Top 10 Worst Calls In MLB History

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] outside [Applause] on his way to further and the fireworks will sound three times in recognition escobar another strikeout kurzynski is going down to first the whole point on fire has not made home plate um fire and the angels were walking off the field well as josh paul made the catch which he did then it's a strikeout [Music] brzezinski's thinking hey why not the whole plane umpire couldn't make the call and this might be the best thing for instant replay in baseball [Applause] [Music] get well left center field going back is stubbed at the wall it is off the top of the wall and rosales is gonna have a double [Applause] [Music] you're desperate he's gonna say i i gotta check it that would be the best hope for the athletics but how about last night in cincinnati the reds down by recruitment it's gonna hit there and does it come straight let's go it did he'll go up you're right there i did hit it up and came back wow that's a whole lot no no no you gotta be kidding me you gotta be kidding me what did they not see in that [Applause] simmons fly ball shallow left back is cosmo we'll take it [Music] oh it falls miscommunication now the faces are loaded and fox can't believe it this crowd's been crazy all night i wonder if it affected their communication they're calling it an infield a significant delay here a very disappointing from the turtle field fans who can understand their frustration but never take the steps to throw something on the field like this oh this is absolutely embarrassing for atlanta fans jimmy carol the batter to right field giles is there to make the catch tagging his holiday the throw to the plate he is safe it looked like barrett stuck his foot out there on the bare hand right there and the hand never got home played it looked like when he went back to get it he could tag him out will not make the sign right away no he did he waited finally he said safe but not until after barrett got the baseball usually when that play occurs the umpire makes an instant call so everybody knows but when he did when he hesitated that gave barrett a chance to go get the ball thinking he had a chance and had blocked him off the play and lavon hernandez get out of it yes he can call strike three the 3-2 pitch with one out he's not going and a call strike [Applause] did he get him they two lead strike three said he wasn't sure strike three a dozen now [Music] the 3-2 pitch got him eric brake punches him out on what mcgriff thought was brought for it's his 15th [Music] [Applause] unbelievable jerry meals caught him safe to throw beat him by a mile [Applause] that is incredible how can you he called him safe how can you end you've got to be kidding me jerry meals that is three that is unbelievable the throw beat him by a mile he's saying that he wasn't tagged that is unbelievable sixth [Music] in right field teresco going back to the track to the wall and what happens here he contends that a fan reaches up and touches it but richie garcia says no it's a home run here comes davey johnson out to argue as jeter comes across to tie the game well in postseason you have an umpire down each line and he was there and garcia was right there the pitcher benitez comes all the way out from the mound to argue but i don't know how he could feel from the mouth i don't either and i'll i'll tell you one thing that's great hustle great hustle by richie garcia right the contention by terrasco is that the ball is descending and the fan touches it he's right he's right [Applause] absolutely absolutely that ball was not in the seat it's okay to catch it if it's over the wall but if it's in the playing field then it's not a lot you're not allowed to touch it and you can see that ball is touched right there smith is going and a hit to left by kent and lonnie's trying they're going to get him perhaps he's safe and now gant gets back to first and he's out i don't know jack it looks like her that could be master bag i think the brakes have a legitimate complaint right here jen herbeck makes the tag and watch the momentum of herbeck pull gan off the bag he pulls him off the back i think that's a bad call right there i'll there's the tying run at first with one out not going and valentin a check swing ground ball does not block they say he tagged the runner out in first and they're calling it an inning ending double play jimmy williams comes sprinting out to talk to the second base umpire tim tashida i have to say from up here it looked like knobloch missed off from it he missed it was he called out because he was out of the baseline to try to avoid the tag he did not look like he was out of the baseline to me [Applause] obviously he tries to avoid the tag it's clear that knobloch didn't tag him but i think he was called out for going out of the baseline and he did not look like he was out of the baseline from this beautiful [Applause] so jimmy williams and the red sox [Applause] amongst the other quartets american league well this is spring training all over again any ball to the right side get there as quick as you can i think he tries to go for the ball and zarkovic as he gets the side of the bag looks like he's out from that angle let's take a look at this one oh yes [Music] right on top of the bag i don't think there's any doubt about it it's jason donald and a crowd of better than 17 000 to its feet the guy we've been waiting for all night ground ball right side cabrera will cut it off gallaragon covers he's out now he's safe he is safe he is safe at first base [Music] and here comes jim leland [Applause] [Music] jim joyce said he was safe at first base [Music] oh my goodness enjoy [Music] what an absolute strategy [Music]
Channel: Inside The Foul Lines
Views: 2,382,353
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baseball, MLB, worst, calls, umpire, bad, YouTube, reds, tigers, braves, cardinals, World Series, game 6, perfect, game, Joyce, meals, major league, terrible, ball, strike, safe, out, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, home, tag
Id: U858xTE5fVE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 39sec (639 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 19 2022
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