MLB | Funny Umpires Moments

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[Music] any fun you had to take a second look there i didn't think that was a real umpire getting it yeah that doesn't look like chris conroy who's watching in the background saying boy hey maroud based it into left center field to lead things off here in the fifth we have uh for two out runs took one there he got hit now watch him go back and look like he wants to throw a left yeah tim timmons says you gonna do that oh my salvi went up to the foul ball and went right into the home plate you know the game is great because king pitches here's the 3-2 and he pops him up back toward the netting leone looks like he may have room and he does he makes the play after flipping the map flipping the mask which he's done a couple of times and had it caught by the umpire i'm very casual and it could be very well in double digits off the umpire and that's a foul ball joe west gets drilled and he appears none the worse for it he's a strong man nice joe west tough guy oh my god joe a little slow reacting that got him well he knew he was in foul territory it's a good call caught him in that deal said they were doing tonight i've never heard of it before he said it murph was it it was the wobble right is that what he said that's exactly what he said yeah because he said we're gonna and then they continued matt is always so into this and he does such a great job helping out the fanatic center fielder span face was packed as well he just tried to throw the ball back to his picture and he hit anthony in the head [Applause] snapped at him pretty good now this is earlier jimmy rollins gets a triple and he just saw it jimmy that's beautiful i think so i know joe west at third i'm saying okay what's going to happen mike what's going nothing's happening i realized the whole deal there you go well this is reminiscent of the great eric gregg las diaz doing a little dancing with the fanatic in between innings this one on for a few moments before laz actually broke into a smile and then broke into a dance that's cortisone shots yet he had 47 home runs two and two but dutch can really do his number now i mean this crowd [Music] strike three call john gomes is probably saying wait a minute thing look at this outstanding look at that you wouldn't like it if you were hitting i guess i would really be upset actually yeah if i was hitting that would annoy me i think it's amazing he doesn't throw his back out he must have incredible obliques it's very flexible now back here in philadelphia where the philly fanatic is going over the ground rules with the umpires the coaches yeah they're taking so long he really has fun with bruce bocce and the fact that bruce bocce has a size 8 hat is just fodder for the philly fanatic vernon wells first pitch swinging and pops that one up behind the plate into the seats and you see the home plate umpire mike much linsky is there contact there just slight contact you know it certainly wasn't intentional but much linsky gets his feet crossed up hits the turf no harm no foul he's our ballpark throughout the year and he was pushed aside by an umpire impersonator who decided he wanted to dance a little bit with the gang the gang wasn't all too happy about that so iggy the iguana well he took care of the umpire that's right he deeked him and then well then he got him outside cut and i mean absolutely one more look got a little accentuation point there on the end yeah down the left field line that barrier is my crew code ready and the umpires strike three call that's a good one i like that one got a little robin hood in him drawing the big bow back a little bit buddy hey thanks man [Applause] hey let's have some fun how you doing my man doing great oh having a blast everything's great got an umpiring school and influenced so many umpires that are in the big leagues today what a thrill for hunter harry worked five world series girardi and having some words majority almost as if to say listen if this keeps going on i'm throwing him out if he keeps doing i'm throwing out now we thought for a second joe might have been thrown out but joe said just walk away so joe's still there no one was thrown out to some words exchanged well he just saw it holy moses they're going to need a vacuum to find pieces of that back well the back came around they keep the clicker in [Music] oh boy it got him in the left forearm him being the umpire where to get pain media in the back the head of the back pitch his first time oh two and the ending [Applause] another rating there you go [Applause] that's wicked kept the slider down in there for a strike and now david is angry here comes john farrell not to get david away and i think he got to him just in the nick of time david oh now farrell has been thrown out of the game rendon caught looking again he's been thrown out by bob davidson now the dugout [Applause] voicing displeasure dusty coming out a couple of calls in the inning jose altuve has been kind of pushed to his limits here in recent weeks thrown out of the game by allen porter one out martinez may have been thinking what i was thinking looking for everything but that breaking pitch and it was pretty well located vmark does not like the call he thinks it went around the plate now he's been kicked out of the game brad awesome
Channel: Sporting Baseball
Views: 1,459,236
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: C2H71SpEoRg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 25sec (505 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 13 2020
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