MISSION MUD MONSTER | Ghost Recon Breakpoint

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and Aristo oh I got it oh we just had to lose some weight Badgers freakin fat yeah Badgers fat yeah yeah it's bad I wasn't obese I wouldn't be American you shut your mouth one of these days I want to be Ghost Recon those guys are badass Ghost Recon break for a game that I have no shame in admitting we are extremely badass out here on fire and Roy had mortars in his spine I think that's bad at it define and for good reason because unlike other Ghost Recon games you are no longer the hunter you are now the hunted so life may get hard but this island it is harder hey I got a thermos can you hear those bastards faster before I elaborate Ghost Recon drops on October 4th you can secure guaranteed access to the September 5th beta by pre-ordering the game via the link below and thank you to Ubisoft for sponsoring this video don't forget this footage from an alpha built so if you see anything goofy or out of place that's why in a nutshell there's this island in the South Pacific called aroa that's home to billionaire Jace Cal and his military contractor corporation that's building super secret futuristic technology early sea was building super secret futuristic technology until Colonel Cole D Walker a former ghost and current leader of the walls basically ran his [ __ ] and jointed away with one goal in mind secure the future with technology others developed over to fear but do think law I took this island and my tooth and claw I will rule it not if I have anything to say about it and I do I'm gonna switch is where you come in as the lone force and rechecking the island and putting walkers rein in to an end it doesn't matter how powerful you are I will burn your world to the ground I'm a ghost do I would expect nothing less and seeing as I have extensive expertise in burning [ __ ] to the ground I'll burn this whole [ __ ] country down to get back in addition to my experience in Ghost Recon to Advanced Warfighter Advanced Warfighter to future soldier and even predator where I was knee-deep in Sri Lanka on the PSP god damn what I'm saying is I am the man for the job because I've been at this [ __ ] long before operators for screaming [ __ ] balls to drug cartels in South America [ __ ] balls [ __ ] balls [ __ ] balls Bob ball only this time the odds are not in your favor which is a definite verse because unlike your history of dunking on fatties in North Korea and Mexico and Bolivia and Nigeria which was basically genetically engineered cyborgs executing rebels that didn't even have running water unlike all of those times you are no longer the hunter you are now the hunted and Walker is tracking your ass down jackal style I mean wolf style we oh you are being hunted down and boy does it ever feel like it because with the four of you up against an entire island of technologically enhanced versions of you with drone backup staying alive is no cakewalk oh my god if we learn to glow you will learn that's wrong no one leaves like I said I'm a leading cause of death in North Korea Mexico Bolivia and Nigeria so as it pertains to the Wolves I'm not stuck on this island with you you're stuck on this island with me back on my [ __ ] no matter who you are survival is a perfect place to starve because you may be a one-man army but you're also gonna take an army sized beating and that starts with your bones oh my god I'm wounded already I am made out of [ __ ] glass ranging from minor wounds to critical injuries the harder you get hit the less effective you are is an operator because sneaking around with two broken legs or attempting to hit targets with two broken arms isn't exactly humorous Oh my legs still broken skittles get over here can you break my other leg to balance me out I need to I need some equilibrium here bandages are your bone healing salvation and syringes are your health restoring wands so whether you craft them at a bivouac or joint them off the Wolves first-aid is first priority somebody stick a syringe in my thighs my big meaty thighs talks I'm shooting up real quick just give me a second I'm taking one yoga wave dude hold on I cannot believe how fast I run when both of my legs are not broken this is really nice still got plenty of other goodies in there gadget wheel though like a breaching torch for trespassing on a private property which may or may not be illegal god I wish I could [ __ ] read please watch your fingertips to stop burping in my presence frag grenades which really come in handy when you're trying to casually murder a couple wolves and steal their whip without blowing it into a million pieces right I will casually throw a frag grenade that will kill them and not the vehicle all right casually casually I am surgical like a scalpel there are you guys those are claw Rock is just fine had even more specific use gadgets depending on what class you're playing like the gas grenades on assault that lets you cosplay small you ready yes you're ready yeah I want to see this all right just just for you tux my tux yes breathe it in fellas actually if you survive welcome to frag grenade heaven oh I feel bad now on his body should not have done that but the frags already died oh I'd love to tell you more about the gadgets but running on six hours of sleep I was little lazy with my memory and it felt like I was drinking stupid juice the entire time so I'm sorry I'll ever just drink some dumb [ __ ] was it again brick big sip big sip right here thankfully if one of your ghosts isn't doing too hot the rest of the squad can pick up the slack so if a buddy goes down you can fireman's carry him to safety just like the cover all right so what I'm gonna do is I got a lot of these enemies to see if they need some firewood or like some fresh blueberries or something and if [ __ ] goes wrong also applies to enemies because the only thing worse than blowing your frags too soon is blowing your cover too soon so splinter cell level body disposal is on the menu oh my god oh there you go if you don't set Calvin down gently I will murder you myself along those same lines coordination is key because part of your squad going quiet and part of your squad going loud is not a winning combination you guys do you want to take the stealthily did you mean fully automatic unsuppressed assault all right cue the music we're gonna do this all right on my mark with my unsuppressed eagle we go okay ready okay go like the main story mission when we rescued a scientist and destroyed a research that the enemy was utilizing definitely should have gone quiet I thought I was a dumbass for going loud and the doctor knew I was a dumbass for going loud hey dr. so-and-so I came to smash your laptop now get in the car throw the body into the chopper blades for a nice meaty stew now we're gonna dangler just like that one more that was a back waiter we're gonna spin her around it's circles when you're ready and you want to know how you avoid getting detected mud just like the trailer you can't just rub mud on your face and hope that the enemy isn't gonna see you observe while you're covered in mud why not melee because knives are nearly silent and the enemy can't scream out your position if they don't have vocal cords oh right stick okay there you go I found the right button yeah according to his slit throat not on the right button at the very least attempting stealth instead of busting into a compound in a fiery Friends made all the difference it suddenly felt like with the suppressor on that luck was on our side right above you oh not an enemy sorry oh I got the Sentinel captain that's right oh I just capped some Rando it's a notion that's most important see IP in the entire universe avoiding detection is paramount because if you are detected and the drones come out in droves and are much more bullet resistant than human being oh yes yes sorry I forgot the drones don't have lungs okay with the shot is almost done it's so close hit it there we go Oh fortunately you also have access to metal boxes of death for both transportation and annihilation like an off-road pickup truck well we're taking a shortcut these solar panels are nice and cushy don't buff out it'll buff out Roger you can't a network in a handicapped spot it's a compact you just you just take it easy there yeah just break the glasses that are rolling down the window and my personal favorite which I fondly call for copyright purposes not at all don't get close to him and hold X tux what we like to call collateral damage at this point whether you're getting into the action or getting out of Dodge it sure is nice to have a vehicle that isn't at all like any other vehicle that I can recall from other games not a warthog I can tell I can see the newspaper article already human trash bag tux bird attempts to drive vehicle gets entire squad kill hey don't shoot at them bro oh my god they were already swatting us a shot dumbass thriving this is not my fault tux get him he's dead peace out good night homeboy or you can defy gravity and snag yourself a chopper wish I would recommend to most of you out there but not to my squad mates famous last words at least I'd die in a field of poppies I'll ever just have a missile approaching your helicopter and not pop your flare not about covers the basics and mind you this was only two hours of gameplay so my skill level at the beginning of the session yeah completely different for my skill level at the end I did stick around until the end of the day to record a second session with a brand new squad which I'm not sure is a good thing or a bad thing but I guess we'll find out in the next video I'm not watering the grass oil eating the crap emerging blood boys like kool-aid jammers over there by Emery doesn't have any skittle Oh God and that is about it I would like to thank you so very much for watching one final thinking Ubisoft for sponsoring this video so don't forget if you want to check out a Ghost Recon breakpoint in a format that isn't my incoherent babbling there is all kinds of links down below a be sure to knit next time when we fight the world's scariest toaster when you turn on the toaster that's not so scary but when the toaster turns on you that's a different store [Music] [Music]
Channel: TheRussianBadger
Views: 2,072,799
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ghost recon breakpoint, ghost recon breakpoint gameplay, ghost recon, ghost recon breakpoint trailer, breakpoint, breakpoint gameplay, ghost recon wildlands, ubisoft, ghost recon wildlands 2, breakpoint ghost recon, tom clancy's ghost recon breakpoint, breakpoint trailer, wildlands, ghost recon breakpoint preview, gameplay, new ghost recon, ghost recon 2019, tom clancy’s ghost recon breakpoint, ghost recon breakpoint reaction, e3 2019, e3, jon bernthal, walkthrough, ghost, tom clancy
Id: u-UwBWEcuug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 22sec (742 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 10 2019
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