Model a Complete Sci-Fi Corridor | Cinema 4D Tutorial

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hello everyone in destroyer i will model that scifi corridor so let's start modeling i will start with a cube and i will change its y size to 300 or 3 meters and i will make the x 5 meters and z 5 meters so whatever i do i will be doing that in that area in the cube so i can clone its letter easily and i will also increase my y-axis in the coordinates to 150 so it will be on the work line and i can make the addressable press c and i will delete these polygons because we won't need them i will rename that to ref and i will select that polygon right click and split and just rename that to fun and i will select polygon right click extrudes a ton of caps now i will right click select loop cut and i will be adding some new cuts okay now i will move that polygon and that's one two and i will add another loop cut here so i can move that polygon okay now i will go to top view select these points and i will move them something like that and i will select that object up this access is not in the right place to change that i've got mesh access center and execute now i will select my object then i will go to instance it's going to create a an instance and i can move that the reason that i created an instance because i can make changes on the base mesh so it will be happening in the instance like that okay now i will select the polygons inside right click and split and i will right click extrude on my caps and make an extrusion something like that and i will select these polygons and move them on the x-axis and we can move that on the y-axis but i will change my word modeling access to world and i will add a loop cut here and i will move that like make something similar here okay now i will go to my first mesh and select these polygons right click and split then i will select these edges out edges then right click slide but press ctrl so i need to fix these points i will select them and scale them on the x axis and i will only select these ones and i will invert my selection and delete now i will move some of my points and i will make a look at here and here and i will also scale them and i will select that edge press ctrl and make an extrusion and i will scale them on the y-axis and i want to move these ones something like that okay now i will select these outer edges press ctrl and make an extrusion then i will select all the polygons right click and extrude and turn on the caps okay now i need to scale some of the polygons like these ones select them press t and scale them to zero also these ones okay i will reset the axis go to access center and execute then select your mesh go to instance and select instance then i will move the move my instance but this time i need to rotate that so i will put coordinates and change my z scale to -1 so i will leave that part here i will move on the next part but i will come back to that part later i just created the base objects now i will start to organize my objects because it's going to be messy so i will select these objects press alt ng this is going to make a group but i will change its axis to zero so i can use symmetry object so enable axis and move the x-axis here then i will set x to zero then i will press alt and select symmetry i will rename that object then i will select that object so we should program mode and select that polygon then right click and split and i will put that object out of that group now i will right click extrude on caps and make an extrusion and i will set my x to zero and i will delete that polygon because i'm going to use that object in symmetry object and i will move those points and make a look at here and i will move that polygon then any other loop cuts here and also here then i will move that polygon then i will go to top view select these points and move them and i will do the same thing again mesh access center execute then select an instance and move the instance now i will select the inner polygons right click and split now i will securely select these points and scale them to zero and move these ones and i won't won't need that edge also that's these ones so right click and disall then select all then extrude and delete that everyone and let's move these ones okay now let's make make a symmetry object so select them all and press alt n g then move its axis to zero enable axis and also you can enable snap and edge snap now i can use symmetry object press alt and select symmetry now let's try to create that top side one so i'll select my left and select top polygon right click and split and i will start with moving the points to something here and i will move this point then select polygon right click extrude with the credit caps on then i will press ctrl and make an extrusion and i will move that polygon etch and i will move these points okay now i will select that polygon split and extrude and then i will select that page and actually let's solo our object viewport solo single right click and parallel with subdivision then line cuts single line and i need to finish that cut too so something like that turn off so solo okay select that paragon right click split i will use that polygon to make the bottom part right click extrude and make a look at around here then move that polygon okay i will go to mesh exit center and execute its center and i will press ctrl and duplicate that and move it very close to the edge actually i need to use instance select object and click instance then i will select that object these polygons and split and i will move these edges then make a next solution then i will select these new objects press alterna g and then i will enable my axis and set its x-axis to zero so i can put that object into that symmetry but i need to make one group so select these two groups and alt g no symmetry will work now i will work on that wall i will select my left selected polygon and split and i will select these top points and move them same with the bottom points and these sides points too okay now i will make some loop cuts but i will be pressing shift so it's going to make a cut right in the middle like that and that one too but i want to also add to here same and also this to the sides i will press shift and it's going to snap here then one more time but but i won't use that so i can dissolve that and let's do the same thing for that side too press shift and another one and remove that edge now i will select line cuts then i will select these new cuts right click and bevel but change the sound division to zero and i will also enable my limit something like that and also let's solo our object i will switch points mode right click and slide and i will be pressing ctrl so this is gonna without this point and i will also remove those edges right click itself and i will select these polygons right click insert inner then i will move them on the z axis let's turn off the solo so also let's turn off the visibility of the ref and i will also change its axis actually no it's already in the zero so i will just select the polygons go to top view and move them and i can also put that object into that group and let's rename that to one now let's make the top part let's select the ref and select the top polygon and split and i will make a look at right in the middle so i can use that in a symmetry object and i will make a look at right here here and here then i will move that polygon something like that then i will select that polygon right click split and i will move those points then i will make a cut right in the middle then select that edge level and i will delete the middle polygon then select them all and make an extrusion then i will scale them skill these particles on the x-axis and i will also scale them on the z-axis too now i will put these new objects to that group so something like that now let's try to make the floor select the ref and select that polygon right click split and turn off ref first thing i will select look at and make a look at around here then i will put the top view then i will press shift and make these cuts then i will add another loop cut here and again just press shift then i will select this points and smooth them now i won't need these playgrounds i will select these edges press ctrl and move then i will select this new polygons right click and split and i will one more time select these edges press ctrl and move at this time i will move them on the y axis and shoot one more time and one more time now i will select these polygons right click split select the top edges press ctrl and move this time i will scale them on the x-axis to zero and i will make an extrusion press ctrl and i will also move it something like that then another extrusion and move on the y-axis now i will select these polygons right click split but this time i will select these edges and i will dissolve them then i will select blue cuts and make a loop cut right in the middle then another look at in the middle one more time now i will delete these ones because i will clone that plane now i will right click extrude turn on caps and mechanics region and set the polygon to zero on the x-axis then delete the polygon and i would let delete that pokemon too because i won't need that and as i will move that paragon somewhere here or actually before that let's put that object in a cloner object press alt and select cloner and i want my mod to be linear and i want to clone on z-axis but i don't know the length to figure out that i will select that polygon and look at my size and it is 63 62.5 i will copy that ctrl c and cut cloner and pass that in in the z tab and i will also change my color now i will put that polygon okay now i will select these new objects except the ref press alt and g and put that into that group okay now let's see the cloner okay now let's select both symmetry objects and press alt n g so i can use that in in a cloner object press the object press alt and select cloner and i want to clone on i want to change my multi-linear and i want to clone on z-axis and if you remember our size of the cube or the ref that's 5 meters so i will press 5 meters here so it's gonna be perfect clone let's add some more and let's change color and after that point i want to enable my screen space ambient occlusion and i want to add some pbr light and i will also enable the light in my filter let's turn it and put it somewhere here i will duplicate that one more two times actually maybe a tree it is not much important and i will also go to options and enable shadows okay now i will start at the details by the way i have created some drop objects which you can find in the description and you can download so let's go back to our model first of all i will turn off my lights turn off cloner and symmetry objects now i will go to my first group and i will work on that basically i will be adding edge loop cuts so let's start with that one [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] okay i have finished adding my edge loops now i will add these drops [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] okay i have finished that part so i added these objects now i will move to that part [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay now let's try to work on that part that object first thing i need to fix these triangles so i will make any of that starting from here and also here and i will switches slide tool press ctrl and weld these points now i will add loop cuts but now i need to switch to playing cards because look at want to make cuts we want because the triangles i will do them manually now i will select these edges and sell them and i also i will scale these edges they are too close and any other loop cuts now i will add these cuts to hold that edge [Music] and i'll let this edge cut so these points will be sharper so so [Music] [Music] okay now i will work on that top piece [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so okay now let's try to model the objects on the bottom [Music] so [Music] so [Music] okay now let's work on the floor [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay now let's look at the top part [Music] [Music] okay now i will delete all the subdivision surfaces that i made then i will enable start enable my symmetries then i will enable my cloner i will only use one solution surface and i will put it at the top of my cloner okay let's enable our lights now let's make it more interesting i will change my layout to standard and let me turn off that keyboard thing and i will create some best pbr materials i will go to my diffuse and change it to 60 and i will duplicate that and make the color 70 percent and let's make that one to eight percent and also i will select them all and change their roughness to event persons and then i will duplicate the last one i want to make that more metallic so i will go to reflection but for that i will go to diffuse and make it black and in the reflection i will go to the planet and change it to addiction or the electric let's make it something high and i will make the roughness 30. now i will simply put these obj materials to the object actually that's one one more material and i want to make its diffuse to something like 50 or just like make it [Music] 40. [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay i will create a camera and enable my lights and also i will enable my secret space reflections to do that press shift nv go to fx and enable so thank you everybody that was it i hope you learned so many things and you can use them thank you very much again and i'll see you in the next tutorial bye
Channel: polygonpen
Views: 12,423
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: modeling, 3d, cinema 4d, maya, blender, 3ds max, zbrush, procedural, hardsurface, organic tutorial, lesson, grid, curved surface, surface modifier, advanced, tutorial, vfx, pivot, axis, basic, production, industrial design, product, UV unwrap, render, arnold, animation, mograph, pipeline, sci fi, corridor, viewport, pbr, spaceship, environment, hall, Sci-Fi
Id: HAkk1z5UVaU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 21sec (2721 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 04 2021
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