Missing Girl Found in the Most UNEXPECTED Way | Documentary

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hello [Music] hello hi I have a young lady at my house right now and she says her name is Jamie cloth Have You Seen Her photo ma'am yes yes it was the night of October 14 2018 in Barron County Wisconsin when the Kloss family consisting of James Denise and their daughter 13 year old Jamie went to bed after a day like any other they had no idea they were being watched by the morning the house would be void of life with two family members found brutally murdered and the third missing when officers arrived at the house they found the door smashed open First Responders decided to enter the home 317 man where'd it ping two exactly foreign Sheriff's Office you don't know that there were several voices covered a body just inside the kitchen door James Kloss was already dead by the time they arrived having been shot in the face they found a shotgun shell discarded by his foot medical professionals later deemed his injuries to be quickly lethal right away the three officers on the scene realized that they will need additional help I believe we're gonna need ERT the store has been kicked in it looks like the mailstone answered the door I don't know if we're missing somebody or not from the scene there's a shotgun shell but I don't see a shotgun go grab a long gun one at a time no quickly the Carnage was far from over vigilant for potential danger police proceeded into the house to see if there was anyone they could help they didn't make it far before they found a second body we got a bodies do you see a shotgun okay there's looks like there's brain matter dude this something happened there's doors kicked in right here you want to double check I'm assuming this person is deceased right here there's one on the floor right here they had just found the body of Denise Kloss James's wife and mother to Jamie that made two bodies accounted for but there was no sign of Jamie after the grizzly discoveries police feared the worst but maintained a shred of hope that maybe Jaime was alive the race was on to find her before it was too late after police cleared the house and established that the killer was no longer inside EMTs were able to enter and assess the victims James and Denise were both pronounced dead and medical personnel assured officers that nothing could have been done to save them so no life-saving measures needed no okay adding to the strangeness of the crime was the lack of physical evidence despite scouring the crime scene police were left with nothing but several shotgun shells and the Damage Done To The Doors the killer left no hair blood Footprints or tire tracks but there was also no indication of Jamie's fate it was as if she had simply vanished prior to the terrible crime the Colossus were an average middle-class family from the Midwest there was absolutely nothing to suggest they would soon be victim to such a gruesome fate both James and Denise were long-time employees of ginio turkey storm James was said to be reserved and kept to himself but not in an unpleasant way Denise was described as an overall nice woman who was known to dote on her daughter the Clauses had no known enemies and no one who knew them could imagine why they'd been targeted at the time of her parents murder Jaime attended eighth grade at Riverview Middle School her grandmother described her as shy quiet and sweet and said she was very attached to her mother family members and acquaintances alike remarked that Jaime spent a lot of time on her phone this phone and Jamie's online footprint would be law enforcement's first point of Investigation when police examined her cell phone they found that she was logged into both Snapchat and Facebook accounts officers were hope people that they might link her to perhaps a secret illicit boyfriend but found no evidence supporting the theory similarly no one knew of her meeting someone online based on the hopeful assumption that Jaime was still alive the Barron County Sheriff's Department instigated a multi-organization search including the FBI and National missing persons program but with only three expended shotgun shows as evidence solving the case and finding Jaime alive or dead was not going to be easy first law enforcement established that no one remained in the vicinity of the crime scene searching on foot and also going so far as to make use of thermal imaging drones the day after the murders four K-9 units were called in to patrol the area surrounding the cloth property police hoped that this would help narrow down where the perpetrator may have headed after the attack on James and Denise and perhaps even give them a lead to find Jaime though the search was extensive and dogs were introduced to Jamie send nothing was found still they didn't give up the K-9 search was followed by daytime foot investigations of the area the first of which included over 80 civilian volunteers when the first group found nothing a subsequent search took place and a stunning display of Community Support over 2 000 volunteers signed up to help sadly despite the huge turnout the only potential evidence discovered was a single children's size sandal that police soon determined did not belong to Jamie biological evidence was also sought out swabs were taken from both bodies in the hope of finding DNA left by the killer while none was found on the bodies a partial sequence was recovered from one of the expended shotgun shells while this might have seemed exciting at first the sample was of limited use in the absence of any person of interest at least investigators now had something to compare to eventual suspects police interviewed and swabbed all locals on offender Registries their DNA was compared to what was found at the crime scene but still no match was found and a last-ditch effort to come up with suspects video surveillance was set up at the cloth property on the off chance the perpetrator returned to the crime scene the search for Jaime barreled on when the digital forensics K-9 units foot search interviews and volunteer Manhunt failed to turn up active leads investigators re-examined video footage from the night of the crime that one car was heading out as we were coming on camera yep in an exciting turn of events investigators had their first real clue a potential suspect's car on camera following the 9-1-1 call and as First Responders rushed to the class house they'd passed the car traveling in the opposite direction the driver pulled over to allow the emergency vehicles to pass before continuing on there was nothing to indicate this vehicle was suspicious despite its proximity to the crime scene but police were excited by the prospect of a new lead the footage was immediately downloaded and analyzed police were hoping to retrieve a license plate along with the color make and model of the vehicle ideally this would lead them to the owner and even a suspect unfortunately the information gained from the footage was disappointing at best none of the captured footage was of high enough quality to retrieve a license plate or determine who the owner or driver might be I downloaded the video I still I couldn't get anything like the headlights were blocking it I don't even know if even had a front license plate okay it was a look like a kind of like an Impala type of look with me yeah missing rear driver head here the most they could narrow it down was that the car was perhaps a red or black Dodge sedan possibly a charger while this was not nearly as specific as police had hoped it still helped to rule out suspects with this new information they began questioning all family members co-workers and Persons of Interest about their vehicles with so little going in their favor the FBI offered a 25 000 reward for information leading to Jamie's recovery to show their support the genio turkey store where James and Denise had worked matched the amount but despite the grand total reward of fifty thousand dollars none of the tips that came forth brought investigators any closer to finding Jamie tips were constantly called in to the police about teenage girls seen at gas stations and rest stops and a plethora of cars deemed suspicious were reported police dutifully investigated these leads always reaching what had come to be the expected conclusion the girl in question was never Jamie some residents took to Facebook to express their opinions several even alleging that the police had it all wrong and in fact the killer was right there in front of them all Jamie these online sleuths allege that Jaime should be the prime suspect in the investigation into her parents murder in one such post the user wrote you're gonna have to apologize when she found guilty still a different user answered with some Logic the door was shot in if she was in on it why wouldn't she just let them in despite these rumors police didn't suspect Jaime was involved for various reasons including the fact that the door was shot in and that she didn't have access to a firearm to the best of their knowledge they also dismissed the idea of Jaime having an accomplice kill her parents and Aid in her Escape when they failed to find evidence of a boyfriend or Secret online relationship the simple fact was that Jaime's closest confidante was her mother Denise and she had no reason to want to kill her or her father things were looking Grim indeed when approximately two weeks after Jaime was declared missing the cameras set up around the cloth property captured an unauthorized person entering the residence finally there was a break in the case eager to have a suspect officers raced to the scene and apprehended Kyle jankianus inside the house when searched police found multiple items of the cloth family in his pockets including two pairs of Jaime's underwear Kyle was immediately taken into custody and investigators expected that at long last they were one step closer to finding Jaime but despite the very suspicious circumstances he was found under Kyle offered up an unexpected reason for being at the cloth's house and makes me want to go home the person to final he went on to describe his theory and perceived qualifications to involve himself in the investigation note Kyle's posture here he's leaning back as far away from the officers as possible his feet are tucked tightly underneath him and his fingers are tightly interlaced to his chest area while anyone who is arrested would be expected to feel anxious and show signs of nervousness the detectives will certainly take note of this though it's often wise to start off with some Rapport building at the commencement of an interview Kyle didn't hold back when asked why he was at the house in all reality I had this suspicion that it was a setup so I walked out there do I actually find out and sometimes my mind suspiciousness right A lot of times as I can feel things that other people can't I can also a lot of times see stuff that other people can't you know it comes with my face is territory places yeah it's the um first thing but yeah in an attempt to reel the conversation in officers pressed for information about Kyle's involvement by way of Defense Kyle claimed that the crime was not his style I'm just not one that is nice I read it but I don't because I hold back officers interviewed Kyle for approximately three hours during which time he offered very few straight answers and was prone to going off on tangents even when asked simple questions like why he cared so much about the coloss case why because it's a missing teenage girl why is that goddamn important to me for one child oh and child's name is goddamn duck Kyle just made quite a few convincing statements and overall he's trying to present himself as a vigilante or at least it seems that this is how he sees himself in reality he may have some sort of delusional thinking he may see himself as the hero searching for the girl Kyle responded in a similarly inconsistent Meandering manner when asked what he planned to do with Jamie's clothes yeah I did but that he wasn't to take the clothes because they know he already you guys actually caught me in the middle and just so happened I walked out with him so y'all my plans for those clothes because in all reality if you guys can ever ever find Jamie somebody else get a name Kyle changed his explanation mid-thought stating first that he didn't mean to take the clothes then that he was going to give the clothes to a different child in need this led to an extended explanation of how he planned to open a homeless shelter to help those less fortunate though he didn't explain concrete details of how he intended to do so while this was definitely odd it did not in any way implicate Kyle in the original crime still investigators continued the interview to make sure they didn't miss anything unfortunately Kyle did not become any more consistent as the conversation continued once again changing his story about the underwear he stated that they were for himself not for inappropriate reasons but rather because he wished to be a woman and pursue gender affirming surgery operation and then I am going to go out there present only Gotta Do transgenders does I mean too so getting killed because it's all about and goddamn hate crime the police were only satisfied when Kyle offered them the first straight answer of the night you personally don't have any information related to the incident or her whereabouts no no I no no with that the only viable lead so far was dead after this morale surrounding the case was at an all-time low nearly three months since Jaime Kloss disappeared people began to come to terms with the idea that answers might never be found the case never closed things were looking hopeless that is until January 10 2019. one snowy afternoon in Eau Claire Wisconsin Gene Nutter was in for quite the surprise while taking her dog on a routine walk Douglas County 9-1-1 hi I have a young lady at my house right now and she says her name is Jamie cloth okay have you seen her photo ma'am yes yes sir I 100 think it is her Gene was just a few doors down from her house when she saw a young girl in the middle of the street immediately she noticed that something was wrong even though it was cold out the ground covered with snow the girl was only wearing a hoodie tank top leggings and shoes that were massively too big for her feet in addition to being far too large the girl had the right shoe on her left foot and vice versa like she'd put them on in a hurry Jean didn't see any physical injuries but noted that the girl's hair was very messy even matted at the back and that she looked exhausted Jean also thought she was possibly in shock before Gene had a chance to ask if she was okay the girl hurried over and announced that she was Jamie Kloss she told Gene that she didn't know where she was but that she wanted to go home Gene didn't waste any time with further questions and jumped into action what was once a simple dog walk was now a rescue mission Jamie identified a house two doors down from jeans as the place where she'd been held captive for the last 88 days the man who had taken her was gone right now Jamie said but hadn't told her when he would be back wishing to put as much distance as she safely could between Jaime and the kidnapper Gene decided to take Jamie to a neighbor's house further down the street instead of her own home she recalled putting an arm around Jamie and not pressing her for more questions overtaken by the urge to protect her hyper aware that the murderer of James and Denise Kloss could reappear at any moment Gene knocked on a neighbor's door huddling in the cold she and Jamie awaited a response watching the road for approaching vehicles no one answered the door and Jean and Jaime were forced to move on this time they chose to cut through backyards to better stay out of sight of the road the next house they went to was that of the kasinskas family Peter kasinskas was confused when he heard the knock at the back of the house and only became more so when he saw his neighbor outside with a girl he didn't recognize once inside the first order of business was to contact the police Gene and Peter made the call leaving Peter's wife Kristen to comfort Jamie for a moment as it turned out I found Jamie Kloss were the magic words to get a huge police response as soon as possible but that was very little information to go on and the operator attempted to learn as much as possible about the situation before First Responders arrived Gene was able to tell her the most I was walking my dog and we were almost home and she was walking towards me crying saying you've got to help me you've got to help me okay so I didn't want to go into my cabin because it's too close to pass and she said her her name is Jamie class yep and when I walked into this house they recognized her immediately she didn't know where she was when I saw her she was saying where am I where am I and I okay you're in Wisconsin I have many deputies had it that way I'm going to keep you on the line okay and she said I am Jamie class she said he killed my parents I want to go home help me ma'am my Deputy she just wants you to lock the doors okay they would like us to lock the doors in that open door for anybody but them yep despite the perilous situation Jamie Jean and the kasinskas would have to wait a tense half hour before the first patrol cars arrived at the residence together the kasinskas and Gene focused on making Jamie feel as safe as possible ensuring Jamie's safety included Peter casinskas retrieving and loading the 16-gauge shotgun he kept for hunting season he took up a position guarding the front door in case Jamie's assailant discovered where she was and tried to reclaim her when the first squad car arrived the deputy told Peter to stay at his post while taking up a similar defensive position at the back door while they waited Jaime told Jean what she remembered from the night of her parents murders she said he came into her house he shot my dad my mom called 9-1-1 he shot my mom he took me I didn't know him finally after a torturous wait police made it to the house hey there's somebody's here okay wait a minute is was there a deputy that knocked on the door or you just saw him in the driveway they're in the house the cops are in the house oh they're in there with you yes yeah it can let you go as long as the deputies are with you guys okay okay thank you good job thanks bye bye-bye it was a top priority to secure the area around the captor's house and roadblocks were set to intercept him if he returned home even though Jaime didn't appear to be heard protocol stated that she'd be taken to the hospital for assessment she Departed the casinskas in the care of a female officer with another squad car following close behind as extra security in an Erie echo of October 15th the car carrying Jamie passed a single vehicle traveling in the opposite direction as they left the neighborhood it was dark red an older model possibly a Ford even though Jaime didn't recognize it for sure the officer driving reported deciding to colleagues remaining at the scene 22 18 19 I got a red car that just passing that car is coming towards you yeah yeah it's a nail driving I went to a traffic stop on it's got no rear uh license plate light at the hospital doctors confirmed that Jamie had no physical injuries once she was examined and her clothes were taken as evidence Jamie finally got the chance to tell her story on October 15th Jaime said she was up late when she saw a vehicle Coast into the driveway with its lights off it wasn't uncommon for drivers to use the cloth property as a turnaround spot but Jaime felt something wasn't right and woke up her parents James went downstairs to investigate shortly after Jaime heard him shouting followed by a gunshot the cloth dog started barking then ran and hid not knowing whether her father was dead or alive Jaime and her mother fled to the downstairs bathroom locked the door and did their best to barricade themselves in she recalled huddling in the bathtub clutched in her mother's arms as the shooter worked a Smash in the dorm Denise was on the phone with a 9-1-1 dispatcher when the attacker broke into the bathroom foreign out of her mother's hand but she was able to hang on until Jaime yelled at her to just give him the phone Denise did and the attacker flung it into the hallway then gave Denise a roll of duct tape he instructed her to tape Jamie's mouth shut when Denise didn't do a good enough job for the shooter Jaime says he grabbed the tape back and did it himself wrapping the tape over her mouth and all the way around her head he bound her hands behind her back and taped her ankles together then dragged her out of her mother's arms and the bathtub powerless Jaime was forced to watch as the man shot her mother point blank in the head she was given no chance to mourn as he dragged her through the hallway and out of the house past the body of her father the shooter took her back to his car and shoved her in the trunk Jamie estimates she spent about two hours restrained in the car but the nightmare was far from over Jaime would be forced to spend the next three months in close proximity to her parents killer terrified that she would meet the same end back at the house on Eau Claire Acres circles police learned the residence where Jaime was held belonged to Patrick Patterson they were able to reach him via phone and unexpectedly found him very Cooperative Patrick confirmed that he owned the house but said he was only there for a few hours or overnight on weekends he said during the week he stayed with his girlfriend in order to shorten his commute to work the rest of the time the house was solely inhabited by his son Jake Patrick was unable to tell officers where his son might currently be but thanks to the report from the officer escorting Jaime to the hospital that didn't turn out to be a problem police pulled over the Red Fort entering the area just outside the Patterson house the driver identified himself as Jake Thomas Patterson he also made a single shocking admission that confirmed growing suspicions stating I did it you're still being detained until we figure out what's going on you understand you say your house was back that way it's around the corner around that corner back there on the right after just a few moments and a quick conference between colleagues it's determined that something different will be done with Jake ah you're no longer detained you're under arrest now okay for what oh they'll tell you when you get up to the officer Jake Thomas Patterson was 21 years old at the time of Jamie Claus's abduction he lived full time at the house his father owned at Eau Claire Acres Circle but would occasionally visit his mother in Hogan Wisconsin to use her internet to search for jobs still Jake self-identified as an honest hard-working guy no one could have ever suspected him of having dangerous or criminal Tendencies never mind being involved in a crime that had shaken the Barron County Community to its core in a strange twist of fate Kristen kasinskas who sheltered Jaime at her home and was a middle school teacher had actually known Jake when he was a preteen student however she hadn't even known he was her neighbor until the police arrested him After High School Jake was briefly in the Marines before being discharged due to a medical issue Patrick Patterson said the discharge had a profound effect and that his sons struggled to find a new life path as a result Jake had a hard time holding a job his most recent being at the Saputo Cheese Factory where he was employed for a grand total of two days this detail will be important shortly as soon as Jake identified himself to police he was taken into custody after being read his rights and electing not to have a lawyer present Jake launched into his description of the lead-up to the crime prior to the night of October 15th Jake said he drove to the Kloss residence twice with the intention of kidnapping Jaime both times he decided that the circumstances weren't right the first time the driveway was full of other cars Jay quickly decided to come back when there were fewer potential Witnesses he returned just two days later under cover of night and actually pulled into the driveway but left when he saw the lights in the house were on and the Clauses were clearly awake furthermore Jake said he timed his crime to ensure he would have the Eau Claire house to himself for the maximum amount of time he kidnapped Jaime on a Monday giving himself the entire week to secure her in the house before his father returned sometime the following weekend when asked how he managed to leave almost no DNA evidence at the scene Jake revealed that he had thoroughly thought out and planned the crime he shaved his entire head and face prior wore two gloves on each hand and said he was really care careful about touching things this combined with the black ski mask he wore prevented any hair being left behind as evidence even went so far as to wipe down the shotgun shells he used removing fingerprints and DNA except for the small amount police discovered in total Jake estimated that he was only at the residence for about four minutes he drew a diagram from memory including the positions of each of the family members and where he killed them his motive for the gruesome crime was horrifying but would only be revealed later in the conversation before delving back into deeper details of the crime itself Jake took the opportunity to confirm that he was driving the car that pulled over for the emergency vehicles on October 15th Jaime was already in the trunk meaning that a single traffic stop could have prevented the following three months of suffering for both Jaime and her remaining family police also learned that even if they had been able to enhance the video of his car they would not have been unable to connect it to Jake to further obscure his identity Jake had gone to a different town to steal the license plate off a stranger's truck the night of the crime he switched his rear plate with the stolen one and removed the front plate entirely once he returned home he put his original plates back on when discussing where evidence might be found Jake stated that he burned many of the incriminating items including his ski mask Jamie's clothes and the tape from her wrists ankles and mouth he destroyed these the same night that he brought her to Eau Claire giving her a set of his own pajamas to wear until he went out to buy her clothes strangely though he only disposed of some of the items this way the pants he wore that night were found with his dirty laundry and the stolen license plate was stowed in a trash can in the garage the shotgun shells he'd brought to the cloth's house but didn't use were found in the living room the steel-toed boots he wore were left in his bedroom when the police asked why Jake didn't finish covering his tracks he told them that he figured if the police made it to his house they were going to find Jaime therefore he saw no point hiding the rest of the evidence the more obvious evidence like Jaime's clothes tape and ski mask however could have raised questions from his father and needed to go in regards to the execution of the crime Jake clearly undertook a large amount of preparation in addition to scouting the house and changing his license plate Jake removed the Escape latch from his trunk and disabled the interior dome light despite this meticulous planning Jake insisted that wasn't really the case I didn't know what I was doing at all he said like I didn't plan this out at all in fact Jake said he expected to be caught a whole lot sooner likely the same night as the crime after two weeks though he started to think he might get away with it when the conversation turned to the Practical aspects of Jaime's captivity the already unusual case was revealed to be even stranger he drew this diagram to show exactly where in the house he kept her in Jake said that most of the time Jaime was not restrained nor were the doors to the house locked Jake said that he never took precautions against Jamie leaving he just made her go under the bed and told her to be quiet when he wanted to go out what he didn't mention however was that the space under the bed was incredibly tiny and crammed and that he would leave her there for up to 12 hours at a time without access to any food or water or bathroom breaks the greatest precaution he took was to block off the bed with plastic tote boxes and barbells even though he knew Jaime could have moved them shockingly Jake even kept Jamie hidden this way when other people were in the house even more surprisingly it worked Patrick Patterson visited his son many times during Jaime's captivity but said he had no clue she was there as far as he knew it was just him and his son in the house Jay said he specifically relied on Jaime's fear of him to keep her in line at first he told her that he would kill her if she misbehaved though he said he later assured her he wasn't going to do that but would still be very angry if she misbehaved likely fearful that she would meet the same end as her parents Jamie obeyed Jake said that up until her escape on the 10th of January quote there hasn't been literally any resistance at all all the same he said he knew she must have escaped when he returned home on January 10th and found the house empty he'd been out circling the area searching for her when he was finally caught during the whole time he kept her captive Jake said that he and Jaime didn't discuss her situation instead they spent in his words hanging out they played board games he said and he offered her marijuana and vodka which she declined the one time the news came on Jake quickly turned it off but not before a mention of Jamie's abduction flashed across the screen hearing about the investigation wood he feared give her hope of being rescued and make her more eager to escape as you're probably wondering yourself officers also asked Jake what his long-term plans were in regard to Jaime Jake responded that he quote thought the longer the time went maybe he and Jamie could live a life together and even mentioned how he thought that maybe after a year they could get an apartment together once again Jake displayed a serious lack of introspection his concept of living a life together with Jaime suggests that he thought she would ultimately forgive him for the murders and kidnapping at long last the interrogation came to the topic of Jake's motive in a distressingly casual manner Jake told his interviewers quote obviously my thoughts or whatever before I did this for about right but you know it's like [ __ ] terrible what I did so I couldn't and I didn't really want to do anything like that with her later on in the interview he also stated that I would never kill or even hurt her like Jake's claim that he didn't plan the crime this statement was in direct contradiction with his actions though Jake said he would never hurt Jaime he very obviously already had Jaime was physically intact but Jake traumatized her by forcing her to experience the brutal murders of her mother and father as if that wasn't enough he then kept her in a state of constant fear for 88 harrowing days thankfully Jake's statement that he never assaulted Jaime was mostly corroborated in her own statements Jaime said that Jake would yell at her and once hit her really hard on the back but this was the only inappropriate contact he did however make Jaime sleep in his bed with him every night except for the first night when he fell asleep on the couch but the question remained why had he chosen Jaime and the answer to this is perhaps the most chilling aspect of the case when speaking with officers Jake admitted that he had always thought some weird he said he knew it wasn't normal but had been unable to shake the idea of taking a young girl to quote just like keeper since shortly after his military discharge until Jaime though Jake said he never had specific plans to take anyone but did sometimes think hypothetically about how he would manage it the only thing that he thought might work he said was home invasion but why Jaime when asked how he met her Jake replied I didn't I just saw her it was ultimately random chance that out of countless potential targets Jake chose Jaime making the crime even more horrific was the fact that Jake didn't even know James and Denise's names until he watched news coverage of his heinous act Jake's fateful first sight of Jaime occurred in early October about two weeks before he abducted her it was the morning of his first day of work at the Saputo Cheese Factory when Jake saw Jamie outside her house getting on the school bus he said he knew right away that she was the one he was going to take if someone is exhibiting the following behaviors these should be perceived as red flags that may indicate the individual is a child predator showing excessive interest in a child isolating a child from friends family or other adults employing tactics to gain a child's trust and establish a relationship encouraging a child to keep secrets from parents or Guardians engaging in inappropriate conversation with a child or exposing a child to explicit material and avoiding relationships with people their own age it's crucial to remember that not all individuals displaying these signs or offenders But If You observe multiple red flags or have serious concerns about someone's Behavior around children it's essential that you report your suspicions to the appropriate authorities immediately child safety is a top priority and early intervention can prevent potential harm following his interview Jake Thomas Patterson was officially charged but the story didn't end there a month after his arrest Jake attempted to contact Jaime from jail and the same envelope is an innocuous seeming letter to his father Jake also included a handwritten letter intended for Jaime he asked Patrick to deliver it for him thankfully all of Jake's outgoing mail was inspected by law enforcement and the letter was confiscated the specifics of what he wanted to say to her have been kept confidential but a subsequent attempt to communicate with Jamie and her family might offer hens as to what Jake wanted to say shortly after his first letter failed to breach Prison Walls Jake began correspondence with a journalist who was curious about his motives in one letter Jake answered the journalist questions and it was very similar to what he had told police ironically one part of his letter reads I tried to give him everything wasn't completely honest so they didn't have to interview Jamie they did anyways and hurt her more for no reason in large bubble letters Jake wrote I'm so sorry Jamie for everything then in his regular handwriting he added I know it doesn't mean much unlike his first attempt this letter wasn't confiscated Jaime's relatives were notified but did not make any public comments after this Jake did not try to contact Jamie again soon after Jaime was honored by Wisconsin lawmakers when she won the hometown hero award for her bravery escaping from Jake at Jake's trial Jamie's attorney read out a statement from her part of it stated Jake Patterson took a lot of things that I love away from me it makes me the most sad that he took away my mom and dad I love my mom and dad very much and they love me very much they did all they could to make me happy and protect me he took them away from me forever he took them away from me in a way that will always leave me with a horrifying memory I have to have an alarm in the house now just so I can sleep it's too hard for me to go out in public I get scared and I get anxious but there are some things Jake Patterson can never take from me he can't take my freedom he thought that he could own me but he was raw on May 24 2019 Jake Thomas Patterson pleaded guilty to two counts of first-degree intentional homicide for which he was given life imprisonment he was also charged with kidnapping which added another 25 years jail time to his sentence these sentences were deemed to run consecutively without the possibility for parole during his sentencing the judge referred to Jake as an embodiment of evil he will be behind bars for the rest of his life as for Jaime she currently lives with her aunt and was reunited with her dog
Channel: EWU Crime Storytime
Views: 3,287,603
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: documentary, true crime documentary, educational, psychology, analysis, psychological analysis
Id: MJcPkMuoxdo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 38sec (2498 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2023
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