Let's model a KRAKEN in 10 MINUTES - ep. 24 - Blender 2.82

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my beard is growing on hmm all right hello and welcome everyone to episode 24 of the low-poly model hello everyone and welcome to episode 24 of my 10-minute modelling challenge Rosenberg sera Eva sorry if I said your name wrong suggests that I should make it Kraken to go with the theme of the pirate ship before and the pirates and also their Islands so I'm gonna have a go at that I'm gonna make it crack and I'm gonna have a crack at making a Kraken so let's get cracking oh my god another bout you put it in the comments I know I don't I'll try to better myself all ultimate one day I'm gonna come up with some fun jokes maybe not probably won't happen anyway I'm recording I'm recording the screen I think as well so a Kraken and we've got the screencast keys running everything's running I'm not running I'm sitting but let's get going hey Ready Steady Go and we're gonna start by deleting the default delete the default tube delete the default cube and let's play that one backwards nihilism the default queue how can that turn into nihilism the rejection of all religious and moral principles in the belief that life is meaningless restore the nihilism don't know what happened all right Ready Steady Go I'm gonna have to hide the default key for this one top view shift a let's add a curve a Bezier curve shift e to duplicate that one make some tentacle hairs so here let's switch on on geometry here let's go death maybe 0.1 or something yeah two in the resolution and let's pick the taper object here for this one make some shape to that tentacle see what we can make this tentacle look like maybe something like that's we'll do smaller at the tip that's it okay tab here let's get this curve moved so G I'm gonna make eight tentacles here so let's scale this one down rotate it get this one skeleton to rotates eat extrude oh and I extrude it to eat extrude eat extra dollar there shift D to duplicate this one now and rotates e to extrude eat extrude extrude shifty rope rotates e to extrude eat extra I'm gonna try to get them aligned here a little bit so eat extrude eat extrude extrude rotate shift D eat extrude eat extrude extrude know let's just move that one in and this one out shifty do some more curves here so it's extrude it to extrude or to rotate shifty at all and repeat the mistake of last time e to extrude that's the scale or to rotate e to extrude shifty one more time to clear it extrudes eat extrude poke eat to extrude I said let's get you there as well a bit longer okay how am i doing 807 then we have to get some vertical shapes here as well let's throw some shapes here so that one goes up that one goes up maybe and this one goes up to there up down down up very scientific this may be we have this one is well just going like this and here maybe up as well up up down up down up okay that's it let's do f3 convert this one to mesh and then help you we have to link these together no G and let's see I have to do this manually I think so delete here Center on that one and now we're just gonna merge these so how am i doing 716 ultimate merge and center hold em emergent Center I have to do this for all the symptoms here I wish there was a faster way from this down comments guys if you know I'm trying to read all the comments but unfortunately I don't have much time to reply lately but I do try to read most of them and I will try to sit down and reply so that's linked let's connect these faces ff2 just have to link this first section up here to make it look then I can probably do some shortcuts but the blender is not as smart as I want it to be well it's really good actually but I need some to help it a little bit along the way here to do this first thing so I just link these up manually am i doing 628 there we go here we go and here we go because now I should be able to do select all the way around there side view maybe e to extrude that's the scale there we go guys let's just control right-click I learned thanks for that to scale to extrude fast scale and it takes beat to extrude that's the scale it done okay okay that's it and that's our main shape should scale this one of its out maybe like this move it up that's the main shape of that tentacles there maybe so let's tab here we need to cap these don't mean so it's alt shift to like those shift G thanks for that tip select simulator cap those all to e to extrude long normals scale it down today and now we can do vicious mouth oh I had something wrong there period individual origins skeleton that's it let's make our mouth there as well g2g texture that's some serious issues here scale he took straight that one into the head okay now we're gonna make some tentacle suction cups here five minutes I've gone so let's do control for here to subdivide this one big time and now I have to go into sculpt mode here so let's go into sculpting and we have to do some tentacle here so or the suction cups so let's drop the radius maybe there let's increase the strength and change the fall-off here we have to do a custom one a suction custom graph you've never made one thoughts before pretty sure that neither should you have to okay so we have to disable all I have to apply the modify did I do that apply sculpting and now we should be able to put mirroring off here now we're gonna do very unscientific we can probably drop this to 1.5 maybe and mirroring I thought I disabled you okay very unscientific method here to this to put these it's gonna be my symmetrical brain as flipping out right because it wants everything to be nice and proper spaced but the time has a good way of telling you no you shouldn't waste your time doing that so I'm just going to spend some time now manually placing these suction cups and that's one thing you don't do very often unless you plunge got some kids so you need to plunge the toilet quite often they're quite creative with what they put in there so if i zoom in it's quite good because it goes a little bit smaller okay I can't be too big here how am i doing 336 to go okay director Jim I should probably not sing for everyone's benefits okay why did I do eight arms should have done like six harmony arms does a Kraken even have probably has more than eight okay common doing three minutes and 0 seconds to go suction-cup rally it's another one thing I don't really say dolphin I wish I could come up with some creative stuff to say now I should be able to tell a joke but we know any good jokes ask my kids I think I've taken this whole dad joke thing to a new level I can't even look in the camera cuz then I'll miss the tentacle did you ever play day of the tentacle by Lucas art games or whatever they're called that was a cool game Laverne I think one was called in there and why do I have to go upstairs more something she says okay wasting time up mine and yours okay how am i doing two minutes ago oh this is the last tentacle note they have the last tentacle what was it called again last tentacle day of the tentacle okay here we go this is my last tentacle that's it let's sculpt something here on the head as well then so how am i doing 1:45 fall off let's reset this one back to a normal smooth one let's drop the strength and increase this radius again maybe we'll do some shape since various sculpt mode here I wanted not zero point zero I should have I should have as many hands as this has got tentacles done so it saved me I'll get some serious hot keys pressed okay that's it I don't really know what what then maybe I should look at what they look like in the face before I try to sculpt red ant or a squid head okay let's get some weirdest stuff going up here as well one minute to go okay let's tap out of that on UV editing oh I didn't put the material on it's shading material UV editing let's make it just read I guess hey a select everything a scaler whoa no more low-poly for me that's it there we go let's make 40 seconds I throw some ice in the air let's do a mesh UV sphere stay on you down rotate rotate Suzanne and I need material on you as well there you'll be adding eight scale zero 21 seconds see energy 11 seconds put out shifty rotate is that ah okay but the rear decide I should change this goodnight okay squid no Kraken sorry you look a bit sad looking and you didn't get any teeth sorry about that we've got a squid and it's not hot first thing I didn't make hello Polly how many Polly's does this have you mean half a million oh well Edge's 1 million 1.1 million so that was low-poly out that window or door that's the weird is the eye isn't it sorry about that squid I don't know how many suction cups there are they should have really been a different color in it shouldn't I should have done this as well if I had time I would have probably done something like this I would have done this check this out I would have circle selected a few things around here like that probably alt e' extrude so maybe they're scale 0 ctrl + ctrl + + I would have made that white for some teeth like my daughter would have said that would be cheating if I did it now because it's after the 10 minutes Soylent a country controls that on that one we just have to live it up quite happy with with the polygon count though because I'm so used to making low poly and I even call this stuff a low poly modeling challenge probably not the most optimized mesh but Unreal Engine 5 just announced that they're gonna be they had like meshes there were eight million faces and they had 50 of them in one scene it did some crazy optimization there so that's pretty cool and maybe I can get away with having this squid and imagine this won't be an rid and animated and everything like that crazy let's render this one as well shall we so I'll bring it into rendering tab here to a camera actually so let's go back into you the editing you fell out of that one shift 8 it's at a camera control I think it's control alt 0 no control shift 0 that's it then maybe we changed this focal size to there you can cut the tip of the tentacles out maybe even turn that I've got a tendency to want to crop everything into frame but then when I look at pros pictures they always crop it nicely so even like I meant to crop my head off like that or something it's probably good because I've got the biggest forehead in the world but let's see well I I tend to always want to have everything in frame so like normally I'd put these tentacle right and frame but I'm gonna try to cut them off no as well chop them the Gangnam style well let's do f12 now let's render this beast the default you there we go default cube is back I don't dare to delete it because the whole thing will crush on me so let's see what we can do about that one we can actually do this so I expand that one show that little camera thing to disable it in the renderer can still we haven't delete sorry about that oh I hit the wrong thing I hit the camera there we go that's our squid that's some funky looking eyes you have to admit that maybe I should do it like that or something ok but I want to change this one now to maybe should I do from Eve I can't can't really do either so good so let's go to the workbench get my trusted old low poly styler let's crank the shadow up cavity can we do this so I only use this for low poly so that's probably not so good we get that shade look so maybe we can just do here let's do a screen just alright let's switch the background to black as Welland this is where I first I'm happy with the result and then I miss everything off here make it look super strange so let's I was forgetting which one it isn't is it in this one if you pour just plate here we go boy render okay I should change the ice maybe if I render to shaded L L u bar face shape smooth top that's our 10 minute squid not squid Kraken would flip out if I said squid oh I think I missed anything crucially no all right guys I think we've got ourselves like Kraken Kraken Kraken Kraken Kraken Kraken okay I like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who's joining the discord I haven't been there so much this week because it's been a hectic week for me but I plan to drop in a little bit again and also congratulation to haxon I think you called buy-in the discord you've set the fastest time on my low poly racer game that I made that it's a very prototype a game glitchy buggy game and you found a way to exploit the the colliders that I have at the edges for the checkpoints or the corners so you could cut the track really good but it's still very difficult to drive that fast and find out where those colliders are and I know you probably fed up with the game and hate it and want to delete it and you feel free to do so you've won yourself $50 worth of the Steam vouchers so congrats on that one yeah well done also I want to say a big thumbs up and thanks to my patrons had a bunch of new ones so thanks a lot for supporting me I'm really really thankful and if you can't that's perfectly fine I'm just happy to have you here as a subscriber as well so if you haven't subscribed if you could send it in that at least hmm okay no I'm just joking so I should make a tip this week I should do a tip what tip should it be well this a lot of a lot of new stuff in this video isn't it stuff that I haven't really done before like the sculpting of things let's do a bunch of tips actually let's do them a little bit slow in order here let's recap what I did with a carb here so from top view I did such shift-z to send that one out let's delete this camera or hide it again but what I did here was shift 8 and then I added a curve a Bezier curve I don't know how you said I said Bezier and then I need the two curves because one is gonna show the profile or the tapering of the tentacle and the other one is gonna be the tentacle itself like pressed shift D to duplicate that curve up to here and then I selected this one again and here under the object data properties tab I went to the geometry you have to expand that one possibly and then I changed the bevel here to 0.1 to make it a little bit thicker and then I changed the resolution because now you can see here that you've got I wouldn't call this high poly but it's quite a few Poly's anyway so I dropped it to to lower the quality here for the modeling part and then I wanted to change up here the taper object I pressed this little lad droplet thing or picker and then I picked up busier curve and you can see it out that if I go to top view this one now follows the shape of this curve so I went into table here to edit mode I should really have screencast keys on and then rotate and then I move this one up to make it thicker so it just follows this profile this car over here it's got its center here so this is the thickness that'll throw at the start of the tentacle here top in here and then I could change up here as well for the end point so that's how you change the thickness of this tentacle and then what I did actually I'll make it a little bit thicker here and then you can rotate these by doing this or you can rotate the whole center here that's I find that faster to rotate and you can also instead of dragging these in and out if you have the center they're selected you can press s to scale I love saying that and I got it right this time so as to scale to scale that curve to make it less sharp that bends here okay so we've had our first tentacle then I run into tab into edit mode eight to select all of the points on this one and then I press G to move it and then I wanted to place this so I rotate to the first one down like this and then you can basically just press the same keys as before G to move something and R to rotate it or s to scale it and E to extrude it and then you can see that it's got a funky twist here now if you wanted to have it less twisting I could select these two press s to scale those down a lot and you can also rotate these you'll also notice by the way I should mention that these are open at the end so we have to cut those at some point but then I press shift D here to duplicate the outmost it doesn't actually really matter which one you pick but you have to pick one control point here or the Bezier curve and then you have to start from the tip of the tentacle not to the center here so I pressed that out here and then I pressed R to rotate it and then E my friends to extrude it there and then a again and then again and then I just did this shift D and added the next tentacle and I made eight of these so R to rotate G to move e to extrude R to rotate s to scale e to extrude R to rotate e to extrude to scale portability and the key thing here was to get these to be lining up to a circle so that's why I wanted to do that for it if you look from the side view here or from any not top view I moved them up as well the nice thing about doing it like this is that the Bezier curves and this beveling takes care of all the shaping here so that's really useful since I'm at it I'm already throwing out tips here I might as well continue unless you're too bored you can switch off and go and watch something else maybe you could watch memes that's good let's have a sip of this or you could stay here and what share the continued processor at some point later on I press the f3 and come type to convert to and then we converted it from the curve here to a mesh and then we're back into traditional low-poly style and then what I wanted to do was to link it up into the squid base shape so I had to tap into edit mode press one on here and in order to maybe there are faster ways to I could have probably bridged it like this I could have said oh why didn't I do that F you kidding me I could have done this I could have F F I could have F this together like this okay okay that would have saved me some time since I needed to select like these anyway so okay don't do what I did that was stupid so instead of emerging the center vertices here like I did oh yeah merge them at the center just press two to get into edge selective select the face select the other face here corresponding one and press F like in Freddy and then select these two shifts like these two F so that's how I link those up okay and then at some point I also pressed ctrl shift select and selected all the way around to extrude up from the outside this is what that looks like I might as well also just recap the the suction cup thing so let's put a little base here as well just do this cross section so I'll go from there to there and then let's just extrude down to their e to extrude okay I pressed ctrl for that's the shortcut to apply subdivision modifier and then I applied it because I was gonna go sculpting you so that's a very high poly now we're back into high poly land I said back into and never been to that before unless yeah today and then went into sculpting here and if you just were to try to sculpt these now you'll you could basically like draw that and then press ctrl and then draw it down draw a new one with the normal hold the ctrl key and draw it on so you could make the tentacle things like that but in order to save some time there you can change the custom fall off that's what I did and changed from smooth here and we dropped it down to custom and then we had this scientific curve here that suction-cup curve call it it's a new one and I said I was never gonna make one again but and I'm not because I've already got one here I talked too much okay so imagine that you're seeing a suction cup from the side our plunger or something or squid forth okay imagine you see suction cup from the side at the center here you'd have it like a crater basically so imagine that this is also mirrored on the other side because it spins it around like a circle when it comes to slow-talking or like explaining this in detail I'm doing a worse job than when I did probably when I speed mold stuff anyway imagine that this is half the profile of the suction cup so this is the base of the suction cup or like a crater and then it goes up to the ridge and then down again so that's why I drew this custom curve and then it's a bit weak like this so we have to increase the force we have to use the force here pop it to the strength or I think I did 1.5 and then you just need one click to create one suction cup pang pang and if I would have been doing this nice and careful it like you should probably model instead of the stupid method that I do to do it really fast I would have done like this probably and another beautiful thing here is based on the zoom level it changes the size of this and another beautiful thing a lot of beautiful stuff here then that's that this is actually aligning to the normal of their face so you don't have to be worried about placing the suction cup in the wrong way you can even click up here and it's like magic sweet potato so that was another tip that was a whole bunch of tips and that's all the tips I'm gonna do for this video also another thing I started to do with my son we started to make some roblox stuff that's what I've been there so I said I've been busy this weekend it's because I've spent the time both working on the game and I'm also a spent a lot of time with my kids and my son started to be interested in doing stuff for he's played a lot of roblox and now he wants to make his own roblox game stuff and so does my daughter one of them so we've actually spent some time I'm learning a roblox to do a little bit it's a bit more primitive I'd say than what I'm used to in unity a lot more limitations and a different way of doing things so it takes it's a bit frustrating is spend a lot of time to do something that I could do really fast in unity but I mean enjoying the process I've got a character running actually brought the lava monster in if you remember that one from a few episodes back great that the lava monster so I imported that into roblox to do and create a little platformer so maybe I'll just release a little roblox game here like a Nabi or something like that and with some enemies maybe the rock monster or a lava monster or golem yes that's what it's called it could be punching like you're punching you instead of having just spinning revolving stuff in an OB so that was a lot of fun I'm gonna learn more about that and probably we've got to make within the family since my kids and my wife even it's interesting to make some interested to make some my wife's interesting that's why I married her so my whole family seems to be quite interested in making robot stuff now so we're gonna make ourselves some own games I think in that one as well but no don't know where I'm gonna get the time for that but it's a lot of fun so other than that I know a lot of people are also waiting for the low-poly racer tutorial I've got two episode next to do as well economy remember if it's five or six I think it's six isn't it so it's basically the skid marks and the low poly smoke and things like that I need to add so I'm sorry to keep you waiting on that one so I'll be editing that one and I've also got a whole bunch of things planned for you I've got a really in-depth starter tutorial for unity I wrote it and it's like 30 pages script that I want to go through and I've planned it out quite carefully so I want to really make it a good introduction if you want to start making games in unity make sure you subscribe to the channel and when I do release that one it'll take you everything through how to make it in unity I'm gonna use unity 2019 point three with a new UI in its as well so they've changed the look on that one so I'll try to keep it fresh like to go in fresh Seinfeld alright folks I hope you had a good time I hope you like this video and I hope to see you back as well on the next Thursday build we're gonna do one episode 25 next week so we're half a century worth of not really we're 25 weeks into this challenge that we're doing this year a lot of excitement I'm nearly hitting 70 K as well really happy about that I hope you enjoyed this video hit the thumbs up if you liked it and subscribe if you haven't already and I'll see you next week for another 10 minutes blender built until then take care and have a good one bye for now [Music]
Channel: Imphenzia
Views: 35,777
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender 2.82, kraken, squid, octopus, how to model a kraken, model kraken, make a kraken, gamedev, imphenzia, 10mmc, 10 minute modeling challenge, e to extrude, s to scale, scuplting, sculpt a kraken, blender, tutorial, blender modeling tutorial
Id: sPbwMKwnyB8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 7sec (1747 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 04 2020
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