MLB | Awful Call

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[Applause] oh and two now on norris struck him out how do you like that batman wait a minute what's going on here they're saying he tipped it no the strikeout of derek norris whoa that is not even close oh much how could they call that a foul ten rundown two people on third base have to tag them both and one of them's out now they're saying two of them are out so it was a double play the third base umpire rory has to get off the base and that's when reynolds tags laurie first so he's out and then reyes gets off the bag and he tags reyes and it's a one two five double player ourselves it's a double play of the strangest proportions we'll be back reynolds right here you're taught when both runners will be at third you run them both back and tag both of them reyes clearly off the bench don't really look in that definitively where they go from say gold started again now the throw goes back behind him and he's out second base umpire tom woodring said that it came off they saw that he was safe i would be extremely surprised if this guy if this didn't get overturned i should say be safe yeah i don't see any evidence of the foot actually he likes to show it off whether or not he stayed on the bag it looks to me like he did the catcher bear they end up letting the ball drop but nathie perez better just crossed the plate he's standing away from the plane and he tanks the plane and he scores the expos did not know the rule gal aurelia goes to second spiral was called meaning bonds was immediately out the runners move up at their own risk and he stopped and fortunately he was 10 feet away the expose thought they already had him out fortunately he then proceeded on unopposed and tagged home plate at which point pretty good job against them brandon drury takes the first pitch strike ferry ground up third base his first timer jury didn't like that call the last time these two teams hooked up man you could hear drew escobar another strikeout kurzynski is going down to first the homepoint umpire has now made a call and safe and the angels are already what's happened and occurred this postseason because clearly he caught the ball and the catcher knows whether it's a chief who was behind the plate last night has walked him all the way back over to the dugout if you think about it if josh paul didn't make a clean catch of the ball he wouldn't have rolled the ball back to the mound he knows he made it cleanly whether there's leather between the dirt and the ball well if josh paul made the catch which he did then it's a strikeout brzezinski's thinking hey why not wow right down the middle even gary did a double take there they calling him out looks like they are i never thought initially they were signaling a foul ball never got out of the batter's box [Music] let's see does it hit the foot can't tell on that angle that's a good job of doesn't like uh call and everybody in the ash joe's dugout screaming at ron culpa that ball was nearly in the dirt alex cintron leading the charge and aj says no way is that a strike in front jammed up and the pitch to flaherty ground ball to first off hanley's glove pedroia has it thrown back to first base and safe there as the run comes in to score weiner they realize he did ramirez gets back i wasn't sure for a little conference here with the umpires and now they're going to rule out if you spin in pro and you make a good throw you got a chance to get it out i'll tip suzuki can't hang on suzuki claiming he was pulling the foul tip out of his mitt on that sheet it's not reviewable i guess that's my point there it's clearly in the glove yeah see i mean he had it then it just rolled out but he had it long enough i feel to be whether it applies to catchers but we've seen it in the outfield and in the neighborhood play middle infielders you have to voluntarily to appeal this i [Music] in the dirt and trying to go to second base is bogarts but he will be they call him out ball comes loose but they're saying on the transfer i don't know yeah that was but now bogot's just it goes to the tag and knocks it right out of his glove here because of replay there hasn't been both managers on the field they're exactly right you can't argue a replay review but you can argue this together don't even look at the review they just come together as umpires and rule it oh he's gonna be safe definitely not the transfer nope is when it came out here's the tag oh no no no no that ball that ball was knocked out of his bluff of kyle schwarber last year's first round pick de norfia falls in the dirt norfolk saying that ball hit the dirt before he caught it so bounce how about some how about some help but brad is arguing probably it's like i think bob was influenced by dinorphy and madden arguing the way they vincent came in and said the ball hit the dirt yeah and in in fagin's defense he can't see it and if you haven't been with us marquez a busy guy and elmore didn't think he tagged him that ball almost popped out of marquez's glove and i'm let's see now the ball does disappear in there i never hit him with the glove he just hit him with his hand yeah it's very here see where the ball is in his glove now it dipped down into his glove well he hit him with his hand you want to look at it we'll do it again and this time kelly gets his man weeder steps on home plate and that is your ball game the nationals survive a very i mean that's not even close well this is all from ron washington asking about it and the answer is no off center field that is up the eye it will score kinsley beltray going for third going for second [Applause] [Music] he's on the bag he's on the bag he's on the bag he's on the bag well maybe he's maybe he's off the bag there i couldn't tell [Applause] i don't know about that the guy's leaning kenzler slams the bad oh then he threw the bat toward home plate and he got tossed third two gone and now kinser has been thrown out of the game ian has been tossed and here comes fred ausmus to kind of get him off the run in the game last night what a difference today makes [Applause] the ground that ball bounced [Applause] the reason i say it's a foul ball is because when the ball hits the bat goes in the glove it's up to everything they can and look at that that's a foul ball unbelievable it's a foul ball he's still listening because he likes that headset he could do this next chapter of his life here is a check swag went around and posey will just tag him out it's the old cricket play right there hit it on the short hop multiple looks at it bounces in and clearly hit his back is it clear and convincing but boyle boy it looks like he got that foot into the back look the ball's there in plenty of time but what about the tag [Music] oh no you know what he's absolute inside corner and struck him out and that's a tough a b for fowler [Music] and my shield has been ejected jeremy ray [Music] you
Channel: Baseball Sports
Views: 3,655,406
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mlb, Baseball, sports, Beisbol, mlb highlights
Id: mCtH3zpq7xc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 27sec (627 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 25 2020
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