The Secret To The Private Pilot Written Test - MzeroA Flight Training

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is that good to go guys welcome to tonight's webinar we're talking about the secret really secret's plural to the Private Pilot FAA written test and really the entire reason for us doing this webinar is not only to help you prep for the written test but specifically the private pilot FAA written test has changed drastically in the past sixty thirty days thirty to sixty days let's say I mean big time getting rid of questions adding new questions it's really caused us we went last month we went back into the studio we worked six days a week in the studio ten hour days re filming and re shooting a good part of our online ground school and all of our FAA written test prep bootcamp because the FAA switched from pts practical test standards to ACS airman certification standards and that's really why we're here tonight to not only give you great tips on how to prepare for your upcoming private pilot written test but also let you in on some of the changes so let's get a few those formalities out of the way a little bit about how this works I'm going to present feel free to ask your questions at any time now you and I communicate using your handy dandy go to webinar control panel underneath the questions tab if you're on an iPad I want to say it's top or right hand corner click a little question mark or tap a little question mark there you can type your answers in myself and my beautiful wife Ashley have a separate monitor with those questions coming up so we can see all of those and Ashley will be typing back some responses to you while I'm over here rambling so I can't hear you I can't see you so don't worry about that however if Ella starts crying or Peto and Magneto start barking over here well you're certainly going to hear it this is being recorded so if you want let's say for example you missed last night's webinar well it literally just hit on YouTube about an hour ago so go find that video on YouTube it's also I just posted on our m0 Facebook page as well real quick I know a lot of you guys know this but just a little bit about myself 9,000 hours most of them flight training hours sitting in the right seat teaching a student I was named AOP A's outstanding flight instructor in 2014 and an appropriate bullet point here bullet point number three we contributed m0 contributed as a company to 25% of the written test taken last year we prepped 25% of the 24,000 written tests taken and we were 10 points above average and everything else and actually let's talk about that here a little bit let's talk about that data before we really get into some of the secrets to the FAA specifically the private pilot FAA written test here's the data that I want you to know and we're going to build the foundation on here really quick there were 25,000 460 written tests taken in 2014 now the average score was an 82% and they had an 89% pass rate now again not one to brag but our online ground school members and those who went through our FAA written test prep bootcamp those that were gold members scored 10% higher a 92% on average compared to just the FAA general average of an 82% crazy crazy stuff we've really got a great system down for prepping you for the FAA written test and that's why we're doing this webinar to kind of share that with you now here's what I want you to understand you might say oh all I've do is get better than 70 my score doesn't really matter but it matters so much the score you earn on your FAA directly reflects the difficulty of your check right here's what I mean by that if you march in to your FAA check ride with a 70% the FAA bare minimum the examiner is going to look at that and go oh so you got a 70% on your written do you think they're going to go easier or harder on you for your check ride they're going to look at that go either this person didn't care to study maybe this person just a bad test taker or maybe this person doesn't know a whole lot and I'm going to try to dig some holes in there and see how much they really know whereas if you walk in like our online ground school members do with an average of a 92 in fact of that batch I want to say we had five or six one hundred which boggles my mind I didn't get hundreds on my written tests boggles my mind to get a perfect score you march in with a score like that on your written test how do you think your check ride is gonna go that examiner is gonna look at that and go wow he or she really studied he or she really knows their stuff this is impressive the score you get on your check ride is going to directly impact the difficulty of your checker the score you on your written tests can directly reflect the difficulty of that check ride so let's start out here let's start with some secrets I've got four of them here and then I'll put you guys kind of through a little bit of a written test quiz secret number one and this is a big one because we're taught to memorize please do not go into your written test trying to memorize everything you don't learn things by by just memorizing ABC or when you see this question it's this answer that sort of stuff in fact this is how I was taught to prep for the written test which is exactly the opposite of what I want you to do my x ray wasn't even my instructor a friend told me they said Jason go go buy the the test prep book go in and just highlight the correct answers so when you reading through the test prep book you only see the correct answers and I did it and I passed not with a score I was exactly proud of because they only taught me to see the question see the correct answer that's it it's rote memorization it is learning something on the most basic level it is like reading the headlines in the newspaper then trying to have an articulate conversation with someone who really knows the subject you're discussing it's rote memorization see what we teach is to learn to apply it to real world situations and that's what we're going to do tonight I'm going to work you through some questions and I'm gonna give you real-world applicability to them I don't want you to just memorize that's not how you prep for the FAA written test and they kind of set you up that way unfortunately with a multiple choice type test you know I'm not crazy about the written test it's one of those things we certainly have to do I wish everybody prepped like the way I'm about to teach you which is applying it to real world situations because here's the thing how you prep for the written test and how you prep for the checkride are two totally different things to take a step further sometimes what happens in the book let's call that the written test and what happens in the real world are two different things any of you who are you know in the legal field the medical that any profession you can probably relate to that you had to take some real estate you had to take some silly tests that really don't translate very well to the real world well unfortunately the written test is like that and that's why I'm here tonight to help you make it more applicable there's a reason we're scoring 10 points higher than the FAA average so secret number one is to not memorize apply them to real world situations and here's an example here's a question for you which of the following documents is not - required on the aircraft is it a the airworthiness certificate be the weight and bounce or see the Federal Aviation Regulations which is not required and again you can this is interactive you can type in a B or C I want to know your response on that your handy dandy GoToWebinar control panel you can just type in a letter there for me David E Denton Keith M James B Anthony uh Bubba Brian Marcio ecat J absolutely Tony Erin yeah you guys are all all spot-on nobody was fooled by this one thank goodness and this can be a trick question sometimes because the question is which is not required well how would I know it's not required well I need to understand by the way the answer is C for those either didn't know I need to understand what are my required aircraft documents you see if I just went through and I said not required C Federal Aviation Regulations great but I'm just learning what's not required I'm not learning what's also required which is my Aero acronym a rrow my required aircraft documents in my aircraft at all times I'm to have my a in my acronym airworthiness certificate my R in my acronym my registration certificate my other are for international flights only is a radio certificate only if I want to fly international if I want to go to Canada Bahamas Mexico that sort of stuff o is my operator's manual not a Poh that's a pilots operating handbook my operator's manual or owner's manual that literally comes with the airplane when it's manufactured and W is my weight and balance not the weight in balance I calculate this the weight and bounce that comes with the aircraft and is redone anytime you have avionics repainted that sort of stuff with the aircraft you see when I understand what's required I can then answer the question of what's not required whereas if I just went into memorization mode I would say okay the the FAR's I don't need to bring a farm with me when I fly okay good I understand that now with that by the way James be asked a question he said is the radio certificate for the radio hardware or the human operator great question that is specific to the aircraft that is just making sure your radios are up to international ICAO IA co standards is all that is doing very specific to the aircraft not specific to you all you're required to be James is English Proficient so not getting on a tangent with that required aircraft documents see if I understand that I can answer that question let's now let me let you in on something I'm not crazy about I am personally not a fan of what I call weekend crash courses I like using the word crash course in anything aviation but I'm not a fan this what I mean is you've probably seen these courses maybe some of you have done them and had success I get it where it's you know come to this hotel for a Friday Saturday Sunday and on the last day you take your written test and you pass all they are preparing you to do is one thing pass that written test that's it they are there to they teach you the little things like when you see this question this is the answer and trust me they will get you to pass the written test without a doubt but having done those courses having had friends do those courses they walk away with a written test pass certificate in their hand but without the knowledge they need to be a safe real-world pilot and continue on to their check right now the only exception to this is if this is the only way you're going to pass your written then by all means you know I have some friends that are just CEOs of major companies and there is just no way they are set into the time aside unfortunately geez you know time and money are the two biggest issues in aviation right they've got plenty of money they just don't have the time so they go to these little weekend concentrated crash courses that I call and they knock out the written test and then they cram for a check riding somehow miraculously pass I'm not certainly not advocating that method but if it's the only way you're going to get a written test pass then I guess go for it but I am personally not crazy about these yeah like Tony said it's just cramming that's all you're doing is you cram for two days and then you take the test on the third day and they're literally just prepping you to pass a test that's it they're not prepping you to be a safe real-world pilot or pass that checker that's my beef that's my issue I have with that I want to get that out there quick I can see that being a a question with that sort of stuff here let's see let's see secret number two get rid of the bogus answer there will be in your ABC your three options there will always be some sort of bogus answer on our last question it actually was the answer because the question was which is not required well we knew what was required so we knew it was flying with the farm that's the bogus answer there in most cases when it's not double negative like that I want to get rid of the bogus answer I'm going to show you some questions here in a bit and you should be able to spot in each one the bogus answer and then from there it's a 50/50 shot if I don't know but you should have a good educated guess but in every single one of the FAA questions there's always one that you can throw out if you're in a pickle and you don't quite understand what they're asking there get rid of the bogus answer secret number three is this I shared this last night on the webinar it's to get the written test scheduled and then commit to a studying plan of action the best way to get your written tests done is to schedule it if you and again I'll use this as an example today is the 29th call up your local FBO or your whatever wherever your testing center is and said hey I'd like the schedule for August 29th get that scheduled and don't change it that date is going to come it is going to have to it's going to force you to study get it scheduled and then commit to a studying plan of action for example RFA written test prep boot camp for our gold members is broken up into twelve lessons there are about thirty minute long videos and then there's a quiz at the end it takes about another thirty minutes it'll take you about an hour to complete if you can commit an hour a night and twelve lessons you can knock it out in 12 days and then maybe have some time to take some practice tests you could you could seriously schedule two weeks out if you can commit to that if a month is more feasible for you you do a module every other night with some practice tests in between here's the thing get it scheduled and commit to a studying plan of action that's what I want you guys to do the written test is the monkey on your back I promise you the written test will loom over you it will hold you back in your flight training if you don't get it done early you can get your medical you can be solo doing your cross countries you think you're ready for your check ride but if you're like me and that was me I thought I was ready for my check ride but I wasn't because my examiners are my instructor said listen Jason you've got to your written test first and like I shared with you how you prep and prepare for the written test is night and day different than how you prepare for the check ride it's totally different so trust me on this get the written test scheduled commit to a studying plan of action and get it done secret number four is this then imma get to some actual FAA written test questions be prepared for the five even to ten percent test day drop here's what I mean I see it all the time students really doing well getting 85s nine these on their let's say they're getting just straight 90s on their practice tests and on the actual FA written test they end up getting like an 85 and they're kind of bummed they're thinking man I was getting 90s in my practice test what happened that is just the test day drop because what happens on test day you a little bit nervous you're a little bit anxious and what happens most of the time is you second-guess yourself if you've done or any written test before you found this for I think it's B but I could also make an argument for a I really don't know and here's my best advice for that go with your first choice any time I've ever second-guessed myself and changed my answer I ended up being wrong go with your gut instinct on the first one it popped into your brain first after all for a reason if you've done the proper studying you should be a-okay with that but be prepared for the five to even 10% tests aedra I say that because I have individuals that will do practice tests with us they'll be scoring in the 75 s and they say hey Jason I need an endorsement I say no way am i sending you an endorsement I think I hurt their feelings sometimes but I'm not sending anybody an endorsement that scorned 75 s on practice tests because I know about the five to ten percent test a drop and the margins are just too tight in fact in our online ground school I make students get an 85% on at least one practice test before I'll issue them an endorsement now of course I hold my students to a much higher standard my online ground school students I hold them to a very high standard you know compared to other programs and anybody else but that's just me because I want you to do your absolute best I want you to absolutely crush it on the written test so when you show up for that check ride well you walk in with a with a feather in your cap because you got such a great score on your written test now let's go in and let's share some actual written test questions again inside our online around school we have the entire database of these questions there 767 of them I want to say and we have the newest ones as well we got really old in with the new I believe as of right now this record we're the only one to have that written test up to ACS airman certification standard so let's talk about this real quick here I'm going to show you the question we'll talk about the answer and then I'll show you why we have to apply it to real world type scenarios I'll show you kind of how I teach the FAA written test here a little bit so let's review some of these practice questions again these are actual FAA written questions straight from the database very good chance you're going to see some of these on your written test when you take it in airplane and an airship are converging if the airplane is left I'm sorry if the airship is left of the airplanes position which aircraft has the right-of-way is it a the airship B the airplane or C each pilot should alter their course to the right I'm gonna grab a sip of tea I want you guys to type your answers in a B or C just let me know well grab a sip of tea here real quick don't mind my slurping here some great answers from Keith John Brian Erin Kevin Denton Maura David W Marcy Oh Ralph Sean James um and again if you listen there's some incorrect answers no big deal mark great answer this is why we're going over this sort of stuff and if you don't know it's no big deal you don't don't have to feel obligated to put an answer in here this is what we're here for to help you guys with this sort of stuff to make it real-world applicable so let's dissect this question a little bit more an airplane and an airship are converging if the airship is left of the airplanes position which aircraft has the right away see this is really a trick question because all they had to tell me was airplane and air converging who has the right away the fact that they put the airship is left of the airplane means absolutely nothing and I'll share with you why here in a second the answer to this is the airship has the right of way those of you who put C as the answer each pilot should alter their course to the right you were deceived by that phrase of the airship is left of the because you're thinking oh you know we alter our course to the right on a convergence like that or the aircraft to the right has the right away they're trying to trick you with that that only applies to aircraft in the same category airplane rotorcraft you know airship that's same category now here's why it's all about maneuverability see if you knew that if it's all about maneuverability over here would be a helicopter then it an airplane like we fly has the right way over a helicopter an airship has the right-of-way over an airplane and a helicopter a glider has the right away over an airship an airplane and then again a helicopter B over here a hot-air balloon has the right away over a glider then over an airship and over an airplane and over a helicopter now an asterisks down here an aircraft in distress and aircraft having an emergency has the right away over all other aircraft in this case but if you realized it was all about maneuverability that an airplane and an airship or a blimp whatever you want to call it are two different categories of aircraft of flying machines so then it just came down to maneuverability who is less maneuverable the aircraft that has the least amount of maneuverability has the right-of-way in that case now if it was a Cessna 150 and a 172 converging then I would alter my course each pilot alter their course to the right because they're both crafts maneuverability only changes based on big-picture categories like this see when you understand that and you look back at that question you go oh okay that makes sense now when you understand right-of-way rule see that's why in the online ground school I don't just teach you - oh it's a when you see this one I want to sit down and teach you how the right-of-way rules work and when you know how the right-of-way rules work there's about 15 questions out of the seven hundred some-odd questions in there that you'll get right because you understand right of way rules I teach you one concept like right away rules you're good for 15 questions whereas if I just teach you to memorize this this verbage here you're only good for one question you see what I mean there let's continue moving forward here how about this one every process of weather is accompanied by or the result of is it a movement of air be a pressure differential or is it see a heat exchange I'm gonna grab another sip of tea while you guys start to type some of those answers in here let's see uh correct answers from James B Ron D Marcio Keith s ya seer ah David W Kevin W Chris F I have right answer if I didn't say your name you typed an answer because I don't have a correct answer for me but again no big deal I always say this with my online ground school members when we do mock check rides like this I say wouldn't you rather get the question wrong here with me than on test day especially on the Private Pilot written when you know one question is worth about 1.5% you know a little bit more than that actually if you do do the math on it because it's only 60 questions so a little bit higher than that actually it's important to get each and every one right in that case Kevin c/e you are correct with that here's the answer every process of weather is accompanied by or the result of a heat exchange now where was the bogus answer what can we throw out here well I can throw out the movement of air because then I argue ok what moves air alright great well what moves air pressure differential moves air but what causes a pressure differential well a heat exchange causes a pressure differential see it's really stacked up here we get a heat exchange we get a difference in pressure and a difference in pressure moves the air it's literally an order like that now let me show you that process let me teach you that process and let's use something classic like a cold front you see when you get a cold front it's a great time because we're in the summer months right now we get some cold air and trust me in Florida it's not cold air it's just kulish air by like five degrees cooler you get a cold front that pushes through you get this cold dense air and let's say this cold dense air pushes through a place like Florida Florida is warm it is humid really anywhere in the United States right now is warm and humid it seems like so this cold air comes through and meets this warm air there's our heat exchange now we take that warm moist air and we throw it aloft we start to get our pressure differentials we start to get our movements of air but it all started with the heat exchange we had to get rid of this heat we had to force this heat aloft somehow and how that happened was through this cold air passing through it's another way to put it is through a temperature inversion what starts all weather is a heat exchange we've got to get rid of that heat somehow it could be as simple as just radiating that heat off think of think of four o'clock and you're leaving the shopping mall or you're leaving Wall art and the Sun has been baking that pavement all day you feel the heat exchange don't you coming off the pavement that's radiating that heat on up it kind of gets that process going a cold front does the exact same thing pushing on through and forcing that warm moist air up and aloft the start of all weather is a heat exchange then it causes the pressure differential then it causes the movement of air and that's how our thunderstorms begin to start but it all starts with a heat exchange okay again jeez I teach you how a cold front works and now you not only know a heat exchange but you know about a temperature inversion you know about cumulonimbus clouds you learn about the anvil cloud you learn about quarter-sized hail I teach you all this stuff now about thunderstorms on this one slide I kid you not if I really went into it I could prep you for 40 to 50 questions for the FAA written test and give you all the buzzwords and everything else you know by just giving you the example of a cold front moving into warmer air it's why we get our you know our summertime thunderstorms are so nasty it's why the Midwest is so well known for Tornado Alley and having tornadoes because the cold fronts come down from Canada and they end up make really building building building and by the time they hit the Midwest other squall lines and they're ready to rock and roll and they hit that warm moist air out in the Midwest and we get our tornadoes it's what happens there but it all starts with that heat exchange we're doing really great time wise guys let's look at another one here and then I'll kind of open it up for Q&A what are the wind conditions at k Inc what are the wind conditions at k Inc and literally this is the actual FAA written test image that you're going to see and this is the exact question they're going to throw all these meet ours at you they're going to say what are the conditions where the wind conditions at k Inc are the a calm B 1 1 0 at 12 knots gusting to 18 knots or c11 1 degrees at 2 knots gusts to 18 knots imma grab another sip of tea here while you guys work on your answers and again this of course assumes you already know how to properly read a meet are great answers Ralph Keith Denton Sean Maher Co Aaron K David W Aaron be Steven D Marah Brian H James be Richard Dennis Keith Kevin Richard C Aesir John yeah absolutely you guys are spot spot on spot spot on with this sort of stuff absolutely the answer and I'll share it with you here real quick the answer is B 1 1 0 at 12 knots gusts to 1 8 knots why and how do I know that first and foremost let's throw out the bogus answer really there's kind of two bogus answers for the but the most bogus want to see because meet ours you would learn if we we taught meet ours in their entirety like we do in the online ground school meet ours don't give you degrees this exact it would just say you know at 110 degrees it wouldn't say it 1 1 1 111 degrees Plus meet ours don't give you winds less than they'll give you them into the two knots this would be considered light and variable they don't start until the three not mark actually so when you look and we first hope you had to find K Inc great it's the first one here I read through my time the 12th on 1845 Zulu winds won 1-0 at 12 gust one 8 knots and I see that they're like ok great one one zero at 12 knots gusting to 18 knots the other one I could throw out is calm because if I look at all if I didn't know which airport I look at all the airports the winds aren't calm at any of the airports how is calm shown calm is shown by zeros across the board it's five zeros zero zero zero zero zero that's what calm winds looks like zeroes across the board light and variable is not calm it's light and variable and you see that is V R B with some zeroes there so really even if I couldn't read a METAR and kind of had a half an idea of a meet our I could figure this one out here by getting rid of some of the bogus answers but you see if we sit down and I show you the actual FAA meet ours and then we pull up some real meet ours in your area and I teach you how to read meet ours how to read TAFEs how to read and report PI reps pilot reports and we fully go through that and understand that serious I mean textual weather like this meet our staff spy reps area forecasts I kid you not makes up about 60 to 70 questions on the FAA written test so if you're looking at this going this is a foreign language I have no clue what they're talking about you've got some homework now this was a fairly easy one if you look at some of this other stuff going SCT double-oh-seven what is that what does that even mean if you're look at some of this you'd understand what it means you know what your homework is because seriously I mean 70 questions at least are made up on textual weather meet ours TAFEs PI reps area forecast winds aloft all that sort of stuff is so prominent I know it's like learning another language but guys we have to know it we can't keep cheating and translating tafs and translating meet ours we've got to learn them in their RAW format here if you learn how to read me Tarson tafs you're going to be really set up in the future in regards to the written test so this kind of let you in inside obviously some great tips but inside on how to properly prep and prepare for the written test and I want to be able to help you guys do that so just like I chatted about last night guys during this three-part webinar series if you sign up to become an online ground school member ground school become a bronze silver or gold member I am going to give you all eight of my flight training books and audio books that I've written completely free as a bonus pass your Private Pilot check ride ebook and audiobook I sat in on hundreds of check rides wrote down every single question they asked the King up multiple times I flag it as a popular check ride question it's on audiobook as well I read the question pause for a second let's you think about the answer in your head and then give you that proper answer so on your long commute to work while you're on the treadmill while you're walking the dog whatever your time is you can be immersed in learning you also get its companion book past your instrument pilot check right because who doesn't want to become an instrument pilot one day the far aim in plain English I took the 2,000 page far and broke it down to about a hundred and twenty pages took that legal lawyer speak show it to you and say here's what it really means here's why it pertains to use a private pilot here's what you need to say on your check ride to pass in regards to farm the secret to perfect landings in flight emergencies both have a ton of great videos inside of them aviation acronyms the pilots handbook bare knuckle knowledge the airplane flying handbook these two with the good grace of the FAA we were able to reproduce and rewrite an update on the FA s behalf very honored and blessed to be able to say that gold members if you sign up on ground school and become a gold member during this this webinar series is three-part webinar series it's $147 a month if you like these webinars I do these webinars every Monday night I teach on topics like crosswind landings hypoxia airspace about a month ago - the entire webinar just on Class E and Class G airspace because it's so technical and then we do mock check rides as well where I quiz you as a ground school member we all work together kind of a check ride together actual FA check ride questions related to what we're talking about tonight you get our FAA written test prep bootcamp what I was just telling you about we spent a month reshooting and re-entering all 700 questions into our new database plus you get the endorsement you don't even have to have a CF I I can be your virtual CF I on the internet for ground school and I can actually get you an endorsement you can print out and take to any testing center it'll be honored anywhere in the United States and take your written test before you even have a flight school or flight instructor picked out then of course as a gold member you get our pasture check ride or I'll pay for it guarantee last year out of thousands of check rides I only had to redeem that offer twice I'm talking thousands upon thousands of check rides we really got a great knack for this sort of stuff guys ground school click enroll or click join today now this bonus offer where you get all the books access to the written test prep boot camp as a gold member all that sort of stuff expires tomorrow at 11:59 Eastern Time I'm doing one more webinar tomorrow I'm sharing my story about my solo and how you can solo sooner with some landing tips and some great advice after that webinar I'll do this same announcement and then basically at midnight that night midnight tomorrow this offer ends once you become a member maybe you signed up last night I thank you and I'm very blessed and thankful for you doing that once you're logged in go to ground school forward slash books to start that download process and download all a of those books a very big file it's a zip file so give it some time download it to your computer then unzip it from there and take it to your iPad iPhone Kindle whatever device you're going to read that on ground school Academy comm click and roll or click join today no obligations it is a monthly fee but you can sign up for one month you can sign for twelve months it really doesn't matter its month-to-month when you're a to cancel you can email my lovely wife Ashley and we are we are here for you guys so listen guys it is your time now ask your questions anything related to the FAA written test anything flying if it is related to airplanes I am more than happy to chat about it again you and I communicate using your handy dandy go to webinar control panel underneath the questions tab now is your chance to ask those questions so I grab a sip of tea here and I'll go ahead and start taking those questions James be said is the endorsement only available to gold members so James yes in a way so because gold members get access to the FAA written test prep bootcamp now James B you could be a bronze member and then also go purchase the bootcamp separately but the boot camps you know basically a hundred bucks on its own it would behoove you to just be come a gold member and get it all included plus get the webinars and everything else with that so that is that let's see let's see hey Ralph Ralph said do you recommend that we read the handbook of aeronautical knowledge and airplane flying handbook in addition taking your ground school and written test course or if we do well in the courses is taking reading these publications optional so Ralph here's my thing I'm not here to be a high-pressure salesman I am here to deliver value to you my friend if our course is a fit for you absolutely if so so here's my question to you Ralph if you learn best by reading and and take a notes and that sort of stuff and you can be diligent with it by all means go that route however Ralph if you enjoy my teaching style again I do all the videos I do all the webinars I know I ramble sometimes I know I'm not the most eloquent I say things like um a lot if that annoys the heck out of you I wouldn't become a school member because you're going to be listening to me for hundreds of hours inside of there if you like my teaching style and you feel that I've taught you a lot geez that's just the tip of the iceberg the ground school is going to be like flipping on the light switch for you my friend because it's like that for so many I see we have many ground school members on here as well and hopefully they've had those you know same kind of experiences so that's my opinion Ralph you know how you learn best if you learn well with videos specifically our videos and our webinars by all means sign up even just check it out for a month it's 147 bucks you know it's the it's the price of a flight our basically just check it out in that regard but if you think listen to books or your thing you like to hold a physical paperback book and make notes in it and that's your learning style man go for it I'm not here to be a high-pressure salesman I'm here to do what's best for you which ultimately is what's best for aviation and that's my that's my professional opinion with that let's see let's see Luke M said I noticed maybe two or be early to ask I just started my ground school literally Monday from King schools sorry Jason in quotation marks hey listen John and Martha King are very good friends of ours that know no skin off my back again I'm not here to be a high-pressure salesman what should I do about the test changing as I'm not planning to start my flight train till next summer so here's here's the bummer and I am I don't like to talk bad about competition in fact I don't really believe in competition the only person I compete against is myself each and every morning I'm not competing against anybody but myself and how can we better ourselves the problem with let's say let's say a DVD course so we don't name names or anything is it's out of date as of 60 days ago because so much has changed now that being said Luke you're still going to learn a lot from it absolutely and go through it but take some of it with a grain of salt because a lot of things have changed now Luke let's say you want to start flight training next summer a year from now go through the king course build a strong foundation and then think of us a year from now Luke and you say listen I'm getting ready to start my training Oh a knockout that written test I'm gonna go jump in Jason's ground school for a month two months to bridge the gaps to to build up my foundation again and you know maybe figure out some discrepancies between the two courses as well that's my professional opinion again John Martha King I literally two three days ago had dinner with them they're very very nice people you know we don't look at each other as competition we look at it we're both just trying to grow aviation together so absolutely Erin hey Erin K said what item should I bring to the written test so it's really what items can you bring to the written test you can bring a manual ecigs B you can also bring an electronic key 6b make sure it's approved there's only two that are approved you can bring a basic four function calculator addition subtraction multiplication division those are your four functions it's hard to find a calculator it doesn't do a lot nowadays you cannot bring your phone and with you most places have a little Locker where they make you leave your phone your tablet that sort of stuff you can bring your plotter in with you but it's very very basic my friend so when prepping really I mean don't even use the calculator on your phone use the calculator you're going to use on test day and trust me it's hard to find a four function calculator you probably go online on Amazon to find one because every calculator it's all about how many features and cool things can you do now and they will look at that sort of stuff and make sure so save the documentation the calculator says this only does this okay trust me on this one no scientific calculators that sort of stuff Anthony said where do you get the radio certificate if I want to fly to Canada so again Anthony great question the radio certificate is for your aircraft and you would get it from your avionics shop the avionics shop keys they wouldn't have to do much testing they would just make sure their modern radios and approve you for that radio certificate that rate certificate does not expire once you have it you have it so make sure your airplane doesn't already have it or has had it in the past Marcio asked where do you get info on sites for testing so there's two places you can go the first is cats see ATS computerized something with an A testing I don't really know what it whole stands for but if you go to cats see ATS testing centers Google that or laser grade is their competitor cats and laser grade those are the two that have the F a written test find I mean and you'd be surprised at the testing centers a lot of times your Community College may have it you of course your local FBO and Airport usually is going to have it but yeah a lot of times your Community College or high schools will have it a testing center as well because it's got to be a proctored exam you're literally watched on camera so yeah cats and laser grade look those two up if you're an AOP a member and I think an EAA member you get a 10% discount on the testing fee so be sure to mention that and get that scheduled the test you're going to be taken is private pilot airplane there's a lot of private pilot tests rotorcraft airship that sort of stuff so make sure private pilot airplane is the one you're signed up for with that John gee what price should we expect to pay for a written test understand that each testing center is different I've seen as low as seventy bucks I've seen as high as a hundred and fifty bucks it's certainly not as expensive as a check ride but it's not cheap I mean jeez I feel like when I did it was fifty bucks now I'm really starting to age myself here I can basically grow a beard now so I'm getting pretty old guys you know I want to say like 50 bucks back then for my ATP my airline transport pilot written tests I want to say I paid like 100-something bucks for it and that's kind of the going rate somewhere some in that realm there James B said believe it or not I'm having trouble keeping category and class of airmen and aircraft straight do you have a pneumonic or some memory trick for that so James be funny you mentioned that I literally I talked about those weekly workshop webinars I do with the Gold Members every Monday night I literally did an entire webinar about category in class so let me give you let me give you the 60-second rundown of it Jameis B and then when you become a gold member I'll refer you to that webinar so you can find it category in class my category is airplane my class is single-engine land my category is airplane my class is multi-engine land category and class category airplane rotorcraft airship glider all that stuff let me talked about the right-of-way rules and then class takes this step further single-engine land single-engine sea multi-engine land multi-engine see you understand that category in class the category in class that you're going for James B is airplane single-engine land airplanes the category single-engine land is the class hopefully that maybe you just had a light bulb moment there go off there for you Michael said can you talk about flight envelope I certainly can I could certainly talk about it for hours mike is there a specific question I'll kind of give you a basic rundown of it here for you so flight envelope has all to do with aircraft CG and center of gravity there's categories like a normal category a utility category for example in the utility category I can be in there to practice my spins aerobatic pilots have to be in there aerobatic or utility category to do what they do it's all about weight it's all about load factor and G loading with that I want to operate in the normal category you know for for my basic stuff that's why it's so important especially when I was a Cessna 150 flyer on a regular basis that I couldn't always put two people in it and full fuel at one point I was out you know 200 pounds I'm a twig now I'm down to 180 but at one point I was 200 pounds and I couldn't take another 200-pound guy with me in full fuel I was outside of my flight envelope when you opera operate outside of your flight envelope Michael you're a test pilot if you were to stall that airplane you might enter a spin that is unrecoverable such as a flat spin and you're really in a pickle we always operate in our flight envelope and some and most aircraft you have to work pretty hard to get outside the envelope but just something to consider if you want me to say something more specific Michael I'm happy to Brian H you're awesome Jason we're lucky to have you sharing so much great info thanks for the webinar have a wonderful night well Brian you've a wonderful night as well thank you so much yes C Arash does the check ride guarantee carry over to Canada ah I am going to say no on that one we have a ton of international students and what I usually do is work especially with those international students because regs are going to change airspace is going to change however the process of becoming a pilot and the raw skill of flying doesn't change now yes here if you are doing an FAA certificate in Canada absolutely but if you're doing CAA it's just it's just a little bit different now I have no doubt in my mind you're going to pass but I got I do have to you know read the fine print sometimes with that sort of stuff so just being honest with you my friend with that excuse me let's see let's see ralph said i soloed many years ago with 10 hours do laughter that had a five five hour solo just short across country around you start a family etc absolutely that is the life story sometimes and cease my training I do not have my logbook but I do have a third class certificate with a solo endorsement without the actual logbook well any of those 15 hours count towards my official hours my thinking is that I get the sole endorse I have ten hours of training that at least would count so Ralph absolutely if you could find the logbook or track down that CFI or receipts of the flight you certainly can log it but Ralph without that unfortunately you've got the skill and the experience but you don't have the proof of it and I'd be willing to bet Ralph you know it's been you say many years ago I don't know how you define many years ago but I'd be willing to bet it's kind of like starting over anyways you wouldn't be on a webinar like this you know if you weren't it's kind of like starting over yes you've got some great experience it all may or may not be in the logbook but yeah it's kind of a dilemma without being able to prove it you're kind of in a pickle but at the same time it's almost like a fresh start I know you're you're hoping to you know meet some more our requirements and everything else you know it to make it money well spent many years ago but if we can't prove it or can't track down that CFI that's going to be difficult to do here let's see let's see Aaron B Jason after my initial certificate and first-time renewal are there any more tests or check rides they'll have to take and yes a good pod is always learning well thank you for that Aaron you're right a good pilot is always learning so after you pass your check ride my friend all you're going to have to do is keep up with your biannual flight review every twenty-four calendar months and it's not like a check ride it's it's you know hopefully it's flying with your buddy who's a CFI or something like that it's certainly not as intimidating as a check right if you're truly staying proficient it's a non-event now you do have to keep your FAA currency you three takeoffs and landings within 90 days for the carriage of passengers and your flight review and understand Aaron you said a good pilot is always learning I love that so you understand and that there's such a difference between currency and proficiency currency is just meeting my 90-day requirement of three takeoffs and landings or do my bfr proficiency is exceeding that and really using my pilot certificate let's see David II on the question of e6b calculators you can use on written but you need to know both for checkride so David yes and no so if you bring a manual ecig speeds of the checkride they're going to expect you know how to use it however if you bring just an electronic one I've seen this happen before David you bring just an electronic a 6b and the examiner grabs it and says sorry David your batteries just died what are you going to do now you got to have a backup so yes bring both know how to use both the same is true of iPads guys iPads have taken over the cockpit but I've seen examiners reach over if you're using that as your sole means of navigation flight planning to go sorry bud your battery just died on your iPad hand it over now let's see if fly this airplane without an iPad so don't rely too heavily on technology is my point with that okay don't rely too heavily on technology let's see here Steven D said other still 60 questions with the ACS test yes so Private Pilot airplane I'll switch to the ACS is still 60 questions Luke K Luke I have the option to train in a 172 or 150 obviously trying to save as much money as possible can I train the 150 thing and check out the one sided two once I have my ppl absolutely Luke we talked about this a little bit last night whether you get your pilot certificate in a Cessna 150 or you're getting a cirrus sr20 it doesn't matter you get the same certificate that says category and class bring that back for you James airplane single-engine land it's going to say Luke airplane single engine land Private Pilot that's what it's going to say so absolutely if you got a Cessna 150 budget and you can fit in a Cessna 150 by all means earn your certificate in a Cessna 150 it's a beautiful airplane and then upgrade to the 172 when it's time to start renting and make that transition will be a fun reward for you as well absolutely Kirk s hey Kirk should you complete ground school before starting prep for the written test so Kirk most ground schools and and ours in particular are going to prep you for that written test so it's kind of like we talked about our ground school preps you for the written test it preps you for the check ride and it preps should be a safe real-world pilot but through that absolutely you're going to be prepping for the written test in there so so absolutely and Stephen yes the time limits still the same with that let's see Paulo yep written test is all multiple choice cool cool yet Tony thank that cats is computer assisted Testing Service C ATS thank you Tony I appreciate that Keith s said I own my own plane and I have a Poh but no owner's manual I guess that's considered the Poh so yeah Keith I would ask your mechanic about that one so a Poh is a pilots operating handbook trust me it looks exactly like the owner's manual or operator's handbook whatever you want to call it except a Poh I can go buy on eBay or from you know aircraft spruce or pilot mall I can't just go buy an owner's manual that comes from Cessna or from Piper so look very carefully the one that you keep in your airplane Keith look at what it actually says on it so watch for that Michael I'm assuming you're talking about the written test or or the checker I really doesn't matter he said if I took the test in 1969 and failed it would they have a record of that actually know especially 1969 because they didn't do the documentation but even day if you fail a check ride it stays on your record for two years then it falls off then you are the only one who knows you ever failed a check ride and whoever you tell so don't don't worry about that Michael they would have no record of that um let's see let's see um Oh Richard great point he said psi is the new name of laser grade apparently they changed names good to know Richard appreciate that great great great aaron b said second question is it possible for a student to remember all 750 fa written test questions well you know i don't know you know your IQ level Aaron I'm sure it's awfully bright you're hanging out in this webinar so it's got to be but again I think you're looking at the wrong way you used words like memorize we're not out to memorize my friend we're out to learn the real-world concepts and then be able to apply them to the test if I teach you right of way rules you're good for fifteen questions if I teach you how to read meet our staff spy reps area forecast winds aloft kids you not you're good for seventy questions learn the big picture stuff because the big picture stuff is what's going to be on the check ride the big picture stuff is what's going to be out there in the real world and then apply it back to the FAA written test cool thank you Martin thank you yes ear I appreciate that David asks are you gonna have a webinar discussing flight planning form and its requirements David probably not a public webinar like this I do it all the time with our online ground school members as well as I have several videos on filling out a flight plan you know planning actual cross-country and their requirements choosing routes we have an entire module about that insider online ground school it's module 14 with with that so that is cool there let's see just try again again I'm getting hit with a ton of so I haven't got to you don't feel bad and just kind of just going down the list here Sean asks is there a promo code during this webinar series we just sign up normally I'm not doing a promo code just because we're doing the the eighth book bonus is really kind of your promo code meaning if you tried to buy Sean all eight of those books I want to say be like two hundred and twenty bucks if you try to add all those books to your shopping cart right now so you're saving two hundred twenty bucks right off the bat just with that it's like getting the first month uh you know free plus some just in that kind of a value with that John gee I have a friend who's flying a piper 140 Cherokee 140 grape he's 250 pounds his typical passengers also 250 pounds he usually has to put a hundred pounds the rear baggage cart in a stay and the CG envelope with full fuel yeah no doubt I'm when you put that much weight forward you seriously have to balance it out a little bit I don't deal with this so much I'm gonna give you an example here a good friend of mine driving and a lot of people do this they put the sandbags in the back of their car you know for that for a little bit more traction for that center of gravity issue with all that weight so far forward so they don't fishtail is very similar thing in an airplane absolutely Aaron K are the written test questions that require using e-cigs Terrence oh they will be conversion type questions Celsius to Fahrenheit they will be time in route ground speed wind correction angles distance flown plotting and navigation type questions absolutely Aaron K all of the above here john g said my flight school requires an ipad however i'm a paper king are there any methods that you use become more proficient without losing my paper knowledge so john i do both I find it interest in your flight schools iPad only or requires an iPad I certainly believe it's going that way no doubt but I have a backup to everything so yes I have my paper charts and all are my iPad and everything else but I also carry paper charts with me as well and I keep them in my flight bag I'm lucky you know lucky enough to be an aircraft owner so most the times they just stay in the airplane but John do what works best for you don't feel like you have to adapt to anything my friend do what works best for you um let's see here uh Baba asks Jason can you offer any easy to remember mental math formulas for suggesting you know like weight shift that sort of stuff questions on the written well I can't um I don't have any of those out in front of me I do talk about it certainly in the FAA written test prep boot camp for my gold members I talk about it in there I don't have it out in front of me I don't want to give you the wrong answer with that but yes there's certainly the mental math will stuff to make it a little bit easier for you and I show kind of an e6b method in there as well but without having it in front me I don't want to give you the wrong answer here but I can look that up if you'll be on tomorrow's webinar I'll try to remember to look that up here for you describing a sip of tea apologies for the slurping are there really only this is from David er there really only a few questions on g1000 but suddenly no knowledge on gauges absolutely David um last I looked at it there was only two or three questions related to G 1000 flying unfortunately and I just call it glass panel they don't call it to you 1000 there's a lot a lot of of what we call steam gauges regular round dial gauges questions the classic altimeter - is it what altitude what kind of turn how many degrees of Bank are we in on this artificial horizon our attitude indicator so gosh they haven't fully embraced it just yet which is crazy to me but it is it is what it is so so that's that yeah Michael in regards to your written tests they're not going to have any record of that so don't worry about that Luke do you recommend starting completed and taking your written test before even start my flight train or do it all together absolutely my friend what we chatted about last night again Luke I would highly recommend jump on YouTube our YouTube channel and jump on our Facebook page and go watch last night's webinar I talked a lot about that getting a ground school done first my dream student gets their written test done their medical done has ground school complete before they even take a flight lesson you can go do a discovery flight make sure you like flying but absolutely get that all done beforehand James B said he's heard that the e6b whiz wheeled Emmanuel II 6b is not accurate enough for the written exam is this true the only time it's not accurate enough James is on the density altitude questions and I actually show how to do the density altitude questions on a four function calculator or on their chart to make your life a little bit more a little bit easier and get us a little bit more accurate with that because that's how you going to be doing in real life anyways on a calculator with with that yeah Ralph absolutely we want to get to correlate as soon as possible not just rote memorization Jay said thanks again see you tomorrow night got to go to bed Jay no big deal preciate you guys hanging around no it's a it's late on the East Coast as well this is late for me normally I'm in bed by now myself so cool stuff guys any other questions anything I missed now is your chance to ask them again guys I appreciate all you guys were signed up for the online ground school taking action on this of this bonus offer you are you're in for a treat I promise you you're going to get some just some great chances to interact with myself this great team here at M 0 a calm again ground school this offer ends tomorrow at midnight where I'm giving away all these books sign-up ground school get started thank you for all the kind words Jay Denton David Stephen thank you so much listen um thanks so much for all you guys do thanks so much for just being such a huge blessing to myself my beautiful wife Ashley our daughter Elle this great team here at m0 if there's anything we can do this week anything at all to help make you a safer smarter pilot please please please don't hesitate to reach out guys enjoy the rest of your night I'll chat with you guys more tomorrow as we conclude our series talking about my solo and how you can solo sooner enjoy the rest of your night and most importantly remember that a good pilot is always learning how great night guys see ya you you
Channel: MzeroA Flight Training
Views: 175,305
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Private Pilot Written Test, MzeroA Flight Training
Id: og7UFemzNVk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 35sec (4175 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 29 2015
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