Miracle - Philip Lyn - Special Message

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this sunday i'm privileged to introduce to you our guest speaker he's none other than dr philip lynn philip lynn has been a friend he has invited me to his church but what impressed me about philippine is their emphasis on the actual practice of christianity in the marketplace you see philip lim is a full-time doctor at the same time he's a full-time pastor his elders his other pastors they are lawyers they are bankers why because philip lin's philosophy is so biblical it's about we are servants of the lord no matter what we do we are to serve god we are to give him our talents our treasures so i'm so glad that this sunday philip lynn can share with us his inspiration from god i pray you'll be blessed lord jesus we come before you acknowledging you you're our lord our god what a privilege it is to worship you today i pray that you will give all of us a humble heart lord help us to listen to what you will tell us and not just to listen to your word but to apply your word in our lives we now commit to you dr philip lynn you see mightily in jesus name we all pray amen let's welcome dr philip lynn hello pastor peter diora tanchi and the amazing family at ccf i counted a huge privilege to address you all today i bring you greetings all the way from skyline church in malaysia malaysia philippines we're not that far apart both pastor peter and pastor diony have been great blessings to us over the years we love and appreciate you and your friendship peter and dionya and your family and this wonderful extended big family called ccf all over the world this morning i'd like to share with you something that i believe should be part and parcel of our discipleship walk so as we come to the end of idc i believe that this is going to be a supernatural year for us uh in the new normal discipleship i want us to believe that god will break through even as we reach out with the gospel and fulfill the gospel mandate and share the gospel and bring a people to into the kingdom of god and make disciples of the nations today i want to speak about miracles experiencing the supernatural in our discipleship journey i know that sometimes this is not very much spoken about but i do believe it is a natural part of us because we worship and follow a supernatural god and he is the waymaker he's the miracle worker he is the light in our darkness somebody said amen to that many people today reject miracles and the supernatural simply because they contravene natural laws you see a miracle by definition is an extraordinary event with a positive outcome that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and therefore we attribute it to god many people say well because it actually breaks scientific laws uh we don't believe it that's the attitude and the approach of the post-modern 21st century world but for us miracle is extraordinary event with a positive outcome that's not explicable by scientific laws but we know god breaks in it is in fact a paradox with a divine course what is a paradox a paradox is when you have two conflicting truths and they both coexist for example in this picture i have two buttons a red button as well as a blue button the red button says the blue button is true then the blue button says the red button is false which contradicts the red button so if that is the case then what the blue button is saying cannot be true as well so you either have only one of the two buttons existing one truth or neither of them existing but if both of them exist and they claim to be the truth you have a contradiction and if they both exist you have a paradox now many people say they don't believe in miracles because it contravenes the laws of nature but science itself is full of paradoxes for example space-time is a paradox we experience space as three-dimensional with a flow of time that's how we experience it but actually albert einstein showed us that space and time is warped together as a fabric it's all one it's actually we live in a four-dimensional realm light is a paradox sometimes it behaves like a wave sometimes like a particle which is it we don't know it's it's a paradox it's both how can it be both at the same time well it is both it's a paradox quantum mechanics or physics is actually a paradox it's undergirded by the uncertainty principle which states that at subatomic level if you can determine the position of a subatomic particle you can't determine its momentum and vice versa if you can determine this momentum you can't determine its position that means at the sub-atomic level in quantum physics which undergirds all our physics everything is uncertain it's called the uncertainty principle matter is a paradox all the matter that we can see around us galaxies as well as on planet earth everything only constitutes four percent of all the matter in the universe the bulk of the matter in the universe is made up of 75 dark energy which causes the accelerated expansion of the universe and 21 dark matter which causes the galaxies to rotate round in a way that is more than it should if there was only uh just normal matter so what is dark energy what is dark matter we don't know what is it made of where did it come from we don't know mata is a paradox so at the basis of science itself it is made up of paradoxes just in case you think all these are just flights of fantasies and imagination the people who discovered this won nobel prizes einstein won the nobel prize for the photoelectric effect of light werner heisenberg won it for the uncertainty principle and recently three physicists astrophysicists adam reese and permatea of the united states and brian smith of australia won it in 2011 for the discovery of dark energy when you go to the bible there you go it's full of paradoxes just like it is in science god is three yet one how can it be that's a paradox jesus was both man and god that's a paradox the bible is written by man but divinely inspired by god those are paradoxes i want to tell you this that one of the great truths in which our lives are founded on is that god can break through some of the laws of nature where miracles take place in our lives when i first became a christian for many years i did not believe very much in miracles i thought god was a pie in the sky when we die and you know and the by and by until several years after i became a christian i when i was studying medicine in in the uk i went on a summer crusade with operation mobilization one summer to share the gospel in italy we were there for about six weeks and uh after the six weeks was over we saw many miracles but there's a minor miracles but the big one i would tell you about was when we were uh making our way back over italy into austria and eventually to get back to belgium so that we could take a ferry back to england we were all together in a bread van 20 students and when we were up on the mountains crossing northern italy into austria i saw the brakes fail in other words the driver stepped on the pedal the brakes the brakes failed to engage and he managed to change his gear down and pull the vehicle to the side of the road using a handbrake and we stopped there you know barely thankful to the lord for saving our lives at a point in time so we we look at the engine i went with a driver down to look at the engine and i found that there was fluid brake fluid leaking from the brake compartment and that's why there was no resistance in the brake pedal when it was stepped on and i said to the leader of the group i said she was a tall swedish guy i said we need a mechanic but it was one o'clock in the morning up on the mountains where we're gonna get a mechanic he said let's pray i thought that was a stupid thing but i prayed anyway together with them because i didn't have much faith in those days and so we prayed at the end one hour he said i believe god has done a miracle why do you check the brakes and then i saw it with my own eyes i saw the driver of the vehicle stepped on the brake pedal and now the brake met resistance we were so excited we lifted up the bonnet of the the van to have a look at the engine somewhere and somehow god had sealed the lake uh the the leak in the brake fluid compartment and it created some dark fluid i assume it's brake fluid that's in there and we were able to to restart the the van and drive all the way back down to austria and eventually back to belgium and i caught my ferry back into the uk that incident that incident that personal story of operation mobilization changed my attitude from apathy i was apathetic about miracles to all god can intervene in our lives i remember another story told to me by a church of england clergyman he was quite a bright guy you know very rational very logical but he believed in jesus but he didn't very much believe in miracles one day he went to a kathryn kuhlman rally at healing evangelist rally in the united states he planted himself in the front seat to get a full view because he was cynical about healings and during the service catherine kuhlman said there's a man in the front who is being healed and and asked that man to come forward uh because that man i was being healed of his limp and his bad leg and this man came up and said he was it was him and kathryn kuhlman said you couldn't walk before the man said no i couldn't walk before. then can you walk now and he walked perfectly and said can you run so he ran perfectly and the whole stadium erupted into chairs and applause now the church of england clergymen he was that minister was sitting there with his arms folded he was not impressed he turned to the old man sitting next to him and said you know that guy who went up two seats from us who went up there who's now walking on the platform obviously it's a plant isn't it somebody planted him there he probably had nothing wrong with him but he just came out just to pretend that he had been healed so that faith would arise in the auditorium and the giving towards this ministry would increase i and he said that you don't truly believe that do you he told the old man and then he saw tears streaming down the eyes from the old man and the old man turned and looked at him and says that was a miracle because that man went up was my son he couldn't walk before and that struck that that clergyman from that moment his cynicism turned to conviction today i want to take you on a journey with me so that in this year 2021 as we enter into new disciple a new normal discipleship i believe that many of us are going to see the miracles of god for our lives can somebody say it amen to that miracles are going to break through for your life so i want to talk about the first miracle jesus did john chapter 2 the first miracle the wedding at canaan of galilee where jesus converted water into wine let's read it together starting from verse 1 and there was a wedding in canaan of galilee and the mother of jesus was there now both jesus and his disciples were invited to the wedding and when they ran out of wine the mother of jesus said to him they have no wine jesus said to her woman what does your concern have to do with me my r has not yet come his mother said to the servants whatever he says to you do it now there were six jars of stone each containing 20 or 30 gallons a piece jesus said to them fill the jars with water and he said to them draw out some now and take it to the master of the feast and when the master of the feast had tasted the water that was made wine he called the bridegroom and said every man starts with a good wine and then the inferior you have kept the good wine until now this was the first of the miracles jesus did in canaa of galilee and his disciples believed him after this he went down to capernaum he his mother his brothers and his disciples let's start with the background whose wedding feast was it at cana probably one of mary's close relatives why because when they ran out of wine they went to mary fest and you must understand that running out of wine in a middle eastern wedding is like running out of food in a chinese wedding it is a shameful thing and people will talk about it in shameful turn for generations so when you run out of wine you obviously don't go and tell the guests just like in a chinese wedding if you run out of food you're never going to tell the guest first you tell somebody in the family fest so they went and told mary first so she must be a family member not only that you know they knew the servants not only knew who she was but they knew that she had authority in the family otherwise why go and see her because probably the rest of the family were busy but she had authority in the family she was probably the aunt and probably her nephew or niece was getting married and she was probably a regular visitor she was probably the the oldest aunt and so she had authority over the servants that's why they went to her fest and here's the second reason why it was a family wedding uh of the relatives of mary because ultimately mary brought the whole family there mary brought jesus and all the brothers there now you normally don't bring your family to a friend's wedding at least it's not done uh in asia i don't think it's done anywhere in the world you don't bring your friends to uh you know do you don't bring a family to a friend's wedding you only bring your family when it's a relative's wedding okay your cousins your uncles your aunties an extended family relatives wedding so the whole family was there so it had to be one of mary's family's relatives wedding now i would like to establish four keys four keys by which we as disciples of the lord begin to experience the miraculous in our journey uh as disciples here's the first thing the four keys to experiencing miracles comes firstly to looking to jesus first when you meet a situation that's challenging when you need a situation that you need a breakthrough look to jesus first it says in verse 3 when they ran out of wine the mother of jesus said to him they have no wine now the normal thing to do the natural thing to do when you run a rewind in a middle eastern wedding is one hither theater go to the village look for people and say hey anybody can can lend me some bottles of wine half a barrel of wine a few jugs of wine is there a wine merchant in town that we can buy wine from is there somebody with a big wine cellar that we can borrow wine from that's the natural that's looking at a natural they will go and do that just like many of us you know when we face challenges um supposing we have challenges in our business we'll start going to the bank manager looking for a friendly bank an extra loan first people who loan us money because you know we have cash flow problems or when we come up from a doctor's office with bad diagnosis is there any other specialist that we can look at any other doctor from when we can get a second opinion any expert in a medical field we can get a second opinion we would think like that first naturally but if you want to see the miracle we don't think like that first look to jesus first look with your heart and when they ran out of wine the mother of jesus said to him they have no wine she didn't look for the to borrow wine she didn't look for people with wine cellars or wine merchants she went straight to the son of god she looked to jesus first and that's the first thing we should understand in our discipleship journey hey guys every time we face challenges in our lives whatever maybe you are going through right now look to jesus first look with your heart secondly look beyond god's apparent non-response sometimes when we look we don't get an immediate reply from god sometimes we get a lot of other distractions and we wonder if god is even there you know you may have a bad back and you know you can hardly walk and you're struggling to get into your car and you're crying out to god to heal you nothing seems to be happening you get into your car you shut the car door you turn on the ignition and it wouldn't start because the battery is flat what do you do it's like another problem on top of this problem that you have is god there god's apparent non-response you see when mary went to jesus jesus and said to him we have no wine she expected jesus to actually say yes or no to her jesus in fact said neither he said woman what does this have to do with me my r has not yet come what what kind of response is that it's an apparent non-response it's not yes it's not no it's just a known response sometimes when you're sitting in that car and you have a bad back you're crying out to god for healing and your car won't start is god there is is it going to heal you or not it's not a yes it's not a no it's a non-response but god is in the non-response you come out of a doctor's office with a bad diagnosis and you're crying out to god for healing and suddenly you know some the kids are playing on the streets and they they kick you they kick the ball and it hits your face and the ball lands up on the tree and they ask you if you can take the ball down for them what has this to do with your bad diagnosis you're asking god to heal you is god here in the midst of this you you're taking balls down from the tree for the kids and uh your mind is a thousand miles away but god is in that normal response says the second key look with your heart look to him first secondly look beyond god's apparent non-response persevere through here's the third thing when you look with your heart look to do whatever he tells you because as you look beyond god's response in the situation he will speak to you he would tell you i remember many years ago we were holding an evening to pray for healing and uh we started we a miracle broke out in an incredible way because in our congregation we had a woman uh who was pregnant and when she was pregnant she fell and slipped and fell and cracked her tailbone and she was in severe pain so that they had to do a c-section for her and deliver the baby but she couldn't walk for many weeks after delivering the baby and nursed the baby in a bed eventually she could struggle up walking in severe pain but she didn't come to church for two months because she could hardly walk because of the cracked tailbone then one day she heard that we were having a healing evening service so she told her husband you know what just just drop me outside the the hotel lobby and i will make my way to church the husband said you're crazy he said i know he says no god has told me i was good for this healing service you know um skyline church we are actually in a in a five star hotel pastor diona and pastor peter have been to us before and they know that when this beautiful five-star hotel resort be on the third floor and you need to get uh onto a spiral stack is a grand spiral strike is to walk up to where we are as a church and this woman she struggled up the spiral stackage she left a baby at home to be looked after by her husband she struggled up the staircase and i was speaking in that service that evening she appeared at the back door and i was shocked that she had come to church and then you know when we prayed for the sick she came she struggled forward and as we we prayed for her she fell onto the floor and i was so shocked that she might crack another bone i asked my my one of my pastors to pick up very quickly and she's but she shoot them all away and she stood up before me and she said i'm healed the pain is gone you see i can walk and she walked normally and she she said i can run and she started running around the auditorium you know faith erupted and god just broke through in a mighty way miracles breakthrough how many of you want miracles like that in your lives because we worship a supernatural god miracles are part and parcel of what god wants us to inherit in our discipleship journey because he's a supernatural god he's a god who is a miracle worker even as we journey with jesus here's the fourth key not only do we look to obey what he says we need not just to obey but we need to step out everybody says step out step out in faith and receive look to step out in faith and to receive now it's so important because uh you know when when when jesus said to to mary uh you know tell the people to fill up the jars the six stone jars of water now it's not easy to fill up six stone jars of water each containing 30 gallons of water it's not easy they had no running water that day they probably had to go down to the well you know take small pots of water come up and then fill it up again and fill it to the brim lots of servants lots of hard work but they stepped out to obey what jesus had said we sometimes need to go through tough times to obey what god has said in the midst of that and challenges sometimes it's outside our comfort zone but step out by faith and then jesus said to the two to the servants now you take the water and serve it to the master of the house the master of the feast and they took that water probably in a small put some water in a smaller pot and took it to the master of the feast now scripture suggests to us that somewhere in that journey as they were walking from where the pots were to into the house where the master of the feast was and together by the bridal party and the wedding party was the water change into wine we need to step out in faith and received and when they poured that water they are supposedly the water it was actually wine coming into the cup of the the master of the feast and he probably tasted it and he said wow this is exciting this is this is fantastic stuff everybody serves the the you know the good wine first and then when people are drunk yourself the poor wine but this is yourself the best wine for the last this is fantastic stuff he probably tasted it and says you know what this reminds me of um of shuttle of feet 30 bc that is not a.d and you know he was astounded he was astounded by the miracles that took place and i believe with this four keys if we begin to look at our heart look to him look beyond the season of non-response look to obey what he says and look to step out in faith and obedience to him outside our comfort zone we will see the miracles take place in our lives let me just tell you what do miracle people say if miracles take place you know why is it that we hear so few reports about that you know what i'm a medical doctor i've seen many miracles take place in my life um you know what and it's not reported in the papers in our town why why is that why is it that it's not reported in facebook or instagram and the social media if there's so many miracles taking place well i'll tell you the three reasons why firstly when miracles take place firstly they are spectacular but often silent what do i mean by that here it is when water was poured out it became wine chemically h2o became c2h5oh c2h5oh is alcohol okay so h2o has no c it has no carbon in it somewhere carbon was created out of the hydrogen atoms the h2 as water was being poured out into the in in into the cup and you became wine now what kind of miracle it's an amazing miracle because you cannot convert hydrogen to carbon atoms on planet earth you know where hydrogen is converted to carbon it's in the middle of the sun in the core of the sun at 5000 degrees or above then hydrogen fuels to form helium and helium fuels to form carbon it is a spectacular miracle yet it was silent some of the most spectacular miracles that take place in our lives as we journey as disciples it's hard to describe and tell people if you tell people you know jesus converted what changed water into why they'll laugh see many miracles are like that they're spectacular but they're silent when jesus steals the storm who saw the miracle 12 disciples sometimes i wonder jesus why didn't you steal the storm and just get the whole of galilee there create the storm and then steal it then everybody will believe in you i don't know why he didn't do it but only 12 disciples saw the stealing of the storm it's spectacular but silent that's the first reason why you don't read about it in your newspapers or read about your social media because when you tell it something is missing people don't believe it here's the second reason what why this is what miracles look like when they happen they're often public but personal they can happen in a public sphere but they're sometimes very very personal they're very personal let me give an example when barty mayer's the blind man was healed outside the entrance of jericho city he had been there begging all his life and when jesus healed him everybody saw it jesus was surrounded by the crowds but as far as they were concerned that was just that was great good good on you bartimaeus you know it's it's great that you know it's nice to see a blind man getting healed well let's move on to the city as far as we're concerned it was just a sideshow you know one of those shows that jesus does in miracles and then move into the city you know and then eventually they're going to encounter zacchaeus and they move into jericho you know for more things that jesus do and it was like one of the many incidences as far as the public is concerned but for bartimaeus it's everything it was life-changing for him you know he's no longer blind he was begging on the streets now his life changes because he now can see he can work for himself he's no longer despised everything changed it was public but nobody can feel the miracle like him personal just like a woman with the issue of blood would spend all the money on medical treatment and none of it had succeeded 12 years the issue of blood and he touched the helm of jesus government and he was she was healed i mean she was healed you know as far as the crowd was concerned she was just a nuisance who was this woman contaminating everybody and making everybody ritually unclean because she was bleeding who was this woman who was just holding jesus back on his way to jairus's house to heal his daughter it was just just somebody who was just you know just a nuisance on the way and and for the public the public saw this miracle take place when she her bleeding stopped and he was just like okay let's get on with the journal let's go to jairus's house so as the public is concerned but for the woman with the issue of blood it was everything it was public but very very personal and that's how i've experienced miracles in my own life that's how i've experienced miracles and seen miracles and healings in in in skyline and in the life as a disciple and even in my medical clinic in praying for the sick i've seen this happen here's the third thing about the miracles of jesus not only are they spectacular and silent and public but personal but they are abundant and abiding they are abundant and yet abiding you know when jesus converted all six jars into wine of water into wine that's 180 gallons each jar contain 30 gallons of water so that is 180 gallons that makes 680 liters of wine that's almost 1 000 bottles of wine the equivalent that jesus created 900 over just under 1 000 bottles of wine now by my calculation it is enough for anything from 2 700 to 5 600 guests depending on how much each guest drink in other words a minimum of 2 700 guests but you know that's only a village wedding where would they have so many guests 2 700 guests is royal wedding size when queen elizabeth got married in 1947 at her royal wedding she had 2 500 guests that's royal wedding jesus made enough wine for over 700 to 5 000 over guests it is not just abundant but it is abiding the household had more than enough wine to last them years that's the kind of god we worship he's the god of abundance when he blesses you when the miracles come through it is the god of the mordan i want you to know that and that's been my experience let me close i share with you the story it's very personal to my own family because i have three children i have three children and the youngest uh is her name is sarah at the age of four sarah my youngest daughter was found accidentally strangulated on a clothesline at the backyard of the violin teacher's house now we don't know what happened we know that it was a clothesline with a loose piece of string with a noose hanging down and she was playing with another three-year-old girl climbing on stools playing with his rope and nobody saw them and eventually she got her head and a neck caught in that rope and then it accidentally must have kicked the stool and then strangulated she was only found about eight minutes seven eight minutes later when she was brought down she was dead and there was no pulse no respiration the pupils were fixed and dilated in the four o'clock afternoon sun and the violent teacher was screaming and trying to do cpr the best she could they rang me frantically i managed to get there in time and and the lord said to me you just go and speak life into sarah so when i arrived i got there even before the ambulance i spoke life into her before i pull out my medical tools god brought breath back into her life but she was in a deep coma with all the signs of major brain damage we brought her to hospital and she was in a coma and she was in a coma overnight you know in in high dependency in intensive care but you know 12 hours after she went to hospital the whole church came together to pray through the night 12 hours after that she woke up the next morning suddenly completely healed and this is sarah completely healed with her mom nancy my wife and her elder sister francis and this is her at four years old waking up completely healed without any sign of brain damage at all when god does something it is not just abundant it is also abiding because people often ask what is sarah like today because that happened 18 years ago when she was four years old sarah is 22 year old today what she like does she have all the residue of brain damage was there any brain damage from that incident that god brought her back no sarah has just graduated from medical school when god does something it is not just abundant it is abiding and i believe we worship the god more than he will do more than exceedingly abundantly beyond all that you can ask or think this is sarah today at 22 years old with her brother her older brother okay and and her older sister and we have three kids and this is what god does in this amazing time i believe that god wants to do a miracle after miracle in this year of 2021 i believe that as god shapes our character i believe that we step out of our comfort zone and and share the gospel that we and and make disciples of nations as the gospel mandate is given to us i believe that part and parcel of the new normal in disciple making that god is going to give us in this year 2021 will include breakthroughs and miracles we're going to see miracles we're going to receive breakthroughs we're going to go through challenges and we're going to see the hand of god come true for our lives how do we begin to receive the miraculous in our lives here's the thing believe god's word believe what he says understand the word of god but now by faith believe in your heart look to him first with your heart look beyond his known response look to hear what he tastes to you and look to step out of your comfort zone by faith and you will see those miracles take place and when they do they're often spectacular but silent they may be in public places but they're very personal to you and when they happen they're abundant and abiding if that's you and if you believe that that's what you want from god and you believe that you want to walk the supernatural journey as a disciple of the lord i want to pray for you i want you to lift up your hands where you are right now and open your hands right now like this in this way because i want to pray for you and i will pray for fresh faith and impartation of faith upon your life i pray that in ccf that in this year of the new normal discipleship it will be a year of also miraculous breakthroughs for your lives as a church and for many of you in your lives in your family are you ready now just lift up your hand as i pray for you father god i just thank you for each and everyone here today i thank you lord that when you did that miracle at canaan of galilee lord it had all these things but the people who saw it the people who believed were the disciples they saw you know i pray that today as your disciples lord we will be expectant of miracles in our lives and i pray that the year 2021 will be a supernatural year because god you are the waymaker you are the miracle worker you are the light in our darkness and i pray for each one whatever we are going through right now challenges in our business our families our health our personal lives our work and other challenges that only you know but god knows i pray in the name of jesus that you will learn to believe god at his word believe that you worship a supernatural god of miracles and i believe by god's grace as i speak about faith and i impart faith into your life that you will rise up in faith to believe god at his word and that you will look to jesus and that miracles will begin to take place right throughout this year even as you begin to share the gospel even as you obey the great commission to make disciples of all nations may you grow from grace to grace strength to strength faith to faith that you may see god's glory from glory to glory i bless you and i pray all this in jesus name amen amen amen i trust you've been blessed by the word this morning and i pray that you will rise up as a people of faith and see miracles in your discipleship journey as you walk with the lord have a great day have a great week and above all have a miracle-filled year in this new normal year of disciple making god bless you i'll see you again soon bye for now thanks for watching we would like to invite you to be a christ-committed follower by being part of the movement as we honor god and obey his great commission to find out if there's a csef satellite near you log on to www.ccf.org.ph satellites we also want to encourage you to join a small discipleship group where you can deepen your knowledge and love for jesus and others to sign up log on to www.ccf.org.ph discipleship group all of csf's video resources are available free of charge and are constantly being improved by our team would you consider supporting ccf through prayer in giving so more people can be blessed you can give securely through our website at www.cc give for more videos like this please subscribe to our channel thanks and god bless
Channel: Christ’s Commission Fellowship
Views: 19,385
Rating: 4.8810067 out of 5
Keywords: CCF, Christ's, Commission, Fellowship, Sunday, Service, Sermon, Speaker, Message
Id: dvGRYGVp_hU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 5sec (2225 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 02 2021
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