Modeling and Texturing in Blender - TUTORIAL

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hi guys rio here from blender bronzer in this video i'm going to show you how you can very easily model something simple but powerful in order to spice up your portfolio let's go so we're going to be modeling something really simple but at the same time it's going to look cool and i'll show you how little you need in order to create something awesome for your portfolio okay so we're going to create a cube here and we're going to you know scale this on z axis a bit and maybe a little bit on y and make it a little bit thinner like that it's kind of cool now what i want to do now is i want to um sort of scale this front face here on x axis so s x and skill it a little bit like that okay cool i'm gonna go to box color press d go to n gone and you need to have this option enables under shift v menu you need to enable this view align auto so this will allow you to go to orthographic view and actually cut in orthographic alignment without having to switch to view mode okay it's kind of very convenient so here what we're going to do is we're going to cut a shape here inside of this you know selection so here here let's go up here let's go here and then let's go down and uh let's go down here and maybe like this and like this here here a little bit this way and boom i'm going to press x for slash space to apply it and remove this outside you know the outer bit yeah just a quick interjection here we have a fantastic free course for anyone who would like to progress in the knowledge of blender it's called hard surface jumpstart it's free it's on our website link in the description and it will teach you so much about hard surface give you such a nice boost to your studies that you will not believe it's free go ahead and grab it and enjoy cool let's apply this so let's go to the operations multiply and now we're going to run some battles okay so first of all you know important thing is that you don't want to run bevels that are equal in terms of size let's go with 16 maybe 16 um segments here and then on top here we're going to have a smaller bevel so we can go maybe with like 10. you can see segments here in the bottom so 10. this one could be larger so we could go with maybe you know 14 kind of like that here too could be a little bit larger bevel you know there's some kind of a double edge here let's just fix it very quickly now this is probably uh the remnant of the cutter here let's just battle this you know and then we have this one it could be quite generous and here and here this could be more tight like that and you don't have to go really you know crazy on these bevels here it could be like maybe 10 seconds or maybe 12. here we could go with something a bit more juicy like you know 14 and these two could be kind of equal okay so something like this you got different sizes of bevels all around which looks kind of cool this one could be a little bit more subtle so now if you have a mesh machine you can actually fix it very easily you just select this bevel here and you go here to refuse and you can actually refuse it right so one more time go here to reviews and now you can you know change the size i mean the amount of segments let's say 16 and we can go to uh w to change the width and we can make it a little bit more generous here which is pretty cool this one is all right so it looks pretty awesome okay so let's save this so now uh on top of that i want to create a cut here in the middle so let's go to d again and we're going to do this with and going like that okay so we're going to grab that and run some like this press b for bevel and uh let's just uh make sure we have 14 segments press x and click now if you don't see that menu here go here to heart ops and enable this box to notifications okay you're gonna see that this one is overlapping with this bevel here you can see that right we don't want that okay so we're gonna fix this so have a scroll and we're going to you know fix this thing here so we're going to bring this edge you know bring this a little bit higher so it doesn't clash with this bevel here in the back and you know that's good to go okay cool i'm gonna apply that so sharpen and here sharpen and actually let's mirror this as well because it should be layered and this one's going to be mirrored across this one with shift there we go and now we can actually apply this one in the middle so you know click on the middle a bit and multiply so now what we need to do here is we need to run some bevels okay so we're going to click out click with mesh machine and we're going to run a battle now you can do it in many ways you can literally just run a bevel or you could just run a chamfer um or you could just uh you know go with offset card in this case which is gonna run the bevel doesn't have to be super you know super massive this is gonna be okay and here uh we're gonna do the same thing so let's just you know apply this click alt click and we're just gonna level maybe a bit smaller than the one on the top and you're gonna get this awesome you know i kind of effect here perfect let's just apply white normals so i'll click on sharpen i'll click on sharpen here on the side click alt click and we're going to run another bevel doesn't have to be super big can be kind of like this and we're going to marry to the other side okay so there you go this is a very basic shape so far now here in the front we can create not a cut we're going to create cuts for our pipes so we can go with the b and actually cut through the bevel now when you cut through the bevel you will notice that you're gonna you know have a problem with beveling this later on in this case it's actually working but you can see that we got some pulls here and there we could um you know disable the loop slide which will work but at the same time it's going to push our um you know these supporting edges here and it will change the entire curvature so in this case what i want to do is first of all we're going to recalculate sharpens because we have sharp edges here and there we don't need them so let's go to object view q and shift click shift ctrl click on sharpen to recalculate sharp edges on the entire model and hard ups will remove all the edges and apply them to all edges that actually need to be sharpened and if you go to ctrl tilde menu under general you can actually see that every single edge above 30 degrees is going to get sharpened okay so these are definitely above 30 to like 90 degrees right cool so this edge click alt click and we're gonna go to y and offset cut now if you don't see offset cut option you need to go to mesh machine here under preferences and add-ons and you need to enable experimental version of mesh machine which is here in the bottom okay enable that cool so click alt click and y and offset cut now we're going to make this smaller so hold shift and change the width here just a little bit okay and you can also change the density of of these quads by changing the factor you can pull it up and down okay this is enough so we're going to simply just bevel this and you know we're good to go and this is already made looking very clean and we have no problems whatsoever okay perfect now when you run offset cut you will notice sometimes shooting problems like this this is because you know uh you can see that uh these edges are not actually you know kind of matching together so they sort of misaligned but you can clean it very easily by going to edge mode click alt click y and boolean clean up now when you move your mouse you can um connect them now we do not move these ones um in the middle these con you know these supporting beams because because they support the shading of the bevel so when you scroll your mouse you can actually change to side b you can see a side a side b and you want to actually you know connect these edges okay so not these ones in the middle here but these these short ones right so one more time go to white boolean clean up and when i move my mouse i can scroll my mouse boom see that the small ones are moving and now i'm connecting them to the um to this archery in the middle now you have to be careful not to overdo it because you might end up with a pokey like this one so you gotta be careful so gonna zoom out and again bullion clean up and move your mouse not too much because if you overdo it again this happens so move it back there you go and it's beautiful and clean shading is cleaned up everything is peachy no complaints perfect so now let's cut out this side here very easy all right so we're going to cut it with angle now the trick here is to sort of maintain more or less the angles to you know go ahead and create kind of like a you know echoing um sort of uh situation so you're echoing the edges um echoing the angles of the edges let's just scroll up here so you see that you know this edge echoes this one this edge i go this angle and this edge i go to this angle okay makes sense so we're not just creating any random edges or angles but we're kind of staying within the theme of this um oh you know this device let's move it up a bit so i the distance between this edge here and this edge is kind of even all around here so it's going to look a little bit better and more sort of tucked in also we're going to leave a bit more space here beautiful empty space for some other things to work on now here we're going to shift that so let's go here to settings and we're going to shift click on sheet solid which will basically create a solid cutter here we're going to go here to operation since multiply we need to plot the bevel here so let's go here to bevel and we're going to apply the bevel select this bit here on top and we're going to bevel it like that and then gx and move it in and we're also going to rotate it because you know this entire thing is rotated so hold shift and just kind of rotate it you can eyeball it so the problem now this is mirrored so this one has to be made as well mirror this across and you're good to go okay cool so we got this going on on top of that we're going to create a simple shape here in the front so let's go to cylinder then we're going to make it maybe 16 okay so it's gonna nice and smooth and sharpen and when you create something for a portfolio you don't have to worry about you know polygons the more the better because it's gonna be smoother let's just uh drop it somewhere here make it a little bit wider than the shape ctrl a apply scale okay and we're going to go here and we're going to apply sort of a nice bevel and grab this one you know insert insert one more time gx and push it in okay and we're going to um bevel this grab this one scale it and extrude it and we're going to create here a chamfer okay kind of like that all right cool in fact you know what screw it let's go with the bevel so something really soft okay cool awesome now here this one could be also leveled uh maybe smaller bevel like this and maybe to the other side you know and you're good to go okay cool we want to remove the sharp edges from bevels from around bevels like this one because you can see it creases nasty edge so click on this shape here and ctrl shift click on sharpen it will again recalculate sharp edges and remove them from places you don't need them cool let's grab this bit here in the middle our control r let's split that with ctrl b and we're going to shift curve extractors all right all right go to q and ctrl click on sharpen to apply that click here alt click and you know we're going to bevel this and alt x to the other side with mesh machine and boom here on this cylinder what we could do is create a slight indentation we could actually move this one a bit off center because you can see now that all these edges here are of the same width you don't want that gx let's just offset it a little bit here and let's just macro that like this and then select it one more time sx and scale it in a little bit and we're going to create two bevels in here okay so ctrl b scroll it and you get nice and you know cool smooth bevel over there awesome now let's go here and click on this face shift test and two face so we're going to move a cursor to the face with machine tools if you don't know how to use machine tools um i have an entire video on that so go ahead and watch it grab a plane go to um work mode shift one go to top your orthographic ex and extrude it in here and now we're going to go to front view and we're gonna kinda actually side view i'm going to create kind of a cool shape using you know easy then front view and e and go somewhere here and then easy and go you know somewhere here okay and then g x sub g y over in here e and y move it here and then e okay and easy right we can grab all these points here we could you could you know battle them separately but i can't be bothered i'm just gonna do them on mass so shift ctrl b to bevel the vert and then go here to mesh tools and curve extract and we're going to press one for actually two for subdivision and as for smoothing scale it up a little bit it's a bit too big so let's just you know make it a bit thinner like that i think this will do although it could be a little bit thicker to be honest what we can do here okay is apply that so you know a visual to mesh grab this one okay and gx and move it in here split it on this okay select it with alt and scale it on all but x so shift x okay and scale it in increase them like that sharpen and bevel and you know bob john cool mirror to the other side you sorted and got this kind of a really cool sort of a device here okay i'm going to be worried about the back because you know we're going to be shooting from here so don't have to worry about it here on the side when i create something cool as well there's a bit of pinching going on in here let me just see that yeah a bit of pinching so we could actually relax this okay so gg and move it in here you know gg and move it in here gg over here and gg and just relaxes a bit here so it's not so tense okay zoom in gg and move it here and gg right and we're going to remove all these sharp edges so unmarked and boom so today could use a bit more resolution so control one to add some more resolutions here to what you could do is actually remove these so um you could remove these you know to remove these edges here so dissolve and grab that and control b and kind of split it like that and just you know manually bevel this it might look might look a little bit better but um you could also just simply do the same thing so you know kind of relax them okay so gg and here there's simply two two collapse okay there was just too much geometry around and they're gonna collapse you could also use um a fantastic tool from mesh for machine tools which it comes with the paint version and it allows you to sort of rotate um a loop without changing a shape out r and you can rotate it like this you can hold ctrl to level it gz and move it in here you see what i mean so you could do that it's a fantastic tool it comes with devos x version like i said i have a full two massive tutorials on uh you know machine tools so go ahead and watch them okay okay now we got a bevel actually kicking in in here but i think we solved the problem uh we could actually remove the bevel right which would remove this issue and we can bubble this manually here okay so let's go to occlude and select this code for b and they go do it manually so to worry about bevel actually catching some of these angles and battling them all right here the same thing we could you know grab that and sort of uh extrude it and sort of you know um grab this one gg go down and here alt r we could actually rotate it like this okay see that it's a pretty cool tool i'm telling you this devil sucks is amazing uh and just scale this one shift z to scale it like this and then we could just simply group that you know and bevel it okay same here you know grab this one and just bevel it you're going to get this kind of uh interesting shape here in the back okay cool so we got that going on and the last thing we're going to do is we're going to cut this here so let's go to uh actually you know what we can do we can actually grab a cylinder uh so grab a cylinder let's make it 50 okay let's go here and let's just drop it somewhere here and go gx move it outside and let's apply sharpen and here what we're going to do turn up this pass through we're going to insert this and extrude it right but now we need some bubbles guys okay so first of all we're going to drop that gz a little bit lower lighter we're going to um battle this we're going to um battle this one and we're going to battle this one and we're going to before the one on the top okay so bevel right cool now we're going to calculate sharpen and we're going to cut it so difference now since we have this shape really nicely cut out here we can apply that on the camera we can apply the shape right with ctrl clicking on sharpen click out click and now if you wanted to run a bevel you're not gonna succeed because you know you're gonna have these problems here but we can use offset cut here okay so go here to offset cut and this will solve our problem we need to go a bit more dense here so we can actually increase the factor okay holding shift there you go and we could make this a little bit smaller it doesn't have to be so insane all right so a bit smaller kind of like that one more time a bit smaller kind of like this cool ctrl b and uh you know you've got yourself a nice bevel now this one we need to clean up again right so why boolean cleanup and again connect this the ones in the middle don't overdo it and everything's gonna be you know beautiful and clean you can create some really phenomenal very soft bevels with ease using this tool now let's grab this cutter okay so alt h shift two let's go up this cutter okay let's make it a bit smaller and shift click on shade solid and uh let's just uh grab this there we go m and collection shift to perfect mirror to the other side and what we're gonna do here is we're going to simply add maybe like two loops here and we're gonna i'm gonna press shift uh tilde now if you don't have this shortcut my custom shortcut you can go to select and go to loops and select boundary loops i have bound to shift tilde right click and you can assign shortcut okay so shift tilde it's a very very convenient shortcut you want to create shortcuts that you know kinda close to um close to your know whatever your hand is right so all the shortcuts i'm using are kind of located in the area that's close to [Music] um to you know q and x and v and z and all these keys that i'm using all the time so not to move my hand too much it's very convenient right cool now here last thing what i'm going to do i'm going to add some bolts and i'm going to do this with hard ups and key ups so i'll click on z loader and these are free inserts for key ups by master xeon creator of heart ups and box cutter you can get them on gumroad so go ahead and grab them and i'm gonna grab the one more time i'm gonna grab the um the screw thing this one add insert hover over and just edit and we can actually make it more smooth control one to add some subdivisions cut it in and we're gonna remove all these rubbish nuts and also edit mode select everything up h for some reason some of the these elements are hidden now be careful because this one is actually slanted remember right so what you could do is um go here to um this menu here to stop to change to face and align rotation to target g and hold ctrl you can snap it right so it's going to snap to the surface and then shift the hold ctrl and you can stop it here and we can have one more here on the bottom all right and one more offset here somewhere here maybe we'll do this one could be lower actually like this there we go that kind of looks cool select select all of them right and near to the other side okay cool so we kind of done modeling also here we could have some um sort of you know some kind of a support that's going to be running from this element inside so let's just grab this loop here and we're going to split it we're going to grab several loops here maybe a few of them like that and extrude it with e okay and let's just go here and g and move it in here like this cool and now what we need to do is we need to you know we need to battle this okay so now we're going to actually bevel this with a regular bubble okay like that and that's weighted normals and you can see that everything is perfect so sometimes you know don't overthink it if you don't have to here we're gonna create a cutout so let's go back you know square and we're going to cut this out like this press b for the whole tab if it's going to lock you out and basically you know shift click to cut it through but it's too deep so we're going to you know move it out here like this make it a little bit bigger go to the front view and see how we're looking sx to scale it all right like this gx move it to the middle gc move to the bottom all that and then what we're going to do is we're going to control and apply scale to fix the bevels uh all around and and this should do actually this could be a little bit taller so drop this face and you know move it up kind of like this maybe to give it a bit of an opening here on the top as well we're gonna add some cool textures to it and i'll show you how you can do it very easily so let's go to shade editor now for textures we're gonna be using heat ups and also trim sheets and we're going to be using definite eevee materials from by cheap holders for git ups and we're going to be using brand brush trim sheets you can get the trim sheets from a pack or by signing up for membership does some trim sheets available over there too some of our courses have trim sheets as well anyway now for this to work you need to download definitely eating materials and you need to plug them into githubs so if you don't know how to do it oh just watch one of my keytops videos and it shows you how to do that i actually have a video specifically on these mods so watch that and here we're going to choose this grime so add mud and here we're going to add different grime so i'm gonna this one right and we're gonna simply you know borrow mods so click shift click and go here and copy matt click on these buggers right and you know copy mud and the screws should also be the same as that you know as this one here right so you know copy mud here on the top we got another cut just for fun kind of like this b and you know uh one more time b and let's just extrude it here e and extrude it shift click okay and we're going to shift it to live so settings sheet solid scale it in and we're going to move this in at an angle so rotate it in gx and move it in okay color here and we're going to apply that and we're going to apply this one so uh we're going to apply this one operation spine apply and we're going to run you know a bevel here as well so bevel here right and we're going to layer this to the other side okay so mirror with mesh machine i'm going to copy the mod here and copy this to the other side boom and this is a really cool kind of a very simple device right let's add some dirt to it because it's a bit boring right so what we're gonna do is we're going to go here and we're going to go to shade at the top and now um we need to add dirt okay so there's a very easy way of adding dirt with github's go to q menu asset loader go to dirty node and we're going to add first this newer dirty okay now what you want to do is want to add insert hover over and right click to cancel okay now go to mod sheet editor under object select object shift i go to group and go to this dirty and plug it in here boom now we're gonna have to adjust it but we're gonna do it in a minute okay so first of all we have you know the dirt amount um set to zero and also ao set to zero right so let's just uh try to tweak that let's put a bit of a yo and a bit of dirt you know a bit of dirt into it and we're going to make to actually increase the amount of dirt just a little bit right here like that now we can do is change the value of the mod itself okay so we can change the value of the map make it a bit i mean a bit darker all right and maybe a bit more saturated okay cool we're gonna copy that notes ctrl c to this one okay and plug it in all right and then we're going to add another dirt on top of it okay so watch let's go back to our asset loader and select this dirty app and add insert and cancel all right select the mod shift a group and dirty up and plug it in that's one and then we're gonna add the other one so um q asset loader and then dirty down and add insert hover console select the mod shift a group and add the other one here boom now i got two of them stuck in together so what we need to do now you know kind of ease off because they're kind of insane right so here with the dirty app we're going to change the amount you know ease off a little bit right to make it and same on the top you know change the amount here and in fact we can change the third amount here as well to maybe something really small something like this here too we're going to copy these two so ctrl c and you know ctrl v and we're going to plug them in here um both yeah so plug it in and plug it in and you got the really nice dirty sort of uh you know mechanical device going on look at that you know it's like made in substance painter right awesome so we got that but we need to spice it up a bit okay let's set some decals i'm not using decals from my japanese decal pack they actually act you know original decals real decals taken from different places in japan from you know all kinds of equipment like road building equipment machinery doors stores what not i've been running for like a week actually grabbing them and the cool thing about these decals is that you have translations so if you see a text here in japanese you can see actually a translation right for example here is going to be hot surface right or burn hazard right so you know really cool stuff so you could add this one okay and let's just adjust it this one is so hard enough which means don't touch this would be fantastic for girl sneakers um here nd and projected and then we're gonna do a cool trick we're gonna go here and change the alpha it's a little bit too you know too too vivid yeah so you want to make them look like they were used and burned and all that look at that looks awesome so we got this and uh here we could also add something cool let's say we could add you know one of these okay and put it somewhere here and you know project it and then drop off and down so we get something like this on top of that we could use trim sheets so for example this one i could select everything go to d menu and we could go to say trim sheet 7 qm which means it's or maybe let's go to trim sheet 8. now these trim sheets were textured in quick sonic so hold ctrl and scroll through different options we can find something cool and this is pretty awesome um so we could go with something like this and i'm like a yellowish pipe but to be honest i wanna i wanna find something a bit more docile okay so let's go with stream sheet five just click on it and keep scrolling until you're gonna find something you know something that fits um this is not bad something like this will do okay kind of cool see what i mean so you got that and then we can actually run trim sheets on these so you can go here and go to for example qm or let's say this one and out click on it and boom you're done okay and here we can also you know select let's say this um piece here and go to for qm and let's say click on that let's keep scrolling to this boom and then we can just mirror the other side and you're good to go same here you could have some trim sheets on this you could add some more decals for example we could add a decal here somewhere here in this area maybe maybe a number of device you know 450d and put it somewhere here in the bottom and project it and you want to do the same thing okay now if you want to change a color on a decals it's very easy you just grab the surface to max go ahead and reduce the shot to zero and then you can actually make it for example black then go here and you just reduce the alpha so it kind of looks like it's dirty and sort of you know on this on this machinery right so there you go guys a really simple way of creating some awesome you know models for your portfolio and then um all you need to do really is to just you know render it maybe this yellow color is a bit too dark let's go to this uh texture here and let's just increase the value to something brighter i think you know this is gonna be a bit better all right saturation let's go back to one because i think it's a bit too insane and there you go get a really awesome dirty sort of looking you know machinery when you render this properly um you can put on your portfolio and you can see in about half an hour you can create some really cool original piece without much work to spice up your portfolio hope it helps out guys thanks so much for watching see you in the next one
Channel: Ponte Ryuurui
Views: 94,351
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Modeling and Texturing in Blender, blender, blender tutorial, blender bros, ponte ryuurui, ryuu, hard surface, Modeling tutorial, modeling adn texturing in blender, blender modeling, modeling tutorial blender, blender texturing tutorial, blender texturing for beginners, blender texturing addon, blender texturing tips, blender texturing models, blender texturing and shading tutorial, hard ops tutorial, hardops boxcutter tutorial, kit ops blender
Id: fIsHXKA5Pk8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 49sec (1969 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 30 2022
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