Modded Car vs. Zombie Horde - Road of the Dead

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uh excuse me ma'am could you please get off really pretty please get up all the wipers do nothing all right then you know what gas grass or ass nobody rides for free that's what i'm talking about all right well you know what in retrospect when i was given the option of better tires or a gun probably should have went with the gun what's up guys welcome to road of the dead a flash game where the apocalypse is about to start and as a mechanic your solution is to drive around the zombies or to drive over the zombies or to drive through the zombies you know it really depends on how squishy they look please tell me our music isn't going to be so loud that it drowns out the petter patter of little zombie feats i'd like to know what i'm about to drive my brand new car into wait what was he welding okay it may look like i just won the prices right now but i'm sure [ __ ] will hit the fan soon this is an emergency alert system broadcast this is not a test [Music] fellow citizen hi the unforeseen and unexplained events the city has been quarantined please stay home lock all your doors and windows stay out of sight till further notice repeat it is crucial that you stay in your home and out of sight martial law is now in effect and anyone trying to exit the city will be shot on sight this is not an exercise stay home until further notice huh [Music] maybe we should have kept the music on we didn't need to hear the neighbors getting chewed this is bad oh thank you captain obvious maybe it's not too late to turn the music back on this is not an isolated case oh no not quite yeah they're no we gotta we just got up and started walking all right screw me i guess sector c was already overwhelmed what do you want us to do the freaking dead and still walking god damn it get a hold of yourself we're trained to handle anything [ __ ] i'm not staying here i gotta make it through the highway it's probably my best bet to get out of the city i wholeheartedly agree partially because it wouldn't be very fun to have a game about you boarding up the house and waiting here but even then you could use the time to do a little laundry we're supposed to be hitting zombies it looks like you hitting all you can eat buffet at taco bell listen dude i'm not gonna tell you how to live your life or anything but like at the same time if we see an old navy on the way or a gap could we maybe pull over dispatch give me a report on the highway checkpoint deployments all highway units are in position traffic is stopped and the city exits are secured roger that over well i'm seeing a bunch of fire trucks that are clearly not doing their job but not many zombies oh here we go i was gonna say i expected there to be more zombies and less light um oh ow we're gonna assume that she was bitten or at the very least a rude jaywalker she should really be apologizing to me look at all the damage i did to my vehicle when trying to hit her she even left a smear on the windshield don't worry i get that though i got wipers i'm pretty sure you do want to hit the zombies like not only is it awesome but you get a bunch of experience you get a better understanding of what your vehicle can and can't take and then as a mechanic the next time you stop you can use that experience to upgrade your vehicle but you know it's a trade-off if you run into too many things then you run a chance of having your car explodes you don't need to be a mechanic so you don't want your car to explode near you oh that's the good stuff yeah give me those points we have a moving vehicle headed our way neutralize the vehicle the driver could be infected or even dead for all we know [Music] how many dead people do you know driving cars yet of your damn mind let me through you should have your hands full with zombies shoot that bastard uh roods are you the one who's gonna shoot me no i don't think so chief ah welcome to monroeville oh we're unable to stop our target it's continuing its route on highway 65 you couldn't stop a single car give me a visual report [Music] sorry sir we're low on personnel here the target is driving a black sports car with tinted glass the driver's visual is still unknown draw checkpoints on highway 65 we have a moving black sports car it must be stock stay debates alert facing a massive crowd of undead here we're holding but we might have to pull back before show up maintain your position just kill them all they're hard to kill sir just do your job yes sir yeah i don't know how i feel about this right now car has definitely seen better days oh i have a horn well that's good to know does the horn do anything something tells me the zombies are not gonna be obeying my yield come on right away okay well that's the right way can i uh wipe yeah we gotta make sure to keep the windshield clean before it explodes all over us oh my god what is this how am i supposed to steer through this okay maybe i'm not maybe i'm not all right well we got 200 249 rp i'm pretty sure the first upgrade cost 250. you gotta be kidding me it's because i hit that one civilian as far as options go we have perception you'll spot soldiers oil spills and feeding zombies in the distance well yeah i can already do that that's what eyes are for body armor the kevlar vest will give you body protection and will reduce direct damage from bullets and explosions two things that definitely did me dirty on the first run a firearm a pistol will give you a fighting chance against zombies and soldiers clinging to your hood with only a few bullets use it wisely yeah i could see an argument being made for that one could upgrade the windshield the stronger glass is good protection against all outside danger it can sustain more damage before braking i mean yeah the first windshield didn't fare particularly well but in his defense it wasn't exactly designed for multiple body deflections you could also upgrade the engine with more horsepower your acceleration and maximum speed will be improved i felt like i was going too fast as it is i kept driving into stuff without really having any control the bumper might actually help with that though the road will be littered with debris this metal reinforcement will take the impacts for a little while tempting i mean i can't afford it right now but we'll put that on the wish list i don't see how upgrading the car's horn could be useful in this scenario with chaos on the street a louder horn will help you get the civilians out of the way and attract the zombies if you're crazy enough to want that well that's good to know but i'm still not gonna buy it funny enough i think tires might actually be what we're looking for here tougher tires with more grip will give you better control and resistance against spike strips we didn't see spike strips but again i'm having a real hard time avoiding the things i want to avoid and hitting the things that i want to hint so yeah let's go ahead and spend our 250 which i did have funny enough i i got some kind of accomplishments so we got upgraded tires and now we're going to get back out there see if we can get through monroeville uh excuse me ma'am could you please get off really pretty please get up all the wipers do nothing all right then you know what gas grass or ass nobody rides for free that's what i'm talking about all right well you know what in retrospect when i was given the option of better tires or a gun probably should have went with the gun starting to see how they could be useful right about now excuse me do you know where the nearest checkpoint is no okay well affirmative oh oh here it is oh he was actually part of the checkpoint he's a lot more helpful than i would have expected now we're good to go right what does that sign say quarantine checkpoint that's what i'm talking about thank you very much excuse me pardon me coming through what was that something about killing me i i can't hear you over my beautiful windshield and we're through the red ridge my windshield checkpoint to base uh the target is still going are you kidding me maintain your position the next checkpoint will handle 12 ground troops on highway 65 where to intercept and shoot down the target over outpost tim i need to sit ripped we're holding but damn there's a lot of hold on there's a lot of them we're almost surrounded if they cover our east front we're in trouble hang in there alpo 7 what's your status we were overrun minutes ago we're still on the move to south square park to make you stand there we're killing them but more keep coming roger that don't lose south square park over do you think i could buy windshield wipers for my eyes would they be called eye wipers like the point is i'm definitely seeing the advantage of being able to protect myself with something like a kepler vest right about now okay i mean he's a lot more hurt than i am but to be there he was shooting they started it but i i don't want to hear people being pitiful for the army they definitely are only partially in the right come to think of it they're just trying to quarantine the city man you really pinball around between vehicles as soon as you strike something but we got a whole bunch more rp which means we could upgrade the car g32 m51 nobody cares i hate speaking over people and the radio just keeps on going i wish there was an upgrade to remove the radio but i went and invested in the windshield and the engine and the bumper and the horn so the car is definitely doing quite a bit stronger shut up radio unit 12 you're to intercept your target at all costs roger that i'll move and shoot over yeah move and shoot run directly into the line of fire there we go just line up with bowling pins you absolute turd burglars i think this might be one of those games that i never actually finished when growing up obviously i've played it before target inbound adjust your position yeah just just move over and smooshies there we go at all costs we know what the cost is going to be the cost is smooshy seat cost smooshy like i was trying to say before i was so brutally interrupted we have a visual on his front plate sending the data your way over data received over that's not good it's nice does that mean that they know who i am now screw it smooshes anyway like i was trying to say i've definitely played the game before i've been explaining how it works this entire time but i don't remember how it ends or if it ends it must end right we're making progress you're making a lot of progress in these checkpoints at the very least let's see what uh you guys got for me over here burgundy streets all right target has been identified as john creaseman a local mechanic has a prior history of disorderly conduct nothing special he's a freaking nobody he's obviously trying to reach the tunnel to exit the city we can't let that happen nobody gets out of the quarantined area based on highway 65 personnel use spike strips to stop them over who did they think i was gonna be evil knievel i don't understand my way and not stop it engage and neutralize the target don't let him through i'm just gonna keep on going until somebody either puts a bullet in my head or my engine block one of the two folks or maybe puts a head in my engine block um oh wait i think i can is there like a punch button i don't have a freaking gun oh no gun okay but i'm wondering about them probably should have gotten a gun i thought i could punch i guess i'm just gonna have to go and protect myself a little bit moving forward so i've got body armor and a gun what more could you need i swear to god if these goobers use their spike strips to ruin my brand new fancy tires i'm gonna shoot out this windshield and drive through some zombies with my mouth open i will infect myself and spread it to the rest of the world you hear me stop your target i don't think you stopped me you could roger it all you want but you're clearly not even slowing me down oh crap yes did i hit it did i lose any oh yeah we definitely lost some tires there if the steering wasn't bad before it sure is now oh son of a wh why are they moving there's nobody there to push them all right well i'm on rims and it sounds real gnarly i can't see her at all i can see these cars coming from a mile away but i cannot turn possibly because i'm going 150 miles an hour i could slow down and that would help but screw that go slowest for the week do i even care about these anymore not really all right well yeah oh okay yeah that's a pinball that i really did not want to be part of excuse me what was that neutralize the target don't let him through don't let me through oh you better try something that involves not ruining my brand new tires oh my god i'm hitting everything known to man i could bounce off an entire parking garage and it wouldn't matter my car is invincible with just one batch of upgrades it's absurd how do you feel about this sir splatter that's what i thought ma'am i'm really not trying to hit you i swear like the ladies in tube tops if anything i would slow down and let them in but stop this prick will ya try with what what do you got more rifles yeah i'm right right right here and you missed your chain-link fence yeah dealt with that before anything else guys i'm not even searing come on now yeah we're really gonna pop those tires they're only two miles back are you oh i'm teleporting through army vehicles but i think we're on to the next area central city uh it's a negative sir target's still going this is a bad joke damn it face the hellfire change our course and head towards highway 65 we have a civilian on the run he must be heading stopped highway 65 now over all highway units dispatch some men behind cars and try using the element of surprise to stop the target sir we have reports that 12 of our forward posts were completely overrun in the last 10 minutes where are the troops now scattered trying to regroup sir damn it um have them fall back in um regroup northwest near the [Applause] oh no oh no okay we're still fine why is it that this guy is like a tactical genius against me he's sending somebody i don't know yes sir the target is approaching but then with the with the zombies he's just like uh um uh i don't know maybe like ask them nicely with this metal plate you'll be able to take a lot more frontal damage before getting in trouble you should still avoid colliding with abandoned cars why do the upgrades have to be passive aggressive i'm trying i'll take it [Music] can't see who is john cena shooting at me right now what the hell was that how [Music] i got fancy wheels i don't care about yours spike strips oh maybe yeah these handle much better gliding in and out like butter okay they can withstand they can withstand everything is fine but seriously who's gonna attack me is the guy that i just ran over because i totally saw him as he bounced off the hoods oh is it you i think he's just talking to these idiots weird i could have sworn that he ordered somebody to come here but these guys have been hanging out the whole time i'm just paranoid don't mind me oh no no way [Laughter] the timing on that what do you mean oh okay i'm not excuse me burton me oh oh i see i see hold on you're flying backwards which means you're probably too dumb not to fly into a sign oh i think i remember this now so we just got to avoid getting shot oh oh my tires oh i'm dead no it wasn't my tires it was my brain go figure that uh kevlar vest doesn't do a whole lot against an apache helicopter all right then uh a better windshield well the good news is i don't think this helicopter is smart enough to avoid backing into signs multiple times but bad news is the upgraded windshield that i just bought didn't last to the helicopter maybe i could just kind of duck and weave i think he's just like yeah you see he's not shooting me as long as i'm not directly lined up with them then i should be fine okay kind of difficult not to do when your tires are messed up come on it's the laws of three you just need to hit this sign and i should be safe god hit the side hit the side he's going down he still wants to get his vinegar strokes and please stop shooting me please stop shooting me i didn't get the vest why can't i use my gun i shouldn't just be able to like just shoot out screw it if they're only another windshield i don't care it'd be worth it if i could save myself at the same time running them over is pretty damn effective oh no did i make it am i am i at the checkpoint i don't think i am damn it are you done setting up the charges yes sir i can see the target i'm ready i'm fine no problem yes this is great you got some spike strips for me don't care you're dead now i can just kind of use my momentum at this point and i'm screwing tires in a wing shield okay i would like to have tires though been perfectly honest if you could maybe not okay yeah there goes the tires oh boy yeah and the explosions push me around of course they do on the bright side we don't have to worry about spike strips anymore if anything i'm probably going to aim for them because i know there's nothing there to hurt me it can't hurt rims can they it doesn't matter okay all that matters at this point is that we've reached the checkpoint if there even is another checkpoint i have to reach the end of the city at some point i can see mountains in the distance we're in trouble here we need orders maintain current strategy we're about to be overrun the current strategy is [ __ ] i repeat maintain current strategy what what the hell is going on target is heading my way shoot that bastard nope looks like a checkpoint to me hello gentlemen yeah you could all do your fancy little kneeling shots i'm just gonna plow on by and we're through adjust your position this one's much more spread out than the last oh probably because they don't want to blow each other up okay ow uh i'm not paying for that sign everything hurts oh no not like this i'm so close i don't think i can post mortem again steer you hunk of junk come on with the bullets last fence nice fence this has got to be it it's got to be good give me the checkpoint where am i oh chinatown i've spotted the target heading up maybe permission to engage the turkey i can't keep getting away with it engage the target over bring it on military i'll take you down to chinatown this highway unit target headed my way and not stopping engage in nutrition attention all troops this is general sherman i am taking command of this operation we're facing an enemy like we've never seen before but keep your heads too we're gonna get through now follow my orders careful all ground personnel are to converge to a defensive line along the aichi river our backs to the water we'll meet a final stand in one single direction we also have reports that some zombies are mutated be aware they are very strong to be avoided all cops what did he say about mutated zombies i was busy trying not to explode is that something i should worry about okay that was a weird scream the hell are you oh oh okay yeah well uh you can suck it not interested hello goodbye i hate that scream and the explosions no no no i've only got one bullet left [ __ ] no more bullets all yours oh no oh that hurts like they just kind of tap dance back and forth i helped bounce back and forth oh my god there is just no luck please stop pterodactyl screaming at me there has to be an end to this soon this is the longest flash game i've ever played what else are they gonna send a battleship i'm just waiting like this is actually over water i'm over the aiachi river right now your friggin aircraft carrier pulls up next to me um okay we got problems can i maybe like shake them i don't have any bullets shake them just shake them one way of getting him i suppose heading up highway 65 permission to engage the target permission grant engage the target over that's not good yeah that's definitely not good and i'm not talking about the fact that my car is on fire i mean the fighter jet that was about as close to parity as i meant huh it's a hit it's a hit target is still going though that should slow him down am i ground unit handled return to base they just have to rub it in come on a fighter [ __ ] sherman we have the president's approval you are go for the drop i repeat you are go for the truck a third nuclear head armed ready to drop heading to target sir all transports are on ground we're evacuating the riverbank after that do it fast we're pulling out now oh that's who phantom eagle is well then um i definitely don't want to be in town when it gets nuked i am a man i am a mechanic i am not a week old burrito so please get out of my way oh everything hurts everything hurts so much i have to be so close to the end like this has to be the the last checkpoint i don't even know if anybody's shooting at me anymore oh no there's zombies everywhere they're completely overrun what am i saying okay so i just need to not drive like an idiot and everything will be fine easier said than done oh my god there's no goddamn way oh okay phantom able to base approaching the drop zone for that unit 16 to base we're currently holed up in the shopping mall can we get a transport out of here unit 16 your transport will be there in five minutes just keep those people safe until they sir there's a lot of civilian and personnel on ground in the city we can't do this we can and we are gonna do this if this virus or whatever it is spreads we could lose the whole country the entire world they will be a fair sacrifice over checkpoint dying debates we miss our transport and are heading to the iraqi river on foot we'll be there in about 10 minutes good man you make me practice phantom debates [Music] god forgive us yeah five minutes and ten minutes not gonna quite cut it but i might be able to make it in uh 71 seconds or so come on car don't fail me not you oh i got plenty of bullets there you go i don't think we're going to encounter too much military presence here at the end which means i should be coasting but it should be in the clear the helicopters in the jets that have been causing me a whole lot of trouble but if it's just flaming vehicles like my car isn't even on fire should be fine no no please please stop stop stop oh there we go 48 seconds can i actually not make it i wonder i'm going as fast as i can and i always have been but i i don't know if this game is just generated or if there actually is like a distance to travel i guess we'll find out come on tunnel mountains looking close but possibly not close enough that wasn't a headshot okay don't get too full of yourself you got 29 seconds to get underground oh where is it this bro just goes on forever come on please okay can we at least jump out and grab some zombie titty no never mind undo we don't want the zombie teddy we're good 15 seconds to go to base the drop is airborne detonation in 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1. [Music] please tell me i actually survived that underground okay radiations are still too high sir status cta 10 seconds [Music] let's pray to whoever's still up there that we did the right [Music] [ __ ] it didn't work it didn't work i was gonna say they're definitely gonna survive because there's a road of the dead too it's hard not to get spoiled when these games are like a decade old all right you know what i think that's gonna be it for road of the day you guys and this game was an absolute commitment if you're wondering why i haven't uploaded in like a couple of days it's because it took me i think eight hours or more to finish this over the span of multiple days like it was really challenging but i feel like it was worth it it's going to make a really funny video so if you guys end up enjoying it or if you want to see road to the dead 2 or any other of the dead games i think there's like a lab of the dead and stuff like that flash games in general then be sure to leave a like in the video leave a comment letting me know and maybe i'll return for 69 splatter points oh yeah that's the cherry on top but thanks much watching this video i hope you enjoyed see you next time [Music]
Channel: CaptainSauce
Views: 692,052
Rating: 4.9517088 out of 5
Keywords: road of the dead, road of the dead game, road of the dead flash game, road of the dead gameplay, road of the dead ending, road of the dead full game, road of the dead walkthrough, road of the dead playthrough, road of the dead all upgrades, road of the dead funny, road of the dead funny moments, zombie driving game, zombie game, zombie apocalypse game, road of the dead 1, captainsauce, captain sauce
Id: tdAC93XN06s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 18sec (1878 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 27 2021
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