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and then this deep down the left field line home run donaldson with a solo home run and the twins have hit three against lopez this afternoon he tossed him they just tossed donaldson for kicking dirt on home play strike the count to his drupal cabrera wow [Applause] left side hit hard right at arcia [Applause] two-out [Applause] [Music] aguilar machado got tangled up at the back that's not the problem that is that ends up being the problem he was upset well in the last half inning apparently there was a disagreement of the tigers uh dugout mccann and iglesias got into it a little bit and castiano's had to uh take iglesias out of there who fired his glove at mccann yeah don't know exactly what was going on down there obviously there was something related to the squeeze is on the bun is down the run scores and dibble throws the ball away tagging against the strikeout but not before some of this now betty did aj made contact with tipster too this goes back in it my favorite time of year the weather starts to cool off football season around the corner but baseball getting right to the important start [Music] aj ellis now getting into todd titcher's [Applause] grill [Music] [Applause] well joe west is not going back behind the catcher so what is he doing he wants to throw him out or what was it called strike or should have been called this way that is call forward gets the one third one by bungalow [Applause] basking off joe west so these two kind of there's a lot going on down there and he did you know he did adjust it as he was walking off the field now to say for sure that it was in response to some booing i i couldn't do that and i mean only jonathan knows and know it out there that baseball players wear kind of a jump and he'll take there comes with one wow bill helmet and bouncing it off the umpire watch it is it high and it looks like it's too hot it looked like it was high and outside [Applause] but lori can't believe it then he gets thrown out that's the one that might cost him right there circle or get in the batting circle he said okay i'll just move it over here [Applause] wow it's 18 to 6. jerry davis is one of the senior umpires well what do we got going on here tell him to get telling adriana [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] wanted the outside corner didn't get it pinwheels in frustration [Applause] wow look at that pitch yes that was definitely a strike he catches the corner and they have her picked off to lombardosi that's viola viola backs up on the play and packers says how can you possibly call them out blocks lee wire you won't see it right now there's the interference viola doing his best he's saying why am i in the right there you see the blockage he can't see what happened herbeck without the ball illegally blocking her her should be awarded second base and the tag by the pitcher biola is late and wire had himself something to las diaz and las diaz does not let any conversation go he started going right back at him keep walking antagonizing kelly keep going keep going keep going there it is vina whoa this is just like the play in the third inning and it was since he threw that forearm out second base umpire fielding cobras should have as you do in the national label pedro he's got to get suspended through the got to get suspended for that barry lyons wrestling pedro away from cohn that was a breaking curveball for crime side and see pete really didn't make an effort to move he didn't back off he just sort of ducked and now he fires a bet now watch it takes him a while now [Music] paul third strike and ceno slams his bat down he's done for the day you just can't take it after a while you just can't take it [Applause] struck him out looking and russ doesn't believe it and he is out of the ball game oh the pirates way and then there was the fan interference that didn't go the pirates way and then this called strike three and mccutcheon really unhappy and gets tossed out of the game slamming his back down feeling that connor touch it you don't see this kind of anger from him very often steamed and gone throwing this pitch to andrew mccutchen which harper is not happy and he's gone and he had a legitimate gripe that ball was outside and here comes ortiz and i believe david has been tossed out boy i have rarely seen him anywhere near that angry now let's be honest culpa's had a horrible night back there and both teams they might be going to call george brett out well yeah he's out [Applause] he is out and having to be forcibly restrained from hitting plato who had the whole run oh he bumps right into the umpire and bud black trying to keep him back but what was wrong with him bart sprinted what is wrong with him now ed rapuana was trying to edward was pointing his hand and fingers at bard and now egging him on one of the other [Music] you
Channel: Baseball Sports
Views: 1,682,689
Rating: 4.8771458 out of 5
Keywords: Mlb, Baseball, sports, Beisbol, mlb highlights, MLB 2021
Id: hbWWWqOdlm8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 33sec (513 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 08 2021
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