Miracles: Water Into Wine // Pastor Justin Miller (Teaching Only)

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Welcome to Real Life Online and thank you for joining us today. Real Life is a church for real people just like you and we want you to know that God is crazy about you! Please take a moment right now and click on the share button and share this experience with your friends and family. Today we are continuing in our series called Miracles where we're examining miracles throughout the Bible. When we connect our lives to God and his endless power nothing is impossible. This week Pastor J is going to challenge us on how willing we are to truly be obedient to what God tells us to do by looking at the miracle of Jesus turning water into wine. In order to experience all the fullness that God has in store for us we have to be willing to do what he tells us to do. Thanks again for joining us today let's get ready for Real Life Online. Hey good morning! Good to see everyone. I love this series that we're in right now, Miracles - nothing is impossible. Do you believe that? (Yes) Okay. Good. Nothing is impossible with our God and so what we're doing we're looking at some of the greatest miracles in the Bible, in history, to see how we can get God to do what only he can do in our lives today and and it's not like there are easy to follow formulas but there are principles that we can apply as we ask God to do a miracle in our lives and today we're gonna be in John chapter 2. All right one of my all time favorite miracles happens to be Jesus's first miracle all right and it happens because of a wedding fail which always happens at weddings right. There's always a problem. Anybody ever had a wedding, been in a wedding, been near a wedding? Right. Isn't there always something that goes wrong at a wedding? It's why men don't like weddings because of the drama right. Little girls love weddings because they train their whole lives. They're thinking about what their weddings gonna be like from the time they're three on. Guys our thing is just don't mess it up. Stand here. Wear this. Say that. Okay. I think I got it right. We try not to blow it because the drama and the details and the intensity and the stress around a wedding and and ask me how I know. Cuz I'm a pastor right. Now listen okay who's the star of the wedding? (The Bride) See y'all got it wrong. The bride is not the star of the wedding okay. Who did they put center stage? Right in the middle. Right the pastor. Who has the most lines? (Laughter) That's how you know who the star is. Come on people. I know she looks good and whatever but I'm saying center stage, all the lines. Who has the power vested in me? (Laughter) Okay. thank you very much. The pastor's the star of the wedding and the fact that you guys didn't know that hurts my feelings but that's fine okay and I'm just saying pastors are people too so pastor people problems. I'm gonna share something with you right now because the pastor's a star of the wedding but nobody really knows it and nobody really feels it but he's the one keeping it all together and with all that pressure on a brother sometimes things can go wrong okay. I remember my first wedding I was so nervous that I actually sweat through my suit. That's hard to do okay. You have to put out a lot of fluid to sweat through an actual suit. It got so bad that the bride leaned into me at one point and she's like "Do you need to sit down?" because I was about to faint at her wedding. I was so nervous. Another time okay, I remember this one. This is bad. I actually I was asking the bride if she takes a man to be her husband but I got the name wrong and so I said do you take but not only did I get the name of her husband wrong but somehow, magically I channeled the name of her ex-husband. (Laughter) Do you take to be your husband? I'm like oh no! You already did and that didn't work. Okay you definitely don't wanna take him. (Laughter) You're trying to take him cuz him didn't. Okay. She just death stared me. I'm like "I ruined your wedding" so. Pretty much my all time greatest wedding fail alright has to be...well it's on video. You want to see it? (YES!) Here's a young Pastor J in action. Here we go. "I Angela take you Bob to be my wedded wife. (Laughter) Thank you. That one was my fault. Yes. To be my wedded husband to have and to hold from this day forth "TIMBER" That one wasn't my fault. That's good video footage though. You could make probably ten thousand bucks on that one if I would have went down." And that is why I don't do weddings. Like do you do? No. I don't because there's too much stress. Too much pressure. Too many things go wrong and here's what you're not gonna believe but it was actually worse in Jesus's day. Like as much stress as there is right now on weddings in Jesus's day it was a social affair like of the highest standard and people wouldn't go to work, they would come from all over the world and that it was like a week long affair that people are celebrating the merger of the two families. It was more than just the bride and groom. It was the families coming together and your social status was connected to the wedding. Like what kind of wedding you could pull off, what kind of guest you could get there and how well you treated them was going to say a lot about who you were in society and so this is the backdrop all right for Jesus's first miracle. Here we go. John chapter 2 verse 1. "On the third day a wedding took place at Cana in Galilee. Jesus's mother was there and Jesus and His disciples had also been invited to the wedding." They probably didn't want to go but you know how that goes. Anyway so they're at the wedding. "When the wine was gone Jesus's mother said to him 'They have no more wine." All right so this would have been a major faux pas. Right. It would be at your wedding but in a first century wedding like their social status, there's so much riding on this wedding. There's so much pressure and intensity that and who gets who gets upset about it? Mary right. Mary gets upset and is she now why does Mary get upset? Because she's a woman (Laughter) and that's what women do. They're interconnected. Isn't this weird guys like if a guy sees someone in pain he goes "ooh that stinks" but if a woman sees someone in pain she immediately feels their pain. If one woman gets a pain in her side all women on earth hold "What is that?" I don't know. Some woman somewhere has a pain there and we all. I don't understand. I'm trying to help the guys understand what's happening here because Mary is she's empathetic. She's compassionate. Guys are like "What is that?" It's what women are okay so so when they're she senses the problem, she sees the problem, she feels the problem. She's like "Ah this would be so bad if that happened to me" and so she wants to fix it right and it but here's my problem with this because I get that she feels their pain and she wants to fix it but why does she bring it to Jesus? All right think about this for a second. Here's my problem with this - why in the world would you bring this problem to Jesus? In my humble opinion all right this is not miracle material. This is not a situation worth getting the God of the universe involved in. Okay let's review. They're out of wine. When was the last time you prayed that prayer? (Laughter) "Uh...Jesus if you're not too busy you know I'm out of Pinot Noir down here. How about a little top-off?" (Laughter) That's not a prayer you pray unless you're very Catholic. (Laughter) Anyway sorry, Catholic family members but you're not praying that prayer right. Do you agree with me? I hope so cuz Jesus does. Check this out. I got you. You thought it was a trick question. (Laughter) All right here's what Jesus says because Mary comes to him and says they have no more wine and here's Jesus's reply. Verse 4. "Woman, why do you involve me? Jesus replied. "My hour has not yet come." So first of all guys pretty much best verse in the Bible. If you don't have a life verse or a memory verse John 2:4. You're welcome. I use this one at home all the time. Who says the Bible doesn't apply in real life. Woman why do you involve me? (Laughter) That - I quote that daily alright. In another version it says woman, why do you bother me? Favorite verse right. Woman why do you bother me? (Laughter) Yeah guys you're welcome on that one but what's Jesus saying? He's saying like what's going it's not my time yet. Don't do this to me now. I haven't gone public yet as the miracle working God. I'm a rabbi and I'm coming onto the scene but I have come out as God in the flesh and this is not the time to do it. This is not miracle material definitely not first miracle material. You don't let people know your God Almighty by keeping the party going right. (Laughter) This is not how you enter into the miracle business but here's what I love about Mary is she doesn't take no for an answer. Not even from Jesus right because she knows who he is and what he can do. I mean she she knew that when angels started showing up in her bedroom as a teenager. She knew okay. This, there's something here. This is God right. She knew when she conceived even though she hadn't...you know. That's that's got to be God cuz I didn't do that but I got this so (Laughter). She knew when her little boy was 12 years old and teaching at the temple and blown people's minds. She knew and so she knows who Jesus is and what Jesus can do so she comes to him with a problem that only he can solve and here's what I love she's not taking no for an answer because he says "Woman, why do you involve me? My hour has not yet come'. His mother said to the servants 'Do whatever he tells you." You get this. Do you you see what's happening right now? Jesus just said no and Mary said "Oh no, he'll do it." Raise your hand if you have this mother. Okay. (Laughter) Like mom's be like that. You, you say "No" they say "Oh no. You're gonna do this" right because you have no boundaries when it's your baby. Have you noticed that? I don't care who you are, how old you are, what you've done. Your mom sees you and she doesn't like what you're doing she's grabbing you by the ear and walking you out of that place. (Laughter) Moms have no boundaries with their babies and they just it's amazing to me. You could be the CEO of an oil company and if your mom doesn't like the gas price that day she's calling you "Honey, what is going on? I'm trying to pump here and it's 10 cents more than it was." "But mom...I don't control that." "Well you better do something." Right. (Laughter) Like why? Because I brought you into this world. I can take you...like that. You know the phrase right. (Laughter) So mom's man. I love mom. Here's the thing I love about Mary though is this faith that she has. It's this faith to push through, to persist and to get Jesus involved in the details of her life. Like I love Mary's faith that says not only do I believe God can, I actually believe that he will. Even though he says he doesn't want to I still believe that he will because he cares about me. I believe he's gonna care about this and I am gonna get him involved and this is the thing I think some of us are missing because most of us we probably believe that God can. You know if we've been in church, if we're coming maybe we've seen him do things in our life. I think most of us believe God can but I think some of us aren't believing that he will. We've stopped expecting a miracle in our life. We've stopped asking for miracles in our life but but Mary says "Jesus, look I need your help. I know it seems dumb. it's not miracle material. Probably seems like a waste of your time but it matters to me so I'm asking it to matter to you." And that's the thing I want us to get. Alright I really believe that if it matters to you that it matters to God and that's hard for us to to understand at least at some level. If it affects you it affects him. If it hurts you it hurts him. If if you care then he cares. God is interested in the intimate details of your life and I would not believe that if Jesus didn't teach that. I would not assume that the God of the universe, the Creator, the one who created the universe that's expanding and completely unknown past what we can even see would be interested in the details of my life if Jesus didn't teach this. Matthew 10. In verse 29 he says "Are not two sparrows sold for a penny?" They're like meaningless right. "Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from the will of your father and even the very hairs of your head are all numbered so don't be afraid. You are worth more than many sparrows." You know I think we believe nothing is too big for God. Nothing is impossible and most of us would sign off on that nothing's too big for God but what Jesus is saying to us is nothing is too small for God. Not only is nothing too big for God but nothing is too small for him either and he's willing and waiting for us to include him in the details of our life. What Paul says in Philippians is we pray in everything. Peter says that we cast all our cares on him. Why? Because he cares for us right. That's really the kicker. That, that's the thing that makes this work. It's because he cares about me that he cares about this. What I'm going through and he's willing to get involved and if this miracle tells us anything it's that Jesus is willing to get involved in the ordinary everyday details of our lives. Even the things that really shouldn't matter they matter to him if they matter to me because spoiler alert, maybe you didn't see it coming but he does the miracle. I know. I hate to ruin it. We're not there yet but but it's crazy to think that Jesus' very first miracle happens against his own will because someone he loves gets him involved right. I see I believe that our problems can become his problems because He loves us. A couple weeks ago I was super busy. Jammed up with work. I was actually at home and I call it pre work. Anybody like if you have that kind of job where you pre work before you go to work so you can have your work done before you get to work and get more work and pre work and post work. Usually there's pre work then there's work then there's post work. So I'm on the laptop, on the phone, I'm grinding. I'm getting ready for work and it's just one of those like it's Monday. Super busy start to the week and I hit it running on Monday and and my little girl Jayla comes over right and she and I'm putting off that super busy dad vibe. Dad's, you know how to put off that vibe so they don't come near you? The family members like "I'm here but I'm not okay. Don't, don't come out. Like right now I'm just" and I'm just putting out that vibe best I know how and Jayla she doesn't do vibe. She, right through the force field and she just comes right into my and she's like "Dad! I have an emergency!" I'm like "Okay baby." You know I'm just staying head down. "Oh okay" you know cuz you know ten year old girls have a lot of emergencies so and she's like "Dad, I really need your attention" and I'm like "Okay honey" and so I look up. I said "What's going on?" She goes "My nails look terrible!" (Laughter) She shows me her nails. "Like, like look at them" and I'm like "Oh, okay. Wow. Yeah I um...I don't know what to say to that but man I'm sorry to hear that" and so again I said "I'm just really busy right now." She says "Oh I know but dad is there any way that you could take me to Herbal Nails to see Miss Nancy? I have got to get this fixed" and I'm just like "When baby?" and she's like "Right now. Look at my nails!" (Laughter) I'm just like "Okay...like I don't have time for that right now." Guess where we ended up? Yeah. Within 20 minutes we were at Herbal Nails and I moved an appointment and that's what it looks like when a little girl asks her dad for something. Isn't it amazing how and not not a little boy. No, not a little boy. That's an easy no. It's a little girl. I don't know how they do it but it's funny in the grand scheme of things like what I had to do that week that was possibly the least important thing on the list. It wasn't even on my list but here's the thing it mattered to Jayla so it mattered to me. I love that little girl and and so her priority became my priority because of our relationship and I think what Jesus is trying to teach us is God's the same way. He's a good good father. He's crazy about you and and he cares about what you care about and he wants to be involved in the intimate details of your life and in fact he's actually waiting for you to ask. James says there are times where we have not simply because we ask not. We're not willing to get God in our situation. We don't invite him in but when I do, when I ask God to get involved in the in the details of my life that's when miracles start. That's when things happen so I mean are you getting God involved in the day-to-day? In the play by play, the minute to minute? Not just the cancer but the car problems. You know what I'm saying? Not just the the healings but the feelings. God here's what's going on right now. Here's where I need you. Some of us we only turn to God if it's big. we only pray if it's major but Jesus says I'm with you always right. In all things and the small things and big things I'm here with you. We're in this together and so no matter what you're dealing with the thing is prayer should not be our last resort, it really should be our first response. We should immediately go to dad when we're thinking and when we're feeling and we should take everything to him. Mary it's interesting she doesn't, she knows that they're out of wine right. What's her first instinct? It's not to run to Walmart and buy more wine. She could have probably done that. It's not to ask her friends how are we gonna get? Maybe run to the house and see if I have something to help this party out. Her first reaction is to go to Jesus. You know prayer should be our first response, not our last resort. It's not just where we turn in disaster it's where we're supposed to turn daily to him. I'm preaching we haven't even seen the miracle. Let's get into this all right. So here's how it goes down. In verse 6 "Mary said to the servants verse 5 "Do whatever he tells you." Verse 6. "Nearby stood six stone water jars the kind used by the Jews for ceremonial washing. Each holding from 20 to 30 gallons." I've been in Cana, in Galilee and I've seen these jars that they used to use. It's pretty impressive. They're large. You're not talking about a little pitcher. "And Jesus said to the servants 'Fill the jars with water' and so they filled them to the brim. Then he told them 'Now draw some out and take it to the master of the banquet.' They did so and the master of the banquet tasted the water that had been turned into wine. He didn't realize where it had come from though the servants who had drawn the water knew." And then so he takes the sip. "Then he called the bridegroom aside and he says hey 'Everyone brings out the choice wine first and then the cheaper wine after the guests have had too much to drink.'" You get that logic right? It goes from bottle to box. Not box to bottle okay. Makes sense. And so he says but check this out "You have saved the best till now." What Jesus did here in Cana of Galilee was the first of the signs through which he revealed his glory and his disciples believed in him." Apparently okay when Jesus makes wine he makes the good stuff because this guy tastes this. This is like vintage Chateau De Savior okay. (Laughter) This is the good stuff. This is super French. This is Bordeaux quality and he sips this and he's just like "I got, I got to talk to you for a second cuz I think you're messing up here because this is the stuff that probably was supposed to go out first but for some reason we brought it out like cuz cuz this is the best wine I've ever tasted." This is an amazing miracle when you think about it but but here again I'm gonna go out on a limb and just say I believe this is not a miracle God wants to do in your life. That's funny right. In a miracle series usually you're preaching you're saying and God wants to do this for you. I'm pretty sure he doesn't. I'm pretty sure that there's nobody here right now that God's will for your life is I really want to fill their liquor cabinet. (Laughter) I want to top off the wine like what what do you have? Take your empty bottles, put them outside and in the morning they'll be full. This is not a miracle God is wanting to do in your life and in if that is what you're praying for houston we have a problem. Anyway, here's the thing when it comes to miracles usually what are we focused on? The end result right. We're thinking oh I want that. I want that that end game but in this case the end result isn't really something God wants in our lives. The the key to this miracle, the thing we need to be focused on isn't the result of the miracle, it's the requirement of the miracle. As I'm praying through this, I'm going God where does this apply to us? It's not the product, it's the prerequisite and it's what we see in verse 5. It's what Mary says to the servants. She says "Do whatever he tells you." You know if you were to come to me and say I need a miracle. Pastor I'm like I'm just up against it in so many areas. I really need God to move and do what only he can do. I've exhausted all my options and I need a miracle and I know many of you are in that place and some of you have come to me or your campus pastor and just expressed your need for a miracle and I'll tell you what if that's what you need in your life I would say the best advice anyone could ever give you is John 2:5. Do whatever he tells you. Take Mary's advice and figure out what God is saying to you and do that thing. You know obedience opens the door to the impossible. If we want what God has for us we have to do what God says to us. Whatever area of your life you're looking for a miracle obedience is the key. Obedience opens the door for the impossible and while I think a lot of people want God to do stuff for them very few people are doing what God says to them. Very few people are willing to come to God and say hey what do you want me to do? Not here's what I want you to do but Lord I know a lot of people praying for a financial miracle. Like times are tough and things are bad and they're asking, seeking, knocking. God you've got to and they're on the prayer list and they're coming in but I just want you to know that if you're not obeying God that miracle may not be on its way. I don't want to discourage you but you can pray but if you don't obey right. My wife sometimes she, I've heard her do this a couple times recently and it makes me uncomfortable because she's got this boldness but but people have asked her to pray for something and and sometimes it's financial and I've heard her do this twice in like the last couple months and and she'll say are you tithing? And I'm like "Oh don't ask that. That's personal" right. You can't just ask somebody. I don't, I'm the pastor of the church and I don't know who gives what. That's between them and God and somebody in the finance department right. So they, you don't just say are you tithing? I want it to see but but my wife says "You know what...if they're praying but they're not obeying what's the point." And so if they're asking me to pray I can ask them to obey and I'm like come on girl. But like are you doing what God says? You want what God has but are you doing what he says? Some of you you are asking God to help you in your finances and God's going I already did in my word and I actually told you where to start. That the first thing is the tithe. That you return the first and the best of what I've given to you and let me bless the rest and I'm I'm excited to do my part but are you willing to do yours because I've already told the first step of your miracle and you just haven't done it yet and I'm waiting to open the floodgates of heaven like it says right but I'm waiting for you to have the faith enough to let me do it and he he also taught us how to be content and not spend more than we have. He also taught us how to save so that we have when we don't have and he's just saying hey the miracle you're looking for it's in my word. Go back and do what I told you to do. If you want what God has for you you got to do what God says to you. Obedience opens the door to the impossible. Some of you were praying for a miracle in your marriage and God would you just please change these things and God saying the thing I want to change is you. You want a miracle. I want you to be the miracle and I want you to go back into my word and figure out what I say about being a husband. You're praying about her change and I need you to change. I need you to be the Ephesians husband and to lay down your life for your wife and wives I need you to go back and figure out what I've taught you about not because he is good but because I am good. Not because he's perfect because I'm perfect and you need to trust me and obey me and if you're willing to obey you'll see the blessing. You know if you want God's help in any area don't just pray, obey. Its praying and obeying that brings the blessing. You get into if there's an area of your life like I need you to show up God. You get into the word and you read everything God has to say about that thing and then put it into practice We don't just listen to the word. What does James say? Do what it says. If some of you are stuck in sin maybe even an addiction and you're wondering why you keep fighting the same battle over and over again and God is saying hey if you will confess your sin to one another you will be healed. Like you need to find some people to say this is what I'm struggling with and get it into the light so you can get some help but if you keep going one on one with the devil you're gonna keep losing that battle every time. See blessings begin with obedience. Before I get what God has for me I have to do what God says to me. Obedience opens the door to the impossible. When I think about this miracle in John 2 alright, if these guys had done anything other than what Jesus told them to do would there have been a miracle? He said fill the jars with water. what if they would have just put a little water in or filled it halfway? No he said fill the jars with water. What if they would have used different jars? But we don't want to use these jars because they were already used. They haven't been cleaned yet. We're gonna use these jars over here. Would they have gotten their miracle? I don't think so. What if they would have put something other than water? Jesus said fill the jars with water and if you want the miracle you got to follow the manual right. He's laid out instructions for you. The same thing is true for us to get what God has for us we got to do what God says to us. Whatever area of your life that you're looking for that miracle just take Mary's advice and do whatever he tells you. If you need God involved pray and obey. That's a powerful combination right there. If you're praying and obeying there's no limit to what God can do in your life. It's if then though. There's God's part and there's our part and sometimes we miss that we have a part to play in our own miracle. Second Chronicles 7:14 maybe you heard this one. "But if my people God says who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then I will hear from heaven and I will forgive their sin and heal their land." You know with God it's interesting because he says there's so much that I want to do and there's so much that you want me to do and I will if. It's if then. If and then I'll give you the if so that you can check the things off that I'm looking for and then I can do my part because I've told you your part and I want you to do your part so I can show up and do mine. If my people right. If they're willing to humble themselves and seek my face and pray and turn, repent then I'll show up and show off. God is always willing to move in our lives and on our behalf but are we willing to do our part? We pray and we obey because obedience opens the door to the impossible in our lives. We do what God says to us so that we can get what God has for us but it starts there and listen there's one last thing I want to leave you with because I know some of you came here discouraged. It's just true. Life has a way of kicking us when we're down. Some of you came here tired, beat up. Maybe feeling hopeless and at whatever location you're at you might have come into the church just feeling like this is it. This is my last go round on this God if you don't show up. You know here's what I know, when life's at its worst Jesus is at his best and we see it here in John 2. This is so cool because the master of the banquet, this dude that we don't know anything about him we just know he got a taste of what Jesus can do when he shows up right. He got a taste and he declares something that I believe God wants us to leave here declaring today in our lives. Verse 10. He said he calls that bridegroom over he goes "Hey everyone brings out the choice wine first and the cheaper wine after the guests have had too much to drink but you have saved the best till now." You have saved the best till now. That declaration listen if you came here needing a miracle you're in the right place. Jesus is here and he still does miracles. He's your guy and he can help you. He wants to help you. He is willing to get involved in the details of your life and whatever going is going on in your life, however bad it seems, just know this God has saved the best till now. It feels like you know the best times are behind me now they're still ahead there's more immeasurably more that he has for you. God wants to put your pain in the past and bring his promise into the present. Even if you feel defeated listen it's not over yet. God has saved the best till now. Romans 8:28 says "We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him." God's fighting for your good right now within the bad and this today could be the start of something new for you. This could be a season of harvest where there's been heartache. Today could be the start of something new. This could be a season of prosperity where there's been pruning. You could come to God fresh and new and let him do a new thing as you're willing to pray and obey. If you're willing okay to get him involved in the details and then do whatever he tells you then he's willing to do that miracle that you're looking for. To show up and show off because he has saved the best till now. Do you believe that? (Yes) I'm just gonna ask you one more time do you believe that? (Yes) God has saved the best till now for you and I want to pray that over you as we close. Lord, thank you. Thank you that you saved the best and you've saved it till right now in our lives and and I just felt as I read that that you were saying that to me. So I'm flipping through this passage and it just jumped out at me that you're saying "Hey, I've saved the best till now. You've seen me do some things but it doesn't compare to what you're going to see me do. It doesn't compare to what I want to do now" and I believe that that is something you want to say to all of us. You want us coming here today expecting, believing that you have saved the best until now. That's the kind of God you are and especially when life's at its worst you just seem to be at your best and so as many in our church are just up against it and feeling hopeless and discouraged and tired Lord I just pray that they will come to you. If they're weary and heavy and burdened so that you can give them that rest Lord. I thank you that when we turn to you you run to us. That when we draw near to you you draw near to us and you rescue us. Lord I'm praying for those of us who are looking for a miracle in our lives that not only would we involve you in the intimate details that we would pray, but Lord that we would also obey and we would do whatever you tell us to do. Thank you that our obedience opens the door to the impossible. We want what you have for us God and so we're just saying we're willing to do what you say to us. Lord have your way in Jesus name Amen. God bless you. What an amazing and powerful message from Pastor J. If you have any questions or in need of prayer we would love to hear from you. Please go to Real.life/connect and someone will reach out to you soon. We want to remind you that if you're in the Orlando area we would love for you to join us at one of our Central Florida campuses. You can find out more about our locations and service times by visiting us online at Real.life/locations. Also if you would like to stay up to date with what God is doing here at Real Life and always know when we go live, subscribe to our YouTube channel now. You can also follow us on social media, download our app, or check us out online at Real.life to stay plugged in. Once again thank you for joining us today and remember that God is crazy about you!
Channel: Real Life Christian Church
Views: 2,140
Rating: 4.8333335 out of 5
Keywords: Real Life Christian Church, Real Life Church, Real Life, Justin Miller, Miracles, Miracle, Miracles in the Bible, Jesus miracle, needing a miracle, are miracles real, water to wine, wine, jesus water to wine, miracles from God, God miracle
Id: gC_Q2222lEs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 31sec (2131 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 30 2019
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