After Effects Tutorial - Easily Erase Anything in Your Footage with Mocha Pro. Step by Step.

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welcome to the school motion graphics my name is cm de la Vega and today's tutorial is magical and that's because we'll be using mochas Pro remove feature to automatically and digitally erase someone from the shop it's pretty amazing what this plugin can do now if you enjoyed this tutorial please give us a like and subscribe to our You Tube channel and let's jump right into this tutorial let's import our footage in control I select your footage hit import I will double click to open in the layer panel let me zoom out and let's scrub through now we have this action scene that's going what's going on on the right side of the footage and here on the left side we have this young lady in red that walks right into our shop now in the past we might have to do another take but now it's not necessary because Moka has this amazing feature the remove feature that when you set up a couple of parameters it will automatically remove anything you want in your footage it's pretty amazing and for this tutorial we're gonna set it up to allow Moka to automatically erase this young lady from the shop now grab your footage click and drag to the composition icon it'll create a comp the same resolution same frame rate as your footage make sure you have your layer selected and in the past you would go to animation track in mocha AE to open up mocha now this is a lite version that comes bundled for free inside of After Effects it does not contain this amazing remove feature it's only available in the professional version it's worth getting the professional version of mocha just for this remove feature now if you do have it go to effect and go to mocha and go to mocha Pro now to launch the plug-in click on this button and it loads our clip now there's two basic things that we need to setup number one is we need to track the object that we want to remove in this case this young lady and number two is we need to track the area that contains the object that we want to remove and we zoom in we can see that we need to track part of the street we need to track we need to track part of this wall and part of this background let's start out with step number one and to track this young lady and let's choose a good frame to start let's go to frame 75 we're gonna draw a shape around her so click on an X find tool and loosely draw a shape around her and to close the shape we're going to right click we can adjust these points and down in track we're only interested right now in the translation so let's deselect these and let's track forward click on this button now let's make some manual adjustments let's bring these points down and you might notice that she's casting a shadow over here we can remove the shadow but it will add a level of complexity to this tutorial you want to keep it as simple as possible and for this clip we're probably gonna end this clip right around here before she enters into this little area of light so it's okay but we'll track all the way to the end nonetheless so let's go back to the frame where we started tracking and from this point to the beginning we're going to track backwards click on this button okay so the tracker got a little bit lost but that's okay no problem what we're gonna do is we're going to right click go to selection select on spline and let's move it here we're gonna manually put some keyframes and let's see right around here again and let's just make sure that let's move it again let's just make sure that she's completely inside the shape so you can see here her feet is a little bit outside so we're gonna move this and we're setting keyframes every little green diamond is a keyframe so let's make sure she's inside maybe around here we can make it a little bit wider okay let me move this over so you can see she goes in pay attention to her feet right here she goes in right here so around frame right now is twenty to twenty one twenty we're going to set the end point of this layer at frame 20 so select the end point the end point is right here so we're gonna click here so anything below frame twenty we will not use so we can go to twenty and like I said we can go all the way up to here and we can set an out point but it doesn't really matter we'll just track all the way to the end now let's rename this layer girl and I will change the color we'll have multiple layers and to make it easy to illustrate different concepts I will change the color for you now this little gear icon it tells me mocha to track and you can see the track tools the track controls are enabled and if we click on it it turns it off and a disabled tracking this is good practice once you're done tracking a layer to turn it off and we click on this button you can see the mat and this is the area that we're gonna tell mocha hey whatever is inside of this area we want you to remove so that's step number one I'm gonna hide this layer click this button and hide this layer let's go to step number two and step number two is to track the area that contains the object that we want to remove and mocha is a planar tracking software that means that it works by tracking planes and if you remember anything from high school geometry a plane is simply a 2d surface that extends in infinity so keep that in mind for step number two when you're tracking the area that contains the object that you want to remove for this example it's pretty easy a plane is this whole alley the street is a plane this back wall is a plane this background is a plane there's more planes you know there's this wall right here this wall right here but we don't need to track that we only need to track the area where she's walking so let's start out by creating this for the street click on the X line and let's click let's click and to close it once again right click now I'm not tracking this area because the car is moving in this area and it could cause confusion if we track any of this area so we're only gonna keep it to this part of the street now you see we have rounded corners and what we can do is we can pull the blue handles to make it straight or we can right-click go to selection select on spline and then simply it will pull up all of them let's line it up let's line it up and down in track let's bump this up to 90 and for motion let's put perspective as well and let's call this Street when you change the color to green let's zoom in and let's create the second area and it's this back wall go back to the X line click I'm going to do four points and right click to close it and right-click on any of these points go to selection select all and let's pull it out now we want to perfectly snap this edge to this edge and in order to do this we're gonna click on this joint tool and it'll snap the vertex and it'll join these two shapes this is very important to use a joint you don't want to do it by eye you don't want to overlap because if you do it might cause confusion and the remove feature may not work properly so let's align let's align this to the wall and let's track perspective and let's call this wall let's change the color to orange and last let's track this background so let's do one two three four I'm gonna do five right click to close it and I'm gonna right click again I'm gonna select all and pull it out and once again let's snap these edges together using this joint tool perfect go back to the arrow tool and here we're only going to translate the top three translation scale and rotation so let's deselect shear and let's call this B G for background let's make it blue perfect now let's select this button so you can see we have the background the wall and the street let's use a surface tool and let's enable the surface tool and I'm dragging the handles let's click the grid tool now and using the surface tool and the grid let's line it up to the street we're using the surface tool and we're using the grid to help us double check and verify we have a good track after we're done with tracking so let's go to the wall we'll do the same thing but we'll line it up with the same perspective as a wall click on the grid tool and that looks like it's lined up okay now before we begin to track we need to do something it's very important that we track everything that is in green - the shape of the girl and remember the shape of the girl is this this pink shape that we created for her the reason behind this is it could cause confusion when we're tracking and there's some movement inside this area so we want to subtract this area from the green and the same thing for the wall we want to subtract this this little area from the wall and the same thing for the background the easiest way to do it to create this hold out matte is to simply select the layer of the object that you want to remove and place it first in the layer order if we do this and we go back to illustrate go to selected track mats now we go to the street you can see that it's subtracted since the girl the object that we want to remove is first in the layer order anything below it it'll create this this holdout man so it'll subtract that area from every single layer beneath it so you can see the background is subtracting this area the wall is subtracting this area and the street is subtracting this area now if we had it the other way around it wouldn't work so the trick is to grab the layer of the object that you want to remove and place it first in the layer order and the second thing is the layers closest to the camera are on top of the layer stack and those farthest away from the camera are the layers lowest in the order stack so what we want to do is the background is the layer all the way back so let's bring it all the way to the bottom and the wall is somewhere in the middle and we're gonna put the street here so once again anything that is closest to the camera we're gonna put that layer on top and anything that is farthest away from the camera we're gonna put it towards the bottom and I think we're ready to track and let's go ahead and click the track forward it's gonna take a while so let's fast forward now let's go back to the frame where we started and let's track backwards and once again I'm gonna fast forward okay there might be some confusion you see right here there's this little area that we didn't cover and we'll see this cost any confusion you see this this this purple of the shape it's overlapping some of these areas but I think you should be fine we'll check now let's let's turn off the tracking for these layers and let's go to the layer of the object that we want to remove in this case the girl and what we want to do is we want to create a feather a nice feather around this mat now the way to do it is to go to the edge with and select right click and go to selection select on spline and it selects all the points and we can click on the plus and every plus will well increase by by three pixels so if we do it again it'll be six and we do it again it'll be nine now the only thing is it's only doing it for this one frame so we go back and scrub you can see that it's only doing it for this one frame let me take out the feather now to set it across all the frames we'll be using the uber key let's turn on the uber key and let's set the feather now we scrub across you can see that is set this feather across all of our frames perfect so we can turn off the over the uber key and make sure that your girl layer is selected the object that you want to remove is selected go down to the remove tab now input you can create a clean plate which you can go to Photoshop do some cloning and bring it back and help mocha to to do the remove and we'll do that in part two and in search range pretty much you can leave these values by default the very important thing is the step step of one means that is using every single frame to do the remove now if you have a very long click for example thousand two thousand frames you might want to step it up to 1015 frames which means that every 10 or 15 frames it will analyze in and do the remove for illumination model start off with none and none doesn't do anything with illumination linear will adjust the hue and the saturation to match the lighting of your footage and interpolate is one step further than linear it will do the hue and the saturation along with the gradient now I would start out with none and that doesn't work you can try linear and that doesn't work well you can try interpolate but know that linear and interpolate will increase your render time so we're gonna select none for now we're ready to allow mocha to do its magic all we need to do is click on this gear icon to render out this frame and mocha will use all the parameters that we gave it to do the remove and there you have it it's looking pretty good now it only rendered out one frame if we go forward it'll say frame 76 not rendered and clip what we need to do is we need to click this button to render all of forward to the end and this button to render all the frames backwards so let's see let's click some frames what you can do after you're rendered you can go to file export rendered clip but there's a better way to do it what I would do is I would save this project I would close it go back to after-effects and where it says module renders check render go to module and go to remove and all that work that you did inside of mocha after-effects will read it and it will do the render inside of After Effects pretty cool let's do a Ram preview and the good thing about this is that you can add effects to this clip you can do some color correction and obviously do the remove and just render it one time straight out of after-effects I will fast forward this Ram preview because it's going to take a while and once it's done I will show it to you ok so it's done rendering and you can see that it's pretty amazing it's a handheld shot and mocha was able to automatically remove the girl from the shot let me let's make it fullscreen so you can see it it's pretty amazing now there's one thing there's this guy in the background that got in the shot right here now in part two I'm gonna show you how to use a clean plate to also remove this guy all the way in the background and it's pretty simple to do that'll be part two Amigo's I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and you learn something new now if you want to get started in the field of motion graphics make some money definitely check out the book at our roll it's available on Amazon I put a link to the book in the description below there's a quote by Albert Einstein that I really liked and he says there are two ways to live your life one as though nothing is a miracle and the other as though everything is a miracle life is truly a miracle so make it count
Channel: C.M. de la VEGA
Views: 182,935
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: after effects, mocha, mocha ae, mocha pro, remove, feature, erase, tutorial, learn, how to, footage, video, motion, graphics, visual effects, digital effects, vfx
Id: 2Z5M0fAWnY4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 45sec (1065 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 03 2018
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