MLB | Most Violent Home Plate Collisions in History

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I was delivering pizzas it's a long way from what Edgar did and this could get the run home Edmonds really churches here's the prophecy he holds on Paul Janish is now the batter and he floats one toward shallow centerfield it's going to drop in for a head chippers coming home here's the throw to the plate by Mayberry and his eclosion did Kratz hang on he the grow by Maybury up right into the Chuck's of Chipper Jones and Erik Kratz is able to hang out as the collision occurs and the fourth comes to a close the middle the real ways for home here's the throw by bedre deer picked up by cracky Hey look at this on as he blows just just about all the way off the ground there I tell you what right in there on it hang on oh boy last year he he jumps up and gets out the river that day and right into the stretch looking back and throws horses coming to the place so forth all he said is all over - well sure Holtz has the best on fairly shallow more Center than right Cousins is going to test him Posey can't handle it and Posey gets clobbered big wrestler and persistent trainer Mark Reuss back out there the Bruce Bochy hovering fans chanting Posey my fears Lake looks like he may have hyper-extended a leg when he was knocked back collision and look at the left ankle get bit back he get a pretty good look at how he took the hit and how the left ankle got twisted back the in the right ugly will be sent by ryne sandberg here comes the throw by Gillespie it is in kind a solid line drive single you see the viral basically sitting on top a home plate there's the collision I love what he did look at the bare hand how quickly Colette's begets to this ball that's really the key as much as anything quick feet get to the ball and a hurry good strong accurate throw home and then the hit is delivered that right leg folds under after the collision your first thought is concussion but as you said it was like a leg yeah I got to pay both yeah even a lot of pain and Scouts in the stands see that here's the throw to the plate my kids well they got a varsity not for a little but he hit that was a head-on collision and I'll tell you what Jennings did what he thought he had to do and Lou held the ball because as soon as it went into the glove it was a head-on collision what a job that is a holding on to the baseball he just needs a second and you're right to let everything all the cobwebs come out one too long on a week's time for the first I think one of the things about ball k imperiling in the person is getting his mask his batting helmet went flying about ten feet as Jennings looked like a fullback trying to ram it in from the 5-yard line the catcher the question of one plate collision with Ken Caminiti torn ligaments and a broken bone in his ankle Canella ground ball coming home with it boom but gonna hang on out what did he take a lick and it was as clean as could be from hip scoot blocking the play plows and when the ball and the runner get there at the same time it's like Posada temporarily if not days may be knocked out [Applause] [Music] Posada barreled over by hips Kia clean play no place for him ski to go but into Piscotty and Jorge holds on to the ball [Applause] Dempsey packing for the Cleveland Indians in July this little come back to the shop bail he comes home Dempsey goes home broke his thumb on that particular play on the collision Rick Dempsey was out did not come back [Music] [Applause] as he goes over don't you happy out but then the ball was jarred loose virus patrol captures over here base hit to right field the wave the runner got the belt right hurry [Applause] collision at home take a look [Applause] see he doesn't really have time to protect himself because the fall is right there he held on for a great play by Molina 3 1 pitch this was drip to the left elevation Youkilis will score and being raised in his Adam gonna throw to the plate is in time Trumbo base hit in the left he charges it well gets a good throw this in a high throw but great on the money and a collision he catch the ball and then deal with the guy that's big running into and hold onto the baseball now smart move here by Mike butcher to go out there to give Chris Iannetta an opportunity to to kind of gather himself and I ended up with the presence of mind knowing where the baseball was headed and out of the corner of your eye seeing the big donkey coming at you he kind of braced himself nicely going after that baseball compelling back but he's a good one to look for got a fastball and lets a fly ball into short left field here's empty wanting to know am I going this comes ago by merging it is and here's his key not only bangs in the Barrett bangs onto the plate and here they go this is a good clean play by Pierzynski he has to go through the catcher he's blocking the plate he takes bear down and scores the run and it's after that what takes place Barrett took exception to Pierzynski getting up and trying to go through right there and then he's just going to go ahead and hit him drive away from first base and the rings around the world he doesn't waste any time he set up perfectly a one hop strike Napoli's in great position but Rodriguez delivers a blow in jars the ball loose he is blocked the plate perfectly but never got a good grip on the baseball be cool around Vegas crashed into it for example and this time he won as Rodriguez charged the ball loose kids are with a perfect relay throw one hop but it's just they pick too late it didn't allow Napoli to pad to put the clamps on that baseball and McGriff hits a bullet into right field for a base hit that will roll to the bullpen Gate in comes green now they're waving Jordan in maybe throw to the plate a big collision the ball is loose but with Jordan Jerry Bennett had a look out and I mean he took no lick the ball went one way and Jordan levels the catcher and then crawls back to score the run near the right-field line could be trouble but Carlos Lee is able to make the over-the-shoulder catch now the runner tag here's the third of the plate and he is out Jason Castro holds on Castro is down - what a tremendous play at Carlos Lee made the over-the-shoulder catch made the throw to Castro and he's able to get the double play on the collision little soft pop up down that right-field line lead chasing making a running over-the-shoulder basket catch Campbell's going to try to score the throw to the plate Castro knockdown but he holds on and Gamble is out Castro got his bell rung and a huge collision to the plate somehow he held onto that throw from Lee that's a 3-2 double play to end the inning and let's hope Jason's okay that was some type of crash if you tried to pull one here it's a rocket - right Gil Mark Teixeira coming around third copy you pray you to throw we go the market share is safe yep there's a little room for him to go in the on the other side and he takes the matter what happens is Wilson's leg get caught underneath them is he falls over backwards that can cause a leg injury you can see here he got a good look at the front of home plate Marc decides not to go at the slide and to go in like a little high to me penny well he was going to be safe one way or the other I felt I want to think the throw was in time is limited right field side of the bed of our home plate on a kids by Parra now jump in the air right field not very deep up and on let's see if Victorino challenges there's a chance here comes Victorino here's the throw to the plate he is out of the plate Montrouge on Victorino knocked him over [Music] and with Amazon still only down the run [Music] groundball got one and that's it runner coming home here comes to throw Morgan that collision he holds on out of the place he forged the former hockey player who would have been safe had he slid if he doesn't run him over and if he slides he scores the run that's what happened to him the other day in a play where he went out of his way to get the catcher if he goes now with a slide he gets the paper would tank and why dress looks right but a great play by Brett aid they do fly ball left field tagging for third explorance Goodell comes run again he's other makes the catch here to throw to the plate [Applause] to the baseline he grabs his hands on the contact and the ballgame is over another one rough victory now they are going to review this to see if there was a violation of the home plate collision rule I think the road took him right into the base line and there was nothing else he could do and you're absolutely right about that left then comment on that but what's he supposed to do I mean he's got to go catch the ball his family at home played a big collision but he hangs on to the ball Cameron rut with a baseball in his bare head and the Phillies have another one here's the 2-1 delivering the way in the air to right-field ball hid deep going back near the wall Nick Markakis up bounces and he can't get it that will score Joyce Rodriguez coming around to the plate here's the throw away I'm not wide the right first time ball glanced off the glove of Harper he's going to drill one to right-center this time it will drive in a run they're going to send both runners Espinoza has got a shot and Leonie gets wiped out and then threw one to lay home Disney got caught underneath [Applause] [Applause] we take a few moments for hey-zeus Wars to get all of his gear on [Applause] and that's a clean hit line the right field under pen sticks it on a bounce Cameron's coming home here is a total of play and they're both down breaking ball that truck to the alley in right-center field and Tory's going to trying to cut this one off does so gets rid of it quickly being waved around his game if here comes the throw home at David [Applause] there's a base hit into right Rinku is going to score rancor hopefuls the third now they have hung up now runners going to try to score and frame four is out at the plate but the Phillies add to their lead second and third and with the infield in Victoria's coming home where's the ball go right to Pedroia he's going on the right side because they thought the infield was back and there's the collision at home plate good job by Saltalamacchia hold onto that baseball as he takes the brunt of that collision and the one off that was wrapped in the right back here that's a big hit putting over the grass you get to be full off to the right cutting around third is more kitchen here o'clock here's the throw here's the run he one hop throw to Kanoa look how quickly he gets him headed toward court plate and there's the app Cervelli holds on here's the throw the ball Markakis the collision somehow their belly holds on and that prevents the Orioles have tied the game well-executed Granderson to condole to the belly handle them grills where the beeps chatter Lonnie Smith [Applause] nobody out there sending them all away throw by not lock it out Lonnie Smith hanged up and now the ball goes over the head of kirby puckett and he's got 180 feet to run and he's out on a brilliant play by Brian Harper watch the short hop and now holding on to her Allen the world at heart forever hold on to this fall my goodness missed like a middle linebacker plowing into Harper or that's hardball
Channel: Crazy for Baseball
Views: 3,722,160
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MLB, Major League Baseball, Offense, Defense, Baseball, catcher, collision, biggest, big, hard, hardest, collide, collides, worst, best, of all time, in history, greatest, collisions, Homeplate, Home plate, injury, injuries, football, tackle, fight, hit, truck, Pete Rose, Buster Posey, posey, violent, fosse, Ray Fosse, sports, strong, dirty, slide
Id: qe3qCWHVh68
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 55sec (1015 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 23 2017
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