MLB Playback - Batter, Catcher, Umpire get hit compilation

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he's Duggar and buddy black taking a look at Garneau making sure he's okay and second foul ball caught him up on the forearm the bicep injury bug is played the Rockies this free trade [Music] I don't know where that got it was at the thumb that he broke and it might be right on that hand I would think it is if it was his right he was diving over there one two and that got bromine he's an obvious pain athletic trainer Steve Donna you out along with Joe Girardi I don't the knee even though there's protection there hopefully Austin's alright yes guys are getting after yeah these are root canals with no novocaine yeah I mean is not about that that the first pitch that he made the Gordon you see that second pitch fouled off and it gets Meili oh yeah that's a trip to the dentist and more might cause a trip to the dentist three two here it is got Maxwell again see where it got it the second time in two nights another one that just squares Maxwell up you can see that ball doesn't exactly bounce all that far away and what that tells you is he got it that square the mask dedenne's it and there's the exact you can see him grabbing his jaw you know it rattles your face didn't help us break the time I mean there's so many things out Brian McCann shaken up maybe on the backswing I'll tell you catching and tough stuff that big powerful and they're gonna let him stay so McCann will walk out to the mound Oh two from women and Cervelli fouls that one off of Hector Sanchez Mike goodness Hector has missed time this year with concussions he has had more than his fair share honestly over the course of his career owes the ball right off the left side Andy green looking back towards the dugout I would not be surprised if they're often hedges or Lou Easter eggs came out Boston hedges has strapped on the chest protector keep it all walks are okay too that would hit some right in the ear with the mouth oh no it hit the ground and came up and in him right in the face and ray Ramirez been jogging out the Mets had a flex trainer to see if Reyes is okay [Applause] although kind of got his shoulder first I board the I gear huh glancing at cheek he looked like it hit me the bottom rim of the helmet on its way up to hit the strangler a little bit oh I got him in the Chiefs song pretty good got him pretty good he's okay the Emir is short lead at second Bradley follows it back and it's one and two that caught the umpire Brian Knight it's the clavicle maybe the mask oh yeah stuff the side of the mast that was a much quicker swing but Bradley get a good pass with that one Calvin straight back and he's 31 or he will be 31 in October left-hand hitter and the 1o pitch is swung on and fouled away for Carlos Gonzalez checking with mark Repp ejoute got a bit of mark blowing on his right hand so timeout see that foul ball got him on the mask more than anything else and you say well it weren't a mask yeah that's like being hit in the mass by a hammer so he's already passed his home run total from all of last season in Milwaukee one got Dale Scott hit the bottom of the mast extension down there near the bottom to protect the throat area yeah right on that and just flip the mask right off the back of his head you'll watch the umpires for the rest of the game tonight a lot of communication when you're down to it three men it's playing in a foul and Jerry Lane staggered by that foul tip and both Centeno and cano help the veteran umpire to stay up and trainer Tony Leo coming right out you can see Centeno reaching out and grabbing his arm and keeping late from falling down right there right off the mask off the left shoulder Jerry Lane is going to be [Music] oh that one got Jerry Lane and Jimenez grabbed the right arm of Jerry Lane to make sure he didn't tumble over that got him square he might have gone down if he hadn't grabbed him trying to gather himself right now off one mask and then right into the collarbone of Jerry Lane you know we take it for granted these guys work the plate god smoked here off the bat of Nick Markakis in the eighth inning and I don't know if he's gonna be able to continue I said collarbone it obviously missed everything and got him in the side of the face what almost got away oh it got an ailment what happened at the gas John Hicks missed that pitch completely and that might raise some eyebrows well you're absolutely right he didn't get a beating piece of that ball that went right into the bass my goodness Johnny Cueto and it's fouled off and it's piece of Christian ethic or you see how late he goes on that almost in the glove with Christian Beth important he's gonna try to walk it off here as he walks out towards the mound just a little extra time the teller got him inside right side all Navaro the trainer coming out Andy green to check on antero with a 2-1 delivery on the way and he'll go after it and file it off at 86 and that one cut Welington Castillo kicking off the dirt then coming up where he's not to protect it too long we'll bring the trainer let's show Walter coming out I think it's white so after taking that foul ball in the groin Castillo unable to go on and Caleb will take [Music] [Music] Kinski can't help but smirk okay [Music] Sardi's second basemen last year for the pauses with April injury just set him back most of the season said yeah he never returns after that injury last a play speaking of Spangenberg there's one at daniel espinosa was taking and that ball got a piece of the catcher austin hedges and he's shaken up a little bit they're gonna come out and take a look at him piece of pledges intervene I was going to hurt for a while in the groin area one degree in trying to keep it light you should be on one count right here with the foul ball yeah tip that one no doubt about it a scoreboard as the count one ball no strikes but should be hoing one hich is just trying to let just let it breathe that's right giving sometimes shake off the stars right now everybody knows what's up hey sing Rick Porcello very much 2 for 16 and foul-tip than that one got lay on that one bit sandy and John Fowles going to come out with a trainer [Applause] and he is grimacing in pain foul by Forsyth and the stadium Rises as one now Robertson has said here's the payoff he's bout it Sanchez couldn't hang on Sanchez is down I don't know where the ball hit him it hit him but you already comes out with the trainer's well you don't need to translate there to tell you where that hit breaking ball kind of hung up there in the middle of the plate a little bit of a mistake there from Robertson but those you're a little on top of it Sanchez gets aware you you don't want it Robertson saw battery bait was a considerable thing but Sanchez RI when I was a little boy and that happened now Allen would say hit him in a bottle spot he's smiling about it right now but that's where that niggling equipment comes in handy
Channel: Tak moonfire
Views: 1,565,036
Rating: 4.1483169 out of 5
Keywords: foul tip, major, baseball, 棒球, 大聯盟, 野球, 觸身, collection, dead ball, デッドボール
Id: C6CePqiQJQg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 8sec (728 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 08 2017
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