Miracle Month of May 2018 "When a Good Thing Goes Bad"

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] praise the Lord praise the Lord everybody we greet you this evening in the precious name of Jesus oh what a joy it is to be in the house of God just one more time so we're so thankful for what God has done for this month of may this miracle month of May but how many of y'all are glad that God's miracles just don't stop in the last month of May but his miracles keep going and they keep going and God keep giving and giving and giving and the miracle is that he allows us to receive what he give us so I just glory and I praise God on today if wherever you are if we can just be still for just a moment and let's just open up in prayer let's just give God some honor and praise by centering our heart [Music] most precious God Lord we love you Lord we adore you and father we come right now in the name of your son Jesus Christ first of all to say thank you father if it had not been for you we don't know where we would be so god we thank you for giving us the minds to seek you we thank you Lord God for giving us a heart to serve you oh god we just come right now with Thanksgiving on our lips and in our hearts and father as we enter into this place on this evening father we are thankful oh god we don't want anything to keep us from getting close to you on this evening so we just ask if there is anything that's in our hearts or minds Lord God that's not pleasing to You Father we ask that you would remove that because on this evening Lord God after this very moment Lord we want to worship you in spirit and in truth so father we just ask that you would deposit in us the Spirit of Christ that we might be in you and you and us Lord God we ask that you have deposit the Spirit of Christ that we might love as you would have us to love that we might have wisdom and understanding father that we might even forgive and have compassion as you would have us to love so god we just opened up this evening and we ask that your Holy Spirit just fill this place we ask Lord God that you would touch the man of the hour Lord God the speaker that will come forth proclaiming the word of Jesus Christ we know that you said if Jesus is lifted up that you'll draw all men unto you so father we just thank you in advance we thank you in advance for the yokes that will be broken today we thank you in advance for the captives that will be set free we thank you in advance Lord God for the deliverance of the healing Lord God that will occur on this evening because we are in the presence of your Holy Spirit so father we just thank you again we bless your name on this season and we say have your way have your way have your way in Jesus name Amen [Music] our scripture reading on this evening will be found some 150 of division of Psalms one hundred and fiftieth division of Psalms and I'll be reading the New International Version praise the Lord praise God in His sanctuary praise him in his mighty heavens praise him for his acts of power praise him for his surpassing greatness praise him with the sounding of the trumpet praise him with the harp and lira praise him with the timbrel and dancing praise him with the string strings and pipes let everything that hath breath praise the Lord praise ye the Lord God's Word is already an origin I wish there were some errors in here and some doers of God's already anointed Word [Music] come on how many came to lift his name on high on tonight how many love to sing his praises how many of you glad he came from heaven to earth just for you just for me hallelujah amen [Music] Lord I lift your name on high lord I love to sing your praises I'm so glad you're in my life I'm so glad you came to save us Lord I live [Music] lord I love to sing your praise I'm so glad [Music] you came to save us Lord I lift your name on high I love to see your praise I'm so glad you're in my life I'm so glad you came to save us come on everybody you came from heaven to show the earth to the cross my debt you pay from the cross to the grave from the glaze oh yeah [Music] hallelujah come on [Music] Lord I lift your name on high lord I love sing your praises [Music] I'm so glad you came to save us Lord I live I love to sing your praise [Music] my from heaven loser from the grave to the sky your name when I lift your name on high lord I love to sing your praises I'm so glad I'm so glad you came to save us to see your parade that you came to save hi to sing your brain you're in my life whole educate to save come on everybody the way you pay on the car from the way Hey [Applause] so away [Music] my nephew let's go [Applause] [Music] yes appear to show the way for the program my dad babe from the club to the grave from the grave we came to lift your name the Gloria with your name come on and give him a real good praise on tonight hallelujah somebody call in Jesus he's the Blessed Savior he's worthy to be praised everybody praise you [Music] all praise him praise Him it's good to praise the Lord you say miss Jesus let's see oh praise him whoa crazy let's praise him fancy usually shoes let's just say Mia yeah oh love him let me love you kiss maybe some let's sit say - yeah come on answer me [Applause] sir oh stop him [Music] Shoeless that's insane the rise of the spa down at the same that mode is what it to be pretty whoa crazy come on let's praise him praise him his name is Sheila let's it's a he's wanted to be praised come on aspiration place him oh praise Him yes there is that's a savior [Applause] yeah ah [Music] [Music] come on let's play Oh crazy praise to the low let's see [Applause] Yahtzee ah [Music] [Applause] operation praise you [Music] to see us she's us Jesus he's a rocket a winner Thomas she-sus I love the coolest night he's a chapter he's a little Danny the bright and Morning Star he's a wee little bit lonely yes his name I love that name Oh Oh hold him all cheaters the same he's forget you yeah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] merci [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] merci [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you Oh merci [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] see [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] that's always four people have been in some sho'nuff situations that you put yourself in but only God could get you out of is there anybody in here like that where certain situations happen with nothing but the mercy of God would get you out of it and he came and he gave you an overall bundle of His mercy and His grace for 30 seconds if we just open our mouths and praise not me but God for his mercy for his mercy how many of us know we shouldn't even be here right now but it's mercy and people that did the same things with us are gone and we're still here because of it [Music] hallelujah you know he is worthy to be praised from the rising of the Sun to the going down of the same his name is worthy to be praised it was the psalmist who said that he would not offer God anything that didn't cost him something and I want to say to you our brothers and sisters men it cost us something tonight would you lift your hands hold your shout with joy won't you bless his name he's worthy he's worthy Oh bless His name hallelujah hallelu halleluyah halleluyah let's join in concert with heaven because heaven blesses his name and we are down here on earth and we're gonna bless his name we're gonna give him all the plays and all the other he's a good god hallelujah are they that's his name he's been good to me has he been good to you honey lonely clothing is something we come together let's shake the devil up tonight they'll let him know that we love Jesus we are one accord and we want him to know that we love Jesus I'll say bless His Holy Name hallelujah I'm so glad to be with you tonight bless his name together he's worthy he's worthy to be praised how they do your sakes of God a man a man a man a man a man lowly let's just give him a hand praise right now over to God Thank You mighty God thank you thank you thank you hallelujah hallelujah and Thank You mighty men Oh read how they go yeah bless the Lord for them amen so good to be in this house amen we will now have our video announcements in I'll ask you to please turn your attention to the screens for the announcements join us every Tuesdays at the new Life Gathering enjoy a dynamic worship experience combining spirit-filled biblical teaching vibrant worship and intimate small group discussions to find out more stop by the information table in the lobby or visit us on our website at re temple org and we're so excited to welcome you to New Life floor where we're sewing new life and reaping new leaders three Temple AME Church presents the 2018 miracle month of May every Wednesday night in May at 7 p.m. wrapping up the miracle month on May 30th his Pastor John faizon of Watson Grove Baptist Church it's the miracle month of May every Wednesday night at 7 p.m. at Reid temples Glendale campus brie temple presents women's week in 2018 happening June 22nd and 23rd this year's theme is God in the midst of her registration is now open for this spirit-filled weekend assessments are $45 for women 18 and over and $15 for girls ages 13 to 17 our colors are orange yellow and white go to read temple org to register for women's week in 2018 this is one weekend that you don't want to miss calling all children ages three to seven youth ages 7 to 17 and young adults ages 18 to we're looking for uuu the music ministry is recruiting singers for children surprise young adult fire and our newly formed they young people fire and they're holding a spot just for you join our great children's youth and young adult movement to inspire encourage and exalt the name of Jesus in these excellent now listen there's no audition needed just stop by the table in the lobby after each service today China [Music] now you're up to date with all of our announcements for these and other announcements please follow us on all of our social media outlets you can friend us on Facebook subscribe to our YouTube channel follow us on Twitter and Instagram may God bless you and remember have faith in God [Music] amen we ask that you govern yourselves accordingly and make sure that you plug into the various events and activities here at the church amen we would like to count our blessings this evening by welcoming our visitors at this time do we have any first time or returning visitors we ask that you would stand at this time any first time or returning visitors would you please stand amen amen I just like to say on behalf of Pastor Washington sister Washington and the members here Reed temple we welcome you to our midweek miracle month of May service and we're so glad that you're here to worship with us this evening and we really ask that you please are remain standing and I will as the greeters come forth and share with you our Welcome Packet but we also would like now for all of our Reed temple members would you stand at this time with your midweek smile and show some godly love in this house of prayer tonight a man as we sing together we're glad to be in Reed temple [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] three temple family humming excited to be in the house of the Lord on tonight come on come on you can do better than I'm in centimeter glad to be in the house of the Lord on tonight God woke you up this morning got you started on your way give you another opportunity to come out at the fellowship and his presence on this miracle month how many have been being blessed all month long by this revival series and we just celebrate God for the awesome preaching that's been coming through this house all month long and it's going to continue on tonight Reed temple because there is a preacher in the house a man before we get there we're at a time of the service that we always celebrate as a ministry it's time for us to have an opportunity to give back to God a portion of what he's given unto us we're gonna take up our evening offering on tonight amen and so we are excited about an opportunity to come into God's house and come into his presence and to give we're going to ask that you would stand all over the house on tonight our ushers will be directing you to come around from the rear to the front we just want to pray over the offering on tonight even before you begin to come and to give as God lays it on your heart to give to so back into the ministry that God uses to sow into your life here at Reed temple as you do so the mighty men have the men been singing on tonight of what a man the mighty men are going to lead us in a song of giving as we continue to go higher in worship let us pray a gracious God we just thank you for another opportunity to come into your presence we recognize God that it's in you that we live move and have our being God we know that we're nothing without you god we thank you for the presence of your Holy Spirit and the anointing that's yet in this place even right now that we're not just playing for the preacher on tonight we're praying for the people in the pews God we're coming at this moment to give back to you a portion of what you've given unto us use it to bless your people to edify your kingdom and for the up building of this your world this we ask in Jesus mighty name we pray our hearts and our souls say amen amen and you're in the hands of the ushers on tonight music ministry is gonna continue to take us higher and after we do so we'll hear about this preacher that's going to bring the word to us [Music] the only pain to do is give God the glory come on put your hands together the only painter do is give God the glory repeat after me glory glory glory to our ki who was slain for our be glory glory glory to the lamb who was slain or I'll be here we go we pride we cried don't miss you can sing it with it holy holy holy is hockey the Lamb who was slain or I'll give holy holy holy is our key who was slain or I'll be here we go we pride Hey we cried lowly my boss says this sing a new song too lamb who was slain or I'll be to the lamb who was slain or RV - hey we cry listen sing ha [Music] know we love you [Music] we cried low man you may be seated in the house on tonight before I have the honor of introducing the preacher have one important announcement that we'd like to bring how many know that we are in the middle of an awesome building project right now we're building a Senior Center a man so that we can provide affordable quality housing for members of our community who deserve to have a great place to spend the out of the years of their lives amen we recently learned that the county has posted notice of funding available in the amount of 2.8 million dollars that a man that we may be eligible for as a church to use towards the funding of a senior come on you can do better than that I said [Music] [Applause] now here's here's what we have to do what we found out we just learned of this yesterday as an expansion committee team and we have letters that need to be signed by everyone that we can get a hand and a pen together on this paper on these letters we'll be outside on the information desk so we ask that on your way out on tonight you stop by and you pick up one of these letters and then we get you to sign it showing your support of us going after this funding it is just a blessing a man for us to even be eligible for it to be able to go after it but we need your help in order to do so responses to this are due on this Friday so we do not have much time amen time is imperative that's why we're getting this before you even right now so once again stop by we're on your way out that's right the information that's there should be a line you know the line just like y'all do a barbecue is line up a man and make sure that we get this notice so that we can continue to move the project forward and we're gonna claim it in advance and be grateful in advance for what God is going to do amen amen Church there is a preacher in the house on tonight no stranger to recon you can celebrate them even now one pastor faizon of the grove there in Nashville Tennessee to feel welcomed he is no stranger to this house his preaching is respected and admired by Pastor Washington who in his absence asked to extend greetings to Pastor faizon and to you but we're just excited to welcome him back to Reed Temple on tonight Pastor faizon is just a humble preacher humble man who God has used to do a great work in a relatively short period of time since he became pastor I didn't want to share with you one of the things that he said to me during our last conversation he was in town a little while ago during an annual conference I think he was preaching in Southeast DC and we were having a conversation about what God has been able to allow him to do since becoming he said something that to me is an indication of the level of humility that he has he said rather I gotta tell you that part of the reason why God has been able to use me to do so much is because my predecessor fought so many battles at the church that I didn't have to fight that I could just come in and do what God had called me to do I'm mentioning that to show you his character because in 2018 many people like to act like their overnight successes and that they're not standing on the shoulders of anyone and that they just showed up and something magical happened he didn't have to share that with me he could have easily said yeah man I just came in and got it done but what he said was I'm building on the foundation and the legacy that was laid before me and God is using it me to take it to higher Heights and deeper depths can you just celebrate a man of God like that he's my homeboy native from Virginia as well as eyes also a member of the only fraternity that exists on Magus that Phi Fraternity incorporated that's the only one just so you know and we are just excited to have him in the house on tonight route to the cues and so after all these men continue to take us higher in the worship experience the next voice that you'll hear will be that of Pastor John Faison of the Grove in Nashville Tennessee hear ye him and be blessed on tonight amen amen [Music] [Music] you are good you've been so good Lord you are good you've been better than good I can't believe you enough I owe you in my life I can't praise you enough even if I tried [Music] [Music] even if I tried [Music] so good [Music] better [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] open the door [Applause] [Applause] your winter [Music] that story [Music] [Music] good elevator you can so good so good everybody you've been [Music] this is your song to him you're not singing this to us [Applause] nobody but cheese [Music] if you love it come on if you're really real that means been good to you come on and blossom hallelujah [Music] [Applause] I will bless the Lord at all times and his praise shall continually be in my mouth my soul shall make her boast in the Lord the humble shall hear their robe and be glad or magnify the Lord with me and let us exalt his name together come on if you got a testimony tonight that not only has he been good to them but he's been good to you through many dangers toils and snares we've already come but God's grace has brought us safe thus far and His grace will lead us home somebody come on come on help me honor on a Wednesday night tell God I appreciate you I thank you I thank you for your goodness that met me and kept me last night I thank you for your mercy that met me early this morning yesterday's mercy had expired so you met me with brand new mercy hallelujah [Music] Booya come on he's been good tonight he's been so kind do me a favor grab a neighbor's hands at night grab a libras hand let's go to God let's go to God in prayer Oh Lord our Lord how excellent is your name in all the earth we're grateful tonight and we are unashamed we are unapologetic to own you in public spaces follow it when we were in private and struggling you owned us we didn't know how we were going to pay bills you owned us my bodies were sick and doctors and nurses didn't know what to do you you owned us friends left us and family forsook us we were by ourselves trembling in the storm and God you owned us as your own so now God since we've gathered in the sacred space called sanctuary we made up our minds to give you what belongs to you you've been good to us and God we've gathered to say thank you we've gathered to worship You spirit and in truth now Lord we pray for the neighbor whose hand we hold tonight you got no idea God where they're coming from we don't know what they have to go back home to but we do know you are keeper and we know it because there is blood coursing through their veins even now you were keeper they've got breath in their bodies or in their right minds because you're you're a keeper so lord I pray unselfishly tonight I pray for my neighbor I pray that wherever they sit whether they stand whatever station of life they find themselves here I pray God that through word and worship you will minister to them Anna poignant and powerful and personal way I pray in the name of Jesus God that you will minister to the unspoken prayers of their soul I pray in the name of Jesus that you will meet them right where they are and Lord when not if when you move on their behalf when you answer their prayers when you come through on their behalf god I promise not to get jealous I promise not to be a hater I I promised God that I'll worship you for what you're doing in their lives oh god I got sense enough to know if you can do it for them oh god you can do it for me and if you're blessing my neighbor it means God you're in the neighborhood so I'll celebrate you tonight as you move as only you can now God as we gather around your word is our prayer that you'll let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart allow it to be acceptable in thy sight O Lord my strength and my Redeemer God preached through me to me and for me send the word so your people will be edified but in all things your name be glorified I bless you for the treasure that you've placed in earthen vessels that the excellency of the power may be of God and not of us [Music] bless your people tonight you know my power is not enough I need yours my strength is insufficient I need yours have your way do what only you can do say what only you can say and we will be careful to give you the glory up the honor and the credit for it all belongs to you pray it now in the name of Jesus by the people of God say Amen come on if you know God answers prayer would you help me give them a prayer answer agrees tonight hallelujah our God is worthy to be praised amen amen amen we certainly honor God tonight who is the head of our life and the undisputed head of his church I would that you would help me to applaud and appreciate and to celebrate pastor this people in the angel of this assembly a man a man the bishop it is all right some people carry a title of bishop some people walk in the office of a bishop I believe dr. Lee P Washington is just that will you help me praise God for him one more time amen amen we're grateful for here in this leadership a man grateful for this wonderful opportunity to be able to stand tonight and to be able to share here again at the Reed Temple Church y'all look amazing amen good to see y'all tonight all of our preachers who are here with us Amen Reverend Hughes god bless you sir crest McKinley all the preachers who share the rostrum we praise God for your presence as well and that he's singing man come on help me praise God but he's singing second man amen amen we're absolutely grateful listen we don't want to be before you long tonight but there is a word from the Lord well did you go with me in your Bibles to the book of Acts the book of Acts chapter 15 Acts chapter 15 we want to begin reading at verse 36 Acts chapter 15 I want to begin reading at verse 36 I read from a New Living Translation Acts chapter 15 beginning at verse 36 a man a man when you have it let it be known by saying a man if you don't have it say hold on hey man I believe everybody's there amen Acts chapter 15 verse 36 from the New Living Translation it reached this way after some time Paul said to Barnabas let's go back and visit each city where we previously preached the word of the Lord to see how the new believers are doing Barnabas agreed and wanted to take along John Mark Paul disagreed strongly since John Mark had deserted them in Pamphylia and had not continued with them in their work their disagreement was so shocked that they separated Barnabas took John mark with him and sailed for Cyprus Paul chose silence and as he left the believers entrusted him to the Lord's gracious care then he traveled throughout Syria and Cilicia strengthening the churches there this is the word of the Lord by the people of God say a man a man you may be seated in the presence of the Lord I know it's a strange text but a strong text I want to talk tonight with the holy spiritual guidance and with your prayers on the subject when a good thing goes bad and a good thing goes bad listen I'm an interactive preacher that means I need your help to preach tonight do me a favor and nudge the neighbor besides you look at them in the face look at them in the eye look at them like they owe you some money look at them good look at them good until a neighbor sometimes even good things can go bad I believe we got some witnesses in the building today man amen beloved we all grew up hearing seeing perhaps reading these words the end as kids watching movies in television we knew exactly what this meant it meant that a story had concluded and everything had ended and finished up neatly with a nice Bowl it was done well in fact his words were usually preceded by a statement like this and they all lived happily ever after the end nice endings but as we grew up all of us learned quicker than others at the end can mean much more than just that see in real life the end can actually describe a whole new beginning the end the end of marriage we love them dearly but you can no longer live with them divorce has now become the best answer for your sake and for theirs the end of a relationship perhaps with a close family member you'll always love them but you can no longer tolerate their actions so for the sake of your joy and your sanity you make the difficult but essential decision to move on the end of a long friendship that has been damaged and hurt by betrayal see you have forgiven them but you know you cannot restore fellowship see you've forgiven them because you understand Jesus says if you don't forgive them God won't forgive you but forgiveness is required the restoration is optional I have to forgive you I do not have to put you back in the same place where you used to be the end of a partnership with a colleague with whom you were once successful but choices and decisions have now made separation necessary if we're honest tonight these versions of the end were not the ones we plan for the these versions of the end were not the ones we practice as kids with Barbie and Ken these were not the versions of end that that we had in our mind when we were putting things in our lives together they often create new beginnings that are anything but beautiful see in these moments we now have to figure out what life is going to look like moving forward all because a good thing went bad breaking news for you believers who live in a fantasy type faith filled world [Applause] Christian's can have good things that go bad especially whenever it involves people I just delivered somebody I think I'll say it again wherever people are involved wherever fickle frail and flawed humanity is present good things have the capacity to go bad but something deep within us is shaken when good things go bad in something we love or with someone we love that situation it awakens a vulnerability within us that we have not been prepared to experience it shatters the foundations of much of what we thought we could depend on it makes us question everything and everyone we've come to know and the people in subsequent relationships now have to wrestle with our past memories it can break down emotionally and spiritually folks who seem to be some of the strongest people you've ever met our faith in God is not even exempt from this foundational instability because when good things go bad we begin to doubt God oh I know you can't testify tonight real loud because you're sitting in the super spiritual session and you want the people next to you to understand that your faith in God is unshakable well if you cannot say Amen tonight if you cannot lift your hands and signify amen just blink amen I'll get it I'll get it I understand reality is faith in God is not even exempt from this particular instance when good things go bad in a believers life we can find ourselves doubting God and our doubting of God I've discovered at these times is not an indication of God's failure but it usually results from us having a flawed view of God can I pull you to the window real quick modern modern Christianity especially American westernized Christianity has deeply wounded injured and hurt us it's hurt us because it has only given us a theology for success but has never given us a theology for failure I said it too fast I'll say it again I said American Christianity has damaged us it has injured us it has wounded us because it has given us a a complete a robust theology of success but a a minuscule view and perspective not even a theology of fair you see we are taught we are taught that God is always going to make everything all right we are taught that God will always give us happy endings we're taught that God is going to come through with lollipops butterflies and rainbows and if God is involved then there will be no suffering and no bad days for the Saints that the Lord is always gonna do what I want the law to do so then when life begins to smack us hit us Rock us from side to side and good things begin to go bad we begin to struggle in a major way so when failure hits us it doesn't just shake our future and our family it ends up shaking our faith because our view of God says that if it went bad then God somehow must have failed that this this is why this is why believers like you and I have to be sure that we take spiritual growth seriously did this this is why this is why once a week spiritual vitamins known as worship services are not enough to keep you floating and alive this is why I appreciate you showing up on a Wednesday night because you are showing an exhibiting spiritual maturity that Sunday was good but won't even once a week will make anybody week I need more than that spiritual growth must be taken seriously and here is why because spiritual growth gives us a more comprehensive and more mature view of God it's a view that says that even if good things go bad not only is God still good but God is still God too fast too fast this is this is why you gotta grow up in the faith this is why you can't keep sucking o Similac for 20 and 30 years this why sometime you gotta grow some spirits your teeth and chew on some meat and start eating some awesome stuff that will help you grow spiritual growth is absolutely essential because if we don't grow up spiritually we'll begin to think that God is always supposed to nurse us and give us everything we need and everything that we want but when I grow up in God I begin to understand that a comprehensive and mature view of God understands that I've got to have good days and bad days it teaches me that I got to have sunshine and rain if I want to see growth in the garden of my life begin to flourish like it sure I've got to have hot and cold days so I can have balance in my life and when I understand who God is even when good things go bad not only do I understand God it's still good on bad days I still realize that God is still God and when I know God is still God I understand God is not shocked by the failure and God is not lost about my future that God still knows what God is doing even if it doesn't make any sense to me even my failures even my rough days even my dark days my good things that go bad can be shaped and shifted and pulled together to be used for God's glory come here can I help you tonight God never guaranteed that my stuff would stay together but God did guarantee that my soul would stay together as long as I'm connected to him and he's connected to me he'll pull me through tough times and even use it for my benefit I'm wondering real early in the sermon is there anybody here tonight that can testify man listen you tell it my story that's exactly where I sit I've had some good things happen in my life but I've also had some stuff that started out to it go to hell in a handbasket but I learned that if I stay with God long enough and give him enough time he'll even take the ugly stuff and turn it into something beautiful in my life y'all sit down y'all make me nervous listen listen somebody smarter here tonight knows the good things can go bad God can steal take the bad do something good with it see this is this is why this is why I love the early church I love love the story and the chronicles and the narrative of the early church because the early church didn't didn't really are the telling of the early church that's given to us in the book of Acts really doesn't hold any punches it tells the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help us God when you get to Acts chapter 15 you run into a strange disruptive dichotomy when you get to accept 15 you get introduced or you've already been introduced but you get reacquainted with two brothers by the name of Paul and Barnabas and at the early part of chapter 15 you discover that these are it this is a tag-team for the ages Paul and Barnabas they are missionaries for the gospel of Jesus Christ not only are they missionaries but in Acts chapter 15 the first part of the chapter they become agents of reconciliation there in Jerusalem come on Bible readers talk to me Acts chapter 15 here's what's happening it's called the council at Jerusalem there is a grand Inquisition and a grand question of the faiths they're trying to figure out do Gentiles have to be circumcised in order to be a part of the body of Christ and it is Paul and Barnabas that come as special witnesses to testify at the Council of Jerusalem to let them know listen the Holy Spirit has been falling on Gentiles and they've not been circumcised they did they come to communicate the truth that we are saved by faith alone through Christ built by Christ alone through faith alone we are only saved by what Christ has done and not by any works of our own it is Paul and Barnabas that help clarify this question and the counsel at Jerusalem come to consensus and come to agreement that all those who have faith in Christ will be embraced into the church well that happens at the beginning of Acts chapter 15 but by the end of Acts chapter 15 then went bad because the Bible says Paul and Barnabas are now ready to begin their second missionary journey and as they begin that second missionary journey Paul and Barnabas have a split wait a minute tag-team for the ages just were agents of reconciliation in the first part of Acts chapter 15 and now before the end of Acts chapter 15 they split and go their separate ways so bad that they had to endure a breakup in it amazing how what they could do for others they could not do for themselves in it amazing how they could reconcile the church how they could help pull others together but could not get that thing to work out for them sales all I can teach you tonight is that even when good things go bad and they will you still can have life after it falls how do you handle them how do you handle how do you handle how do you handle it when a good thing goes bad in your life if you're hanging around I promise I'll give you some tips here's the first thing you got to do first thing you got to do is you got to recognize and you've got to accept the fact that some divisions are too deep to deny you didn't come for them you came for me to tell you that early in the morning see weapons going into a fortnight but early in the morning George going come that's what you came to hear I came to tell you yep you might see joy but you might see it alone because some divisions are too deep to deny I didn't make it up watch the text Paul Paul and Barnabus Paula Barnabas disagree sharply over the subject of a gentleman by the name of John Martin say John Mark John mark accompany Paul and Barnabas on their first missionary journey but when they got to a place called Pamphylia the Bible tells us that that John Mark left Paul left Barnabas took tail and ran and and and and and and and Paul says we got a problem with this there's no way in the world I could put myself back in that place and give him the same chance to do the same thing he did last time so Paul wants to leave him part of us wants him to go let me tell you what their real problem is the real problem is not John Mark the real problem is they have different expectations they got different expectations cc-64 Paul the chief expectation is trust somebody say trust Paul understands I am a missionary whenever we go into these foreign cities we put our lives on the line we can be killed we can be stoned we can be left for dead and there is nothing worse than putting my back against somebody who I think has my back only to turn around and discover that they left me long time ago he says the last time we were in trouble he abandoned me and forsook me and I will not go back in because I can't trust it that's Paul's expectation Barnabas has a different expectation Paul's expectation is trust Barnabas his expectation is maturity let the church say maturity I can hear I can hear I can hear Barnabas talking to Paul I wouldn't there but I promise you I can hear Barnabas talking to Paul Barnabas here's Paul's story Barnabas here's Paul say I can't trust them because he put me in that situation last time and I hear Barnabas saying oh really Paul have you forgotten already that your name has not always been Paul Paul have you forgotten already that you used to be Sol and you were a chief persecutor of the church there in Jerusalem and God knocked you off of your peace while you were heading to Damascus change your man blinded you for three days Ananias laid hands on you there in Damascus and gave you your sight and for three years you weren't hanging around listening to God but when you came back to Jerusalem nobody there wanted to deal with you because they remember seeing your face in the Jerusalem Gazette they remembered you being the one who was getting them in trouble and guess who stepped to be by your side Paul it was me Barnabas but I was the one who testified on your behalf to help him accept and embrace you they gave you another chance and now you ain't got enough maturity to give jean-marc another to different expectation now now now now I gotta be honest I gotta give you truth in advertising perhaps part of us what was more willing to give John Mark another chance than anybody else's because John Mark and Barnabas occurs I got tainted true if we gotta take truth you know sometimes sometimes we'll let family do stuff yeah yeah yeah sometimes we'll give family more chances than they really need pray yes the piers I'm trying to tell you our different expectations often lead to different expressions you see there are times when stuff like this can be reconciled there are times when you can work through it there are times when you can figure it out you can bargain you can adjudicate situation and get to a place of agreement and reconciliation but there are some times when they cannot be rent be reconciled there are some times when the division cannot be mended there are some times when they're doing the chasm and and the break is too wide that it cannot be brought back together and when these divisions are too deep separation may be needed see that's grown folk Christianity because in any baby immature toddler Christianity everything has to be neat in order for us to believe God is involved but mature Christianity says even if it don't go the way I want it I trust God to handle it in the end and sometimes in order for them to get to God it means I got to walk away from them you don't like that can I tell you can I tell you it's foolish to stay together when you really ain't together it is absolutely crazy to stay connected to something or somebody when you're really not there in the first place your body is present but your mind and your heart and your spirit are somewhere else it is foolishness to stay in something where you really ain't prison see wisdom makes decisions that are line with my convictions when it's time to go it's time to go I love you but I gotta love you from a distance somebody say wife I love wife I know wife right there it didn't work out connect it so I'm gonna stay over here you stay over there may the Lord watch between me and thee why we're absent one from another amen I love you but I need you stay over there some divisions are too deep to deny what a good thing goes bad if the divisions are too deep to deny you got to learn how to make it exit without leading an execution I'll say it too fast there it is when the divisions are too deep to deny you and I have to learn how to make it exit without leading and execution perhaps what is the what speaks loudest in Acts chapter 15 is not what say it but perhaps what is not say it please understand this is not a light conflict this this is no small matter Paul and Barnabas are leading figures in the early church people are looking up to them people are paying attention to them they are on the cutting edge of evangelism and expanding the kingdom of God they are being watched please understand this ain't no small speck of family is divided and relationship is broken but listen if you will to the silence in the text can you hear it no slander from one side to the other neither Pope nor Barnabas grab a group of their friends and allies and try to turn them against the other side listen never cross word or critique is recorded from either one of them listen no sob tweets well I tell the story but don't mention your name but everybody know who I'm talking about no bleeding all over Facebook come on I can't stand when certain people do certain do you hear the salads actual this is the book of acts and acts by nature is a descriptive book its job is to make sure that we catch the details and D and the end and a little nuances of the expansion of the early church it is certainly would have been captured if there was contention between Paul and Barnabas can I tell you the Tex asylum I contend it's silent because there wasn't any drama wasn't any mud slinging there wasn't any me against you what we are witnessing here in the Silence of the text is love and maturity from real believers see they understand we ain't got to be together in order for us to be together that I can learn how to make an exit without having to execute you in order to feel better about my position that I can span in my conviction but not see you as a threat simply because you disagree with where I stand I know how to separate from you without trying to assassinate you can I tell you what's missing from the body of Christ this kind of love and this kind of maturity that says even if we can't hold hands we still at the same table see that that takes maturity that takes maturity and maturity always looks at situations like this from a vantage point of personal responsibility I mean let's be honest if the relationship failed it probably wasn't other person the only one at fault you don't like that where not when I look at the breakups that happen in my life I have to be honest that it wasn't always the other person that was guilty of making mistakes and guilty of making missteps that I've got to own my own culpability and my own responsibility in the break-up myself and if I can on my part of the failure I ain't got time to blame you personal personal responsibility but I also when when good things go bad if I'm going to be mature I'm gonna operate from a place of per public personal responsibility but also a place of public witness so here's a reality even if the relationship fails I'm still a believer even if it don't work out I still belong to God even if it doesn't turn out the way I desire it to turn out I am still a Christian I still bear the name of Christ I still have a responsibility to make sure those who are watching me examining my life and using me as an example to themselves can see what it looks like to go through tough times and still hold on to the God of my salvation can I tell you that how I handle failure speaks more of my god than how I handle success anybody can throw and give God glory and be be a legion to God when things are going your way but when things begin to turn stuff begins to shift and the world begins to shake underneath your feet that's when who you really are begins to show up I gotta learn how to exit relationships without having to execute the person I'm leaving god help me preach tonight here it is here it is I'm almost done when good things go bad so because it's some divisions are too deep to do now you gotta learn how to make exits without leading in execution but I also have to have to understand something principally in in my soul at the depths of my soul and that is this that whenever there's a change in partnership it does not cancel my purpose gotta get to the place well understand that changes in partnership do not cancel the purpose God has for my life may help you say often often we create our identities from our relationships yeah so much so that if the relationship changes we no longer know or recognize who we are so then because my identity is connected to the relationship that I'm in even if the relationship is toxic and painted I'll stay because it's the only way I get a picture of who I think I really am I'm preaching better than you say it Amen I know I know I know how many times have you stayed longer than you were supposed to I know I know I know I know how many times I'm in times have you given too much attention to something that only deserves a passing glance now tell you what we do it we do it because we connect our identities to the relationships that we're in and because we don't know who we are when the relationship ends we I'd rather be frustrated and connected than to be by myself Jesus some of us have people living in our houses not because they supposed to be there but because we can't stand the silence of our own house I don't know who I am apart from this so let me stay here even if it's killing me the text helps us today watch what happens Paul Barnabas split Bible says Barnabas takes John Mark Barnabas and John Locke go to Cyprus Bible says Paul grips Silas we'll meet them later in chapter 16 and they head to Syria and Cilicia here's you got to know both of them continue to do what they were called to do even though they couldn't do it together there it is their partnership change but their purpose did not want to help you tonight when God allows a relationship or a connection to die please understand that God's plan for your life does not die with it just because it didn't last just because it didn't work out just because it didn't go as far as you expected it to go does not mean has canceled your purpose does not mean God has forgotten you and left you alone in fact God might be doing you a favor that you can't appreciate on this side until you keep going a little further God says I know the plans that I have for you says the Lord they are plans for good and not of evil to give you a future and I hope to get you through it expected in I didn't say you were gonna get there with them I told you you were gonna get there and whether they stay with you or not you are still fearfully and wonderfully made I have not changed my mind about you you can still do what I told you to do you can still be who I called you to be and just because you lose a partner doesn't mean you gotta lose your purpose says somebody here tonight that can justify man I thought I thought I thought I had to have all of the accoutrements of life in order for me to get where I was supposed to be but the more actor higher I went the more I discovered that some of the stuff I thought I had to have beginning to break off it begin to shake off it begin to lose and I begin to pray God what in the world is happening you told me things were gonna get better you told me you were elevate me and God says I am elevating you but some people can't handle this elevation some people can't handle being this high so I've gotta break it all so you can get were you supposed to be you gotta go y'all been so kind good things will can might Sal go back you got to know what a good thing goes bad it might not ever return to where it was that's not a shout I'm supposed to I'm supposed to say something to make them shout right here and and they didn't shout it ain't them is what I say it cuz you won't God to bring it back to where it was take me back to the spot where it bless me soap reunite me put me back together God do it but there are some times where it don't ever come back you don't ever return now still here some people were not designed for your future some connections weren't built for tomorrow they served their place yesterday you gotta be alright with it not getting back to the way you think it ought to be if it never gets if it's never restored if it never comes back God's a plan it's bigger for you than any failed relationship God and good is still possible on the other side of the band you don't believe me tonight it's no problem I got Bible verse 41 says this I don't care what translation you use it's the same sentiment it says and the churches were strengthened timeout I need a 20 timeout timeout we just witness one of the greatest missionary divorces the Bible has ever shown we just witnessed the splitting and the separating of two giants of the gospel and verse 41 says and the churches we're still strengthening wait a minute wait a minute wait wait wait you mean to tell me God can take a good thing that went bad put it in the pot of his Providence throw some sort of sovereignty on it whip it all together in the crock pot of time and eternity and pull something of me out of debt that's exactly what I'm telling you that it ain't always got to go the way you want it to go in order for God to get glory out of your life sometimes it's got to get bad so it can be good later here's the catch you got to love God more than you love the thing that went bad Oh see that is that is that that is right there if I love God more then I love the thing that turned on me then God has the ability to take what I thought was complete failure and turn it into something I could never ever imagine you don't believe it tonight not only did it happen to Paul and Barnabas but it happened to Jesus Jesus had a good thing 12 disciples following him throughout their Decapolis healing blinded eyes it was a good thing making the dead be raised and back to life again it was a good thing he had the power to feed 5,000 he had they're a good thing but in the middle of his good thing something went bad in the middle his boy Judas betrayed him his boy Peter denied him James and John who wanted to sit at the right and the left hand of the Father end up leaving him all by himself he ended up being pushed from court to court and pushed down the Via Dolorosa it was a bad day when they put a cross on his shoulders he had to tear it all the way to Calvary it was a bad day when they put nails in his hands and in his feet they piss him in his side and blood streaming down they put a crown of thorns on his head and he never said a mumbling words it was a bad day we call it Good Friday but it was only good for us because it was bad for him a good thing went real bad but the good news of the gospel is if you'll take your bad stuff and put it in God's hands God has a way of turning the bad into something good again y'all excuse me for a moment I know I'm gonna AME Church but I feel my Baptist kicking in late one Friday night he died yes he died they buried him that day but I said Sunday morning he got up with all power in his head and because he lives I can face tomorrow because he lives all of my fears they are gone and because I know who holds the future life is worth the living just because he lives if it never gets better I'll still serve God if it never takes it back so where I want it to be I'll trust in God if it never gets reunited and I've got to deal with the wounds about myself I'll steal lean on God because I ain't worried about the thing if God still holds my hand I have not seen neither has it entered into the heart of man the things God has in store for me I gotta get out of here but is anybody in the building tonight that doesn't man giving God praise on the other side of your thing that went back if your know God is still good and you are still glad then lift your glad hands open up your gladden mouth and give you a good God uncle and waves yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] God will take care of you I don't care what happened I don't care how bad it got I don't care how ugly it might seem if God is still in control then you still got a future and you still got a purpose there's my Baptist again be not dismayed whatever betide for God will take care of you beneath his wings of love aback God will I said God will God will God will I said God will take care of you won't he do it I said won't he do I said won't he do it if you know he will do me one more favor lift your hands and lift your voice and give him the glory yeah yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on we're standing there tonight there might be somebody in the building struggling trying to figure out where is God in this train wreck where is God in this thing that went from good to bad I didn't even see the signs coming it turned quicker than I thought it would and now I'm in shock stumbling backwards trying to regain my posture so I can face my future I came to tell you God's got you you feel like you're not follow you feel like you're not going to make it cuts got you you know why you haven't fallen apart yet cuz God's got you if this had happened three years ago you you you you being something you'd be in some institution right now but God gave you more strength than you thought you had because God knew this moment was coming God's got you you gotta trust it even when you can't trace it when you don't know what he's doing you gotta trust in who he is I am the lord that he lived thee I am the Lord that leads you how to darkness into the marvelous light I didn't say you wouldn't have to walk through the valley of the shadow of death but I did say I would be with you my rod and my staff they worked they will comfort you I've always wondered about the shadow of death the valley of the shadow death that's a it's a dark scary place where problem is you can't have a shadow unless there's light complete darkness doesn't create shadows but when the light shines on the mountains in our lives we get shadows so instead of being afraid of the shadow you ought to thank God that the light make the shadow possible came to tell you God is with you in every Valley if you're here tonight you're here tonight and you are wrestling with the consequences of a good thing going bad and you're saying pastor I hear you I just need help when I leave here pastor you encouraged me today but I need some help to get this right because I got a few people I want to tell something and and I need to hold my tongue I got I got I got I got a few people I can get back there the setup has been arranged where I can get the Vengeance that I want lord help me not to do it help me to trust you that's your prayer tonight the altars open for you I just want to pray with you nothing spooky I just want to pray with you that God will help you see the good thing coming out of the thing that went bad that's you tonight come on come on come on come on [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah come on come on we gotta you gotta come on come on that's what it's about it's about trusting God to do what you and I can't do it's about allowing him to lead us the guy does listen while they're coming there might be somebody here tonight who's not saved doesn't matter does not have a relationship with Jesus Christ you've heard about it but you've never said yes but you got to know us before you ever say yes to God God has already said yes to you all you have to do is embrace the Lord as your Savior Romans 10:9 says and thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in that heart that God raised him from the dead you shall be saved that's you tonight never accepted Christ but you know that you need to or maybe you've got questions about what salvation is what it looks like you can get your questions answered here tonight you come forward will receive you will love on you we'll celebrate you this is a great church a great pastor great leadership team great leaders that will love on you celebrate your decision and stand with you as you go to God there might be somebody here tonight it's got a relationship with the Lord but you don't have a church home place where you can believe belong and become spot where you can grow and you hear the voice of the Lord tonight saying that this is where you're supposed to be I know it's a Wednesday I know it's different but you hear God talking here's what I've learned when you hear God you don't delay when you hear God's you respond and if God is saying you know what this is where you're supposed to be listen you oughta flood that altar you ought to come this way and let the Lord lead you let him guide you get connected in a Bible teaching Bible believing Church a place where transformation is normal not extraordinary place where transformation happens all the time that's where you want to be you want to be in a spot where growing things are taking place that's you tonight you come down we'll receive you if you're at the altar you lift at hand somebody will come to you somebody will embrace you do you at the altar tonight for salvation you lift that hand somebody will come to you embrace and receive you hallelujah can you do me a favor grab a neighbor's hand tonight we're gonna pray [Music] Father in the name of Jesus give us strength to do what the men are saying to stay on the battlefield to stay connected to you when it doesn't make sense to trust you more than we trust the thing that fell apart in our lives [Music] God while we're trusting you I'm praying that you'll also heal us because when good things go bad they leave gaping wounds off the Lord some of us can't worship we can't function we can't reconnect and love other people like we're supposed to because we're bleeding from the inside Lord in the name of Jesus I pray that your healing virtue will do what only you can do I pray Lord for these that are at the altar tonight they made a step they made a statement that this is where I am this is where I find myself in life god I pray that you will honor their admission honor their step to come to you the word tells us God that if we try to not draw nigh unto you you will draw nigh unto us so god do exactly what James says draw close to them let them know God that even when it left and they left you did not that you have been the one leading and guiding them you have been the one shepherding them and watching over them and the reason they're here today it's because you never changed you're the same yesterday today and forever more and God you've got plans for us all on the other side of the thing that went bad thank you for your power thank you for your sovereignty thank you that not even bad decisions can separate us from a good God thank you for loving us in spite of us beyond us thank you for being a God who works in messy situations to manifest your miracles in the midst of messes so God we leave here tonight worshipping you we live here tonight thanking you that what you've already begun in us you're going to perfect that what you started you're going to finish that what you're doing nothing and nobody can stop so we lean on you we trust in you our faith is at you we pray it in the name of the Lord Jesus by the people of God say Amen come on if you receive that give God praise in the house today come on let's bless God for this preacher on tonight come on church you can do better than that I say let's bless God for this preacher on tonight good gracious what a word good God Oh at-at Marcy it's in the pulpit talking to Reverend McKinley I said this brother came on assignment on tonight to preach to the hearts of God's people can you just come on one more time can we just celebrate God for pastor John Faison man before we close out we're gonna have him close out and give us the final benediction on tonight as we have been holding the benediction all month long for this last service but did this brother put a stamp on a good bro [Music] clinical it was clinical listen we want to share this with you once again if you came in a bit late please know that there's two pieces of information we want to bring you away one is that if you did not get a chance to sow into the ministry of re temple please do so before leaving our stewards will be up front holding a basket we ask that you would bring your offering down before you exit the building on tonight we don't just come in God's house to receive we also come to give amen and so we ask that you would do that last but certainly not least we made an amazing announcement earlier that we've learned as a church as we're in the midst of building our senior housing facility that 2.8 million dollars in funding has become available by the county but we need to get your signatures on forms that you will find at the information desk before leaving a by Friday of this week and so what we need you to do upon exiting the building is stop by the information desk grab one of those forms and please fill it out so that we can make sure that we're able to get access to what God has given us the ability to grab a hold of were you blessed once again on tonight thank you thank you men thank you men mighty men for singing reverend deck i'm innocent of minutes been here in support of them thank you music ministry musicians all those stewards asurs trust all those persons who have been here all month long to make the miracle month of May possible can we just celebrate them as well thank you AV ministry security I know I've left people out but we just thank you would you receive pastor Faison as he gives us the closing benediction on tonight once again all standing on the house and we thank God for him but she may God be praised for the great things he has done grab a neighbor saying again tonight that's about God thank you for what eyes have seen what I ears have heard what our hearts have felt now Lord as we leave this place it is our prayer that will never depart from your presence from your power from your Providence Lord if you keep us we'll be kept if you lead us we'll be layered if you love us we'll be loved now may the grace of God the love of Jesus Christ and the sweet communion of your Holy Spirit allow the rest ruling about henceforth now and forever the Blessed people of God said a man hug somebody tell them you gonna make it [Applause] [Music] come come shake his hand come greet the preacher a man
Channel: Reid Temple AME
Views: 5,501
Rating: 4.8571429 out of 5
Id: b41rpXhZEkE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 118min 41sec (7121 seconds)
Published: Thu May 31 2018
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