MLB | Funny And Embarrassing Moments

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he's framing it in cricket that's a strike no idea what happened our board is doing and the two one swine that bounced a couple of feet off the place in front of the plate and it was almost watch this holy smokes hit pretty well the right center by Peralta Gomes on his horse he's there he does a tumble he's not able to advance the job Jaso had a pickup they sniffed it out and he launched the throw to set from here [Applause] [Music] her practic boat I have lost the helmet completely this time but partially askew the first time completely gone this time another little cutter away the first three ball count for trophy on he stumbled and I thought he hit maybe Turner but it missed inside and as he was delivered that pitch they caught his between his legs it hit the back of his heel it stayed rhythm it was following that's got to be up [Applause] so just Swift as he was trying to release come out to make sure his pitchers okay [Applause] infield nervous appointing at it three infielders scription glasses / goggles and it didn't help him there like he slipped as he started to come to the point uh-oh our fall dude Vic do your job well done off the outside corner and a hit run on and there's that up and away pitch now until they gets a piece and it just beats up Chirinos imagine that he is off the ground and makes contact and he got the top of the ball I want to add little tapper Morgan near the line that ball gets away from Altair it's headed for the whoa don't get hurt Clayton bitte bitte there's another walk-in Caleb Joseph has walked in each plate appearance for walks on the night for Tehran and excuse me it was only ball through to delivery a gift that's the lay of fly ball left field but in the yard Agbayani will make the catch Kent will tag these scores [Applause] have a good release point fastball he missed Mike Redmond but he got Billy the Marlins truck I don't think he was really thinking about hitting the window and look at AJ playing the innocent I'm sorry miss we'll see how that comes the two one Oh he swung so far he went right down on his back we can you swing any harder than me on me talk about leaving Earth Wow he kind of slid into that he moved his feet to get in Shelby or a field that is [Applause] look out those fly then take a look at it pretty good throw there's some fans rooting for their quarterback to be that accurate positions and Wainwright strikes him out Gomes trying to break his bat and will not give up until it guys [Applause] back to the track [Applause] Pat Sinha [Applause] Gillespie and now Beckham you got to be kidding me you have got to be kidding me one two pets in the air another little flare long run Peterson shallow and it falls between all three and injuries all over that Herrera and Peterson down hard a run scores to tie the gate late late sweeping by Hamilton as he strikes it thinking there are three outs makes the catch turns his back frozen understands he thinks to his three outs in the inning and guys are running all over the place that's embarrassing [Applause] and the winner [Applause] sit up straight up [Music] in the second runs up he ran up and that's what he was looking for [Applause] [Music] well the boys in the audio room yeah that's on you that's it happens to Chicago golden jet whoops this time is golf see get rid of it and it gets by McKendree here comes Ramirez might have a play Ramirez his head rotates away [Applause] and I think we've seen signs whoa pitch that one goes into the seats [Applause] I don't know which was harder the pitcher the swing whoa wept on the Dodger dugout boy he really but he slipped everything right now regardless of what Peralta throws up opera is always entertaining but you you pointed that out at the very beginning you said the entertaining Henderson Alvarez he puts a smile on his face oh there goes belt the pitches inside the throw down to second base goes into center field Bell gets up after his slide and he moves over to third Pablo stumbled right across the plate [Applause] there's the hard cut again free and easy short enough that sling doing his splits drive to right center field and swing and a Miss and he went down to his knees swinging at that pitch the change-up had him so fooled and off-balance he swung and missed and wound up on his knees now he's gonna go to third as the ball is troubled out on the track of the Oilers wait a minute somebody moved the base keep going down he's laughing even before he gets to them if all of us say that that's going on too much and you're not the only one I mean we hear from general managers we hear from scouts we'll put too much stock in the radar gun why does this business continue to do it because it's easy just to show that a kid who throws harder is going well she won't cassia with the save Bumgarner the wind goes to three and OH where's we're tied at six next batter up Casillas stumbles coming off the mound it's a walk-off balk are you kidding you don't see that one every day tough way for the Giants to lose it foul right Victor held up long enough easy to stay on your feet Cabrera lofts one to shallow center Reyes will tag lack been under it it's not very deep [Music]
Channel: Big Baseball
Views: 1,122,674
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the best embarrassing moments, MLB Balk-offs, MLB Embarrassing Swings, MLB Most Embarrassing Moments, mlb, baseball, most, embarrassing, moment, moments, highlight, highlights, compilation, funny, blooper, bloopers, lol, comedy, hilarious, amazing, bone head, mlb bloopers, baseball bloopers, play, plays, embarrassing plays, mlb most embarrassing moments, cool, MLB Humiliating FAILS, MLB: Crazy Wild Pitches, MLB Most Embarrassing Moments of the Season
Id: h8cTbwhVDNg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 54sec (654 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 06 2019
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