"This Doesn't Make any Sense"

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sings and welcome to the miracle month of May if you by your neighbor could you please grab your neighbors hand as we begin this worship service with the word of Prayer and we welcome those that are also joining us via webcast if you would also touch the electronic device that you're watching on and please bow your head as we begin a word of Prayer dear Lord you are Alpha and Omega the beginning and the end you can you created us and for this we give you all the honor and all the praise on tonight Lord as we begin the miracle month of May send your Holy Spirit to this place now then your Holy Spirit Guides were there are people in this sanctuary guys that are in need of healing dear guy that needs to be lifted up by your spirit the God we pray for our nation their God for we are all in need of your grace and up your luck dear Lord we pray for the Speaker of the hour of Pastor John our Faison that he will come forth tonight and bring a special word to God allow us to open up our games so that we might hear the word that he's going to bring forward to go allow healing to take place there go allow all of our spirits to be lifted up on this Wednesday night ago it allow us to keep the faith that we have and know that whatever we may be going through diggin that you will see us through it to the end but we are the head and not the tail we are above in mastery so on tonight dear God lifts up every person in this sanctuary there guys and we lift up every family that's represented here on tonight dear doctor that you will plead the blood of Jesus over them as well dear Lord we pray for our pastor the Reverend dr. leakey Washington our first lady sister and Washington in their family and our Executive Minister ever Watley and his family as well doing and we ask that you just bless each and every one of us off tonight here guys and help us to understand that miracles happen every day all we have to do is believe pray and say in the word we ask these things in Jesus name we pray amen how scripture this evening can be found in the Gospel of Mark chapter 11 verse 22 which reads have faith in God jesus answered amen praise Lord everybody that's the command praise the Lord everybody can we stand on our feet the name of the Lord is there anybody there spectacles miracle anybody expected to leave here a different way that you came [Music] but the key is the mess up the name of Jesus because he said if I be lifted up I'll draw to become honest if demise [Music] give me more [Music] clean your parade I'm so glad you're in man you came [Music] about 50 to bring lovely I'm so glad you're in my my you're in my okay today but Lauren a more higher day me [Music] you're in my life came from heaven to earth ever rolled away [Music] come on and the proper the train from the grave Oh [Music] you pay to show my the proper to the grave from the drain again [Music] you [Music] when I lift your name on high [Music] Lord I'm not King your train and you're in my life [Music] I lived in a home think you're crazy you mean mine [Music] leave lorilynn Hey [Applause] great I'm glad you realize my nickname [Music] [Music] from the brain [Music] to the prom [Music] [Music] [Music] Anika nedeau ah Lord I love in your brain [Music] go plan you in mind I'm the man [Music] [Music] and you're in my mom and you paid the same of and name your brain Matt Cain from his okay [Music] [Music] go away they're just wrong Oh [Music] you all [Music] ah [Applause] [Music] on my like your name on I [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] the ball freezes over [Music] the Fricke's what's up [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] Oh come on [Music] who wah [Music] [Music] [Music] we [Music] holy holy holy [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] wah [Music] do [Music] about business [Music] aha [Music] Oh [Music] Oh [Music] yeah [Music] the car is [Music] not the young Oh [Applause] bring harness [Music] repeat after me so on we pray you're right just don't hold Oh [Applause] [Music] everybody's raised him oh praise Him praise Him he's good to play along let's play [Music] oh wow crazy praise him [Music] let's play Hey [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh come on that's crazy he's word you to be brave he's a machine let's say [Music] we pray oh he's working to bring apres I'm cornered Jesus lastania to be [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we [Music] get the call me Oh [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] ah Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I don't know about these things but I know that Jesus Jesus is truly worth it does it have to be your wife and your salvation cuz you abandoned you are left and only because of Jesus that we are [Music] [Applause] Wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] when we first time a return visitors please fandom Verity first time or we tone visitors as you could please fans please remain standing as our readers coming to give you a Welcome Packet on behalf of our pastor the Reverend dr. Lee P Washington our first lady sister Anna Washington's the minute the ministerial staff and family and friends of Reed temple we just say welcome and thank you for coming out tonight to join us in our first session of the miracle month of may we do hope that you enjoy this service and we also invite you to come out to one of our services here at the Glendale location either at 7:15 9:15 11:30 or 6:00 p.m. or at F Silver Spring location as well or our Washington DC location on Saturday night and you may be seated and if we could all please stand and greet one another this is in pieces as we paint a very simple song [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] after all Oh [Music] I know [Music] that the world of God [Music] that Dover amen let's thank God for this first opening night of the vehicle month of May preacher here we all come in with coming we're getting here and we're going to lift up our tithes and our offerings now justify offerings right now amen amen and we want you to be serious about sowing when you be serious about sowing I've been saying all months that we kind of pulled back generally we have a preacher every every Wednesday on miracle month but we kind of pull back this this year and we got three powerful three anointed three prophetic preachers that are coming and they've been laboring with God wrestling with God and God's been speaking to them and so tonight we want to lift up our offering I can't tell you what to give but I want you to give a seed that would be in in relationship to how God has blessed you and I know you I know you can't give all of it but give a portion of it at least at least and I know God has blessed you more than a dollar if if the god that you serve has only blessed you to degree of a dollar that a my god no and I suspect he's blessed you more than a $5 off and even a $10 off and even a $20 off slow down Reverend [Applause] now but we want you to really so into this because I believe that if you sow in fertile soil that the Lord will give you back the harvest and will bless you 104 can you bow your head just for a moment Father in Jesus name because we trust you never seen you fail us because we know that you are the God that gives a great return on our investment so tonight we come with our first offering in this miracle month of may we come believing we come trusting we come knowing that you can't be God giving no matter how hard you try so bless us as we sow in this first offering tonight to your honor to your glory in Jesus name we pray amen I think we got Usher's they're gonna they're gonna they're going to direct you to the table as if you don't know how to go they're going to direct you to the table from the rear to the front and to sing Lucy oh the brothers think of the night amen amen a rare for Monty so they're going to give us some giving music as you prepare to come and bring your own flesh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] go with [Music] oh he's gone [Music] [Music] hehe he told me [Music] I've got you [Music] which has again he keeps all black Oh Oh he's on Oh Oh put your hands again [Music] Oh Oh come on you don't let three takes up [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] Oh insulting Oh [Music] Oh now come on [Music] I got the name come on [Music] baseball blasphemy I gotta take it up in combat the me [Music] my god babe [Music] Oh amen father we thank you for these gifts and we thank you for the givers we pray that it will be multiplied as we put forth and go forth into kingdom building blessed as we pray in Jesus name Amen let me ask if we have any visiting preachers with us tonight if you'd please stand do we have any visiting preachers god bless you god bless your any others praise God thank God for your coming and sharing with us you may be seated amen now let me see do we have any home preachers from this church or what the north would you please stand any any of our ministers of the present would you please stand god bless you thank you for coming those that did not come I feel a little trumpet tell them they fired and did not come tell them they firing they don't have to worry about being in the pulpit anymore they are absolutely fired amen I'm going to ask Reverend Whitely who was doing a fantastic job at North location Norfolk if he would come and introduce our preacher at this time give him a hand as he come I'm excited because there's a preacher in the house and pastor Watson has been talking all month long about it's a very special nature of this revival as he indicated would normally have one preacher per week but we'll have three preachers over the course of the five Wednesdays I don't know if you all remember probably telling my age to the Millennials but there used to be joy used to only come in one size you know joy dishwashing detergent is gone come in one size right but then somewhere I guess about 15 20 years ago they shrunk the bottle and I got mad I said CL is trying to get over and the person in the store said no look it's called ultra joy it gives you the same power it's just in a smaller package and so we gonna have five works five weeks worth of preaching over three nights amen because we've got some ultra preachers amen in the house and I'm leading it off tonight is none other than the senior pastor the Watson Grove Baptist Church in Nashville Tennessee I'm a friend of our brother Pastor John faizon a man is back by popular demand amen he began his introduction to the Temple Church over a North Campus last year as a part of our new beginnings revival and we had to call FEMA in after he was done there just it was it was a major terrible situation and once we finish picking the bodies up and trying to put the building back together we thought we'd bring them back for the men's confrontation here amen and bless the brothers they went he's left the brothers and the Lord moved with him through him so mightily that just a few months later he's back again so that the entirety of all three campuses might be able to be blessed to hear what God had to say through him trained and head and heart and literally travels the length and breadth of this country declaring the uncertain words of God's glorious gospel doing a wonderful work there at the Watson Grove Baptist Church and leading that church and building it not simply numerically but spiritually because you do know there's a difference between growth and swelling and so it's not just that they're getting more people but they're growing in the kingdom of God and so I'm grateful that with all the demands on his very busy schedule he was able to stop by this storefront Church and to say once again a word from the Lord and so would you help me welcome back to the reed table Church Pastor John stay is on come on love till another we appreciate him coming and sharing with us the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ the problems go on sing till heaven gets happy until and then he's gone preach until the devil get Thank You amen [Music] you [Music] here would not if I never see your smiling face if I never breathe another breath change another step I follows it thank you yeah ah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I know I want if my paneer masala sauce [Music] [Music] if I never hear what to be [Music] ah [Music] ha [Music] [Music] [Applause] I want to thank you haha [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] how I love they [Music] [Applause] not about bomb No do [Music] I [Music] I will bless the Lord at all times and his praise shall continually be in my mouth my soul shall maker boast in the Lord the humble shall hear their robe and be glad o magnify the Lord with me and let us exalt his name together come on if you got to thank you in your spirit that night if you've got a reason to tell it that I appreciate you you got a reason but tell them I thank you for what you've done yesterday I thank you for your goodness and your mercy that met me this morning and I just got an itchy suspicion that if you could keep me yesterday and today that tomorrow still lies blessings favor everything I need you've already supplied so god I want to say thank you they lose you come on grab that neighbor's hand tonight grab that neighbor's hand let's go to God in prayer and form community all over the sanctuary tonight Oh God our God how excellent is your name in all the earth father we're so grateful for the way that you continue to manifest your goodness and grace in our lives grateful Lord that you still look beyond faults see every one of our needs thank you God for the neighbor whose hand I hold tonight I'm not sure where they've come from I don't even know where they hit it to the fact that they're here tonight gun is evidence that you indeed are a keeper through many dangers toils and snares we've already come it was your grace that bothers saved us fun it's your grace that will lead us on god I pray in the name of Jesus that you will make our hearts receptive and our minds attentive to the word that you will share tonight god I pray in the name of Jesus that any distraction or obstacle that has been demonically deputised to get in our way God that you will rebuke it in the name of Jesus I pray God in the name of Jesus that you will allow words to be spoken to strengthen my neighbor god I pray in the name of Jesus that every question they have tonight you use your word to speak Clara clear revelation to where they are god I pray in the name of Jesus that any concerns any issues anything's on their minds that they walk in with tonight that God by the time they finish worshiping you in spirit and in truth you have already spoken to those areas of concern you have lifted up clarity and revelation and giving them direction on how to move forward God in the name of Jesus have your way in this place tonight do what only you can do and say what only you can say God let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart and I would to be acceptable in thy sight O Lord my strength and my Redeemer god we preach we pray God that you will preach for us through us and to us God send the word so that your people will be edified but in all things your name be glorified God we bless you for the treasure that you've placed in earthen vessels that the excellency of the power may be of God and not of us punished not your people now for the frailty of your preacher allowed me to say it the way you wanted to say it my power is an adequate God I need yours my strength is insufficient God I need yours do what you need to do say what you need to say have your way in the place throw your weight around and the sanctuary tonight and we will be more than for to give you both the glory the honor and the credit for God it all belongs to you we prayed and asked it in the only name that matters the name of Jesus for in that name every knee is going to bow every tongue is going to confess that he is Lord to the glory of God the Father it's in that name that we pray might the People of God say a man come on if you believe God still answers prayer give him some glory in the house tonight hallelujah glory glory glory to God glory to God glory the ground over to God you may be seated in the presence of the Lord we give honor to God tonight ahead of our lives in the undisputed head of his church and we certainly appreciate celebrate would that you would help me to do the same to applaud appreciating to celebrate the pastor these people in the angel of this assembly the stage and statesman himself every doctor leaf he Washington come on praise God for him god bless you sir [Applause] amen amen so grateful for his leadership for his labor for the way that he loves the Lord in a public in a private way we thank God for his witness and for his work in the way that God uses him in powerful powerful ways to impact and to influence young uns in the gospel like myself amen amen to my brother into my friend pastor Matthew Watley hey man come on we've got some praise for him bless you sir a man certainly appreciative of his witness and his work as well amen a big brother in the gospel to all of our preachers who I quit us tonight and all of you my dear father's children it is indeed good to be here the Lord is good and he is worthy to be praised your pastor knows preachers across the length and breadth of this country and he could have invited anybody so I am honored to be here I'm also glad I'm first amen I get to get out the way I get to get out the way for for those trains that come come behind me I grew up in the country grew up in the country place called Southampton County in the woods down in Virginia I see a classmate they they're from Southampton County and they have a train train system that runs through that that really ran the county back in the day it's not his activism as it was before but my parents would tell me we went to the train tracks that you don't play on these train tracks because large trains come through here you don't you know you don't waste time on the tracks because you mess around and get hit with a large train coming through so I'm on the tracks tonight but I'm gonna not go mess around because I've got trains coming after me next Wednesday in the following Wednesday so we're just going to say what the Lord says and keep it moving amen amen with that you will go with me and your bibles tonight to the book of Exodus Exodus chapter 17 Exodus chapter 17 beginning at verse 8 Exodus chapter 17 beginning at verse 8 while you're turning there I want to give a shout out to my family back in Nashville they watchin y'all streaming tonight so they watchin hey good to see y'all amen Exodus chapter 17 beginning at verse 8 y'all pray for me I'm in a new season we've got three children 18 16 and 13 yeah yeah you as the seasoned things would say y'all pray my scrimping the Lord a man and I will be what the Lord is calling for in these last and evil days you say man a big four what is a 1 as a senior one as a senior and he's only is graduating this month so there's a lot of emotional upheaval happening in the house y'all pray for us amen amen but excited excited about new seasons Exodus chapter 17 beginning at verse 8 when you have it let me know by saying Amen amen I read from the New Living Translation scripture reads this way while the people of Israel were still at random the Warriors of Amalek attacked them Moses commanded Joshua choose some men to go out and fight the army of Amalek for us tomorrow we will stand at the top of the hill holding the staff of God in my hand so Joshua did what Moses had commanded and fought the army of Amalek meanwhile Moses Cameron and her climb to the top of a nearby hill as long as Moses held up the staff in his hand the Israelites had the advantage or whatever he dropped his hand the Amalekites gained the advantage Moses his arms soon became so tired you can no longer hold them up so Aaron and her found the stone for him to sit on then they stood on each side of Moses holding up his hands so his hands held steady until sunset as a result Joshua overwhelmed the army of Amalek in battle after the victory the Lord instructed Moses write this down on a scroll as a permanent reminder and read it aloud to Joshua I will erase the memory of Amalek from under heaven Moses built an altar there named it Yahweh nisi which means the Lord is my banner this is the word of the Lord not the people of God say Amen any man you may be seated in the presence of the Lord will talk tonight the Holy Spirit's guidance and with your prayers from the subject this doesn't make any sense this doesn't make any sense listen I'm an interactive preacher that means I need your help to preach tonight do me a favor and nuts that neighbor besides you knows I'm good I know that you're nothing when they slide to the side come on mother knows I'm good della labor life has a way of taking you into places and positions where all you can do is shake your head and say this doesn't make any sense this this right here doesn't that make any sense we went through this year what I would call a cantankerous winter a cantankerous winter because the calendar told us what season we were in the leaves told us what season we were in football season told us what season we were in on the problem is it became clear that the temperature did not get the memo for most of the winter that we experienced in the southeastern United States was a little bit topsy-turvy it was antithetical to what we expected for example on Christmas Day in Nashville Tennessee the belt buckle of the south it was 85 degrees many of us walked through our houses trying to figure out how to get through the day without switching from heat to air we walked outside trying to figure out what we should wear that particular day trying to make all of these decisions we collectively concluded this just doesn't make any sense see we knew the season we were in but what we were seeing didn't look like where we were it's quiet as it's kept there are some people listening to me tonight right now in similarly familiar place you are you are you are adequately and accurately aware of the season you're supposed to be in but what you are experiencing currently looks nothing like the season that has been spoken over your life so you're supposed to be sitting in a season of calm but some way somehow some craziness has jumped off and begin to infiltrate your life and and and you find yourself sitting in the parking lot sitting in the driveway before you walk in the house shaking your head whispering to yourself this doesn't make any sense you're supposed to be in a new season at your job some way somehow the same old silliness has begun the rear of your head you sit in your cubicle you sit in the break room and shake your head and speak quietly to yourself in an inaudible fashion that this doesn't make any sense your family had walked into a season of understanding some way somehow some of the old hurts some of the old wounds and some of the old season foolishness is beginning to creep back up into those relationships and so when you are by yourself stilled silent you do the same thing you shake your head you whisper to yourself this I thought we were past this this this just doesn't make any sense maybe your financial plan had been working just as you designed it for this season but unexpected events and unexpected expenses have now this season looking like painful seasons from previous years so you scan your bank accounts your savings your 401k your IRAs and all of your other accounts and you are starting to shake your head because it's eerily familiar to a time when you had more to pay that you had coming in and all you can say is god this just doesn't make any sense things aren't making sense in my house things aren't making sense in your house they're not even making sense in the White House I mean I mean after after eight years of a president who made us proud despite the relentless opposition after eight years of being led well despite the painful and racist attacks on his family and his leadership to eight years policies designed to respect all citizens of this country we are now heading for a season of leadership that could erase many of the gains the country has made and make us a laughingstock of global society because we have elected a cartoon for president and and all we can do is shake our head and say y'all this doesn't make any sense not now now now if if this is where you are sitting today and your plight is familiar to mine I need you to first know that you are not the first nor the last to experience this strange seasonal phenomenon from the text tonight we find the Israelites who are led by Moses dealing with a frightening Lee familiar season the Exodus chapter 17 verse 8 reveals to us the details of this dichotomous existence passage says that while the people of Israel were still interested em the Warriors of Amalek attacked them you didn't get it I'll say it again Exodus chapter 17 verse 8 says that while the people of Israel were still in reffered them the Warriors of Amalek attacked them you you have you haven't gotten the dichotomy yet one more time Exodus chapter 17 verse 8 says that while they are still in reffered em Israelites the Warriors of Amalek attacked them you didn't spot the dichotomy yet let me help you I referred them in Hebrew means resting place that they have finally gotten to a spot where they can relax they finally got into a place where they can put down swords they finally got into a place where things seemed to be coming together they've finally found a resting place they found a spot where conflict seems to be immune from this space they found a place where there is more supply than there is demand they they finally found a spot where Pookie and ray-ray are finally getting along they they finally found the place where things are beginning to add up and it's in the resting place that they get attacked it's in the resting place that that that that something breaks loose on the other side it's in the thrusting spot that Hale begins to show up unexpectedly it's it's an arresting place that they now find themselves wrestling with questions that they can not answer when it happens when it happens they are shaking their heads just like us saying y'all that this doesn't make sense we we didn't expect this to happen in the resting place we we didn't expect this kind of attack this kind of turmoil this kind of tumultuous existence to show up in the resting place in the place where things are calm tranquil and we're floating on placid seas in the place where I can feel the presence of God so near where I can almost touch it in the spot where there seems to be more joy than tears in the place where things are beginning to add up and beginning to make sense and atom and out of nowhere in that spot and attack shows up however if you keep reading the passage you will discover that God ultimately gives them victory over the Amalekites and sets the stage for their journey to the promised land see it's the way that the events in a rhythm unfold that actually are designed to teach you and I some powerful lessons in leadership you see it's through this encounter that they discover that the attack that happens in the resting place was actually a setup let the church they set up its brew this encounter that they discover that the attack that shows up in the place that's supposed to be calm was actually a setup that was designed to show the leaders that God was making the even through difficulty here's the lesson that they had to learn they had to learn that you don't let what your days look like make you doubt the season that you're in I said it too fast I'll say it one more time they had to learn a powerful powerful lesson that you and I have to learn as well that lesson is you cannot allow what your days look like to become the dictator of the season that God has placed you in after all look at the winter that you just came through it's possible to experience some days that don't look like your current season but you don't throw away your whole season just because you got a few days that don't make any sense leave me give me saints of God whatever whatever God has promised you it will come to pass the promises of God are you a and amen you are still blessed beyond measure you might not feel like it but you are still favored in the city and in the field you are still blessed when you come and when you go and you can't let anything or anybody tell you any different but please understand what your thinks of God God will use your bipolar days in a blessed season to help shape you into a better leader I said it too fast I'll give it to you one more time God has a tendency of using our bipolar days in a blessed season to make us and shape us and develop us into a better leader why because anybody can lead when everything adds up anybody can stay with God when things are making sense all everybody can walk and we focus when bills are paid and no sicknesses in your body and there's no conflict only job and no drama at the house anybody can make it when things oh well but God wants to teach you and I how to not only follow him learn from him but also Lea for him even when seasons don't make no sense not somebody tell them this attackers gonna work for you just tell them tell them this attack is gonna work out for you you just can't quit in the middle of the hell that's happening right now you'll sit down you'll make me nervous come on sit sit sit God God wants to teach you enough how to lead how to follow and how to learn from him when life doesn't make sense so what is it then that you do when you run into a situation that doesn't make sense to you here's what you ought to do you want to take on some cliff notes from the Israelites tonight uh is alike behavior their response under the leadership of Moses teaches us some valuable lessons about how to respond to seasons that don't make sense his first step first step if you're going to make it through a season that doesn't make sense you've got a 1 number you're number one you've got to learn how to discern the history behind the encounter yeah you learn they learn to discern the history behind behind the encounter here is reality behind every encounter that you and I have there's some history understanding the pass will often give us a glimpse into the problems of the present if we think that life happens a historically that all of our seasons are detached from one another we'll never learn the lessons that we need to learn because we keep rehearsing and rehashing of lessons we should have learned in the last season but if we learn to string together our seasons and begin to find the patterns and and fast and find the duplications and and find the linkages between the season we'll discover there some history behind what we're in watch the text verse eight says that while Israel was still in rhythm the Warriors of Amalek attacked them there are two fundamental pieces of history that really get unearthed revealed in this particular verse watch it watch it he says while they were there it's the Warriors of Amalek who attacked them well who are the Warriors of Amalek the Warriors of Amalek ladies and gentlemen are actually descendants of Esau C Israel are the descendants of Jacob he saws twin brother Esau was born first thereby he was a recipient of the birthright in Jewish tradition but in Genesis chapter 25 shake up the progenitor of the tribe of Israel a paytrik his brother Esau the progenitor of the Warriors of Emelec and tricks him into selling his birthright in Genesis 27 Jacob with his momma Rebecca's help ends up stealing the blessing of his father Isaac and what happens is what happened between Jacob and Esau then ends up creating enmity and conflict between the descendants of each son so Israel then is attacked in a referendum not because of what they did themselves but simply because they bump into some history can I help you tonight some of the attacks that are happening in your life ain't got nothing to do with you some of the attacks that are going on right now ain't got nothing to do with what you said nothing to do with where you are nothing to do with who you're related to but rather it's because you bump in to some history but you can end up having collateral damage from generations gone past conflicts I wish I wish I could talk to some cousins who can't talk to each other cuz your mama told you that you can't talk to them because their grandmama told them that they can't talk to them and if you ask them why they mad don't nobody know that you're sane talking some of the attacks we have are because we bumped into some history trying to try try try try and figure out why you can't get along with nobody at your new job you got none do it you just got there but the Joker who said in the seat well you now said had sowed some seeds and that you bumped into some history trying to figure out why every time you say this one thing she loses it you're trying to figure out why every time you say this one thing he snaps again do with you you just bumped into some history god I like this kind of preaching what what what worries a member that show us that there's history behind it for wait a minute this passage also reveals something else that we need to see our scripture says that Israel while they were still in reffered em let the church say steal steal meaning gain just get there they've been there for a minute they didn't just arrive in verse eight no they got there actually in verse one and when they arrived according to the passage when they arrived to the resting place there was no water there you read the text in your own time our text tells us that they get there and there was no water and the Israelites then start complaining against Moses they got so upset and dissin discombobulated in that particular space that they begin to romanticize about Egypt for a moment they wanted to be slaves again but what happens is God uses Moses to provide front water from a rock for them in that place could it be that the Israelites get attacked in their resting place because they did not appreciate the blessing that God had given them could it be that the reason they're dealing with the attack in verse eight is because they attack the one God had sent and assigned to them in verse one or you know like this I said some of the attacks we encounter are not because of history but rather because we forget the struggles of where we used to be and we devalue the blessings that we have today I lost half my amen because while some of our tax have nothing to do with us there are some other attacks where we are reaping what we sold preach pass the fascia there are some attacks where we got to deal with the consequences of the bad decisions that we made there's history behind the income so sometimes when seasons don't make sense it's because I've done things that don't make sense I said sometimes when I walk into a season that doesn't make sense it's because I acted like I didn't have no sense I live like I didn't have any sense I did something I wasn't supposed to do and the seeds and the fruit of the season I've sown in a manifesting in my life and now I'm like God where are you I say I'm right here but you got to eat this one I got a discern the history behind me and Calvin wait a minute wait a minute not only more started to history behind the encounter but if I'm going to make it through seasons that don't make sense in my life I've got watch this to decide to leverage the attack so I got to make a decision to leverage the attack stop lamenting every attack and learn how to leverage it stop looking for God to rescue you in every uncomfortable moment and understand that there are some seasons of development that will never happen unless I have to deal with resistance matter fact no doctor not only should we stop lamenting it we got to learn how to live with it what I mean that means never waste a good attack every every attack has within it embedded intrinsically it has the potential for progress I told you earlier it's a setup that if you lose against them what they're trying to do against you it'll actually propel you further to where you need to be stronger and at a quicker pace then you would have gotten there has there been no resistance [Applause] anybody builders in the building and if over like their work out on a regular basis they will tell you that the way you gain muscle and get stronger is resistance that's you gotta push against something that's pushing against you and as you learn to leverage the weight that's pushing against you you end up getting stronger bow and arrows work this way to that the further I pull against the arrow against these be the resistance and pull of the ribbon the further the arrow can actually go because if I point the resistance in the right way it'll end up working for me here's why you cannot waste a good attack attacks like this reveal people I'll be right back attacks attacks reveal people not now now when I said that automatically there was an image a JPEG perhaps a PNG that was downloaded in your spirit that got picked up in the iCloud of your brain and you automatically saw the picture of the person who's been trying to attack you yes you did yes you did you know your head testified I testify for you when I said attacks review people you said yes God he preached it now he preaches he preached it now because you got a picture of people that your attack can reveal but let me help you we often think that the attack is meant to reveal of the people and revealed our enemy but the truth of the matter is that the first revelation that occurs when you get attacked is you not only get a picture of who they are you get a picture of who you are who I'm preaching better than you say it Amen yeah some of you would testify I didn't know who I was till I got under attack I didn't know what I had capacity and ability to do until I went through an attack I'm in a text I'm gonna text I'm gonna text because passage says passage says passage says that when the attack comes verse 9 Moses commanded stop right there attack shows up verse 8 verse 9 Moses commanded in other words Moses speaks up okay uh what was that revelatory that's revelatory because when there was no water in verse 1 Israel complained against him questioned his leadership didn't wanna be dealing with the leadership of Moses goes back to Egypt at least there we had three meals a day but when the attack shows up now they are waiting with bated breath what leader Moses has to say when there was no water they didn't want to hear him but now hell is breaking loose Moses what is we gonna do here's why here's why you can't run from attacks as a leader because the attack can actually become an introduction to what you were anointed to perform god help me tonight that it's in attacks that you suddenly discover that you got leadership ability and capacity that you never thought was there but until things get hot and things get tight and bullets started fired you know wakin something inside of you and you begin to practice what you are anointed to do in the first place not not only not only does it reveal Moses watch the text it also reveals Joshua - Joshua verse 9 what sticks SEC says Moses commanded Joshua he says Joshua choose some men to go out and fight the army of Emelec for us now Scripture ultimately will begin to show us that Joshua will become Moses his successor we see that in Joshua chapter 1 but this is the first time that we meet him this is the first introduction we get to Joshua the son of nun that this is this is the first time we hear his name called in Scripture it isn't isn't it amazing that we get introduced to him in an attack that Joshua's fidelity under attack begins to reveal his fitness for leadership you gotta learn how to leverage the attack of today because the attack of the day is preparing you for greater responsibility in your tomorrow if you can't handle a few people talking about you today how you go handle Washington Post slander on tomorrow you can't handle a few friends turning their backs on you and a few people looking at you funny I know well as you go handle when you're in charge of a move of God that requires you to listen more than you see tax tax will reveal people but attacks will also watch this force you to plan I'll be back what's this a tax have a way of pulling out of us that which we did not know was that see this is this is court inscription not the first battle that Israel has ever been in you remember Exodus chapter 13 they are released with the spores of Egypt but Exodus chapter 14 when they get down to the Red Sea Bible says God hardens Pharaoh's heart they grab the chariots and about six hundred chariots from Egypt's top militia come chasing after Moses and the Israelites they are caught between a rock and a hard place they are down at the Red Sea mountains on both sides and they've got a gypped up best charioteers behind them it ain't their first battle but it is the first time they had to fight cuz he an exodus chapter 14 Moses told the people stand still see the salvation of the Lord the Egyptians that you see today you will never see again it ain't their first rodeo it ain't their first battle but it is the first time they had to fight it is the first time they had to engage in progressive participation it is the first time they had to pick up see and swords and get involved in the conflict verse 9 Moses commanded Joshua choose some men to go out and fight the army of Amalek for us tomorrow I'll stand at the top of the hill holding the staff of God in my hand this attack watch this pushes Moses to operate outside of his normal rhythm see this attack forces Moses not only to lead but also to empower others to be able to lead this attack makes Moses assess his own weaknesses see the places where he doesn't have real strength yet capitalize on the strength of others but without the attack Moses never gets a chance to see that there's more than one way to win when you fight with God can I tell you there are seasons that will repeat themselves in our lives there are times when it seems like the demons we have already defeated end up being resurrected and they show up like a bad thriller a recap in our lives and they come showing us rearing their ugly heads again but often what God does is he gives us familiar enemies but a different strategy so if every time an attack shows up you run from it you missed the revelation that the same God who kept you then we'll keep you now but he also has a way of giving you next arity flexibility and versatility when it comes to standing on his behalf that's the same way he did it last time he might do it a different way this time but the way you see him do it this time will give you a better picture and a better glimpse that he's still able regardless of what environment you find yourself 'hey i gotta go life doesn't make any sense you've got to discern the history behind the encounter you got to decide to leverage the attack his ism 3 when life doesn't make any sense you've got to make a decision to determine the leadership that's needed for this level to lead when things don't make sense to survive when things don't make sense you got to understand that there are levels to this Meek Mill theology if you will that their their levels their levels to this it did I in different ways and different levels of leadership require different responses don't take my word for it just just just examine the text for a moment the placement of the battle at referendum shows us some levels that are better necessary for us to pay attention to tonight verse 10 says so Joshua did what Moses had commanded fought the army of Amalek meanwhile Moses Aaron and her climbed to the top of a nearby hill get the picture here Joshua and the army of Israel are in the valley Moses Aaron and her top of the mountain Moses has his arms Greaves Aaron in her standing on both sides seems to be some different levels of leadership being exercised yet all of them are extremely valued we on the ground fighting with army of emilich is Joshua and on this level Joshua has to have courage it's got to have guts this on this level pumps me not apply this this level you got to fight face-to-face with enemies that want to stop God's plan for your life on this on this level you you you you you you can't waste a whole lot of time own on this level you got to learn how to deal with your enemies face to face handle it and do it in the power and the Spirit of God there's somebody in here today you on ground level today there are people coming after you from the left and from the right there are enemies and demonic entities they've been deputized to attack and to destroy the purpose and the plan that's not only on your life but that's on your family's life and then this season I don't know who you are tonight but in this season God says you gotta be careful playing games with a whip with inappropriate people you you you you you gotta be careful who you allow close to you because the same people you thank our clothes who are helping you might thank you and bleed you out on the battleground of your next level you need courage in this season you need guts you got to be able to tell some people may the Lord watch between me and thee while we ask that one from another you gotta be able to let go of some stuff you gotta be able to get rid of some habits and get rid of some things in your life that have been depleting your efficacy and your efficiency in this season when it takes courage it also requires discipline oh we don't like that we're do it we don't like that word we don't like that where we want God to deliver us but we don't want to be disciplined in nothing we want God to fix everything but we don't want to do anything in this season when you are fighting face-to-face and your life and purpose is on the line it requires some courage but there's no level here not just courage on the ground Bible tells us that Aaron and her huh on the mountain with Moses but Bible says they are next to Moses and they are holding his arms up that when he gets tired his arms begin to fall when he gets tired they are there to assist him they are not holding the staff for him they are holding his arms up so he can do what he needs to do on the ground Joshua needs courage on this level even in her they need compassion they need compassion because they are not fighting the enemy but they are standing in support of others who are God help me right here right here right here there are seasons in our lives when you and I are not called to fight battles for other people but we're called to stand in intercession on their behalf we're called to stand with compassion and concern I can't fight for your baby but I'm so not praying for you I can't fix it for you if you need anything make sure you call me I'm here I got compassion I got tourists I got concern for you too often we miss up the season instead of having compassion we want to go rescue people who are in the maddening God help me right here can I talk to parents this is where I met today sometimes your children end up repeating some of the mistakes that you have made and I know you want to step in and save them you want to put the parachute on and parachute into the valley and save them every time they blow it but there are moments in our lives where we gotta stay on the hill and say baby you gotta fight this one on your own I'm praying for you I'm concerned about you I'm compassionate but baby this is your battle and you got to handle this one Joshua needs courage arrington heard any compassion but wait a minute Moses is here too and Moses is the one holding the staff of God above his head so that the nation can win on this level Moses doesn't need courage he doesn't need compassion to tell you what Moses needs Moses needs character and he's character because he's lifting his hands and he's praying and serving as a symbol of God's trip but he is struggling to keep his arms raised because as much as his spirit wants to keep it high his flesh is saying pull it down as much as his spirit says do what God says and keep it raised keep it lifted his flesh is weaker than he anticipated god help me here when you are in a leadership capacity you you've got to practice character because your greatest battle ain't public your greatest battle is hot it's internal you're struggling with your own flesh and you think it's an isolated situation but when you lose with your flesh you losing your leadership - I want you to notice I want you to notice that the higher you go in battle the more internal the leadership become on the ground you lead other on the hill you lead yourself on the ground you fight enemies on the hill you fight your flesh but please notice every level impacts the other because how you lead on one level will impact what happens everywhere else verse 11 as long as Moses held his staff ha the Israelites had the advantage but whenever he dropped his hand the Amalekites gained the advantage once when you're in a season that doesn't make sense what you don't realize is there's stuff happening around you that you've not aware of but there is more at stake than you could ever imagine it seems isolated it seems disconnected but there's a narrative that is being painted throughout your story there's something in the redemptive history and plan of God that is providentially connected to your purpose your power and your passion that every step you take has reverberations and repercussions in eternity that even when it doesn't make sense to me it makes sense to God so I gotta learn to trust him when I can't trace him I got to learn the lien on his heart when his hands don't make sense to me you got to learn to follow him and the walk by faith and not by sight because the bottom line is this that the situation that you're in really is meant to be a setup setup is not meant to destroy you it is meant to strengthen you but it's not only designed to give us strength it's ultimately designed to also give him glory to face one more time I said the season that you're in today it is not designed to destroy you it is designed to strengthen you but while it is strengthening you as well it's also designed to give God some glory there is God name on the line when it comes to your season of struggle I know that you want to be isolated I know that you want him to leave you alone I know that you wish this thing would go away but God says I've got plans plans for your life and they are plans for good and not for evil they are playing there to bring you to and expect it here I gotta get out of here tonight but I need to help somebody to stand in their season in your season of struggle when it doesn't make sense in your life learn how to follow him even when you don't know where he's gonna have to learn how to stay connected to the God will never leave you nor forsake you because ultimately this battle is designed to give God some gold y'all don't get it let me show you the passage huh for the Bible says that when Moses kept his hands held high they gained victory from over the Amalekites and God whisper in the Moses's ear and that the ones you see the degra i'ma wipe them from the face of the earth you'll never deal with them again now that you've done in your part hops I'm gonna make sure that I do my part what does Moses do the Bible says that after they win the victory at rest for them huh Moses bills and all time yeah that's what he does he started worshiping huh in the place of his warfare he feels an altar and he names it Yahweh missing y'all ain't shouting because you don't know what y'all waiting to see me Yahweh missing me that the Lord he is he is he is my banner huh you're not giving him glory yet cuz you don't know what a banner is huh a banner is raised every time that I picture it takes place when you win a state championship they lift a banner when you win a football title huh they lift a banner up when you go through up something you should have survived huh they raise a banner huh because the banner says huh last time we were here God came through last time house we were in this slop God work on our behalf so whenever you see a banner huh about yesterday huh you know I encourage you about tomorrow are there any people in the building tonight the step banners hanging in your journey you shouldn't have been healed up from your disease but some way somehow God step here and you got a banner that says God Esau he is a healer huh you should not have survived the layoffs and the bankruptcy huh but God stepped in and said are we they'll supply your needs according to my riches in glory by Christ Jesus and your banner says he's my provider he takes care of me you shouldn't have made it to the last heartbreak it should've took you down but look at you now lifting your banner up saying if he did it before he'll do it again I gotta get out of here buddy is there anybody in here in the building tonight top let's get banners if you so mad yes your hands open over your mouth and give him the glory because it doesn't make sense but he still gon get done that up but he's still in control and I'll give him the praise I'll give him the glory I'll given the honor because he's still able let the redeemed of the Lord say so if you know that is able to lift your hands up open up your mouth and say yeah yes yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] can you do me one favor grab one neighbor and tell'em neighbor you say it's a name for me tell a neighbor you look like a banner carrier Tellem neighbor this dance is for you ha I'm glad steady open doors I'm glad that he turned it around I'm glad that is steady right on time and there is no secret what God can do what is that for others he'll do it for you holy do it Katy do it has anybody [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on just get somebody real quick and say hey I got a question does your banner still wave whenever you see the banner that means we still got the victory come on open up your mouth lift up your head and give God [Music] [Music] [Music] halleluyah halleluyah I want everybody to stand all over the house let's thank God for that word tonight I didn't say let's thank God for that sermon let's thank God for that word listen I I've been preaching a long time I've been listening to preaching even longer and then certain times pushes calm to preach a great Sun and then we tell to tell y'all some inside information we call the horses all right got it got a good sermon you know a good shouting sermon especially you go on the foreign territory you are right a familial horse written well in the past one that you know it knows you pastor Faison did not come to preach a great son he came to be obedient to the word that God gave him for this house was that'll work for somebody in here tonight amen sometimes we miss our deliverance focused on the shout sometimes all you can do is this and go home and let the Holy Ghost work on Holy Ghost wants to work on somebody right now he's asking you to surrender yourself to turn yourself over to turn yourself in to his custody until tonight the first question we need to ask is are you saved I don't want anybody to leave move or get nervous right now because God is still at work you're here tonight unsaved unsure about what it means to be said you've never accepted the Lord Jesus for yourself that means you're on the battlefield by yourself and and and and the devil is convenience and life is too hard for you to make it out here on your own even if Moses the man of God needed some help you need some help too and Jesus came suffered died on the cross and was raised to give you heavenly home and access to eternity with God so if you're in the house you've never accepted Lord Jesus for yourself God wants you to make another crowd in here you're saved you're a Christian but you're a homeless Christian you cannot say honestly that you have a church home in the DC area where you're going and ain't enough to believe in God these are the law to the people of God called church amen come on and so as we visit limitation it is God calling his son Cod calling his daughter home right and my prayer is that you will wrestle a warrior wait but you'll simply move as God has already moved on you on the counter with our praise got to concur to let you know we're actually to judge you or to look down on you because we remember the day that we had to make the walk but it's the real life and now what God is doing in your life we're believing with every step that you take with moving forward and faith in moving forward to a new life in God come on one for the father to the son proof of the Holy Ghost come on put your hands together right now and encourage the body to take the walk of faith come on Brother come on sister we're praising God for you don't stay where you are because blue phone and say right now come forward of these names come forward enjoy the service of the Lord Jesus Christ come on right now come on tonight come on right now to cry come to price come on whoever you are wherever you are the good news of the gospel is you'll remain like you are if you move forward and pay tomorrow's thing they'll over the house one time we offer Christ to you Oh [Music] we are for the Oracle come on come on right now oh my father [Music] you'll give your brand-new life and you burn like and a whole pound [Music] come on the neighbor hallelujah how you do if you see somebody walking I believe the more you praise God but will come to God because they see you're here to encourage them to celebrate with God is do you like come on tonight don't play a little thing where you are put your faith in your feet and lose for right now we offer right [Music] Oh come on exactly not so fast there wasn't a god silk in trouble [Music] life abundant oh come come on come on - Christ listen we're gonna go in just a second I just want a sick as one verse one more time and while we're doing that I teach you to be an evangelist of one I need you to reach out to your neighbor I'm up and unscripted for you come on everybody talk to somebody right now on behalf of God of God first come on talk to somebody right now extend yourself forth ever let them know don't have to go by yourself come on let's hide you tonight oh come on it's not as if they come on tonight [Music] come on the battles not swords of God and also enter yourself god bless you will see a kamikazes recovered from our fans hot flat black Thompson right hallelujah the Christ [Music] how looted that's what you want to thank God we have to be conductors coming to join the church tonight god bless you we're thanks God we should amen tonight with this body believers a man is another sister on her way right now come on keep clapping amen it's not too late anything you can still make it you're right on time amen i'ma tell page one more time back in the day before he went to jail there was a commercial with OJ running to the airport I remember that he was hurdled over luggage Russian tax people the concept was that he didn't want the plane to take off without him it meant somebody and you ought not want to leave this church tonight in the same condition that you came you're not what the Holy Ghost to lead you where he pounds you tonight but you want to move forward him so if you still are out there but you know God is calling you up here come out come out wherever you are whoever you are and however you are I promise you won't say like you are a member to thank God we assisted Brenda eight men comes in special prayer and then you sister presentation god bless a distances to bring the right here this is Erica that somebody has a word of healing a beam I receive a man and then this is sister benta amen all right well thank God for you also come for special prayer tonight and sister Erica become a special prayer let's thank God for sisters tonight who come forward and say Amen and if you'll go out with hey mr. Kingman sister Jamie Mancala ha now come on platform platform even let's thank God for our preacher game then the Lord used him tonight oh that was some big stuff I'm telling you I'm grateful to the pastor facing for as pastor Watkins said he said he didn't come he was moved by what God showed him we needed and I was one of the ones taking notes that's kind of a different kind of sermon and he repeated to re temple and he knew exactly what we needed so we are so grateful for him tonight and we want to thank him again thank the Lord for using him all right we're not going to give the benediction until the last night so you got a week of rest between now and the 24th next week we'll go back to Bible study but you got a week of rest and then we'll go to Baltimore I would dr. Patrick Claybourne and then we'll go to Texas with dr. Freddie Haynes so but thank you sir for tremendously blessing us tonight and so we're going to dismiss you at this time and as rev lightly would normally say go to your own home and I will see you week after well we'll see your Bibles to the next week we see back commit to the miracle month of the following the next week okay we'll look at it straight all right but we'll make the announcement so going to van July's tell others next week is 17 hi hi next week I'm sorry you're weak you'll rest a week after that all right so good night I'll see you god bless you [Music]
Channel: Reid Temple AME
Views: 21,092
Rating: 4.6347032 out of 5
Keywords: reid temple, ame, Pastor Lee P. Washington, Rev. Matthew Watley, Church, ame church, gospel music, Worship, Reid Temple, AME, Sermon
Id: OlkEXgSmQqo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 111min 23sec (6683 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 12 2017
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