MLB | Umpires against

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Umpires are the best example as to why the MLB should replace umpires.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Tsambikos96 📅︎︎ Jan 22 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Applause] [Music] or he can't believe it get much more back to her than this watch this yeah [Applause] in Texas Mike and Brian Gorman forgot the count he gave his strike three call even though it was only the second strike Oh little hot dog imbalance in the check swing ground ball sang-hee take the runner out at first to them on what was called a forceout at second and it was Offerman involved in that play as well Offerman is called out here and I hit to left by Gant and Lonnie's trying they're gonna get him perhaps he's safe and I'll Gant gets back to first and he's out Gant there's Hrbek and we'll return to the Hubert H on wings a lot going on down there and he did you know he did adjust it as he was walking off the field now constitute the wing I couldn't do that only Jonathan knows and this is ground ball right side Cabrera will cut it off Galarraga tars always say [Applause] and why is he saying [Applause] in right field Tarasco going back to the track to the wall he contends that a family at this he just reaches out I mean here's at least he's way up a foot onto the field oh he's way right on the outside corner and I think Phil Cuzzi thought it was strike three yet Phil this guy yeah second strike it's sure strike Bordeaux takes a strike when home plate umpire forgot the count he gave it to the strike three calls you did oh boy I only meant to strike three when umpires are fool does you see that looked like a slider had a little slider spin as he steps back and that's the punch-out call one two pitch that's a called strike three out of pitch there's nowhere near the zone Escobar is how much that misses the strike zone that's almost on the dirt and in just punched out that Samantha [Applause] football coming down backtracks of shorts [Applause] oh yes the runners going fence moment sign throw on down one hop and Morgan over slides the bag and his tag down and right did shove him off the bag he shoved his foot above his foot right off the bag he went by with the left hand grabbed it with the foot and then well Tommy said to go kiss the goes the throw by Cervelli is in time great how I called him safe I don't get it we didn't miss any tag he's got them right there on the arm is his right hand missed the right hand [Applause] here we go and he is thrown out bit well left center field going back his stubs at the wall it is off the top there and does it come straighten them let's go it did him no good gracious [Applause] [Music] it is called open up see the second base umpire was in a better position at ball bounce that was a hit I mean nice effort by Carlos fit down at the end of July we spent three weeks with nothing to do couldn't play yet for the Rockies well I think help was off the bag at first but he get close look at him stop Helen is two feet off first base tapped a second weekly and do they get in there at second yes they say the tag was made and it's going to be a double play and there wants you to Castillo slapped a short for call on the backhand sets now the long throw just bad sorry-sorry time and safe bang-bang play and let's see the foot you call it in their prescribed it comes John Farrell to get david away and he drops a base hit to left field yaw will the throw to third they'll be an easy out there look right here yeah you got him right there on the Jersey one on earth couldn't you have not seen brown ball Alvarez coming home and it's not a time in a couple of places there and in the arm and then his foot hit the plate there on the leg it isn't the runner goes hat away somebody thought it was on they start side a stupid and doesn't [Applause] yeah it actually the replay does show that Wigginton got him in his left hand before his hand got to the bag and in comes Cowgill he is there to make the catch no advance now they will set Francoeur and he will be tagged out taking the chin ruby bathrobe of Frenchy definitely bleep damn one coming here comes I think you're gonna find a different story when you see these looks it's fair it goes over the bag fly ball down the left-field line at ball slicing and it is a foul ball bit this Joe Mara with that slice on the baseball that was a fair ball by the way Wow fair ball [Music]
Channel: Baseball Sports
Views: 2,803,591
Rating: 4.7778578 out of 5
Keywords: mlb, baseball, beisbol, sports, highlight
Id: 2f81j6vdZlw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 30sec (450 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 26 2018
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