Mobile Game Ads Scare Me

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mobile game ads are the weirdest goofiest and most nonsensical ads ever created it's like the people that make the mobile game ads are five years old and also mega dosing sugar like they're just one dr pepper away from entering a diabetic coma or just genuinely overdosing on sugar and exploding and then they came up with the ad that they were commissioned for by whatever mobile game hired them [Music] nobody wants [Music] this is how it feels to chew 5 gum watching these ads feels like stepping inside the mind of someone who just did bath salts for the first time it just confuses me to no end it's like all mobile game ads like the whole marketing behind it is like they watched one youtube poop and then tried to train an ai to make youtube poops for their games it's wild to me so i actually made a whole video about that ad i just showed you trying the game out of course it's nothing like the ad i half expected to go into the game and start running my own harem and just having sex with millions of women like the ads led me to believe but in fact you don't really do much of anything in there except lose money so the ad doesn't really speak to how the game will play and that's how it is for every mobile game obviously i'm not here to try and ruin christmas or anything everyone knows this but the ads are just something so special i just you know it's hard to wrap my head around them like in the ad i just showed you you get like an entire movie's worth of an experience and only like 40 seconds you get a beginning a middle and end it's an epic journey up there with like homer's odyssey you know my wife's not pretty anymore nobody want nobody want get away from me and then blast her into the shadow realm is the man guilty and then hits a gangnam style like holy [ __ ] there's more content in that 40 second ad than there was for an entire season of euphoria and all of these mobile game ads really do feel the same like they're all pumped out by the same algorithm that is just not working properly they all go so quickly to try and cram as much in there as possible with utter nonsense so one of the biggest culprits of this is called state of survival i always see their ads anytime i'm doing anything on my phone and i'm sure you've seen them before too help me then it goes into sped up gameplay all of the ads sound like alvin and the chipmunks it's like nightcore and every mobile game ad does this like they try and emulate like the [ __ ] minions or something i don't really know but they all move so [ __ ] fast it's like everything is in three times speed like i feel like the human mind hasn't evolved to process things at this level yet and yet i also feel like we're devolving for having to watch these things it's such a weird phenomenon every time i see a status survival ad it's always just so profoundly stupid that i can't help but think about it let me show you a couple more um [Music] [Music] so in the first one a helicopter crashed and all of a sudden everyone became a zombie that they immediately had to just [ __ ] blast into oblivion and in the second one i guess a group of truckers came out of nowhere and wanted to [ __ ] that one dude who didn't want to [ __ ] and then having to climb the sexual advances of this like tribe of truckers they became spiteful didn't save him from jail uh ignored him and then just didn't help him at all and then when the tables were turned and the trucker that wanted to french kiss him on the mouth was in trouble the guy then decided not to help him presumably it kind of leaves you on a cliffhanger so it's up to the audience interpretation it's a bit of an ambiguous conclusion you know and it's a great one it's up there with the inception ending i'd argue did he help out that trucker or not it's just who is making this and why are they making it i don't see how this is supposed to attract new players like what's the appeal like oh if i download state of survival maybe this horny group of truckers will want to kiss me i just can't imagine someone sitting there on tick tock uh you know watching someone bust it wide open on the dance floor and then they get this state of survival ad and see them like the sexual tension between these two characters be like damn time to go download state of survival like i just don't see what it's even trying to do it's just [ __ ] weird and they also have this like real focus on farting like they love ass and farts i could only find that second clip on reddit but presumably what happens next is the dude does his combat roll over the workout machine and then he takes out a gun and just starts [ __ ] pumping lead into that lady that dared fart in his face now i understand why they come out of the gate so hot because they only have like five seconds before you can skip the ads they try and like bring you in to like watch the rest and check out their game but the way they do that absolutely does the opposite i would say like you can't wait to skip after having watched this lady just blast ass in this man's face it's like why am i going to continue watching i'm not like hooked on seeing where this goes i just want to be done now this is weird you're making me uncomfortable like it's nothing about it makes any sense from like a marketing standpoint or anything at all it really feels like just there's some rogue skynet protocol in their computer that's just making these things haphazardly and then publishing them without any human being having any input whatsoever because nothing about it adds up to me now being fully honest i do appreciate them because they're very silly and shitty which i always have a fascination with so the fact that every time a woman farts she turns into a zombie is a pretty cool idea sounds like a plotline to a bad anime but you know it works they've done like five or six of these now and i guess it has to be working to some level because they're able to afford all of these ads so there's got to be some players out there who are like oh my god she just patted down another lady and then [ __ ] you know ejected ass juice right into her right into her face i have to play this game i you know i'm not an expert but i just wanted to talk about these ads a little bit just because they really are something special the fact that this is where we're at when it comes to ads that everything is so like in your face you have such a limited amount of time to get someone's attention that they try everything literally everything [ __ ] farting stealing apples whatever else status survival does it's just kind of kind of crazy and that's about it see ya
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 3,020,382
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: RrU375Tgu5Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 48sec (468 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 22 2022
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