New $2.1 Million FIGHTER JET CAR in GTA Online

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what's up guys and welcome back to GTA online it feels good to be back and here in those Santos and it feels even better to get behind the wheel of arguably one of the craziest supercars that we have had in this game so this is the brand new hold on I want to get this right it is the the principai divest a 8 so well this is a new supercar that was just recently added in and it's based off of the devil 16 a which is a it's a concept supercar from Dubai that's based off of off of fighter jet so as you guys could see by is that the exhaust there that's got to be the exhaust right I don't know what else that would be pod say yeah this thing looks absolutely insane no again it's not really like a real car protected concept car I think it calls for a 12 litre quad turbo engine and all kinds of other crazy stuff but we're gonna see what this thing is all about it I'm excited for this one point something like seven or eight million just stock we're gonna completely upgrade it all the way and we're gonna see what this thing can do today do this insane row what and this is stock right now hundred percent bone stock looking pretty good in the inside we've got carbon fiber all throughout but the outside is where this thing is really magnificent I kind of see a little bit of the lichen in this thing the lykan Hypersport with like the super aggressive kind of like v or a I guess in this case taillights the front looks pretty good as well really interesting they're very futuristic kind of laferrari esque is the first thing i see there with the pointed nose I don't know dude this thing is a monster and I'm excited for it this is absolutely ridiculously fast just stock and that's before we have any upgrade so we're gonna take this thing up into the garage and let's see we got going actually I kind of see a little bit of a Fisker Karma in there too with like the weird like mustache looking looking grille of it do you guys see that I don't know let me know what you guys think it's uh it's definitely unique though whoo this is gonna be insane dude we've got a couple of cars that have come out recently that we haven't we haven't made videos on so I think that's what I'm gonna do over the course of the the next few videos on this game anyway I'm gonna go through I'm gonna make sure that all of our our basic things are set we're gonna lower it race transmission turbo tuning all looks good to me all right now let's get into some of the cosmetic options so we've got some bumpers here I feel like we need to lets respray the car real quick I feel like we need to give it like a a much brighter color so we can kind of see what's going on so I'm gonna go I mean I let's let's start with yellow we're just going to start with yellow we'll probably end up changing it later but I want to be able to see exactly what's going on so bumper is front bumper we've got that we've got that not really seeing a lot of change yeah I'm gonna go with the primary bridge rear bumpers I think I want to go with the diffusers painted primary fins diffuser yeah all right that looks good chassis we've got primary trims secondary trim carbon trim ooh primary light strips are like that all right engines already been upgraded exhaust can't even really can't even really see any of this are you guys seeing anything change on the exhaust I'm not seeing anything change so I'm just gonna leave it like it is horn is good lights are fine live Rio here we go Oh pink pinstripe bro we can make a pretty crazy Tron looking vehicle with that hold on we might ooh the gray pinstripe hold on I'm gonna go with a little bit of color we're gonna go pink pinstripe and then let's go in to respray primary color let's go with them metallic I mean the black with the pink is pretty nice what if we went with like a blue or something or a light pink with a more hot pink on the pinstripes that's not bad what else can we do the problem is is pink is so weird I wish it was like a red or a blue or a white or something the blue with the pink doesn't look bad I kind of wanted to the pinstripe just cuz we don't have any other cars that have the pinstripe you know what I mean I mean the purple with the pink is pretty nice we've also got creamed lime-green looks pretty ugly let me see umm let's go back to library we're gonna go we're gonna go with the grey pinstripe here and see if that opens up anything for us I would like something with a little bit more color but I feel like this will probably work better overall I almost feel like a white where the grey pinstripe is gonna look really nice the blue looks nice too though yeah do the ice white I feel like that looks the best I think we're gonna have a hard time getting much better than that some I'm gonna go with the ice white I know we have a lot of white and black cars in this game it's kind of like the the easiest thing to go with but let's be honest it looks the best here so I'm gonna go with that secondary color let's see what else we can do what changes on second we don't even have any secondary things activated so I think we're just gonna pass on that alright trim color yeah that looks good alright cool got that spoiler oh these are gonna be some fun options we've got a lot here so flick aggressor primary carbon split arrow oh that's like the the fxxk or whatever competition spoiler rear-mounted that's kind of dope I kind of like that hmm hmm what do you guys think what looks the best here I kind of like having the the accents there but I like having it rear-mounted in the middle I think something like that looks pretty cool that's that's a dinner table of a spoiler right there but we're gonna go with it suspensions transition wheels definitely gonna want to change up the wheels here so I'm gonna go with probably some carbonic Z's synthetic Z's whatever I'm gonna go with these the Mercy's alright looks good to me let's go ahead and set the color to black looks good tires custom with the the bulletproof and I think I mean do we want to tint it out yeah let's tense it out I think that's gonna be it boys it's pretty simple but like I said I kind of wanted to go I wanted to go with that pinstripe and I don't I don't know if I think the pink and purple would have been the second-best pinstripe option for us and I don't know if I want a pink and purple supercar it could be kind of fun it probably would have been pretty fun but bro you you can't go wrong sometimes sometimes you got to stay fairly classic and this thing looks good especially with those aggressive red taillights oh man actually I just noticed that the tail light like the a looking things RVs upside down bees whatever you want to call it congrats on a $20,000 rocket bro this thing looks fantastic seriously oh man I like the pinstripes I wish you could customize the color on it I feel like you should be able to choose pinstripe as your library and then you should be able to change it with like your library color or like a secondary color or something but not not too bad I think it turned out pretty well we honestly what if we did like a a light matte gray with a darker gray pinstripe that could have been pretty cool too but anyway we made it into a lobby here let's see what kind of craziness is gonna go down I'm excited for this she is a beaut relp I just like those jet engines man the giant jet engines in the back that is so dope alright this this is gonna be just absolutely terrible but I'm I'm for it dude I love the people that just straight up I love the people that straight up don't don't drive off the start you know what I mean I also love the people that just continue to drive forward and spin you out even though they're spinning you out into your own self you know exactly that makes sense now I have no clue how this thing compares to other cars in terms of speed and stuff I will tell you guys that feels really good right now we went from my glass to pretend already good okay that's a problem didn't mean to do that come on baby you freakin idiots I don't know if that second guy went flying off but oh my gosh browse this thing needs to shoot flames for real this is so dope alright we're gonna try to work our way back up again we're into sixth place I'm feeling fairly confident with it like this thing feels good we just got to get out of the pool the pack of all the dummies if we can do that I think we're gonna be okay the students packing up a long bro calm down okay yeah the handling is nuts bro this thing is is solid in that department and we are we are catching people no problem here whoa and a fourth place [Music] around we go cut that one a little bit a little bit close looks like we've got two laps on the race so uh there's there's a good chance we could catch up here whoo well this thing flies these guys gonna come ramping overtop of us I think here and be careful through these curves all right don't spin me out bro I know you're thinking about it I know you were considering it all right man well I don't think we're gonna be able to make up for this one we just got got into too much trouble there at the start but we're gonna see what happens a race number two but we honestly got pretty close though like first and second are just up there in front of us we put in a valiant effort to come back here we we got this short end of the stick a couple times in this race and we still almost made it happen third place we'll take it just judging off of that I would say this is probably one of the faster cars in the game it's it's got to be up there and like the top three top five maybe even the fastest I don't know but we're gonna go for a second race here hopefully get a little bit luckier with our start and we'll see what happens here we go round two baby oh look at that rear end bro ooh I like that one over there with the green oh we've got we've got quite a few of these things up in here let's let's see we got going on oh come on please just sorry bro happen to me last game whatever I surely didn't mean to there what is happening bro oh my goodness I where we made it out alive I probably spoke too soon these guys are deliberately going after each other man like come on let's listen like if you're in a 1v1 scenario sure do whatever you got to do but why are we starting a race like this here we go this is called spinner got a feeling it's gonna be pretty intense oh I remember this was from a long time ago all right well we're in first place fellas I'll take it we got out of the the muck right at the start but we'll see if if we can keep it up gonna surf these walls you must have caught a draught or something we go I'm not trying to spin you out bro I'm I'm down to race clean I'm down to race clean we're finding it 100% down to race clean brother there's gonna get right by you looks like he might be a clean racer as well all right that's that's good to know that's that's good stuff we're okay Wow neck-and-neck bro the black and the pink looks pretty good I'm not gonna lie that that looks clean the pink pinstripes all right so we've got black and pink and then white and black it's kind of cool here we go whoa he uh he must really know this track because he he went off to the left like he knew what he was doing it's just you and I mano a mano 1v1 may the best driver win baby whoo I'm gonna take you on the outside okay how many laps do we have here two laps so we don't have to get too crazy off the start here we try to get back behind them [Music] see if we can get a draft looks like we can come on baby give it to me come on this is perfect trap where's the draught oh excuse me bro what I don't remember this part okay whoa stop dude go no come on man we had it perfect but then we messed up the angle all right we got a fastest lap new personal best that's good who can't go into the wall there playboy all right we're in first place yeah guys this thing is this is a beast also you'll notice that I'm pretty sure the top three cars are all all this car so that's it's pretty interesting I don't know we'll see how this works out seems like both of these guys are fair racers I don't think anybody's purposefully trying to spin anybody out which is good [Music] oh whoa I thought we were spending out right there we're okay dude I'm sweating I can't lie I'm sweating a little bit my hands are sweating this is I don't know what happened to our bro with the black and pink he disappeared after that one jump I don't know how our jump was so perfect it's like he went flying off the map or something it looks like he might be behind us though what happened well what he's just like lagged ten two car lengths behind okay is that our black and pink brother I'm not sure what's going on it's getting a little bit like it's like somebody's there and then they're gone all I know is we're never gonna get drafted here shoe this is gonna become a crazy ending bro we've had a good race diving I think we've proven ourselves here just got to finish strong hopefully those two end up spinning each other out hopefully they don't work together and they just kind of like mess with each other you know what I mean get that the left woo is close bro [Music] nice rook always spun out that sucks okay this the big jump is good to be an issue I think I don't know it's gonna be interesting to see what happens with it the big jump is what massively helped us out last time but I can't figure out what we did right and what the other guy did wrong so like we're just gonna leave this up to chance fellas I guess I'm gonna be interested to see what happens it's at the end of the tunnel here I believe so got somebody fairly close to us well I just love racing in this game here we go this is it this is where where the men are made in the the boys get put to rest we had a similar jump there but it's a little bit different it was definitely a little bit different it wasn't uh it wasn't as smooth but we were able to get the win let's go boys whoa that car is insane that was a lot of fun I really enjoyed that so well let me know what you guys think you guys want to see some more of GTA races and stuff as new cars come out I think there's the Italy GTO that we missed like a month or two ago and then there's also a new muscle car that came out I don't know if we'll do the muscle car just because those are really hard to find races for but the Italy GTO it's like a looks like an f12 Ferrari f12 that could be kind of fun so I'll see you guys there drop a like if guys enjoy and subscribe to have it already thank you guys so much for watching [Music]
Channel: TmarTn2
Views: 104,875
Rating: 4.9051871 out of 5
Keywords: after hours, gta after hours, update, dlc, grand theft auto v, grand theft auto 5, gtav, gta5, gta 5, lets play, playthrough, guide, gameplay, game play, multiplayer, online, walkthrough, grand theft auto online dlc, gta online dlc, gta v, next gen, box one, playstation 4, ps4, gta next gen, gta xbox one, gta ps4, gta playstation 4, pc, gta pc, princepe, deveste, eight, fighter jet
Id: qk7nwnr0d7E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 51sec (1071 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 27 2019
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