When a Cannibal Killer Spots His Next Meal

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when it was you know and she never fought she never did and next thing you know she's dead and I'm like this is great and I guess I don't know I got scared or nervous or I don't know it was juicy it didn't taste like blood though I mean but tasted like a charb board piece of State you really wasn't sure why she was dead why didn't you C like turn and check cuz something else is in control when detectives in Coffee County Tennessee were called out to a remote property late one summer evening to respond to a peculiar claim they had no idea what they would soon uncover would reveal a horrific and gruesome crime in a chilling turn of events detectives were left to puzzle out not only if someone had committed the crime but if they'd resorted to cannibalism following a bizarre accident or if in fact the stomach churning act had been the Fulfillment of a fantasy and an unhealthy obsession with serial killers on the evening of June 8th 2014 Jason Walker was walking across the yard of his rural Tennessee home when he heard a voice call his name from somewhere in the yard Jason turned slightly impatient it was 6:30 p.m. on a Sunday afternoon and he was eager to get on with his preparations for the upcoming week looking to the adjacent yard he saw his 37-year-old neighbor Gregory Scott hail standing at the fence and motioning for him to come closer Jason sigh inwardly but approaches the short chainlink fence separating them anyway having no idea that the conversation he was about to have would be one of the most horrifying of his life where's your back ho Scott says by way of greeting Jason replies that it isn't there and he won't have it back for a few days Scott appears somewhat irritated by Jason's response prompting him to ask why Scott is suddenly so interested in his back ho Scott in response makes a tasteless and gruesome joke about needing it to hide the evidence Jason non plus stares at him in silence prompting Scott to continue by pointing to the two 5 gallon buckets sitting just a few feet away near Scott's burn pit he explains that he tried burning everything in the burn pit but it hadn't worked so he figures he should just bury it all as fast as possible Jason listens to this reasoning for the use of his back ho before growing tired of his weird neighbor's stupid joke and abruptly telling Scott he needs to go and that he'll talk to him later 3 hours later at 9:30 p.m. Sheriff's Corporal Brad Roberts is sitting at the front desk of the Coffee County Sheriff's Department when a man approaches tense and anxious to speak with someone immediately Corporal Roberts tells him to come back first thing tomorrow morning but the man is insistent it's Jason Walker and he needs the police to listen to the joke his neighbor has just told him because the longer he's thought about it the the less it started feeling like a joke at first the Corporal is skeptical as it sounds ridiculous violent crime is almost unheard of in tiny Coffee County but Jason is so adamant so sure that the deputy starts getting a sick feeling as well he radios for two more officers Deputy Rainey and criminal investigator dendi to accompany Jason back to his home to check out the story upon arriving at Jason's property investigators made sure to come in through the back driving without headlights so as not to alert anyone in the Scott household Jason and the two officers walk through the darkness shining their flashlights through the chain link fence to illuminate the two 5 gallon buckets their bright white plastic almost glowing in the dim light CI dendi picks up a garden hole lying in Jason's grass and uses it to reach over the fence and snag the handle of the closest bucket lifting it over to their side Gra grasping the lid he peels it off to reveal the ghastly contents causing all three men to reel back in horror it's a woman's severed head and hand 3 days earlier on July 6th CCTV footage at Oak liquor shows a woman entering the store at around 3:30 striding in confidently and heading to the back of the store before stopping and looking around hesitantly this is Lisa Marie Haider an unbeknownst to everyone in the store this is her last day alive she scans the back shelves curling her long Auburn ponytail around her fingers and adjusting her large black sunglasses before walking up to the man who has just passed her in the aisle she isn't from here she's only traveled up from where she lives in Dunlap Tennessee to spend time with her ex-husband and two young children the youngest of which is only a year old just before entering the store Lisa had been on the phone with her ex-husband trying to get a ride from where she was to the house but he was unloading a truck in Huntsville and couldn't get to her until he was finished Lisa was stuck where she was and she needed a ride which is why police suspect she approached the man in the liquor storm as for why she chose the liquor store according to her ex-husband Lisa had been allegedly struggling recently with alcoholism which is why they'd split up a few months earlier though she had struggled with the dependency to before a recent devastating piece of news had kicked her problems into overdrive Lisa had been diagnosed with ovarian cancer and had only been given 6 months to live Lisa was reportedly Beyond devastated by the news drinking to cope and apparently end her life faster spiraling emotionally and behaving more recklessly than she usually did as she's talking to both the man and the cashier she adjusts her sunglasses and for for a brief moment a black right eye is visible how she received this particular injury is still unknown but it would pale in comparison to the injuries she would receive later that night because the man she's speaking to and will eventually exit the liquor store with is Gregory Scott ha back in Jason's yard CI dendi and Deputy rainy are radioing for backup ordering for Crime Scene units to be deployed immediately and for search warrants to be written as backup arrives they head into the Scott residence to Place Gregory Scott hail under arrest finding him sleeping on a couch in one of the filthy garages given what they've just discovered in the white buckets the detectives were no doubt disturbed by the item Scott has decided to use to decorate this space these items were later discovered to be old Halloween props from a haunted attraction Scott had worked the previous year Scott makes no attempt to resist and when initially confronted the admits to being the one who killed the woman and had placed her Limbs and head in the two buckets and had buried the rest of her in the burn pit nearby police take him in and the following audio is the never-before-heard interview from that night it has been analyzed by a licensed professional counselor Scott you were talking to James out there at your house a minute ago and he advised you of your rights okay I'm Chad Parton I don't know if you remember me or not I work with your mom up here for many many years years Chad Parton Working With Scott's mother would almost certainly imply she'd worked as a member of law enforcement but while Scott's mother father and son all being mere feet away asleep in the house while Scott committed this murder none of their statements or information have ever been released anyway I'm going to go over your rights again this time since we're up here in the office okay if you decide to answer any questions now without that lawyer present you still have the right to stop answering at any time you also have the right stop ranching at any time until you talk with the lawyer okay this isn't a mission it's just that we advise you your rights okay it's right there SC unless it's over well I know you getting in some details there you kind of skipped ahead pretty good bit how'd you meet this girl I she came up to me at the litor store and said can you go can I go home with you here in town yeah at o what day was this Friday is this the girl that you brought in to the High I mean your mom and dad sour okay the home detectives are referring to would be that of Scott's mother and father as 37-year-old Scott had lost his job sometime prior and moved himself and his 14-year-old son into his parents house according to a narcissistic narrative spun by Scott which he repeatedly mentions and embellishes throughout the interview Lisa had apparently immediately found him so attractive that day she immediately begged him to take her to his home and had decided she wanted to live with him in his mom's house before they had even left the liquor store then once reaching the house and sitting in the grimy garage where Scott kept all of his Halloween decorations she apparently couldn't keep her clothes on and Scott had to repeatedly ask her to put her shirt back on because his parents might return from picking up his son at any minute considering Lisa was only in Manchester that day to meet with her children whom according to those who knew her she adored more than life itself it seems far more likely she simply asked Scott for a ride and the rest of this story is a fabrication though it's likely we'll never know for sure made what I was drinking on and she had her Pine of hun proof vodin you know come hang out with me and then she got in her head that she could just move in and Mom ain't going to let that happen you know we did have it was consensual and she wanted to be choked and you know us being drunk and was this Friday night or is this Friday night it got carried away and I guess I strangled her and where was y'all at when this happened in my garage was you using a rope or hands and a shirt the shirts in the garbage can in the garage at this point in the interview Scot once again begins boasting about how into him Lisa was describing in explicit detail how much she wanted him how turned on she was by his tattoos not once mentioning his thoughts or feelings concerning her it's unclear why Scott is so desperate to convince the detectives that Lisa was interested in him that he's making up unconvincing details he may be trying to make sure he isn't on the hook for assault or it's just the narcissistic side of his personality coming through either way detectives just keep trying their best to keep him on track so you just how did show me how you done that you just and then I got off and then I I got off I guess and she didn't she's like keep choking me keep choking me and I kept on I put a shirt around her neck and tightened it up and you know she's supposed to you know when is you know and she never fought she never did and next thing you know she's dead and I'm like this is great and I guess I don't know I got scared or nervous or I don't know Scott's account of strangulation is interesting because according to the autopsy the soft tissue of the neck above the fourth Sur IAL vertebrae are examined no soft tissue hemorr just seen the hyoid bone and thyroid cartilage are intact no contusions of the neck are seen while the autopsy does conclusively rule that Lisa's death was caused by homicidal violence no single cause is listed there were no drugs other than alcohol in her system and her lungs showed no evidence of smoke inhalation so exactly how Scott ended her life or why he would feel the need to lie about the the exact manner of her death is unknown what happened after that Scott I mean I mean you realized that she had passed did you try to give her CPR or anything did you try to resuscitate her anything no I don't how to do CPR okay you know I smacked her on the face a few times and no response you know I opened up her eyes and her eyes were not all the way shut yeah I pulled up her eyelid and covered you know and then moved it I didn't her pup didn't dilate or move or nothing I've been wanting to go into a psychiatric hospital because I've already been having urg just and they've just been getting greater and greater and I don't I don't know if it's what but I guess before I could get to one been watching a lot of serial killer stuff I don't know if that was getting in my head I've been having some crazy things happening at the house like as far as unexplainable Supernatural whatever I suffer from sleep paralysis not sleep ACA but paralysis is I you know I'll come to I'm completely paralyzed and I can't move despite Scott's best efforts to make himself seem troubled or possibly insane what he's describing isn't a disorder as it happens to people fairly regularly but you're conscious yeah and uh not this last time it happened but time before cuz I looked it up on internet and I found out a lot of people it's claim to be abducted by aliens suffer from it I've also looked up it was a man you know anybody who knows my reputation knows I'm into the dark stuff ever this last time not this last time time before it happened I come to I mean it was a deep paralysis and I could hear something above me breathing and something slid my fan the way I was laying on a bed something slid my fan all the way over like where I look over laying down fan stayed running and that's impossible cuz that cord is barely long enough to plug it in where it was mhm and every inent I've had a headache constant it's been about 2 and 1/2 months and a beeping sound for about 2 weeks I had an episode give or take a week ago and a beeping sounds back in my head and just ever since then it's just my thoughts ain't been right yeah how long you been read this question posed by detective Cheryl seemingly comes out of nowhere and isn't mentioned at any point in the interview before or after now since both of the detectives seem to know Scott from before this crime it might just be prior knowledge I left it I didn't even stay 24 hours cuz goes it been when you went about two februaries ago you a used any in the past couple months nothing like that no pills I took an Aderall when did you take it maybe a week ago pretty much all you've been doing is drinking me drinking smoking weed like do perco setes and hydros but I don't take those to get high on them I just I've abused my body so much I hurt so once you realize that and she's there and you're like okay how long did you sit and think or did you call anybody tell your parents or so what happened from there I covered her up with a blanket on my L seat you know I'm pondering what to do which I should have just called y'all but another part of me was wanting you know was like you don't went this far you know and that's one I pulled her off love seat and I put her underneath the boat kind of threw some stuff on top of her so case mom or dad walked out there and looked to see if she was there you know cuz you I walked in I told Mom I was like well she's gone she got mad cuz I wouldn't stand up to you and about her staying here and she just took off walking I waited till they went to sleep and I guess I just let my twisted side take over I do have personality issues it's unknown what Scott's official diagnosis are but given his potential parasitic lifestyle and the seeming lack of emotion here it would be tempting to Guess that he has a form of antisocial personality disorder however without knowing his full history it's hard to be certain much they went to sleep I pulled her out from underneath the boat I gazed on her for a minute I laid down beside her and was just touching MH was she still warm she was starting to lose it and I forgot what the word is when the blood s riger no that's stiffening pulling yeah there's already you know splotches and she was starting to get a little riger mortise but not too bad her arms you know they still kind of when I drug her out cu I grabbed her by her ankles and her arms still kind of but her legs was a little stiff I in my head I was thinking maybe she's just faking there's still a part of me it was hoping maybe she just passed out or something yeah and there's another knife in the garage it's about this long gray blade got a machete handle with duct tape on it and I've worked at a slaughterous for 6 years so I know where to go to you know any deer hunter anybody like that that skin you know you know how to fill the joints and this is an interesting justification he tries to make several times throughout the interview trying to downplay his actions as a totally normal thing any deer hunter or slaughterhouse employee would be able to do as though there are many people in these fields that would even think of doing something this horrendous in reality very few people regardless of their profession or skill in butchering animals would even know where to begin when faced with the task of applying their skills to the body of a fellow human being that was taking too long but I did I started with her head and cut her head off first did you put any plastic or anything down or you just right there in the floor no that floor was covered with blood you move the carpet out there think there's Green carpet or there's some blue carpet in there I was going to pull it up and my knife wasn't sharp enough the pocket knife I got off of to uh do what I was wanting to do quickly so I got the axe cut off her hands or at least I busted the bone with the axe and I used the knife and I cut off her feet bear in mind that up to this point Scott has maintained that he had a woman die in his home accidentally and panicking went about disposing of the body in the quickest way he knew how this next part however reveals the true depth of his depravity and is one of the most sickening and disgusting confessions we've ever heard and I was going to eat some of her till I kind of cut off some of her you know rump and part of her back strap backstrap is a term used by hunters to describe the long strip of muscle that runs parallel to to the animal's spine and is a particularly prized cut of meat and big game for being the most tender and flavorful because it isn't a muscle often used by four-legged animals because human beings are not four-legged game animals and therefore cannot be split into similar cuts of meat there's no telling what muscles Scott actually tried hacking out of Lisa's body but just the fact he thought of doing this at all and goes on to use these terms to describe her body shows how little regard he holds for her and the life he took detectives are understandably thrown by this so you did cut did you cut her back strap out part of it part of it did you keep any of it it's all in those buckets this is interesting because according to the autopsy only the lower arms legs hands feet and head were present in the buckets when collected by police no backstrap was found though again what exactly Scott is referring to is unknown but his words flow too smoothly here compared to his other lies so it seems that regardless of what he managed to actually do he viewed Lisa as little more than an animal to be slaughtered he went out of his way to cut out what he thought would be the tastiest portions of her the bodies underneath the fire pit what about the legs are they in the buckets or in the fire pit both you a refrigerator anything up no now I flipped her over and I cut up her belly and reached up and cut her heart out what you do with that I slung it is it out in the yard somewhere did you sling it straight fr the garage or to the left like where those buckets are and there's a fence MH I kind of just because Mom was coming out see sort of slung it across the driveway yeah cuz she gets saying mom and dad noticed when them talking about what's Clyde keep smelling once Clyde keeps smelling Clyde seems to be the family dog though this isn't confirmed and this was Friday night and this was today and I went and built a fire and I tried to burn her remains and I was going to bury the heads or the head and the other body parts so the the pieces that you cut the back strap and whatnot you went ahead and burnt them or or they in a bucket they're in the buckets they're in the buckets but you never did you never did fry any of her up or any of her or nothing or eat her eat did you ever eat any of it yeah you did what part did you eat piece of meat off a leg that while she was in the fire while it was cooking how big a piece you think it was okay about the size of an egg yeah was it cooked up pretty good or was it still semi raw it was juicy it didn't taste like blood though I mean but tasted like a charb board piece of steak similarly to how Scott was trying to convin Vin the detectives of Lisa's burning passion for him he also seems to be trying to convince them that what he did wasn't despicable or utterly insane because she just tasted like steak let me ask you this before you cut her up or anytime during you cut her up did you drink any of her blood or did you have with her again no okay so basically what you done you just got busy of trying to dispose of her did you take any other organs out just the heart okay if you really wouldn't why she was dead why didn't you C make him her and check cuz something else is in control so in a way you wanted her to be [Applause] dead I don't know what was going on in my head it's curious that Scott keeps mentioning how he wasn't in control of his actions while at the same time providing excruciating detail on exactly what those actions were and at times exactly why he did them it's possible that he may be trying to set up a half-hearted attempt at an insanity defense throughout the interview but isn't really sure how to go about it you may or anything at that not really she just irritated me a little bit it's clear that detectives are trying to find some possible motive for this murder and the horrific acts that swiftly followed as it seems unlikely that it was simply an accident as it turns out the next part May reveal a bit of what Scott's true motivation might be me and you talked about this last time but I talked to you after tals I can't remember if you telling me that you was reading books about serial killers or if it was the babies you was telling me about I was what you reading some B at one time I was just studying about them just watching like biographies what's your favorite movie to watch as far as serial killers no I'm doing the biographies the real stories and I look up on the Internet like Jeffrey dmer yeah my favorite one is Richard Ramirez Ramirez was he the one that nightstalker Richard Ramirez AKA The Night Stalker was an American serial killer who terrorized the Southern California region in the mid 80s killing at least 13 people and assaulting countless others According to some articles on this case Scott reportedly wrote on his Facebook page on the day of Ramirez's death rip nightstalker wish I could have met you however this couldn't be verified the nightstalker that's right John Wayne gayy or I've read about gayy I mean I got on bad serial killer kick a few years back that's all I put on my Facebook was just videos like cuz I don't listen to exactly what you call Mainstream music and you know i' find videos of serial killers and you know by different bands where they're playing and you know this video footage of different killers and I told her I was like I'm wanting to check into psychiatric hospital and just thinking about it too much this admission is very interesting as it could suggest that Scott had in fact fantasized about committing the same types of depraved acts as the serial killers he had an admittedly unhealthy obsession with which may explain why he was so quick to start destroying Lisa's body so soon after her supposedly accidental demise detectives seemed seem to start thinking along the same lines as their next few questions focus on the idea is presented by the idea Scott may have been acting out serial killer fantasies I guess things went Sor before I could get to one walk some B always kicks me out I'll be there a day or two or three you're fine go home yeah is just the only person that you ever hurt like that yes you ever tried doing anything anything else dogs cats I'm an animal lover I thought you had dog up there one time yeah I mean I worked in a slaughterhouse but but where did you work out Champions worked there on all for 6 years for Charlie and them out there mhm they had a bad falling out so when you were having with her and she wanted you to start choking her out what was your thoughts what was going through your head then you thinking this is my opportunity I'm just going to choke her out and live out one of my fantasies or pretty much opportunity was a knocking wasn't it yeah you know what up we was going to go to a different damn liquor store too and we was right there about to pull in she goes what she goes you can't go to Oak cany you ow that girl that woman money I was like no I paid her off so she just went around went all the way to Oak licker instead of stopping at West me maybe it was fate who knows this last statement seems to be detective Parton taking a weak stab at one of the principles of the read technique perhaps presenting an alternative Theory to get Scott to admit to more details because the alternative makes the crime sound not that bad it's at this point that the interview deviates from Lisa's cold-blooded murder and takes a rambling turn into Scott's personal life starting with the other failed relationships with women he's had in the past and the misdemeanor charge for possession of drug paraphernalia that was still pending at the time of the murder none of which of course were ever his fault it's interesting to note that he blames the paraphernalia charge entirely on the woman he was seeing at the time saying now it's Mr Man and paraphernalia and me and this girl hooked up on a blind date she was from Winchester I couldn't get her to leave somebody called the police or something and said that I was dealing drugs and all this and I ain't no drug dealer you know I'm a user this seems to be a running theme in Scott's life that he never does anything wrong the bad things that happened to him are never his fault and that he's so irresistible to Crazy women they all immediately want to live with him the detectives offer no comment on this instead trying to steer Scott back to the matter of Lisa and while Scott does answer their questions it's now only between stories about himself random details on his life or any random thought that seems to cross his mind readal kers and stuff likeing about keeping any any body parts at all it crossed my mind I thought about deep in her skull because you know I'm all the time messing with masks and Halloween decorations stuff like that I was like you know for those of you keeping track Scott is now referred to the victim as a slaughtered animal and is now comparing her to a Halloween decoration further indicating how little regard he had for Lisa haider's life eventually the exhausted detectives wrap up the nearly 3-hour interview by reading Scott's overwrought confession back to him and he signs it Gregory Scott halil pleaded guilty to first-degree murder on January 15th 2015 and though on the surface this may seem as though he was finally taking responsibility for his actions in recent years he claims he was charged and sentenced unjustly on the grounds of religious persecution the religion in question implied to be Satanism however there's no concrete evidence that Gregory Scott hail was a practicing theistic or atheistic Satanist or were there any signs of satanic literature paraphernalia or religious symbolism found anywhere near the crime scene aside from a crudely rendered Leviathan cross scribbled on a sheet of notebook paper on a Dusty desk some point A1 Leviathan cross as a sign that Scott was a practicing Satanist however on this same desk in a place of equal prominence there was a Star Trek fan Collective Borg DVD but few of have pointed to this as evidence that he worshiped the Borg Queen Scott never mentioned Satanism or any other alternative belief systems in his interview while a handful of the news articles written after his arrest briefly bring up Satanism as a possible motive it appears they're basing the assumption that Scot worshiped the devil on his love of metal music the album covers of which Adorn his Facebook page and dark comedy Scott also goes on to complain that all of the Articles only include the bad things about him allegedly writing y'all only put up the bad I've been told by a couple of people who really know me and who wrote positive things about me or said positive things and for some reason that never gets published but people who don't really know me that speaks only diluted BS that is secondhand BS and bad about me y'all want to smear that all over the paper regardless the family of Lisa Marie Haider can rest assured that the man who brutally murdered and dismembered this young mother of six will rot in prison for the rest of his life
Channel: EWU Crime Storytime
Views: 3,789,393
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: documentary, true crime documentary
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 4sec (1864 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 12 2024
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