I Won A Wife Tossing Competition - The Real Man Summer Championship

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I wish I could see what was happening in the background right now but I'm too focused is that a cow what's up Gaza welcome to the real man summer championship 2020 which may very well be one of the dumbest games I've ever seen and that's not to say that I think it's bad if anything is quite the opposite I think we're in for a real treat today it looks like we've got eight stereotypical competitors to choose from starting with your MA from Finland who I would imagine is a miner by profession he's displaying amazing prowess to dig for knows gold we could also go with Pele from Sweden a meatball who seems to be devouring smaller meatballs meatball ception can't forget about jean-pierre from France who looks like he'd be sticky if you touched him I don't know if this is a stage name or a legal name but there's meat from the girl US of A I'm almost afraid to ask what's tattooed on his face I get the feeling we shouldn't underestimate who a ohto from Germany seems to be quite the expert in facial expressions flatulence and Firearms ah yes we have igor from russia who doesn't look a day over 85 even though he's technically 19 wing-wang from china seems to be the only competitor under 400 pounds which might not be an advantage well the looks of things he's stuck in another competitors orbit and last but certainly not least we have a local from Mexico who may have painted on his shorts this morning well since there doesn't seem to be a none of the above option I guess we're just gonna have to choose but he's done their fatness guts stamina balance speed in Terre Geist wow they are really not pulling any stereotypical punches with this I think I'm gonna go with Auto he seems like a well-balanced young man the best thing in life is crossing you all the fact that he sounds like a knockoff Arnold Schwartzenegger is that welcome bonus Oh welcome to I see color I see colors a small farming town in Finland it's famous for its rye fields obese farm animals the largest wooden wheelbarrow in the world bizarre weather occurrences obese Eagles blurry UFO pictures Ron and poo be and above all the real man Summer Championship which will be held there this year should have gone with the Finnish guy I could have had a home field advantage ube Otto suffers from serious case of WTF disorder and has been hospitalized at a hidden psychiatric clinic in Germany ever since he tried to make bratwurst out of his mother when he was seven that's the kind of thing they need to put in his profile I shouldn't have to ask whether or not my competitors try to eat his mother before ooh one daunting night he succeeded in escaping the treatment being both physically strong and stubbornly dedicated whatever he does he was able to walk all the way to Finland 1,400 miles in hope of being able to start a new life so he's got that competitive spirit and he's physically capable he's just a little off in the heads and armed he was found eating rocks and squirrels in a forest near icy kala by some local loggers who then guided him to the real man summer championship grounds as his weird behavior made them believe that he must be one of the participants people aren't thinking too highly of this competition by the look at things but reasonable I guess I'm ready to sit on an ant colony what ant colony yoga sitting on top of an aggressive ant colony is the ultimate challenge of guts vitality and stupidity three things I'm pretty sure we have in abundance are you stupid enough to attempt it does a bear [ __ ] in the woods ants may have incredible strength that's disproportionate to their body but I really doubt they're strong enough to unpucker a German butthole then again what do I know I have no experience in the matter let's find out apparently I could tap right and left to alter your balance thank you perpetually falling woman note you can't do other actions when you have lost your balance okay I will try my best to keep my lederhosen precariously perched atop this home oh we've got flying problems hold up to kill the flying critters around you this will drain your stamina how much stamina could I need to use it when doing an action like that that could be misconstrued as something else holds down to shoo away the ants below you this will also drain your stamina right right very important that you yell at the ants that are crawling up you come on dude really as if you're not the literal and figurative [ __ ] in this we had a balance we've got to get yelled at by this strange woman again press control to unleash your full mites by using your special item okay yeah I'm I'm down for some special item edge what don't we go ahead didn't what did you do I know what you guys are probably thinking but it's actually you jeez he faked his own death because the mosquito is in the ants and all the little critters aren't interested in climbing in the butthole of the dead man so I think we've won that competition he survived we moved on to day two when he's ready to compete how about we try something a little bit less dangerous with finish fine cuisine the spectators are getting hungry and drunk time to cook them the expired grade see quality sausages you found from the dumpster behind the local slaughterhouse when I said it was less dangerous I meant for me you see what I mean he's perfectly fine what little brains he had are still right where we left them now we just need to figure out how to get him to cook a sausage that isn't made of his mother press up to switch between looking at the sausage up close and from a distance looking up close will give you better view of how grilled sausages but we'll drain your stamina okay so we'll take a look Oh interesting tap right and left any time to rotate your sausage you don't need to be in close of you to do this evenly grilled sausages give a bonus to your score do they really need to be evenly grilled if they were from a dumpster okay fine evenly grilling what are we looking on Camp I can't be looking I gotta be doing this every now and then uh anyone else noticing that nervous tic Chris space to drop the sausage on the plate and start grilling anyone yeah he's still twitching you get bonus points for matching the correct type of sausage to what was ordered we have different types of sausages what do you mean all right here you go one garbage sausage coming up that's for you big boy uh blue classic sure just gonna pull that out of my butt oh good we got our special item again do you know what every four yeah I'm not pressing that not not interested thank you let go go away I'm not pressing it you could stop now we've managed not to fake our own death for a second time but this is not going particularly well I don't know what the order was this is looking pretty good I think that might be right about where I would want it personally just gonna put that one up on the plate ignore the raw ones that got screwed up sixty-five point that's not bad another blue classic huh I don't know what that means don't mind me uh my stick seems to be decreasing my tick is increasing stick not so much I'm guessing it's burning away I only have so long to cook these now are we doing okay we are gonna be a real man oh you want one from a cow so I have to pick one from a god crap I don't know I have no idea what's happening right now I got a big one for you oh yeah mother would be proud of this one I don't have a whole lot of stick left and I think I'm going insane do is is is now the time sounds the time to use the item under try using a special item don't don't do it don't do it okay is this oh okay that's bad that's bad okay wait we just don't shoot and I burnt my stick did you shoot anybody just threaten them into enjoying my food 251 it's not bad I think that got us like fourth fifth place maybe I'm just gonna throw it out there right now I have never been more confused playing a video game in my life we're now moving on to some kind of sauna heaven of sweat for real men the sauna is not a place for relaxation or personal hygiene sauna is the sacred ground where men distinguished themselves from intelligent beings bring on the heat I'm not sure if being an idiot here is gonna benefit us we're not exactly among scholars the whole gang is here Chris right and left to adjust the amount of water you throw on the stove the more water you throw the more heat you will generate but the harder it's to control okay but we toss a little bit of water on there maybe press and hold spacebar down and release the button when the spoon is aligned with the water mark to throw some water on the stove to bring up the heat perfect Rose caused little harm to you so try to be accurate how does it cause little harm to me we're all in the same sauna I don't understand how it adjusting the temperature is gonna make any kind of difference okay I guess we're just gonna little bit there we go medium amount I'm just gonna hang out baby who is giving me this advice right now the press and hold-down to cool yourself and regain some guts this will also give you an immunity against bursts of steam heat and naughty special tricks others might use this gradually drains your stamina okay so I'm gonna cool myself down by yawning where's my temperature right now I'm gonna throw some of my water I know I missed a little bit that's perfectly fine no press up to go into focus state this will help with stamina regain but you can't see well what others are doing okay I don't really care what everyone else is doing look at that chisel jaw I'm built like a keg all my temperature is to the left I see there's even more I'm too hot press and hold-down to cool yourself when the sauna gets too hot wait a while before you start throwing more water okay okay okay I'm cooling myself I'm cooling myself look how cool I am there we go nice and cool maybe no that's my water amount I'm so confused okay I'm gonna shoot somebody just just fire the gun I don't even care who shoot anyone there we go the French guy can go this guy looks like he's struggling oh it's just me and him just the two of us myself in the finished car I can actually win this ah and him and him come on come on okay we got to get our stamina back up so that we can cool ourselves come on come on come on come on cooling we got to throw more water no that was a miss I screwed it I think I won did it did I win master of sauna do why do we keep going oh I guess if my score keeps going up that's a good thing right did the scores compile I could really use a good score on this one considering my performance in all others keep the temperature coming I don't even care I don't understand what he says 99% of the time I can't believe I did well in a game I still have no idea what's happening right now I'm just yawning into my handed oh oh I can adjust okay let's just go with a full fall there we go okay i melted myself it's fine rates 192 new record oh yeah it feels good to see that smirk up there I want to say we stand a good chance of becoming the real man champion if I can actually understand the games the darts shouldn't be overly complicated we should be able to stick it to the middle throwing darts is fun but nobody here is bothered to learn the official dart board scoring system so why make things overly complicated thank you pretty much everything is overly complicated to our athletes anyway are you trying to say I'm dumb game throw darts hit the middle of the board how complicated could it be we also have a gun I don't know if that's gonna come in handy at some point but it might show up press spacebar once to go to aiming mode okay control your aim with up down left and right buttons when aiming mode okay so we we are aiming kind of what's with the floating hand when aiming press spacebar again and hold it down to gain throw power releasing the button to throw the dirt make sense okay I I did not want to throw that nope that's actually pretty good an 8 is perfectly acceptable even though ok with the gun is back yeah special item three throws okay that's that's fine I'll try my best but I'm thinking what if we try to eat some of these guys there's a bee nest over there that's very precarious we've got a guy's hands do I want to screw this up I don't think I do I kind of want to just get it right but oh you pulled your uh hold on a second oh no oh okay what do you mean - one for time hold on a second to put his arm damn there we go and throw didn't throw it hard enough really I missed he's gonna get there any second now come on come on damn no I was ready to throw that's fine it's it's fine because I didn't throw the dirt so we keep it oh good good good it went right through his hand oh you can suck the fattest part of my sausage how did we do we got a six great we still be Igor are we getting ready for some kind of halftime show it says that we get the day off and suddenly I can go to Ronon Kobe I thought Ronon Poovey was a person but it might be a pub I mean sure why not what's the worst that could happen in a place called poo be with all these idiots okay well I didn't get to read that how are we doing folks okay is this where we get our tragic backstory other than the mother eating insanity boosted for the next event oh okay then we definitely needed additional insanity for air-guitar Hoopa Ludwig von Beethoven once said I can pose boring piano music because I don't have the talent to create humba you can't play a humba either but try to get the audience hooked by pretending you can what the sweet Christ is humba I did a little background research for Otto and it turns out hula is like Finnish jazz which isn't very fair because I'm from Germany up-down left-right press the direction key corresponding to the direction note appeared from when oh it's guitar hero okay oh where it came from gotcha gotcha I might have it I don't I don't think I have it I don't think I don't think I need to hit it in the green I'm trying to hit it in the red can we race to take it from the top hitting the power fist will boost your item gauge okay yeah I'll get right on power fisting in a second row okay there we go now now we're getting somewhere now we're playing yeah the crowd is into it oh my god she is just a treat don't press any key for the rest notes oh okay gotcha so if it's a squiggle then that's a rest gotcha gotcha okay it's just trying to over complicate things for me oh yeah now we're humping this is so awkward when this symbol appears from any direction press spacebar right so just just anywhere I got crap crap crap oh oh okay there we go go yes yes feeling it I wish I could see what was happening in the background right now but I'm too focused do we use yeah with that was the time now is it up yo yeah leave the band alone Oh Oh hmm okay yeah they weren't helping there we go we got him we got them to help out a little bit more now or going places just just got a smart in the band job that's all oh my god more help being able to sustain your combo will lead into higher scores yeah I gathered that much I understand how guitar hero and rock band works what the donor to state is what happens in behind me right now oh crap no no you're applauding okay okay they're applauding that's probably good second place I really feel like that was a first-place performance of course meat would nail it I don't know if the scoreboard is accurate or not but it says that we're in the lead wait we got 29 to is not 29 I can't believe we're the real man champion thus far we should encounter cows before they hatch cowabunga vitamins Hailey's younger brother Pele is a growing young man who wants to grow up to become a manly athlete like his brother is most important aspect in sports is to be properly fed time to make him some nutrition am I gonna milk a derpy cow and we just go back to humping I was way better at that okay we could do this have right and left to use your hands at correct timing to milk the cows udders thank God we're milking the udders appreciate you being specific wrong timing and clumsiness using wrong hand will annoy the cow okay we don't want to annoy the cow look at those uh turds oh this is actually quite pleasant oh yeah there we go press spacebar any time to switch between the modes of milking the cow and making the butter oh wait we're making butter as well okay I'm kind of appreciating my oh no we're full okay we are okay sorry sorry cam sorry here we go I'm gonna go milk now how do we milk up and down okay up and down up and down just as fast as I can look at the butter oh maybe not as fast as I can because I don't have the stamina for that okay good good good down back to milk and I can use my gun alright I am zip hardy Poobah that was probably bad what is my problem that is a good question we just shot the milk out of a cow the cow is fine it is not even a little bit annoyed now we're gonna go back what hypertension super stamina what oh oh okay I think I got better at stamina maybe and then we go back to the milking remember you can switch between the modes I know thank you ah crap but he distracted me sorry MooMoo so sorry sorry sorry about that okay was distracted we are in it to win it okay the cow is really pissed off though so we might want to hurry up and get this butter made okay mmm okay I think it's had enough I think it's ready to kill us why did the cow just cockadoodle what happened did we win we didn't all come on of course he would be better at work in the others oh that's fine okay second place is pretty good I'm not gonna look at the scoreboard until the end I want to be surprised if we can win this we only have two competitions left and one of them is site or whale tossing some local women are complaining about the constant noise and amount of trash caused by the summer championship let's cool the ladies down a bit shall we what what the hell does that even mean I really feel like I'm missing something here what is cider whale tossing this is apparently Helga oh wait she's been giving me the tutorial this entire time what did hell could do rapidly smash spacebar to gain momentum and throw strength I mean oh okay oh don't tell me no no we're not getting ready to throw Hilda hurry okay oh I think we were supposed to throw her the other way ah crap hey bronze yeah I guess you're up next okay oh no don't ship it was a glancing blow we scared her okay good I was afraid that we were actually gonna shoot it earlier okay could've gonna build up a whole bunch of momentum and then the throw that's a go at the rope that's a real good throw oh I almost hit the island there we go thank you whatever your name was Jessica okay the heavier ladies are harder to throw I didn't really they had a weight but usually easier to control than the lighter ones okay try to use your special items to counter these disadvantages I should have scared her with my gun all right that's it's fine whatever I can hit the guy in the boat better be possible I also don't know what this bar is over here Oh what am I looking at right now uh oh crap no no no I'm sorry I'm ready I'm ready now to stamina take a breather that am I not gonna get stamina back no I got a little stamina back okay we're good we're good I threw the wrong direction I wasn't looking I'm sorry man this there's a whole bunch of meters and bars and and - do you have any idea what's happening right now uh I'm gonna dumb just gonna give you a quick threat just a quick threaten not I'm not hurting you just scary just scary right should be scared okay we just spin around we're gonna get maximum momentum I see I think that is supposed to be takeoff angle it's labeled why am i stupid probably because I'm throwing women in a lake that might have something to do with this just going to yeah here we go there is a good wing is amazing here we go solid try we try is that it I need more no second place again I'm just saying a week at second place every time that's a surefire victory and the final event but certainly not the least is something that I have some level of experience with 24 to liver trauma being an athlete it's important to keep your body properly hydrated neither this game nor I promote excessive alcohol use we do not endorse it but that does not mean it can't be funny a rapidly smashed space bar to drink the beer being fast is important but keeping a steady fixed rhythm well keep the best results there's increased drinking okay yeah I got it I got it I got it just here we go Chris up to throw the empty okay just gonna chuck that was that empty okay that was empty got it okay and a nice controlled rhythm no that's that's three I was at three okay yeah what is our special item do oh there's another one hey shot kind of a waste though yeah I could give two out through a full one that's my bad mmm yeah we were getting told off for that pressed down to oh we got a burp release pressure oh that's what that is what are we yelling though steadies Mira tell you okay yeah sure so we're not very steady right now and then because of that I'm having trouble drinking I'm drinking with throwing or birthing here we go look at how great that is that's a good rhythm the world is tilting a little bit more just gonna get rid of this one here we go and another toss is it raining bottles oh no the rain is stopped because the rainbow is out I think we're fine I think we're fine yeah everything is under control did we get enough beers and us to win I feel like we're about to have liver failure oh crap no no no no no no no and took it didn't get through all 24 you're supposed to be German oh no we won we crushed it at 16 I was disappointed with 16 on come on please the real man champion you know I think that's gonna be it for this episode of the real man summer championship 2020 guys I gotta say going into this head I've done some practice and learned the games it could have went a lot smoother feel like we could have done better and maybe discovered some secrets and stuff like that but I wanted to have an honest first reaction to playing this game because I mean look at it but if you guys want to see another one as always be sure to like this video let me know and maybe we'll discover some other strange things that can happen or maybe we'll wait for the real man winter championship 2020 I could return his reigning king but things much watching his video I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: CaptainSauce
Views: 370,592
Rating: 4.9320006 out of 5
Keywords: the real man summer competition, the real man summer competition 2019, the real man summer competition 2002, the real man summer competition funny, the real man summer competition funny moments, the real man summer competition full game, the real man summer competition gameplay, captainsauce, captain sauce
Id: zKCjD79c4vQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 32sec (1652 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 26 2020
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