Bishop Veron Ashe "Foundation in the Kingdom"

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bobby was leaders to you with a spear signature attention nomination whether he cold what men have said does not be idolaters stuck on pet doctrines but help us to be true to truth feed us and we will be changed feeders and we will be changed there is a famine in the land and is not for the preaching of your word it is for the hearing of your word let this house not be caught anorexic but let them be such hearers that they will be fat that the table of the Lord eating the word of the Lord hallelujah we bless you we bless you she we bless you we bless you come and worship the Lord come on worship in just a few more seconds don't applause them don't applause applause is not worship worship you don't clap when your wife says come here and give me a kiss you don't clap your hands come on love him kiss him say something to him worship is intimacy it is an interaction is an interaction come on come on worship you worship it we bless you we love your Lamb of God we love your Lamb of God thank you sir we love you Lamb of God we love you Lamb of God amen amen grace and peace in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ she may be seated I'm a blessing to be here let me apologize for being so late and I'm on several different medications then there was fighting with colon cancer and things and I try not to take one before I preach but this morning I forgot it and then I was asleep in the presence of the Lord I was laying before him and when they came to get me and so let me apologize it wasn't intentional you know but any opportunity to worship see in my mind worship is not preliminaries we could go home because you can't take an hour and talk to God and God not talk back to you and so there's something incredible when we are in his presence like that and somebody once told me said they introduced me and said now it's time for the most important part of the word which is the preaching of the gospel the worst fear check my spirit when I got up I said it's not that's incorrect the preaching of the gospel is not the most important part of the service the preaching of the gospel is the secondary consequence of man's sin and disobedience we must preach today because we don't Mack right yesterday but worship was the command of God in the garden before man ever messed up and so if man didn't mess up he'd still have to worship the Westminster catechism which is the catechism read written in England in the 16th century dealing with the Protestant Reformation that was taking place there the first question that is asked in the Catechism catechisms record cut aquella catechism to teach by question and answer those of you that used to be Catholics remember the Baltimore Catechism you know where is God God is everywhere you know all these things but and so the chief question of the Westminster catechism is what is the chief end of man and the answer is to worship God and to enjoy him I like that part to enjoy him all the days of our lives and so there is a quest that we are to enjoy him we don't get saved to be miserable we don't get saved to come in here and just be saved enough to get to heaven and saved in understand of Hell there is something that we are in pursuit of something far greater than that and that is the presence of the Lord in our life something that we can that is not only imaginary but tangible and so I'm just gonna have to be here a house that worships the moment I walked in last night I could tell that there was a sincerity in the house and there's a passion for the things of God it's one thing to sing good it's another thing to sing love songs and because you love him and so on there's there's a there's a spirit in this house that is requisite for the move of God there's a certain type of house that God looks for he just doesn't show up anywhere he looks for a place that's welcoming he looks for a place where Mary sits at his feet there's a whole lot of places that have Martha cleaning the kitchen but there are a few places that have Mary when I heard the story about Mary Martha it disturbed me because I don't understand why God in the person of Christ would almost glorify such extravagant waste and laziness doesn't make sense to me not in my view of the kingdom and the kingdom do we have too many lazy people we need more people to be doing things and so but understand that the issue is cleaning Martha was trying to clean because she wanted to make a good impression on Jesus and Mary understood that Jesus is the one person you can't impress because it doesn't matter how much you clean he's gonna see the dirt in the corner nobody else sees and so Mary said it's the end of spending an hour trying to just make stuff look pretty I'm just gonna sit at his feet because when he cleans you you're clean [Music] [Applause] and when we listen to his word his word we'll find things in us that we can't fix up we can fix it or we could put a long dress on anybody long doesn't long face and you know a suit in a tie and fake it and make him act like we got it together but the reality is is that those that are really hungry for God every day sit in his presence sit at his feet and say Here I am right wrong or indifferent all my strengths all my weaknesses cleanse me change me bless you guys good to see and we hunger for his presence I was preaching in the biggest churches in the country all over the world booked for TBN I just said signed a three-year contract and something broke in me I signed our getting on the plane I signed the contract we talked about salaries everything the numbers were incredible something broke at me and God said this is not what I called you to this is not what I told you to do go back for on and find your first love [Music] we're gonna talk today about I want to talk about fivefold ministry but we also want to talk about apostolic ministry in particular and what that really means because when we hear the word apostolic the first thing we we identify it with often time its doctrinal movements but it is not it's not that it's far more important than that you cannot be an Apostolic Church if there are not apostolic voices in the community that are bringing order and when we begin to understand that God begins to agree it's a get get get your first love again wrong get your first love get back to that to understand why I've called you to do what you do this is the thing that that that amazes me in the church how many of us have lost our love for the things of God did our passion art there was something in us and I don't know about you but when I first came into the church the old minute may not have had this type of experience but when service was over it wasn't over you remember the there will be people praying at the altar and the Deacons were turning off the lights and they the families had to get them off the altar and picked them up slobbering and boogers hanging out their nose and head and put him in the car and in the car they still speaking in tongues and times had to pull the car over because the presence of God came in there there was something innocent about it but there was something pure and passionate that the presence of God made us and found us any place I realized at the time that I had preached most of the mega churches in this country but this time I was invited to most of them I've spoken all over the world I would prophesy to pastors and to leaders and the people my gift would operate my in the house of the Lord but I forgot that when I was a young guy running revivals and small churches and traveling you know and catching planes and being there and going to eat at Pizza Hut that the word of the Lord would come on me when I was sitting anywhere you couldn't eat you couldn't go I had breakfast with me and me not prophesy over cornflakes I never forget we were in I was in LA and we went to a pizza place a man I'm in the pizza place and I remember the guy that was with me used to travel with me sometimes I was young it was in 21 22 years old at this time and the guys making the pizza and I'm staring I'm staring in the guy that's Whitney said please not here come on dog let him finish the pizza don't let him come on man I'm hungry the word of the Lord you know and it's coming up and I say hey you looks up his hair all into little things so you don't get down on you know into Pete's in stuff and I spoke to him I spoke to and I said I said said your brother was killed by a bullet he was a gangbanger you lost your faith in God you haven't been home in two years your mother doesn't know what happened to you well by this time he's nodding and crying all on our pepperonis and stuff we had to go to Burger King after that but there was a passion there was there was something about God didn't eat church buildings something about him that I could pull on him anywhere and when I became so good at ministry I began to neglect his presence in everyday life what God has done for me in the last several years after losing everything diagnosed with cancer dealing with ulcerative colitis mega toxic all and every day of my life now sleeping on the floor being homeless in a park with nothing after having everything this is what I have found out I have found God in ordinary things the natural has become supernatural I have found his presence in the most unique place he has spoken to me through people and things I never would have listened for him before true apostolic ministry is the foundation of the church God says I will build my church and the gates of Hell will not prevail against it gates in this era or in that era that is written are not offensive weapons gates are not there to keep or to attack you you never walk by a gate and the gate jumped up and attacked you gates are there to keep you out the gates of Hell will not prevail there is an apostolic voice there is a group of people now that are going to sow hunger for God they're not gonna wait for the enemy to come to them they're gonna come to him revival has to leave walls the outpouring of the Spirit has to find its place in areas it would have never seen itself before and as long as we are stuck on our subculture we will never really experience the presence of God let me tell you something people are not going to listen to you when you walk up and the first words out of your mouth are praise to the Lord because they're an unbeliever praise the Lord as a command that does not apply to them in the immediate sense let everything that I breath praises the Lord it is their very breath that testifies because the Hebrew word is Kadesh which means holy rule rather which means spirit spirit and-and-and-and and breath are synonymous so in that sense that you understands that if you're breathing you're praising but to say praise the Lord what is that that doesn't recognize anything to them you have to be able to meet them where they are understand what they're dealing with and then let the gospel not be a series of remembered thoughts ideas colloquialisms and fancy things but let it be a true expression of his presence see the Bible says that the church is built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets the apostles and prophets Paul says to the Church of Corinth says that I sent apostles first apostles the word Greek they're the Greek word for first is proton-proton means first in order of preeminence doesn't mean that the apostle is more important then the profit it doesn't mean that the profit is more important in the past or what happens in the church is we take secular ideas and try to understand or interpret biblical concepts and so we think that because the Apostle is first he is more important than and then so now everybody's an apostle everybody and we're not understanding that what that means is the Apostle that's why really the word apostle is translated missionary the Apostle goes where nobody else wants to go now the problem is that most people we have called missionaries were not apostolic and so they came in two regions to fight demonic powers but did not have the apostolic authority to really do it and so by what they did is they set up Bible studies but we never saw a revival are you with me watch now when an apostle doesn't have to leave his City to go someplace nobody's been before he can begin to declare truth that has never been declared he can speak to the Spirit and begin to prophesy and when when you have a church that's committed to apostolic ministry you can begin to change the spirit of the region and be missionaries in your own community because you go first sometimes you can be connected to a tradition or to a group of people and because you break even though you're still connected to them but you break out of the tradition and begin to move into the things of the Spirit in a way or a region that they have a whene now you're operating apostolic because you're moving into something that other men were afraid to move in because you are declaring something that they were afraid to declare because they would lose the popularity of their brethren but the price you will pay for truth is oftentimes the friendships that you have built close to you and so the apostle of profit the foundation of the church is built on the foundation of apostles and prophets the foundations are the Bible says in the last days there circum creatures the lack of which have never been seen before and they shall come out of the bottomless pit can i prophesy to you that a church that is not built on apostolic and prophetic ministry is a bottomless pit and there are creatures there are preachers that come out of it they have the face of men but the Bible says they have the bodies of animals and there is a sting it won't kill you but it will make you sick unto death there are preachers coming out of the bottomless pit that are preaching messages that are not going to kill us necessarily but they will fill us with such religion and disgusting traditions that we miss the passion they sting us and move us away from God this time we're living and we're seeing this this expression we're seeing this and so when we understand the God connects us to men that are bringing foundational teaching I understand this the foundation foundational teaching is not always given great what I mean accolades when apostle's going they pioneer when a person moves into an apostolic anointing when you move into an apostolic community and God tells you to do something in a region that has not been done before God tells you to produce the people to produce something that is filled with passion for God when you commit to that it's not easy we're talking about paving the way pioneering and after static anointing is a pioneering anointing it will it will and it will not be understood because the first thing the Apostle is gonna do is bring order and let me tell you something if you don't believe this just keep living the biggest problem that we have is with apostolic order because people connected to an apostolic house we're not I'm a denomination we're talking about people that committed to those that have heard the message of the kingdom and are declaring john the baptist's let me say something about apostolic forces john the baptists was in the wilderness and the Bible says he was saying prepare the way of the lord prepare the way of the lord prepare ye the way of the Lord repent prepare the way of the Lord he was in the wilderness the Bible says he was in the wilderness alone and declared repent for the kingdom of heaven is in him and the Bible says that the multitudes came he was there by himself he was preaching the cactus but the message began to go through the airwaves and people in the city didn't even know I said let's just take let's go have a picnic when an Apostolic Church is in position it will begin to influence the radio the television it will begin the economy the schools when you begin to declare truth the declaration of truth will change the spiritual character of the region that is sin it doesn't need tracts it doesn't need something to put in somebody's hand all it needs is the word the word this is why it is that the Bible says to do the foolishness of preaching and it's not just any kind of preaching when Paul said that it is the foolishness of preaching he was referring to his preaching which is apostolic preaching he Paul understood it is through this foolish preaching and what makes it foolish is that it is a weak idea it doesn't come with publicity it doesn't come with the things that we like to do we immediately one of the things when I began to preach for all of these men I never forget one of the largest ministry in this country sat me down said look the first thing you have to do is you need to hire a publicist and I said well where is that in the Bible he says you need a publicist because if there's any controversy or anything they can clean it up for you they can straighten it up or or they can get you into the TV shows you can get you on the radio get you on the news catch your unique your you know all these different things your prolific in the languages and educated you can go far and we need so we need to find you one of the best he says the one that I hired when I had 500 members and wrote my first book and started to do a few conferences the one that I hired I hired from Wall Street she cost me closer to $200,000 he said but everything that you see this one we made happen so you need to do this and I like it here is just through the foolishness foolishness calculated ideas not ideologies that will work in a secular world but something that succeeds at the expense of secular success something that si succeeds in spite of itself do you understand do you understand that that's what the gospel it succeeds in spite of itself that that what we declare the word changes it doesn't need demographics it doesn't need it doesn't need any it is the word of the Lord now that's not to say that we will not use whatever resources are available to us but we will never forget that our first call is the declaration of truth the problem with declaring truth is that it is unyielding truth is unyielding therefore it's unpopular truth is absolute so you must meet it where it is it cannot come to you it will never find you seek and you you're not getting it truth will never find you because truth is not looking for you because truth is absolute and so when apostolic ministries come they don't look for the numbers they're not trying to have the next church with ten thousand people the Apostle says give me two hundred that are hungry for truth not doctrine and when I say truth I'm not talking about theology or doctrine because anything let me say this to you and you don't have to like it because I got a round-trip ticket before I got here and is paid for and I mean and at least I know which way is west I could walk home if that don't work but look anything that produces pride or arrogance is not truth I don't care anything that makes you sick that you better than anybody else or more spiritual or better I have a better doctrine or we're saving you ain't or we're more spiritual because we don't look like you you don't look like whatever that is that's not truth because truth is so absolute that whenever you stand in his presence whatever you know you cast it aside when the elders in heaven stand before God and the Bible says that he rewards them and gives them crowns for the work that they've done the Bible says they take the crowns and throw it in the street because they realize when they stand in the presence of the king that nothing that they did was worthy of standing in his presence nothing not one sermon not 1 evangelism not one person they baptize none of it is worthy to stand in the presence of the King Paul says that our righteousness becomes like filthy rags the word there literally is toilet rags rags that are used to clean human fecal matter from themselves it is the most disgusting term that a man could use and Paul says all that we have accomplished in the presence of the king hear me in the presence of the king we are broken and humbled I said the Apostle today we're talking to this bishop and won't declare the word of the road because I believe that this house and the people that are called - and people that are here today are not here by accident I believe in accidents of coincidences I believe there's something in you that's hungry you know some of you don't even know why you here you don't even know what God is doing but you know that God's doing something the Bible says that Moses was the greatest of all men to have lived because he was the lawgiver it was through Moses that the torah came the five books of the scripture of the bible and so the giving of torah was the revelation of God's light among his people the Jews so Moses is considered the greatest prophet of all prophets because he taught men how to find God now watch the Bible says that Moses was the meekest of all men in the world Exodus says there of Moses he was the meekest which means gentle humility hear me there's a direct connection there's a direct connection between humility and the anointing you want to know how valid and anointing is find out how humble a person is because you cannot see that you cannot walk out of his presence one of the one of the most disturbing things for me has been and I told God I said let me always be like this is one of I have experienced the move of God truly experience his presence truly experienced it I want you to know that I walked out of church broken because the being his presence and see God do things made me miserable because I knew of all men I'm not worthy do you understand it that I will walk out and I would say oh my god you spoke you healed you did this this this and this and why through me of all the people in the world your prayer and the only true place you can you could the only place after being in his presence is a broken place you give me a hundred men that are broken and I'll show you a revival greater than what took place a hundred years ago here real brokenness not religious tears at an altar that are subsequent to a sermon that plays emotional games with us and manipulates us to get a great altar call but really has not challenged us to change our life preachers are the best at manipulating emotions so that we could say brother we had a great altar call and get you there but here doesn't matter if when you get up from there you're not changed when you walk out of there it I don't care if you never fall on your knees here if you go home and you think and a wife goes home to an unsaved husband who has not come to church in 15 years and she cooks him dinner she stays home she hugs him when anyone comes in from work and she says I have failed I've been so faithful to the church and so committed to the things there that I haven't been a good wife and I know why you wouldn't go to church I wouldn't go to church for somebody like me tell me what you need for me to be a better wife so that you can see the light of Christ so that you'll want to come I was a sanctified wife sanctifies the husband not more religious not praying louder not speaking oil on his pillow not sitting there every time he opens up a beards I'm in the name of Jesus when you begin to experience an apostolic ministry above challenging places has never challenged you before it will challenge you to be what God has called you to be not in the sense of ministry the danger of this generation is that everybody lusts for the pulpit it is amazing to me people are not saved 15 minutes and God called him to preach immediately they lust for that and if they don't get it they start their own because we have glorified here let me do something I've been there I've been at the biggest one this is the thing I said I don't want young guy he can amuse his men he says ah I can't wait for God to open up doors for me like you opened up for you I said you're crazy and if you ain't you will be because this this is minimal this is not ministry this is simply a regurgitation of things that we have experienced all week it's it's this is not this is not the price the price is not paid you cannot determine the validity of a man's ministry by the hour and a half the D pours out of his mouth what he's read from somebody else's book or heard from somebody else's sermon it is the power that is filled with his life not necessarily always demonstrated through the sick being healed and the bomb being delivered it is a subtle power it is the power that you cannot put on the front page of a magazine or put on TV and it is a power that will never be seen by television cameras it is a power to seek God and do to the most powerful enemy he will ever encounter himself this listen to me I never understood his going I read the verse it said the kingdom of God suffers violence and the violent take it by force I ask God I see God what does this mean we're supposed to take the radio stations and take the TV stations and take that you cannot take it by force I do we think it's that we think about what no no the kingdom of God where is the kingdom of God where is the kingdom of God he says it is neither here nor there it's not with observation if you can see it if you can say it's there guess what it's not the kingdom do you understand it oh my god Lee stonking his running revival at this church the kingdom is there no because if you can say it's there it's not the kingdom the kingdom of God is not with observation it is secretive subtle it's hidden it's in you the kingdom of God allows violence and only the violent take it by force men and women who are willing to do violence to their comfort zones not to war with other religions or war with the other states or other things but to war with Paul said that there is a fight my fight and it's here you get it you want to do violence to violence to yourself the kingdom of God - declarations of the kingdom will cause you to have to sacrifice things that you never thought were valuable it will inconvenience you on every level it will call you the dimensions in God that you will never be able to get invited anywhere for the true expression of God's kingdom will never open a door it will never print a flyer there will be no business cards when it begins to express itself it will be soda and it's because let me tell you something for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal true or fair takes place in areas and in places that most men never see when I move into a city when I come into a city Apostolic Lee to declare the word of the Lord and I know I'm going into that said let me tell you something the Bible says apostles go first that means an order preeminence an apostle is first right when I go on to the city I know that I'm going to deal with the Prince demons because I'm a prince in the church and my job is to battle those spirits now how do I battle them I have to discern the spirit of ignorance because how does the devil fight he blinds our eyes the Bible says the princess this world has blinded our eyes so what he does is he keeps us ignorant the greatest weapon of the enemy is ignorance the greatest procurer of the greatest weapon of the enemy is the church we dumb you down just get saved that's all no no no you can't fight demons we just being safe you have to fight the spirit of England and so when we'd go to war when I do finances to myself watch when we do violence to ourselves first Ephesians 4 Ephesians 4 attorney I want to show you this if you don't talk it if I do violence to myself when when I truly pursue the things of God when you truly pursue God when you truly pursue God most of your greatest experiences what happened by yourself somebody told me one time is it my god bishop when you preach or whatever I heard this message how did you what well how do you get a good sermon how do you develop a good sermon I said well I don't know develop a good sermon by the time I'm preaching that our two hours that I preach whatever I was a two year conversation with Don in my prayer closet if you think that certain was good you should have heard that argument you think that that what I'm describing there is incredible you should see what I experienced in the private recesses of my home in my faith and my passion forgotten true hunger for God I have had men that swore up and down on me they would tell you that I was the best thing since sliced bread these men were covenant called himself sons and at the first sign of any controversy or the first sign of something they didn't agree with and I'm telling you every son that called himself sons and ministry that were connected to me and wrote me checks thousands and thousands of dollars every one of them left because they wanted titles and positions and God said you ain't ready amazing amazing how those words will reveal the Antichrist you know he's a multi-headed spirit that comes out of a religious system the anti-crisis is an i john saw Kreacher rising up out of the sea out of the group of people had seven heads and ten horns we know that there is a different meanings for but one of the things that is seven has anything that has more than one head is Antichrist the moment there are people that are in your commute listen listen to me I don't care how honored you are okay how many people you have prayer meetings for and they get here I'm sick you will never be above your leader never and that has nothing to do a pride that doesn't even have to say that he's better a it doesn't mean it means that God sets people in the church see everybody needs someone to submit to hear me because it is a natural consequence of the anointing to produce pride you cannot experience it so you need some place that somebody is not gonna prophet is without honor in his own land do you know why because in his own home they don't see the Prophet they see little Johnny who's hard-headed who broke him to the store and stole candy who they see little Johnny who who fell in love with a little girl and she didn't like him and he was there crying on the song corner you know all of us and it's whole word falling about they know all of it they saw little Johnny who who ate too many beans and then you know had passed gas at the table and looked like a fool they know him as a human see every prophet needs somewhere to come home to where they don't see the man of God they see someone that needs to be seeking God like they seek him it keeps us humble the funny thing is we like to surround ourselves with people that Pat us on the back and tell us how wonderful we are but we need to surround us up with people that don't know who the Apostle a prophet but want to know him together we need man I don't look for a church to submit to there's gonna get me the anointing the anointing is gonna come by my passion for God I need a church to submit to this don't keep me humble in the presence of God a place that I can come home to and not be the apostle I was killing myself man you know why because I had no place that I wasn't the bishop no place I had my real friends that I was in covenant with moved back to Paris back to France Montpellier and so they were incredible both Harvard graduates they clocked me they called me they called me on anything they were my friends and when they left I didn't have any other healthy friendships especially in the church because the people in the church are just all you know Google I and they they all come with agendas those that say God God sent me to serve you we're actually there to steal from me or we're trying to use my ministry to open doors for their ministry while I'm preaching in the church they asked in the past of her business card so that when we leave they can call him and try to book themselves but they said but these people were such friends and it was great because I would come home from job all you know month and suffer then and they can't say what do you do they said nothing so let's go eat alright and I knew I put on my jeans and my t-shirt rolled up my sleeves put on my hat my baseball cap and we went out we decided we ate and we enjoyed ourselves and they would just check me they take me as a man you know what's going on with this so what did your chances are no high you know what is it getting to your head I'm gonna never never getting to my head I'm staying humble they said well the mere fact that you said you're staying I'm what means you're not humble because the truly human humble person when they check me the clock me they asked me hard questions things things I need people in my life does Muhammad's success those things are important mother Jackson a woman in my church who followed a pastor drone church when I started to church he closed the church to come unto me now that's the different thing because most people leave a church to go start a church she closed her church down because she saw something she wanted to submit to she didn't care I'd say something sometime and then they looked proud and arrogant and you know you get there and I said because I'm the bishop and after church she come on up she's a baby coming up she walked up and grabbed me by my coat like this now come here ain't no apostle and no archbishop I ain't got no ring like you she's but she would tell me she said she said I'll tell you this I know God and if you keep talking like that you don't lose him you gonna lose them you need people in your life like that Trevor static ministry does not come to produce 30 preachers sitting on the pulpit all waiting for a chance you can't even ask them to take an offering cuz there's a 3-hour sermon I told you to take money and you're here telling us about the revelation good nobody cares about your revelation I ask you simply simple but they're all desperate because they think because we have failed at declaring what ministries they think this is ministry there's no reason why anybody who is who has it was called a minister should not be preaching there are plenty of places to preach there are plenty of people to listen the truth is you don't want to preach you want to share in the glory of another man's pain you want to come the truth is you want the benefits without the price you don't want to have to treat your church out you don't want to have to lay foundation and paint walls you don't want to have to do those things and pass them and counsel and all of those and so the truth is God wants to do God wants to pour out something in the church but it can't because why can't see because he has to change our way of thinking come we're so caught up doing things in a certain way that God says I would bring revival but I can't get past the pulpit I dream revival in your church but why send you a thousand people for the truth for for for some of the men in the church to steal them and start another Church down the street at the expense of covenant because that's what happens and we follow we go thinking this person must have a greater anointing because they're younger and they're more vibrant more and more faithful or whatever it is and we go and we allow the enemy to confuse us into destroying us and there's another head there's another Antichrist anti anointing anointing charisma charisma the group the group were their charisma comes in in the Greek when you when you write it out it is primarily it means mercy there's the word there that is found in the Greek lettering is mercy said that the anointing is a secondary consequence of mercy the anointing charisma the gifts are the secondary consequence Cara in the Greek merci implies that I am anointed not because I've done some right you understand that cut out grace the wood the root word of of the anointing is grace the root word of grace cada is joy so the anointing it's the consequence of grace in other words whatever I'm accomplishing I'm not accomplishing because I deserve it I'm accomplishing because he's doing it in spite of me the reason he gave me grace the reason he he's using me in spite of all of my things is because I enjoy what his presence it's not a burden to open my home it's not a burden to to feed people it's not a burden to to do the things that I do I love doing I'm not doing them so God is not angry at me I'm doing them because I love what I do when you stop loving what you do and you stop when you lose the joy of God and there are so many people I've been in so many churches and see so many people that just don't enjoy him you with me so anyways listen I'm gonna show you this and Ephesians 4 this is everybody knows this text I mean this our hope Jesus considering we're gonna redeem features for in a segment Bible says concerning John the Baptist Jesus looks at the crowds John the Baptist is in prison word comes back to Jesus John is in prison and John says are you are the man are you the Messiah or should we look for another say anytime I'm here me any time a generation declares the next move of God but does not benefit from it can you imagine being a prophet declaring the coming of the Messiah John that prophesizes behold the lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world but now that he's in jail the message changes you understand that the price for being a true prophet is that you will never benefit from what God reveals to you prophecy is God speaking through men today about what he's going to do tomorrow if we could benefit from what we declare then we would have our own secret agenda which would mean we were manipulated so God speaks to us of generations to come of things that we will not directly access so that we will never use our gift to benefit ourselves true gifting always benefits others tell you last night go get empty vessels empty vessels Jesus at a wedding feast Kate those empty vessels hello empty vessels that means if you want to be filled you got to empty yourself when you come to church when you come into surgery lift your hands to God just empty me I know nothing I said it at your feet knowing nothing speak I take those empty vessels and fill them with water fill them with the word and when they filled it with water the vessels were simply vessels with water there was no wine in those vessels it didn't become wine the Bible says until they poured it out in the vessel it was valueless but when it was poured out for others to enjoy it became bad here oh you don't hear me you don't hear me you don't hear me you don't hear me and the wonderful thing about that is the people came and said it most people serve the best at the beginning and you have served the best of the last is that there is nothing that the church has seen or experienced that is worthy to be compared with what he's going to do are you listening to me so watch now what did you go out to see what John the Baptist he says what did you go out to see a prophet I say unto you is greater than a prophet since John the Baptist no man has been like this guy there's no what he says but here's the problem you are like children in the marketplace and we piped unto you and you would not lament nor would you dance what did you go out to see a reed and shake it in the wind why do you go to church why do you go to hear preachers and evangelists what is it for to be entertained but what's the use we tell you what God wants you to do and you don't do anything you don't cry or laugh you stay in your complacent religious attitude you are not changed but you go to every meeting every revival every preacher watch now Jesus says his word she said doesn't this work you are like children in the market do you not have you take a child you take a job you take them to a store I have some friends of mine daddy beautiful twins beautiful - it's just ink shopping I'm gonna you know I'm the Godfather you know is when I had money now they get a heck of me unless Jesus name and I keep the toy for myself desperate desperate times call for desperate measures but it and I took my said we gotta buy them I want to buy them some nice things that's what it's what a Neiman Marcus I I want to buy something really nice you know I wanted to be sharp man and I'm taking him through Neiman Marcus you know and next thing I know these little kids walking through the clothes and we're walking by the fur coats on the top floor and there's a mink sable coat there's $185,000 for one coat and I'm looking at these little kids and I look and I realize oh my god this child has one of those you know them little sticks like Apple and Mel watermelon they can suck on you know and I'm looking this child has and the whole mouth is red and green and it's on their hands and they're doing like this and I'm realizing oh my god you don't bring children in a place where there's a hundred and eighty five thousand dollar coats because a child doesn't know the difference between grranimals your remember Garanimals underoos they don't know the difference between underoos and a mink coat and Jesus says to the church you are like children in the marketplace you don't know the value of what you have you disregard it and treat it like as Kmart and you are in the presence of the most valuable thing in the world you come late and you leave early you go to church and you sit there you go to the bathroom three times you sit there and ignore the preacher and can't even tell us what we preach talk when the church services this generation has missed it we have missed the value of God's presence we are like children there's in my very soul just saying that brings me almost to tears i sat homeless sinner in a park and I say that because I never thought in a million years I would be homeless in a part homes in the park and for people that have been with me for 10 15 years steal my property put start their own churches on my money I think that I'd worked for undermine me live try to destroy me took my pay my insurance so then I was diagnosed with cancer I couldn't even go to the hospital i sat there and the Holy Spirit and I began to weep because I understood I spent 20 years of my life preaching there's got to be more and I wanted to know is anybody if anybody really changed by the presence of God is there anybody who everyday walks in is the presence and say surprise me surprise me I don't need this I don't need this I'll give this up today I talk up when I was all over when I came when I got finally a little better and stuff like that one guy a friend of mine said man look I want to do this we bring you on I need an associate pass I'm gonna put you on staff pay your salary I give you six figures car get your beautiful condo by the water you know all these things and you know you cover the book you preach for me too and at that time I don't know I don't want to preach anymore I'm through I'm finished I'm over it I don't need it I don't need it I've been I've lost too much I just want to take some time to get to know him again just in his prayers you understand that there are times when you just I just wanted him I didn't want the church in my I don't want the accolades I don't but but the wonderful thing about God is that God doesn't let us have him to the neglect of us see he is my heart's desire and you are the things that help me produce a life worthy of his presence see it is only in covenant that what is wrong with me is revealed as long as I am away from people and isolate myself I can hide my issues see covenant reveals things in your character that you didn't even know was there some you your children have moved out of your house they are gone and you have told him do not come back and now you got a family member who's going through something then I'm nowhere to go your wife is saying you gotta let him stay here for a couple months and you're thinking in your mind I just got this house to myself why why don't we want to open up because one day you gonna come home from work your brother-in-law is gonna be sitting on your couch with your remote control watching your TV flipping the channel and you gods first cousin you save sanctify you gonna come home from work and walk past him and go into your room mad because this man is sitting on your couch eating your food watching your TV and you're going to lose your joy just that quickly but the problem is not him see covenant many people in my life reveals what's wrong with me what's wrong with your patience that something like this could so irritate you a man who's truly in charge of his countenance and his spiritual welfare doesn't let things like that steal his joy something you can't even make it to church if you get a run in your stockings then it's over you forget it the whole service you're there miserable with your legs crossed like this designed worshiping amazing the things that steal our joy and our peace amazing these things that do this to us amazing God and so as much as I love his presence as much as out of his presence as much God will not let me not do not being covenant after this is he says the only way he said because Veronica's in covenant that the things that are within you will be revealed covenant that i will show you yourself myself yourself it's in covenant that i bring out these things and then i remove them you have to be that's why you can't have the church both hidden sanctified and they are sanctified all of one you can't have the church without Jesus you can't have Jesus without the church we're the same thing are you with me what did you go out to hear the momma said cousin John the Baptist who was an apple solid voice but it was an episode of voice of the end the era the prophetic voice of the voice that of that old Arab he was beheaded why because there's a new apostolic anointing there's a new voice any time God brings in fresh move of God the old move of God must die willingly every man of God hear me every generation must know in humility that whatever they are giving birth to today they will be beheaded tomorrow that keeps us humble when the Prophet speaks he comes with a birth certificate and a death certificate I've come to bring a new move of God but it's gonna cost you the move of God God's gonna do something fresh but it's gonna cost you being emotionally connected to what God did you with me watch my visions for I'm almost finished with my first point relationship Apostolic relationship when we understand it and I'm gonna show you something in a minute it's far more important we're not talking about we're not talking about order for the sake of order you understand that there are people that do things because it's fashionable they Institute things because they change for the sake of change but not for the sake of God you don't mean that there are people who are always cutting edge but they're not cutting edge because they're cutting edge they're cutting edge because it's fashionable to be cutting edge it's the in thing they they're always with a new revelation with a new idea of a new something but not because they are in pursuit of God they're not describing what they have seen I wish you could get this I wish you could get this they're not describing what they have seen they are describing what other popular men have seen this is this is my thing is is that in 15 minutes God can give me more revelation than most people get in a lifetime I don't understand it I couldn't I can't figure it out for you but I can take a verse that you have read your whole life and in 15 minutes God will open it up and people sit in the churches I didn't read that my whole life how did you get all of that and it is not for people to take it and say wow it is for them to look at that verse and say how did you get it you know what I tell him I said I go to the guy who wrote it see you know the book but I know the author I have never memorized Scripture the problem is is that when I lost my library all of it and my Bibles in the Greek text alone they're all gone I don't remember any divert I don't care you know I I can quote them but I don't remember where they're I'm not like these other guys again I don't I don't know I know them but I don't know him I didn't commit my life to memorizing scripture I committed my life to getting to know the guy who wrote and inspired the scripture and when he reveals it you get it you get it when you get to know him that's what it's about and in soul when I preach it's not for men to walk away and say I got a new truth and birth new trick no no no it's for men to walk away and say speak to me that you speak to him that's all I ask God to do it it's for you don't for you to walk away and say huh you're bigger than I thought you were you're greater than I imagined you were show me your glory how many of us have so hungry for ministry that we have not passionately pursued him show me your glory and I won't even tell nobody about it I won't try to write a book about it I want one of the things is that I was Baker publishing house and several other ones as Harris announcer I wanted me to write books all of them never when are you gonna write Bishop what are you gonna write when are you gonna write when are you gonna write when you're gonna write because everybody else is taking my stuff and writing it that's when you want to write and we time I go to write it every time I sit down and I begin to try to ride and I begin to check for the paper I become convicted I'm almost afraid that if I write it he won't visit me the way here's the video I'm almost afraid that if I benefit from his presence you understand you understand that that if I try to mark it in if I if I try because that's what what God was in you know you get some I love this I love preaching and talking to men ins and women and sharing within the heart because it's it's like friends sitting together I'm sharing with you my experience and you're getting and you think about how that makes sense but but but but I'm not marketing I'm just not trying to sell it you don't like it you don't believe walk out ok don't cost you nothing you have to put a dime in the offering your grown man but you buy a book you committed but that you know I esteem the reluctant I like to I like those people said well I listen to what you say and I'm not sure I agree with all of it I'm good so what are you gonna do about it argue I'll go home and read I'm gonna go home and read good I know that this that verse don't say that good there's most of the time we hear preachers and we do nothing at least if I get you to read I produce a Berean spirits gonna watch this so I don't have you know there is something about I wish I wish you could get this which reps taluk move comes it will take men and say I'm here for you man oh god I am committed to this house I have no agenda save the glory of the Lord that's all God you know what the Bible says that the whole earth shall be filled with his glory that's what God wants God wants an expression of the glory of God that's all he desires he doesn't want anything else he wants the earth that is filled with ignorance and darkness and and and hatred and where other people are greedy and selfish that's when any time the church starts to be Church the stories told you that's not which people being Church when you be Church not have Church not go to church now try to do church when you become you field OC haha with his presence in your field so filled with it that there is nothing left when you do it and you do these things you don't do them so that people could pat you on the back into my god she's a real they do it they do it every day they do it they pick up people that other people would drive by these sacrifice they go and they cook a little extra food and they put you know some more tortillas on the table and put a little extra rice so it can spread out and feed more people than just two and three you know they do that because that's what's in their heart they don't know how to do anything they don't know how to how to be selfish they don't know how to it's it's their spirit it's what they do they're not trying to get benefit they're not trying to get anything from it that's the real that's Evangel that's revival when people see this you want to beg them to come to church when people see a church that's being Church you won't have to try to manipulate them and lie to them and tell them all the grass is greener and the sky is bluer the truth is when you get saved the grass is not greener and the sky is not blue and the devil does the devil does not disappear and a matter of fact the reason God gives you a few good days is because the all the Gehenna she or Hades Infierno whatever you want to call it all the hell you going through it's gonna be so overwhelming that every now and then God gives us a little glory a little peace a little joy just to make the pain of the future a little more bearable but when we can do that when we can submit it the my versus the whole earth is filled with the glory of the Lord the Bible says that we are changed from one glory to another glory we behold his glory in a mirror the Bible says in a glass and we shall behold him face to face the Bible says we'd be holding his glory in the mirror shall see him face to face if I am looking in a mirror I am seeing the reflection of myself right but the Bible says I see him face to face if I look at a mirror and the reflection in the mirror is him you don't get it listen to what the scripture says we looking in a mirror through a cloudy mirror when the cloud dissipates I see him face to face why how can I see his face in a mirror that's reflecting me because I have become like him do you get it do you get it and if I am building my ministry and if I am trying to be successful to the neglect of the glory of God I will never see his face see the purpose is to lose me to be so consumed with doing what he does that I forget Who I am there's Peter Peter what's Peter Peter Peter is denied Christ three times or he's about to Jesus tells him before this night is over you're gonna deny me three times here's Peter Peter has left Jesus one moment he's about to fight for him and when Peter realizes they gonna come for us and X Peter has he handed no more all of a sudden he's a Quaker he's the Society of the Friends of Jesus all of a sudden he impacted no more to the sword and disappeared he's you know he's making he selling you know hot dogs and tacos outside of the club you know he's there by the fire and this girl comes and she says aren't you one of the ones that was with the Galilean aren't you and in his denial Peters sin was worse than Judas Judas never denied Jesus Judas never said I don't know him Judas said I'll sure I can walk right up to him Peter's denial was a far greater transgression because Peter had seen the miracles and had known and he said I don't know him I don't know you're talking about but you can't be in his presence truly in his presence and not be changed because she said to him sir you're a liar you sound like him do you understand I want to be in his presence that if I tried to sin if I tried to backslide I couldn't even do it because I would be so filled with his glory I wish I wish you get it I wish you can understand that there is a passion connecting to God that we are so filled to them but it only comes when we become free from all of the entanglements of the ID the ideology or the need to succeed passionate revival some of you are men and women your families you work hard every day you go out in the morning and you work and you come home to your kids and you sit on the couch you turn on TV you sit for a few minutes and the next thing Bible says I'll go to church get ready now go and you've been faithful you've been faithful and you've been faithful but you've lost your joy because you have not seen the expression of God's kingdom you have not you have thought that it was here only and you do it every day every day every day but little do you know that God wants to visit you right there being a husband being a wife being a father being a mother and that the glory of God in your home is that valid and as powerful as it is in the church in the Jewish mind said it according to the Jewish scholars it says that a woman need never hear me and this is not applicable now but the rabbi said a woman need never attend synagogue for she in serving her children and her husband has accomplished the highest goal she has sanctified the home where the heart of God is found every day baby by being a wife you understand do you understand that you are a pastor you are an evangelist and the value of your home far exceeds the value of this corporate setting because it is there that we are challenged and we can produce people and children family if we take the responsibility of our home with the seriousness that these men take with the church imagine how incredibly changed not religious not coming home and it's time to pray children know it's a dad this says it's time get the football because that's worship worship it's not get the football so that your children are not only fearful of you but begin to enjoy you that when they're 20 and 30 years old they when they're sitting with grandpa sitting there we're late oh he's there and everything and the kids are said you remember when dad was trying to teach us how to play football and fell and broke write those things those things that bring smiles to the faces that's how God is with us it's not about this it's about enjoying his presence about the time like I tell you one time I said the first time I experienced healing it's like an idiot man I went to one of these Billy Cole and people would be healed I mean it was like crazy stuff you know and I couldn't believe it because first of all he could barely walk 500 pounds man this brother he had wheel him in and I said God's gonna use him to heal people you need to get healed this man have never been on a fast in his life our Twinkie is not fasting what is this I mean seriously you know you sit in your look and he and I'm looking and I know that some of the people I know then and I'm looking at a guy whose leg was twisted and the foot was turn under like this from birth it was like he's 29 years old and he punched this guy in the chest and I said we're going to jail lord I hope they got insurance and he told the guy to get up and walk and the guy as he starts to walk with his foot like this and I'm looking at it as he starts to walk each step he takes the foot gets a little straighter and you could hear the bones in his leg God begins to recreate puh puh boom and the kid stopped said he's looking because his leg so you know what I do next revival I'm in bring the sick if God could use him 9m up and these crazy people believed me that next night I never saw so many people crooked and I mean they must have went to the street corner and I thought we would start with a sneeze a little cold or something these got crippled I said bring the sick not the crippled this is a different spirit trying to work my way up this is who has the flu Rachel Jesus name and I did menu we call the guy out man and I saw him they thought it was by faith you know I heard these guys talk about that how how did they get me resist and we did it we laid hands that we believed in faith move I knew I had faith and so I got a guy man and pulled him from the wheelchair blade Hansen kick the wheelchair out and said walk and I walked ahead of him and all I heard was I said next yeah I left them there I walk right by my saw praise that worship is laying before the Lord praise hallelujah not lying now if I take stuff so serious I pray for let me say something I pray for the next person nothing they felt same thing I'm kicking Richards out when I got to the fourth person who was the older lady the pastor jumped up and grabbed the mic is it praise the Lord Saints we're gonna be back tomorrow Bishop answers gonna be praying a prophet as she's gone we're gonna be prayer all day tomorrow praise God Saints you guys all shirts come help the man and at first I was I mean I was a different man I was like what happened and then you know I was you know the religious spirit comes on you but as I went home and I was repenting to God something I must have done wrong something and I could hear like you gave me a good laugh I didn't think you were gonna go through with it we could you imagine your father you know sitting and watching you do that enjoy he enjoys that's been trying see true fathering and I said I told you so because because here I thought god I reject him here so but but God got you my children you know here you are your kid you you leave your kids alone five minutes you come home right and your seven-year-old son comes out of your room with your shoe size 11 on his little force you know too big for him in over his eyes and you're you know you got your coat on it's dragging and you know you spend $800 on the suit and the shoes with you under $50 and here's your son walking and you want to whoop them you want to say I told you that on my closet but you can't because it looks so cute trying to look like you you understand you enjoy the presence of your children because children are children they do radical crazy things and you can't be so busy working and producing d'hui the right thing that you don't enjoy the presidency worship it's not only what we do in the church worship in his presence is enjoying him sometimes the act of worship is the simple act of stopping your car when you're rushing somewhere looking at the Sun looking at a tree hearing the sound opening the window getting some fresh air and saying I love you it is as important as what we do corporately we have gotten so confused we have esteemed these moments that we no longer find him in the solitude and the simplicity of our everyday life it is only when I find him there that I become useful here you get it you get a watch watch Ephesians 4 I've been trying to get there all night I got future for in 11 another the this text is popular as it is has to be understood within context we're gonna show you some here because I have a lot to say about this but God does not sit God does not set up offices in the church for the sake of offices they all have a reason you understand that God God God doesn't just give out new titles everybody's trying to get a title everybody we follow titles to the neglect of authority no no you don't have to call me a prophet you don't have to you will know when the Lord is through speaking that a prophet was in your meets anybody wants the title and anyways the five for ministry well let me just read this to you and then I'm gonna say something but let me just read it let me read it first I would never read it before 11 for 11 says this oh it's hard for for seven but to each one of us the grace was given according to the measure of Christ's gift therefore he says when he ascended on high he led captivity captive and gave gifts on two men now that he ascended what does it mean but that he also first descended into the lower parts of the earth he who decent it is also the same one who ascended far above all the heavens that he might fill all things and he himself gave some apostles some prophets some evangelists some pastors and teachers for the equipping of the Saints for the work of ministry for the edifying of the body of Christ till we all come in the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of son of the son of God to a perfect man to the measure and the statue of the fullness of Christ Himself who say this to you there is no verse in the Bible that precedes a man's name with a title none' it's never the Apostle Paul never the Prophet Nathan it was always Paul an apostle there's never the Apostle Paul it was Paul an apostle because your office will never precede your person see it is your uniqueness if everybody tries to be Stone King or everybody tries to be Jakes everybody tries to be Juanita Bynum then there not being who God made them to be Paul's Apostleship was only important because it was Paul the things that you like the gifts that you have the strengths that you have that the desires that you have all of those things are intricately connected to what God wants you to do you cannot kill the talent because now you're saved you have somebody these things or wraps or paints or can sculpt or can carve or can do something and they give it up another than in church because they're so busy that they don't have time to pursue the things that they love but their annoying thing is can can be connected to their personality God uses that to touch people that my preaching will never touch there are some people who will never come to a church never but if you do what you do you will connect to other people who may never walk in the church and your talent will give access to see the gospel how many people have we killed their gift and talent because we are them so busy be religious they couldn't be themselves and true salvation is the releasing and the revealing of who God called you to be before you were in your mother's womb he told Jeremiah before you were in your mother's womb I knew you before your mother went on a date with your father before your granddaddy that's your grandmama for a phone number before I need those things happen God already had a destiny for you and the problem is it's the moment you were born in the world everybody tried to superimpose their idea of what God wanted you to do your parents had already planned out your future baby sitter just wanted you to be quiet your schoolmates want to peer pressure on you to fit in with the clique the teachers had to get a certain percentage in order for the school to get certain loans and grants and in order to do that they had to force you to fit into a certain particular group so that they could get the things that they want and then the worst thing is you got saved in the church and now you dress like everybody and look like everybody in speaking tongues just like there's no uniqueness to you nothing and deep down on the inside there is a flame that God is breathing on and saying I want you I want the gift and the talent that you are see the fivefold ministry an apostle Apostles govern prophets guide the Prophet is the I Apostles govern the prophets guide the evangelists gather the pastor guards and the teacher grows when the fifl ministry is in full function in the church you will have people whose lives are filled with every aspect of the kingdom they will be in right position they will have a valid idea of their future they will be in covenant with others they will be protected from the powers of darkness and they will be spiritually mature the Apostle who the Bible says that Jesus is the apostle of our faith right Bible said that there is no prophet grader Moses was the greatest of all these prophets that describes the the Pharisees said Moses being the greatest of all of these things and the scribes said how can a man do these things except God me with him Jesus was referred to as one greater than the prophets and one greater than Moses himself he was the greatest prophet to declare God's will he was the greatest evangelist Jesus could not go to any city and the multitudes come and sit at his feet he was the greatest pastor he himself made constant reference to the Shepherd he is the Good Shepherd the shepherd of Psalms 23 he was the greatest teacher who could sit on a rock and take everyday things parables and revealed the glory of God's kingdom the fivefold ministry I'm show you something in a minute here so the fivefold ministry when we see this text here we see this passage of Scripture this verse does not begin with Paul I'm almost full time that's almost 9 o'clock it's early of course I should have been here an hour and a half earlier and you were but you know praise the Lord listen Paul is the first guy to steal somebody else's sermon maybe not the first but the first person to really publicly do it and not give any credit Paul didn't originate this text Paul quotes somebody else he quotes the Book of Psalms now in order to understand this verse you have to understand it within the context of its original revelation if you have your Bible Jeremy now to psalms not just and what most you know the verse Psalms 67 or 68 actually in I'm reading out at Septuagint so but 68 and verse 19 when you have a say men Oh y'all got the fancy stuff I'm sorry you don't even your Bibles and where you look at the screen some 68 19 you ascended on high he led captivity captive or maybe it's a because I'm reading out of the septuagint verse 19 which may be 18 verse 18 to send it on high your that captivity captive you receive gifts for men for the rebellious also that the Lord God might dwell among them sound familiar now watch Paul says you send it on high you led captivity captive Paul yours and on high you did captivity captive David you receive gifts for men Paul you gave gifts unto men David for the rebellious also Paul he that ascended is the same also the dziena he there wasn't heaven preached to those that would be in hell for the rebellious also David that the Lord might dwell among them Paul apostles prophets evangelists pastors teachers David said the Lord might dwell among them Paul apostles prophets evangelists pastors teachers David that the Lord might dwell among us Paul you want to see them apostles prophets evangelists pastors and teachers the church we have pastors we have teachers we have evangelist but the church is neglected the apostle and prophet therefore it has kept us ignorant and has kept us from our call because I call is not to be preachers our call is to be like him but I can't be like him unless I see him and I can't see him unless he's in my midst and he's not in my midst unless the fivefold ministry is being fivefold ministry you got it so a church that robs me I had Pentecost ourselves me there are no more apostles I said you're ignorant if there are no more apostles the Bible says that they will remain he gave these ministries for the perfecting of the Saints I said well then you're perfect and the churches in unity and it is neither we are not perfect and we are not in unity and the fivefold ministry when it is truly reflected it will chip away at the things it will call the fire-god it will call the church into humility because you will be able to see it expressed not in preaching but in life yeah five-oh ministry apostles prophets evangelists pastors and teachers the Lord might one among us he dwells among us to the fivefold ministry you take one of those ministries if you don't let the prophets the prophesy have you know that the Apostles bring the government in the church and the order in the church the thing is we don't want these gifts because we cannot we can't truly submit to these anointings an apostolic gift when an apostle walks in a room and the people all day been cleaning they've been cleaning cleaning cleaning setting up all the chairs when the pasa walks in the room he sees the one chair that's out of place a little crooked because the apostle is so anointed to bring order anything that's not in order is what draws his attention it's hard to work with an apostle cuz you don't get a lot of credit you just happen all day straighten up all these chairs and you gonna say one chair in Jesus now I'm going to First Baptist forget this but because the apostles concern and the Apostle has to know an after solid voice has to know that that one chair is not the important thing but as your natural tendency apostle can be critical and can make it very hard for people that are connected to him because he all he doesn't see the things that are out order but God has gifted him to see the things that are out of order so that he can bring order and he cannot get sidetracked because God has not called him to straighten up chairs God has called him to straighten up people to bring your understand and so really as an apostolic voice I had a woman it was for my minister for 10 years 10 years 15 11 years this woman in the end I never our danger I never laid hands on her I never licensed her I barely let her speak you know she was preaching running revivals all over the country you know she made her own business card she her dangerous self she made herself an apostle she's ignorant and I don't care she did all of these things she stole my property she lied on me she manipulated I'm telling you by the time it was over I was sick in the hospital and I had signed over my power of attorney so she could take Seraph care of something she robbed me of over 150 thousand dollars this woman did well I was announcement nothing she took because your power returning my own accounts and took the money no souls the church started home and she told people that I ordained her and then I wanted to lay hands on her but it was not for ordination and I'm gonna lead the five four minutes your honor in the name but anyways for ten years was injured for ten years she asked me to be ordained for ten years she wanted to be me to lay hands on her for ten years and every time I looked at her I said you're not ready she hated me she hated me she despised me and at the first opportunity when she saw I was weak like a wolves I did not know that people could be inherently evil inherently they could see you dying and not help you I couldn't III believe the best in people when I see people you know I just want to believe that everybody's okay you know that's probably why my first mistake but you know and so they I couldn't understand it but see my commitment to apostolic ministry is if you're going to go to a church and those people have heard the things that I have said I don't even claim to be semi-intelligent there are men far more intelligent and used it myself I only claim to be passionate I don't my preaching is not designed to impress it is designed to empower it's designed for you to walk out of this room hungry for God to say to say what is it about Bishop Ashe that you that you like listen to him I don't know but he makes me want to pray he makes me want to seek God that's what he makes me I walk out of church loving God more than I did before this that's the you know that's all I want that's all I want so I told her I said I can't send you you go to a church and you lining people up in the prophecy line with a hundred dollars and you're telling every person in the church that they gonna be a millionaire and gonna buy a Mercedes first of all that's not prophecy that's witchcraft that's the manipulation half these people can't drive at the Toyota they got got broken and stuff at the gonna go give him a Mercedes you're getting it she was not ready she was she wanted to be a Juanita buying him she wasn't a hundred for the things of God am i home and and my commitment was you're not ready truthfully I told her one day when she came in she was just in tears you're my father why would I told I said I'm not your father not your father because you do not have my spirit and truth be told I have already seen your future I will never attain you because your heart it's not right I'm telling you she didn't when the day she started ministry let me tell you how proud and arrogant sickening she had not been a pastor for a month sure it had a special chair she had people bringing her glass of water there you go because that's what she wanted somebody carrying her briefcase that's what she wanted she didn't want the price paid she didn't want to say she didn't want to sit and study when I told her originally when I would sit I would tell people you want to know I had 10,000 books that was half of what I had before so just get I gave the rest to the library and then and all those were gone and she knew anybody that was in my ministry anybody that was connected to me anybody when you looked at their library they were at least 2/3 on the books people came to me and asked for stuff and I said well here here's a list let's start with this they stoled here let's go to Bonhoeffer listen have you read Carl Bart carvart was the survivor of the German Holocaust and when he survived the Holocaust he he from Germany came to America and became a theologian one of the greatest thinkers of critical theology and systematic theology he wrote five books and changed the view of American Christianity and when most of the colleges had become secular and had become carnal he brought a revolution and through his teaching but brought forth a revival and an afresh induction of men these are the things I read but most of the people she couldn't pronounce half the words in the first page you do and I said you're not getting it you're not hungry for more you you can only you only give what you have if you don't put nothing in you know there's old thing where they just say when doss when they had written daus and started programming came out and you remember that garbage in garbage out I told her I said I know what you're feeling I know who you listen to I know the preachers that you listen to and all you're gonna do is regurgitate their stuff you're not going to be hungry for the presence of the Lord there is no command I would just one chance I gave for her to pray I said not pray prayer is an intimate connection between God and a person it is a conversation prayer is the true see I know who God calls to preach you know how I know I listen to them pray when I have prayer meeting when they have prayer meeting me there with them and they're praying and I and I'm walking and I'm saying father move and I'm listening I'm listening I'm listening to the young guy who's an accountant and his husband and he has kids and he doesn't care about ministry he's happy doing what he does but I hear of my hearing I hear something in his voice that says he ain't gonna be accountant forever and then I hear this woman who has business cards and briefcases and everything else and her words I think Oh someone else is there not her they're not passionate you ever met somebody when you were young first you remember you met you had a friend and they fell in love don't remember and and you're hanging out with them and you got sick you say you know what just go don't even hang out with us no more you know Johnny what's wrong where's Johnny Nina look taking all her friends now you listen you're here your friend your lover you know she's in love with Johnny and your dare talk y'all talking about getting ready you know the big horn the conference and you're trying to figure out your dresses and everything because that God me send you your husband so you got to work this stuff on but she already found somebody she in love with him and you say hey what are you gonna do what are you you got to practice the music for the choirs and there she is with her pen in a school book and she's drawing a little hard she says Johnny loves Maria she puts a little hard John his last name is you know whenever Roberts Maria Roberts she's in love her speech betrays her everything that she does speaks volumes this is not just a crush you want to hang out no he's gonna call me tonight you're in love when you're in love with God you wanna hang out at the church now he's gonna call me tonight you want to go to Denny's now I got a day to have to I'm in love you wanna you you want to be used by God there's nothing wrong with hungry it is a good thing heated desires the office of a bishop decides a good thing there's nothing wrong to desire but let your path to the pulpit we had the altar find your way there through brokenness at his feet let him pick you up from his feet and raise you up in a group of people who said you never amount to anything God raised us apostolic ministries you know what the Apostles apostle is here to see he's here to see when you're ready and he knows there's no shortage there's no it would be obvious there would be obviously because you will be passionate and your passion will be will be producing it will be evident and you're not trying to harm you're trying to heal a true person that is called to apostolic greatness and apostolic ministry a true prophetic voice will never divide bring unity the fivefold ministry is here to bring us together I don't care how annoying that you are if you split if you hurt if you push away if you attack the man of God if you destroyed if you tried to sow seeds of discord if you think you're more annoying to them or gifted or more talented the truth is you are none of those things you are only deceived you are deceived you have come under the Spirit of a false Christ a false anointing because the real anointing brings unity he sent it on high he led captivity I love the text he captured captivity he bound the binding he led captivity captive and gave gifts unto men there's something so beautiful it is poetic it is poetic because it speaks volumes here's David speaking of the Lord and he says he ascended on high he led captivity captive and gave gifts do you understand that the first two passages are so great and then David uses the word men in a diminishing fact it is to say do you understand he who ascended on high he who took the greatest enemies of mankind and when our armies could not subdue them with a word he captured captivity loved us enough Oh David David was a worship David always dealt with the dichotomy or the the friction and and and the the diminishing fact that God who is great keeps involving himself in the history of men because men do not deserve him to be involved in our history he we messed it up and yet he has not given up hope on us he keeps giving us gifts even though we keep abusing them he keeps anointing is what is man David says that thou art mindful of him the son of man that you visit him you have made him a little lower than the Angels do you understand that man when God creates the universe and the world and all that he makes he makes it with only one thing in his mind God does not on the first day create unless he already understood that on the sixth day he was gonna make man everything that he made he made because man would enjoy it God did not make a rose smell different than a lilac and our lilacs no different than an orchid for his enjoyment he made each flower different so that man could walk to the vastness of the world and see the differentiation that was made for us how much do you love us that there is not only one color called purple but there is magenta and lilac and violet shades of purple to the thousand shades of red to the hundreds of thousands from crimson to Ember every color see why because our eyes you'd be so finely tuned that we would see the majesty of these colors for no other reason for no reason it doesn't benefit us it doesn't help us for no other reason than for our enjoyment and we rush home at the end of the day and all we want to do is turn on the news and God says but look what I gave you area capelin one of the great riders of recent jewish spirituality writes concerning the ways of the prophets and the school of the prophets that were taught we have some oral tradition Mary Katherine says that when the prophets could not hear the voice of God they removed themselves from society and left into the wilderness there to find God in his creation and reignite their ability to hear in other words you were saying that the prophets sometimes have so many people around them that they get deaf to hearing God and when they get back and they see a flower nobody watered or cultivated but on its own it became beautiful field they saw the glory of God and that glory of God re kindled their flame to hear God do you understand that that's what real real passion I told you last night when I was in seminary when his Bible College I would go to pray and I would go off and there's a wood some wood some trees there in Miami Beach and so I'd go and I go over there there's a little water out there and I go every day to my luncheon and pray because for me prayer is not sitting on my knees and that's not prayer I don't know what that is it's not bread sometimes I would have a sandwich and I would order so you want something it's baloney it's all I got you know okay no problem well I'll eat it then I'll have your path peace to you got anything extra you want to kick down let the Lord let yourself you juice I enjoyed I would eat lunch with him people didn't get it that was prayer that was prayer it was being in his presence it was a every day I was there and I never forget that one day I went there's a man Heschel Abraham Heschel a banjo said he writes a book he Abraham is a Jewish theologian philosopher and he was invited to march in the civil rights movement marching next to a Martin Luther King and you'll see some pictures in Birmingham this Jewish man is standing next to Martin Luther King and they're marching for civil rights when they asked him what was what were you thinking when you were marching in the African American civil rights movement he says my feet we're praying do you understand that that he understood that my my conscious involvement in righteousness see righteousness is not only living right righteousness is seeing people that are taking advantage of an abused and are not benefiting and doing something about it righteousness is not looking at another drunk Indian who had an accident but saying what can we do because the American community has failed I've taken care of the responsibility all we do is give them casinos what do we do to change this thing we already robbed them what can we do to make it right because when righteousness comes it wants to make things right true profits don't look for pulpits they look for people don't have a but don't have a voice and the profit becomes a voice the prophet in the Old Testament the prophets always became a voice here we read Ezekiel who says woe unto you O Israel who have taken your widows and esteemed them as harlots who have taken your children and orphans and treated them like common pagans God has rejected you why because the prophets could not see people suffering and not declare the word of the Lord against them that's my feet I would go and I would have lunch of Jesus it's what I did I didn't sit there and pray deep theological prayers I talked to him I told him said I'm having problem with Greek the classical Greek is a little different than the corn and the corn A's is common but I don't understand the the Douro gender and you know and I said you know and I don't know if used to be Greek but if you could hook me up you me a rosetta stone or something you know but that's that's not my relationship was always been with God it is it is it is it is sitting in his presence and talking say I'm struggling man I'm struggling I'm lonely I live my whole life single I'm lonely and I come home and I deal with depression sometimes because I sit there by myself and I get up every morning to kiss my flags and I get in my car by myself and I know you've not called me to marriage because that poor lady would drive she'd be on Prozac calming your fingers in the corner coming up with 11:00 I Drive myself crazy I wouldn't marry me I know it but I tell him I said I said if you don't help me God I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna fall if you know if you don't feel this supernaturally there's a part of me that is so longing for companionship I'm gonna make a mistake and and I know you know being Bishop and holding on Donal no that's just how I feel and and that's just a down the street she kind of cute they're not she working oh she working over at their restaurant and every day I'm going for lunch cuz I like the food that's how it is and I have friends real men that are my friends and I pick up the phone I said oh you better pray why this is little girl she's intelligent and pretty and and I've been having she's not been going for lunch every day you know and I'm getting too comfortable there and my friends and and they're cool like that they know they don't think the bishop or the prophet you know they like I understand man you know you got my number oh you go to call her you call me I don't care what time and I people they don't like that people that I could be like see if you don't have somebody who could open your heart up to and share those things they become monsters they become monsters a husband ought to be able to look at his wife and say oh my god that's pretty that young lady is a pretty young lady but see if he if you you know pretty is pretty just cuz you guys say don't mean they're pretty ain't pretty no more pretty still pretty you all of a sudden you say even how pretty pretty whoo user annoying I know Shaba you know that's the truth so I look if I keep it hidden see the truth is if I keep it here and make it dirty all I'm thinking now she's pretty but if I can't share that with anybody even my own wife is it wow that's a pretty young lady if I'm too embarrassed then it becomes defiled what was innocent now becomes filthy what was admiration now becomes lust and I become a prisoner J James Robinson said that he overcame spirit of lust to the point that when he finally got delivered from lusts him and his wife goes through the mall and she'll see somebody that she knows you know he has a certain type that he likes you know or whatever that he just thinks it's pretty that's normally all have our attractions you know and so here you see and she'll stop and she said oh my god did you see it a young lady she has a perfect perfect figure I mean she's beautiful perfect incredible she should be a model and here look and say wow he says ever since him and his wife got that comfortable if he has never lusted never because now he can say she's beautiful without desiring it you understand that the church has caused us to be so religious but they have caused us to be weak they have destroyed our true faith because we're so busy trying to be what we think is the idea of righteousness that we are not living right I have found that my true faith my true the to call for apostolic ministry was with me building relationship see it's building friendships and relationships that reveal who we are you can't call people that don't open their life you can't trust them you can't trust people with this because this foolishness God has chosen that men might be saved and if I let you here what is it that I'm letting here because Peter said silver and gold have I not but such as I have I give unto you what is it that you have that's being transferred in preaching now all of a sudden there's a spirit of division in the church a spirit of lust on the men because we let someone in the pulpit who couldn't be truthful with God and passionate get there and now he's transferred the spirit to the house because words transfer the spirit because the Bible says that the children of Israel sent twelve men into the camp of the Giants and they came back are the Philistines and when they came back it the promise neither they came back and they said and Joseph Joshua and Caleb said we have seen them God has made them bread unto us when they listen to the other men the other men said we are as grasshoppers in their sight and because the majority of the spies brought back a negative approach the spirit of fear filled all of Israel and for another forty years they could not inhabit the promised land because they received the spirit of somebody preaching that was not passionately pursuing the things of God so it's not that we are not trying to release people in ministry it's that we know the consequences of people that are not hungry for God you got it I'm finished I'm through I'm almost done I'm done hunter will one more version anima I'm gonna just we finished Ephesians four there's so much I have to say and I'm just rambling but you know we've got bring me back in a couple of months I'll be alright I'd be a little better I just bought a Bible again so I'm I have to read it again again stuff let me say this he says these words in this text that are mind-blowing to me Paul says he left captivity captive his apostles prophets evangelists pastors and teachers for the perfecting of the Saints for the mirc work of the ministry - we all come in the unity of the faith go back to Ephesians covered Ephesians - we all come in the unity of the faith this is that we come to the full measure in the stature of Jesus Christ do you understand the fivefold ministry next verse verse 12 the fivefold ministry is designed to bring us to the full measure in the statue of Jesus Christ it is not designed to make the next generation of preachers like this generation it is designed to make them like him it is easy to pattern men after ourselves it is easy you can learn my cliches my style you can learn my colloquial terms my mannerisms I have a friend of mine it also kleh home I was a young preacher from the Baptist Church he can mimic me I mean you know he left a message on my machine one time you know and I asked him I check my messages and I'm like Jesus we have come to give glory to your glory we have come oh God - praise and to ascribe to your great name the things worthy and defeating of your majesty you know and I'm thinking did I pray or not fall and so with the unending hymn a phrase that a song by angels and archangels principalities powers through minions the many I cherubim in the six weeks seraphim or covering their faces of feet flying to another declaring that you are holy is a bishop - this is this brother John stood up just here to say man is my style it's not my job to make men like me the reason we have to live a crucified life it's because it is easy to make men like us but we are called to make men like him we are called to bring a church who is weak filled with sin and failure we are called to bring them to his feet can I bring them to his feet arrogantly we can I bring them to his feet anyway but that that is appropriate humble and broken and so the Bible says that we come to do this simply this that we may bring the church to the full measure I love this working ministry for the edifying of the body of Christ go ahead next verses verse 13 the edifying of the body of Christ did we all come to the unity of the faith we know that that's not we haven't seen the year and the knowledge of the Son of God unto a perfect man unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ how long do we preach we preach until you like him what do we preach we preach that you should be like him when do we stop preaching it we stop preaching it when you become like him it is the becoming like him that is the true revival that he's looking for it is filled with such a contingent of people that have lost their own identities their own vested interests and success only to be filled with the glory of God and a passion for the things of God can you imagine a generation of people that are not trying to get revivals and get booked at a church it's just trying to get him III had I mean I I'm dealing with some things right now I didn't always have stuff I'm dealing with reforming my ministry in there all of you but what I'm gonna do and what do you want to do and I'm haven't asked myself yeah are these the things that are necessary I mean we do things right but you're not putting anyone down but like you know I don't want to take pictures I don't I don't want a promotional package we have a package my package said my degrees and all of the things that I have accomplished and some time I go to church and the pastor would have it he would feel obligated to read it but none of it's important it's all done it's all it's all filthy in the presence of God and people don't need to see what I look like you should a year ago my my I called a Natur and I had gotten what's called a fissure in it was so high up that they couldn't see it with the cameras didn't know it was there so that within eight to ten days my body had become septic which means the poisons that are supposed to be transferred out of your body stayed in my body I became so sick that I became what's called Nero septic that the poisons had entered into my spinal cord right now I have no vision my left eye I've lost 70% of my vision my equilibrium is off my body was covered in spots and blotches my whole face my mouth and I lost hair I was in ten days I was nothing I was not pretty I told my Nico get a picture for a new ID and when you look at it you think oh my god this man is he dead is he in a tomb he was so bad you know and I was ashamed to walk out of the house when I got another hospital I said it's gonna take months for the stuff to clear I was on machines that I had to go home on for over two months that were pumping antibiotics in and different prednisone steroids and things into my body to help build the structure all these things I went through some surgery name at this point they had found that the cancer had parts of it went into the lymph nodes which meant they could a surgery would not cure what I had they just had to fight it and pray and hope that God all of these things you deal with it something and you know and I talked and I said I said whatever you do I just at this point in my life it should be over I should have been there you know I'm studying it's not about me I don't I'm not I don't want any of those things I don't want somebody said man I I didn't get you back on TBN I said I don't want it I don't want it I don't want my success to be found in the hands of men I want to be like John the Baptist in obscurity declaring the kingdom of God the kingdom of God the kingdom of God and there are people for five years I disappeared was five years ago I started going through my triumph I disappear one day I was there one day I was everywhere and literally in two weeks I was gone people thought I moved to India people said I died people thought I became a Muslim they thought her to get all kind of stuff Steve said that I was in a monastery took a vow of silence that I was never coming out of here all kinds of stuff I just it was over and every time every now and then in a couple months somebody I brought my friends or something would have a computer or something or I'd go to an internet cafe and I have some money or something like that or I was and I just typed in my name to see what and there were people there who saying we don't know where he is but we're praying we're praying because nobody feeds us since we've heard this thing when you eat meat you can't go back to milk and they said we just we don't care we don't care whatever happened we hope God restore him I had one person on this that never people said that that I had become a drug addict other people said that I ran away with a girl I got something other people said that there's all kind of stuff and one person wrote most beautiful things she said I don't care what he did she says I'm starving and I want God to bring him back if for nobody else she said he can come back and sit in my living room and preach to me you know and inappropriate tears were my eyes because that's what we called to when I call to them to the masses they listen to this and I'm finished I'm serious it's not up to reminisce I'm gonna finish with this and we're gonna go home I'm gonna pray apostolic lis over you and then tomorrow I hope you be here those of you to go to your local churches go to your local church and when your service is over just run out and get here pay your tithe there leave your mother your tithe goes to your house but bring your friend over here too but be here because there's a prophetic command of my life but anytime I am under an unction to teach like this there is such I have prophesied for two and a half hours tonight everything that I said is prophetic in just ignorant of us we didn't want somebody call us out prophetic declaration is more than just saying hey you sometime I will hear people eat my brother here or those laces didya he was listening to tape and I was prophesying to another guy this isn't Hawaii and I was probably somebody else wasn't even named he's of a of all you were prophesying to him I swear you were prophesying to me I know it wasn't for me but I look like I said it was for you when God speaks he speaks on so many levels who is to say he's already speaking to you the word of the Lord if it applies you it applies to you and so we hear the word of the Lord like this em we and if you sit there and anything that I said is convicted or touched or spoke you if it sounded like I was speaking just to you guess what God was speaking just to you very few of the Old Testament prophets did personal prophecy very few this whole personal prophecy thing is a new phenomenon that was not found in the Bible really it almost borders on witchcraft and spirituality we got first of all I don't need to tell you your name why Papa it's faith but yours you're a Christian I'm trying to produce faith and you're already saved there's something wrong I'm not saying that it's not God and I'm not blaming the man there's something wrong with us that God has to prove himself to those who are already called I don't need any you I don't need I don't need another prophecy if I never hear God speaking another day in my life he has said enough I can never live and fulfill all of the things he's already said god forbid that I pull on a prophet to call me out when there are people who will benefit far more from the word of the Lord who are unbelievers and I'm sitting here trying to get a prophecy because I want the pro I wanted to say I'm a preacher I'm Selma free to I'm say I'm alone and was it and you don't need prophecy for that he's gonna you understand we have diminished we have apostle's in our church who are supposed to be bringing here's this man of God this is the thing the Lord spoke to me that's not it went home and we didn't talk I told him I told me some and I want to talk too much to you because everything I say I want to be from the Lord John you know don't share much several times he said I don't say no because I won't got to speak so I went home and I am sitting in my room I was sitting in my room Oates the falling she was really tired I'm really tired a lot now and so I said and prayed and the Lord spoke to me and God said Veron my people have hindered my men and women from accomplishing what I have called them to accomplish my servants have become babysitters when I have called them to be pioneers [Music] gods are there frustrated and they don't even know why they're frustrated because they think that's what their job is they think it's their job to try noses and tears and pat people on the head because that's what pastoring is and go to the house and visit them when they know but that's not my pastoring that's not what the episode ministry is everyone that is the head of a church is not a pastor or a pastor it's not always the head of a church so he said I they're so busy with my people pulling on them to do these things that they cannot declare the dimensions of truth and when they do declare the dimensions of truth they come in seasons and then everything goes back to normal and then there'll be a declaration of truth but then people get so busy dealing with their own stuff that we have to stop we have to tell two people in the church who be members in the church for 20 years but because one sister was outside and she was trying you know she was making helping with the food and stuff with that and she offended one of the other guys wives because she was trying to do something and she didn't do it right so the person got offended because they didn't you know they didn't make it the exact same way that she did and she told her but I got it don't worry about it now all of a sudden outside of the food stand is supposed to making some money to help for the church you got people hating each other in the church now the pastor who is hearing the deep things of God the apostle who wants to declare the revelation of God has to come outside and take two people that are Christians been in the church 20 years sit them down and tell them hey do you love her yeah I love it you love her yeah that was the most the problem I'm just tired of being disrespected in this church I have done things for thirty years and I'm done and now I'm here like a kindergarten teacher speaking to adults of things they should know Paul says I would speak unto you as spiritual but I can't cuz you're carnal you understand get over yourself you can do I gotta get up every Sunday every Sunday is to get up I said we're about to raise the tithe and the offering tithe 10% of your income whatever God has prospered you with 10% of it belongs to God if you use the tithe for anything you have robbed God you will be cursed with a curse every week I have to repeat that every week I have to get up and do with the tide why because when I look at the giving of the church there are some of you that have been coming for years but you're not tithing how can I share with you the deep things of God when the principal doctrines of Christ are not lived yours am understand these are principle things some stuff you ought not have to tell people right what's begun to use fear trip but I cannot because your carnival we would grow under the measure and statue the fullness of Christ listen to me I said it last night the body of Christ [Music] the body of Christ the body of Christ can I handle the headship of Jesus Christ you said the foxes have holes and birds have nests but the Son of man has nowhere to rest I said why is there nowhere to rest his head because the body it's not mature enough to handle his head Jesus is not talking about some place to sleep he had many homes there's leopard Lazarus's house he had property and Bethany property in Nazareth he could have said he wasn't I talked about some place to sleep that night he said that the foxes have holes the birds have nests but the Son of man has nowhere to rest his head he's looking for a church there's not saying come down to us but they will grow up into him we may grow up into him the full measure of the statute is first that we would be willing to deal with the weight of his head our kind of head isn't what kind of has we told you this a night behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity when brethren who are brethren Jesus is our elder brother we are his younger brother when we dwell in unity when we dwell in unity whatever anointing runs down Aaron's beard the beard represents maturity children don't have peers you won't know why you're not anointed you don't have a beard if I'm talking to you about children things God's not gonna send the anointing because you can't handle me the anointing is released when you are mature enough to handle it you know when I was looking at some stuff and I saw Clorox bleach it on the side is it keep out of the reach of children why because something that cleans and disinfects and whitens whites something that has so many positive benefits in the hands of children is destructive I am afraid that we have entrusted children with the deep things of God and instead of passionately finding God we started new denominations new religions and missed the move of God there are voices in the kingdom today there are forces he shaved me he sat with me we sat for lunch for a little while he opened his heart to the bishop have you ever got gave me revelation not arrogantly he wasn't even trying to preach to me even said I don't even know I'm telling you about Revelation God showed me something about the mountains and I said there i sat there and he said what do you think about it I shared my middle my ideas but then he said he said a couple of things and I went back and I said thank you to God I supposed to thank you O Lord if there are men in your kingdom who you are speaking to that you are saying things to man sometimes we take something sometimes I think that I heard it all but there are men who are hearing fresh things about the mountain of God the kingdom of God and I said thank you God that you are speaking to men about your kingdom and dimensions that we have not heard it thank you Oh God he said and I went home and I fell asleep on the couch but but the last thing I remember falling asleep was is that I was in my mind I started to run over some of the things he said and I saw it started clicking because see iron sharpens iron deep calls the people and there are some things he ignited in me and so God started to show me things I'd never heard before because this man I had an apostolic anointing to pioneer and to declare something that is not popular and to take scriptures we preached for years but now God's given him a different idea and vision about it you understand you don't send it this is what we have this man around us god forbid on a Sunday he has to change the message because we don't know how to be faithful the things of God God only trusts us with what we're capable of here amen because of you to call this man apostle you're blessed and favored by the Lord I'm not I I can't I can't do these things that we need to do I can I'm so free I can't make people for money I can't make people for offerings this is registered but tomorrow we need a raising offering last night we bury all I know is you know tomorrow is my last day yeah I don't know what God's gonna tell you to do I don't know how bad you need what I'm saying I don't know what God's speaking to you I just know that whenever I have been in the presence of God and God is convicted me I could not give enough I could not write a big enough checker I didn't I couldn't it cost me everything there were times I couldn't pay bills because I had to excited to saw something in the presence of God it was so overwhelming because I was so indebted to him I don't I don't understand it I don't understand why people have to manipulate us to give promises cars and homes stupid stuff like that I tell God I'm in your presence and it is your presence alone it is truth whatever those people speak to you to give I don't know I've had people write checks they didn't get no prophesies but they heard one tape guy who was a Dallas Cowboy who heard just my tapes not even me in person and one day I open envelope is $25,000 so what is this run he says man I just heard two tapes I'll never be the same from two tapes God's folks and God's gonna speak like that to us God wants us P I don't know what that gonna tell you I don't know what it is but our giving has nothing to do with God we don't give to move God we give because we need to give we give because our what's in our hand is a sign of what's in our life what we bring to the altar is a prophecy of how we live God commanded them to raise a sheep in the house with Passover become emotionally attached to it the Sheep was supposed to become a part of the family so that I'm Pesa when they would sacrifice the Sheep the children would cry because they were attached to it they would feel the pain of loving something and knowing that it may lose its life because they themselves would have to live a sacrifice life if the gospel is gonna go further when you give offerings you don't give offerings to pay budgets you don't give offerings to pay bills many of us have given money that we will never ever be honored for because we gave it in the wrong spirit we gave because we were in a building fund of a game because of those that we didn't give because what was in our hand was a sign of what's in our life [Music] and when what's in your hand becomes a prophetic symbol was in your life it will depart from your hand but will not depart from your life and what you saw in the kingdom may be absent from your account but not absent from your resources do you understand that I have seen God move with no money with no money I've seen God do supernatural things that have blown my mind and when I was in the when I was homeless industry in I'm gonna tell you how God moves for years I was saved on March 28th and Siderius living every year March 28th since I have been saved I go to Walmart or Kmart you can I buy hundreds of blankets medical packaged things and I go to the homeless just by myself every year dude nobody goes with me nothing and then it's secretly for you and I might the day that God brought me into the kingdom I celebrate my spiritual birth like getting around people and going through to the areas that sometimes when we are successful in ministry we don't have the time to do and I go and I give the blankets and pillows to homeless people and I spend that entire day telling god this could have been me little did I know little did I know that one day I would be homeless in a part save sanctified feel homeless with nothing and while I was sitting on a bench crying homeless man comes up with a brand new blanket hey buddy how you doing you telling me I've been livin in this park for two years wife left me took my kids everything my world fell apart is worth they just gave me a blanket but Jesus I know how to work the system so I got a line a second time changed my hat and they gave me another blanket I was gonna try to make some money with it but you out here it gave me a blanket no so overwhelming we're so overwhelming because I understood the resources of God and I saw something come back into my hand that had no great worth it was not a Mercedes private jet but he spoke volumes God spoke to me do you understand the God was telling me Ferran I remember your blankets and if I remember your blankets everything the devil stole I'm gonna give it back to you can I speak to you that homeless man was a prophet of God and didn't even know it he didn't know that the blanket was a prophecy they encouraged me some time way so religious we can't hear God speaking all around us we don't know he's speaking all the time than people Balaam was called the Prophet Balaam and yet he never converted never was a convert and was a prophet of a false God but he was referred to as a prophet later why because one time in his life the Lord spoke to him there's all it takes you understand one time goddess begin to us all the time sometimes to people that aren't safe I've I have a times heard sounds and songs music the things that traditionally I would not allow to enter into my spirit but God I be in them all and maybe playing something listen to it as I hear you I hear hear you speaking I hear you speaking through a dying generation that is so confused the day is themed bling-bling women have sold themselves apple bottom jeans and I hear the cry of a desperate world and I weep because our young people let these things in their spirit because they're so desperate to be loved they will be defined by the shape of their behind and not their intelligence and genius and passion it moves me to prayer it moves me to conviction it moves me to pray for generations that I got it man I got God's giving me the word I mean there are people there are people that God has let me come into the presence of God people that you will leave it some of you would never be allowed to speak to because you're too holy duty you couldn't relate to him I've been in the presence of men great rappers great musicians people that are famed famouse and I knew I was able to relate to them and they that's what what confused them is that this bishop knows a little bit about us relation and it wasn't condemning I wasn't beating them up I wasn't sitting there anything I just spoke to their spirit I spoke to their destiny I didn't even come I didn't even try to get him saved their men that I said at the table with and I said you know you know better and there's me what do you mean I said I said well I'm gonna tell you the guy's name but I had an opportunity down in southern Florida where I was living I moved there right before all of this stuff fell apart man an opportunity to meet with somebody we were sitting at dinner at the ritz-carlton here in comes this guy and he knows one of the people are sitting at the table because they are one of the biggest producers but his father is a pastor Rodney Jerkins RZA Darkchild produces Beyonce and all the people is sitting there 7:00 dinner with me because I just preached for his dad in stat said he's in Miami like she's just you know take him out need to say come on so bonus this rapper comes across the room he says hey Rodney what's up man there's a bishop bash his friend just preaches with a bishop you want them pinch bishops like the rest of them you know that's that's all they know you know driving big cars offensive stuff like I said I said I know I said I don't know I don't know but I know this much I know that you're not like the rest of the rappers this is not what your first call was this is what do you need man I'm doing what I do I'm paying my bills that's all about us but it's not always been about that and I'd be gonna speak the word of the Lord to him just chill and then when I was finished I just turned my back didn't even say goodbye I told him said this this this and this I said you did this this this went wrong and you trusted this person they let you down you saw hypocrisy because there was a man of God that you a great favor and as a young person and all you saw was money and things and you got caught up in all of that stuff and realized it was not about God it was about those things and so you said forget it you gonna do you gonna do it this way and since then you have lived an empty life you go from girl to girl from relationship to relationship you've been betrayed by two or three qualities I said you are empty you are filled you have cold and cars and homes that you will never live in and enjoy because every day you are empty endless vacuum who contemplates suicide and you drown yourself in drugs and alcohol because you're trying to get rid of the pain of the call of God that you are ignoring and I turn now go home I have another thing to say to you I turn my back and I told Rob that's the man I'm gonna leave I'm through with this and I walked out and left him there Ronnie called me and Ronnie said this guy cussed you out he said who that yeah what does he think he is talk to me like that and walk out of that room back then and Ronnie says Ronnie anything said man I know your story you hear cussing and God just read your book do you know how many people that God speaks the truth to and we still try to play it off right you hear I can and this is the thing man like I sat down at the table man and a week later he called Ronnie and says I don't I don't know what to do I don't know where to begin I don't know what what's gonna happen what's not gonna happen I just know that everything he said God but I am too deeply I stop do I lose it all you know I just bought my mom my mom a house she lived in an apartment on it's the first time you know do I lose it what do I do and I said that there are people that are being called to challenge it God is speaking to us and so many and the word of the Lord came to him and it came quick and it came Shawn he came with me sitting at a table to influence him not even knowing that several months later I will be going through my own tribe this guy and the funny thing is when everything was lost I love when we found out that I all this money was being embezzled and things he wanted he told Rania I want to do something for him anymore to give me a check and God spoke to me and a check from these guys these guys write checks like you you know like you give quarters in the church I mean it's [Music] they write a check and when they get to riding it there's not enough space in the little box they give him to put zeros to put it in to ride it all the way across serious I'm not lying and I told Ronnie he says man you want to do something for you I said the Lord because this man saw abuse in ministry God will not allow me to receive from their hand any money and you don't understand everything in me said go get your money but this man needed to see somebody anybody that was in this for God and I desperately needed it desperately needed and if nothing I don't know you know he's still rapping if his ID has never changed he will never be able to stand before God and say that he did not experience a real man if he did not see it he could say I but-but-but I saw hypocrites but God said I sent one one who your money would have changes but say almost saved his life and he stood for what's right that's what we do doesn't make sense it's foolish it contradicts everything and yet there are seasons that I will be in a service and there'll be a woman there who has nothing and gets a welfare check and God says give it all and I take it and don't even blink because her future is dependent on her breaking the spirit of poverty of her life doesn't make sense I don't understand it I just know and at the end of the day it's not about titles and positions it's not people saying bachelor's degree preacher it was people saying I saw a man who wanted to be like Jesus it so impressed me that I want it to be like Jesus that's all I want to hear all I want to hear is people in the kingdom at the end of this world at the end of these ages in the presence of their makers saying all I wanted was to be like you do you know the greatest psychological disposition we have we have traced psychologically most psychological dispositions problems bipolar syndrome schizophrenia paranoia [Music] clinical depression all of these things are the direct we have traced this now with traces are the direct result of children's view of their parents perception of them our psychological disposition is determined most of the time and by the dynamics of our relationship without progenitors and some of us got some messed up stuff and so God offers us the healing for that the healing from that is a father would perfectly love you and you can never let down who so completely loves you that there is nothing you can do any more or any less that will make him love you any more or any less you understand that you are perfectly loved by him now you can't be any more righteous he won't love you anymore you can't backslide he won't love you any less he will love you wherever you are as perfectly and completely it is that knowledge it heals us and makes us healthy and touches another generation to say we ain't calling you to this because we want you just to be saved we want you to be better we want you to be healed we want you to find out what true love agape unconditional love is amen God's gonna challenge you this week and we're I'm finished I want you to go home and contemplate these things the Bereans said these words they said when they heard the Apostles preach this and let us go search the scriptures and see if these things that they have said truly be of God and if they be of God we will follow them and if not we will leave these things alone let us all be like the Bereans let us go back tonight let's speak to the author of the book and say you wrote it so what he's saying is are the things that he is saying are the truth and if they are truth let us be accountable has not only be accountable for truth but let us be procures of truth let me tell you about truth I opened up saying the truth is so absolutely you must come to it let me tell you what the Bible says about truth the bible says buy the truth and sell it not truth is so valuable that in order for my truth to become your truth it can't become your you can hear it and not only you can hear truth in our owning it is when you hear it and you said that's mine and what's gonna give me a right to it it's not that I'm gonna repeat it he said I'm gonna sew into it and my sewing says I value it so much that now the things that have transformed your life will transform mine so that I can without any conviction say that these things that I'm living mine are not Bishop ashes truth they're mine I have paid for I bought it I bought the truth and I'm not selling I'm not selling truth I'm just declaring it but if there is any value in it you will not allow God to be diminished by another man's revelation but you will take ownership in it for yourself amen that's all I know that's all I know that's all I know about the kingdom that's all I know but the things that have ministered to me I feel a spirit of hungry people here Bishop I I just met him last night I met him
Channel: Transformation Center. Official Channel -Word-
Views: 89,485
Rating: 4.775281 out of 5
Keywords: Bishop, Veron, Ashe, Foundation, in, the, Kingdom
Id: nsdmPZsOEb4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 149min 47sec (8987 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 10 2011
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