2Pac’s Father Calls Out Diddy, Keefe D Getting Arrested For 2Pac’s Murder and Suge Knight Lies.

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[Music] I welcome back uh to the art of dialogue uh we have a very special guest once again uh the last time you were on it was fantastic the people loved you um once again you can introduce yourself for the people who don't know but for the people who do um I'm sure that they are happy that you're back on auto dialogue I'm will Garin father of Tupac Shakur you did some interviews in the past and you approached me again I'm glad it was you because I like the way he do things okay thank you let let's get right into it um with the recent arrest of keii D how do you feel about that in relation to the murder of your son Tupac Shakur that's a tough one but it's very clear he's just a tool he's always been a tool and there's just time that they used him for what they wanted to use him because if you couldn't see if it was the government justice department the LAPD the Las Vegas Police Department and several other entities anytime you know a black man gets strong that has the potential to lead other black people he's not going to survive you know that they name a street after you they give your star on the street but you're going and your desire to do what you wanted to do is going with it absolutely Tupac was a leader and he was going to put away all that silly stuff all that East Coast West Coast [ __ ] and he was going to get back to the basic of educating people not just black people all people about the contradictions in society and so like I said when when in the situation involving ke D um his arrest why do you think think that they uh decided to do it now one let's be very honest he's not a very intelligent individual okay when you go on air and say you participated in the high scale assassination eventually it's going to come back on you I'm surprised he went that far that long without them arresting him he was involved in he was in the car MH that's Aiden and the betting and the murder but uh he was doing his part with the rest of the people were talking about the Lando Anderson he was fulfilling that that glitch he was adding to their truth which we all know wasn't true we you know we know a lot of other things particularly death R but anyway right um the fact that Kefi D wasn't the shooter does it mean any more or any less or are you happy that somebody is actually being charged who admittingly was involved with the murder of your son to your I think it does absolutely nothing I'm just is empty by the loss of my son as the rest of the world is everybody can see through this thin veil of Deceit it it's ridiculous they didn't believe him when he was on YouTube V every week talking that stupid stuff he's just not an intelligent individual and the people they used to fabricate their story their belief are not usually intelligent and he's I don't feel bad that in fact uh he got arrested but I don't think it's closure I think it's still open to debate but I don't think we'll ever find out who really did the the shooting but we know it wasn't the one individual and I don't think he might have been involved in it Kea D but he was upon on he was being used basically maybe by the government Maybe by death row but death R and the government is one and the same at this particular time okay not for nothing yeah and so the fact that he wasn't the shooter and he was arrested um you you feel good bad and different well I no I have no feelings about it whatsoever because it's not true if you know what I'm saying okay it's not it's not the truth it's just another on being mov in the game of chess to just move the pieces around to create that gray area to create that continual story that we don't know who did it it could be anybody okay and that's what they want and even if we found that if a man came up out of the woodwork tomorrow and said he did it who would believe in light of what's been happening lately with this based on the based on the conspiracies and stories all of the misinformation and things like that ridiculous okay they just keep thr mud on the wall and something sticks right that's what they do what the government do they gray it they just keep never black and white we just keep throwing [ __ ] up there and make it gray right and you got people talking you said some people talking he's in Mexico some people talking he's in Cuba drinking peic Coles I mean come on who stays away for 27 years from Fame and Glory it's ridiculous so it's kind of like Tupac said in his his lyrics U they like uh Judas was the Jesus they came to create confusion that's all basically I feel yeah okay Kei D at one point was a ball up he was getting money drug kingpin or whatever uh the fact that he couldn't afford a lawyer at the time he was arrested and had to settle for a public defender says what to you about it they didn't they didn't pay him very much death row didn't pay him enough obviously not for nothing that's ridiculous but he had to he had to foresee that he was going to have some conflict down the road he's getting on TV every week every week I've seen a video of him saying I did this I was in the car I did this you can't do that you can't thumb your nose consistently at Justice you can get away with it once in a while but when you do it consistently someone has to answer for it and I guess he's got to answer do you think I think he was the involved yes I do one way or the other do I think he was in charge do I think that he came up with this idea on his own I disagree with that I think he was a tool I think he was the pond being used and they used them well look how long it took him for him to rest 20 something years you his story is written in stone now his story is written in Granite Al Landa Anderson if you ask the average individual in the world who killed Tupac they would say land to an same thing with the K the same Le Harvey Al they would all say that because they don't know any better and humans tend to go with their first inclination the first bit of information that they get that satisfies their curiosity and they accept it and that was the easy one to especially since it lasted 27 years that Atlanta Anderson was the shooter the man who said he did not see Anderson shoot Tupac was his boy and he was killed months later you're talking about Yak yeah right only viable witness why would you kill him yeah yeah that that's very important I find it um I found it you know kind of ironic myself that you know at the end of the day uh he wasn't able to afford a lawyer makes no sense yeah that makes no sense but who's G to pay for the government's not def R whoever comes up and steps up to Aid hel in his defense looks like Co conspiracy right so he'll never get anybody with some money to do that right he can start a gofund me if he wants to that's just joke because he's always talking our tough and [ __ ] he is on YouTube bragging and Downing on my son you know he said some [ __ ] that was just dispar he should have known he shouldn't get away with doing what he did yeah talk down about the world loves Tupac how dare you and then you might be the posi shooter and his death kind of makes everybody believe you did do it right so so are you referring to when he told uh when he said that uh Tupac was break dancing in the front seat of the car trying to get away from the bullets a lot of little stuff he said yeah a lot of little stuff he said a lot of little stuff but that wasn't a hard hit you all you do is pull up just [ __ ] far from the other car and people think that well sure Knight didn't get killed you're not fine directly this is Cadillac pulling up you pull up real close we're talking about six inches away but you pull up on an angle you have to understand it's a slight angle and you're shooting back sugaright got hit with a piece of glass he was not talk how you GNA miss a 350 fat [ __ ] like him excuse me if Cur if you were shooting into a car so it was an A sign hit and a sign assassination we knew who the target was we knew how it went down same way with big they both were the same way and the same people probably were involved but I have no uh getting back to him I just it's just a tool his name doesn't even need to be mentioned anymore it was just a to was used key did he had his 15 minutes of fame with his you know promotion his book whatever he did he got a few dollars out but he pushed it if you're a criminal you out a sight out of mind you don't get in front the lights and say I did this all with the person who did this you just don't do that that was one of the things that I also recognized involving that that he had put out a book and I I don't think many people really purchased the book from that perspective and then Here Comes that's the reason why I gave you the question involving the lawyer then comes the fact that come to the fact that well you know you put out a book but when it came time to face the consequences of the charges you couldn't exctly so I know yeah that was the reason why I kind of went I didn't know he had a book until he mentioned it on YouTube when you think about it who but what could he possibly say that would be interesed one I gave my nephew the gun or two I was involved and shooting itself your life is is not you're a gang banger we know all that's all we see on TV today any move of a black person is about a drug dealer gang banger it's unfortunate you know or clown or some other silly [ __ ] they don't portray this the way we really are so but who wants to read a book about him you know you know what else that that spawn another question in his book in key D's book he actually tried to come up with a plausible defense really in regards to saying that when they pulled up on the car Tupac allegedly tried to reach I heard that b for gun right wasn't even arm that night they didn't bring no pieces and they told all the bodyguards to leave their pieces on which they never did before Reggie White did that who really technically wasn't involved in security for Tupac Tupac had fired him prior we got proof of that we got papers and uh documented uh information that he was fired RightWay security from Tupac's detail so why was he involved in Tupac's security at night and they tell me that this boy Reggie is never away from sh Knight that when you saw a su Knight you saw Reggie so why wasn't Reggie which should a lot of little contradictory stuff but you never get to the bottom of this especially when you got the LA PD involved you got the justice department involved you never get the truth you just you go A Mir round of possibilities that's all it is he just what's all the possibility all you know is that he's dead and it wasn't just one individual that I can State emphatically Sean Puffy KES recently settled a lawsuit with his former girlfriend Cassie in that lawsuit uh she said that one night she watched Shawn Puffy Combs retrieve guns from a safe in his house because he had heard that sh Knight was at Mel's Diner in Hollywood Cassie said that uh Shawn puffy comes wanted to go get at sh does that change your perception about sha puffy KES in his propensity for violence in relation to the Tupac situation regarding Kei D saying that puffy gave him the money promise him the million I don't know why I don't believe that that's just something that I just don't believe that puffy had to he might have wanted to but I don't think he had the balls to be honest with I know he done some low [ __ ] and he's been in the news lately so anything else uh culturally and socially wouldn't surprise me about this guy he's always had an issue and I've never really really was fond of him beyond beyond his issues with Tupac the East Coast West so I really never bought into that was man-made industry produced to sell records East Coast West Coast might had a few Beast you have a few Beast for somebody in the neighborhood you have a few beefs with somebody on your team you're gonna have a few beefs with somebody in your house a relative you're gonna have a beef but that don't mean you this side hates the other side of the family or this side hates the other side of the community or this side hates the other side of the team so why does it have to happen in Rapid from one Coast to the other and then both coasts hate each other it makes no sense he ask the average rapper from the East Coast they and a beef with the wst coast average rappid from the westst coast they follow the lead records were selling them records were selling but the only one doing the talking you a snooping them talking about the East Coast you didn't hear none of them other people talking about the East all you heard was death row and talk right and puffy and that them other people didn't do no talk against P or you heard was about PN there I don't know maybe they both was government as as you you actually spawned another question with that it's a fact that on the night that biggie was killed Kefi D had met with Shawn puffy Coles twice that day I heard it was once at a uh celebrity basketball game and later on that night at the Peterson Automotive Museum you know before Biggie was killed and so with that why do you think that Kefi D never asked puffy for the million dollars that he had said that puffy allegedly promised him from that perspective I I couldn't answer that I'm just sorry I couldn't but you're getting into the mindset of some people who were not very stable let's be honest Kefi D is not very stable you've seen them on YouTube a million times they'll be sound like someone you would have watch your grandchild while you went to the movies come on let's be honest and puffy some of the [ __ ] I've been hearing him doing you know you come the grips of who you are and what you're about and just accept it and stop playing on his cat and mouse he gonna come out the closet you ain't whatever the case might be he's in the news for all the wrong things and this is fact on top of how he disrespected and basically cheated a lot of his former employees out of their money Allah night but the Jews did it the Italians did it prior before they got there all record deal they whole royalties back they just cheat performers out of their money they just always done but it's just been more evidence since it happened to my son and it's happened to all these people from uh Puffy's organization you know it's been more you you say one you say okay he might have made a mistake clear but when you have 5 six S 8 n the majority of your company say the same thing come on man he would give like I said before he would give Tupac a car Tupac he got a new [ __ ] Ben or a new J driving R his mind when he died he found out it belong to deathro it was a lease he had no idea instead of him giving him in his royalties he would give him jewelry cars penth houses little places to stay and Pac thought they was his but smoking that chronic and girls throwing panties at you and you living the life of a king sometimes you you don't pay attention to the more technical serious things about your life it makes you wonder who was around to help me do that I'm not for nothing what Outlaws therefore you got four month leaders four five month through come on somebody got pull the boy aside and say hey not for nothing you had your mother who you supposed to be so close to she was involved in legal stuff prior she defended herself for Panther 21 why you didn't seek guidance from her about some of the financial situ where she's I mean we know why now because she really unfortunately had burned some bridges with him I won't even get into that right now right no the reason why I asked about the the situation in the million dollars was because in uh the interviews that Kei D had did on various platforms if you will I know he mentioned he kept mentioning this money this money but on that that that specific night um when he did the interview can yeah I know he never said anything about asking puffy for the million dollars so I I can't speak to that yeah that's a horrible I just can't I don't know why okay it sounds like it might not have been true who knows you gotta think about that but I have very little respect for either one of them so after the Las Vegas incident at the MGM Grand sh Knight went to jail for just a little kick for violation of probation do you think if Tupac had lived uh would they have violated him and revoked his appeal Bor and sent him back to prison that was fake they might have but he beat a lot of charges the FED liked him he was involved remember the Fed was supposed to be watching him now for years and years on years supposed have somebody on the cover inside just a whole bunch of stuff feds and never charged him with a crime to his day makes you wonder but that's neither here or there so I don't know that's a that's I can't I can't call it that's a tough call that's a tough call yeah that's T yeah Kei D confessed to his involvement in the murder of your son Tupac Shakur recently Shi Knight has spoken out and was asked would he testify if he was called and he said no I know and he also said free Kei de I know what are your feelings behind that I that that maybe ke G worked for you maybe that's my feeling about that but he also said the same thing about Tupac if you could identify the person who shot Tupac he I think he almost said I saw him or something to that nature and he said flat no come on either you gonna do something to that individual or you gonna identify him one one one way the other you know so you think that it's just the uh Cod of the streets or just I think was just [ __ ] bro after the Las Vegas incident at the MGM Grand sh Knight had went to jail for just a little kick on Orlando Anderson for violation of probation do you think if Tupac would have survived uh that they would have violated him and sent him back to prison for that incident I don't think I man they might have be but I done said all the things I'm sorry guys I got to repeat myself again about the F and death r i get a little confused be honest with you can you spice all that together a little bit you know yeah yeah yeah I find myself time remembering that what I said right right no it doesn't matter because they'll use they'll use the best the best the but to be honest with you actually know I think uh they might have because of all the other violations he had they might have because you got one kick could have possibly ended this gentleman's life not for nothing how many times you see the mob thing that last kick it wasn't an innocent little kick not between you and I the man weigh 300 lb you coming down on with your foot with a series of five of them here which was a setup as far as I'm concerned we all know that was that boy had nothing to do with that and he's dead now because of a lie that's what's so tragic about all this people are actually dead oh [ __ ] when you say he's dead now for a lie who do you mean everybody said that he did that every body said there Greg K kti re everybody Vlad it it became a ongoing final answer to who killed Tupa Orlando Anderson Orlando Anderson even AI said I was shocked when I saw that you don't know that you should know but notless you never mind I didn't want to get into that cahoot with death R but you know damn well was no land Hanson we knew that from the first time from that first night we knew it f you know how crowded Vegas is after Mike Tyson fight do you know how many cars out there going it's like a parade people hanging out the window it's like M gr and you gonna tell me a big white Cadillac is able to pull up on the side of another car fire gun shoot somebody and then drive off and disappear until the night with his cops on every corner directing traffic bro let be honest it's all for so you think it's all of as side yeah until they got what they want they got the man dead that's all that's the man goal mission accomplish someone said on the radio we got him that part you know that part right yeah um so on September 29th 2023 you hear the news that Kei d has been arrested and charged in the connection with the murder of your son Tupac Shakur what goes through your mind from for a slight second you think progress and then you realize it's just part of the game it AB had nothing to do with anything CU he's sitting there people still think it was land they just they can't put [ __ ] together you know people just sometimes don't think they they take the easiest path that's usually the first one that's offered to them whatever it is you know just we're walking down the street now we're going to continue walking with this lie so it wouldn't have mattered you know who knows so so when you say that when when Kei D gets arrested you don't think that he spoke outside of what they had offered the deal that they had off the profer agreement that they had offered him do you think by him doing the various other interviews that he somehow was violating the profer agreement and speaking us could possibly will be I think they thought he was going too far who knows uh he wasn't a very intelligent man and sometime greed people offer you money to come on the show it's hard to turn down that money give you a book GI hard to turn down that money he's a hustler so maybe he thought it'd be best in his best interest to continue to do that I think they used him as long as they needed to use him 27 years it's total different generation let's pump these M with some new information some new lies muddy these Waters a little bit gray up the situation have them talking some more so Lando and went to Kefi D okay what's next then what's next I don't know we ever see that first one we gave the order on July 17th 2023 you sitting at home and you hear Las Vegas Police have raided the house of Kei D based on the invest tigation involving the murder of your son Tupac Shakur where were you when you heard the information if you were at home I think I was home he was I was a tad surprising you know when somebody double teams your boy and they were boys the government and him key work for the it on the proper agreement you signed the paper you're in business with the government who's now trying to crucify what type of arrangement is that how did you get to that where's the truth in that if there is any I think he used them and now they're using him so so basically you thinking that the government is using uh Kei D no doubt they to close the case exactly they already used them with his continuous thing about Orlando and he did his job he fulfilled his goal that's what we needed you out there for that's why we gave you the proper you asked me that in the first interview that's I said he had some issues and you got issues you going to jail nobody wants to go to them hous holes they offer you a Lifeline sign this most people will sign that they just will so do you think he was coerced into signing the agreement in regards do you think they fed him information and he agreed with the information he had to there's no doubt unless he was there and did it either way he's guilty he's the type of dude with would tell the slave master where the slaves was hiding he's just that type of dude he has no principle come on man he's a gang banger and no no no offense to the gang bangers they caught up in some [ __ ] but listen to him talks and how he justified all his actions for the last 27 years I look at him with this stain whether he shot my son or not he's just not a good individual he's just not a good human being now if you shot my son you're an animal [ __ ] you hope you die but that's just what I that's just me that's just me I don't think many people knew this but keii D's birthday is two days before Tupac's birthday forget about all the gangster posturing this is just the human element that I'm going to deal with when I ask you this question with all the constant reminders of Tupac and the media and the news and all of the you know things that we are constantly reminded of his greatness and everything that Tupac's accomplished do you think that guilt played a part in Kefi D doing as many interviews that he did and confessing as much as he did because it could clear his conscience for him being involved or being in the car doing your son's murder involve is the right word but I I can't get into the conscience of a man I can't I don't understand so I could never be in his life or his lifestyle so you ask me a question I really can't answer you know and I didn't know that he was born two days before my son it doesn't really matter yeah his birthday is on June 14th ain't that something and that's the reason why I asked that question because when you think about a person's birthday and then when you come on Tupac's birthday it's widely recognized Across America they you know broadcast news whether it's you know video channel on the internet and so on and so forth that's the reason why just the conscience of a man as a human being not Kei D in particular and I want you to Dow into his Consciousness but as a consciousness of a man um do you think that the proximity of the birthdays no I understand the question I don't I don't I don't I can't imagine him ever thinking that he would be on any level with tup proxic what recognition he can get that would be anything similar to what two parts got right to BU known throughout the world his Spirit they didn't kill him his Spirit it magnified it's just that what he could have did in a human form if he was still around people he could have United he had the money he wasn't Malcolm even though he believed in what the thing Malcolm was saying Malcolm didn't have no money H didn't have no black p party didn't have no money na F if he was allow to continue he would have had the money the backing and the notoriety to change a lot of things in this country and they could never allow that they never do they never do he couldn't stop I guess neither they they could neither because they killed him anyway here we are still talking about it 27 years later and I think that's the gift I think that's what what's special you walk down the street see his reflection on someone's t-shirt or you pull up on the red light and you hear his music playing it's a it's a Bittersweet gift it's bit of that he's gone and you reminded once again you have a dead son but the joy is that he's being shared by the world this late date by this many generation little kids like Tupac some of them dressed like Tupac Halloween I saw a couple costumes made me laugh so it's it's it's where we are you know we we we we at a point where I just hope people talk about his Spirit what he was truly about and not the gang bang in stad on the East Coast West Coast not the murder so much not death roll the spitting the holling attempted groping what he went to jail for what he talked about his Spirit what he believed in how he wanted to help people particularly his own people but nobody dresses that our dear Mama didn't address that all eyes on me didn't address that none of the doctor miners I see address that none of the people I see on YouTube every day is a new person who had maybe took a pistol with Tupac in tall I took a pistol with one they in the restaurant so I can I get on YouTube and and talk about my experience with Tupa people who at a party people who in the waiting room of the hospital that particular day when he got shot always I all all it it makes me laugh cuz I was there and I didn't even see you but that's neither here or there just everybody wants a piece of and I should be honored and grateful that they love him that much around the world but it's it's it's funny sometime I just watch these videos I said you Bo I just watched something for 40 minutes you didn't give me no Insight nothing about the man all you did was tell me about how you interacted with him nobody really gives a fu excuse me for cursing I'm sorry guys but your relationship to him anyway next question thank you I get I I talk too much guys forgive me no we we we love the conversation that's that's what we're here for so don't don't never feel Express Yourself how you expressed yourself before no more no less well you talking about 287 years of Tears yeah yeah yeah sh Knight just spoke out recently on his own podcast through breakbeat media that unb an to him at the time that his security had asked Frank Alexander to lie and say that Orlando Anderson tried to snatch Tupac's chain at the MGM and that was the situation that actually started the fight according to shight and Frank Alexander why do you think sh Knight security would unilaterally decide to ask Frank Alexander to lie and say that Orlando tried to snatch Tupac's chain before the fight even started right I think to get this story straight that's I heard from some people that this has been years that they had a meet and they pretty much had this story shite they all that all the security guards so whatever you believe or thought you saw or didn't see this is what you will say to the press and you will say nothing else and you know what'll make you do that fear fear you just saw him off of the game shot up so what would makes you think I ain't shooting your ass up and they plus the third thing is they paying me so do I take the chance of of speaking up with the truth which some people do irregardless of the consequence or do I go with the lies and say I didn't see anything I didn't hear anything I didn't speak you know this three monkeys first he did come out and talk about it Frank Anderson M you remember he did then he died and the big boy too what's his name the other security who was talking about they told us to leave our guns home we never was told that that's Frank that was Frank no the tall guy who was the fireman you mean Michael Mo Michael Moore okay how did he die do you have any idea um from what I understand it was a um a complication uh with uh opioids really yeah yeah complication he had had some injuries and things like that and oh okay from what I understand don't don't quote me on that it's curious yeah yeah so you think so so basically you know with with with the the head of Security asking Frank Alexander to say that Orlando Anderson initiated the contact and tried to snatch Tupac chain with the big Medallion no I don't know I didn't I I didn't hear that part I just heard the other part the other part yeah no this is what sh Knight has said recently but [Music] why would we believe she KN it's a fat lion piece of experement this let be honest the trouble and misery he's caused to this planet if was documented would make you look like the Antichrist he's he's terrible people he shot just to he I don't know why they would believe him man how did he get a iPod how did he get how did he get production from prison from how's that work and just over the phone oh I seen those yeah I seen over the phone yeah and he said some of the most outrageous ridiculous things I've ever seen and but now to to to like I said because I always like to to to look at the facts from that perspective where sh got that from was from Frank Alexander Frank Alexander did a did a uh the grand jury testimony okay and said basically that he was told to say that Orlando tried to snatch Tupac's chain to cover them doing what they did to him see yeah yeah before that that was the thing that initially exactly yeah who you think told him to do that between you and I well Frank Alexander said the security day yeah but who who told security I don't know I know I don't either you know but hey you could put one and one two you can put them together only takes one just to start the story and if it's repeated it's a fact to that side of the that to that particular side it becomes fact even though it's a lie it's fact they will repeat it as fact right so you think Frank Alexander was coerced into out of out of fear exactly out of fear like I met a nice guy I met Kevin Mack I didn't know he was FBI agent at the time not Kevin Mack uh David no no what's his name Kevin Mackey Kevin hacky hackey yeah yeah Kevin hack he was there that day where did you meet Kevin hacky we were together that night before Tupac died oh in Las Vegas yeah oh he was telling me a lot of stuff can you speak on that nah okay nah I might get Su might get shot I'm 74 I wouldn't care I ain't got too much long on this [ __ ] planet a godddamn way sir I'm G to say what I got to say you know and then it'll just be what it's going to be but I ain't saying nothing nobody already don't know right let's be honest I'm saying that part right there I don't think people know I don't think people knew that you and Kevin hackey had met or you had talked to him from that perspective that's the reason why I asked that yeah we share the room at the Caesar y'all share the room at Caesar's P we was just trying to hide he had two guns to ask him give me one he didn't get give it to me you're too going he felt nervous because they when he came to town he had said that the vibe here wasn't good he was part of Po security all now he's being treated as someone who's not part of that see what I'm saying was a whole lot of things he was expressing to me he was just telling me this is all new to me you know my son laid up in the hospital dy I don't know about the end workings of death what the [ __ ] y'all doing I ain't got no idea what y'all talking about but he he what he said and uh that's all then I found out FBI agent right so when did you find that out how soon did you find that out uh much down the road mon down the road yeah down the road a little bit okay that wasn't common thing obvious wasn't common death row they had him up there for how long but you tell me you had somebody up there for that long and they didn't see no dirt they didn't see no cry why was there a bus if he's working for the FED why there wasn't no consequences of this investigation and now he's been treated as Outcast he's got to worry about he's he started some stuff he started saying some stuff that were puzzling you know that contradicted their story but you notice he's calmed down because they killed a couple people that's what they did they was desperate a pretty big assassination bro in our last interview you said that Tupac was being surveilled by the government not only at quad Studios but in Las Vegas the night of his assassination do you think your comments put pressure on the Las Vegas PD to arrest Kei D it's good question because that did happen then i' I noticed several other people who might have thought this came out and said the same thing and now seem to be pretty much common knowledge much but the government don't care but uh might be good reason they do things for a reason so they're bringing our name up George so what do we do feed him key de he's no good black person they don't give a [ __ ] about him they use them already so why not use them to the final thing send him in prison rest of his life he's a criminal ain't he PD is a criminal how many people have you think k shot or kill you if he didn't shoot Tupa or if he did do you think he that's the only [ __ ] he shot at and killed I don't he just don't seem like the type and then if you a big baller and a big gang you had to put in work you wouldn't have been respect unless you did so ain't hard to figure out that that brings me to this because you actually have a point because the book came out did you read it yeah I read read yeah I read yeah I had to read it because I needed to be absolutely but the reason why I say that and the reason because the book came out and then there was no arrest after the book came out it was only until he kept speaking about the same situation over and over on various platforms when I felt like you know okay the book is out so why get yeah yeah I didn't I didn't understand that I don't I said on either let's be honest he was on every week from Vlad to everybody he was just jumping around doing podcast and then he would slip up sometime and he would let you know how he feel he felt about Tupa which is kind of a dead giveway if you watch them all again they're very hard for me to watch because I'm looking at a lying fat [ __ ] and I don't really want to look at them you know I forget people kids might be watching I'm sorry I mean I think of these people your feelings are valid like I said your son was murdered and and you constantly reminded of that um day in and day out yeah so what is he going to get get some more time that's he's lived a good life what he 60 53 do 20 years maybe might not do that he might get a lawyer you never know and get off most people uh say why didn't they arrest Kei years ago based on the confession in this book do you think most people fa to realize that ke was protected under proper agreement and what that actually meant yeah I don't think they know I don't think still don't know you know it's just that that's the way the government Ed look at what they do they did let a [ __ ] who killed 19 people walk just to get one so that's what they do it's whatever their agenda whatever their goal whatever their target they'll let so much [ __ ] go and that's what that's what happened I think you so yeah most people you don't think most people knew they don't still know they have no idea all they hear is what they heard two months ago it was aando an now it's Kei D tomorrow to be puffy then it goes on and on and on so the misinformation campaign exactly exactly but I don't think they still ain't even say death row a lot of people have a lot of people don't death row most people don't but that's neither here so you believe that death row was involved there's no doubt in my mind okay I go to my grade believe in that along with LAPD justice department LAPD few judges in Vegas can't murder nobody like that without having to set up bro you just can't but everybody knows I'm not saying not nobody don't know already they just never verbalized it maybe as much they better get Su [ __ ] him um when Tupac was in the hospital in Las Vegas were you made aware of any death threats that he was receiving at that time yes I sat my ass in the car right next to his window it was a terrible spot the window was ground level his window with his head right there if you was after him you could have easily got him so a couple of us was get the car and sit the window was right there we would sit right there and just but we found that was all [ __ ] was no death threats that was sh lightting and putting that [ __ ] out it wasn't nothing like that I actually should knif for he come when he saw me jum literally was St started a said this is two father Billy go and he jump CU I look like p a lot back then you know you seen the picture but the Starling I didn't pay attention to it then but later on down the road maybe it did strike him because I think I talk to you and I walked away with him I said let me bend your air for minute you heard about this threats you know they already put a head on my son I need some technical equipment for taking equip with his piece and he said okay then I'll never forget maybe about half an hour later he sends Hammer the dancer to me and say sh said he got it you don't have to worry about it we take care I was like you just told me you was gonna do that now you just send this little flunky mother over to say no but then you don't put the pieces together but then was no threat anyway there was no threat there was no threat uh Jada pinket said in her book that sh Knight had Tupac ashes delivered to Jasmine guy's house did you know anything about that hell no and were you given any of Tupac's ashes no I still can't get you burn a [ __ ] the next day I've never even if you had a ceremony nobody gets burned the next St except Vikings and Trojans and that's the Mystic old school stuff you know what I'm saying allow for some but I don't know that might have been some other stuff that might have been some DNA trying to destroy [ __ ] not knowing that it was already established I'm the father so basically in her premating Tupac that's what I think I was trying but let's be honest let's I don't want to bring it up but since you brought up about The Cremation I don't understand how you can just constantly lie your whole life to an individual kid that his father's dead that's got to be the hardest most serious hurtful lie that there is on the planet to a child not a child who didn't speak of his dad but a child who often spoke of wish would say I wish I had a dad I might have been different women were raed me vice versa Versa then to learn that the Dad tried to reach out and you going to block like a linebacker what is that what's that about so now you compounding that line you compounding them actions and you can get all the deas and all the ulations you want you were his mother his mother was the greatest rapper of all time but you made a mistake and with a big mistake supposing I wasn't there for a long part of his life but that little short part of time that we could have had together and I of to think about this Tupac might have lived he might have felt the need to go to this fat [ __ ] didn't who treated him like a father or whatever he thought he was I know how he thought well we always wanted accept AC acceptance I'm the same way I moved around my mother died when I was six lived in five different households before I became 12 so the same thing that Park went through you always looking for except you're the new kid on the Block you want to be like nobody want to come to a new city and be thislike so he was the same way and he thought by going to death Ro he had a family because other people didn't treat him who who who did he have before he got the East Coast now he started some [ __ ] with them you need a family you just pick the most craziest [ __ ] there is to pick death roll everybody said oh if I have known I would have told him not to sign with Death R the reputation he was in a hell hole he was in jail say you want to come out and throw you a rope you gonna grab it you don't care who belongs to play you gonna grab it I'm a grown man I could deal with you say whatever happens I'll be all right but I'm getting out of here I'm got to do three hours with this bad boy I do it I can knock it out which he did right quickly he never saw fun for but he did it real quickly I heard def ow about $10 million 10 million probably been more yeah don't get me started on the I'm sorry I'm sorry guys all right from what you understand and your observation from the hospital in Las Vegas do you think there was anything more that the doctors could have done to save Tupac no they Tred I don't think it was the doctor's thing I think it was a question what we going to continue the rest of the end trying to keep them alive that was F thing and I wasn't there I was on my way back to the hospital but I couldn't really speak on it to what I heard later that kind of disturb particular better let him go let them go where not the way to go it's death it's it I don't give a [ __ ] [ __ ] three4 of Tupac a half of Tupac a quarter of Tupac is better than some of these [ __ ] out here I don't care we had one arm one leg one lung I don't think that's a deis for another not unless it's ear you know you just can't bring them back and that could have been I heard he went out a couple times flat line I'm just a continually beating on the chess type dude you know I'm probably going to do it till they pull me off that's the way I feel so I had trouble with that letter let him go so when I got there he had died I just got there cuz I was gone then I kind of slowed down pulled the side of the road when I heard on the radio he just died so I was just driving around for a minute then I went to the hospital after kei's arrest based on the statements that he made about Shawn Puffy Combs war and Tupac and Sh Knight harm before the incident in Las Vegas do you think Shawn puffy K should be investigated he got no proof I don't mean they got no proof and just one word of a lie for another lie so who who gonna believe him what 12 gonna believe him what judge is gonna believe him bring up his background who's GNA believe him and N fagg he trying to get out of what he's in now who's going to believe him so so you saying basically Kei D lacks credit ility or or any credibility he's a lying scander who believe him man made his bed now you lady like you weren't involved whether it was your nephew who whether it was you you were in the car you were in the car supposedly so you you you you think there's a little bit of to that too well he might have been I just think the way the thing was set up so you think that he would so I I can't me personally I can't see the logic in that so you think that he would go and confess all of these no I think he was in the car me yeah okay right I just threw that out there threw that out there I understand what you're saying okay yeah I just yeah I want to be to to to be clear you know in regards to that so thank you keii D admitted in the infamous interview with Greg ktie that he personally saw and met with Shawn puffy comes twice the day that biggie was murdered do you find it ironic that Kei D would Place himself in both places in Las Vegas and in Los Angeles the night Tupac was killed and the night that biggie was killed also all I can't answer I don't know strange but I can't call it bro I can't call it I I have any uh strength in Kaden's credibility because first he said it was a Lando of Anderson him and this other guy so close you can't believe neither one of them so who knows but he's the LAPD you got to remember that too he came after the other guy was there who had some other ideas and he mysteriously left this planet then they put him in charge you mean Russell poop yeah but that's that's that's NE we can get into that but we don't have to uh I have no I have no uh I have no faith in his credibility but not Greg ktie yeah when we came out I solved the uh Tupac Biggie murders or something yeah it really ridiculous so you you think that most of what's been going on is basically a uh it's all part of the same plan part a part of a show or people trying to mudy the war some trying to gain Fame look how many shows he's been on since that tell everybody trying to stat you on to his star for whatever reason but look when they say or use them or come up with them they get on YouTube they get a book de they do this they do that they become someone to talk about and their small intricate part with my son is so redundant stupid but they ride with it like it's the say you know like they did something like they with someone but they're not they just intertwined with Park and that was it that was it they're funny people they really are funny people in fact a lot of people that talk about Tupac have never met him I know then the things they say I've heard people say he spoke to me in the [ __ ] uh Hospital Road [ __ ] was there every day he couldn't speak he was in the dece coma H the [ __ ] down his throat he to be a [ __ ] vanquil to speak to you ridiculous but you hear these stories everybody's got something to say I went to see him only family went to see him technically what was the situation involving the security in Las Vegas terrible security was big time when sh was there sh him walking out with little band on was on a was on a b like a little bandage on his head like he was a [ __ ] up like he had been shot in the head and with a piece of glass from the bull Ricochet off of the gun shop entry to the car and he got just a little thing his whole security was up there Reggie was up there all the security guards his mother his father when I got up there the next day I never I I didn't see him for three days should man and the security was gone hell you had two guys was outside the door and I think they worked for sh night they work for sh they weren't security though they was asking me every time I came out did he say anything [ __ ] did he say he got the thing in his mouth I didn't know what they were talking about they want to know did he identify whoever it was because obviously these two guys know what sh n off that were part of his detail who weren't around that particular night but but as far as the security for Tupac no was none there why would guys have to sit in the car why wouldn't you move into a more secure area Las Vegas Police would even come they tried to get them to come they had one of them skaters with somebody they had squad cars people in inside like crazy protecting her greatest rapper in the world you can't put one Patrol man one squad car outside it's new information well was fact I didn't know that that's why I asked you they tried yeah they they would call them yeah some other people told me they they would try and reach out they was trying to reach out to the Los veg apartment and they wouldn't come they wouldn't come wow after Tupac joined death row do you think law enforcement intentionally began to Target death row based on Tupac's militant mindset and influence or from what they would consider Tupac to be like a Rebel Rouser that's I don't think they like Tupac no doubt in my mind whether they gonna hold that against def death R that's another thing I don't know if death R really liked it but were bringing in sh death R and that was all right to them that was just about good for them they didn't really care so I can't answer that one I just can't so you don't think that like when Tupac came height it was anymore no what did they do if it was well once again that investigation they always had investigation before Tupac got there that's what they before he got there the investigation yeah lot to yeah lot of [ __ ] drug a lot of [ __ ] lot of [ __ ] and uh it just never came to fruition they just never did nothing about it and as a matter of fact it just dawned on me in one of Tupac songs he said the feds are watching know this being dope sold but I ain't the one selling oh yeah makes you wonder huh it makes you wonder whether he knew about the investigation oh I know but yeah yeah that was that was his his lyrics he said no no know that there being dope sold but I ain't the one selling no kidding yeah and so that's the reason why I asked that question in the you know his his mindset the influence that he had on the public the record sales that he had when you talk about elections you talk about running for office you're talking about you know people listening to what he had to say versus now here he is under this label and you know he put out he put out his record and the record does five million records in three months yeah but I I still think that was a benefit to them because the majority of Tupac sales and death R sales wasin the beef business with them argue with one and else that's what we're selling not tup part telling black people to organize put a pool on money together let's do this let's do that let's get unified let's stop the police brutality let's stop the Poor House the inadequate education the bad roads the bad schools the bad houses the bad nutrition they would came after him harder which he wanted to bring up all those things but he just didn't get a chance everybody goes through periods and you got understand where he was on that particular period of his life from here absolutely nothing once set the clothes funny looking kid in the family CU they didn't look like nobody moving around trying to make friends he makes a good record one of his poems he makes one movie he's big time they love him they really love and it's like yeah I can live like this you go on for a few years you run a few trouble let's be they man some stupid [ __ ] dumb [ __ ] yeah stupid [ __ ] hitting the [ __ ] everybody can see you don't do [ __ ] like that but that was just that that growth it Tak every everybody has to go through we all make mistakes some are just worse than others let's be honest some are more costly than us luckily his weren't that costly until he went to death row that was costly actually going there wasn't costly it was him trying to leave that that's what became costly on Wednesday June 7th 2023 Tupac received his posture is star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame how come you didn't attend the event or were you even invited I was never invited I have never been to invited to not one to box Hall of Fame and Brooklyn a couple other things just just never but that's all going through the house the foundation they unfortunately are living the life off of whatever peanuts company's given him then that did not for I can see fulfilling any of his leges I think they started a clothing line one time they had flowers and it was ridiculous PO he has no substantial reminder of his existence here on Earth what have they done that [ __ ] Library that's last what two three years they haven't even put out a video they haven't play played none of his music what last time you heard a new Tupac song except on YouTube post you he all he had 10200 [ __ ] songs he hadn't released and you were in charge of all that and that's the best you could leave us with it's all eyes on me and Dear Mama done by a [ __ ] that didn't like T if youd ask Tupac today in his gra He Ain't Got No Grave would you want Allan y to do a special on him what do you think he would say hell no why would I want that [ __ ] to do anything on me not for nothing that her there for Grammy or something yeah he's nominated for Grammy this year uh for Dear Mama in being in that uh actual uh the documentary of de mama oh okay so he's he's nominated for Grammy for that but the the star thing I think is just ridiculous let me that's what Tupac represent a star on some concrete and a name in Oakland on the street sir that's what they give all our martyr Malcolm got names all throughout every ghetto in America Martin Luther King got names both killed by the government both dead dead dead but they give you a name of a street and a star Tupac Shakur is nominated for his first Grammy for de mama in the Dear Mama DOI series that was directed by Allan Hughes just yeah if Tupac were alive what do you think would be his thoughts on that and what are your thoughts on that well I think he would have to recognized that he had a great mother she raised him through all the misgivings they had even the lies we all make mistakes that's just a very long mistake when you lie to your child but we all make mistakes we all do dumb [ __ ] so I think he would have saluted her he' got on the mic and gave her all the love he could possibly give I think in his heart he would never forgive him you know none of us had really good parents my father I didn't see for years but he was my dad when I saw him he was my dad that's just the way he was he didn't have no father he had my dad had no father he never knew him never saw him he don't know what he it takes a dad to raise a dad you have to learn that [ __ ] so you're basically saying your father didn't have a father they no he was left on the door so your father and fathering you didn't have a right that's why I'm a little [ __ ] up then you basically saying in Tupac's life based on the situation that happened to you guys Contin Contin his mother left him on the thing when he was an infant I don't even know her her grandmother so he doesn't that side of the family I know nothing about Aunts Uncles cousins you mean the feny side no my dad side your dad's side okay so that's where he come but he became a good man he he did what he had to do as a man bought a house was in the war he drove behind Paton you know G gasoline Patton third Army running through New York he drove the gas that supplied the tanks of Pat to General Pat yeah imagine being shot at when you got a tank full of G gallons of gas behind that bravery but you don't hear nothing about not a damn thing good man came home had a job truck driver been all over the country he's been in 46 States except northo South coldw alas taking people's Furniture United Airlines somebody wants to mov from Minnesota to California s the truck be gone two weeks but that was a lot of money back there car we had a house but I don't have no Dad we just don't see him because he hustling so a lot of reasons why things happen the way they happen absolutely and that's why I think might happen with p and me too also because you were running you were working for one of those companies also that uh that you explained in the last interview yeah but it's some things that could have did a little better too in terms fathering and I have to own up to that as a man I appreciate that Honesty man a lot of I wasn't the best of Father a lot of things reason forward but uh you always look back you could have been a better father I could have been I got two children with dead and you always think about maybe if you were a little better that father they might not be dead you have to live with that yeah might not have made no difference but it might have absolutely absolutely on November 5th 2023 in Oakland a stretch of an Oakland Street was renamed after Tupac does that make you proud to know that one of the places that Tupac called home honored him in that way no didn't I saw it's typical grabbing a piece of the star everybody grab a piece of star we the biggest rapper let's own up to him he's ours he wasn't yours when your two cops beat him off the death that they they beat him to death for Jay Walker and he had to sue you for 100 million he end up paying like 48 million something you PID 30 Millions how much was it like like uh I think $40,000 so it was very cheap but I take that back it wasn't me it was 40,000 it was only cheap but it was a mittens of wrong that you beat an innocent black man for jayw walking and you brutalized so here comes what 30 40 years now let's name a street after I think that's just so ironic yeah so you don't think that that's a a great rate to remember him no it's the same thing as the name in the street for for Malcolm and Martin Luther King and people don't really know what they really stood for ACT average black man about Malcolm we know because we're old these little jitterbugs Ro they don't know no about yeah ask him to be the stupidest rapper on the radio they could recite that aund times so you do you think that's intentional that information being lost oh of course it's lost they're trying to take more and more away from them they don't even want to teach wise slavery so what's that tell you yeah you got a point look at Florida all the red states are going that way now oh we [ __ ] up we did a lot of bad things but we shouldn't tell them we won't say what we did you know how we took the land from the IND and this and that I ain't got to say everybody knows some people call it progress other people call it genocide it's how you look at depending on depending on what side you what side you look at yeah like Thanksgiving means a lot to different people Native Americans they they don't fcking like no Thanksgiving Happy Thanksgiving I a want back can't right before our last interview people had formulated an opinion based on a narrative that was pushed out about your situation involving your son Tupac Shakur and your guys relationship since our last interview a lot of people have shown love and some even expressed a newfound respect for you how does that make you feelit nice I appreciate them it's good to be accepted and understood for a situation that you had nothing to do with you had a little something to do with because you wasn't arounded much you should but other circumstances prevented you from being with him years for years was on five maybe five years that's that's unacceptable so it makes you feel good yeah and finally to hear you know what I get it's good to hear your side of the story and I heard one say I could never hear dear Mom I would never take that serious again the song A lot of people have said that other said i' I got I look at her different other people have experienced and said what you said your family your past relationship in your family a lot of them explained their situation but my mother lied to me or my daddy lied vice versa either way it's a lie I don't give which side does it so that's kind of good that they finally can see the truth that's all and I appreciate you for doing that that today they always say Del interview what I find you know like I said the reason why it even before me and you had a chance to meet and we had been talking for over a time a good time period um I thought that it would help in that manner because there was so many people in our community whether it be female male well in in in a lot of communities if you will but mainly in our community um father wasn't there disenchantment between mother and father whatever the situation was that somebody with the notoriety and the respect of a Tupac Shakur and what he had overcome could look at that and look at him and say you know what if Tupac went through that and he became what he became then I can by the power of example I can be a better person too I agree yeah good point yeah B give you credit you one the first ones who broke several little stories little want about the birth certificate how she lied on the birth certificate she didn't know who the father was why would you give your son to a man for the week couple weeks if you didn't think he was the father but this ridiculous [ __ ] you would say then on the at the end when he died when we were in court what you call those papers uh the probate probate papers that little section where you say father and mother you got your name then you alleviate I just left you six hours ago was in the dark gold nugget room crying together over our lost son and now I'm dead what caused that could that have had them dollar signs you see coming ain't there enough dollar signs I wasn't even thinking about no [ __ ] like that I'm thinking all son's dead dead and you thinking about the seit and fraud so that's what that is so recently um before we did this interview you were kind of reluctant because you had had some health issues serious health issues um can you explain to the viewers what you were going through uh I caught maybe about a month ago PCP Lon one of the worst gu serious I had so many doctors I went there because I couldn't breathe or walk my oxygen had went down so low and my blood because I had so much mucus on my lung that's the pneumonia it wouldn't it was so so thick it wouldn't allow the air to to to go through my lungs to spread through the body they gave me so many steroids so many IVs so many antibiotics uh I've had one twoo I had about four doctors at one time they say my life I don't go [ __ ] what you say about praying all that I know it's good excuse me people I know what you like to your to your God but science Medical Science saved my goddamn life I'm still weak so I wasn't going to do it I don't I get a little winded you know what I'm saying [ __ ] remember I had cancer they took a half of my lung so with that just like makes me lightheaded and tired quick but I said what the hell that kind of made me think I said Billy you ain't finished the book people don't know the whole story some other things you got to say before you go the kids you start thinking about a lot of [ __ ] when you think you might be checking out this [ __ ] and you you just accept it but you said no fighting and [ __ ] so pump me Doc they was shooting me up with [ __ ] it got me good man I I was on oxygen man for about a week and a half oxygen that these [ __ ] come in here with everything I need to go to the bathroom take shower and all that so they saved my life it was very serious I just want to let you know you got a solid for me I'm doing this they you know I appreciate you but I I didn't really want to do nothing more I appreciate you too and you you said that um you you you were about to leave the hospital and they call your wife call my wife she said boy you sit your ass down let them take care of you and I about the third day so they C you another three four days very heavy very very very heavy steroids you know you get hooked on steroids I didn't you got to wean yourself off them bad boys but they do help because without them I don't think I would have made it so they give you a sense of normaly yeah I was so tired I was so weak I could barely walk that's how bad this lumon is you could barely walk going on the bathroom everything with a pain it was a was a struggle it was a struggle and you don't really broadcast it you say little something on Facebook but you just let everybody know I'm a little down right now when you move on you don't tell them how close it was or what it could have done we all got issues everybody in America got a issue it's got to fight it right that's all gotta do what they tell you to do tell you don't eat no pork don't no pork [ __ ] you got high blood pressure don't do that don't you cholester don't e no Seafood yeah you just got to start thinking about [ __ ] you just got to try and do the right thing and fight back give it a chance you know that brings me to um another thing that Tupac said and the song changes he said we got to change the way we live remember we got to change the way we eat we got to change the way how we treat each other yeah and the fact that you're talking about that right now we got it even makes it more um in your face if you will and and you being here like I said more importantly I appreciate you I appreciate um you know like you said through Medical Science and and you know pray I take everybody was say praying for you absolutely I took that [ __ ] give me all that absolutely and um and like you said by the grace of God yeah and good doctors and things like that so I appreciate that you and appreciate the little things uh when you go through stuff like that you really do you start looking at [ __ ] a little different and things that you thought were important weren't that important people you thought were important weren't really that important not for nothing you know nobody calls you know they refuse yeah you're call right but you knew that was your call before so you know what I'm saying but like I said everything is in time like they say Time Will Reveal everything yeah ain't that the truth I see more and more come out 27 years with this brother with this man yeah but it's good I appreciate it that's why I watch those videos on YouTube I said maybe I can pick up something about my boy that I no I didn't know about that you didn't know yeah a couple things I catch most of is just trivia personal experience that they had but then some stuff they let me understand how he was and I got he was very similar that just his behavior alcohol he did some stupid [ __ ] we all do stupid [ __ ] we all do stupid [ __ ] sh Knight has never identified anyone who was in the car that night that him and Tupac were shot at in Las Vegas on break be media recently on sh's podcast sh said that big Dre was one of the people in the white Cadillac and like in our last interview you had said that you didn't believe that Orlando Anderson was the shooter and Sh reiterated the same thing on this podcast how does it make you feel to know that you and Shi Knight at least agree on that one thing I have no feelings on the between you and I none whatsoever I think just coincidental you know but it's for different reasons I think he still still try to money to water you know either you did see or you didn't see come on man F at I think the question should be why did the guy who lives in Las Vegas you ever see the ti on the Beamer I've looked at it but I haven't looked at the proper look at it next time right all the rims are blown out I'm not just blown out from running or R blown out because the jumped to divided trying to make a U-turn away from the hospital how do you live in a town reside in the town party in the town and don't know where the hospital is got to go the opposite way the hospital you going I understand that's why them tires is like that that's what makes me lay a lot of Suspicion on this why would you go the opposite way of the hospital because he didn't die and he said some last words he talk to you he couldn't breathe he ain't talk to you I just the lies I just get tired of the lies bro I just get tired of the lies and they keep lying and then people keep listening to them and repeating them like it's fact give us to YouTube that the headlines just ridiculous man you mean the titles the titles titles of the video it's it's it's heartbreaking they can catch people's imagination with that and they end up watching it so many views you could see it wa you yeah no the reason why I asked that question because he never mentioned anybody in this 27 years that in and in and being in the car and the fact that he just recently CED to that and mentioned that was alarming to me and so me and me asking you that and like I said and him saying that he didn't that Orlando wasn't the shooter and you had reiterated that in the last interview this the reason why I asked and he said that well big Dre was in the car this is the first time he's ever said anybody I st with you your point is who can rationalize the the the the the the mentality of a liar yes he's he saids so much [ __ ] I I can't give any credibility for whatever he says brother you can't ask me no questions about him but I don't I can't put it together unless whether I feel he was involved in what I think he was involved aside from that yeah but uh I understand the question I understand what you were trying to get to right I can't answer I just can't answer th thank you I appreciate that Allan Hughes had made a statement that got backlash in regards to Snoop Dogg dimming his light so that Tupac could shine when Tupac went to record under death row do you feel like that's an accurate statement No I don't know nothing about that he did what now repeat okay let me I'm G give you the yeah so Allan Hughes made a statement saying that when Tupac came over the death row I'm ask question oh yeah I got okay I that that that kind of like you know you H it down so Tupac could shine yeah so I'm gonna ask that question all right um Allan Hughes had made a statement that got backlash in regards to Snoop Dogg dimming his light so that Tupac could shine when Tupac went to record under death row do you feel like that's an accurate statement well I think that there was some residual effect when P came there well you got remember Snoop was wasn't no Superstars he was a star but Dre had left and he really ain't never had nothing as great as he did as he did with Dre not that he's not Talent making a lot of money very commercial SS everything from fed de to Hamburger potato chips he's a [ __ ] regular walking billboard he asked me about the substance this music today now it's [ __ ] what's he singing about Dipsy Doodle and [ __ ] come on none of the rappers they've become very commercialized they put you on TV now some hamburgers and chicken it's a shame but anyway n p I don't know so you believe that they complimented each other in their own way I don't I can't I don't know you think so I personally I don't really I think that Tupac was Tupac before Tupac got the death row and so Tupac was already a star in movies he was already a platinum uh artist and so when he got to death row I don't think that um personally you're asking me I don't think the DI his light at all I think Tupac light was Tupac's light and his light's always going to be shy bright yeah yeah his light was his light he walks into a room and lights up his personality and not only that but just the when you talk about record sales so when Tupac yeah when Tupac came out with his record yeah he was the star yeah no record had everybody jumped ride with you yeah I just don't like the little [ __ ] Rift they had well Snoop had to hold a knife would let him ride on the plane that's that uh [ __ ] that Sho Knight does one against the other dividing guess all he did all all all of par boys maybe suff for outlaws suffered under that [ __ ] you know strip them down talk bad nasty to him and sometimes I I don't understand how Park put up with that I just don't you know not for nothing I just don't really understand that sometime we get caught up in the [ __ ] we don't we don't we don't we don't speak up like we should I don't understand you know what I'm saying because he had to see it you know he did I know he was recording a lot but that was no place most most good rappers never wanted to go up there P would invited him to come on up cut a piece he said no he said something about that place just didn't like the reputation that the reputation the beat down yeah the stairs right dumb [ __ ] I'm going make music I don't need this as Tupac's father how do you feel about your son being such an iconic figure not just known for his music and acting but also known as a black panther taught revolutionary I'm proud of that you know I'm glad I just wish he stayed on that subject unfortunately he did not uh I think he was gonna come back to that subject because of what had happened in his life false charges here I think that East Coast West Coast conflict had ran it's Gambit I think that was going to be over with I think he was going to see the light once he went to some of the companies that he wanted to form once he left deathro which he never did which wish he could have we're going to be more Progressive back to his established Progressive rap that type of thing and never occur it never occurred it just never did and and do you do you credit do you give any credit to AI for that for for instilling the the Black Panther that whole thing and and meeting you and you know yeah maybe so early part of his life I think a couple scars might have been left on his heart lat on in his life that she left him but that initial uh indoctrination to reality about politics was very good for his foundation it's evident in his music and his personality and his soul what he believes he still believes for his people he still believes for people if you remember tup you don't remember for this hip hop East Coast West Coast thing some will remember for him thing I [ __ ] your wife but others will remember for some very serious stuff you know beginning of his career yeah I think that that that song hit him up is I it's one of those things that you like you said the the the the [ __ ] your wife thing I don't think he should have did it right I don't think he should have did it but he was madtime when human beings get mad they do dumb [ __ ] do you think there was a concerted effort to undermine Tupac's careera after he had got off with the shooting in Atlanta no I think you had the right wing Calvin buts Quail the black girl you don't even hear name Tucker with the political pressure look what they did to I prior they had him playing cop for the longest time in America history he ain't made a record sense they can't apply pressure to you I think they applied pressure to Intero because if you know everything that was done for Tupac by inter scope was done through death bro they wanted to act like they weren't supportive of him but they put up the money they didn't put the money up for it they put the money up for his bear but they didn't put up initially how much time he serve you could have bailed him I'm a million five years to get bail on every day they be smiling at the judge they' be like okay well to be perfectly honest on on like I said this is something that you might not have been aware of but remember when he went to jail that they filed an appeal right after his sentencing yeah the judge denied it so the reason why he had to go to jail for that long was because he appealed it once he got the appeal and he was granted the appeal that's when they came you trying say they did appeal right away yeah they know he appealed Tupac appealed it right away he was now didn't they put him in jail right away no but see this is the thing so when he went to jail when they when they sentenced him the day of the sentencing uh his attorney filed a motion for an appeal right immediate motion the judge denied it okay so then Tac he had to go and appeal at so he had to go to prison but they didn't give him the bond so he had to appeal at one the appeal he won the appeal Tupac won the appeal that's when inter scope came and got how long was the appeal won the process like like about how much time he was in jail for about that much time it's ridiculous yeah yeah yeah so so you trying to say that it wasn't available yeah they couldn't they couldn't get him out and so like I said when you when you understand that perspective and but that's that you but Mr gin you were right because that was the narrative The Narrative was inter scum didn't come get him out but like I said once I did the Deep Dow in the research the research showed that they did when they could get him out once he got the appeel they did come get them out and they paid the 1.4 and then they the sh thing and then all of that so yeah so no but like I said in in that in that sense um you know that was the that was the gist of it and it took me doing research to find that out so I'm I'm I'm important that to you right now thank you yeah yeah so yeah do you believe officially or unofficially there was some type of police involvement in the orchestration and assassination of your son Tupac Shore involved in what his the orchestration of his assassination no doubt yeah yeah that's one answer question that's the one word answer yes you can go to all the details of what I believe doesn't really matter it's still Yes No Doubt on many facets LAPD Vegas and the government you can't do that unless you have that not during the Mike Tyson fighting Vegas there's gridlock through the whole town no one Cadillac is going to get out of town undetected unless you pay but that's neither head are you satisfied with the Las Vegas Police Department's investigation and patience and finally making the arrest and the murder of your son Tupac Shakur no they were told to do that that's easy and how hard is arrest somebody when you see him on TV saying I passed the guy a gun what one day a detective and in his cubicle say you know he just broke the law we could arrest them I mean let's be honest it's it's just the silliest trivial looking [ __ ] I've ever seen I don't think had nothing to do with him except uh being a puppet for them that's what I think so the Press conf confence that they had uh you watch that right yeah I don't watch that [ __ ] my wife told me about it what what they G to say that ke D had to we we raided his house that he killed the guy can't believe neither one of them so what are you gonna do bro what are you gonna do if there was one thing that you wish your son Tupac should or shouldn't have done let me do that again if there was one thing that you wish your son Tupac Shakur should or shouldn't have done on September 7th 1996 what would that be not to go to Las Vegas she never went to Las Vegas and a damn sure shouldn't initiated the fight why would the record director of the biggest company and black industry of allow his star his number one Money Maker you were tackled him 10 yards up once you saw where he was running to y'all all follow you seen the tape they all following around he's just clown and acting up a fool and [ __ ] ain't paying attention to none of the environment and somebody come whisper in his ear why didn't the person would whisper in the sh night here trade whatever his name was unless you wanted this individual to go over initiate some f with him told him the guy with the chain stole this over there must some being gullible he is fired up happy just saw a [ __ ] Mike Tyson fight feel like fighting and then here come these clowns behind him doing the same [ __ ] he just said so one of the [ __ ] grabbing his ass said that's enough and dragging his ass out of that [ __ ] Lobby so it was a setup it was a set up bro set up set up set up sh Knight said that on September 7th 1996 and I quote that he had two of the best Security Guys on Tupac that night but the head of security pulled them off of him he also said that it didn't have to happen then he said he asked the security to send five more guys from Club 662 to guard and secure Tupac but they sent nobody how does that make you feel both of them a lie it's hard believe either one of them they both don't tell the truth but like I said uh Reggie White Jr he had just fire as the head of his security he ate fir CH Knight in death row he had fired David Kenner he was leaving my my answer is why is he still doing security for TBA that's what's troubling and where was he when sh Knight was supposed to getting shot at if Reggie is around two David is if Reggie is around Su KN all the time always why isn't he around them the night he get shot this happens to be the same night you tell all those security guards to leave the guns on now if you want to believe sh Knight and think that Reggie has some involvement with it I can't argue with SH Knight on that one but I ain't excusing his behavior either see what I'm saying not for nothing but it's it's that's the lack to days ago [ __ ] my something with you get you just you trust be trust people and he should have never went he had a bad feeling he did not want to go to Vegas and he should not have went veg and he never RIS with sure a lot of Nevers there and it was then it all ended up way there as we discussed before Tupac had refused to cooperate SL snitch on biggie about the guns that were found in his hotel room in New York after that situation sh Knight when asked if Cole would he testify in the Kei D murder trial involving your son Tupac Shakur he said he would not how do you feel about that I don't know keep asking me question about sh I I got no feelings towards him far as I'm concerned maybe you know he knows a little bit more about what happened than neither one of us or both of us so I can't answer that I know he's a liar so if he told me the truth I don't know if I believe him so what you GNA do you have the visitors list from uh Clinton Correctional Facility is Jada pinket on that list to the best of your knowledge and did Tupac ever expressed to you at any time that he asked Jada pinket to marry him no he never expressed that I imagine she I didn't look at everybody it's a lot it's not that thing it's a lot of people came to see but he needed that CU nobody came to see him he'd be locked in a six by D cell for a long long time he's locked up 23 hours a day he only gets out from 9: to 3: 9 in the morning 3 in the afternoon if someone comes to visit him if nobody comes to visit him they don't let you out so he likes people to come visit him you know so you you never he never expressed to you that no yeah no he expressed that they were friend he gave me that look that Madonna look when I said no was talk about mad what I about you mad he did something really stupid what did he say about mad they were together for a little while one of talent that's all I don't want do do you think that after Tupac played the character bishop and juice that he somehow tried to become the character in real life no I think Hollywood portrayed him you know how Hollywood get you and they see something that's markable something that's sellable uh modern day uh what's the guy does power forget his name 50 Cent same thing last time you seen 50 Cent and Dear Mama movie or something that's not gangster selling drugs because he's marketable and then he can go on with that for the rest of his life because he's good at that and they so Tupac as that and we need somebody charismatic to play the part of whoever we want a black individual to play the part and some of his Ro was corny I didn't like him Bishop I ain't never seen nobody that I see [ __ ] cold blooded but that just instantly cold blooded come on in a minute you gonna shoot your friend and then hate the other two come on man some things ain't right and the one with the patch he crazy in that so I think the rols were geared mean bullet yeah geared that way see what I'm saying and he wanted to stretch out and he got Stupid Money what's the first movie he made juice $10,000 it's all he got movies made M yeah they didn't pay you nothing yeah Terence Howard just talked about when he made hustle and Flo I heard about that they only paid him $12,000 I heard about that and the guy from Friday only paid a few amount too yeah Chris Tucker yeah yeah they just screw you like I said we talk about suar KN and puffy screwing it artist it's been going on for years and they still do it what is your fondest memory of your son Tupac your smiling in in in Clinton visitation room just cutting it up just laughing seeing them ivories looking back at me showing my ivories connecting a good moments I had them cleared you remember we didn't smoke no weed we Ain in [ __ ] prison we ain't drinking no wine ain't no [ __ ] around [ __ ] just distracted him just me and him chopping it up talking and it seems like the years never never came between us you know how you can see a friend you ain't seen a long time your pick up right where your in talking to one another talking about the same little silly [ __ ] but it's laughable that's where we we didn't have a lot of memories but the memories we had were good and the memories we could have had was but they would have been much better I really don't that's the [ __ ] tormented [ __ ] I gotta live with for the rest of my little life my [ __ ] mistakes but at least I know I made them don't make anything better with those who I made them too but I understand what happened why I made him I'm not glad that I did make them but Pac me and him just laughing and joking I never got to see him before I would have liked that I would like to see him you would have liked to see him perform live on stage make uh 20,000 people scream but I get enough of that I see I see the love for right there's a video remember when George Floyd died and he that record came on about guy had had had the little thing BL the whole crowd with great absolutely yeah I remember that see a cop kill a [ __ ] and he's a hero fit perfect yeah I said how he's moved crowds 20 something years later 20 something years later bro I think that might be the most fulfilling moment I have with my son knowing the impact that he had on society I see it every day but it's it's hard to interpret because all I see as a kid that I wish I got to know him more my son he's not right to he's not yeah I don't see that I don't want your autograph [ __ ] you my you my son what's up [ __ ] talk and we would but I wish we had more time and that's what I'm mad at they took away that time he was going to change man he got the better side of two but that was just a that was just a reflection of some negative [ __ ] got remember this [ __ ] just got up prison ha n months Spide just got out of prison will you be attending the murder trial of Kei D in relation to your son Tupac Shakur and from what you know of your son do you think that he would want you to be there be a representative of him no somebody tried to get me to go there somebody who was in the party kept text me maybe you should go out there and represent and represent Tupac's family since a FY never and I said I want be part of that side [ __ ] stupid show what I give a press conference and do a and say what it's all all [ __ ] it's sh [ __ ] no they answer your question I don't want to go look at that ugly [ __ ] I don't want to see him I'm tired of hearing his name and I don't like the way he talk so we whatever he might he might take another plea you think you think KD is gonna take a plea plea deal why do you think that I don't think he's got a case he done admitted it on C he admitted on fil if they don't get him for direct murder they got him with accessory you gave somebody the gun I was in the bank with this [ __ ] he's the one that sold the money I just Haven to be with him counting the money or the drop yeah you guilty you guilty so I don't what I asked so surprised CU I couldn't understand that while he was on for 20 something years we should see him on there I said well why is he still on TV that proper agreement the government gave him that when the government decided that he wasn't useful anymore throw him to the wolves and everybody just started eating them up like it was in fact oh you kep too about to stab him the report the reports are um that he's uh been moved to protect detective custody oh yeah no [ __ ] yeah yeah those were the reports yeah can neither confirm from me or deny shows you how much little follow right these mother the usess yeah I can't say I wish him well if not for Tupac for all the other [ __ ] harm he's done on Humanity St what are you g do Allan Hughes getting Tupac five from the movie Minister Society after Tupac was the one who actually got the movie greenlighted by the studio no kid I didn't know that what do you think about that I didn't I'm sorry I didn't know that that's first I heard that yeah he had he had issues with this Allan y guy I think Allan use had issues with me when I did the d Mama series what what a what a ridiculous waste of time that was uh he came up to me before we shot and about that fight with your son we both were very young that's what he told me so he said that about the fight with with Tupac that they both were very young very young so was that do you think that was some sort of I I hadn't thought no I think it was just an excuse pretty much to just to squash anything that I might have towards you I didn't I wasn't thinking about that to by fights with [ __ ] that with that that had do a little jail time yeah because you press charges but that's just the way you are I don't understand why you're doing this DM Mama then all pieces fit together you got hired by the company with the bless with I don't think Foundation even had them say so they just took the money that's all they do is take the money and then approve that approve it they have no SX no creative nothing right absolutely nothing they are show pieces go get latest Star down Hollywood Square go up there put the street sign what else do they do to progress the [ __ ] Legend of my son positively last question DJ Clark Kent is a DJ in New York who came out not too long ago and said that Tupac's lies were the reason that Biggie got killed meaning I know what it mean yeah what do you think about that that's unfortunate thing to think about between you and I think well you and the world I don't think he had nothing to do with it I don't think big head do with that conflict and unfortunately Pac did perpetuate it but I think people who moved on big same people moved on P that was t for Tat to make it look like in fact he did we take big out all the attention goes away from us it makes it look like big in fact did do it now what the park instigate and contribute that to that narrative to be honest with you that that probably have to say yes but like I said before Park was caught up in some dumb [ __ ] like everybody else and when you have money notoriety women drugs Dum don't look so stupid and they got we just don't look so stupid because you're getting money women and drugs you're living the life so whatever you do is acceptable at least to yourself well like I said that was all sales man that was stupid as [ __ ] so do so know and and from that perspective when you when you say that I I totally understand where you're coming from but at the same time Tupac was paranoid Tupac had been shot he said that before yeah and he didn't he didn't from all intents and purposes of what Tupac said not what I'm saying he didn't really truly understand what had happened oh you talking about over the thing with biggy in it oh yeah answer your question I mean before you even ask okay so no let's do that let's do that again let's do that believed it yeah yeah yeah that's what I'm saying I think he believed that he believed that right I think Tupac believ big he had something to do with right with his Li knowledge situation from what he saw but you have to understand and think Tupac did that he was in a trauma you just been lit up four or five times man that causing some serious thought different thought process you're not as logical and sensible as you think you should what you think you I've seen [ __ ] that find it wasn't what it's supposed to be right I thought I saw it that way that was wrong so I don't know I heard of some stuff about puffing and BR in the background and the other boy like they might have known what was going on as far as biggie no CU he came to the hospital the next day by his goddamn show yeah like I said and you said that and that that to me is what also confirmed um you know the misunderstanding that Biggy and Tupac from that perspective and then it became this marketing Thing music and get on the big fat [ __ ] in your back of your ears make a record about [ __ ] his wife doing this you know just just stupid [ __ ] just stupid [ __ ] two black men at the height of their career arguing over stupid [ __ ] come on man amazing Mr gin I want to thank you once again for this time for inviting uh the a of dialogue myself thanks into your home uh giving us the time the conversation uh despite the way you've been feeling lately yeah and um I want you to to let you know that um a lot of the people that have watch the videos uh that have been done they love you they appreciate you I'm sure that you now see those when you watch those that's nice uh the uh the videos and the the comments involving those videos and like I said I just want to thank you once again appreciate it hope I ramble too much and just you know drift away from the question because I get to thinking about some other stuff when you ask me a question so I jump to something else because I've been thinking about in relationship too so but I enjoy you bro because at least you asked the question now tonight you ask me other questions about stuff I really couldn't answer and I feel bad right but I can't get in the mindset I learned long time ago get in the mindset of some other people yeah it's very very difficult no that's that's that that's important like I thinking why they thinking that way you just can't do it what I do know is what the results of that thinking is when I see things that occur that has a pattern and I'm able to conclude certain Natural Things certain progression to a conclusion and I got my beliefs about things got no proof but even if I had proof what where would be the Justice who would who would prosecute got a [ __ ] right here grabb by the P they can't get him for a lie about all his property and everything yeah people are Gable I hate to say I love people but they just believe anything so they going to believe what they going to believe and lot of them believe what they believe they still believe orando Anderson killed him they still believe he's a Mexican they still believe he got kids Tupac yeah that's so one day he got two kids and the FY kept him off the tax R for tax purpose that's what they say that's that's some of the stuff you see read some stupid I be laughing man yeah I I don't I me me personally I don't even feed into that no you can't you can't answer yeah you can't I'm like I'm like I mean like I said I knew Tupac and and you like that's your son and and there's no way on God's green earth that he could be hiding this long and his ego wouldn't allow yeah absolutely and he was a Gemini too it just just wouldn't happen so but I'm glad I could come along and maybe and give you a little like no thank you I appreciate it like I said I'm 74 I'll be gone s so at least you have a little bit extra for what he thought well well we we we not going to hope that you're going anytime soon hope not either if I get thaton you again God we we we gonna pray that that that God put his hands on you and um and that you do it one day at a time like we all doing yeah it's a Fai I ain't giving up absolutely that's a faith thank you again you're welcome God I appreciate you thank you appreciate appreciate
Channel: The Art Of Dialogue
Views: 92,326
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2pac, tupac, tupac shakur, billy garland, tupac dad, 2pac dad, tupac father, 2pac father, keefe d, suge knight, orlando anderson, snoop dogg, big dre, madonna, diddy, puff daddy, jada pinkett, jada pinkett smith, death row records, afeni shakur, mutulu shakur
Id: 6f-cPd5kzgI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 112min 44sec (6764 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 28 2023
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