Gene Deal On Diddy's Allegations/ Cassie/ Suge Knight/ Yung Miami/ J. Lo/ Biggie/Tupac/ Mase/ Alpo

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all right Jean deal glad to have you how's it going cam TV I guess this gonna be my last one for the year huh that's it your last interview for the year man you've been going crazy man you know you've been doing your thing for quite a long time man yes sir well I you know being that this is you know our first time working I just thought we'd kind of you know get to know you a little bit better and kind of get to know your story a little bit man can you kind of tell everybody about you know where yourself where you from where you grew up and what it was like for you well I originally grew up in St Louis Missouri and then I moved to a small little uh County called welston had probably like 6,000 people that lived in there it was right next to the city from the welston Bus Loop uh um I live right there at the end of the won best loop I grew up uh in that area played basketball for um it was estrich which was Wellston halter High School I led the state in Missouri and rebounded in 1980 and 81 I went on to uh Jefferson College was a Joo Allstar and then went up and finished at the verus Tennessee Chattanooga played basketball there up until 86 with Gerald Wilkins who was uh New York nicob Bacher I was a second leading score and second leading rebounder at the uh at Chattanooga then I uh graduated uh with a uh Bachelor's in literature went on to New York City three days after I graduated but I had always been coming to New York from 82 because I was dating a young lady uh back then so I have started going to New York in 82 and eventually made it my home when I graduated from college in ' 86 how'd you get into um bodyguarding I was working as a youth uh counselor for Manhattan Valley youth program and uh they needed somebody to bodyguard and drive this group called Sweet Honey in the Rock it's a gospel group and uh I bodyguard them and drove them to kege Hall made sure all they stuff was straight and then from that point on um I became doing security and everything for our click which was called the same gang the same gang was a organization because back then a lot of organizations was coming up in Harlem you had the same gang best out Mecca audio CMB Cash Money Brothers uh 12 Street posi slick in the family uh you had best out you had the all stars you had the 40 wolves it's just it's just a lot of Crews that was coming up and we started our own crew and I was doing the security for our own crew when we was giving parties functions and the whole nine yards outside of doing the uh security I I also was doing the planning of all the events that we were doing and at what point do you meet Diddy and how do you meet Diddy oh you got to that one real quick huh he uh the one of the guys who is ASAP Ferg's father uh uh D Ferg he had Des designed the logo for Uptown records and the logo for bad boy and puff was giving parties at the Red Zone and at the buildings and he was having problems at his parties as far as he had to take the money back to uh Kirk burls where which was on uh 111th and fth Avenue at Kirk's burel apartment and he was just having a lot of problems I guess somebody was pushing up on him and then D Ferg uh asked puff to you know he said yo why don't you get Gan to hold you down Gina hold you down so that's when I met him that was back in probably 89 about 89 88 somewhere around there so this was before puff blew up or or what was he doing at the time like was he uh uh he was giving parties at the Red Zone and he was giving parties at the building building that's when they was doing unsigned hype you know people like leaders of the new school uh Naughty by Nature Queen Latifa different groups was coming the new groups they were breaking those artists you remember that place where they shot juice at you know when they had the DJ contest have you seen the movie Juice yep is that yeah yeah when they had the DJ contest that was the building so uh Puff was doing the um the Monday night unsigned hype there he was also an intern and working over at uh Uptown records okay or during that time okay and what was puff like back then like nothing quiet as a church mouse um he didn't make any noise around us the dudes they had a lot of wild guys in the same gang and he was just back watching you know he he didn't make any noise he was real Meek and humble you know he wanted to be around us at that point in time did you see like how big puff was going to be like did anybody think you know what I'm saying like oh this dude's he's going to be incredible actually this guy named Alpo Alberto Martinez who was a drug dealer in New York City he knew puff was giving parties back in DC and we was on 144th Street and puff was in a white caver one of those volkswagons with the top off and then uh Al ask D Ferg like yo what's up with dude right there you know you know who that is he said D Ferg like yeah yeah that's my man puff he said yeah I know he used to get parties in DC and Al said out of his mouth and I and and I heard Al say he didn't know puff was going to blow up like that but Al told D Ferg right then there he said yo that going he gonna blow up in the city here giving them parties and everything so then that's one of the reasons why D Ferg allowed him to be in the same game based on what Al was telling us what point did you become you know more involved with puff was it the point when I came on you know I was at the city college thing when those nine people died so I was doing parties for the different Crews which was part of the record industry it was a guy called Tim Dog he was anr for uh Uptown records and then he went to Allen records Arista records he was the one who was the boss of he was the manager and uh founder of uh The Lost Boys so I was doing their parties which was a part of a group called butt necked Tim Dog entertainment and butt necked So Heavy D had gave his birthday party and I have a picture where uh puff and everybody was there at Heavy D birthday party and uh I did the front door because they was having issues at the front door a lot of front doors was getting bum rushed and everything so I got my team together and I used to have my team and two dogs and that would stop a lot of people from bum rushing the doors and everything trying to get in those events so uh puff was having a a basketball game him and Heavy D at city college and um they asked me to do the security so I had got 18 guys ready to do the security and then puff called me the day of about 4 hours before and said we only need eight of you guys we got the Nation of Islam to do the security and uh Nation Islam did the security at the front door I had the basketball court and uh they had a ride at the front door and you know if you look in the history in December of 91 that's when like nine kids had died at the basketball game that puff was uh sponsoring and that's when he got fired from Uptown records when he got fired from Uptown records uh he took Craig Mack and Biggie with him and the dudes who was a part of butt necked entertainment actually was getting indicted and they was the one who was financing bad boy at the time and they were getting indicted and they end up getting uh 916 to life sentences and puff went on taking bad boy for himself and getting a deal a bigger deal with Clyde Davis and he became you know Bad Boy Entertainment I didn't deal with puff after the city college incident until uh he had a situation with Suge Knight in Atlanta that was your first time being more involved with puff or you know what I'm saying what you know like I said I was doing the building with him this way before he became you know it was called Daddy's house so I was dealing with puff before anybody you understand what I'm saying right all those guys you got to realize this is back in uh 89 90 you know you know 91 all the way up to City College wolf them wasn't around at that time then I left him alone after they had that incident and then we had an incident with wolf wolf came back and got me and said yo he wanted me to be a part of the team the probably the day after they had that situation with S Knight and then I said I Ain want to and I told him I didn't want to deal with puff you say yo bro just look out for him you got your own contract you ain't got the answer to nobody but him and me so puff brings you on you're part of the team wolf brought me on Wolf brought me on wolf brings you on okay wolf brings you on you're part of the team now man and then puffy getting this bad boy thing off the ground and you know what is your you know what is your feelings about bad boy and puff and you know are you seeing like this is going to be huge but you got to realize I was I was I was around puff only two days out the week or when they had special occasions or when they went out of town something like that CU I worked a full-time job so I had puff on Saturdays and Sundays and if they were at the club and I was off of work they'll call me yo jene we at this club can you make it yo Jean you like that cuz he had other bodyguards well Cassie filed that uh the lawsuit and I believe you I've seen you speak on Kim Porter about stuff you've seen in the past so at one point go ahead I I was saying at what point did you start to see stuff the first incident that I found out about puff and Kim Porter I was called by Kirk burls and Paul it was Kirk burls I think and I had to go over to puffer didn't have no security he was over St Luke's Hospital him and Kim had got into an incident where she had took a court screw and cut his wrist his white his right wrist so I was asked to go over there and right then I found out that they had an altercation Kim looked like she was bruised up and puff had his wrist wrapped up in a a t-shirt that was constantly there was there's blood everywhere and come to find out she had cut I think probably a artery or something in his wrist with a court screw so that's the that's the first altercation I I I know of Kim and puff having a certain situation pretty crazy thing to go through at that point well that was his you know that was him and his girl and I didn't see the altercation I only saw the aftermath of the altercation and it seemed like she probably got the best of him that time to me okay so now you go through this incident with puff and you know you you know you kind of see the aftermath of everything man you know what's your kind of General thoughts about everything that you go through through at the time on that particular situation yeah what you got to realize is that to me puff was a part of our crew and at the time he was an underling and he's not the Puff Daddy that y'all know and y'all see you understand he still was like a nobody trying to make it to me you understand so and in that point you know he was still trying to be around the same gang even though he had big and Craig Mack for Bad Boy Records they hadn't blown they hadn't blown up yet Craig Mack record was the one that was being played in hot biggie was not you know biggie at the time you know uh The Notorious BIG so they puff wasn't even trying to even rap he was was just trying to promote help the street team and help everybody to blow bad boy up to what he wanted to be so you know he's not the same individual that y'all see now that he was back then you got to realize this was like in 90 this was 91 and then I left him alone then after that Su Knight thing happened I came back so this is like 94 995 you understand what I'm saying so he was just happy for somebody like me who had that status of those different Crews to to be his big Unk to look out for him so nobody would do nothing to him so now if you speaking about allegations with Kim and everything like that all a lot a lot of that stuff start happening uh after uh I think around the time Miss Lopez and him was breaking up oh okay so that that's when you seen things kind of get worse or you just started seeing things in general well just I I I wouldn't say worse because puff never did things like that around me he knew I didn't play that he tried cursing his mother around me and I checked him on that you understand what I'm saying so you got to realize he had other bodyguards and he wouldn't do certain things around me because I'm a law enforcement officer and I wasn't going to let him do that I I've been a Paro I did 27 years as a parole officer and I'm like at the time our relationship I was like it's big UNC so I'm I'm not going to let him do stupid stuff to get himself in trouble or me in trouble so a lot of that stuff that is probably happened after I left you understand other than you know the swinging stuff that he did with Kim and other guys and everything okay talk talk to me about that a little bit I don't know what you want to know about that cam you know you talking about you this is your girl this is your woman she didn't even have Christian at the time but you bringing other guys in with her and then some sometimes be just other girls in her than other guys then then guys and girls and they swinging they doing their thing bro you know I guess that's what the industry is they they like to swing like that you know the rock stars do it I guess the rappers was doing it too was that stuff surprising to you or were you used to it being around business I'm not going to have Cam that's surprising anybody you know who going to have their girl having sex with another man because you can have sex with their girl or y'all switching and y'all n man that's some that's some Beyond me but I know it happens Mark Curry has said in an interview that puff broke Kim Porter's nose when they were fighting on a yacht did you ever see anything like that or hear about anything like that I I I've never seen puff put his hands on Kim like that other than snatching her and grabbing her or something like that but as far as know I heard of the nose breaking that was something that I heard of that I seen somewhere that you know he treated JLo different than he treated Cassie and Kim well I know that he I never seen him with the play fight like he used to do with Kim cuz that's how it would start off he would start off with the play fight hitting her with pillows and all like that I guess that love tap I don't know that I wasn't in to that i' I've never been into that with women so he would start off like that then it would always uh probably go up to something a higher level or where she wanted him to stop playing with her like that cuz he may have gotten a little too rough for her but I never seen him do miss Lopez like that and uh when JLo was around I used to always just uh call her Miss Lopez um he would do the flirtation and and like have a lot of girls and girls around and then try to play her like that but you know she would check that and uh I put in my book one particular night where uh she was in the Stu we we was in the studio and a lot of girls was up there and JLo got you know Miss Lopez got mad and she went home and she put on some jeans and sneakers and put her hair back into a little bun in the ponytail and she came back to the studio and puff had a new song for her cuz she was heated CU and he got rid of all those girls that was in the studio so he never tried to you know straight up up you know talk to her crazy or anything around people never I never even heard him raise his voice to her okay totally different totally different thing totally totally different but you got to realize it's a it's it's it's with with Kim them and most other people that I've seen him be around they depended on him Miss Lopez didn't depend on him you know she had her own okay now uh you know Suge and Diddy had this huge you know Feud going on you know there's this picture that recently came out of Suge playing with Diddy son you know what did you think when you seen that we had saw this picture and it wasn't the ones that was recently released it was a picture of Suge hugging Misa and Misa having Justin in her arms and the thing said what the East Coast won't take care of the West the caption said what the East Coast won't take care of the West Coast will puff saw that and almost blew a stack in his head a vein came across his head I mean like he was he was heated and he got on the phone you know I guess he was trying to reach Misa he was trying to you know he he he was he was going crazy crazy and uh recently I had told that story on another platform and I told the story before and then somebody said they don't believe it they it didn't happen I was just capping all this other stuff and now the photo gets released by I don't know who and Su Knight is playing play Daddy on the floor with Justin and somebody's taking the pictures of him and everything you know I know I know I know puff was puff was probably I don't know if he probably was still mad at that today to see that cuz he probably didn't know those pitches existed in the lawsuit it talks about a situation where they heard about Suge being at a restaurant and puff was they they allegedly went to grab some guns and and go after him or something man is there do you know anything about that that situation the part I know about the situation it wasn't the fact that chman was at the restaurant d Rock Big's man was at the restaurant and they had dck trapped in the restaurant now this story came from dck himself cuz I was wondering I was trying to have a sit down with drock and puff you know and I wanted to have a sit down with dck first and let him know all what happened and how did Big end up going to the party when I told y'all not to go to the party you know and that's the party that big got murdered at so dck told me how puff you know loaded up some guns and everything and had one of the girls and I didn't know it was Cassie at the time you know his girl came into the restaurant with the guns giving it to him so he could be safe from whatever was going to go down or whatever they they thought was going to go down you know with sugar and his people so that part was true cuz that was told to me by the person who was in the restaurant was that the only situation like that that you're aware of about what about puffing Suge man the times we saw Suge you got to realize you know I was part of black hands and slicking the family the time I saw sh Suge would never I never had a problem with Suge you understand what I'm saying so it was never no issues I seen Suge at the Super Bowl it wasn't no problem no issue with puff we saw Suge in the back of the House of Blues and Tupac was alive at the time Tupac was in a white top a a white drop top uh uh Rolls-Royce Bentley whatever that is Su was in a red one we rose up to Pac and uh uh puff tried to speak to Pac he like Y what up Pac Pac looked at him and turned his head didn't say nothing to him got right back on his phone and the dude in the uh in the back of uh uh puff at the time was named RZ RZ say yo F him speak to Suge Suge is the boss right so then puff said something to she said yo what up sh he said what's up he said yo you think we got any problems out here shook said I don't know what no I don't know no problems that y'all have you think we good out here he said you should be I don't sh just I don't know any problems you got bro you understand what I'm saying and Pac was alive then you understand we drove off we had a reporter with us I think he was from um he was from either Rolling Stones or that other big uh magazine so never had no issues with Su or nothing like that even at the Soul Train Awards when it was Pac and big going at it you know they had us outnumbered but the fo hours was right there too but it wasn't no issue like that it was just a lot of mouthin and talking between Pac and B do you remember what they were saying or what the main uh issue was that they were talking about at the time what I was told was because one another officer was there with me who worked with me uh at my job cuz I brought him out there with us he told me that verbatim poar yelling to about now you on the West Coast Coast now you on the west coast you on the west coast you fat mother now you talking to big like that big say man I don't care where I'm at I ain't scared you understand big man stopped stepped in front of big and that was C gutter you understand uh they start coming close sh got was in front of Pac holding Pac back to the side see gutter pulls a gun out on sh when C gutter pulled the gun out on sure the foi just came and rushed and got in the middle of everything what was puffy doing CU I I definitely heard a couple different people say the puffy ran what happened was we was running to the thing I was with puff we was running to the thing and this is exactly how it happened and I don't care what nobody say bro so now we was running to the event you to where they was at we had got stopped by some foi guys uh puff was getting into it with them Mustafa who was farak Khan's son stopped the whole incident right there so he let us go we we was running through there so now I see suum they at the bottom of the steps coming up the steps puff is right here on my left side on down it's an embankment where you could jump down and go behind the television uh uh media uh vans so I told puff I'm like this and I tell puff man just watch out for my family man ain't nothing going to happen to you you good trust and believe and so then we start walking soon as we got to that wall right there you could jump down puff just jumped down and then he start running uh towards the media Vans then he went up under the fence of the media Vans it's just those little wire fence he you know how they separate the things the little wires he pulled it up went up under the media van and then next thing I seen him in the middle of the parking lot and suum had walked past me okay so they have a they had a long Feud going you've been coming out for a while talking about puffy biggie bad boy and you know everything that you seen and went through has a bodyguard you know have you gotten any death threats or you know has anything you know happened or has anybody approached you and tried to do anything to you I get death threats every week every day and I've been getting them ever since I came out you know so I'm not worrying about anybody doing anything me you know listen to me um God ain't finished with me yet when he is ain't nothing I could do do about it bro um you got to realize every day I went to work as a parole officer my life was in danger every day I worked at a nightclub at s rendevu my life was in danger every day I worked at a housing complex in New York City which was Lambert housing one of the worst H housing complex that anybody could do security at that's where the purple top gang was that I was there during that time East Chester housing I was there when Jamaican posi was up there uh Lambert housing I was there when it was crazy over there every day of my life I always had my life was threatened or I I I I I probably couldn't make it home to my kids and you know I know I got God on my side and I take all precautions I keep my head on the switch RV and I'm not worried about what somebody say they going to do to me I never have never will I grew up when you grow up in a a place like Wellston you know what I'm saying people didn't stop at the stop sign brother you ask anybody St Louis around St Louis city about Wellston you don't go through welon and stop at a stop sign I grew up from that type of neighborhood so when God gets ready for me ain't I could do about it bro well okay and now working with puff you know bad boy and everything man you know Casey files this lawsuit against puff were you surprised and what was your initial thoughts when you first seen the lawsuit filed uh when the lawsuit was filed uh my initial thoughts on that whole thing was was is that it was based on because she had some Celebrity Status you know I get calls from I've gotten calls from two different women who told me that they were trying to press charges against puff and wanted to come on my platform and tell the people what he done to them and they said they couldn't get lawyers to take it now you got lawyers willing to take anything anybody has to say our justice system is messed up brother because if you ask those ladies who are coming out now they probably try to get a lawyer to take it long time ago but they wouldn't because of the powers that be now that P puff is losing that power uh lawyers are willing to go to court and try to get money from him from their clients and what people are saying he did to them do you believe all the everything that she said do you think it's all all accurate I believe what he paid for what do you mean by what he paid for Oh you mean the 30 okay you talk about the the the settlement that happened the next day right so everything that was in the lawsuit I don't I don't know all the things that were said but you're not going to pay for nothing that you didn't do so whatever he paid for in that lawsuit I believe you know in the in the paperwork it says that he was addicted to painkillers and ecstasy have you ever seen anything like that or or when you you were around him I knew he was addicted to painkillers cuz after that he um that incident with Kim he used to have this little white guy he used to meet or the he would have the drivers go get the pills that he was addicted to from this little white guy who was selling him them opal yards why do you think it took so long for people to come out and say something I don't like I said before I don't think it took so long it took somebody with Celebrity Status who had a legal team that was willing to go to war for her in order to bring some get some justice for her in a compensation matter and a civil suit I believe that is a lot of guys a lot of people in that industry that have done things and people can't get lawyers to go to bat for them yeah there's been a long list of other celebrities since this happened that it came out and a lot of other celebrities started to get sued uh you know what do you think about that list and you know is there anything there that you've heard about well I've heard about a certain a couple of things but you got to realize is that it's what they can prove you know like uh with this Weinstein thing you know Weinstein you got just take Jimmy ivine for example zimmy Jimmy iine got a lawsuit but you don't see it on the news why why you don't see it on the news people have been coming out saying things that he said that he did to them but because his publist and the the people at that B is not allowing that to go down on him puff did some things to some powerful people that they're calling in their friends and everything and everybody's taking their hands off of him so now he's no longer the alter boy and he's not in their Club anymore did you hear him on Jimmy Kimble he said yo I thought we was friends Jimmy Kimble know he wasn't supposed to ask puff anything about me but he's not part of the boys club anymore you know this right here is going to ruin him man it's going to ruin his legacy everything that he work for no he ruined his legacy Brother people people is trying to say like yo y'all going after black man y'all trying to turn a black man down no it's a big difference from a and a black man he was doing to people that he never thought that it would come back at him now if he never did anything to those girls if those girls was lying then he would have never settled out it was a girl that came out cam two and a half years before Cassie came out and went on a major platform and told him how he was kicking her beating her and made her get rid of two kids a girl named Gina came out on a major platform that he was dating that she had textes from Cassie and her and Cassie was texting each other back and forth and Cassie was saying I don't hate you I know how he is and they was talking about each other and talking to each other she came out two years ago so you tell me CAM why did nobody take her case I don't maybe they didn't I mean I could guess I mean maybe they didn't believe him because he's puffy he got a lot of star power he can fight back you know she had no lawyers or nobody that was interested in going through that battle and that long drawn out Court battle that they had to fou papers they have to do that 2 three years ago two three years down the road she ain't coming up with a dime Cassie had the lawyers and the people who put the money behind the lawyers to make sure that her case was clammed tight so she could win you don't get the those type of lawyers Man Without somebody putting some money behind you those were high-profile lawyers that had won major cases right puffy would be a very hard target to go after if you're a lawyer it would def absolutely burn up a whole bunch of money so if you're not rich or you don't have at least a lot of money it's going to be really hard to really go through that and fight it and the public puffy knows everybody he knows the media everybody likes puffy I mean it's it's a uphill battle for sure I can see that and that's what happened brother yo is it is is is women probably going to jump out the woodwork and say yo I had a case against him I told this lawyer I told that lawyer nobody did nothing now you got lawyers calling people or putting up Billboards if you got anything on puffy p Diddy brother love love Shan John Coles call [Laughter] us the lawyers are looking for people right now it definitely made it he definitely made him easier Target now now now everybody believes it and everybody's got their hands out right right well like nobody believed me about the I was saying and now everybody got Jean Dill stories in their mouth on on they and and and on their programs well one of the things that was in the lawsuit was that he was hiring dudes and they were looking for dudes to hook up with Cassie I heard that was in the lawsuit also right that's weird bro you what happens is these guys open up a Pandora's Box and they look for weird exotic things and somehow in some way it turns them on and damn it's so crazy they they become and have a fetish on those type of things it's weird man I guess when you go to certain levels and you keep going to those levels you look for a different level then another level then you get addicted to see how crazy that you can get in certain situations at what point do you think all this came out of puffy like did you see a change or was there a point where things got different I believe when I seen puff on camera smoking a cigarette and I said that's not the Pu that I know to smoke a cigarette I believe that opi's addiction changed his whole life and changed who he was he's quietly an addict so is he responsible for some of the that he did because of his addiction yes he is but it has a lot to do with drugs bro and that brother might need some help well do you see any legal problems coming from any of this it's based on what they find in Discovery we know that we have people that's putting a civil suit against them we know there's people that's putting a civil suit against them but in that civil suit if they find something criminal then there might be a prosecutor who say yo listen to me I want to bring this in cuz we could prove this do what do you think the odds are that that there's an investigation into him right now well I think the you uh the governor made some kind of you know they passed some kind of law on the 17th of November that's why he hurried up and uh made because they've been going through this for six months and it was a law being passed by Governor hok that you know whether you sign a a a uh uh non-disclosure or not if somebody committ a crime and everything like that you're able to come out and say something against them or or or tell your story and you won't lose anything that you made an agreement to so they passed that law I think on November the 17th so he hurried up and uh made a settlement so we don't learn the other 32 things that Cassie had in the law suit she had like 60 different things in the lawsuit they cut it down to 38 so now we're looking at the fact that if a prosecutor come in and even in Cassie case if they could find anything that Criminal that they could bring against him they can that trafficking was criminal one of the most recent lawsuits that he had a woman claimed that she was drugged and raped in 1991 was there ever any time where you seen some women who look like they might have been drugged or they might have been on drugs heavy on drugs I told this story they had gave a party on New Year's Eve at madam CJ Walker's house right in her mansion and I had my girl her friend and it was a big party New Year's Eve party I went looking for my girl and I I couldn't find her nowhere she was crazy and I'm going in bathrooms I'm knocking down door I'm going through every door in the house opening doors people in there and situations drinking the whole nine yards I even go outside it's cold I'm looking at people car I'm looking at cars and everything like that then I finally just go to my car and she was in her sleep with her girlfriend you understand I was wondering what happened and she said that she was drinking champagne and all of a sudden she got dizzy so she went to the car she made it to the car so I knew those people who was at that party somebody had drugged the champagne or the or the orange juice or something cuz my girl was in the car sleep her and her girlfriend knocked out and they hadn't been at the party for an hour or two so it's a possibility that that happens a lot that happened to people you know everything that's happened and came out and all these allegations you know where do you see things going from here with puff do you think he's ever going to be able to recover do you think he's going to ever get the trust of people again you know a lot of people still don't believe it a lot of people are still like you know riding with puff at this time well that's okay and I believe that he may have an opportunity once he gets off the drugs once he clean himself up he may have something to offer but until he decides that he's not going to be an addict no more and and addicted to the lifestyle that he is and he was used to ain't no insurance company ain't no company or nobody going to ever deal with him cuz now he's a liability one thing I seen a lot of people say was uh they want to hear from Young Miami she standing by her man that's what she said right I'm standing by my man did she say that I must have missed it yeah I think she said that when they was over in London that she's standing by her man that's crazy I mean you know he he might not be treating her like that I don't know it's different when a lady say she like to be peed on and she dealing with somebody that came out her mouth right I remember so you ain't going to give her what she like so she might be actually into all this stuff or not you know not all of it but some of the stuff that may not bother her it it might not bother her she might actually like it she can go get her Birkin bag the next day so to kind of take it back a little bit before we get out of here you know uh the night the big passes away Mason recently came out and said that there was a bunch of Bloods outside of his hallway at the hotel is is there anything to that or or did you say anything like that well when I got there that was you could it was a few people there that could have been Bloods they had red on stuff like that but it wasn't no 70 dudes when I got there what may saw I don't know what he saw but it's two occasion I when it got May one time he was in the uh I think y the Sentry Club in Cali during that time I got him out the Sentry club and then early that morning when puff had got on the plane and left mace uh we went and got him and let him me some dudes from black hands we went and got mace mace came down went to his car and he got up out of there do you know who who was in there or what was going on or bro when I was traveling with black hands those that's the black gorilla family and black hands when I was traveling with those dudes and and rocking with them they ain't worrying about nobody we wasn't worrying about nobody we was I went to ma room got mace mace came down got in this car and left you know if if it was 70 Bloods at one time there it could a possibility you understand it's a possibility there was a few guys that was dressed read that you know my man them knew a couple of my dudes knew them and they were Bloods so I can't deny what he say he saw or what he did but when we got there it wasn't nobody like that gotcha okay and and if you scared seven could look like 70 so you think mix might have just been scared I mean after you know big did just get killed you had every right to be you you big just got killed the the the the guy who got you out there and everything jumps on the first plane smoking and leave you out there you would feel some kind of way too yeah yeah I I I hear that man Jean man I appreciate you man all right man thank you appreciate you all right bro all right salute what's up this is Cam Capone we got more content like this coming soon so hit that like button subscribe and stay locked in to cam Capone news
Channel: Cam Capone News
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Keywords: camcaponenews, interview, cam capone, cam capone news
Id: vlghigqp85w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 45sec (3165 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 27 2023
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