Craziest "Karma/Revenge" Moments in Sports History

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hakeem who has come in the sixth orton going deep he's got watkins and buckle up there he goes and hakeem brings him down he just got in there he plays both sides unfortunately watch him at the end here he begins to showboat he eases up a little bit he never feels a keem that's a rookie mistake by sammy watkins looking to change his gate and slow up and begin to celebrate around the 10-yard line look how much enthusiasm the lakers are playing with more from more from shotgun sex with chocolate [Applause] now he hits a deep drive straight away center field and gone [Applause] team's logos and sharing it with his tick-tock followers and tonight was no exception some pressure from the bengals roethlisberger juju smith schuster is blown up and then on the receiving end i'm not sure it was the pregame dance had anything to do with it but maybe maybe the defensive backs try a little harder against smith schuster it's done an error [Applause] [Applause] nothing mariners [Music] well i'll say this buzzed his tower on the first pitch hamstring and right there grabbing the right bicep zarba with a whistle i think that they're gonna take a look at this oh yeah there's intent there yeah there's definitely intent and this goes back to the bubble man you know the you know [Music] gordon got hurt in this parade bautista looks out at the pitcher that ball went behind him dugouts here comes john gibbons out and that look tells you all you need to know about what bautista thinks about that three in one nobody out donaldson at third he moved up on the wow pitch bautista drives it deep to the left he's amazing and he enjoys it garcia threw one behind his back and rattled his cage and he goes deep to the half yet embiid pulled away by dragons he misses the second six-point game on the push and it is swatted by embiid boy that was oh man it's on lockdown he said that simmons looking for butler embiid goes quick on lopez tough shot followed by simmons back at you [Music] huh i fear god what [Applause] hey i just finished it i just finished it i don't start not looking and stan gives a little look and now has something to say to mike fires and now stan gonna take a step towards him as the benches will start to trickle out stanton will go towards first hit and his reaction had a lot to do you think with who it was and he's gonna like that and he is going to make sure and stylize that trot a bomb off the bat of john carlos stanton as he wins this battle with mike fiers [Applause] look at him just watching it took a look at fires short drop quick throw left shoulder intercepted right going down the [Applause] ramirez who has hit a pair of home runs probably feeling like there was absolute intent there now the warnings by the home plate up for the red sox and a drive hook deep down the line that one is up and out of here and indeed he did get him back on the very first swing you've got to be kidding me hanley ramirez for the third time tonight hits one out of fenway park that's the first time in his career walker long three oh trickled off and the rebound of richardson still an opportunity with a minute to play james hard he wanted this at assignment left technical foul on draymond green with the shove to the bearded one's chest already james harden letting his presence be known here five quick points here just takes durant off but he's back on the floor and about to come back into the game all right thank you david there's hard with the drive a facial by james harden going right at draymond green and a lot of chatter out there following that shot some history we take you back to june 23rd paul mulholland hitting gomez it looked like it was intense carlos gomez up in the two spot tonight and he hits that one high and deep left center field way back and gone carlos can spark his lip i think brian mccain gives up the dribble uber calling for it gets it and it goes up with a thunderous left hand over the top of paul tour here it is right here beverly goes for the steal and exposes paul first rebound throws it away george gets it back with dubray debated he flushes it in and stares him down after the flush right away they're talking and all of a sudden fiji said oh man i'm gonna get you back and put you in the rim and stare em down took advantage of that down the stretch off one foot oh yes what [Applause] coming after grady gets it away he's picked in the end zone it's bayley bailey taking off and he gets away from the one man who had a shot at him talk about a game changer bailey is he in or not running it back 100 yards on the field after the 100 yard return i'll tell you it almost looked like bayley was pulling up like he had no idea watson was closing in on him yeah you always got to look behind in bill belt six and right fumbles picked up by leon lett can he go all the way it's a 60-yard run he's being chased by bb what's up did he get across no they are not that's going to be a touch back to buffalo and when he did don beebe hustling stripped it away baby is the fastest buffalo bill this is after the last out of an eighth inning and uzi points it out towards center field but this time he pointed right towards the angel dugout i wonder if he uh just vapor locked and thought that that was the ninth filling that that was it trout takes off the pitch is caught on that's down the right field line that'll go for extras trout went into a slighted second he's headed to third he's being waved in here comes the throw by romero we are tied up at five the ball gets away pools remains at second and while albert got to second base albert took the arrow out and shot it at the angels dugout boy i love this this is what baseball is all about especially now two rivals going at it [Music] young [Music] 33 seconds left butler for the time yes the butler did it retired 17th ford [Music] suspenders to center field and deep hamilton going back to the track at the wall it's gone you want a cespedes with a towering home run to center field this move probably will not make any one mixtape oh [Laughter] hey oh he goes splitsville and ends up on the ground with the ball it's called a jump ball and now the nixonettes get into it taurean prince gets in there bobby portis upset the officials trying to shoot 26 seconds to play nets are down by one irving step back three oh kyrie irving buries it for the lead and that's kyrie's the largest lead of the game lillard block from behind by westbrook the two of them joining at each other you can almost say they've been mucking up the whole game the way they've played so physical basketball from the opening count it and the foul westbrook say they've been mucking up the whole game the way they played so physical basketball from the opening and the foul westbrook back out westbrook westbrook for three lillard a chance to send the thunder home lillard long range three are you kidding me one of his best [Applause] get him in the jaw yes it did the ball hit way back take that anything this year that was blocked the bears had it the bears are going to get a touchdown out of this now they're ruling let's see what they rule in the end zone so could eventually be a safety instead of a touchdown he's not in the end zone when that comes when that happens vance mc every nfl player should be required to watch super bowl highlights you see here's my problem taking a look at that that's not a double double technical foul that's a technical unless he thinks he can entice kobe bryant to get thrown out either there's no way he's going to intimidate and now a two-shot foul because the foul occurred before the ball was inbounded and he fakes the ball i mean somebody in it hey look out oh freddie freeman go get yourself some feeds off whoa with the fourth inning and that one's behind him from o'sullivan and tulawitzki looks out there as if to say hey and he hits a drive to left field he hit it well that sends juan rivera way back tulawinski has hit it out [Applause] no timeouts for toronto they go the length of the court ruffin tips it away and [Music] [Applause] no not possible not possible look out is that a fastball it was and some immediate stank eye from high and deep randy nguyen looking up gone [Music] stevenson blocked howard you got to get back in the game it's a nine point charlotte lead after the pacers led early 10-5 [Music] the 40 just the punter to beat leon washington has gone not quite the distance as baker trips him up and he is down at the one-yard line if you get vertical as soon as you can celebrating a little too soon if you ask me if he doesn't put up the number one finger maybe he makes it watch the right hand to baker on washington's right foot and then that forces leo you
Channel: Highlight Reel
Views: 7,253,515
Rating: 4.7169018 out of 5
Id: kwuIWZ9wRmw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 12sec (972 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 05 2021
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