I CAN'T KEEP THEM OUT - Undead Development (VR)

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nothing quite says stay out of my house like nailing your radiator to your door what's up guys and welcome to undead development so this is a game that caught my on steam because I've never really done any building in VR before you know the entire concept behind the game is that this is aa B horde coming and you need to go out into your neighborhood and find building supplies and tools and weapons and bring them all back to your house board up the place with whatever you can however you can and defend yourself from the zombies and I know that that's something that's been done in video games plenty but the idea of doing that in VR sounds awesome so I'm not a hundred percent sure where we are now some kind of underground fortress but it looks like we have four levels and we're gonna start off by going to our old home and fortunately for us we've got a little bit of time here okay the zombies are very well mannered patient individuals who are waiting by the phone for our call right now we're not gonna leave them waiting for too long but definitely have some work to do the house isn't looking all that secure damn kids and their parties okay do we have any zombie stragglers I wonder looks pretty quiet okay we've got some kind of store we've got a diner we've got a motel we've got my favorite TV God I'm gonna have to have a word with those kids hello yes please I can technically bend over and pick everything up but my back can only handle so much scavenging so instead I'm just gonna use my creepy little marionette hands to pick stuff up and you are going to go right in my belts just like that I'm gonna guess that that's my front door or at the very least it is now can I take back my front door ooh Lycaon okay so technically I could just board this up there now but fortunately I have a very magic backpack there we go that should just well it does its best to teleport stuff back to my house but you know magic backpacks they don't make them like they used to door come on now you're not gonna be stopping any zombies in the ceiling there we go okay we'll nail you up later technically I can use my hammer to nail that into a place right now but I'm gonna also need my hammer to break down items as we go around because you can walk up this stuff and some stuff you can't so my TV I can't break down because it's very sentimental to me but other things you can unmei lore break apart and then take their components with you so let's look around and see if we can find anything we got some ammo I have no idea what this is you would think oh yes please oh yeah you are definitely high on my priority list we got our nope you know what I don't care about the pistol anymore if we just found even better whoo baby can that fit in my belt as well okay we're good to go I don't know if I can take these boards I think these ones can't be removed with the earth similar boards that you can grab it even grabs the nail but it's just it's too big look at the size of that nail my little tiny hammer is never gonna make it to ya wouldn't mind having you on my side good I really don't want to lose a virtual hand here yeah yeah there we go hey and you could just go back home perfect I don't suppose there any survivors in the motel hello Bert are you still in there I'm not looking for the Wednesday special I'm wondering if you want to come join me in my house for defense purposes listen hammer we've had a good run but there's always bigger and better things in the world Bertha taught me that and the real question is is this for chopping down trees or zombies I'm guessing we don't really have a time to turn a tree into lumber this is much more of a zombie killing axe and we've got some ammo over here is this gasoline that is ammo so I'll take you and then I'll take this we're fighting some decent weapons but I haven't found any boards yet which is a little bit concerning what are you I feel like I can probably break you up come on now oh well that's how you nail stuff good to know hold on a second let's just put you there and okay so it just has a bunch of things in it interesting and there's another one over there people just left their belongings lying around I suppose I don't want to know who left this around listen I'm not saying that I don't feel bad that Steve's house blew up but Steve was a bit of a dick he borrowed my lawnmower and never gave it back hello okay we got ourselves some boards I've never been so excited for wood let me just take you and you're gonna fit just fine oh yeah look at that lots of poor it's okay that's good because we have a giant hole to fill again I can't get Bertha out of my mind and here comes the risky part of the operation we just gotta look around make sure nobody is in sight because if you steal lumber off of cletus's front porch he'll stabia he does not screw around what this is fine you can take note we could take you come on back pack work with me here here we go all right hands I can't take clear this is beer probably for the best I'm not looking to point the finger and who causes all the apocalypse but it might have been the person dropping radioactive waste into our pond definitely not helping this situation so we're just gonna load all this stuff up into the backpack right are we good I think we got everything and then I don't see anything else around there's a little bit more ammo over here I don't know how much ammo I'm gonna need because I have no idea how many zombies are actually coming zombie apocalypse or not when a man's gotta go he's got to go oh crap that better not be the zombies I'm not ready we're good it was just FedEx oh you're not gonna let me in huh all right screw it then so I think we have quite a few building materials ready to go might even be able to take some floorboards no I might be able to chop up my bed oh yes we could chop up our bed perfect oh yeah that's a whole lot of wood right there and no no no that's not it's not what I'm looking forward there so here we go that's what I'm talking about um you don't have a whole lot of space jaysus magic backpack you couldn't have sorted anything for me okay we'll deal with Wilding first where did you come from man this built is dangerous you just go there I want wood okay there we go now I should just be able to put you like I don't know there and then yeah is that hammered in enough do I need to hammer it more I can't get any up here probably because these are unfinished I would assume I see you gotta give him a couple of taps beautiful I want to leave myself with some clear lines of sight to shoot through but at the same time I also don't want zombies to be able to crawl in so maybe something like this I think I can only get three nails and yeah I only get three nails per piece of wood so that was a bit of a mistake but it's a learning process I can even nail down the cardboard boxes right that's that's not gonna move anymore so that should be pretty good unless a zombie can crawl through there do we have something kind of small ish I guess I could take one more of these right and just put it like that yeah there we go okay that should keep zombies out and if not then we're boned I'm just now realizing we have two giant holes to deal with so I'll probably use all of the bed bits for that hole and then this hole I can use the front door and a couple of pieces right so I should be able to take one piece but across this kind of that's not quite as flat as I had hoped for but you know what I don't think the zombies will mind okay and then the door or what happened to the door backpack what did you do with my door that was a big part of my plan oh no okay we'll improvise right I don't need any of this maybe I can beat the legs off you perfect kinda wanted that in one piece but can i key a man useless even in the zombie apocalypse okay you just need to turn into a bunch of things right nice big flat pieces nothing quite says stay out of my house like nailing your radiator to your door that looks pretty good right we got a trap we got quite a bit of cardboard but overall pretty secure over here certainly not my finest work but again it should keep zombies out there's a whole lot of nails there and then front doors looking a little bit sparse in comparison but that's alright and then we have big bedroom whole coincidentally big bedroom whole was Bertha's nickname in college this should be more than enough lumber right I didn't need a dresser anyway so we can nail all of that there we got all these boards yes this should be just fine my hammer doesn't really agree with my decision but I just don't think that it understands my art because it's the thing I would love to take the time to commentate over what it is I'm doing here but I feel like it's just too next-level too many people just wouldn't understand because it's not about just keeping zombies out it's about making them feel why they're out and this certain this certainly makes me feel think all I really have left is this one big piece that I saved from the bedroom for the front door and then on that note we should be pretty good right that looks pretty solid that looks pretty solid that looks pretty solid and nothing is getting through there so now hammer go away axe please go away I need to arm myself so we're gonna take you and put you there we're gonna take you and put you there and we're gonna start off with the pistol you know just a little rinky-dink it's a good thing I practiced Oh zombies hello wave one begins okay so where are they gonna come from exactly I guess I could technically go outside it couldn't die and just stick my head out hello zombies that is aam be they're a little bit blurry I'm not totally sure if that's a zombie or Steve but I'm not gonna risk it we're just gonna all God I think it might have been Steve I regret nothing oh god no Mormons no no there's nobody home please go away not interested it does a lovely hat though at my Hut now I hear more of them where are they Oh God this is a little bit more difficult than I thought because I can't really shoot I didn't leave a whole lot of space for the whole shooting them part there we go oh wait one complete alright so how did we do front doors untouched back door yeah pulling up Bertha man laugh all you want but those cardboard boxes did a whole bunch or yeah and I kinda used all my materials so I'm sorry sofa you're the last thing that I have left in this world but it's just the way that it's gotta be oh I hate myself for doing this no wonder you were so uncomfortable you were filled with woods wave 2 starts in 10 seconds whoa whoa whoa hold on a second I don't have as long as I want to prepare it took me like half an hour to build the first huh-huh I am NOT ready for this I'm literally nailing my couch to the wall oh oh this this sucks this sucks umm that that should hold something off right maybe Oh careful careful yeah that's that's perfect that's exactly what I wanted come on nails guys come on that is really weird get two barrels two heads I love it okay let's go see how the couch is holding up pretty good is that guy have a beer hat that's wonderful can I have it here I just shoot him in the leg nope he really does not care stop breaking all my stuff you're gonna make this much more difficult as I move all what there we go Noah blowing glass mr. Superman no here please go away please go away Oh God the couch it never stood a chance and birth has been burst this is just the worst I can get this guy I tickle him that's just a tickle I would love to use my AR but it doesn't have any ammo which is a real disappointment and you're missing a shoe and a whole lot of torso skin please stop okay so that didn't go too poorly the front door is the only place that they haven't dassault 'add and where did this come from they left me an extra door I'm so confused okay well I know where you're going the trick is gonna be nailing this stuff to the floor and hopefully having enough space that I can shoot out around the door right that looks pretty good I mean we still have a little bit of radiator left over here how long until the next wave I couldn't see I also think that this is not doing anything I don't know how in depth the building is we have 10 seconds lovely oh crap right artha just a little bit of power building and you'll be right as rain a whole lot of materials sitting around we could just slap you on there there we go you see good as new zombies will never know ahead of them I said you'll never know what hit you now please get off my lawn with your silly hands is there some kind of zombie silly hat store around here this is ridiculous oh my god no is that a beret that's fabulous sir I love to see a zombie in fashion but if you could just get off I think that was just his hair might have just been his greasy hair I can't deal with every door at once they're just taking me from all angles I can't stop with the birth of Joe there we go anybody else yeah here we go and the shotgun is great I gotta say the pistols don't really do a whole lot even though you need to reload this shotgun a bunch and the reloading a little bit sketchy just kind of swing it by your hip are we good oh we still got a straggler hello sir we're just gonna wait for him what happens if you shoot a zombie in the dick I wonder oh that well that was interesting we're down to our last building pieces things are not looking great even though I have learned that when things start to look a little bit glazed we'll say for the under T minded you can actually hit it with your hammer and fix it so that's definitely useful c'mon any day now zombies are not gonna wait zombies are gonna be here any second but I gotta try something I'm really hoping that this works please tell me I didn't I just nailed my shotgun to the floor okay hold on hold on there we go now we have shotgun a hex chalk on axe definitely beats paper bag so we're well acquainted to the shotgun part of shotgun X but how about the axe part how does the axe part do uh better than the shotgun oh crap they're in that's that's bad no no silly hat party this week guys I'm sorry I've gotta take the week off you know I'm all out please please stay back actually screw it you know what I'm just gonna rush him yeah yeah get out here I really don't want to damage your hand so I'm just gonna hit you in the body there we go that's still good problems problems time to move into the bedroom we've got nowhere left to go and I'm not running and I'm not hiding because I'm not afraid of zombies like you Batman says we don't need to be afraid of zombies like you rude please get off my lawn how many shotgun shots do I have left 26 that's not great ere we go ho okay so wait five starts in two minutes and I've got nothing worst comes to worse we can go out I am Legend style so I'm just gonna grip onto this and if I let go we all go boom I don't think if it I probably should be dual wielding this pistol so how about we just put you there really but I think that's gonna be it for this episode of undead development guys this was a fun little game I gotta say it's like I said it's not a very original concept by any means but as soon as you can put it in a VR just the fact that I had to have nailed those stupid pieces in just the right place and balanced them just perfectly and then shooting in VR it's all such a different experience so hopefully you guys end up enjoying it I think it was watching this video I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: CaptainSauce
Views: 1,722,860
Rating: 4.8980322 out of 5
Keywords: undead development, undead development vr, zombie vr game, undead development update, undead development funny moments, undead development ep 1, undead development episode 1, undead development part 1, undead development let's play, undead development walkthrough, undead development playthrough, undead development game vr, undead development gameplay, undead development htc vive, virtual reality, captainsauce, captain sauce
Id: oUqUlXlTzxg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 30sec (1170 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 02 2018
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