Texture Paint Metallic Maps and Edge Wear (Blender Tutorial)

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in this tutorial I will show you how to texture paint metallic maps in blender and then after that I will also show you this really cool node setup that you can use to paint edgeware on your objects so you can see in this example here I've set it up so that the cube looks like a painted metal but then where I am painting it looks like the cube has been damaged on the edges and so you can see the metal underneath and then there's the paint on top so it looks like the paint is being worn away on the edges so I'll show you how to do that in this video now if you'd like to learn the basics of texture painting and blender then definitely check out my texture painting for beginners tutorial with the link in the description and also if you'd like to learn more about texture painting then you can also check out my texture painting tutorial playlist here on YouTube and I'll also have links in the description too where you can help support this Channel and I do really appreciate all of your support because it really helps me to continue to create blender tutorials alright so what I'm going to do is just select everything and delete it and then I'm going to press shift a and I'm just going to add a Cube and I will just press the Tab Key to go into edit mode and with everything selected I'm going to press Ctrl B to add a bevel and I'm just going to scroll my mouse wheel out and then click to place that there and then back in object mode I'm going to use the object context menu just to shade the smooth but you can of course do this on any object that you want maybe you're creating like some construction equipment or like some metal object or maybe you're creating like a robot which has like a painted metal or something like that I'm just going to be using this Cube as an example so now what I'm going to do is Click right over here to go to the shading workspace and I'm going to click on the new button here to add a new material to the cube so we now need to create a new image texture that we can texture paint on for the metallic map so I'm going to press shift a let's go here to the search and I'm going to search for an image texture and let's just drop the image texture right down here and then I want to create a new image that we can paint on so let's click on new here and on the name here I'm just going to call this like Cube and then I want to use a 4K texture right now it's a 1K texture I want to use 4K so I'm going to click and then drag down and then let go and this way we can change both values at the same time and I'm going to type in 4096 and hit enter that is the standard resolution for a 4K texture now the color here is somewhat important because if you make it fully white then all of the material is going to be metal and then you could paint a way where you don't want it to be metallic or if you make it all the way to Black then it's not going to be metallic at all and then where you paint where you paint white it's going to be metallic so if it's white it's going to be metal if it's black it's not going to be metal so I'm going to leave it as black because I want to paint the metallic values in and then I can just click on ok now because this is going to be a metallic map we're not going to be putting it into the base color so we want to take the color space here and we want to change it to a non-color here on the texture because any textures which aren't contributing to the base color need to be set to non-color but the color map needs to be left at the srgb but this map we want to leave at non-color and then let's take color here and I'm going to stick it into the metallic because I want it to control the metallic of the object and then I'm also going to hold down the Z button and move my mouse into the material preview just so that we can see this and I'm also going to scroll my mouse over here and click on this arrow and I want to use a different hdri lighting for the preview so I'm going to use this one right here I think this one is pretty nice and I'll turn the strength up a little bit and then it's very white right now so to make it darker I'm going to take the base color here just make it a bit darker and this will allow us to kind of see the shape better and then also I'm just going to turn the roughness down a little bit so that it is a bit more shiny alright so before we start texture painting this there is one more really important thing and that is that we need to UV unwrap the object onto our image texture so to do that you can click right over here on the UV editing workspace and you can see here's the UV editing and here's the object now I'm not going to go into a ton of detail about UV unwrapping you can see this Cube here has already been UV unwrapped if you'd like to learn the basics of UV unwrapping then you can check out my uvn wrapping for beginners tutorial with the link in the description and also in my texture painting for beginners tutorial I go into a bit more detail of how to UV unwrap your objects so that they're best for texture painting but just make sure you have a decent uvn wrap make sure that the UV Islands aren't going out here outside of the texture and also make sure there isn't any overlap so this will work fine for what we're doing so I'm now going to click right over here on the texture painting workspace and we can start the texture painting so right over here this is the actual image and you can select it if it's not selected and so we actually can paint on this if we want to but it makes much more sense to texture paint on the actual mesh so I'm just going to drag this and make it smaller so we have more space and then I also want to actually preview the material in real time as I paint so I'm going to hold down the Z button and go into the material preview and then I'm going to use the same settings here so I'm going to click right here on the shading drop down arrow and I'll change the hdri to this one here I really like how this one looks and also I could maybe just turn the strength up a little bit now for the texture painting I'm going to be using my Wacom pad tablet and I definitely think using a drawing tablet for texture painting is much better than using a mouse because with a drawing tablet you can get nice smooth strokes and you also have better posture and also most drawing tablets will come with some pen pressure and that can be super helpful for the texture painting so if you can use a drawing tablet I would recommend that and I will also have some Amazon links in the description to some tablets that I recommend those are affiliate links so if you make a purchase through those links that will help me out but with no extra cost to you so as I mentioned earlier if you paint white that is going to make it metal but if you paint black then it's not going to be metal so you can see right up here there is a color and then there is also a color over here so right now it's set to fully white so I can just start to paint here so I'm just pressing down on my drawing tablet and I can just start to paint here and you can see as I paint I'm adding white values if I make this bigger you can see that there's actually white values right here so if I paint White values then it's going to be more metallic but if I want to make this black you can see there's actually two different colors here so I can actually hit the X key and that is going to flip the colors and I can now paint black so if I paint black it's going to get rid of it and so it's not going to be metal I'm going to hit the X key to flip that or of course you can just change the strength of that by changing this color here but I can just start to paint along here and I'm going to make the edge kind of metal but you don't have to just use this for edgeware you could use this for really anything if you have a certain area of your object that you just want to be metallic you could just paint that certain area with metal so this is really cool but I also want to show you how you can paint with a noise texture because you can see as I paint this is very smooth on the edges so to paint with a texture what you can do is click and drag to close all these and I just want to open up the brush setting and then I want to open up the texture right here so open up the texture and then you can just click on the new button to add a new texture and then I'm going to be adding in a procedure noise texture so you can click on this button right here and that's going to take you to the texturing panel and then right here on the type it's set to image or movie so if you have a texture you could click on open and add in the texture I'm going to instead click right here on image or movie and I'm going to change this to clouds and so this is basically blender's procedural noise texture and then right here on the depth I'm going to turn this up to the max of 30 and that way it's going to be more detailed you can see it's more detailed now and also I think I will change the size so I'm going to make this a bit smaller something like that so I can now press the F key to make my brush bigger and I can start to paint here and you can see we are now painting with that noise texture so you can see it looks more noisy and this could also be kind of like a metallic Cube but then some parts are rubbed away so they're like more shiny and more metallic whereas most of the cube maybe has like a painted layer on top of it or just something else on top of the metal and then when you're done texture painting it's very important to save the image because if you don't save the image to a file on your computer then when you close blender blender is not going to save the image data so to save this you can click here on image and then you can click on save as and I'm just going to save this in a folder with my files and I'll save this as cube metallic and I'll just save it as a PNG you could also use a JPEG I will use PNG and then I'll click on save as image so I can now go right back over here to the shading workspace so that is it that is how you texture paint metallic Maps but I'm now going to show you that really cool node setup that you can use to texture paint edgeware on a painted Cube so the first thing that I want to do is put this metallic value into the bump so what we're going to do here is take the color let's put that into the normal and then I need to convert this to normal data so I'm going to press shift a let's go here to the search and I'm going to search for the bump node and let's drop the bump node right here in between the cube and the normal and then to actually convert to normal data we want to actually put this into the height the value and then it's going to be way too strong right now so I want to make that much less strong so let's just turn the strength value to like a 0.2 on the bump now I want to sharpen up this Edge because you can see the edge is very smooth there's a smooth transition so to make this sharper I'm going to press shift a let's go to the search and I'm going to search for the color ramp and then let's stick the color amp right here before it goes into the bump so then what I can do is I can drag these two values together and that's going to make it sharper so let me just like change my view so you can kind of see it in the reflections so I can drag this together and drag this together and you can see now the bump is just on the edge so over here it's going to be the painted metal and then over here is just going to be the raw metal so you can kind of play around with this and get it to how you like and then also you can see that it actually looks like the metal part is popping out so to fix that I'm going to click on the invert button and then it'll look like it's going back in instead and then if I zoom up closely you can see it does look a little bit pixelated so one way to fix this is to click right here on the linear and I can change this instead to cubic and if I change it to cubic it's going to smooth that out you can see that looks a lot better now now I also want to make the colors change so where it's been worn away I want it to be like a gray metal but then I want the rest of the cube to be a painted metal so I can take the color here and we can put that into the base color of the principled Shader and then I actually want to change the colors so let's click on this color ramp and I can press shift d to duplicate it and let's just drop it right here and then what I can do is hit the backspace and that's going to reset the color ramp so then I can drag these two values together to make it more contrasty and I'll bring it in something like that so I'm kind of looking at that edge there and I just want to make the colors very strong so I want to have it very contrasty and then I can change these colors so on the black tab here I can just make this whatever color I want for the paint so what I'm going to do is make this kind of a yellow color sort of like the color which is used for construction equipment I think that is pretty cool you can change it to whatever color you want and then on the white tab right here I'm going to make this very dark so it looks like it is a dark metal so something like that so that is super cool and then also I need to play around with the color ramp because you can see there's kind of a fade there so I'm going to bring this in and just fit it to the bump so something like that so that is looking super cool already and then I can also make this effect the roughness so that where it's metal it'll be more shiny so I'm just going to bring these down so we have a bit more space and I'm going to take this image here and I'm going to put it into the roughness and then what I can do is I can click on this color ramp I can press shift d to duplicate it and let's stick it here before the roughness and then I can just change these color ramp colors to change how reflective it is so if I click on this white tab here I can make this white tab darker and you can see that is going to make the metal part more shiny so I think I'll make it a bit darker like that and then this painted part right here I want to make that a bit more rough so let's click on the black Tab and I can turn this up and so it's going to be more rough and then I also want to make the metallic part look really bumpy and really worn so what I can do is press shift a let's go here to the search and I'm going to search for a noise texture let's put the noise texture you're kind of down here and then I also have the node Wrangler add-on turned on if you don't have the node Wrangler add-on enabled you can click on edit and go to blender's user preferences and enable the add-on on the add-ons tab so then once you have the node Wrangler enabled you can click on the noise texture and you can press Ctrl T that's going to add the texture coordinate and mapping but I don't need the mapping so I can just click on it and hit X to delete it I want to use the object coordinate so let's put the object into the vector and this way the noise texture will be placed on the object more evenly and then I can also change some of the noise texture settings so I'll turn the detail all the way to the max of 15 so it's very detailed and I could turn the roughness to just like a 0.55 so I now want to put this noise texture into the bump so I can click on this bump and I'm going to press shift d to duplicate it let's drop it down here and then I can put the normal up to the normal so this way we can mix multiple boat Maps together and then I want the noise texture to go into this bump so it'll actually actually make it look bumpy and noisy so let's take the factor and I can put that into the height value and I also want to turn off the invert because I don't need this to be inverted and it is a bit strong so let's also turn the strength value to just like a 0.1 so now you can see the metal looks bumpy all over but I only want the worn parts to be that bumpy so what I can do is click and drag to use a box select and just box select these and kind of bring them back and I also want to bring these back as well so what I'm going to do is use this color ramp as a mask to tell it that this noise texture is only going to show up where the metal parts are so I can press shift a let's go to the search and I'm going to search for the mix RGB and let's stick the mix RGB after the noise texture right here so then this color ramp is going to go into the factor and the factor is going to tell it where it's going to be color one and where it's going to be color two and then this noise texture here I actually want to put this into color one and then I have the node Wrangler out on enable so I can hold down the control and shift key and select different nodes and that's going to preview the node on the object so then right here on color one I can just make this fully white so now you can see that this noise texture is only showing up where the metal is because we're using the color amp as the factor and then I can just control shift and select the principled Shader so now just the metal looks bumpy and then one more thing I want to do real quick is I do want to make the painted part also just have a tiny bit of bump so I can click on this bump right here and I'm going to press shift d to duplicate it and I want to stick it right here after the other bump so just stick it right there and then normal can go into the normal so I can now take this noise texture and let's take the factor and I'm going to stick that into the height value of this bump right there and so this is just going to add a little bit of noise all over the material but then I do want it to be very subtle so let's turn the strength here way down to just like a .05 so now it just has a tiny little bit of noise all all over the place so there we go that is the node setup now what's so awesome about this is that all of these values are coming from this image texture and so we can paint this and it will adapt and update in real time so let's click right back over here to the texture painting workspace and I'm going to make this smaller and we can now start to paint this so I'm going to just start to paint along here and as I paint you can see it appears as though the paint is being worn away and you can see the metal underneath and for painting this edgeware I like to click here on the blend and I like to change this to the linear light I think the linear light looks a lot better and so I can now start to paint and you can see it's going to be much stronger so now it looks like the paint is really worn away and this is actually really fun to play around with because it's updating in real time so it's super cool I could also go adhere to the strength and turn the strength value way down of the brush and I could also make the radius a bit bigger and then I could just kind of tap along here and it's going to be very subtle and so it's just going to make it look like it's worn just a little bit so I could just go along here and paint some areas and just kind of make the metal look like it's been worn or kind of chipped away so this would be really cool for creating like some old construction equipment or maybe like if you're texture painting a robot like an old robot or something I could also just like go around here in circles and some big areas and kind of make it look like the metal was banged up like someone hit it with a hammer and like the paint fell off or maybe it's like rusting away you could also use this to create like a cool rust effect and you could also use this method to make some really cool scratches so what I can do is press the F key to make my brush much smaller just make it really small and then I could just go along here and I could just add some little scratches so this is super cool it looks like the metal has been scratched in some areas and I could just go along here keep on heading scratches maybe for this on the blend type right here instead of using linear light I could just change it back to mix that might look a bit better but yeah I can add some little scratches here so it looks like the metal has been scratched step maybe even here along the edge just kind of go along add some scratches there so that is super cool looking and also don't forget to save your image after your texture painting because if you don't re-save this image then blender won't save it so let's click on image and I can click on save as and then you can see I've already saved this image but I'm just going to override the previous image and that'll update it so I'll just save it as cube metallic you can see it's red that's telling me that it's going to override the other image and I can click on save as so let's click right back over here to the shading workspace now because of this node setup we're not just using texture Maps now we're also using some procedural materials like the bump and the noise texture and the color ramps so if you wanted to use this material in like a game engine or a 3D software or upload it to sketchfab or something like that then you would need to texture bake all of the values and I actually have a texture baking for beginners tutorial you can check that out with the link in the description and you can learn how to bake the color map and the metallic and the roughness and the normal although you wouldn't actually need to bake the metallic map because we already have a metallic map but you would need to bake the normal and the roughness in the base color if you wanted all of these to just be texture Maps or if you're only using this in blender then you could just leave the procedural node set up so that's going to wrap it up for this video so I hope you found this helpful and I hope you enjoyed it and thank you for watching and again definitely check out my texture painting for beginners tutorial with the link in the description and you can also check out my texture painting tutorial playlist if you'd like to learn more about texture painting and blender and if you'd like to help support me and this channel you can also check out my gumroad store and my patreon page and the YouTube memberships those are all great ways to help support this channel but I hope you enjoyed this and thank you for watching
Channel: Ryan King Art
Views: 243,306
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ryan King Art, Blender Tutorial, Blender, Ryan King, Tutorial, edge wear, metallic, paint metallic, metal, metallic maps, texture painting, blender, painted metal, texture paint edge wear
Id: bR4HtqxA9tk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 45sec (1125 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 22 2022
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