Creating Unlimited Holes on Curved Surfaces | Cinema 4D Modeling Tutorial

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hello in this video we will try to make holes on curved or cylindrical objects so let's start by adding a plane i won't change any settings and now i will let about the former let's see where it bets okay let's create a little thickness like five and now let's rotate the blends to match the plane and let's see we have 400 centimeters for the width and height so i will do the same okay now i've let subdivision surface and i will put them into the subdivision surface okay it works but the important thing here is that you shouldn't put bands under the plane make them with plane and band under one group so don't break the hierarchy okay let's turn off subdivision surface and let's make the plane editable now i will make some selection and right click and extrude inner after that i will right click and collapse if i select that middle point and enable it it will perfectly fit in that selection and it will it will be perfect circles let's do that let's let's turn let's spend 360. okay this is the easy one now let's make another one but a little bit other version let's insert image and do the same thing collapse but this time when i level it won't be perfect so let's delete that and double click on that loop and press ctrl and hold point smudge now i will right click brush and shoot i do that way this is okay but it's not a perfect circle so let's add disk and we have some edges so i will give 10 segments so as you can see the all that we made isn't perfect so i will turn on snap and snapped every one of those points we don't set this key anymore let's give some depth by pressing ctrl i'm extruding and now let's double click and i will select slides and i will hold ctrl same here and let's turn on the length about the folder and turn on subdivision surface it's perfect but let's make it harder this time let's make a big one through dinner and collapse that's built we have 14 edges and that's a disk it's 14 segments this time i will use another technique now i will make both plain and disk an object select what loops and right click chances so take that and do it let's give some extrusion okay let's test that that is okay now now let's make something different like i will select those organs and same thing extrude inner and collapse now i will select points and fills but now i will make align cuts and check single line and connect those points i will delete these polygons and also i will about these points let's test it okay this one also which let's make something different now i will delete here selection and fill selection but don't forget to hold shift now i will right click and split now we made a new mesh let's rotate it 90 degrees and also let's click mesh access center and execute okay now let's select both objects right click and connect objects and deletes i will double click on that part and i will click hide unselected now i will double click on that edge switch to polygon mode and unhide up now now i will click hide selected and select those edges let's unhide all and now i will right click stitch ensue let's test that okay now i want to make a very big hole it will be a mega fall so that's six by six let's extrude winner and collapse let's try to switch here's the version okay but it's not perfect so i will let the disk 3.4 segments and make them one object select both loops and chances let's extrude and it's here and this one also looks perfect last one i'll make a small hole right in the middle back here sweet enough collapse well we have 10 edges so let's add 10 segments to the disk and i remove my points by enabling snap okay let's turn on the deformer and solve the vision surface they all look perfect perfect smoothness you can add nearly as many as falls you want but the important thing is don't put the deformer under the disk or under your object you can also change the strength of the band performer if you want you have to use the full 360 version and you can also play with the angle you can make different shapes you can also play with the size size exercise so this is for the tutorial thank you for watching and i'll see you in the next one bye
Channel: polygonpen
Views: 20,213
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cinema 4d, Hard surface, modeling, holes, curved surface, cylindrical, blender, maya, 3ds max, tutorial, boolean, creating holes, lesson
Id: CAinhrRUXN4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 32sec (992 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 03 2020
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