Missing Titanic Submersible | #heresthething

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faces and close loved ones in the same place in in one place I should say uh you guys are missed but uh you guys were there in spirit and I appreciate it it did my heart glad to see you celebrated and loved on it did my heart poorly when he uh the woman told me uh when Jasmine Jasmine told me about it I was like oh we're going to be taking the boys on the HBC to HBCU tour uh which uh but I'm just glad it happened and just seeing your little face all right any announcements oh real quick Austin this week we probably at the time of this recording we got about 100 tickets left to Friday and Saturday the early and on both it's sold out the latest 100 left um so you have a chance to get there or you'll pick me up in Louisville or you'll see me on the ball Brothers tour Louisville there are 7 000 tickets available I don't think they're aware that I'm coming there uh but we'll talk about that in July that's a July problem this is June Angel what you got um is this going to cause an argument is going on tour we've made the decision my patreon the angel wings know the dates already I won't be releasing the full dates to everyone else until I am certain that all of our venues are locked in but know that the tour will be happening um Mid July through the top of August so y'all got a little bit of time I will tell you the cities we're going to really quickly we're going to Atlanta we're going to Chicago We're going to Houston we're going to DC we're going to Philadelphia and we're going to New York in Indianapolis in Lexington so this is so exciting it gives me bubble guts uh that I'm excited and of course last but not least my birthday is coming up if you wanna know what I want for my birthday I I need y'all to be using one margarita in your uh the margarita song in your tick tocks in your Instagram reels I need you to stream and download it I need you to be listening to it on YouTube okay let these people know you can clap them cheeks to this song huh yeah time all right okay uh real quick I wanted to address this I made a video about this but I want to talk about it here in the bigger platform I got a complaint criticism about promoting patreon too much uh people were feeling like the regular people don't get loved on enough and I want to say this and I said it's a video and I'll say it again oh I love everybody and I and all your support means something right your likes your shares your comments your retweets you telling a friend buying all of it matters however the people who support on patreon which is less than one percent actually less than five percent of all my fans are on patreon less than five percent I gotta show them people love because they are the reason that people get to watch free content for free and creators get to get paid for that and I can't not show them love and I can't not tell you what you're missing out on and yes you missing out on stuff they said well you know you make me feel bad for missing out on stuff I'm a businessman I'm marketing my products to you if you feel bad that means I'm doing a good job but you shouldn't feel bad because I give you free content up the Wazoo no less than three hours of podcasts alone a week for free so if anybody should be feeling bad it should be me because I'm the one doing all the work yes and respectfully if the if they're willing to contribute a little bit extra that have the means to do it there I mean it's you're not gonna not reward them you know they don't have it don't feel bad you know nobody's account I'm here to remind you I'm here to tell you what you miss out on you are there to decide what to do so some some of the things might be a couple added dates to The Ball Brothers tour you know that's that's it this is I'll give you an analogy it's like if you're on a plane and there are people who are first class they get to board first they get their little drinks right they get food on longer flights like hot food and then there is you know Comfort plus there's you know general you know regular economy seating all of y'all are going in the same direction amen location which is to Kevin's content which is to my content which is to Josh's content however there comes some perks when you pay a little bit more money so it's not that we don't love you all the same because we're glad you're headed towards absolutely towards the content but you're gonna have to take these uh biscuit whatever they're called cookies cookies in the Sprite I love that analogy okay but we love you we're gonna take care of it love you but I I look I ain't taking the uh bottom beautiful ain't behind the paywall here's the thing man up now here's the thing main episode was behind the paperwork now I'd be like you know but here's what y'all gotta understand this is this Creator economy is changing like I said in the video when you see your articles Instagram saying they ain't paying creators no more Facebook say they ain't paying creators no more uh Tick Tock Creator fun don't when you hear all all that we're sorry black people money from 2020 is gone sorry they going the money going right back to them white people like it always has ain't no guilt trip ain't no it ain't lucrative like it used to be but the work is the same yes the work is the same Facebook was like yeah man we off we're like yeah we cut uh 30 of our jobs also and and paying people we done all right now let's start because there is a docket upon a docket and yes we're gonna talk about it I know something to say a Titanic I mean this morning right so I'm gonna Angel you gotta check the docket so again now let me tell y'all The patreon Producers they be on it though they started doing this where I put in the patreon on Monday morning hey y'all want to put whatever you think is in there what you want to talk about put it in there we'll talk about it they they be feeling the dock it up and I thought I caught a lot of stuff but when you have everybody throwing stuff in there I'll be like boy there'll be stuff happening on the internet I'm I'm unaware of I was checking at 1am I was on there at 1am trying to get everything not realized this this developed late yesterday because it popped up in my Tick Tock feed because I get like I get like a hair of conspiracy Tick Tock and this was on the Forefront but today I'd like I probably saw 10 videos over 20 that were just based off of this because I watched that one yesterday yeah so I'm gonna do just put this in here uh so what you're about to see is a video about the company that does these underwater Titanic wreckage tours okay this video is going really viral because this submersible just went missing over the weekend so this video was made I think six months ago they're talking about the The Vessel you're about to see and hear about is the one that they can't find service an experimental submersible vessel that has not been approved or certified by any regulatory body and could result in physical injury disability emotional trauma or death where do I find oh take your shoes off that's customary okay wow inside the sub has about as much room as a minivan so this is not your grandfather's submersible we only have one button that's it it should be like an elevator you know it shouldn't take a lot of skill the Titan is the only five person sub in the world that can reach Titanic depths 2.4 miles below the sea it's also the only one with a toilet sort of and yet I couldn't help noticing how many pieces of this sub seemed improvised we can use these off-the-shelf components I got these from uh Camper World We Run the whole thing with this game controller [Music] seems like them people them people went down there in the in the real life ocean okay with a and I'm this is no hyperbole they just showed you a Logitech game controller controlling their submersible they make you sign a waiver I was looking at the waiver the waiver says three times on the first page if you die you cannot sue us it costs 250 000 for a ticket to go down there and visit with the Titanic now let me tell you something I'm doing okay in life I'm not doing 250 000 to go down and visit them uh that broken ship in the water and if I did have it that I can't even like adequately express to you my fear of the ocean deep like how far deep the ocean when I was a kid I watched this movie called The Abyss and they was in like submersibles and the ocean pressure cracked the thing it's not happening six thousand pounds of pressure more people have gone into space than that far down in the ocean when I tell you the heart palpitations I'm having in the the weight that is starting to increase on my chest as soon as the video started and they got into that metal cue a little little metal tube already one window and they said when they're down there it's so dark that they have to look at the TV screens to actually see outside so you go down there and you could be watching the same thing a better a better clip of it on YouTube than you can when you're miles down under the sea 100 how many people were in the tube went before it went missing five one of them though Angel and and this is where I get this like I said this where that conspiracy talk popped up on me the um one of them was uh one of the passengers on bezos's uh spaceship that win the space this this is what happens when you make too much money you just you push life's limits to the absolute fullest because regular life is boring to you apparently we have 250 000 so on another video I've I've been engrossed in this this whole Saga all morning another time this same vessel so the way it works they go so deep there's no GPS down there what happens is the ship the they have like a ship that they they launch from it pings like a text message to them in a previous Voyage after they were lost for two and a half hours in the ocean and one of the one of the customers was like they said they knew what they were doing but we was lost apparently like they have last thing I heard they they have like I think like maybe I don't know I think it's like 90 hours of oxygen but Angel they were saying it takes two hours to get to the the actual destination of of where the Titanic is and they lost contact at like an hour and a half so they can only imagine that it being that far down but the trick with so this this vessel since it's a private company there's no like regulations on that's why they're operating it with like a with like a a PS4 controller right but even so even if it gets to the surface right it can't fully since it's a submersible whatever the word is immerses only stay below them it can only stay below the the top layer of water so all they can do is scan it and do sonar pings but the people are stuck in it even if they are on the surface because it's it's closed the door is closed with 17 Bolts from the outside that you can only access battery went dead what if that's the thing that happened that somebody forgot to charge the goddag on Logitech remote control and that's what the fact of the matter is if I'm in there we're all dead regardless because I'm going to have a full-blown panic attack and turn into a gorilla and rip everybody's heads off because I'm not going to be able to control being still there's only so much Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus there's only so much of that I can do and think I'm gonna remain same first of all Angel the more you do that the more oxygen you're using up so you better speak in tongues in your mind because all that Hush Hush because that's the reason why everybody's gonna die because I need them to stop breathing so I can continue to pray listen Angel we was on HBCU tour taking the boys over the last two weeks we was in a car for five hours and I'm just like I want to get out of this place I want 20 hours what how long did you how long did you say it was like four or five five hour trips oh I heard 20 hours I was like did you guys sorry but it was that five hours a drive maximum that's every two hours you're going to the bathroom we I don't like small spaces anyway I don't like the ocean deep I don't be going out in the ocean and I like the beaches like the idea of it but I don't really like once my the other thing about the ocean just walking right you're walking out to the ocean Todd come in the ground is now down here yeah right yeah the ground is moved and I've seen a tick tock and this is a little morbid but the dude was playing around in the ocean with the with the shark no no it wasn't a shark I thought that one and the tide came up and pulled him in and he and the guy was like explaining how dangerous this was and I'm like man the whole time I watched I was like man how'd they rescue him he was like oh yeah and that guy was never seen from again I said oh them got him that's why I don't let my kids be getting on the ocean I don't let them when they want to go by the the the tide I have to first uh the the show I have to hold amar's hands so tight because you're not about to listen what the ocean ain't about to do is get my babies now I have a question for you Kevin yes how would you and Melissa do in that if they were like Kevin and Melissa if you all getting this Titanic searching tube Kev they start going like this okay listen and you will be the you will own bet and ABC and NBC and CBS that's that's that's what you get how would you and Melissa Fair we would not fare well at all first of all I've seen Titanic okay movie I don't need to run it back everything I needed to see I seen on the movie with Leo and and Kate the other stuff that I wanted to see I've seen on the History Channel if we down there for real we are arguing so are you argue like conversations about love and relationships like they do on Punky Johnson's electronics that could be a podcast like the the deepest emotions in the deepest depths you know there's a parallel there or it could be like love thing from Series XM and Kevin Hart's LOL radio because they took a deep dive head first into the world of love huh join Punky and her hilarious best friend and co-host dicey as they give their highly unqualified advice on matters of the heart hosted by the multi-talented Punky Johnson and SNL cast member renowned for her stand-up comedy acting and writing including her appearance on HBO's hit show love life make sure you follow the show on XM radio or excuse me on SiriusXM Apple podcast Spotify or wherever you get your podcast from again that is love thing like Frank huh love Thang with Punky Robinson Punky is very funny she's hilarious on love uh love life Saturday Night Live please check that podcast out you are going to enjoy every minute of it I wish them people had that thing down there now let me tell you what the sub they said the only thing that was well first let me back up the guy was talking fast but in that waiver he was like none of this is certified no regulatory agency signed off on this FDA FBI ATF NASA Wally Pixar he said he said this handles from Camping World what are you bro bro are you like when I saw that Josh bro this is the ocean Man this ain't like a electric bike we talking about he was oh yeah the outside is cool sir Camera World that is for camping in the in nature that is bear Pro do you know how deep the ocean goes and how strong the pressure of the ocean is no and I don't want to firsthand Will Smith did a Nat Geo on the ocean and he went down in the like state of the art thing Josh Angel it gets so dark down there the light has nothing to reflect off of it's you don't hear nothing they have ocean sounds from the deep [Music] it I was like we'll get out of there it's the it's it's it's like low-key might be my worst nightmare and also something I would never even think I will I don't even play like that this would never happen to me because I don't play like that I don't play with ocean I don't Little Mermaid is as far as I go there are two you're so stupid this combines two things that I have real fears of I am claustrophobic so I don't like not having full like you know I need to be able to do all the things and move about and I am afraid of enormous things the ocean is one of the biggest things is the biggest thing we have on this Earth the fact that big like enormous things makes me feel very small and insignificant and I realize how fragile I am so to come to put the two together and say we'll pay you 250 000 to have a nervous breakdown is basically what I'd be paying for even if I made it out good the title you pay them yeah 250 000 I didn't pay them for a nervous breakdown because I can tell you now even if I made it out okay if even if everything went perfect the remote control was charged the none of the little screens went out I'm not going to be mentally well I'm going to have to check myself in for a little bit for a solid year in in order to be able to walk around in the earth I don't know what type of adrenaline junkie or what type of curiosity I would have to have in order to ever think that I would even come I don't like it well I'm curious Angel that's why I watch documentaries yes watch the stuff like I'm really curious I can't wait for the Netflix one on this oh my I let y'all do that stuff and when your documentary come out I'm gonna press play my curiosity is from a distance I don't want to be up close listen y'all don't the the whales and the orcas and the Sharks they've seen Avatar too they mobilize it they flipping boats they they capturing people I'm not I'm not certain this ain't a coordinated well attacked I don't know what's going on in the ocean they swam they swam by The Vessel and said oh well oh nice come on listen this is something else listen the Lord ain't ever got to worry about me not doing or going where he says to go because I'm not trying to be Jonah that'd be it the boy would have spit me out and the Lord would have been like angel angel and I would have already killed myself inside of the whale I would have been fine could have been in there cozy but because I can't move I don't and I can't be that like just seeing it is too much for me so I can't even be that curious to how these people just met their demise I want no parts all jokes aside two things I want to say let me tell you this this can never happen to me because this is completely avoidable for me and I do hope they are found it is a tragic way to go and I do not wish they them any harm even though I think this is ill-advised and the fact that they told y'all how this works down at Ocean Gate I still want y'all to get out so y'all could realize how big of a mistake that was and I hope y'all I really do hope y'all well I I wish y'all the best I have a recurring nightmare it doesn't happen often but it happens enough of being on one of them Bridges do this um in my vehicle doing this right and then then don't then when we started having the sinkholes out here car going in and being stuck in the vehicle and not being able to get my children and I'm gonna pay somebody to make that nightmare a reality everybody kiss my ass I can't do it this is it's too much it's too much but now it makes me mad it makes me mad when people just ain't got enough sense to leave well enough alone okay we could just sit you saw it little my joke women are funny [Laughter] I don't understand why people don't like the simple things in life I just don't get it but you know what you the the type of negro that sat up in the sky and had uh breakfast then you just sit in the sky recently in Dubai no I didn't do that though I didn't do that no no no no that was supposed to do that but they didn't have no vegan food so we didn't do it I did take a shower in an airplane though that's a little dude that's a little bit different but going up in the sky just to eat food I would have done that see that's crazy one more thing I'll add to they they were saying that uh because of the weather that we've had this year this was the only scheduled uh Titanic Voyage or whatever it was whatever the the tour was called of this year also why though what do y'all want to see a broken down ship from that like why like who why do you need to look out of a window and see that one window it's the exclusivity is to be able to be I am one of the few people who can say I saw something that messed up down in the ocean don't they down there because they messed up and y'all should have been now they're gonna have two visits you could see them and you can see the see y'all down there with Leonardo DiCaprio yeah people ones that try to see them and then somebody else now y'all down there I can't I can't oh man Wild I thought okay it's the last thing I'm gonna say I'm gonna move on when I saw the thing I thought they were playing when he said like I got this from camper world I didn't I didn't believe that that was for real what have when I first saw the the remote control I was like oh maybe that was for like the camera or something something that you would assume not this to be operating that's it and it wasn't even a PS5 Josh it was a it was a Logitech engineering 24.99 on Amazon have y'all ever been in a submergible capsule because I have girl I barely go underneath yes I have the Finding Nemo ride at Disneyland that's about as close as I'll ever get to it and I still freaked out I was in a submergible capsule on land in almost lost my mind that's what they tell you you know you rich white folk will come up with any reason to spend money they tell you when you're going to get surgery that being able to be in a submergible because when you're in a submergible the oxygen molecules get smaller and it helps get to your cells faster so any type of surgery you're having if it's a major surgery they recommend it because it helps in the healing process I was on land okay in Encino on land they were able to play a Netflix movie and I was still in there like come on Father come on Father be with me be with me be with me I was in there for 45 minutes you better come up I was I was starrying you hear me oh Father be with me be with me be with me I was breaking strongholds off the people in Encino in order to make it through there without losing my mind okay be with me it's a hyperbolic chamber that's what it's called Phyllis you get it oh my God yes the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost was in there with me you I was like come on Jesus man I can't do it All Right Moving On Moving on this was uh in the uh patreon producers number one requested thing over the weekend uh Russell Simmons ex-wife Gamora Lisa Simmons aired him out on Instagram live and his daughter his daughters um aired him out in their own ways his oldest daughter mingley uh said Happy Father's Day to his to her mom yeah and her uh younger daughter Aoki Lee Simmons posted uh text of of Russ and uh a soundless or a video that was muted of him fussing right and all this is big cuss big uh big frustrations so obviously people were like Kev Kev what you think what you think you used to work with him used to work with him so I'm gonna I'm gonna talk first and I want to hear what Josh and Angel got to say I think my NDA is up here's what NBA definitely uh here's one thing I was talking to Melissa about it this morning here's here's the thing and we say this on this podcast specifically all the time more than one thing can be true right for my life Russell gave me a great opportunity that changed my life right give me that job at all deaf gave me a great opportunity changed the trajectory of my life healthy my family it was like digital College down at all deaf that one thing is true second thing is true there's a lot of women in this world prior to my uh career there and after that had a very different experiences with Russell and uh sexual assault there's a whole documentary about him on HBO I can't think of the name right now uh but there's a whole I think something about the record I don't want to misspeak but there's a whole documentary about him and the allegations by black women on the record I mean I'm on HBO Max uh some of these allegations came out while I was at all deaf and he resigned from all death and basically shortly after that resignation the company closed on the record I'm sorry it's called on the record on on HBO Max shorty after that uh I want to say that within a year or so the company closed down so those things can be true as well and this situation with his daughters this isn't even a legend these are text messages that she posted this is a video that she posted of him and an apology that he said I'm sorry for yelling and you know uh cussing I love you all this and that right all of these things can be true within the same person right but here's the thing I want to say and I want to hear from Angel and John in the comments of her post his post and one of the common things that I saw that I want to address was this ain't this should not be exposed in the public right people were telling his daughter you need to take this down this is private family business one of her complaints one of her alleges is that he creates this Persona that's love and Vibes and Harmony and yoga and all that type of stuff and then behind closed the doors he's hurtful and abusive and he attacks me my mom and my friends and black people we jumped in the comments not we but there was black people in the comments like take this down this not how you handle this family business is family business right here's what I want to say about this specifically part about the black community that ideology right y'all supposed to have you ain't supposed to say that family business should be family business is how people end up abused physically emotionally uh sexually keeping family business private and being afraid to talk about it are being chastised by older men old older people in the community is why people are afraid to say stuff and it's why people are often able to abuse people for long periods of time her allegation is that he uses his personality on social media and that's not who he is If part of our allegation is that his personality that he portrays on social media isn't who he is and he's actually abusive in private then that personality needs to be destroyed on social media where it's created this isn't a private person that we don't know this is a Persona that we've seen love Harmony Yoga all that stuff vegan vegan vegan love Harmony prayer Karma but to his daughters they are seeing a different version of that and to see one person celebrated for love and harmony and in your text message in your actual life it's very different and having other people be like you need to be quiet that ain't our business that ain't our business that's how people end up being hurt right and she said and this was in my experience when I worked there she's very sweet girl ayoki is the one that actually spent time at all deaf she would chop it up with us and stuff like that very sweet girl she probably was JoJo's age at the time I worked there sweet sweet girl right and she said and they from what I saw they had a great relationship when I worked there and she said their relationship had been great up until the last couple of years apparently some lawsuit between him and Kimura is what um uh started to deteriorate their relationship and from her point of view he was asking her and the kids to choose sides or it was feeling like they chose sides and and he was blaming them for for loss for for what he had lost she he alleged that she being Kimura stole money from him and the kids are perpetuate and it's all this type of stuff and listen I can't allow I can't protect the image of a person because that's what their version of me was right and and I can't minimize what someone else's harm has been because that's not my experience if I if if I'm driving down the car down the road and I hit somebody with a car a person who didn't get hit by a concert anymore he never hit me so couldn't have been him that that's that's not necessarily true right all that means is I didn't have that experience with him that doesn't negate The Experience his children have had with him his ex-wife and the women that um accused him and this is honestly it's the same through line that you hear about men in power of both races well you he built hip-hop he was about to buy NBC he was the originator of r b and they can also be terrible people that does not mean that you don't do other stuff right if I if listen if you if if me Kevin who talks about how much I offer people and help creators if it came to light that I'm actually stealing from creators or you know I hadn't been paying Josh on time or ain't whatever if and if they brought that to light and one of my other employees was like I got paid all the time on time every time I don't know what y'all talking about that doesn't mean Josh and Angels thing ain't ain't true that isn't uh that doesn't absolve discredit anybody else's experience with that same person one thousand percent I'm not the the same person to Angel and Josh as I am to my wife or my children I could be the world's greatest father and still struggle to be a great husband because those experiences are different I can have one experience with Angel and a different with Josh and a different with Tony or Mel Mitchell right and I and it's unfair to victims to absolve people because of the things they built because a lot of times people use that what they've done and other people you use that same thing what what they've done for um so like immunity right it ends up being like immunity against these crimes well they could have done when we tearing our black men down tearing our black men well sometimes they are tearing the community down as well and if we are the community like what does it show that that little girl who's bearing her soul to this very public figure who has more power than her what does it show her when people be like you need to take this down that ain't right he he built hip-hop he could so can I Hopscotch into this can I double dutch into this because I got a couple of different perspectives than you I I do do not um judge them for deciding to make this public do I necessarily feel like we or me myself can do anything to stop what is happening to her no and do I feel bad that it went public yes only for the simple fact that this is not a random woman saying something about her boss this is a young lady having to make people see her father for who he is so it adds so many complexities so now she's having to hear the voices of people who really don't have no business speaking on it so that's the only reason why for me I was like damn I feel bad because she's she's now not only having to deal with his behavior she's now having to try to filter out the voices of people who really have no business talking about the situation right but what I want to go back to is one step before if it ain't nobody's business to be a part of this then it was nobody's business to try to correct this young lady when she decided to wish her mother a Happy Father's Day that bee will be pissing me off more than anything I get people have the sentiment that Father's Day is meant for father figures it is meant for men the [ __ ] you do that let me tell you what my mother gets for me every year Happy Father's Day everybody else can kiss my big wide ass at the end of the day everything that people say a father is supposed to give you everything people say You're supposed to learn from your father if I didn't learn it from Dorothy I would not have learned it at all but because people feel like they have to have control over who people decide to celebrate on a day that was just made up they jumped into her business then so this is why all of this is happening is because people are like how dare you do that okay well let me show you why I dare do that because this man has been insane for the past few years to me we wouldn't be in a business this is not they could have drugged this man so long ago they like when all this Behavior started they could have started dragging him in the public they weren't dragging this man in the public it wasn't until people felt like oh you have no business not giving your dad all of the honor he's the one who's the millionaire or the he's the one he's the reason why y'all have any money okay I don't care let me tell you something I don't care if my daddy was a million a billionaire if he was a dick and not a part of my life and only offered money I get to speak to that truth too if I want to I get to feel how I want to feel because this is who I am experiencing so I feel as though I truly do wish that this was not having to play out in public not because I think they should be silent just because there's so much stuff that they're already having to navigate and now you're having to navigate the the voices and the opinions of people who honestly don't matter at the end of the day none of these people matter these people are just shouting into the the the void that is social media of their opinions just like we are the void of their opinions on social media you've given them the um you've given them kind of the license to be able to yeah to put their opinion on a very stressful and very hard situation so I don't wish that on them I really really don't so that's the only reason why I'm like God that and it also made me reflect I was like dear God I pray I pray I never get into a situation where I don't feel that I can handle the situation outside of the Public's eye and that I have to use the public in order to start veering the com veering the situation into my because I think that's what they're hoping is that if we make it public he will have to stop being jekylled and high he'll have to stop trying to present himself in this certain way when that's not what he's doing I pray I'm never in a situation where I have to use the public to start managing the crisis man do crisis Management in my own life because the public is crazy and the public will create their entire narrative they will feel in every hole and believe that the the things they filled in are fact they'll be like see but when this is what she's really upset about is because when they Mama it is just like you ain't in the house with them and no amount of text messages is going to be able to give us a full picture or screenshots a full picture of what she's gone through no amount of court documents are going to be able to give you all a full picture of what they've experienced so that's truly my thoughts on the matter when I saw it I was just like oh no yeah I was listen I felt awful for them right and it's a it's a situation where I don't know how to say this in it I don't want to come off as I'm protecting Russell in any way but it is very odd to hear stories of someone that you you only know in a different light it's like you know I this is especially the fatherhood thing like all I ever saw was love between them right both ways the entire time I worked there and then to see this experience she's like it kind of made me realize like you don't be knowing people for real right like especially the further removed you are like I actually worked with him but that was like nine to five and I didn't spend all my hours with him we had meetings and all that type of stuff but there's more hours in the day and that was also many years ago right that was like seven eight years ago and you and then so the further you all removed from people you all you know is them on the internet if you like you see the version of of a person that they create online a lot of times and a lot of times their actual personality and the people that are close to them know a very different person and it's like oh my gosh like I was bought into the Persona you created so a lot of times it's hard to reconcile well all I see is this and that and you never see the other part it don't reconcile but the thing about it is social media is Media we create the versions of ourselves that we want to be consumed it ain't a reality show it's not somebody following us around with a camera no like me doing a documentary on myself is very different than somebody else doing a documentary on me I'm gonna put the stuff in that makes me look the best when Josh added my documentary it's going to tell my story the way I want to see it right somebody else who had an experience with me telling their version of me totally different Kevin totally different experience and I realized like sometimes with a lot of people I feel like we just think we know yeah but we really don't know we are believing the narrative that is put before us and a lot of times we believe the narrative we want to believe that's what happened a lot with Bill Cosby people just didn't want to believe that like he was my dad and he he was such a good representation of black fathers and a family and look what he did and he couldn't have did they had to be lying because look look at the episode in the huxtables and that episode was Rudy and and all the black people behind the camera he was about to buy NBC and he was putting Quaaludes in women's drinks he set it out of his own mouth and people still didn't want to he admitted to it I heard him he said yes I did he thought he wasn't supposed to be charged for it but he said it and we still was like no there's a video I posted yesterday trying to make this point I was drinking a Bud Light to make a joke right and I show the cap right the cap is clearly off I drank the drink the cap is clearly on no no it's off in the video oh it looked like it was on it looked like it was on it wasn't on right literally you can see these rungs right and here's the other thing when they sell you a beer in a baseball stadium they have to take the cap off so you can't throw it on the field right so I lean forward with it and people swore up and down that the cap is off and I'm like this is how the internet beats wait a minute was the cap owner off Kevin it was off the cap was off okay and people swore up and down the cap was the cab was on okay okay the cap was off and I showed it just forget it take it out Josh no no no no no no I understand the cap was off you leaned forward showed it was off but they still thought it was all alone it was it was off because they won't sell you a beer in the stadium with a cap they take it off so you can't throw make you can't close it and throw it but the whole point is I'm the person holding this and I can see it and people are telling me what I'm experiencing and that's what happened with his daughter and what happens to women often they tell a story that is very true that she she produced text messages video evidence and people were still like and then and then the argument in the conversation uh the whole Direction changes because now you're trying to fight The Narrative of people's perception against the what the actual issue was at hand and this is the reason why I just wish that that's the only reason why I wish it didn't go public is because that is what they're having to do they're having to fight things in in stuff I'm like oh I wish y'all weren't wasting y'all's energy with these folks there are people who want to believe what they want to believe especially when it comes to men if a man hadn't done anything if a man didn't cut the grass huh if the man didn't read a scripture once you cannot defame that person because you're trying to take away any type of goodness they've done in the world that is true on the big levels of the the Bill Cosby's all the way to the small levels of the the the town you know children's Minister yeah we don't like especially Black Folk don't you talk about our black men because we are comparing it to what is happening in a more Global uh sense or what's happening in the nation to black men by the police by people in authority and we feel as though well then the victims that are on a smaller level can't speak out because up you see what they do and then they want to bring in white people okay listen the white people take care of themselves by going into these goddamn submarines and dying in them okay we start holding people accountable on every single level I think there's this thing of there's just this thing of not wanting to really clean house we just really want the appearance of a clean house but we'll we'll let people be the um the consequence and there's a couple other things too people let me let me just say this and I want to say this in the the best way possible well at least you got a dad yes and he could also be being abusive at this time in my relationship my dad was raised like this how my dad did me and they both could have been wrong right a lot of black kids was raised in physically and verbally abusive households and we was it was tough love that's how I was raised that's how my mama did it and that's does it make it right our parents did the best they could absolutely 100 not saying they didn't still does it make it right it's like that part where I told you guys um way back when I figured out that I was molested I was like no but I wanted to you know I'm saying I I I kissed yeah she was 19 I was like 12 or 13. just because I was taught that this was cool and that made me a player and you know I'm saying who I was 17 he's at 13. doesn't mean that I wasn't taking advantage of come on and I was too young you know somebody was like with the roads were reverse would you feel the same and I was like oh snap no it would have been sexual assault but but I didn't feel no different just because it happened don't mean it's right don't mean the people didn't have best intentions don't mean that it was wrong just because a lot of us were physically and verbally abused we think it's okay just because it was normal those things are normal doesn't mean they're okay just because it was the status quo don't mean it okay slavery Not only was the status quo it was legal legal in the law just because something is legal or the status quo doesn't mean it's right amended maybe a slave owner was nice and he freed his people it doesn't mean he wasn't he himself wasn't also terrible and the rest of them weren't terrible people love to pick the one example of something and and excuse everything else they've done if I have done all this stuff that I've done in my life and then tomorrow I go and drive a school bus into a museum and it killed 10 people I still have done that as well right it doesn't negate all the other stuff I did and it doesn't mean I didn't hurt the people that I hurt that day it's because it's I feel like it's because of two things besides patriarchy and of racism I think it's two things one we and I'm gonna say we even though I know people do try and I even try we don't want to face the hypocrisy in our own self there's a lack of self-awareness and two it's so much easier to see people as a one-dimensional person versus them being complex individuals so we almost it's almost like we romanticize what people are we we put them as people in a movie if you think about a Disney um villain we don't usually see like the origin of why they are these broken people that are adamant about revenge right is one-dimensional so when it become when it comes to human beings or especially people that we possibly looked up to it's very hard for us as a people I think sometimes to recognize that people are three-dimensional including us there are a lot of things that I could lay out about myself that are not attractive see teachers of me and I'm not talking about physical features I'm talking about personality I'm talking about Behavior there are a lot of things that I have had growth from especially being someone raised as a Conservative Christian I had a lot of oh my God today there are probably a couple of people I need to apologize to if I can find them um that I think for a lot of us oh my God it's too much for us to really deal with where we are in life we don't want to be thought of as bad people we don't want people to like see us as something that we don't want to be presented as or we refuse to see other people in their totality because we don't want people to see us that way Angel you talking good listen in therapy I had to realize right some of your biggest flaws come from you trying to be the best version of yourself I'll give you a quick example in my own personal life because I'm I'm great father Kev great husband Kev not having my biological father in my life and not having those great memories that I wanted so badly to have made me want them with my kids right I want to have these memories that I miss nothing wrong with that right from a broken little boy who just wanted to play catch with his real dad when I have my sons I'm gonna have those moments great intentions great part came from a great place the execution of that is I buy my me and Melissa talk about getting the boys a PS4 for their birthday I buy it I set up a surprise I surprise JoJo on video before Melissa even gets home right because I want it so badly to share that memory that I excluded her from that memory my kids version of me is my dad bought me a PlayStation and man we got to he surprised me after school it's a great memory Picture Perfect Memory my wife's version of those events is you robbed me of a moment with our kids you took something that we were supposed to do as a family and you made it about you the reason that it came from is true I still excluded her from that opportunity did the same thing took the boys on a trip to Vegas and all this stuff we had a great father-son vacation the boys have a great experience and memory of that that my dad is perfect he took us to Vegas we went to Mandalay Bay Oh What A Memory my wife wholly different Viewpoint of that man you took the kids to Vegas when you were gone I never did that and when she told me about that I'm like oh my God and if we have this conversation if we were fussing or whatever the boys are gonna be like we had a great time in Vegas I don't care I don't know yeah I don't know what you talking about Mom this was this was great and I'm still the person who is a great husband I mean a great father in this moment and a poor husband in the same moment listen let me make it let me let me expound upon that just even a little bit more to a lot of the people who watch you to a lot of uh comedians you are this uh not a up-and-coming comedians you are a Trailblazer you created a Avenue that did or forged the way that led to a path that a lot of other people uh that they now know like this is upcoming up and coming comedians that they can like have success to possibly older comedians you this [ __ ] who skipped a bunch of goddamn on steps because they were beating the path they have been beating the pavement going to these clubs getting paid 25 and here you are not ever having to open for anyone on tour and take it and and barely get paid anything in headlining your own tour right so your what you did was the exact same how it affected the people who are watching you completely different and that was something I had to realize even in parenting I cannot control the role that I get in someone else's story um I want to trust and believe I am trying my best not to be the wicked person in each of my son's stories that they tell when they get older about their life but at the end of the day I am not the author of their story they are but I think a lot of people once they put someone as a character people that are they are like I cannot shift them because this is the good guy how the hell can he become a part of the bad team if I put him in this place but um the more we have recollection the more we are aware of that the more we can be uh take accountability for our actions and being like listen at the end of the day what I wasn't trying to do is some of the stuff that is affected you this way or affected you this way my purpose was this how the how it falls out all I can do is reflect and possibly adjust in the future but the more we try to control how people want to see us the more we're going to lose energy and not actually focus on what we were actually created to do on this Earth one thousand percent I can't agree more I I used to really struggle with that and then I was just like I can't change I'm listen I'm the I'm the villain in your history book yeah I used to fight so hard about that and I can't change your synopsis of Me In Your Eyes right and a lot of times people's pers perception of you and perspective of you I mean their perception of you frames their perspective of you if you are this powerful person in their mind you're just moving like that's why when uh that whole Kev uh gave a sketch to HBO thing came about I was like who do y'all think I am and it made me realize people think I have infinitely more power than I actually do in certain scenarios they thought I had the power to pitch a sketch to HBO on a show that I was not on I can tell them to take a SketchUp of their Network that they spent millions of dollars who do y'all think I am when when the show got canceled one time um NBC people were like Kev you should pick that up on Kevin Stage Studio I said we have seven dollars in gum this is a networks I'm telling you it that can have so much power over a church kid of trying to control people's Narrative of you for the people who thought that you did the HBO thing not only did they think you were powerful they've been wanting you to be the villain they have been waiting yes they were like here's the opportunity and for the people who are like Kevin come on and uh get that NBC show and do what do what you wanted to do these are people who want you to be the almighty and the all-powerful uh Kevin they want you to be a Tyler Perry and you're like wow I love that narrative too I love that I love that you all want that for me um if we get caught up on either end of that we are going to go crazy and it is so it's very like you said it is very very difficult for me it about damn near gives me hives when I think about allowing people to have their own opinion of me because I'm like no I'll give you what your opinion should be right right I'll give it to you I'll even sprinkle in some bad opinions because I love I love when people feel very you know unbiased and they're giving their true authentic feeling about me um but it is hard because we've you know growing up the way we grew up it is about the perception of the it is about other people's perception of our walk it's about other people's perception about our Salvation more than it is about our actual relationship it's about do you perceive I have a relationship one thousand percent Steve I'm doing right because if so then I'm using you know and that's what you and that's why you have to be wary of your platform and what you do because you really do have there's some situations where I do have power and people act on behalf of what they assume I may do right because they want to work with me and it also made me realize like if if there was something that happened to me right say some story came out that I was being nefarious in any way I am I am under No Illusion that people will be like a little bit about him anybody love their wife that much don't nobody love that kid that much he can't possibly be just waiting in the wings for something down to the Lipstick Alley where they could not talk about thousands of people but sure you didn't know nothing and people just and that and even that I had to let go because I was really in them in the internet trying to fight everybody's perception of me people don't even like their own self that's what I was saying sometimes sometimes arguing against the projection for something that they're dealing with internally that you have no idea upon and then yeah but the problem with that too is you got to accept whatever whatever illusion is created or whatever uh pictures painted around their idea of you because you can't change it you can change it and it don't affect me and at the end of the day no we are strangers anyway right if it weren't for Al Gore's internet we wouldn't even have this much information about each other I likely won't bump into you I got to go I got to go on about my day you're gonna feel how you feel I'm not gonna change it I'm not gonna worry about it I I needed that to happen in this part of my career so I could go to the next part of my career because and you're still and you're still going to four sold out shows that Cap City comedy guess what Josh the love always turns to hate oh yeah I've seen it happen with artists after artists oh man you are fully beloved your day of when somebody is just sick of it they were sick a tab I know people be mad at tab Kevin sorry you're back you're back I said and because I know tab I'm just like dang like if tab eight if tab got turned on they turned on tabs who are who are the rest of us this woman don't put nothing but love into the environment and people was like they listen they they killed Jesus the man gave him a fish fry he had catfish and bread and they said they were the tombstone clothes man Josh we love you we love you Josh gotta go we love him go and be great and then Angel and I will finish up and we got we'll go back to a light topic after this uh uh Josh be great man we'll see you on the bonuses people are loving this listen I became a villain to people just by accepting this job a job that wasn't offered to anybody else I didn't even do nothing there were people who felt there were people who felt some type of way they luckily felt it a little quieter but no there were people oh yes yes what you said what you said you gotta understand with everything that was happening in your world people did not really want someone who really wasn't a part of the world to just plop in here and also to not have explanations of why I was plopping in here oh yeah no matter this day that they don't know what happened told us today okay um and the fact of the matter is I could have let that bury me I could have allowed that weight of like oh like obviously patreon from what I could tell everybody was Gucci but listen you know because I I like to go I actually go into the here's the thing comments of the episodes and I just look one it's it's not so much that I am looking for people's approval I am looking for some of my blind spots though because I understand that like I I have my perception I am a 42 year old black woman with four kids that is married to a man I have a lot of blind spots so I usually go to the comments to find the blind spots in still to this day there are people who are just like why [Music] that's what I thought commenters for sure I saw that I saw a lot of that that's what why would they think they listen let me tell you what you mean why would they think why would what what do you mean why would they think that's the same thing as me going on tour with you why would they think oh Mel Mitchell said the same thing she said boy she said I didn't know people was mad at me they said it was my turn people who I don't have no relationship with was like it was my turn to go on tour with him what would you think that we don't even know each other like that let me just say I got to spend some really great time with mail in Miami this uh this weekend her and her sister and good I want to give you props just one more time you've given yourself props for this I'm gonna give it to you one more time you are really good at finding talented people male is so and I and I even told her because I was asking about how the tour expands you know I was getting the team make sure that y'all took care of her not to say that you don't but I understand being what it means to be the only woman on tour and I'm not going to sit here and pretend like can't nothing bad happened just because I love you as a friend we just talked before this about this for an hour right so I was like hey is everything going above board and she um she was just like oh yeah yeah you know she definitely and not to say that she would confide in me but she was just like yeah everything is going great and I was like just asking her about her journey and she was just talking about how she was like he basically discovered me when I did keep your distance and I told her I said and you unloaded the clip at that daggone show I remember I said I was like this girl is on fire she said well I had something to prove and I said well you did and the thing and that's what I remind her of before that I saw her on Tick Tock I saw her stand up all I did is discover what was already happening same thing with like I'm not the creator of these people's talents I just know good talent when I see it and I try to get in right but uh but um I told y'all I have a good opportunity it's it's one of my abilities the other thing I don't mind is working with them people my my ego leaves room for talented people because listen one comedian told me this long ago he said if you're around funny stuff you don't have to be the star people just remember you was in Funny stuff you was funny too you just picked your spots and and it'd be all right all right I want to talk about this because it was it was really funny to me so there's a Christian Club in Atlanta all right let me pull this up on the ground and it's it's causing some waves in the Christian Community uh the comments were on fire I want to say it's called The Ark I believe so check out this video I went I went because I know the host and I'm gonna tell you what I did not see I did not see any drinking smoking I did not see any bumping and grinding and twerking I didn't even hear a secular song All I heard was Christian Christian hip-hop gospel worship music you know what else I seen I've seen Souls being saved I seen a minister Minister have an article and people responded to it not the type of Christianity where your mama was a Christian or dads were Christian so now you're saying you're a Christian no they have their own personal conviction this is where the relationship with God comes from they had their own personal condition God called them and they responded and walked down and gave their life to Christ that's what I seen you know what else I've seen I've seen people's mind being renewed because people had Epiphany some people there this was their first time at an event like that and that was the first time they realized wow I don't have to be high I don't have to be drunk I don't have to be twerking and doing all this extra stuff to have a good time I don't have to hang around people who don't think like me just to feel like I have a community or fit in no you don't I've seen a transforming of the mind you guys that's what real change happens according to the word so with that being said I'm coming back to the arc June 24th I will be there in Atlanta Georgia if you're not from Atlanta I would advise you to find a way pull up if you can if the only thing keeping you from not coming is because you don't have someone to go with you or something please still pull up you guys it's it's really a community you know Kevin listen honestly first and I'll let you jump in I'm glad there is a space for people who you really don't want to listen to secular music that's really not their Vibe it makes them feel uncomfortable it makes them feel disconnected to the Lord I'm glad there is a place that is not that's hilarious it is an adult lock-in that is not the traditional um Church venue where they feel like they can fellowship and not have to be always super duper serious about their walk however comma I don't want to go music I it makes me really like this is why I like Waka Flocka he says very few words but he gets to the point and my body naturally wants to [ __ ] [ __ ] pack pack pack I I I like it I like one of my favorite miracles of Jesus is him turning water into wine and I don't want to ever forget that so I like to partake in Libations however at the same time I do know there are people who just don't they really for them it really makes them feel cut off from the Lord if they are in those type of environments that I am okay to be in yeah so I'm glad that there is an a venue and a a community for them to be able to like this is how you gotta dance in order to still be saved anything outside of that you are in sin so I'm glad there's a place a club that they can clap and rock instead Angel let me tell you what 16 year old Kevin Fredericks would have been down there popcorning at that Christian Club come on talking about lean Witter rock with it I would have had the time of my life at that Chris at 16 17 18 all the way up to 28. oh God 28 year old Caleb would have had the time of my life yeah [ __ ] and then we'll get to the comments in a section second the church always they didn't have fun stuff no it had young clubs my age for like under or like under 18 clubs or 18 year old clubs whatever with no alcohol and stuff this was just somewhere where the youth could let their head down he ain't got to go to the world I would have had a I'm talking about punch card how else if you young and Christian where you gonna get the hoes at where the house my church had a church prom you could have you could have gone to that we had we had hip hop uh rappers performing songs that's what I'm saying you I and then I was like no I don't want it I love this idea Turn It Up play some some chhh play some Lecrae some Andy Mineo some uh well supposedly rocket he don't he he do regular r b now uh who else uh we had a couple of rappers in our church a couple of Hip-Hops one of my girlfriends uh at that time her name's Erica Fain she went by little short e she was in there rapping I wish I could remember some of the songs we had big Minister Rome um uh we had a lot of hip-hop Christian hip-hop artists come out of our church because our church was really about we gonna get the youth listen you love the hip-hop so we're going to hip hop hop into heaven they was when I was a kid in church my church would have hated this my the churches I grew up in this listen the churches I grew up in hated Kirk Franklin Kirk Franklin wasn't enough Jesus Mary Mary didn't say Jesus in in uh Jesus enough in shackles I remember Church mother well I just want to praise him why couldn't they just say Praise Jesus it didn't it didn't rhyme good we know who they talking about so I grew up in churches where they didn't like didn't like this fund and then when Melissa I went to Melissa's Church they used to go to the the amusement parks they went to to Disney World as a youth group they went to Mariners games and I was like we could do fun stuff when I was a kid it was g g g we I mean Jesus Jesus but you gotta also understand my mother was a rapper in Sunday school Peter came Peter came that performance at the Archangel letter do remixing one Margarita clean it up I got one computer you're never save your soul then let your mom get a hot hot 16. let me tell you let me tell you it I love listen what I do love is when the church is willing to I don't want to say uh evolve as if is this there's something wrong with loving Jesus for loving Jesus but the church is willing to be like hey we're going to kind of change our marketing campaign to reach more souls right so that's the reason why I can dig it because you know listen not everybody's supposed to be everywhere but I also love when there's an evolution like my mother when she came to our podcast show and I did a freestyle that I did years ago there was a freestyle I remember I was very drunk when I came up with it because that's what my freestyles are the best and this freestyle was probably one of the most vulgar things so I'm not going to say it on here's the thing but when you come see me on tour I'll do it I did it I did it on stage I said I had this freestyle back in the day when me and Marcus was just like kind of dating and I dropped the freestyle just a couple of bars my mother shot up in the air was like yes [Laughter] Yes Minister Dorothy Minister Dorothy but still recognize the talent that was in her sister also my mother is trying to retire so if it's me rapping about [ __ ] is going to retire her okay he is here for it she gonna pray over me before I talk about it and she's gonna be like tell them what that cat do girl and I'm gonna go about my business okay between you and God what your talent is between me and my mortgage so with him on that as long as you deal with me on this amen y'all can listen that eat to eat everybody got it is responsible for their own salvation I'm good I'm going in our bills if you want to build listen the uh the wealth of the wicked Reigns on the righteous as well Let It Rain Let It Rain come on he was in them comments we got to be different in the world we got to do the y'all being in the world and it was so funny because I thought about The Clark Sisters that people was mad at Edwin Hawkins they singing the most Christian and Christian music and people will still be mad listen everything ain't for you if y'all don't like it don't go because the other option is regular Club are you gonna be mad at that we get to be in the world but not of the world okay well then I'm going to regular club now I'm listening one Margarita and now I'm gone now I'm reprobating mine and now and I'm over five Margaritas because I could have went down there drop it low for Jesus now I'm dropping it even lower for the devil now which one you want to tell which one you want uh but yeah congratulations to this woman who has created a place where she could see mine pulling up okay if I'm in Atlanta at that time I'm cutting but I don't know I don't want to go but if I'm in Atlanta at that time I'm going to recommend other people go I'm pulling up angel I know you would this that's your crowd that's your crowd and then till you get into the crowd and then you're gonna be like I'm gone I'm out of here thank you for tuning in you are loved whether you're on patreon or not no matter who you are and I mean that if you watch for free and that's all you got don't you ever feel bad but if you're on patreon I'm gonna tell you and I'm always going to tell you I appreciate you your support because you allow people to chase their dreams and you allow everybody to benefit but if you want a little bit more you're more than welcome to it if you ain't can't afford it it'll be here when you can all right I was gonna say thank you hear lines again you are now free to move about your cabin all right y'all we'll see you in a little bit for bald and the Beautiful and then Gin and Juice will be after that all right New Link coming in [Music] there's another one [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: KevOnStage Studios
Views: 117,598
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ztpGpE2WbW8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 18sec (4938 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 21 2023
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