MLB | Awful Umpiring

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but the minute runs by Murphy there's one and it will not get the DoublePlay rotted safes ugly goin hard at second as the tying run scores Tejada looked like a receiver coming over the middle having his feet knocked out from under him by a defensive back check this out this is gonna be a tough turn anyway the ball behind second base he was going to turn that way to make it Thrones Utley got off in a great secondary lead and he gets right there to break up the double play did it even start sliding till he was even with the bag no that was on the field because he might challenge to see if the how to touch the base or not that is totally it on the bad space right there how do they treat ugly not touching second base that'll be up to Terry Collins right now who can say look I'd like the chairman he's well and say the runner never touched the bag [Applause] he just kick him out he threw behind utley did they just kick syndergaard out [Applause] that's unbelievable Adam hamari is the home plate umpire he didn't even hit I think a warning could be issued but not the 10th Toxocara and now Collins is out he couldn't care less but Collins gonna get his money's worth and Collins in my opinion is right and you know what you're doing which no one thinks about as an umpire at the time he just made it worse [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that's what the strangest things I've seen and now Jeff banister out well now banisters been ejected once he was told moved back to the madding surfboard get in the Vatican said okay [Applause] Wow it's 18 to 6 Jerry Davis is one of the senior umpires and the American League he's in his 34th year obviously no intent whatsoever but because the warning was in place in the first inning CB Bucknor has just thrown Roberto Osuna for the game the Marlow Hale the acting manager will also be ejected but that's just not understanding the flow of the game gets 20 years old right face the guys he's got to come in go to try and hit Adam Jones right there was ball for the warning rule you leave it to the umpires to interpret the situation in demarlo Hale saying can you explain to me why we would hit Adam Jones and bring the tying run to the plate when it's Chris Davis makes no space ball sense dictates that that it was not intentional just tells you was it called strike should have been call this way [Applause] asking Lovejoy less so these two candidate stakeout going Eddie cheer they're all game long [Music] [Applause] well Joe West is not going back behind the the catcher so what is he doing he wants to throw him out or what he's not gonna back away from confrontation it's just not in his makeup which guy are we talking about back in the way well come to think of it if it's what guys [Applause] seems like you know usually a first place Club would be you know a nice around 500 on the road and really dude look at this rigor that's that luster his body language has not been good he's very frustrated just trying to get well I've never seen this of you now I'm the David David's you've got the chance of being ejected here what sir Fletcher wants to say his piece to Jon Lester yeah you're right I've not seen this it's usually a player held back and Fletcher saying I've had enough I'm not gonna take it anymore we've been a lot of you know double takes looking in questioning especially if your home plate umpire me early in the game you try to set the tone you just don't want to put up with it umpires home plate umpires generally will take a little bit more from hitters than they will pitchers Joe will not finish probably until he gets the thumb here [Applause] seven shallow left back is Kozma we'll take it he falls miscommunication bases are loaded believer his crowds been crazy all night a winter been affected their communication they're calling it fire did that's why I Freddy Gonzalez is out well this is a huge call here you cannot call that infield Norway change deep he wasn't camped that ball went up and in feel Clara was called immediately this is a game-changing decision this is what happens occasionally to umpires down the Whitefield you have extra eyes sometimes you have extra columns infield fly rule is a call simmons is going to be out it has to be a call where the infielder has a legitimate chance to catch the ball without a whole lot of effort base runners are on their own where the infield fly rule is called but the batter is out an unbelievable call here [Applause] that is the left logo I gotta stop this Lavinia dart gun song is going to get this is embarrassing it was a late call by Holbrook that I'm wondering if when he yelled infield fly that that's why Kozma came off the ball maybe he heard that sound could have been good event crowds been so loud and the reason we're back here is because Freddie Gonzalez went to the home plate umpire Jeff Kellogg and he put the game under protest and Kellogg gives the sign the P under protest from the Braves manager no argument from Matheny and no base runner at first so it will stay how the lads coming home he's called safe for the pros win the game Clint Hurdle is going to come out and argue the throat beat the runner and the Braves win it and some of the Pirates players being held back from the umpiring crew as we look at the final play Scott fell down oh my goodness he never got to the plate well eventually he did but it looked like McHenry got him with that swipe here in a couple of places there and in the arm and then his foot hit the plate they're on the leg didn't get him in the arm Wow there it is and Rendon his befuddled and he's been thrown out of the game Anthony Rendon has been ejected by Marty Foster [Applause] that was a quick quick trigger [Music] [Applause] are you showing up the umpire when you drop your bat like that well maybe but I don't know if it warrants getting thrown out of the game Zach don't I don't know if he's ever gotten ejected from the game or ever even had a beef with an umpire [Applause] maybe Martinez getting his money's worth and he is scraping up the part of the batter's box on that side a home plate where his hitters have been repeatedly rung up today how do you like that folks the passion from the new skipper happened his players back one of his best players back he's getting a standing O from everybody here and that's part and we'll take a look at it again out of action here did not say a word grounded to third so Lauren against one and it drives the ball over the head up to Shara as the runner came in really hard at third base so Steve Pearce really took out that's Kelly Johnson not salar de and then he released the ball over the head of Teixeira Derek Jeter's are gonna say you know is he did he go out of his way to get to him cuz Johnson had already tagged third now just see how wide this gets on this now joe girardi will talk about it and he did go out of his way out of his way now the umpires will convene now that you know the best guy to reach the base is the ruling I believe Thanks I know it is in seconds he's definitely out of the baseline to get them the fielder looks like it would be a struggle to get his hand to third base great look from that angle not only is struggle to be an impossibility I don't think he's within striking distance of third now this is not reviewable it's an it's an umpire judgment call so it's not reviewable so Tom Hallion is the crew chief and that's one of Joe's talking [Applause] well show off to let Girardi argue now it's Showalter's come on sit well why does it Adam Jones score so right now it's a fielder's choice the runner Pierce is out at third on the force and the other runners move up on the e5 [Music]
Channel: EXE-Edits
Views: 3,525,372
Rating: 4.7683287 out of 5
Id: 9cWzyo5lsR8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 45sec (765 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 01 2018
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