The Quitter’s Quandary - Pastor Nicole Crank

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i love tuesday night at faith church at the royal palm chapel sunset hills we got everybody online and you know what i think god put us together tonight because he put something in my heart and he told me this about a lot of people i'm not even going to ask you to raise your hand so if your left guard turn right your right guard turned left if if you forgot to wear deodorant today whatever that is i just have a question for you have you thought about quitting because here's something i do know there's always a good place to quit like well you know it's the end of the month i could quit seeing the day on friday i could quit my spouse is on my nerves i could quit there's always a good place to quit that person at church got on my nerves i should quit the person in my small group just didn't get me it's a good place to quit there's a good place to quit always the question is are you just going to quit because i know the enemy is speaking in your ear all the time and he's going you know what you shouldn't do that you're not good enough you're not smart enough they don't like you anyway you're not appreciated you should just end the relationship you should just end the friendship but instead of just saying okay how about we say not today satan not today satan go ahead and turn to your neighbor right now and tell them not today satan hmm i like the way you did that you know joshua felt like he could quit i don't blame the guy actually if you have your bible today go ahead and turn with me to joshua 1 verse 1. god starts out with such encouragement in that how we want people to start with us with such encouragement and he says in verse one he says and after moses yahweh's servant died uh god i was really leaning into you not for like telling me what was bad happened and i was really telling hoping you'd tell me like you can do all things to christ who strengthens you and come on nicole you're gonna be all right instead moses is dead is that the way you start oh yeah no if if there's ever a good reason to quit think this is joshua he's like if the guy who wrote the ten commandments can't bring the people into the promised land what chance do i have so god makes it all better with an awesome reiteration in verse two in verse two it says uh my servant moses is dead so just in case you got a little bit i don't know depressed defeated put down thinking you couldn't do it you're looking to come to church and like hear this encouraging word and you're gonna and think you can do it and you will the thing is the enemy's gonna try and get to you before you can get to that place and tell you yo it's over done it's quitsville oh there you go knew that was gonna happen i know how it goes you're at work yep my boss can take this job and shove it in what are you really going to quit your job without having another one this is the job that you prayed for oh i tell you what claire bell if my husband bob does not start acting right i don't look so bad in orange you know what i'm saying we could just get rid of him and get us another one but you prayed for so long that god would bring you a spouse how about this i tried dieting and i tell you what the lord spoke to me the first three letters of the words dieting is die that was a word from god i tell you what i need to give that up i need some good food if you're not taker i want you to write this down might be the easy thing to do but it doesn't make it the right thing to do god doesn't want you to quit he wants you to stick with it to stand up to get stronger to mount up with wings as eagles to run and not grow weary to walk and not faint he didn't say yeah fall down take a nap we'll come back and pick you up later no he wants you to be faithful great is your faithfulness to me god if you're so faithful to me we can be faithful back but i mean again i get where you're coming from and i'm calling it the quitter's quandary that's today's message the quitters quandary the camp of survival and the climb to thrive we get stuck in the critters quandary because i mean i remember wanting to quit everything i do i did i [Music] well which one do i start with let's just start here i remember wanting to quit my job i was making a lot of money and it was so good and yet i wasn't happy in that place and that corporate job and i just wanted to step out of it and i had to get myself up every day because i had cold call after cold call after cold call to make and everybody told me no and i wanted them to say yes and they were on contracts and i wasn't making my quota and there was all this pressure wasn't there something different for me and at that time there wasn't i didn't even know david crank i didn't know i wasn't called to ministry yet i had to stay and do my job and when i did god opened up a door i want you to write this down obedience is the blessing exchange and we like to be obedient when it's like hey come to this big call we like to be obedient when it's like i believe that god is prophesying good things and blessings into my life i believe that god is calling me into a new season i believe that god is calling me to take a step of faith yes god call me i'm here i'll take a step yes i'm faithful but when he says now be faithful to the same thing i called you to yesterday be faithful the same relationship i called you to yesterday be faithful to the same church i called you to yesterday be faithful to the you know same promises and the same requirements sighs yesterday be faithful to pray like i told you yesterday be be faithful okay that's harder i mean you can quit you can quit but if you quit you might lose the very thing that god's calling you to be faithful for because what if he's trying to build you here to take you there i wanted to quit on relationships y'all i got divorced after the best marriage for three whole weeks i know me and my ex were married for three whole weeks and that's when all the craziness started and i had to get divorced and once i was i was i don't know my mind was just blown i'm like relationships are stupid marriage is hard i can't do it i'm not cut out for it i asked my ex-husband for 13 months every month while we were engaged are you sure you want me and within three weeks he chose a drug over me so i mean why in the world would i ever go out with another guy again because you can't trust what's gonna happen right oh we're gonna quit our future based on our past if i would have never said yes to david crank oh i tell you what that masculine piece of flesh with that blonde hair and you ever looked at him don't don't be looking at my husband he's married but have you ever looked at him he's a good-looking man a man of god from the top of his head to the soles of his feet i wanted him eventually but first i kept saying no to my future he asked me on january i said no he asked me on february i said no he asked me in march i said no he has me out and neighbor he said no he has me in may i finally said yes i wonder what you're quitting on that god keeps giving you an opportunity to walk into but you won't walk into it because quitting's easy quitting because it's hard it's kind of like going to an all you can eat buffet and yet you stop eating and you hope to get full it doesn't get better right here you have to go through look at your neighbor and say you're going through look at your neighbor on the other side and say you're going through and i mean joshua he had great reasons for quitting you might have great reasons for quitting i mean i'm not doubting your reasons at all matter of fact i think you are completely justified i mean joshua was justified he's like look back at the beginning 10 of the 12 spies said we shouldn't even cross and go into the promised land and maybe they were right because here we've been 40 years 40 years here in this wilderness there's not a target there is not a starbucks i have not had my frappe in 40 years wearing the same clothes eating the same food and now that it's finally time for us to go we have no leader so we have no leader how are we going to go with the leader and we're not even going with the whole team two and a half reuben gad and half the tribe of manessa they're not going they're leaving all their stuff on the other side and then he looks around and goes every warrior that ever fought a battle they're all dead so you're telling me i'm going into the hardest part of life that i've ever gone into and i have no support the giants are big and the river is flooded it's it's actually reached a new stage it's a mile wide of a flooded river and i'm supposed to go through right now i know you know what given up feels like i know you know what given up feels like but here's the question that i have for you right now what if you found out what not giving up felt like what if you said i don't want to but i'm going to go ahead and i'm going to believe the bible i'm going to go ahead and when i find rock bottom i found out that the rock at the bottom is jesus i go ahead and stand on jesus as my sure foundation i go ahead and i believe that the word is true i go ahead and say the devil's talking in one ear but the holy spirit is talking in the other and i'm gonna believe the holy spirit instead of the enemy i'm gonna go ahead and believe the promises of god when my flesh wants to quit i'm gonna cut off my flesh and go with god turn to your neighbor right now royal palm and say go with god come on sunset he'll get in or go with god online campus i want to tell somebody in the chat say go with god go with god go with god go with god man that's what god tells joshua to do in joshua 1 verse 2 he gives him four steps everybody say four steps step number one he says now get up lord i'm so down so far now i've been pressed down everybody let me down i'm depressed and down i'm down and dirty i'm just down that says great stay down there with your dirty self if you want to or you can be obedient and get up god is a gentleman and he's not going to do all the work he's going to tell you what to do and he's going to rely on us to do it that's part of my problem is because like sometimes god tells me what to do and i don't really want to do it he tells me to be nice to the mean people he tells me to leave the haters on on instagram he tells me to say i'm sorry when i don't want to he tells me to be humble when i want to defend my point but he says get up go ahead and say it say get up he says number one now get up then he says prepare to cross the jordan river okay god see you just told me to get up and i did that but then you told me to do something that's impossible and impassable you see you didn't tell me to cross the jordan river god when it was small and it was dry season and it was little and i think we could instead you tell me to do a miracle and take a million people across a river and get this jordan translated means judgment so you want me to cross the biggest judgment and get the biggest hate and get the biggest criticism and let everybody look at me the funniest that they ever will a million people when it's the widest and it's the hardest god you were moses was here when you did the red sea thing that was moses god said no it wasn't moses that did the miracle it was me who you looking at number one get up number two prepare to cross that judgment prepare to cross that jordan prepare to cross the impossible and impassable thing because you serve a god who majors in miracles you serve a waymaker who's looking to make a way but he needs us to get up and follow him in obedience don't quit the quitter's quandary then he said you and all the people what does that mean that means have a small group that means have a group of people around you that means get in your groups there's a whole new session starting in september he said get it together get you some people you and all the people number four and lead them to the land that i'm giving you oh god i'm not qualified to lead god says i don't call the qualified i qualify the called and that's you turn to somebody right now and say that's me that's me that's me that's me god knows it's easy to quit before you get started oh yeah i know that because i want to start a diet every time i just eat a big meal just a little bit ago i had myself some panda express don't judge me don't cross that jordan river judgment right now cause i mean you had chick-fil-a that ain't much better you know what i'm talking about but i had me some panda express and i'm full right now you know right now i feel like i could go on one of those die die diets and i could probably get healthy and be strong but you know what's gonna happen tomorrow morning your girl's gonna be hungry and i'm gonna be like who even thought of that let's just go on and do this thing see here's what god knows it's easy to quit before you get started that's why get this in joshua verse 6 the number of man he tells joshua be strong and courageous god's going to speak to your flesh he's gonna say i want you to be strong and i want you to be courageous and then in verse seven seven is the number of god he says one i'm gonna tell you for your flesh be strong and courageous but i'm gonna follow it right back up i'm going to tell you multiple times because you need to hear it multiple times i'm going to tell you for your spirit be strong and very courageous because this thing's going to look big because we have a tendency of people to turn molehills into mountains forgetting that we serve the god that moves the mountains and he doesn't turn it into molehill he eradicates it he obliterates it and he throws it as far as the east is the west he puts a mountain in the sea never to be seen again he goes through verse eight and then in verse nine he does it one more time nine is one of the numbers of completion in the bible and he said i told you once for your flesh i told you once for your spirit and i'm telling you once to seal the deal you need to be strong very courageous not in our own strength because we can't be strong in ourselves can we know the joy of the lord is our strength you might be defeated right now you might be down and being defeated this is what i know about being defeated because i have been defeated have you read my book i've been defeated i get you but write this down being defeated is temporary quitting quitting is what makes it permanent turn to your neighbor right now tell them don't quit don't quit don't quit come on say it three times say don't quit don't quit don't quit you need to touch somebody you need to put it in the chat roll palm i need to hear you yelling it out don't quit sunset hills do not let them out do you that way come on don't quit because if you don't quit you can go from quitting to camping oh yeah i like camping camping is a nice vacation you can pull up a chair you make yourself a little fire get you some s'mores going you sleep in the tent it's a great vacation matter of fact i have gotten so comfy camping i brought a picture along with me would you guys put that picture up on the side screen for me when you put that picture up i want you to see what the yellow arrow is pointing to what is that yellow arrow pointing to that yellow arrow is pointing to a air conditioner a portable air conditioner is right there you know what this was back in the 90s i not only brought a portable air conditioner we also brought a blow up mattress because you know your girl likes to sleep on something comfortable it was back in the day so we didn't have like laptops so i brought a tv a vcr and some movies so when all the other jokers in the campground were like sleeping on the hard ground it was night time they were bored they didn't have anything to do they were sweating i was comfortable camping i was in my cushy bed i was watching me some movies we were laughing all me austin pastor david all lopped up on one another right pastor austin we had a good old time camping and so that's what the israelites were doing in the wilderness for 40 years they were camping they got comfy camping it just became a way of life for them here's what god said in joshua 1 11. he says you go through the camp and you instruct the people and then this next word went off in me like a word from heaven for you right now like a prophecy so i'm not just going to read this to you i'm going to prophesy this to you and i prophesy to you it says pack your bags for within three days you will cross the jordan you will cross the judgment you will cross the impassable you will cross the impossible to conquer and occupy that means you're not just coming and moving through you're coming and you're staying you're occupying in the land of the promised land to conquer and occupy that land that yahweh your god is giving you to possess to hold you're not called to live in survival you're called to live and thriving you're not called to live and getting by you're called to live in the blessing can somebody give a good amen right now we gotta do what he's telling us to do we gotta keep moving we gotta keep going not like the two and a half tribes not like reuben not my dad not like half of manessa but they stayed in survival mode they stayed in the land of good enough you see they were saying hey you know we could go with you to the promised land i mean we'll even help fight to get you all there but this this is good enough get what they said for our livestock they made decisions based on the lamb was good enough not for their family not for god not for their call for their stuff this house is good enough this car is good enough this job is good enough this life is good enough i mean why why would i push it what have you decided as you're good enough i mean this is good enough no god didn't say this is good enough he didn't call you to just not quit he called you to live the promise he called you to live in full obedience he called you to live in full blessing so why are we complacent if you don't like it here this is not your dream okay camping i like camping for a week maybe even 10 days but once you get me to a day 12 your girl wants a real shower anybody anybody else raise your hand if you want a real shower after 12 days it's great for a few days but it's not where we want to live i didn't want to live single for the rest of my life but i was willing to stay there so i didn't get hurt when i wrote that book i will thrive in chapter seven i think it was i wrote about the wall what the wall is is this wall of quote-unquote protection how we protect ourselves from getting hurt anymore we back off we're a little more aloof a little harder to get to we don't trust so quick the enemy does such a great job lying to us about this land of complacency we wall ourselves off or we feel like it's safe and when we do we wall out the good and we wall out the blessing we walk without the joy and we wall out the feeling of love i was scarred well if this is what happens in the camp peon like why why did they camp at all well they camped in the wilderness and here's the thing once they crossed the jordan of judgment once they crossed the jordan river they camped again at a place called gilgal you see gilgal translated it means two different things one it means like roll away in this circle and the other means like full circle so going from the wilderness to gillal they had to roll out of the wilderness into gilgal and it was kind of full circle that they were getting across the jordan of the promised land and kind of full circle that they were camping again but this time the camping was temporary well if god's trying to get him out of the camp why did god put them in a camp god had a purpose for the camp and he talks about it in joshua five and joshua five he tells us number one get ready get ready get ready get ready get ready if i was bigger if i'd eat a little more chicken if i had myself a bald head and look like tj jakes i tell you get ready he'd hold this microphone weight on here and you'd hear it get ready get ready get ready get ready get ready he says you gotta get ready you gotta get geared how do you get geared well here you are at a tuesday night have you signed up for that small group yet well that doesn't start september get ready get ready get ready maybe he wants you to lead a small group have you signed up to lead a small group get ready get ready get ready have you actually gone through growth track yet get ready get ready get ready are you joining me on facebook on thursday mornings for wake prey slice so you can pray and get ready for your day get ready get ready get ready are you coming to church on the midweek and on the weekend get ready get ready get ready god can't send you what you're not ready for turn to your neighbor and say get ready get ready then the second thing he set us up for he said hey and in joshua five he says hey get ready i need you to get ready because something else big is coming you know what's coming he says uh circumcise everybody again i'm sure that went over like a lead balloon uh god you want you want us to work because and here's the thing god didn't say cut yourself twice remember earlier when i said that when joshua looked around everybody who'd ever fought in a war was gone god had to wait until the doubting unbelievers were no longer apart so that he could take him into the promised land everybody who had been born in the wilderness had never been circumcised he said i want to take you to the promised land and now that you've promised not to quit i haven't asked to make of you i'm going to ask you to cut off your flesh cut off your bitterness cut off your pride cut off your resentment cut off that offense that's trying to attach itself to you because that in itself is enough to anchor you into the land of survival and camping and god says i have so much more for you so here number one we gotta get ready we gotta dive in head first with our spring shoes on number two while we're camping around the campfire we gotta go ahead and get ready get ready get ready and cut those things off of our life and then number three we need to celebrate because like before you leave the camp you go ahead and you make yourself some s'mores and you celebrate all that god has done for you you know what you might not be where you used to be and you might not be where you're going but i tell you what you have come a long way baby do not judge your future by your past do not limit god to the dumb things you have done do not limit god to what has been done to you god sees the potential in you and he sent me here today to speak to that potential and say come on baby don't quit it's time to get up it's time to get prepared it's time to get ready stop camping and complacency because god is calling you to climb somebody give god a good amen pack your bags petunia we moving no seriously we moving we're not gonna camp here anymore it's the tendency to take the tent with us it's the tendency to say we're home you know um god wants me to move and god wants me to be blessed so i'm just gonna take my stuff with me no we're cutting that off we're cutting that off and we're gonna climb yes we are we are gonna climb thrivers climb and some of us have been climbing and we've taken a little break we may even gone all the way back to quitting it it starts something like this well i was climbing but god left me hanging and there was this thing and i'll tell you a story i've got a friend and he got a call from his cousin now let me tell you about his cousin his cousin is six foot five a jujitsu champion a military i don't know i can't remember if it's airborne ranger or navy seal but like upper echelon military guy who comes from a long line of drug dealers and murderers the fact that this guy went into the military and did his murdering legally was like a real win for this family and he found a girl that he loved and he got engaged to and he was coming home to marry her and he found out that that girl was cheating on him she said don't come home i found somebody else so he called his cousin said hey i just wanted to check in with you before i go home such and shuts broke up with me i'm going to go find him and handle this situation and he said no cousin i'm going to go climb a mountain i'm going to go climb mount rainier don't go home yet go mountain climbing with me my pastor friend was trying to save him so he said okay i'll come with you and so they went to climb mount rainier but when you go mountain climbing you have this like window of opportunity you can go because if the sun goes down when you're up on the mountain you get hypothermia you get stuck with the animals like chances of survival are very low because you're not created to camp in a place that you climb oh that was good you are not created to camp in a place where you climb so they couldn't go so this cousin and a friend who was an expert climber went looking and they're like oh there's a ledge over there it's too late to go we're just going to climb up 30 feet on this ledge and see it and then we'll come back down and they go and they climb up and they get on the ledge and they go to climb down and they realize they can't get down from there because get this this is deep when they tried to climb what they were holding on to wasn't anchored properly so the mountain was literally coming off in their hands i wonder what you're trying to climb and if it's what god has called you to climb and if god hasn't called you to climb and it's coming off in your hands maybe that's not the way you're supposed to go so they got back on the ledge and they realized okay if we go up we can go up and around this place where when we're climbing it's coming off in our hands so they go up and so the cousin goes up and when he goes up he gets about 200 feet in the air on the side of a rock wall and he realizes everything around me is going to come off in my hands now he is not a christian he is not saved he's getting ready to go murder somebody and then he realizes i think i think i'm going to die god why have you left me hanging here i mean things were bad enough at home i was i just wanted to quit anyway i just wanted to kill him i could have just camped out i could have killed him and camped in prison but now i was trying to climb up to something higher and you left me hanging so my friend called mountain rescue since this was one of their first climbs they didn't realize mountain rescue is not an office full of trained people waiting for your phone call with a helicopter it's a volunteer system so when you call mountain rescue mountain rescue starts calling people and hey say hey chuck you do anything oh you're working okay i got some dude stuck on a wall man you know anybody else who ain't working sure thing man i'll call virgil picks the hey virgil they start calling people until they find somebody who can come rescue then they gotta call and find a helicopter when it's not busy the cousin was on the side of the wall holding on for dear life for three hours for three hours the wrong move and he falls 200 feet 20 stories to his death his fingers he starts screaming i can't feel my fingers anymore maybe you've been climbing and you're like i can't do this anymore i've been trying i've used all my strength what do i do you don't quit you hold on having done all to stand you stand so what he does is he holds on and they said hey they're coming they're coming they're coming and the sun starts going down it starts getting cold one thing i forgot to tell you about the cousin is the coven cousin was double jointed in his shoulders and double jointed in his hips and when he couldn't feel his fingers anymore because the sun was going down he was getting hypothermia he twisted his body in such a way that he hooked his feet into the mountain and hooked his hands on the mountain that if he wasn't created for that moment he would have never been able to do and he stayed there for six hours while they figured out how to rescue him every one of his toenails came off of his body i got a question for you in our last couple minutes together if you've got to stand for a minute while god's trying to figure out how to get you out of the place that you might have climbed to on your own instead of waiting for the climb that he had for you are you going to give up on god are you going to let him rescue you don't stop climbing you see what if god wants to do something completely different and something completely new with you because you know what happened i'll tell you what happened the cousin instead of letting it drive him away from god the cousin instead of letting it pull him away what the cousin said is [Music] i need to know your god because i should have died on that mountain and you know what i know about that cousin today today that cousin is a christ follower today that cousin actually has gone on staff at a church today he's a worship leader at that church and today he has written songs that other churches and all christians sing and praise and worship god was way more interested in the call that was on his life and the eternity that he didn't want him to spend in hell or in jail and instead he said i'll take one day where you're uncomfortable if i can get you to climb the heights that i've called you to i have a question for you today what heights has god called you to that you have not yet gone to joshua 3 verse 4 says so you'll know which way to go since you've never walked this way before i want you to say this say i'm walking in a new way i'm thriving in a new way tell your neighbor i'm walking in a new way i'm thriving in a new way i'm walking new i'm thriving new i'm walking new i'm thriving new i'm walking new i'm thriving new and it started back at the river the river of judgment you know back in the bible times when they actually crossed the jordan river what the canaanites thought the river was was a god and they thought it was the strength of the gods that had been holding back the israelites all this time so when the israelites came and they faced it at a time when it was at its most impassable here's what had to happen they had to wade into the water with the ark on their back when it looked like certain failure god's going to ask you as you climb you might have to wait in something that you think you're going to fail but once they actually waded into that water here's what happens they waded into the water and that's when judgment the jordan rolled back 17 miles get this this is so curious to a city called adom god ruled judgment all the way back to adam jesus now here's another crazy thing joshua's name wasn't joshua joshua's name was hoshia but god told moses to change joshua's name to actually it's yeshua and yeshua's name was almost like yeshua which is like jesus so jesus and joshua's names are so close and as joshua stands into the jordan for judgment and rolls it back to adam it's a type and a protocol because pack your bags in three days he said back at the beginning of this message it's a type and a prototype of jesus coming back and rolling away your sin rolling away your judgment rolling away all of those bad things all the way back to adam so you never have to face it again why because he needs you to climb to places that you cannot ascend on your own but you got to take a step of faith let me ask you a question will you take that step of faith tonight i know you will you can't climb you can't grow you can't advance without someone or something or some reason being in the way and i don't know what your jordan is i don't know what's on the other side of here jordan here it is in verse joshua 3 10. he says as you advanced into the land he'll drive out from before you the canaanites translated the love of money he'll drive out the hittites translated anger and violence he'll he'll drive out the hivites super alliance he'll drive out the parasites the lack of vision he'll he'll drive out the gingashites and i just want to be honest with you i was a little nervous about saying the word good shy you know what i'm talking about i'm willing to learn he'll drive out the amorites pride pride will keep you back from climbing i'll keep you anchored down he's gonna drop out the jebusites fear and anxiety i added a few if you read the nicole translation of the bible say i drive out the parasites those people that are sucking the life out of you i'll drive out the termites those things that are eating you up on the inside i'll drive out your neighbor that bites and those are the people you want to punch can i get a good amen god's going to drive back your enemies as you take a step of faith and wade into something that looks impossible and impassable was a land it was a land that had to be conquered and your promised land can then there's not gonna be a cakewalk if it was a cakewalk everybody be skinny rich happy beautiful save full of the holy ghost and there'd never be a fight again but we all know that's not true but it's time to pull up your big boy pants and take a step if you believe you can do this i want you to say amen i heard that hit your spirit i could hear it in the spirit hitting your spirit and in joshua 1 3 it says every place the soul of the foot will tread upon i have given you just as i promised to moses i know god is calling you to greater things i want you to have faith that your past does not equal your future i want you to have faith that there might be battles in front of you but that god is going to arm you and equip you that you can fight these battles you see joshua just didn't wander on into the promised land and go and take the king's sheet no he fought 13 battles the first was the biggest the first was jericho and the base camp of gilgal positioned them for that battle at that base camp where they got ready got ready got ready and they got prepared at that base camp where they circumcised their flesh at that base camp where they celebrated god said you might have a big battle that's in front of you right now but if you're willing to climb up to him and listen to what he tells you to do he might tell you to win this thing in an unconventional way because when they went into battle he said here's the thing you're gonna have to walk around six times silent not saying a word i just wonder if he didn't let them say a word as they walked around and then went back to camp because he knew they'd just grumble and complain and that's what kept him in the last camp for 40 years maybe you just need to shut your mouth while you're climbing well i can't believe god won't use me more i can't believe god won't open this up to me i can't believe god won't promote me i can't believe god won't give me an opportunity i can't believe god won't send the money i can't believe god won't would you just quit i believe god's blinding you up for the biggest thing you've ever seen because as they walked around silently and went back to camp god was working on something god was working on them god was working on their heart god was working on getting them out of the camping of complacency mentality god was working on the quitter's quandary he was turning them from quitters into winners and that's what god is doing with you right now he said come on get up the next day and do the same thing it seems redundant it seems like boring it seems like nobody's looking it seems like you're not winning but god said would you stop looking in the flesh for what i'm doing in the spirit and god said get up the third day and walk around again and pray but don't open your mouth and complain because i'm up to something and it's better than something good it's your destiny your blessing and he said go ahead and walk around the fourth time and walk around the fifth time but whatever you do don't stop on six because it's the number of man god said if you'll just leave me to time number seven if you'll just let me push you a little further if you won't complain while you're hanging onto the side of the wall and know that i'm coming to rescue you and take you to something you can never get by yourself if you'll stop the quitter's squadron if you'll stop camping and if you'll start climbing god says i have more for you than you can ask think or imagine are you ready to start climbing tonight say yes yes and that's what i want to pray with you about we're going to pray father god in the name of jesus don't leave us here because god we didn't set up camp to stay here we're not quitters it's not a quandary we're believers we're believing believers we're believers of you and you are faithful and you are strong and you are able and you are mighty and you're a provider and you are healer and you are everything that we need you to be and you always have been you're big enough to fight every battle and we fight from a place of victory because we are not victims we are coming up we are coming out and we are entering our promised land in jesus name we pray amen and a amen and i'm telling you right now is not the time to just break in time to move in time to go now is the time to take the next step and it's an act of worship i know god revealed to my heart that a lot of us have quit we quit trusting god with our money and god said i was so close to what i wanted to do with you financially but you quit you started thinking about does it work doesn't it work well it can work but it can't work for me this week because i because i got to do this and i want to do that no don't use the quitter's quandary when it comes to the promise of financial blessing with god and then some of you had thought well you know i've got a routine and what i do is i give 50 a week and i mean i know it's not my tithe but this where i'm complacent it's where i'm camping i mean i think it's working for me right now what if god wants to take you somewhere you can't imagine he just needs you to follow the precepts and the concepts and when you do it unlocks heaven and he can pour out a blessing i wonder how many people god's speaking to right now to climb to climb on in to what he has for you become that tither become that giver become that person who plants that seed and lets god multiply it so that's what we're going to do right now we're going to believe while this ground is fertile while this message is strong while god has taken you somewhere you can go ahead and you can text 77977 if you're at sunset hills it's faith s-h is the key word type in faith o-n-l if you're online go ahead and type faith rpc if you're at the royal palm chapel you can give online at forward slash give or if you're one of those rooms you grab that envelope but here's what i know don't leave fertile ground without sowing a seed and don't sow a seed without praying over it so right now we're gonna pray over the seed and if you've been a quitter tonight you're not a quitter anymore but you're not going to be a camper either if you've been camping in complacency you're not going to camp anymore tonight we're climbing are you ready do you have your seed if you sewed by text or if you're sewing online hold up your phone if you're sewing in an envelope with your credit card or check hold up that envelope and we're gonna bless this seed because you're my climbers father god in the name of jesus i decree and declare as we plant this into the ground tonight god that you're gonna use it you've been waiting on us to go ahead and step up to the plate take a step towards you and god i just pray you take ten steps towards them and i prophesy again pack your bags because within three days god wants you to cross into and occupy the land that he has for you in jesus name we pray amen and amen you can watch these video announcements
Channel: Crank Ministries
Views: 718
Rating: 4.7714286 out of 5
Keywords: Pastor Nicole Crank, Faith Church,, David Crank’s wife, church in St. Louis, church in West Palm Beach, church in Missouri, church in Florida, tall woman preacher, I Will Thrive, Hi God, Goal Getters, Wake Pray Slay, Nicole Crank Show, want to give up, sick and tired, want to quit, I’m depressed, better off dead
Id: b2lZ8gNM8s4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 14sec (2594 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 11 2021
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