MLB 20 Road to the Show - Part 34 - INCREDIBLE ENDING

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what's up guys and welcome back to our road to the show and today we've got an exciting one this is Game 1 of 3 against the Oakland A's that here at home so obviously a bit of bad blood there I guess from our in not really bad blood I mean you guys know we started off in their organization down in the minors they ended up trading us away and we can't be upset where we're at is us look at our record compared to theirs what a much better team we're playing well leaving the league and a lot of stat free stuff so our career worked out for us but obviously it hurts to be let go at the same time I would imagine they're probably kicking themselves for letting us go and I guess I guess we'll see what this is this is made up here we're going to be able to turn to there to prevent the school in the first inning and we are off to a good start let's see if we can can really kind of put on a bit of a show for these guys bottom of the second get a guy on first base in one out four-seam changeup slider to seam in the series finale here we go sunday got out in front of that slider there oh man I really I really wanted that one just a little bit too early gotta calm it down a betting three of their last four games yeah Mady I always felt like these were huge we've got to settle down a bit just watch that thing come in all the way in slow motion just five right to that very tip of the bat dark fresh let's get a nice little crack here print direction one one counting you to ride that seesaw low slider alright sliders are getting me today no we're out in front of each of those things they do come look like fast balls at first they've also got that that lateral movement that makes it tough to hit that's low see like honestly that one looked pretty good to be as well to to count here what's he gonna come with probably another slider he's gonna try to pick off the guy at first not a word it's weird that we've dropped down to the sixth batter feel like cleanup is where we normally are that's that's definitely our most appropriate position in the lineup he's set here's the 2 to whose wing that four-seam got out in front of that thing leveled in left that could have been nice I guess I don't mind batting sixth it just it sucks when you get on base here it comes checked it we're fine we're fine we're fine sucks you get on base and you have seven eight nine behind you they don't they don't really clutch them very well as an offensive player just hit something hard because those defenders are gonna be moving now the three and to pick the two seem a little bit late on that guy to be honest I was oh no we're still a little bit early we just weren't though right the right location with it it felt like I was late I guess we had good timing what's let's try to do that again look at that thing baby good bye see you later nice to know you I'll send you a postcard that's what I'm talking about and that is what y'all missed out on this is what you passed out so you had it in your organization I was all about the A's and you got rid of me you turned your back on me the start of my career and look at what you got out of that let's go baby bottom of the third we're up six to nothing this feels great man get a guy on first base here we go from who another four seam right down the pipe my guy to one you might not want to do that alright we're swinging very early this evening so we got a got to kind of slow that down watch it come in be a little bit slower we're still too early on that curveball dude that felt like I waited an eternity that's outside okay you know that almost looks like a out there once you count here you get the guy to chase out of the circus upshot focus at least it gives the catcher something good to throw dude I had focus on the move I don't know what it is some days I like this is my first game playing today some days I get on and I'm just like I'm tight I'm ready to play MLB I'm excited to get out there for a game like Cobb that's great cuz you can just jump into a gunfight and be aggressive you can't be aggressive in this game you got to be patient it's 14 to nothing and the bottom of the third two outs nobody on here comes be patient traffic that's low right it's close below something to keep in mind be patient really just keep telling yourself that be patient wait on it you got time you got a quick swing definitely could have an ambassador rest of the series - Oh Cal you're looking pretty good got a lot to work with couple of perks active let's crunch crash let's let's crack this let's crush this I mean no matter what you want to say wow dude hold on let me get a look at this that that was honestly probably a little bit too aggressive my goodness see another angle here oh that was a matter of about 3 inches bro or for him in this one but trust me you got the right moves that's all she needs take off here we got two outs he's gonna get a piece of that it's gonna pops up to left-center he's gonna get under it and make the catch unfortunate but at least we got on base did all right looking pretty good you know not a bad ball game being up 14 to 1 it again once again bad at all he's gonna be coming to us here just make this play oh no it's gonna be going a second but we're gonna overtake it on him you're sorry bro sorry Altuve oh my gosh I know it's his ball in the first place but usually I try to call him off of it that that totally didn't work at that time you order now top of the fifth these guys are starting to come back they've got another run on the board it's 42 - this is and he gets him don't pop it could it be a nice side of the in for you an ice little one for us to catch get it to third just for the heck of it just to keep our arm loose keep things interesting uh-oh they keep adding just one run at the time dudes they've got three runs now you know we joke but slow and steady can be pretty dangerous not gonna lie not gonna be able to get that guy advancing the third we can step in the bag there - outfitting has not been very kind to us there it's six to fourteen now the box bottom of the fifth they've had a pretty crazy run here let's see if we can can help our team out a little bit Bork's starting to get a little bit a little bit tired of your foreseen curveball changeup at a two seamers pitch who got a piece of that that's gonna be worth a ribbing line no it's not I was hungry too I could have gone for a nice rib eye with some some butter and some sauteed mushrooms or something digging in an O to count here with the bases loaded his last trip come on bro strike out two outs now this is what I'm talking about - when you're when you're batting sixth in the lineup it's kind of its kind of strikeout City down here fourth this is a big difference compared to this whoo okay no that's unfortunate that is really unfortunate 14 to 6 top of the 6 we've got guys on first in the second base we're gonna be looking at turn two and get two thirds of this inning over with one two see what happens here looks like let's go to the pitchers new we are not gonna have any outs no chance we're gonna have the bases loaded with no outs in the top e6 and these guys are hot bottom of the seventh we're only up by four four-seam changeup slurve at a to see which you get a look at his true that was a big blow early on ready with the first pitch here it comes Matt started me with it did we score all of our runs in the first three innings and haven't done anything since that is just not very consistent it's not what you want I guess the point is we did good enough that we we had a lead that hopefully is gonna be able to hold out here but 10 to 14 doesn't doesn't give me a lot of confidence top of the acre finally able to go through an inning without them scoring Scott still holding on to a four-run lead this is gonna be coming on us be able to grab that beautiful little backhand grab there it is two outs we need four more to win this ballgame that'll bring up the power hitter maybe awesome if we can get three outs here we're not gonna have another at-bat but I'm fine with that because we're gonna get away with the win this one's gonna come to us beautiful work just go ahead and take care of it ourselves good thing I've been working on my sprints and there it is it was 14 runs were able to hold out the end it probably shouldn't have been that close but we'll take it I'm not gonna lie dude I am totally down for another shoot out here another little slugfest let's see what can happen we're gonna be getting up to bat in the bottom of the first still mad at that sixth spot but we're gonna be looking to to make contact with every Swain advance a runner I'm gonna work on that that one there so four-seam changeup slider and a two-seam coming out of Parker here got two guys on and two guys out could be a big in for us and I think that's gonna be enough that's that rib eye I was looking for earlier bro we'll take it well and he's safe at home maybe have some some Brussels sprouts with like bacon and balsamic vinegar right on the side with that thing look at that American League RBI leaders here boys got 77 man that that looks fantastic I would have liked to get a little bit better contact there but we'll take it no druvan doses got a full count ahead of him here here's the three and two looks like he's gonna get walked faces are loaded and it's time for the eighth man to come up two back Corey Lee he's on a nine-game hitting streak now would be the time to extend it my brother we've got a 200 lead let's see if we can cut up a move on that a little bit here I would love to see it happen I mean nine-game hitting streak pretty solid bro I got to give him a shout-out I hope he has something happen for him today I'm coming your quarter brother I'm pulling for you to opportunity in this man we're gonna play some defense here gonna be looking to turn to in the top of the second that's gonna be coming up us get the lead runner get it there he's gonna throw it to second for one ah dang it I was really hoping that the pitcher I mean obviously he was covered there was hope we're gonna be able to get him out of first but not quite that's alright though we got the lead runner that's what counts looks like it wasn't gonna be enough though that's right bottom of the third were we're up by a warning I'm gonna say do not record an out within the first three pitches so it means we either got a hit or wait looks like this guy really likes his changeup so gonna have to hold off okay for seat32 way too far out in front of it Lulu another four seam inside the zone that was tickling the outside but it was definitely in there I was gonna try to lay off to be smart but that's that's low blow it away able to lay off that hey we got some too some plate discipline there that's good but I really don't like this one to calzone the only problem thrown in that situation Oh we'll take it just gonna end up in the corner over there nice little double to start things off I guess not really start things off there's already an out here we'll take it he is on drew Mendoza question he swinged that the question is do we do we trust that he's gonna get a hit here and we need to try to steal we are the case of this game my God my God my God my God my God back up back up back up Isis that's now two hits so forget for him in this one good try bro I gotta give it to you see I was very aggressive baserunning not the best idea in the world but sometimes you got a risk I'd like to take off on those because if it's like a you know grounder to the outfield or something you have a chance of turning that corner and being able to get home before they're able to love it together their self looks like we're gonna go to it out there after we got our hit and nothing's gonna come of that any striding in Philly A's are looking good dude I'm not gonna lie they've been they've been putting the bat in the ball they know how to score top of the fourth you're gonna be looking for a double play this time around he said here comes the one that's gonna be going a second round two bases short two to first got a one that's it first see you later goodbye alright top of the fifth still a tie ball game 3-3 this one should be coming to us should be oh no all right let's let's get this bro I just call off the right fielder when it when it was clearly in right field I love it well I'll take the points for it maybe so it's back the next one's gonna be coming us as well hit next the speedy presence of Billy Hamilton speedy presents out in the ground does it look very speedy to me just a little little footrace there two firsts were able to get him beautiful Bob a fifth one guy on one guy out forcing changeup slider and a to see look at that energy Brown in his last you can see it yeah give me a repeat performance of that last dollar with a man right now take it and run get you a red a little bit too late on that here comes the o1 that's that's a little bit too high for me be able to lay off that 1 1 1 count come on Trev double or better here let's put the team on our back row do what you got to do a little bit late on those four seams were beat that he's really kind of pitching those pretty consistently - boom that foreseen was pretty low I don't know if we should have gone fishing down there but I mean if we get a piece of it we get a piece of it we'll take it we've been you know I mean we've been fairly consistent this episode so far word is not really getting that bleep balls that I like but hey we're getting on base if we're not hitting two home runs getting on base it's just as important you know what I mean I got I'd rather be going need somebody to make that play it's not the end of the world and now we've got a couple of guys definitely not the end of the world but you know I take that back we did it home run we've had a double or two okay I just feel like we've had a lot of fairly weak singles that have have not ended up well for us keep going keep going keep going keep going keep going bro she's gonna Duncan out there a base hit you're welcome he wasn't gonna go he was not gonna go what dude Ola isn't gonna show us it's your happy he was totally gonna stop on third and I think because we would be word on his backside rific piece of hitting I think he felt like he had to go right there some guys are not afraid to hit wood that was fantastic dude eautiful world third base coach was definitely tell him to stop right there but he kept going I think it's cuz we were behind him we were hot in his tail I thought did if you want me to be honest I thought I was gonna round that corner and go for it good stuff bro good good hustle that's what you love to see out of your team I'm gonna push you to be better - ten out of ten times baby that's what I'm talking about should probably not take my hands off the controller cuz they are right there trying to they're trying to get a little a little funny up in here I don't appreciate that the 2-2 pitch let's go miles let's go miles let's go miles we almost got a hit out of that to my goodness that would have been nice coming up to bat five five ballgame out of the seventh to seem slur splitters including a circle change point here's the first pitch to him definitely gonna want to be a a bit a bit patient on this guy's likes those off-speed no errors in the ballgame for the Astros to dish oh I do jammed us up with the 2cb out why couldn't that have gone foul and that's unfortunate top of the eighth then you know there's gonna have a horse out of purse to second base all we need is a a measly little out here just one little hour for the resting I mean that was effortless beautiful reaction beautiful scoop where did not break your ankle step on the bag or something all right here we go boys it's time to walk off it's time for the walk off right here third week the pressures on the pressure is on Trev it's time to focus up and get it done Jeffrey Springs on the mound with the foreseen the change-up the curveball and that's you've seen checked it to stay right there all we need is a single I'm not gonna lie I am I'm in my feelings right now bro I'm nervous I just got to let go of everything and just play just play normally trap pretend like you're and in batting practice you know what I mean just play don't think about what's on the line I can feel my hands getting sweaty base that's high 3-1 count if I get walked I'm gonna be pissed I'll be mad seriously this really matters so whoa baby that's in the gap er deep - that's it baby that's the game Oh whoa and quickly and the winning run moves up to third now with only one gone what though takes a stroll out to the mound and with the pitcher this young you just want to let him know that he's out there for a reason and the druther I'm here is good enough to get him through this I hit something that bounced off the wall and they didn't go I get that you have to hold for the idea that oh I get they were probably worried that they might catch it but that was so deep there's no way they shouldn't have been able to get all the way around a home I'm so glad that I didn't get that challenge but I'm glad we won the game what an ending that that just doesn't make any sense Wow hitting one or two Aaron pitches in the game is over that was seriously a crazy ending it could have been a home run I mean I feel like in real life you probably could have could have been able to tell it was right down the middle of the to like I feel like the third-base coach would have been like you guys need to go they're not catching that there's no way I don't know it's a risky play it depends on how aggressive you want to be but we got the winds so it doesn't matter the boys about the team not about the personality the personal hard stats the solo what's the word I'm looking for I'm not sure - did I have four singles and a double in that game or was it three singles and a double consistent Kathy over here bro I was I was killing it I mean like I said we didn't didn't go long there we didn't really have anything fantastic but if you're gonna be able to get that done that's what you need to be able to get done you know what I mean we're able to load the bases for the pitcher to be able to makes a great mistake of walking in the winning run do that is that is just embarrassing that that I can't imagine how bad he would feel all right bottom of the second two outs four-seam slider curve ball change here's to see non-serious read that out of order just to switch it up on y'all that's outside man I'm gonna be honest I'm not I'm not just afternoon boys not really loving uh not really loving this six battery situation line up first five guys all went out right away absolutely nothing out of the squad you know spark out of the squad here late on that swing and low let's bring it back together to one calif right there that's outside three one in the final game against the a's in this series hopefully are gonna be able to look for the sweep here one who there it is gonna be worth a base hit there i mean what we should have been able to do that and our last at-bat of the last game that would have gotten the guy home but the one that bounces off the wall in right-center you doesn't want park crane to get in one man one down tonight all right yourself that guaranteed fastball bottom of the second to two Cowboys running on everything let's just go let's just go let's just go just keep going just keep running just keep running keep running keep there just step in front of him and have him throw the ball on your face whatever just starfish out there man just get away he probably could have tagged us there if he wanted to top of the fourth we're up by one gonna be looking for a little stubbly play here Santana it's a little double play nothing too crazy oh that's gonna shoot the GATS a base hit in a sooner feet right over second base again these guys I mean you got to give it to him that they know how to score no not about that bottle the fourth same picture here nobody on one out last time oh I thought that was gonna head of stings I thought that was gonna be right in the rib cage no strikes that's inside as well to know what's he trying to do back us off the plate or something it's not like we're crowding at pitches were even close to the strike zone that's outside that's a three oh count no now do i power swing here I think I might power swing we're here now I'm gonna normal swing always got the green light here he's looking for sunset her cut he's looking to do down and he lost him here on four pitches so a speed merchant is aboard now with one away and with the basis are you even trying bro about walking that guy the fudge was that deep every time he did I'm running I'm being aggressive thing in the world I might be running into a into a double pole that's just that's a pitch out go go go wide as it gets my Emmett sex suit whoa I don't know if we would have made that one diction oh my goodness Wow don't look at that dude walks me and then tries to pitch me out it's like he had that plan the entire time I think we might have beat the pitch out anyway we're pretty quickly doesn't no doubt about that let's play this smart all we need is a single to be able to get that's gonna go to Dino TV deep left bro how's your arm how's your arm how's your arm I'm testing it I'm testing it it's pretty good damn it hey man he's cut down at the plate gun him down here's Billy Hamilton standing in cousin hey getting Prakash's cinder guard I don't like that matchups no hits in two edges I thought we had when I saw how short that cutoff was I thought we had it for sure bro I thought that was all us he was like way out there in center right man I I thought that was all us bottom of the seventh leading out for suiting up slurve at a two-seam JB wind lookin mr. Windell oh you to pitch me a strike here bro you guys are just gonna walk me all game it's you remember when I was on your team and remember I'm now better than every single person on your team yeah it's funny funny how that works out long enough and the count evens up at 1 & 1 I can't ever tell what I talked trash does it like height me and gas me up and get me to play better or do I usually end up beating my words somehow I feel like it's probably the ladder one to count here 2 strikes got one more left than our back pocket boom in deep to right that's not gonna have enough on it I don't think so no a warning track power man that thing is the bane of our existence although to be honest that's one of the the furthest furthest ones that we've been able to hit so far today we did have the one home run early but feels feels good to see something act like it's gonna sail out of here here this is on the ground to the right side Altuve has it great play all - they wouldn't be there brettly pinning gets underway I thought that was close enough that I should have went and got that but I guess not bottom of the night get on base by any means I'm gonna work on my clutch here a home run would be another insane inning dude can we have two insane endings in a row please got cam laws on the mound to seem slurve splitter circle change he's ready here's the first offering that's inside the one owned chasing that splitter outside so they let that one go every pitch counts here do we want to get ahead in the count so we we can get something good out of them that's inside to one count [Applause] way too early on the circle chains dude his his he's got some good off-speed pitches not gonna lie it in situ countin throws a nasty changeup away is the mindset to sell yourself holy dude in the world are you looking at truck broke put some glasses on and they're gonna win off of that are you serious Cathy right there that way that was not very good man oh man we had four bats there we only only got one hit kind of vase twice yikes all right that's not really how I wanted to end it but overall a good series against those guys had a good showing I think this is a pretty fun episode first game was an absolute slugfest second game had a crazy ending this last one could have done a little better but so hope you guys enjoyed I'm gonna see you guys in the next one drop a like subscribe you out already peace out
Channel: TmarTn2
Views: 89,751
Rating: 4.9366059 out of 5
Keywords: mlb 20, mlb 20 the show, mlb 2020, mlb 2020 the show, playstation 4, ps4, playstation 4 pro, ps4 pro, gameplay, game play, road to the show, mlb 20 road to the show, mlb 2020 road to the show, mlb 2020 ps4, mlb 2020 playstation
Id: Pw6aKINWsQk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 32sec (1652 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 17 2020
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