MIRA SAFETY CM-6M Gas Mask Review and Unboxing

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what's going on guys so today we're going to do an unboxing and review of the mirror safety cm 6m gas mask now order this thing before the lockdowns hit before the pandemic really became an issue here in the united states i had been overseas traveling and kind of seen some of this thing firsthand so i decided this i'm getting a gas mask i don't know what this thing is but i'm fitting to play around with this corona virus here so i ordered a really nice professional gas mask and some sea burn or mbc 40 ml 40 millimeter nato filters now when i ordered this thing i was expecting it would come in like a week or whatever like usually when you order things too now today the date is what july 23rd or something like that no it's like july 19th it's the 19th of july i can't even remember nowadays but it finally came yesterday on the 18th so we're going to unbox it i'm going to review it now as a firefighter that does actually have hazmat training now i'm not hazmat what is it technician certified on hazmat ops certified for you guys who know what that means but i do have a little bit of experience with respiratory protection n95 freaking scbas all that stuff so i will explain a little bit about it but let's get to the unboxing guys all right so we're gonna open up the gosh damn box now i obviously opened the thing already just to take the label off i don't want all of you knowing all of my personal details and showing up saying oh will can i have an autograph no so here it is the mira cm charlie mike 6m um this is pretty cool so it says here mirror safety cm 6m protective mask and it comes with a canteen all right awesome that's awesome if you want to have a canteen take a little drink so you don't have to take your mask off let's open this bad boy up guys i'm pretty excited about it so right off the bat here's the canteen it's a nice big one it's black tactical all right and it comes with mirror safety freaking decals on it and i can put them on my refrigerator or my rifle case or even better yet my car so everybody knows i have one of these comes with this cm67 protective mask directions for use uh we will definitely take a little bit of a look at that uh in a minute here but let's get to the unboxing of course i can't rip it open with my hands i've got to use my tats cool knife here just make sure i don't cut the straps or anything like that all right let's look at this bad boy all right so right off the bat we've got a nice mask here this actually really reminds me of the mask that we use on the fire department which is an msa like old not old school but you know maybe a circa 2005 something like that msa um mask msa well i guess you would call it an msa face piece so this is cool it's got the nice head harness on the back here now one thing that stands out to me about the head harness is sometimes you'll get it and it's like a safety yellow or something but if you were to be going through creeping around behind enemy lines on a freaking cbrn mission or whatever then you'd want it to be all black so that's cool it's not going to stand out too much in case you're worried about standing out when you're wearing a gas mask so let's take a look more it's got looks like a filter on the side here if i'm correct you probably unscrew this and then screw in your canister yep so unscrew it right here and it's got double canister fit pieces on it that's badass and down here is gonna be i think right here's your gas mask uh your drinking tube and i'll have to kind of look at the directions for this but i'm assuming you just unclip it that's cool see it clips right up on here it's got this nice little metal piece you just pull up and you unclip it and you can go ahead and drink from your canteen that's a big issue is you know obviously we don't want to remove our gas mask for anything if we're actually operating in a um ldh environment or what is it um dangerous to life and health so that would be dlh yeah something like that dlh has been a while since i was the academy but we have cool acronyms like that so let's go ahead and get this fit check so i'm going to tighten if you notice here it's got a uh voice box on it which is pretty cool so that we're not broken your elbow it doesn't sound like that you can actually communicate with the guys on your team laughing right here whatever without having to yell like that i know when we're in a fire sometimes our masked voice box has failed we gotta go right up to the guy and say hey jammer this way you don't have to do any of that stuff so what i'm going to do is i'm going to tighten this in a tic-tac-toe fashion now when i am tightening this i'm not going to really yank on the straps like this because i've broken mask straps like that and that's a pain in the ass to have to deal with so now i'm going to come back here just tighten it hand tight not freaking all the way down yet now it feels a little secure and snug i'm going to do this and then i'm going to do this and it seems to not be flying around on my face okay now i'm going to do this and it seems still pretty secure so i'm going to tighten it just a little bit more just to make sure it's really snug you don't want it too snug so it cuts you up you want it snug enough now what i'm gonna do is take the palms of my hand and put them over the gas mask i don't know what you call it where you screw in the filters i'm going to breathe in and if the mask starts to collapse on my face i know i've got a good seal yep there's no air leaking or whatever so now i'm going to break out i'm going to do a forceful exhale and if i feel anything coming out down here on the chin or up on the sides i know i have to readjust the seal but no i only feel it coming down here and again this is nice it seems like it's got a uh like an easy flow valve or a cool flow valve down here so you can stay cool while you're wearing this i'm going to take this off for a second so i can talk with you guys and then we'll go into the filters and take a look at those so when you take these off it's the same deal some have i'm not really sure how you do this one i think it's got a little clip down here and you can kind of collapse it like that and i just ease it down i don't do it hard or anything if i needed to i could come up like this but i like to ease it down a little bit before i do that just to make sure that my mask's integrity stays good so that's what i do and then once i've got it off i will in fact ease it off just a little bit more now with these it seems like you just pull i don't think it really has much of a clip so you just kind of pull it a little bit and i failed to mention the one on top that's important that you tighten that as well but i'm going to ease it down and i always make sure that when i put these away i ease everything down now something i forgot to do before i put this on i'm not concerned because it's factory new excuse me it's always take a respirator cleansing wipe and wipe it down so if for whatever reason like this was in my bag or maybe it was somebody else's or somebody else said you used it i'll always grab a respirator wipe and you can get these from like msa and other places who make them hygienic cleansing wiper personal protective equipment whoa hiccups and you just wipe it down on the inside so that you're not whoa not sharing germs cut there for a second i got the hiccups and i hate the hiccups all right so what i get what i did was i went ahead and i got two uh cbrn or nbc filters now for the those of you guys who don't know what cbrn stands for it's kind of a newer acronym it stands for chemical radiological biological um and nuclear so these things the cbrn or nbc which would be nuclear biological or chemical these filters will protect you from pretty much all hazards whether it's a biological hazard like the coronavirus whether it's a nuclear hazard either from fallout or radioactive particles i'm generally speaking when it comes to radioactive stuff like it's the dust that you want to avoid inhaling into your lungs so honestly you could be okay potentially um if it was like a fallout situation with um like an n95 and 99 and 100 mask for the dust particles but the thing about those is they don't offer any eye protection so if those let's say some nuclear happened it got in the dust and the dirt and that dirt and dust kicked up uh if that stuff gets inside of your body it will start decaying inside your body and that's what causes a lot of problems like cancer thyroid issues all of that so um if the dust simply hits your skin like yeah it's not good but your skin or your epidermis to use my emt terminology is a very protective barrier so unless you have like an open wound or something it's not that huge of a deal so you're really better off protecting your eyes your nose your mouth from inhaling or ingesting any of those particles into your body you know when i was in fire academy emt school all of that there's four routes of things getting into your body right inhalation ingestion absorption and injection absorption with the as far as the dust goes we wouldn't really have to be too concerned with it now when it came to like fallout like rain after a nuclear blast that would be absorption so you'd have to have some kind of protective suit on that's you know water resistant and all of that now with the chemicals this uh nbc filters or cbrn filters will also protect you from a wide variety of chemicals now if you're dealing with one specific chemical you have to really look that up and do your due diligence i'm sure that these things offer the most protection however if you're dealing with some kind of chemical like chlorine ammonia something like that and you're really concerned about it they do offer specific filters that are specifically designed for those particular chemicals just look it up online if you are working in industrial work or anything first of all your employer should be covering that but second of all even if you're working for your own company or whatever make sure you are covered and look it up but these nbc filters offer the most wide variety protection from the most wide variety of things inside them is activated charcoal and cotton and other things i believe and something i like about this is it's vacuum sealed that's very cool sometimes you'll order like israeli military surplus gas masks and it comes with a nbc nato filter and um it's not sealed this way you know for a fact it's not been used it's not been touched it's right from the factory so what i'm gonna do is um honestly i'm not going to insert the filter into here because it's um generally these certified these are certified for eight hours of use now that's not eight like hours total right so i insert this into here and then i've got eight hours to use it no but eight total hours of use is pretty much the universal standard for these nato filters now whether that's the case with this bad boy or not i haven't read the sheet but i'm pretty certain it will be so i don't want to just use this it's expensive i think i paid let me tell you how much i paid for both of these things actually so with this okay so it's not telling me on here how much i paid for it let me see this one no i'd have to look up the receipt on that how much exactly i paid but it wasn't cheap maybe it was like 50 or 60 bucks for the filter for one and then it was probably around off i don't remember how much i paid for this either because it's been that long but um you know what guys there's a nationwide or actually a worldwide shortage of ppe right now it seems like when the pandemic first hit and nobody knew anything about anything everyone was ordering these things and then plus you got to keep in mind we got riots happening left and right so the police force are also using actually specifically these not just these but these are popular um this is like one of those tactical gas masks and these filters are supposed to also be rated against tear gas now not all filters are rated against tear gas but these are nbc cbrn 40 millimeter nato filters that's what i would personally recommend if you're going to buy one type of filter 40 millimeter cbrn filter because these things are threaded in such the way that they can fit into your israeli gas mask or fit into another type of gas mask as long as it's rated with a 40 millimeter nato filter so that's why i recommend them um now i was going to go ahead and do something which was an extra fit test now these things are pretty cool basically what it is in here is banana oil and when you screw in your filter to this thing um you break this you just crush it and it's like a smelling salt or something and if you smell any of the banana oil then you have a leak in your gas mask you need to tighten the filter where you need to recheck your fit your fit test how it's fitting but um generally speaking that's happened to me before where i put a new filter in i'll fit check it and i'll smell banana oil then i'll simply move it around just a little bit and i'll talk and i'll open my jaw i'll do this and i'll do that and i'll make sure like three or four times that it's fitting correctly and um if i don't smell the banana oil like two three four times then although i've got a good fit and i'll kind of get him i get an idea of well do i need to like talk softly or not open my jaw so wide or not move this way but again it's important to fit check your ppe or your personal protective equipment so the thing i really like about this and why i ordered a gas mask to protect against this biological threat of the coronavirus and again this thing is a biological weapon from china now i understand lots of people out there have their own opinions about masks it's going gonna suffocate me i can't breathe i'm gonna die well you're not number one i wear n95s for hours on end fire calls and different things like that um not to mention other work i've done i've worn n95s n100s and 99s gas masks freaking we run in and we run around in our masks the fire department and we like literally do cardio in them and sometimes um and we're just fine and there's a lot less air that will actually get in um to our face pieces for our um scba's than actually the n95 so it's not gonna with you too much guys that's a false t i'm sorry to break it to you but i'm telling you as a professional that's just not true unless you've already got emphysema or something like that then i would be careful but for most of us out there 20 minutes at the grocery store wearing a mask not going to hurt you even an hour it's just not going to hurt you so i don't know where that came from but people who are saying it are uneducated about the hard science there so um that was my gas mask review of the mira safety what the freak is at cm6m um yeah cm 6m now these things right now are becoming available slowly but surely and also with the n95s i'm hearing from various sources that if things keep going the way they're going they're not going to be available by the fall but what you can do if you are one of those people who is concerned about biological weapon from china which you should be because there's people out there i think it's around 15 of patients right now maybe even like something like 30 who are have been infected like back in march and are still not clear of their symptoms they're really up so this is not something to mess around with you could say like oh you know i'll be fine you might be but um you might just get really up for the rest of your life we don't know anything about it yet we still know much so would you take a revolver put one round in spin the chamber and put it to your head if you would you're crazy so um protect yourself guys now if you want n95s and again k and 95s are the things from china that they're selling us at marked up prices because they're fake they're i almost slipped up there real bad they're um then uh what was i saying there yeah those will offer you protection but we can't guarantee you how protected you will be but the n95s you can get them on ebay they're just gonna have to pay a lot of money for them but if you're really concerned if you're old or if you've got an underlying condition to pay like 100 bucks for a box of 10 i mean it's your health so you know don't be afraid to go and get price gouged at this point it's what you got to do or find another um you know alternate method they do sell other things that are rated as n95 but they're not nias approved um but these gas masks the reason why i bought this initially because it offers eye protection so we know that this virus is highly airborne and aerosolized and if somebody sneezes i think the particles are like 0.5 or 0.3 microns or some like that and if they get in your eyes you're still potentially going to get the virus so this thing offers uh eye as well as respiratory protection is why i got it so if i had to go out to the grocery store or something i could definitely be protected all around again your epidermis offers you a fair level of protection as long as you shower afterwards and again one more thing with this now you can substitute these with isopropyl rubbing alcohol 70 or higher i would be diligent about not necessarily putting it on too much especially with the inside because the isopropyl alcohol could potentially damage the material with rubber or whatever this is um probably some type of composite material it could potentially start to corrode it after a while but if you were concerned maybe you're in a hot zone right now and you really can't get this virus if you buy yourself a gas mask and after you get out of the grocery store take a spray bottle standard water spray bottle fill it with 70 isopropyl alcohol or higher and spray your mask down just give it and take a gloved hand clean gloved hand and wipe it down and then wipe uh with a change your glove out it's important change your glove out then put a new one on and wipe the inside down so that ice pump alcohol we know kills the virus in i think 60 seconds or a minute 30 something like that whereas lysol and stuff like that it takes longer up to five minutes um but those are just some things from me to you again as a medical professional as a firefighter i want you guys to stay safe out there anybody who does take this seriously we need you to keep ready keep ready for the fight um just in case there is anything that we need you for so that was the review guys i would highly recommend that you uh check out mirror safety they i know have wrote me like three or four emails apologizing for delay and saying look we're sorry but we're going to get your mask to you as soon as we can now this thing has become available so i would check out their website if you want and just see if they have any more all right guys i appreciate your time thanks for checking this out if you have any questions about gas masks respiratory protection coronavirus ccp virus biological warfare protection or anything like that i will answer your questions thusly and if i don't know the answer i'll try to find out from somebody more knowledgeable than me all right please remember that you are your first and last line of defense don't forget that guys and i'll see you on the next video you
Channel: Gutter Fighting Secrets
Views: 1,789
Rating: 4.4285712 out of 5
Keywords: mira safety, mira safety gas mask, gas mask reviews, mira safety cm-6m, mira safety cm-6m review, gas mask review and unboxing, mira safety review and unboxing, cm-6m review and unboxing, how to wear a gas mask, best gas masks, israeli gas masks, how to fit test a gas mask, biological warfare, biological warfare survival, nbc gas masks, weapons and stuff, gas mask training, nbc suit, nuclear survival, nuclear survival gear, nbc gear, cbrn gas masks
Id: 2GieVdS1iCQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 5sec (1265 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 19 2020
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