Modeling a Hinge - Skill Builder

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[Music] hey guys Theron so I actually mentioned this during one of our live models that I had kind of Enid Burton Lee come up with kind of a neat model of a hinge so I wanted to share with you guys how to do that I mentioned doing on a live model but I guess we forgot I'm not really sure what happened it didn't happen but I wanted to show this because it really is kind of a cool way to create a hinge a lot of good modeling practices in it so I stopped talking about it and do it so follow along it's pretty easy and yeah let me know what you think when we get done all right so I'm going to start with a rectangle I'm just gonna do something like maybe 1 by 12 something like that that's a will be my initial shape from there I'm going to on this inside corner draw a line straight up and then put a circle at the top and I'm not giving exact dimensions on anything because you can kind of play with these dimensions or build to specific dimensions if you need to all right that looks pretty good I'm gonna draw a line from here to here and then I'm going to erase some of the geometry so I'm gonna give this piece this piece and this piece and that is the geometry I want now with that I'm going to select this whole path I'm going to say follow me and click on this surface at the bottom and that's I'm going to get to start with looks pretty good there's a little bit of geometry to be cleaned up because I came in at such a tight corner right here I ended up kind of messing up my geometry on the back but that's okay because we can clean that up pretty easy I'm going to do is I'm gonna draw a line right here and I'm going to draw a line right here that's going to close up the back we do have this extra geometry here which is actually the outside edge of interior geometry if I turn on the x-ray mode you can see this is the geometry hanging out inside we don't actually need that so I'm just going to erase it you race the edges there you go so now we're back to one solid piece all right so my circle ended up breaking so I got these segments not a big deal I'm gonna triple click go to my soften and smooth window and just toggle soft and coplanar off and back on to get that soften like that alright looks good I'm gonna take this portion of my you know what actually it looks short so I'm gonna grab this right here and I'm gonna pull it out another six inches all right that looks better looks like a better hinge I'm gonna triple click and make a group out of that all right so right now the important thing I want to make sure I have right now is a solid group it is still solid right now awesome now what I'm gonna do is outside the group so I'm going to leave the geometry all in the group right there I'm gonna come here where's my lowest point I'm gonna come just below this lowest point and draw a line out and then I'm going to draw a line along the green axes the full length of the hinge I actually need this that was just for reference all right so that all right Laura you're messing with my view all right here we go so now I'm going to take this line right click and I am going to divide it into four pieces all right now on I'm going to go from the end to this first point I'm going to draw a line straight across a draw line this way hold on shift to constrain it to my next point and then back now we do the same thing over here to get two rectangles like that and take each of those rectangles push-pull them up and then get rid of the lines between them now I'm going to triple click on this first extruded rectangle make it a group same thing with a second and now I'm going to turn on my solid tools UI all right so we're going to do is going to take one of these rectangles gonna hit subtract from this hin this piece select the second rectangle again subtract all right you guys see where I'm going with this got half that hinge piece so what I do now is make this the copy make the other hinge before I do that though I'm gonna come in here to this I'm going to real quickly create some some screw holes so pretty simple I'm gonna draw a line down from this piece line down from this piece what I want to do is have three holes one here one here one here so I'll draw a line down from this piece as well and then I'm going to take this line and use divided again to divide it to three pieces and then I'll say okay this is where one screw holes going to go this is where the other screw hole is going to go and the third screw hole is gonna go right here I'll create that screw hole by putting a circle and then I will take that circle move it from the center to here and to here by hitting that modifier key with move all right then get rid of these lines I could have done that with guides it would have been less destructive but you know me I'm just not a guides guy it's it's a it's a hard habit to get into and I'm not very good at it all right now before I just push pull these through to make holes I'm going to countersink just slightly so I'm gonna come in here and say offset this circle and I'll put the same offset on three circles so I'm going to double-click and double-click double-clicking moves at the same amount I'm now I can push pull click here move it to the back edge and I'll just double-click on these two also and then finally to create my countersink I'm just going to select the three circles here oops not that inside face but that come on the edge there we go and now I need to push it in so to make sure I can strain along the red axis I could click here and hit the right arrow key to constrain dread instead I'm just going to use this line right here as a reference click here start dragging it back alright there you go that's my countersink so that's my half a hinge now the cool part is to make the other half the hinge all I have to do is select right here use rotate and hit the modifier key to make a copy make sure I'm go to this middle this is the direct middle of the hinge I'll click right there and I come out here spin that around and like that we have two hinge pieces that perfectly connect together one last thing I might want to do here I might want to come in with a circle I knew that I broke that circle pretty good so I need a centerline but I can put a circle right here pull that up push that end all the way out the other side on this end I'm going to offset it about that much pull that up pull this up and triple click this make that a new group or component it would work as well and there we go with that I have a perfect hinge what I could do here is I could take one of these and rotate it when I rotate it what I want to do is I'd actually want to move from the center of the circle so go like this and see look at that because I dropped it down enough there's there's no interference I'm not hitting myself they're hitting well the hinge is not hitting itself I'm not hitting myself at all but I can see how that rotate works so that is a pretty good hinge you could use the same method to make any number of pieces here I used for you could do 6 if you did an odd number like 5 you'd have to create the two halves the hinge is separate because one would have two little returns here won't have three but there you go pretty simple quick and easy hinge using native tools and solid tools so I hope you guys like that like I said I was kind of messing around with drawing a hinge and drew that and thought that's kind of neat they've got some good steps in there got some solid tools got some repeat offsets and push pulls and rotate a lot a lot of good commands so hopefully you followed long if not if you're just watching then give it a shot yourself next time you're sitting in front of Sketchup if you did like that go ahead and click like down below and if you haven't already click Subscribe we release a couple videos every week and we do a number of live models you'll be notified of those if you subscribe to us most importantly though please leave a comment down below more and more of our content nowadays is being driven by your comments and we don't know what you want to see done in these videos if you don't tell us we like making these models a lot but we like them a lot more when they're showing something you want to see thank you you
Channel: SketchUp
Views: 43,230
Rating: 4.9756837 out of 5
Keywords: SketchUp, 3D modeling, solid, hinge, native
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 35sec (575 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 14 2020
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