is going to be our master control so we can grab this guy in a viewport rotate the lamp whichever way we want and then we can grab these controllers here but what we're going to do is if we go into our right little graphic here and i hit g we don't want this to happen so we're going to limit the rotation or the location of this bone here so just hit n that's going to bring up your properties panel go to item and what we're going to do is we're going to lock so hit these two padlocks for the y and z so in our front or graphic view we can go like this um so just checking here okay so we wanna just make sure we lock the z so we can go like this go up and down but on this local z axis it is restricted so it can't go side to side like this so we can go forward back up and down but in our right view we cannot go like this which just makes things easier for us okay so here we have the rig and we have the placeholder material so what we're going to do next is just quickly add some basic materials just set up a little scene with some lights okay so what we're going to do is we're going to go shift a just quickly add in a plane and then go s to scale it up nice and big i'm going to go shift a add in a camera with that camera active we're gonna hit zero to go to camera view and then g hold in your middle mouse button and just zoom back like this go to your output settings let's make the y resolution 1920. so it gives us a square aspect ratio hit g to kind of move it and then go to your camera settings and let's give the focal length something here like 95 and then we can just rotate our camera hit the g to move it around and just get a view or a perspective that works for you so i'm gonna go something like that and then just grab the plane here to scale it up so i can't see the world background so i'm happy with that i'm just going to go to my render settings make sure it's easy this is enable ambient occlusion and screen space reflections for now and then we go shift a just add in a area light g z move this guy up and let's get our light settings increase the size to about four meters and then make the power 240 hit z and then go into rendered view okay so maybe more than 230 because it's quite a large scene so bump it up to 380 and then we're gonna just go shift d to duplicate the lamp bring it over here hard to rotate it towards the lamp and then shift d create one more over here and then rotate it in towards the left let's go to your camera view and you should see this go to your world settings and just make the color here a little bit lighter so here we have it our lighting just quickly go to our shading workspace once again hit z go into rendered view go to camera view and let's start with the base plates the selected plate here and with the plate one material let's make it kind of like a bluish color and bring this slider down so it's almost black bring the roughness down of it and then increase the metallic value just a little bit and then we'll select this guy here the plate 2 material let's make it almost black bring that roughness down a bit and then bring that metallic slider out just a tiny bit then we'll select this piston material the metal and let's just make that fully metallic and then bring down the roughness a bit so that's looking good and then select the plate here and if the um if you go to materials tab with the plate free material selected bring down this roughness just a bit and increase the metallic a little bit grab the light material and what we want to do here is get this principled node hit x to delete it shift a search and let's get an emission shader and let's plug the emission into the surface here let's make it slightly yellow and then bump the strength up to five and if you go to your render settings here and you enable the bloom you're going to see this nice bloom effect here which is really cool and one more thing select the floor go new this is called floor you could leave it white if you want but i'm gonna make this guy darker like this and then make it slightly bluish kind of purple almost bring down the roughness a bit or bring it up actually and just make it a little bit darker and then give it a little bit of a metallic value like that so here we have the lamp um you can mess around with the background i might just make it a little less saturated like this yeah this is pretty much the lamp over here that's what it's looking like and we now have a nice little rig like i've already showed you so if you go back to the layout you've got the rig here and you now have a nice lamp that you can play with and the pistons will work as you can see there and you don't have to like do anything complicated to animate just one simple little control and you can just grab this guy here and just rotate the lamp around so like that so there we have it i hope you guys have enjoyed this and i'll see you guys next time for another tutorial and once again this model here with the rig and everything and the setup it's all going to be on my patreon you guys can check that in the description below and if you want to hire me on fiverr you can check out in the description below i offer some gigs that some of you might be interested in so i'll see you guys next time and please stay safe and enjoy your week
Channel: PIXXO 3D
Views: 3,842
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender, Blender 2.83, Blender 2.9, Blender tutorials for beginners, Easy Blender tutorials, Blender Animation, Blender Sculpting, Blender Courses, Blender Motion Graphics, Blender 2.8, Blender 2.81, Blender 2.82, PIXXO 3D, Ducky 3D, CG Matter, CG Cookie, ian hubert, lazy tutorials, blender rigging
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 38sec (2138 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 25 2020
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