MLB: Worst Errors (HD)

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[Music] you never want and you never can replace a guy but especially a guy I like pickoff and that goes into centerfield for Birds gonna come home in school [Applause] and so the Mets add or one on the Braves sloppy play to extend it to a three to one leave we're just finishing that thought on satin so you know you never want to take a guy's plays especially guy I like as much as I but it's a business I hope it turns out that he comes back and we could play here together but as far as taking so long to have second Liriano first a high fly ball peeked into shadow center along [Applause] with another mistake but they have a play at second base takes over at second base they were to have the runner but it's missed it goes in the center the throw home come home and the Padres it's Allart a home thrown away again now though throw to the plate not in time Liriano score that was as bad a defensive sequence of any team this year I believe in highlights that I seen live in person in Major League Baseball that was pathetic and Puig as usual as erratic as can be was in the middle of it and he comes in and then as he said the off-balance sort of first base which is way off line and then it just falls apart from there Ellis throws it away in the center field on a bad throw terrible throw home but there's really nobody guarding home because Kershaw is not backing it up so it gets by everybody and then finally Kirsch I realizes oh I better cover a home plate to try to get the original runner Rivera but it's too late he doesn't want to get spiked he doesn't even put down the tag and everybody scores so he goes and it's ball four down low throw into center field Kinsler is on his way to third and the Tigers take advantage of that the throw by Condor sails in the center now here comes peddler go to the party the barrels going to go to second and the Tigers intended on [Applause] like Little League all over again and ball thrown into center field chop comes up bounce-alot Lea tosses the ball into the infield kids there Barry heads up sees the ball on the ground he says you know what I can get home Santiago turns man throws a bat or the Condor and the Tigers [Applause] [Music] and here he comes he will score he scores have taken the lead [Applause] we lost this in the light hit that D but he lost him the lights he recovered piling was going to score to taya he was going to score [Applause] home and the Phillies get to now he bunts turning it off the hill barehanded pickup and ahead of us Pendleton the haters were hit and the flowers wide that's good and Susan Kim is going to come all the way let's go hazard squirts and Souza jr. comes [Applause] to make it five to nothing turns out to be a brilliant play by Steven Souza jr. laying the bunt down it's been raining heavily into that infield you get a wet baseball and a pitcher hurrying to make a throw at first base and he's going to lunge to the position we were just talking about yeah and moose could care less [Applause] long run for Raburn and [Music] [Applause] Terry Francona he's standing out and he doesn't know what to do he said it's like he wanted to replay something I thought they might challenge it because it was so close to the line so Rayburn missed it and then he threw it to the invisible man standing in left field he spiked it now you make contact with the ball and that was in fair territory that's a fair ball all the way and then moose was going to second base and then Rayburn I don't know where he's he meant to throw it but obviously he he didn't and moose made it all the way around [Applause] chopper on the infield [Applause] [Music] cam is three three and going first to third is cane that's the going hand you almost saw Hosmer go to second at Murphy what it is you're going to come in charge and try to scoop it just missed it we'd be the first one to tell us one will stand underneath this globe [Applause] I don't know if he is thinking how am I gonna transfer this ball to throw them first I'm going to scoop it out of the glove and flip it to him where am I going to come forward take another step to throw it just put it in play that's what the Royals do an error by Murphy the game is tied first and third only [Applause] they only be able to get one if they could get that here John Pappas appalled answer John does not normally make that kind of mistake they're gonna try to score instead of staying out of our way both times when he's in there and they'll go on and he will let's see they're gonna let him score yep Tommy made two errors Tommy should have stayed right out about and well you're right absolutely we talked about that other play where [Music] Castillon at first base but this one you could see him he didn't feel the ball cleanly and any hurry to stroll and really miss Mattingly and everybody and then he cuts off a perfect girl by wind feel that would have had Gantner normally Tommy does not get involved even though ground balls it back to the mound he will let them go but he's given up two runs here without the benefit of a base hit and the Yankees now lead for two bobbles the ball there shouldn't he'll it didn't throws it away that's an error and as the throw came back in from Winfield Tommy cut it off threw it past lot for another I believe they might have had Gantner trying to score told definitely definitely Tommy John gets two errors but I thought three errors they can't do in three years now well anyway they did give him three I gave him two red to fully know but some cut this ball this is a perfect throw all man then he throws it badly to the plate there was not the error as Gantner came in
Channel: Highlight Warehouse
Views: 3,401,986
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MLB, errors
Id: XZHwYuv3sAM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 8sec (548 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 31 2016
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