The Ministry of My Scars by Pastor John Faison

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in your Bibles to the Gospel according to John Gospel according to John chapter 20 beginning at verse 19 John chapter 20 beginning at verse 19 i'm reading from the New Living Translation tonight maybe a little bit different from what you're used to hearing but I've learned that in the new church age you've got to speak cultural language that the church understands a man a man when you're talking to your children you're sitting down with them and having a serious conversation you don't use the king james version you use a version that they understand because you would like not to have to keep repeating the same message over and over again so if it's spoken clearly it can be received better john chapter 20 beginning at verse 19 when you haven't let it be known by saying amen amen scripture reached this way that Sunday evening the disciples were meeting behind locked doors because they were afraid of the Jewish leaders suddenly Jesus was standing there among them peace be with you he said as he spoke he showed them the wounds in his hands and his side they were filled with joy when they saw the Lord this is the word of the Lord like the people of God say Amen a man I want to talk tonight for the Holy Spirit's guidance it with your prayers on the subject the Ministry of my scars the Ministry of my scars listen I'm an interactive preacher I'm from Tennessee I'm an interactive preacher that means preaching is not a monologue it's a dialogue now if I talk to you and you don't talk back that means i have to add more time to it to make sure that you understand so if you don't mind let's be interactive for a moment nuts that neighbor besides you that's the that's the one next to you look at them in the face look at them in the eye look I don't like they owe you some money look at them good I've got a real good delam a bruh believe it or not there's a ministry in your scars shall we bow father we're grateful for your goodness for your grace for your gestures of generosity towards us they are undeserved yet Lord you every morning meet us with manifold mercy thank you for who you are and for the way that you manifest your self in our collective and individual lives we gathered here tonight because we need a word from you so my prayer is that you will let the words of my mouth the meditation of my heart allow it to be acceptable in thy sight O Lord my strength my Redeemer father preach through me preach to me preach for me send the word so that your people will be edified but in all things your name be glorified we bless you for the treasure that you've placed in earthen vessels the excellency of the power may be of God and out of us punish not your people now for the frailty of your preacher allow me to say it the way you want it say it we pray it in the marvelous the merciful than the majestic name Jesus the Christ might the people of God say Amen come on can you praise God one more good time right there hallelujah October 26 1996 is a day I'll never forget the Saturday was on the heels of an extremely busy day the night before was homecoming I was a junior in high school was in the marching band and we had a lot of events going on that Friday night next morning that Saturday we had a marching band parade and about an hour from where we lived and so we went there early in the morning and then I left there and went to my mother my grandmother's 70th birthday party left there then went to a wedding with my girlfriend now wife left there went back to her house and hung out I was a junior in high school so I had a curfew curfew was 12 midnight in our house because my dad couldn't sleep unless everybody was in the house and the doors were locked so about eleven-thirty i left my girlfriend's house hitting home i did not realize how tired I was halfway to the house I fell asleep behind the wheel ran off the road and skip the ditch time I woke up realized what was happening I was in the middle of a forest the wilderness riding through with my dad's truck boom came to a stop ran into a tree hit the tree what glasses at the time now wear contacts now my face hit the steering wheel and glass is shattered and cut my face you can probably if you look closely still see the scars and the wounds on my face cut my face and I tried to get out of my driver's side but the door was jammed I got out of my seat belt crawled out of the passenger side door and walked around to the road in an attempt to flag somebody down I get to the road and I'm trying to flag them down I hear something in the background rather disturbing boom loud boom I turn around and the truck had exploded if I was unconscious at the time I would not be standing here tonight took me a while to adjust to what had happened in that traumatic event my father was the one who got me back to driving again because I had made up my mind who wasn't going to do it subsequent days was tough for me to fall asleep even in my bed because I would come to thinking and remembering what had happened years have passed it's been almost 20 years now time is going on and scars barely visible but even today when I'm asleep passenger side of a vehicle if they swerve too quickly come to and I wake up looking around because even though time has passed the trauma of the event still remains scholars have faded time has passed i'm driving a drive all the time now but every once in a while I'll remember recall and recollect what happened that particular night scars are on my face but they're even deeper in my mind life experiences I've discovered have a way of doing the same thing scouring us inflicting trauma upon us while the event may have happened some 5 10 15 20 years ago scars the wounds still remain struggle of dealing with it has a way of impacting you see there is a trauma that comes with every trial on situation itself may go away the scars from it have a tendency to stay with you but you don't you don't take my word for it tonight all you have to do is ask anybody who's made it out of an abusive relationship they'll tell you but sometimes people who come after that person have to pay for the mistakes of the previous person because even though time has progressed and the scenarios and situations have changed the trauma and the scars remain they'll tell you that if they've been in one of those kinds of relationships that you can't move too quickly in front of them because they will shrink back because they're used to sudden movements being sent their way and damaged being in flicked it even if they want abused physically verbal abuse has a way of registering and staying with you even after years of don't pass you'll have to ask me you could ask somebody who survived a life-altering childhood gone through things seen some experiences encountered some situations they should not have seen when they saw it they are grown and going but the trauma and scars still remain ask somebody who's experienced a devastating tragedy ask someone who's lost a loved one they'll tell you birthdays and anniversaries don't mean what they used to mean instead of times of joy they often become reminders of pain hurt and trauma you can even walk in a room and be reminded of something you can see a familiar face and it takes you right back to the same place where the trauma was occurred it could even happen with a scent a smell take you back to a painful time in your life let me help you tonight because the worst thing you can do after you have dealt with a traumatic moment and scars being inflicted upon you is to act like the trauma never happen worst thing you can do is get pseudo spiritual get super churchy to the point where you think you can shout your way through it you think you can dance your way through it you think if I say enough churchy colloquialisms and slogans and such that I'll be able to get beyond what I'm in but the reality is if you ignore what happened you set yourself up for multiplied misery not only do you have to deal with the results of the trauma but now you've got to wear a costume every time you leave the house you've got to act like it never occurred you have to keep this mantra and this idea of respectability before people so that they won't see that you are actually bleeding and hemorrhaging from the inside out this is also why I'm nervous about a a westernized culture and a westernized Christianity that cannot embrace people's woundedness that in order for me to be saved and to be Christian I have to act like everything is fine in order for my faith to be at a certain level I cannot tell the truth about where I really sit and where I really am so church then he does not become a place where I can be healed instead church becomes a spot where who can add the best to fool people that probably don't even know them or even like them in the first place so real healing can never occur because I cannot get to a real destination from an imaginary start point cannot act like it never occurred we help you it here is here is blunt stark and blatant reality there are some things that you ain't gonna never get over I know I know I know that that that's against that's against what we're taught that's against what we're shown because if i get the bishop to pray for me if i get the right amount of oil laid upon me if i come to church at the right time if i say Jesus real fast throw some grape juice over my shoulder and spin around seven times then things are supposed to get better and my issues and my wounds and my scars will magically disappear but can I tell you there are some things that have occurred in your life that are not you are never ever going to get over and if your faith only operates when you are dealing from a perfect existence you ain't get much faith there are some seasons some issues for carrying your life that you will never get over you can't even stop the flashback you can't even you can't even manage and never okay and stop them from occurring at the most inopportune times in your life I wish I could push ctrl Alt Delete on some of my experiences uh I wish I could delete my emotional and mental and psychological heart driving in some places where I would never have to rewind the damage and the hurt of what occurred but the reality is I ain't got that kind of control and neither do you all of us have had some experiences that we're never going to get over but the good news of the gospel tonight it's just because I don't get over it doesn't mean I can't get past it I said you may not get over it but it does not mean that you can't get past it it does not mean that you cannot still live in the purpose the power and the plan of God for your life it does not mean that you cannot be effective and still do what God has called you to do yes it may have damaged you but it does not have to define you may have bothered you but it does not have to dictate and limit your effectiveness and who God wants you to be in fact if you pay attention to the scars you'll discover that in each scar is a DNA of the anointing for the assignment that you're about to ND the key to continuation beyond the scars learning how to engage in evaluation of the scour too fast I'll say it again I said the key the continuation beyond the scars it's learning how to engage in evaluation of the scars see evaluation is necessary because valuation helps us to properly interpret our scars it helps me to figure out what they mean if I know what my scars mean if I know that they mean something then i can find meaning even in the midst of my suffering God is not in the business of explaining himself but God does always reveal himself God may not tell you why it happened but he will show you what the lesson is through the experience he may not tell you exactly why I'd have to happen I don't know why it occurred I don't know why they did that I don't know why it occurred I don't know why the tragedy took place at that time at that place at that point in your life I don't know why they mistreated you I don't know why they left you I don't know why they didn't love you i don't know why they hurt you but i can tell you if you will put your ear to the lips of god he may not tell you why but you'll show you a lesson in the midst of everything you deal with because when you get meaning from it you may not get over it but you can get past it this seems to be saints of God the message that the text presents to us tonight cause Inditex we find Jesus and perhaps his most triumphant earthly moment this is the resurrected Jesus this is the Jesus who has conquered death hell and the grave that this is the Jesus who is who is fresh out of the borrowed tomb then this is the Jesus who has now conquered all that he came to conquer overcame all that came up against him and now stands in the power of a resurrected Savior that's who he is when we meet him but discover how he meets the disciples the scripture says they have locked themselves behind closed doors when Jesus shows up he does not take the traditional way through because the doors are locked and the doors are closed but yet triumphant death hell and grave conquering Jesus shows up in the midst of a frightened people who have locked themselves away from all of culture and society they have turned away from the gospel and this gospel idea because their Savior has been crucified peter has put back his resume into the shrimping boat business he I'm Matt Matthew has gone back to tax collecting he got res amazing all the Financial Accounting Office is there in Jerusalem Dave going back to doing what they wanted to do because their Savior was gone but in the midst of their fear Jesus shows up in a room with locked doors I don't have time to stay here tonight but let me just go parenthetically very very quickly that there is nothing and no situation that is so tightly locked that's your Savior cannot step in and interfere and make his presence known even if you got there on your own I'll have time to share that but I just won't drop that Jesus Jesus is the triumphant Savior the this this is this is his greatest earthly moment he's gotta be at his best or at least the best the disciples have seen him yet while he's at his best Bishop he chooses to keep remnants of his worst moment wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait he he's a resurrected Savior triumphant overcoming death hell and the grave yet when he shows up to his disciples he keeps the scar in his hands and in his side we gotta ask the question tonight if you conquer death hill in the grave why would you keep the evidence that there is there is no textual evidence that there are scars that indicate a crown of thorn has ever been on his here he walks in there is no blood dripping from his body hehe he's in his glorified body he other the marks of the cat of nine tails is not present the marks of his body are being depleted with blood and entrails dangling from his fragile flesh there's no evidence of that surely this is the resurrected Christ if he could get rid of the evidence of the thorns and the evidence of the flogging and the evidence of the pain and the trauma surely he could have got rid of the scars in his hands and thus causing aside but why does he hold on to it why does he keep the remnants of his worst moment when is his best day think think Jesus keeps them because he knows something that you and I need to learn he knows the scars have a ministry scars provide some evidence that needs to be shared and needs to be seen and needs to be paid attention to maybe instead of asking god please take them away maybe I pray ought to be God why they still here why why do I still shiver every time I think about what happened why why why can't I go in Mama's room no more even though she ain't here why why why does it bother me when I look at my children's baby clothes when the Lord called him home 15 years ago why is it why is it that I'm still wrestling with the face marriage and a failed business why why am I still dealing with the memory of that Deacon who told me about myself and I really wanted to get him but I didn't but I still carry the wounds today every time I stand up I look at him and I got some I want to see but I won't see it why why are the looms and the scar is still there thank you for paying attention to the text tonight I'm not gonna be long I just came to help you uh-uh maybe this maybe the scars have a ministry for us to receive tonight I believe first of all Jesus Jesus keeps his scars because scars ladies and gentlemen verify that I'm here still scars verify that I'm here still see when Jesus when Jesus is crucified the disciples were not there then right around they had tucked tail and run they had decided to hide themselves because they knew the persecution that came to Jesus would ultimately come to them they were not present and because they weren't there they were afraid they weren't hiding and because they weren't down to see his crucifixion it also caused them to miss his resurrection see they weren't down when he got crucified so they also weren't there when he resurrected but but but but i will add there was somebody there when he got resurrected and it wasn't the brothers it was it was the sisters it was it was the sisters and i believe they got a chance to see at first because it was Mary standing at the cross when he died so perhaps the one who's there doing the crucifixion ought to be also the one who first witnesses the resurrection disciples weren't there though they were locked away last time they saw Jesus he was being tortured the only way they would believe it was really him well see the evidence of the pain 60c without evidence the disciples would think he was a ghost after all he's walking through doors and doors were locked and this wasn't first time they thought Jesus was ghost Matthew chapter 22 they want to see you've got a lead hi walking on the water and they said that that that doubt that that right there is a go so maybe Jesus keeps his scars to prove who he was see the proof of his pain also became the proof of his power see dead people have scars but they can't show up dead people got wounds and get aches and got pains but they can't testify about them and so maybe he kept here to prove that he was still here and maybe the reason you and I still have our scars is to prove to somebody that we're still here because you do know there was an audience there watching you go through the hell you went through you do know there was a peanut gallery that's speculated that you would not survive the hell that you in do it there was somebody who saw you and they wonder how in the world did you make it through they never expected you to survive but you're still here and if you're honest tonight there were moments when you didn't think you were gonna make it you thought you were gonna lose it you thought it was over but the star testified that I'm still here maybe every once in a while you ought to praise God not for car not for a new house not for promotion but every once in a while you want to thank God for the scar thank God for the keloids thank God for the bandages citizen testified that even though I've been through what I've been through I'm still yup y'all sit down you'll be four nervous come on Scott scholars verify that that I'm that I'm here steal somebody's they steal uh a verified that I'm here still but but but but scars also they they validate that I'm healing slowly said scholars not only verified that that I'm here steal but they also validate that I'm healing slowly the text i love the text be called the text describes Jesus his scars as wounds say that they are in his hands and they are in his side the wounds are injuries that take time to heal but again this ain't just anybody we talking about this here is season savior of the world ruler ridhima master Lord of lords king of kings and now he's been resurrected he's fresh off his award to inhale and now he is standing in Jerusalem anybody could have gotten rid of their wounds in a quick fashion it could have been Christ wounds could have experienced accelerated healing to the point where they would have been completely removed but when Jesus is raised his wounds remained in fact the wounds remain so long that eight days from this day he shows up in another locked room with the disciples and show somebody else who needed to see him who wasn't present and accounted for at this initial church me you see every disciple is not in the room in John chapter 20 Judas ain't there we know where he is but but there's another disciple who's missing by the name of didymus we call him tom we even call him doubting Thomas eight days later Thomas is now gathered with the disciples and the same jesus walks in the same environment in the same way and Thomas had testified I would not believe who is until I get to put my fingers in his wounds in his hand and the wounds on his side so eight days later Jesus shows up in the same context and reveals to Thomas that I'm still here but also that my wounds are healing slowly see Jesus keeps his wounds to help us understand that not even the miracle of resurrection can remove the messiness of our reality not not even the resurrection can discard this place and remove trauma associated with the reality that you and I experience on a regular basis yes you survived it you ought to be glad yes you overcame it yes you transcended it yes you move beyond it and you ought to be happy but wow you survived it you still got to be healed from it healing is not an overnight process Healing takes time huh but in order for the wound to heal I've got to give it time which means that there's a season in my life where I have to be comfortable with being wounded season in my life where I gotta be okay we're not always being okay there has to be times in my life where I'm alright we're not being all right but that times in my life well as much as i wanna say blessed and highly favored when the saints ask me how I'm doing the truth is I don't feel it today I need you to pray for me it's gotta be a place a space and a time where we are comfortable with having womb because if I got one it means i'm on the pathway to healing ain't there yet but I'm on my way I've got scars not sores it might not be exactly where I want it to be today but i think god i'm better today than I was last week I thank God that that today I'm better and far further along than I was five years ago I gotta be okay with being wounded maybe God wants us to be okay we're being wounded want us to be okay with having scars because see when you're healing you gotta stay in touch with the doctor God heals some of us to click we go forget the lesson we were supposed to learn from the damage and the problem will heal so quickly that we forget whether healing came from but God heals us progressively and slowly and step-by-step and day by day because now that means I gotta go back for check-ups to the doctor so he can inspect the wound and make sure things are the way they need to go if I don't stay in touch with the doctor the room might get infected I might it might infect my soul and I might instead of speaking life over people I might start oozing poison and damage and and silliness over people I might stop preaching what the word says and begin to tailor my message to get big offerings preach pastor Faison I might get so wounded and infected to the place where I can no longer speak life and impart life into those God is put under my supervision but instead I manipulate and become a witch crap a witch and enter and a hexer and try to get from people those things that God I won't let God give to me personally I've got to heal slowly so I don't get infected and mess up when he game can I be honest with you tonight I don't trust a lot of people who ain't got no wounds I'm sorry I just I'll trust people who ain't got bandages of some kind scars and keloids scabs and such of some kind because if you've not been wounded doing this work if if you can stand before God's people lead God's people walk with God's people and not get wounded all it means is you ain't got nothin you ain't been through nothing you ain't been nowhere you've not really been involved in the game you've been sitting on the sidelines you've been watching the whole thing take place because you've been trying to protect yourself somebody be able to testify I love sheep but she biked there's no way you can do this work and not get wounded but amazingly everybody in structure that God used was wounded y'all don't believe me okay Noah drunkenness that made him curse his own children Abraham habit of lying for his own benefit Rahab had wounds that let her for a prevention for promiscuity David had wounds that led him the right shondaland stuff before Shonda ever got here he created a scandal and they wanted to ask how to get away with murder Peter had wounds that led him to cut people and then denied the one who he swung to blame for the woman at the well had wounds that led her to look for love in all the wrong places Paul had wounds that made him miss manage some of the relationships that he had yet regardless of their woundedness God still use every one of them can I tell you tonight if you're wounded and still being used it simply means that God with all of your stuff still has his hands upon you I wish I wish there was somebody in the building tonight they can testify I praise God that even though some days I live I dragged my leg behind me i stammer and stutter and do my assignment but it's only because he's got his hands on me that I'm still effective still able to be what he called me to be and still able to minister to God's people scholars have a minister scholars verify that I'm here steel scars validate that I'm healing slowly then scars vouch that I can help somebody said scars vouch they test the fact that I could help some bat last text verse twenty first 20 texts Jesus showed his wounds watch the next verse and they were filled with joy timeout need a fool need a fool right there full time out that it makes sense they saw his wounds and they were filled with joy joy from scours that okay you me did if you want to that don't make no sense how do you find joy from scars well it won't make sense because usually when it comes to star as we look at it from the wrong end see to us our scars are the reminders of our most painful moments that's why we had them that's why we lie about him that's why we why we don't share them with everybody william talk about a matter of fact William Tell our own children I said William Tell our own children I said we don't tell our own children but then they bump into Big Mama at the Fela reunion who tells them the whole truth nothing but the truth I'm not I looking at us like oh really see us our scars are the evidence of our painful moments that's why we deny them but to deny our scars or denies the power that they give us see often very thing that keeps us bound is actually what sells somebody else free to you and me our scars remind us of the moment of the pain of the history but to others house cars other evidence that God brought us through while it hurts us it feeds their hope that he'll bring them through as well that that's why Paul testifies that but that this gospel is killing us but it brings life into you cuz while my scars hurt me and I I'm ashamed at times of them when I share them I discover there's a strange redemptive power in my own bleeding have you ever have you ever been scared to death to tell your testimony because you thought it was gonna hurt your resume you thought it was gonna damage your reputation you didn't share your test I mean I ain't ain't I'm up to sanitize Church testimony version testimony no I'm time out the real show enough I'll tucked away top secret security code in the safe kanna test I'm talk what really happened not not what you told people and wanted them to know but what really have you ever been afraid and scared to share that only to have the Holy Spirit jump on your back one day and tell you I ain't let you go until you tell the truth because there's somebody in this space that needs to hear it and through your reluctance and through your resistance you finally found the courage to share it you told it you said it you owned it and the moment you did it you discovered the person you were talking to was exactly what they needed to hear it gave them the courage and gave them the strength to know that regardless of what you had been through God took you through it and now the same God that worked in your life is present and able to work in theirs y'all you think we have worship now you you you you think you think church is off the chain now what would happen if the attic could walk in not have to wear long sleeves to cover the tracks on their arms not have to hide the fact that they are struggling but to walk in because they know three rows in front of where they sit there's a former addict who's got the same testimony got the same issues and the same problem and they can hook up with somebody who has their testimony and now discover there's no secret what god can do what he's done for others he'll do for you is you think we have church now what would happen if the young brother who walked in wrestling with his sexual identity and wrestling with suicidal thoughts could sit down in a room in a classroom and talk to somebody who's walked in the same footstep that he's walk-in only to discover that when God shows you who you are you don't let anybody else tell you who you might be and they get connected and get their witness strengthened and they discover that somebody else's scars actually helped heal me what would happen if a struggling couple on the verge of the voice could walk in the sanctuary and not have to hug each other and sit close because they're afraid of what somebody's gonna say but could actually sit in a different part of the sanctuary but know that there is a couple sitting on the third row on the left side that is going through divorce themselves yet God brought them back together and they get the hope and the encouragement that what God did he can still do today you think we worship now what would happen if we could worship naked and unashamed I gotta go scars have a ministry those scars they verified that I'm here steal those scars validate that I'm healing slowly they they vouch that I can help somebody I've learned to thank God for my scar painful as they might be hurtful as they might represent time in my life learn that my scars give meaning to my experience see danse des des the story it's a story the story of a woman there's a famous model she took pride in her figure it's made a lot of money being a great model where she went people wanted to be close to her and she made it very very good living well then she got married second year of their marriage she was pregnant having a baby baby boy the successful pregnancy went very very well but the delivery got complicated Nona delivery the placenta separated from the mother putting the child in danger baby was going into distress and they thought the baby would die the only way to save the baby is that they could not pass the baby regularly the mother would have to go through a cesarean section have to cut her across the stomach pull the baby out that way in order to save the baby mother said without hesitation if it's gonna save my child whatever do what you got to do says yeah I'm a model but plastic surgery has advanced technology is a wonderful thing I'm gonna be all right he saved the baby babies born healthy everything's fine mother goes into plastic surgery to get the scholar fix she gets infected scar begins to turn colors and spread all over her body she goes into septic shock she almost dies finally recovers but when she gets up wakes up recovers there's a large snot just a scar but a stain on her entire stomach skin is falling off it's changed colors it's discolored it it looks bad she lost her career she plunged into a deep dark depression her husband no longer recognized the sister he married couldn't deal with it he left she lost the career she lost her husband she's damaged by the scar she loves her baby boy she does everything she can to take care of him but she never lets anybody see what happened to her she no children she wasn't curious they want to know what happened one day mom is in the kitchen and she's got t-shirt on she reaches up to grab something out the cupboard and the boys 6 years old now sees the scar says my mouth what's that quickly pulls her shirt down says nothing nothing don't worry about it but he wouldn't let it go or let it go he's inquisitive he wants to know my mama you got to tell me what happened what is that painfully sits down all of the trauma from the last six years in the surface in her mind her eyes filled with tears she breaks down and shares with her son would happen you were boy were baby had to give birth to you via cesarean section and this is what happened to me change my life forever boy 6 years old not really understanding what happened completely but knowing that without it there would be no him he stands her up wings in toes up her shirt and kisses his mama's skull mama can't take it she don't know what what is this what is this what are you doing he does it again he stands her up pulls the shut up leans in and kisses it's mamas car I'm a most to know now she's the inquisitive one what what'd you do that for the boy said mama it might be ugly to you but it's the prettiest thing I've ever seen says mama it costs you a lot but it's saved my life I know you want to hide your wounds tonight I know you wanna like it never happened I know you would prefer that people not know your full history but the reality is that what is ugly to you and what is painful to you will actually save somebody else's life I'm trying to help you tonight there is redemption even in your woundedness and while the devil wants to act loves us to act like it never happened and it never occurred and it never there's nothing wrong with us the truth is that our woundedness has a ministry my scars tell a story and my scars give me a testimony and if I denied the power of my experience I also deny the power of my resurrection but the truth of the gospel says that even with my wound itself I still got powerful to help somebody else even with my stain and scarves ill I feel their hair power to help somebody else I gotta get out of here tonight but grab your neighbor and say neighbor you don't look like come what you've been through your dress shop but you clean tonight but I know you got some skulls I know you got some wounded fish I know you got something Dage in inconsequential places but the reason you go through is because God wants to use your story to help somebody else get up from there huh if that's your testimony tonight will you lift your head up another your mouth and say yes yes yes God wheel give meaning to my mess I said God will give truth to master that will give power to my pain won't he do it eyeshadow only do it I said won't he do if you know he will yes
Channel: ROHO
Views: 13,239
Rating: 4.8769231 out of 5
Keywords: sermon, John 20, hurt, healing, pain, wounds, trauma, honesty, authenticity, injury, abuse, survival, testimony, power
Id: IfQvd9mlMvI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 27sec (2907 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 28 2018
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