MLB 20 Road to the Show - Part 13 - MAJOR INJURY! (Torn Hamstring)

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well fellas it looks like it finally happened what's up and welcome back and to some road to the show we have a triple a contract from the Athletics organization got a one-year contract for 79 a thousand dollars and I mean give me give me 79 five I'll take it there we go they've accepted the offer I don't care about the money literally does not matter the fact that we have been called up makes me so happy dude they saw that homerun in the last the last series and they already knew what was up dude all right we're gonna sell the way through Spring Training I'm not really worried about that we are gonna be starting off a brand new season with a brand new team and a brand new series and we've made some moves baby we're gonna go play our next appearance let's get it I'm so excited right now here we go a manager checks in with his ball club we're gonna get some work in today to sharpen up before this homestand also we've got a top-notch instructor who will be sitting in for a few days sent by the front office it's a chance to make an impression are you kidding me right now dude that is literally perfect okay so we're gonna want to hit these in the correct areas honestly this is kind of this is kind of hard I'm not gonna lie to you we need 3,000 here we go we want to send this right back up the middle to be honest I just think about it too hard and and I focus on it too hard I don't know I I have a hard time with these but you basically need to time your swing you need to hit the ball you need to do pretty much everything that's a homerun not in the right the right zone though but hey still gave us 478 points that's a good sign whoa that was a good rip right there that's what I'm talking about all right add an extra 5/10 to it so if we get we've got three chances to get 800 we're gonna be late on this one that's gonna be foul though isn't it stay fair please oh it did let's go okay that's clutch that's gonna bring us up to silver we need 200 we're gonna be out in front of this one we don't want to foul it off though I think you lose points you lose points if you foul it I mean even if we just hit it a far distance we need less than 200 here come you got to be late on it Trev oh we crushed it that is that is that out of the park oh we got the gold baby snuck in there right at the end honestly those are hard like I said I just I kind of overthink it and I'm like worrying more about getting the bat on the ball not swinging at the exact moment to send the ball to a certain spot on the field but um that's a good performance coming in brand-new team showing out and let's follow it up with some good performance in the game the Las Vegas aviators okay I actually really like that your stars they've got some some pretty interesting colors we've got kind of like a navy and then there's kind of a yellowish orange gradient kind of like the sunset out the desert so Wow I think we've got a pretty cool looking glove and instead of cleats I customized them wait till you guys see it I wanted to wait till we saw them in game to see how they looked like on our venial stuff let's see what we got here oh look at those things do wait till we get up to bat any thoughts get a slightly closer look but then the glove which we're currently holding in our hands out of science today it's orange with kind of like it's running yellow accent yellow webbing yellow like ties and stuff on it laces I guess is the word I'm looking for it looks pretty good not in a lot I wasn't sure about the webbing we probably could have made the webbing orange but overall I think it looks pretty son look at those cleats do those things are the resh light and dark orange offset with the white all right four-seam changeup curveball a two-seam got a guy on first base with two outs trench oh that one's a cracker Oney let's go good piece baby good piece says the first baits coach looks like our boy got home all the way around into home plate back to the dish baby count it as an RBI the announcer said that he ignored the third-base coach there and just kept on and kept on trucking through so I can respect that aggressiveness and that's gonna tie a ballgame here I'm gonna take off here just in case by chance we get some sort of a looking and that ends the inning hit and we're not going they leave one's gonna get struck out good try alright here we go top the third side ballgame Hamson thanks to yours truly weird to be turning 2 here fellas just go right back to the bag oh that's gonna get through that's not good into left field a base hit we were definitely in the runners path right there well executed he definitely ran into us that that was not good all right three one leader for the opposing team bottom of the fourth we're leading off here for some changeup curveball a two seam let's get at first pitch of the at-bat swing and a ground ball to third I don't know why I reach for that one dude I just like I was really excited to come up and make a difference and I was feeling confident in that sort of thing and we totally reached out there there was no reason to here we go that low changeup try to get a piece of it missed there we go I'm gonna guess slow curveball yup wait on it and crack it baby right back in the same spot is our first head for a one out here all right that's gonna put us on second base in there easily a nice little rip baby nice lower rib pitch recognition right there he's able to get the folks like we've got a full count here on the unshod he's 1 for 2 of the day let's see if you put something in play it's gonna be a pop up not gonna get it done that's ok though well that was a charge long pop-ups that took forever to come back down sent that thing to orbit here we go Tony champion over one of the day he's got no one count right here I'm gonna be taking off just in case he gets a rip let's go I'm going around I'm just gonna keep on going and no chance on the throw here as he reaches first easily the run scores from second I mean we'll take it way to beat him out at first base baby that's what I'm talking about I brought the lead down to one we've got a couple of innings to make something happen here come on baby I don't want to lose my first I don't want to lose my first game and triple-a is camped under this one beautiful number two that glove looks pretty sick hey it's pretty crazy but we like to be flamboyant baby here we go we got a one-run lead here in the bottom of the eighth four-seam slider changeup at a two-seam lesson get it dude we're just a first pitch swing or oh that pulled them off the bag let's go interested to see how he approaches this next day well not gonna be a not gonna be a base hit but we'll take an air digging in now oh one count here you boy one for three those for once at all once it off we're in there baby safe that's what I'm talking about rick roll is pulled up his pulled up following that last plane is clutching his hamstring and miR to determine the severity is come on a grade three tear sidelined for two months or more bro words well I have to get loose in a hurry now is he'll come in and run following the injury we're gonna have to we ended up winning the game so that's good and excited we're gonna have to end up working on our durability I agree to the next I can't remember the last time we got injured in this series I know it's happened once or twice but aviators once or twice in like the six years of playing this game is pretty insane I can't believe we just got engines torn a hamstring you were on the 60-day injured list dude are we gonna be able to work out and stuff in that time or we just straight up on bed rest I don't know how this is gonna work I'm gonna hit play next and it's just it's just gonna sit on through we're gonna have to sit on the sidelines and watch our boys do their thing this is off isn't this rich dude we set out for ten months didn't get to do any workouts or anything like that we come back and coach calls a team work out of stealing bases he wants me to come back and immediately do exactly what injured me that is outrageous but I guess we're just gonna do it I'm gonna run through we actually got tagged out on that first one there we had a bit of a bit of a slow jump both of those were kind of slow jumps we're in that time there we go all right hopefully we don't pull any more hammies and I'll see you guys once we're done with this after two months away let's see how the squad is looking looks like we're 26 and 32 honestly not bad national sounds are playing today or 25 and 33 so this should be a good matchup I think with us in there bit of a difference maker I would say we would probably have a better record but at the same time if we aren't playing and these guys are still still what's it called face still about 500 then I'm okay with that I'm not upset with that at all go over down I feel like we're gonna be able to work with that we're gonna have a good season there's a lot of season left it's a good thing that we place so much baseball every year so here we go gonna be going for two ball the second this could be on a second come on get it here get it here and get it here a long time but not in time that's all right though nothing bad were to be able to work with it same thing here let's try to turn to this time let's get it here now the tutu on the ground of the right side shoots I mean that was close enough that I'm glad we whipped for it because the second second baseman didn't get it either it's just it's tough it's honestly really tough to figure out where you want to go as a first baseman to figure out how far you should be a swing tagging oh that would have been nice I'm not gonna lie that would have been real nice alright looks like we were able to get out of that inning with a little bit of skin in there back seat bottom of the second leading off you're forcing 12-6 curve slider changeup at a two-seam nobody on nobody out that's the opposite way is a well hit but we really like in between the the center and right fielder huh that time it's not gonna find the gap but we'll take a baby here we go three-run lead bottom of the third with two men on same pitcher here let's get it let's go I thought about running through the second base we honest and probably should have I kind of kind of got a little cold feet I don't know he might have changed his mind on a second he probably would have to be honest let's be real I'm taking off let's go let's go we're in there two guys in scoring position come on maybe let's see what y'all are made of let's see that hard team captain is back in action let's get some wind noise get some wind singular wind gets this fastball and takes it high in the air to deep straightaway I mean I'm I'm tagging up for sure is the catch is made and here comes the runner third third base coach is telling us to get down nah fam went worse in there standing out no question all right here we go Oh two count with two outs here that's alright I'm not too worried about it here we go bottom of the fifth settling in now I've got a three run lead same picture here single in his last at-bat check that that's a pretty dirty curveball that had thing that that that had thing that thing had quite a bit of movement on it here we go Oh screws good play by the top of the shortstop top of the ninth we've got a seven run lead baby now all we need are three outs we're about to get the first two right here let's turn to boys come on let's get a nice nice little little defensive play got it there get it back to the pitcher we got him how'd it baby let's go good fielding good field awareness series but even then that's a win my friends and we didn't get into this time choice Game three of the day baby here we go gonna be coming in and looks like we've got a pretty exciting opportunity on our plate two men on with one man out here in the bottom of the first four seam cutter changeup but a curve here's the first pitch to him that's a pretty good-looking ball I feel like we've really kind of been a rushing these at-bat so I'm gonna try to slow it down a little bit here we probably should have swung at that that's low whole-hog strike alright I'd be happy with the way they played Oh - now here in the way to relax a little bit everybody do anything close we're gonna have to swing out that's a pretty the torso belong see pretty good-looking cutter there come on one two count we're gonna start crawling our way back let's get it the one two curve ball right down the center man we actually had good timing there but I was I don't know why my thing was all the way up in the air that's inside we'll be able to lay off that one right at the kneecaps - two count here way on - all tied up you can tell this guy's starting retired he might be looking I know that arm is tired son oh my gosh dude taking note of what that was an interesting check all right we came back to a 3-2 count we did not fight all this way to end it here I'm gonna guess an outside cutter no are you too big that's low man this one misses here think how frustrating that would be for that pitcher dude let's go bases loaded for Chad six for 35 the last nine games okay that is sadly not very promising but we're gonna be okay well here's a swing and a shallow right field third base is gonna stay charged out there and he stays with it for the second out got one more back here Tony Kent back to 90 that's looking a little bit better let's go buddy on first and you got this one oh crap just keep running less keep running keep brought into your leaps but he can't get it it's down that's gonna be a three-run double that's what I'm talking about bro first dude I like this squad I like this squad a lot it makes me kind of sad that we didn't really get to play the first few games as a Susan with them but first couple of months of games they've been building that that camaraderie and that friendship and stuff we're coming in a little bit late but that's gonna be okay curve ball skyed it out to left unfortunately I don't think that's good so two pitches and she could have fought for us that's okay I may not not ideal but it's okay we've got a one-run lead here in the top of the pit it's been an old for 2f gonna be turning to you come on baby that's going straight to shortstop this should be an easy play there it is good scoop Trevor's icees bro put him away alright let's come up to the plate and let's let's eat I'm hungry we got a guy on second base here same pitcher and to keep this one run [ __ ] dangit first baseline a little bit late on that foreseen that would have been a nice one I'm gonna guess low curves I think this guy really likes his low curves yep Oh chance no gina's has to retreat to the track but he has dude I felt that one oh my my core I thought we were just gonna absolutely Jack that another four seam curveball changeup but a cutter got a new pitcher here see he matches up swinging a Miss out in front of a change that was a good pitch can't can't deny it that made me look stupid and on you know I thought it was gonna be the four seamer he got me it was the change-up count oh and two didn't get it though so now you have to make another fielded cleanly so got a one-run lead hopefully it's gonna end up holding out and it's not yeah well guys I mean honestly not the most ideal way to start our triple-a career you know getting getting injured in a very first game it's not bad though I feel like we've played pretty well I think we can't play better but we played pretty well and we're just gonna keep on trucking we're gonna keep on improving we're gonna keep on pushing and we are not gonna let this get us down so hope you guys enjoyed I'm gonna see you guys in our next episode drop a like subscribe you have it already and peace out
Channel: TmarTn2
Views: 212,793
Rating: 4.941678 out of 5
Keywords: mlb 20, mlb 20 the show, mlb 2020, mlb 2020 the show, playstation 4, ps4, playstation 4 pro, ps4 pro, gameplay, game play, road to the show, mlb 20 road to the show, mlb 2020 road to the show, mlb 2020 ps4, mlb 2020 playstation
Id: 9POslm-WQ9U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 40sec (1060 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 24 2020
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