MLB | Best Stealing Home Plate - Compilation

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[Applause] they heat that room up swinging a miss and a throw down to second and they keep it in front try to stay in that rundown to allow the run to score [Applause] at spring training and with that beltron then coming to the plate mishandled by the catcher jeff mathis beltron scores and that's a hyundai replay last ball away from scoring again a running start not paying too much attention to him now pilar bouncing off the third trying throws it back to the backstop take a look at pilar nobody's paying attention to him and i'm still watching it's going to get 11 in the past but that's when he was catching another ball stephen rank and but watch guerrilla inching inching inching and then says i can go look at this the rush to first and they're going to get in safely grady sizemore coming home and stealing he has over there mcgowan you've got to check that runner he could have been called for a block the way that he kind of altered his delivery here we go throw to the plate safe how about that match through to first biased face watch baez so he steals home this is an old don zimmer play runner goes at first the pitches strike and they get him hung up they're keeping an eye on myers at third base going to try and score it comes the third of the play it'll be late [Applause] oh they got peralta picked off and here comes aj and he will score he's in there stationed by aj pollock they seem creeping creeping creeping just waiting for morse to deliver that ball to the middle infielder when he does and they've got espinoza picked off turner coming home and he is safe double steal into second espinoza and then oh two coming there goes lagarres the throw by ruiz heading for the plate now cam ball and campbell dives in safe and the all-important one here is watching campbell's jump and he is clearly safe it's an interesting matchup right here as the ball is front good aggressive secondary lead his weight's on that right foot he's waiting waiting waiting he just times that lollipop toss back to the mound perfectly alvarez takes off he's going to be caught marta not sure what to do martay should be jumping off the plate here he comes cost him anything anyway but i mean right there he's got to give it up there goes laurie swinging the miss throw to second base bautista is coming home scooter oh throws wide in the mark now scores and lori goes to third on the basis this is a straight double steal once the ball goes through to second base bautista breaks from third heading home in a a stealing hole and it works jacoby ellsberry has stole hold three to one boston a straight steal of home by jacoby elsberry and that's something that should never happen with a left-handed hitter spillboards doesn't face a lot of right-handed they're [Applause] nelson's going he was he was stealing home look at this this is incredible he calls him up look at this what in the world is he seeing no he said oh i guess he saves the balls back there and then venable alertly comes in to score this runner goes [Applause] boy this is exciting baseball right here this is well thought out runners both moving the stolen base at second sliding home as laguar is taking off [Applause] to me though is getting the jump suzy sees the throw he's taking off and he's running better than he was at all last year if he wants to he's going and heading home is gardner and he scores a double steal for the yankees before they throw down the second you give a glance and you see victor martinez head never checked gardner at third at all he was why not just set him to change [Applause] now he stops here comes wells and the yankees still home and they steal a run tying the game at one and about execution this year and you can see the throw is offline from beckham fagley has to read moved in halfway down the line he's gonna take it off he's gonna score oh i love it man does he think the game uh you know he thought the game i i would not be surprised if that entire play wasn't talked about and planned out in advance 4ks last night here goes holt here's a play down to second base the throw goes into the outfield another run is in that may have forced the bad throw this holds off at first place you can see vazquez throwing the bat it is a hit-and-run play the bad throw the second baseman coming into the infield the trucks and the one big air here comes elvis the throw is wide and he'll swipe and not paying any attention well that's a right-hand pitcher too elvis watched it he might he put put his head down right here doesn't even look [Applause] there he is fastball yesterday springer took off now he goes back and here comes safe for the astros have the lead and now springer goes in the second they did nothing home plate but look at the exploits here that's an alert george springer but an even more loaded alert here he comes and did the pitch hit the battery it hit alfredo simon [Applause] breaking ball early here comes the runner to the plate to throw to the plate and he is saved oh bye using his hand to the inside to hit the dish what the jackie robinson is going on six runs and now he's going to get in a rundown escobar come on boy alex is doing his part and now escobar caught in between third and home and did he get around the tag he did and his jock is hanging beautiful move right there he missed him with the tag great call by the umpire and they scored a run the crowd loves it here they want a curtain call from escobar just they're going to play on the on the momentum here well the whole key is you have a left move on runner takes off they throw down now they come home late and the dodgers execute the first and third play to make it two nothing and here comes vr to the plate and he's stolen [Applause] against the left-handed pitcher who has his back to the runner at third he took advantage of the situation and you gotta love the excitement that kid brings the ball there goes bias throw to the plate might as well challenge it is what they might as well do what a great slide here by vallez if he is safe green struck down two one to romaine there comes cal deal the pitch is a wild pitch the run scores and it is sick this was going to be put on a big jump pitched well out of the strike zone the thought process [Applause] he got aggressive and then said well i'm done and the only way i can make something happen is to not [Applause] jones runs pitches taking high throw to second base here comes paradise throw towards the plate he is safe he got the hand in castro comes up from behind the dish take a look he creeps down sees the throw and off he goes and just a little bit too late you
Channel: Big Baseball
Views: 1,877,669
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mlb steals home, Mlb double steal, Mlb stealing home, Mlb stealing home plate, Mlb best stealing home plate, Mlb running steals
Id: 8cLI_nyj00o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 52sec (592 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 31 2020
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