Mob Boss's Daughter interview-Rita Gigante

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Soft White Underbelly is incredible journalism

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/7LayeredUp 📅︎︎ Feb 08 2023 🗫︎ replies

She lost me when she started with all that psychic bullshit.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/Adialaktos 📅︎︎ Feb 08 2023 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Feb 08 2023 🗫︎ replies

She’s boring . I can’t listen to her .

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/PAE8791 📅︎︎ Feb 08 2023 🗫︎ replies
okay I grew up on two sides of the George Washington Bridge half my life that I lived in New Jersey the other half I lived in New York on Sullivan Street in Greenwich Village with my dad Vincent giganti the boss of the Genovese crime family and I was born in Manhattan and my family lived in a four-room apartment with two German Shepherds by the time I was six months old my dad decided to move us out to New Jersey and my mom was able to choose from whatever houses she wanted we ended up moving to Old Japan New Jersey which is probably the best thing that ever happened because my dad being who he was he was the head of the Genovese crime family in Manhattan but he was also the head of the of the commission and that being said um there was a lot of insurmountable things that the family had to go through to get him to where he was in the end so we were five children I me being the youngest I was I came 10 years after the um the youngest child which was my brother and for me it was I was a change of life baby nobody expected me um my dad you know he he didn't want any more children and when my mom got pregnant he was like oh my God um but you know here I am and I I am the change of life baby in the sense that I was able to see things from a different perspective than the rest of the family they were so much older and they were already born into my dad's world in the sense that if my dad asked them to do something they would do it for him so um my sisters and I were to take care of my mom mostly me at the end because um again being the youngest as an Italian Catholic child when I grew up this is what you did you took care of your own soul I think I heard you know my dad's last words to me and his first words to me were take care of your mother so that was my job here right but I had ideas of my own and uh I was the Renegade you know I didn't want to be a part of that world um I loved my dad but um I know what a very very young age something was not right I didn't know what he did until I was about 16 years old but at a very young age children know things they don't necessarily know how they know but they absolutely know that there's something not right and I knew it I am grew up knowing never to speak or ask questions um you know or I would ask my sister but never my dad but my first experience with my dad at a very young age I was five years old I was underneath my grandmother's um she she had she had a we have four room apartment but but the dining room table was huge and um I was under there playing and nobody knew where I was at the time because you know it was the Forum apartment my my grandmother my mother were outside um and they were either shopping or whatever and I was under the table and there was Italian music playing in the background and all of a sudden I hear this Ruckus right and and I hear men and I hear now my father when I tell you my father spoke you know below a whisper that's how it was for him but not at that time because he was very young but he really didn't say much and I hear the Ruckus and I hear them bringing in a man who they were about to beat him and so I'm I crawled up to the farthest part of the dining room table and I just sat there waiting and I can hear the Italian music in the background and all of a sudden I hear the punches boom boom boom like one right after the other and the guy hit the ground and then I see my father's hands and the only reason why I know is because he would wear this pinky ring I knew it was his so I just watched him beat him and at some point the man's head turned my way and I see his eyes were like almost like half Mass like he was going out right and then all of a sudden the blood and the blood started to trickle to me like to my feet and I started to shake uncontrollably but I didn't say a word I didn't want anybody to know I was there and um I just stood there until it was over and the last thing I remember is my dad stepping on this man's face and saying in a very low tone I'm done with him get him the [ __ ] out of here and then they bodily picked him up and took him out and then my mother and my grandmother came back and they were like where is she where's Rita and they found me underneath the table and my mother dragged me out I'm crying and shaking uncontrollably and she's trying to tell me that everything is okay Daddy just got mad you know they're telling me all the things you would try and tell a kid and in that moment I um shut down my whole body shut down and I was petrified of my father after that I had this feeling that if I did anything wrong somehow I was going to be hurt that way or killed even that was in the back of a five-year-old mind not too long after that my anxiety attacks began and I would be afraid to go to school I didn't want to leave home I didn't want to leave my mother so I you know I would stay home constantly I was falling behind in school I realized today like after everything I'm like how did they even like get me to the next grade they got me to the next grade because of who my father was wasn't like they were going to hold me back so but what that did to me was you know I'm I'm in high school when I hit high school I have a sixth grade reading level you know and I can't I can't get my grades to where they need to be so that being said by the age of seven I've con you know I've I've I went through another traumatic experience with a crossing guard who was an old man you know if he was in his 80s you know I mean that's just he just seemed very old and he was Italian and he would speak Italian because I would walk back and forth to school and I understood some of it but I didn't speak it so but one day he groped me you know from behind and um you know he he did it in a very disgusting way and he was speaking in Italian and I ran home and I told my mom and you know I'm seven years old like and I told my mom I said you know this you know he touched me I said and I I don't feel I don't feel right about it and I'm hysterical crying and I I said you know what are you gonna do like I wanted to know what she was going to do and she basically just took me by the shoulders and she said okay you're not going to walk to school anymore she said but I can't tell Daddy about the man and I said why I said he hurt me you know he and she said to me because I don't know what he would do to him and he said what do you mean I said he needs to do something to him like somebody stick up for me like I had no voice at that moment you know and she said no we can't she says I don't want the man to get hurt and I was so angry at that point I was like [ __ ] this and I was like this is just not right nobody's hearing me my voice isn't hurt after that I started to get panic attacks now I am a psychic medium and healer what nobody understood back then was that I was an empath and an empath is somebody that can feel everything and everyone around them so I was carrying my mother's anxiety and depression I was carrying my father's fears and whenever anxieties he was having my sisters and brothers I couldn't tell the difference between my own and theirs so I would consistently try and help my mother because I could see that she was struggling with the fact that my father was who he was there was nothing she really could do about it and she would go into these deep depressions and so I would take her energy and try and help her and then I would go into deep depressions myself and throughout the course of my life it became anxiety panic attacks by the time I was 10 OCD entered obsessive-compulsive disorder I imagine now I realize I created that because I needed a way to feel like I was in control of something so it would be struggling every day to pick out a shirt because one didn't feel right because somebody was going to die if I picked out you know the wrong color or the wrong pair of pants or whatever I deprived myself of things that I loved peanut butter you know I couldn't eat peanut butter for the longest time because if I did somebody in my family would die you know so but I realized as I got older and looking back it was just a way for me to cope and it was fabulous because it in my opinion it kept me from going quote unquote crazy right so as I got older I would see what was going on in my grandmother's apartment I was 10 years old watching a group of men sit around that table you know everything was on cartoons were on always cartoons he had to have the cartoons on the radio was playing and there would be you know they were writing either notes back and forth to each other somebody would get up and whisper in his ear I'm watching this whole thing and I'm going who is he like I don't understand and I'm never allowed to ask questions so I'm trying to figure out who he is I'm listening one ear to him I'm listening there the ear to the you know to the to the cartoons and then you know in the end of everything he would give the orders Whispering the phone was always off the hook phone was never on the hook and you know we had those old rotary phones back then he never spoke on the phone so in 40 years until he went to jail for the last time his voice was never on a phone um so he would whisper to them all the papers got torn up they either got burnt or they got flushed down the toilet everybody would get up everybody went and did what they had to do whatever he told them to do end of story as I got older again in my head I'm questioning he's important he does these things that I don't understand but now we're at a point where he's gone up in the organization so he veto Genovese was somebody that absolutely adored my father and he was the head of the Genovese crime family at that time my father was 16. at that time you weren't allowed to box but this man took my father under his wing and of course you put them in the boxing ring and he made money and he saw how my father could you know take care of himself and be an enforcer if he needed so that didn't last very long because um yeah he had several fights my dad yeah maybe he had 25 fights and he won almost all of them but the idea was Vito had him at that point and my dad came listen my my grandma my and my grandfather were immigrants okay they came off the boat from Italy my grandmother in Italy had money they had status her father was a doctor and a pharmacist my grandmother was following in his footsteps okay they had servants they were very well to do she left all of that to come here with my grandfather who was an ill man at the time okay um she got here they had nothing she became a seamstress he was a jeweler okay so my father grew up with not a lot of money and my mother too no money holes in their shoes everything so growing up like that my father was looking for a way to make money boxing was one of them he did work a couple of jobs but when Vito got a hold of him that was it it was like you're coming with me so he became his driver and then at one point um Vito took him in and said okay you know this is going to be a way that you get ahead and this was the Costello shooting okay my father had to go and prove himself so he was supposed to kill Costello and in the process he misses okay and so anybody who misses normally they're dead the next day okay Avita loved him and so my father stayed alive they went to court of course Costello said I don't know who it was Costello retires and my father gets brought up in the ranks once again and so he goes then he goes to jail with veto Vito dies in jail my father comes out and slowly he becomes who he is the head of the crime family but he always has somebody in front of him saying that they're him you know meaning that they're really the head but my father's in the background being protected at a certain point in time my father you know as being I want to say the FBI is all of him right so at some point he decides because he never wanted to go back to jail again after the first time he decides he's going to create a Persona of himself that he's crazy you know paranoid schizophrenia quite honestly he could have won an Academy Award he did it so well people believed him his own doctors believed him but I'm sure some of them were paid to believe so to speak and uh he would check himself in and out of Mental Hospitals when he thought that the FBI was really close to him and so backtracking a little bit now I'm let's say 16 right and I'm I'm hearing all these stories about him people in school because we live in this New Jersey you know suburbian area and so there were people that weren't allowed to hang out with me kids that weren't allowed to hang out with me but there was also um families that were gracious and that we've we connected to my father lived with us for a year because I was six months when we moved out he lived with us for a year we gave the police department a donation for fifty dollars my sister actually went and gave them the check and said this is a donation from our family they took it as a bribe arrested him and my mother and that moment my father said I'm going back to the city I'm going to go live with my mother so in that moment he knew things had to change and so now he's starting to wear a bathrobe slippers pee cap walking the streets talking to parking meters you know talking to himself and I'll never forget him saying to me he'd come in when we'd come to visit he'd come in and say come on we're going to walk now he was very afraid to I never got hit by my father never really even got yelled at by my father because of my anxiety and my panic attacks he was very very leery of um reprimanding me in any way so he would take me to what they called The Cafe which is where he played cards and he had his business and all that so he'd say come walk with me now the man was almost six feet tall I'm 5'1 pieces so he would you know he'd go through the whole thing of his hair it was messed up put his pee cap on the whole robe slippers everything he's all an act all next and part of me giggled you know when he did this because I watched him get into that you know that um character I'll say right so he'd say come on we're gonna walk and then as we got outside they say come on hold me up he said you know make like you're holding me up and I'm thinking if anybody's taping us if anybody's looking at us he's six feet I'm five one like how am I holding him up anywhere right so there would be people that would be passing us and tipping their hat because they know him so out of respect they would tip their hat there were others that would walk by and give us the look like what is this you know and I'd be like mind you in my head I'd be like mind your business that's my father so there was that piece of me that that was my father you know and I loved him and there was the other piece like [ __ ] why do I have to do this like I I'm not comfortable doing this you know and we get to the cafe and we'd sit down and I'd watch him play cards and there were I want people to understand that there were sides to my father that nobody really knew okay everybody thought this was a glamorous lifestyle and that we all lived high on the hog and it's just not true we suffered dearly for what he was involved in so um before I actually found out who he was and and all of that you know I would be hearing these these things in school people would say oh there's the mafia princess I'll follow this I'll follow that you know to the point where one day um there was this one particular girl who was spreading Big Time rumors and you know I just had had enough even though I didn't know the truth I really had had enough of everybody talking about me and so I grabbed her one day in the in the stall of the the bathroom in in my uh High School and I just beat the [ __ ] out of her you know she came out at the stall both her friends went in with her I had a friend that was watching and she came to me and she said she's in the bathroom I come into the bathroom both those girls were in the bathroom I said get out like that now she heard my voice I'm waiting for her to come out of the stall and she came out of the stall and she said like she was acting acting very cocky and I says you know I've had enough of you making fun of my family or saying things that and she kind of went to come at me a bit and I just took her down I wrapped my hands around her hair pulled her down and I hit her her here on the sink of the bathroom and interestingly enough in that moment I went to go hit her again and I stopped myself and my friend Michelle came in and she said to me somebody's coming and I said all right I'm done with her and those are the words my father said right is I didn't even realize this till after the fact so I didn't like myself after that I didn't want to be the person that that person that was you know um yes I was sticking up for my family yes she probably to served the beaten but I didn't want to conduct myself that way I'm not that person so at 16 at that point I was 16 at that point I said I got to find out what's going on because now I'm starting to believe things that I don't know if they're true or not so I go to a family friend and I sitting down with her and I said please tell me what's happening I said I need to know this is what just happened to me I have blood all over me so she said to me you don't know I said no and she said sit down and she explained everything to me who my father was what he did all of all of it including that he was the head of the commission and I if you would if you could have saw my face everything drained right out of me but in that moment it was like all the pieces of the puzzle snapped into place and I said son of a [ __ ] in my head I'm going this is why I have such anxiety and panic and I'm out of my body half the time I can't you know I'm I'm trying to stay grounded and I can't little did I know I had these gifts that were coming right and nobody in my family understood that nobody but my grandmother she did have visions okay which I found out afterwards so they don't know what to do with me I go in and out of these depressions um can't eat for weeks on end losing weight the whole thing but every single time it happened three weeks later somehow by the grace of God I get an urge to have McDonald's I don't know why it was McDonald's and I don't know why it was Chinese food right we go to McDonald's I get two big you know French fries and a shake and I'd be dipping the fries in the shake because I happen to love sweet and salty my appetite would open and then I would come back to normal again but there's another several pieces of the story so at age 11 I knew I was gay right I felt that in my bones I knew it I was never going to be with a man I was never going to get married like I was expected to do and have children I would certainly take care of my mother because I was groomed for it from the day I was born so at 11 years old I'm holding the secret now now my father's got a million Secrets right he is who he is he's lying to everybody's lying even to us for certain things right he goes and he has another family on top of all of this so this is what happens in that lifestyle though I want everybody to understand this is what happens in that lifestyle so he has we'll call her a Paramore he ends up having three children with her all very close to my age one two years old or one only six months apart so she and my mother was pregnant at the same time one two years after me gets better both those women's names with the same name Olympia how that happens in this lifetime I don't know how many olympias do we know I won I I know one my mother and Olympia dukak is is the only other one I know but both names are Olympia so obviously he can't make a mistake whoever he's talking to or with um so he has this other family now my mother my mother knows my mother only confides in my sister who's 15 years old my sister had a bear a lot because she was the oldest and so my father confided in her and my mother confided in her none of us knew until later on in life he kept it under wraps and absolutely nobody know so this is why my mother was so depressed and angry and upset so moving through that piece at 19 I decide I'm going to try and come out to my mother and my father I got myself together and at my mother's house he comes to visit he came to visit every so often in New Jersey I got the balls to go into the room into the bedroom Sit Them Down sweating like an animal my Palms everything shaking like a leaf and I and they they looked at me like what's wrong and he said you know I have to tell you something and I said I'm gay I said I like women and I thought I was going immediately I thought my father was going to get up and crack me right I just thought that that was it I got the complete opposite which scared me more he got because my mother looked at him because she was like I don't know what to do with this so he just looked at me and he said a lot of a lot of kids your age kids 19. a lot of kids your age go through this this is just you know this is just a something you go through he said you're experimenting it's okay he says you're going to get married you're going to have kids he says but I'm going to tell you he says I don't want you to hang out with these girls anymore that you hang out with now in an Italian Catholic Family you couldn't hang out with boys or girls in in mine anyway because now I'm gay right so I was never allowed to really date men but I wasn't allowed to hang out with my girlfriends either get up back in my room hysterical crying two days later I'm sick as a dog now I'm sick often with upper respiratory okay whether it's pneumonia whether it's you know the whole thing with my throat my ears everything now for some of you who don't know what I do for a living being a psychic medium healer this area which we call the throat chakra okay which is energy but it's a it's called the throat chakra this is the area where you speak your truth I tried and I had to jump right back in the closet so because I had to still lie about everything I was getting ill from it at the age of 24 I said I'm done I told my mother this is who I am this is who I'm always going to be this is how I was born and graciously my mother said to me we're not going to tell your father I said I don't care this is what I'm telling you and she said listen to me she goes I love you I'm afraid for you because of the way the world is and I'm afraid for your soul because she was Catholic right and I said listen to me this is how I was made so there's no God that made me this way I'm explaining to her that doesn't love me and doesn't want me to be who I need to be I said I made peace with it I need you to make peace with it and she did she made peace with it so I started to live my my life at 19 I put myself in therapy they didn't put me they didn't say go to therapy I put myself in therapy okay and the first time in 19 years well first I was told make sure you don't talk about the family just talk about your anxiety not the fact that my anxiety was for my family but you know they thought that that's just talk about the anxiety okay and go to therapy and I'm drilling the therapist on you know if I tell you certain things does that mean you're going to tell other can you tell other people can you go to you know uh the police can you go to the FBI she doesn't even know what I'm going to say yet and she's reassuring me that she's it's private confidentiality right after three visits of grueling drilling her I finally say okay this is what it is and I told her who my father was and what the situation was and she just looked at me with like deer like headlights you know deer in the headlight and I just said is this something you can handle and she said absolutely and all of a sudden it was like a thousand pounds came off of me to be able to just speak it to someone who didn't say to me no you can't talk about this no this is wrong no this is going against the family no no no no no no it was yes now and that began the healing process for me and so I do want to tell people and I and I've always I always do this in any interview I have my father wasn't all bad I'm going to tell you that there were times where he was actually a human being in the sense that he was a dad okay he would when I was sick he I would lay on his lap and he would rub my back in my head until I fell asleep he would take care of that whole you know part of New York that he ran the whole village the West Village if the elderly couldn't pay for their rent or food my Dad paid for it he was very generous in that way he was extremely charismatic he probably could have been the CEO of any company you know that he could have created but he got caught up and when he understood the power behind what he was doing he couldn't give up the power it was never ever about the money for him it was always about the power now I really am the only one in this out of us children who could get him up and dance to Elvis because he loved Elvis so there were times where I'd be in my grandmother's we switched Apartments now we were on LaGuardia and I'd say to him come on I said I'm going to put Elvis on let's dance and he what two left feet couldn't dance for [ __ ] but he would get up and he would shimmy and do all of that my mother would get up and shimmy he'd come out of character for like 10-15 minutes and then after that he go right back into it now I witnessed him in character I've witnessed doctors coming to check him out and you know him you know speaking in a way mimicking the cartoons and saying God told me to do this and God told me to do that and um you know and he was my God you know I'm I would have to turn and laugh because it was funny in some sense and in the other sense I'm like this is just insanity and then when he checked himself in to the mental hospital he was on the third floor with the people that were very ill they had bipolar they had schizophrenia all of that and we would go and my energy because I'm an empath would pick up everybody's energy within 10 minutes of being in the room with him I'd fall asleep because I couldn't handle it okay but I think that hurt me the most because and it's not that the murders weren't yes that that was definitely um it hurt me as well but I'm watching him make a mockery of the actual people that were really ill you know and they would come in and give him his pills and he would you know I don't know how he did it but he was able to hide the pills that they were giving him for apparently the mental stuff they would leave the room he would open his mouth show them that he swallowed it they would leave he'd spit it out in a you know tissue give it to my mother and say take it home and flush it so these and these with three week stents that he would go in for eign so as time went on I wanted I didn't know what I wanted to do in my life I did a lot of part-time jobs I did a lot of things but I knew I wanted to help people I didn't know how I just knew I had to help people and so I decided after doing a million things I'm going to go to massage school I was working for a chiropractor at a time at that time and I was just working the office like doing whatever he told me to do even massage people and I didn't even know that I that I could do that and I was also a personal trainer at the time it was the first time in my life I made my own money and I felt good about myself so from there I went to massage school now when I when I got to massage schools where I really realized I had gifts because I was able to put my hands on someone and feel what was going on inside their body I could see the liver I could see the kidneys I could see the stomach everything and I would hear these things in my head saying okay they have an issue with their kidneys they're going to need to do this this and that blah blah blah I didn't know who was speaking it wasn't me but it was my voice but I just knew it wasn't coming for me so I would tell the person listen I don't know if this is true but this is what I'm hearing and they would look at me like oh my God how did you know that and I'm like oh God what did I do here like I started I don't even know how I'm doing this I said I don't know I just have a knowing now a knowing in my work is called clear cognizant clairsentient is where I can feel stuff okay so I'm get through massage school I begin to work on people immediately I'm helping people heal themselves in multiple ways not knowing how until I reached the point where I have my own Visions now I was raised Catholic but I no longer practice Catholicism and I haven't for a very long time someone asked me I tell them I'm spiritual but I did have visions I've had visions of Christ I had visions of mother Mary and these all were able to get me to the place that I needed to go with my work the more I cleared out my own energy the more I was able to do this other work that I was doing so in other words the more I cleared out my old family stuff and all the drama and all the craziness that went on there the more energy I had to do my work so as time went on I was able to then focus on that piece and also I was trained by several people to I want to say cultivate my psychic senses so then I was able to see and hear things sometimes I could taste and even smell depending on who I was working with so that that was a real blessing for me it got me to the point where now I was helping people yes this was here on the side but I was no longer now as connected as I was before okay and no one can understand it they just didn't understand what I was doing how I could do it they didn't believe it really you know so um one day I worked on my mom she was not feeling great and I was practicing one of the skills that I had and it was called the laying on of the hands and I sat there I said stand here I said let me let me try something I said it was something emotional that was going on with her and I said to my niece stand behind her and I put my hands on my mother my mother went down immediately like a feather she just got limp and she felt an incredible peace come over her and she said to me what was that and I said that was you releasing and spirit coming through you they took it and now you have your own energy back she was blown away she said to me this is what you do for people I said yes I said but I don't do it I said everybody does it themselves I said you trusted me so it happened I said when I'm working with somebody I tell them this is between you and spirit I'm just a conduit I said and then if they want to heal they heal you know it's like leading the horse to the water but you can't make them drink right at that point felt like my mother was like believed everything I did said didn't matter and then slowly my family started to understand it I should say my sisters um I don't really speak to my brothers at this point well one of them I'm starting to but after I wrote my book they were not happy about it so five years I'm sorry 15 years before I wrote the book Spirit came to me and said you're going to write a story you're going to write your story start to write things down now it will not come out for a while but it's going to come out and you're going to help the masses so I always ask that how can I help the masses I said okay so I started writing my story I just took I just took eight you know like I went from just one experience took that road about it and just kept going 15 years later I'm introduced to a woman who is going to help me now put it all together and it took about two years to actually write and it was extremely cathartic but it was extremely exhilarating because I knew that if when people read it that it was going to help them somehow so many aspects to it the fact that I was people could relate anybody could relate to I don't care what you are Jewish Italian you know whatever it is you can relate to the family Dynamics right um you can relate to the fact that I was gay and I couldn't come out you could relate to the fact that the women in my home were suppressed let not the men okay and they they benefited the men benefited although my brothers were never made ever my father would never allow that so um it comes time where I'm on my own and my father's get you know he he gets arrested he's in jail he's going in for 12 years okay so my life is I'm living with a woman I'm you know I have my own life I have my own business I'm thriving at this point but the one piece that that's missing is me making amends with my father because I didn't know if he was going to die in jail or not I didn't know if he was going to make it out and I kept asking Spirit show me how to forgive show me how to forgive all of them not just him my mother you know the whole family the whole dynamic I said I want to be rid of this because I want to be healthy and so I kept asking I kept asking one night I woke up in the middle of the night in a sweat and I run downstairs and all of a sudden I feel the energy coming through me and I start typing a letter to my father this was this is what this was the piece that brought him to where he needed to be before he passed so I wrote him a forgiveness letter and I said to him you don't I know you don't know me fully but this is who I am and I told him who I was and I said I'm sorry if I wasn't the daughter you expected and I forgive you for not being the father you were or should have been and blah blah blah and it went on and on this you can read in my book and so um he gets the letter I had no expectations I sent it I felt a thousand times better again more weight lifted off of me two weeks later my mother calls me she goes what did you write to your father I said why she goes he called here basically in tears saying to me he understood he knows what you mean and he gets it I said I'll let you read it and I let her you know this was I was home she was living at home and I was in my own home I brought it to her and she goes oh my God and in that moment that she told me this I felt the energy shift in him and I said this was it I said this is his opportunity to begin to make amends before he leaves this Earth and sure enough he started and amazingly enough of course he never makes it out of jail why they're gonna release him after 12 years he only got 12 years but what happened was 9 11 happened and my father was petrified that some one of us either got hurt or was in the city or whatever he calls the house and he talks normal now whenever he called from there it's the first time I ever heard my father on a phone whenever he would call from there he would still talk like he wasn't 100 percent okay Claire Isabelle they get him on tape now he's called several times clear as a bell so they realize there's no Insanity here he's not faking anything right so he the government says to him listen unless you cop to who you are we're going after the family for obstruction of justice and that ended everything and he said nope I'll give you everything you want meaning about himself he will never talk about another human being but himself and that's what kept him there and 2005 I think it was we got the phone call and that he passed her in a knife and congestive heart failure which you know there's a theory that they [ __ ] with his medicine need the hearing or there he gets into the spirit world and who does he contact first one of my friends who's a medium and within two minutes I get the phone call you know oh no I called her and I said my father passed she goes I already know he's here I said holy [ __ ] and he said to me the first words out of his mouth was go take care of your mother I dropped everything I was in my office I dropped everything he said to me I'll be back to speak to you personally I go I go to my mother I go through the whole bout of you know getting him cremated and settled and 2005. I wait seven years to publish my book because out of respect for him and my mother but not too long after that he contacts three different mediums to get to me and I I said to because they called me and I said look he's like a bull in a china shop he's giving me the messages I gotta give him to you and they had to kind of back him off because he would come to them during the night while he was sleeping so I end up then having a conversation with him this is the first time I know I'm a medium okay talking to my dad and he says to me apologizing profusely I was wrong I did this I did that you were right I made so many mistakes I hurt your mother so bad in the beginning he would never admit that he hurt any of us only my mother but I see now what I did and he looked at what's called Your Life review when you get in the spirit world and he realized he took it way too far his ego got the best of him and he emitted it all of it and I said to him I know I said but actually none of that matters at this point I said you are where you are and the fact that you realize it want to make amends is good enough for me and he begged me at that point if he could work with me in what I do and I said what do you mean and he says I want to come through and help people and whoever needs me now I've worked with many in that lifestyle throughout the course and anybody that he felt he needed to help he would come so I said well that was like an offer I couldn't refuse and I said absolutely and so we've been two peas in a pod since he's passed he's been phenomenal at coming and helping me with people when I do when I'm on stage and I'm talking about my story or when you know I'm doing interviews like this I feel him he comes through me um it's so funny he he laughs every time people ask me where's the money and he's hysterical because he knows there's like we live like normal people we don't live like anything other than normal people like there is no money wherever it was whoever had it it's not with us so he laughs at that and I and I say to him you know it's not funny I said but it's okay you know but that's really like the first question people ask I'm so shocked at that um and then we go on to people want to know the intimate details of things so you know this is this is me telling everybody that you can get through anything in life you put your mind to it you follow your own truth and you're you're you allow your soul to leave you lead you and not your ego and you got it made you could do whatever you want I'm proof of it my father's even proof of it because he changed before he left this Earth and I also tell people even if they don't change here there's that place that they can change in the spirit world so I teach people to connect to their loved ones because it's not that I don't love being a medium but people want to speak to their own they don't necessarily want to speak to me so I teach them how to get to that point because we all we all have these skills that we're born with it really depends on how far you want to take it so um it it warms my heart it gives me such a sense of you know like gratitude that I can help as many people either speak to their loved ones be a conduit for them whatever it is um but but I tell people all the time live your truth it's the only way to go amazing thank you that's a great story yeah and there was so much more but I don't know how much more you want to hear part two part two right next time yeah thank you Rita oh
Channel: Soft White Underbelly
Views: 1,238,075
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: soft white underbelly, swu
Id: OO_BBdn7ecE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 57sec (2937 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 05 2023
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