Prophets' Conference 2020 Singapore - Night Meeting 1

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[Music] you in him we live move [Music] and have our being is in control of seasons time and the future he made us look further wider and beyond what we could ever receive through uncertainty epidemic and war his name is above any other name therefore in these last days which is sir declare and decree the word of the Lord you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's all rise up in the presence of the Lord let's glorify Him with one voice with one voice we will praise to Jesus every tribe will sing who you are in us father and through us we will praise your name Jesus hallelujah hallelujah come on lift up your voices to the Lord and declare that he is worthy he praise you Jesus with one heart with one voice with one sound we praise you Jesus [Music] [Music] we glorify cheese we glorify [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] worship [Music] glorifying me magnify your name in this place Lord glorifying we magnify you in this place father [Music] what I pray as we worship you later worship in the [Music] mighty name of Jesus nice and pray amen [Music] before the Lord Oh God [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] every nation [Music] every time [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is not like you Jesus mixing the scores again with all our hearts [Music] see [Music] [Music] [Music] Jesus there is no one life [Music] let's lift up our holy heads before the [Music] miss finish [Music] the spirit of [Music] [Music] Speirs [Music] spirit [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] No [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] your key your will be [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Whip It Up with sing [Music] at this time [Music] worship Oh [Music] my spirit is here in this place [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we thank you for your goodness and your mercy [Music] [Music] every police all secrecy [Music] let us prepare our hearts as we are now about to give a love offering to the Ministry of Reverend dr. Stephen Francis in the United States and so let's continue to be in that attitude of worship and we would like to invite dr. Bruce Allen to please come as he prepares us before we give tonight good morning it's gonna be a very interesting and powerful night you know the Lord with me has been very visual I see things didn't start out that way but there's been something stirred up in the spirit in Singapore can you put the graphic you had up behind the worship I want you to see something [Music] if you can figure that out put the graphic up that you had behind the words on the worship what you notice anything on there graphic see the serpent this is what the Lord when I looked at that now that's nobody's fault but this is what I saw I saw a serpent the Lord said the enemy is very agitated at what's happening in this conference I'm glad I want to agitate him it's time we took the fight to him so something good it's about to happen we're not gonna focus on the serpent I was asked if I would receive an offering for Steven and Angelina you know in my ministry I don't like receiving offerings for ourselves I just don't do that but when I'm asked occasionally I do receive offerings for others but I have to hear from God before I do that we don't need another sermon ad about giving this is what the Lord told me seasons two six he has raised us up together and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ this is what he said in the days ahead one of the main ways that God is going to provide for his people is as they see themselves seated with him and blessing others in the way he blesses you tonight as we sow into this new field of endeavor for this ministry and thank God he's coming to America we need him America needs him desperately one of the things the Lord's been saying about why they're there is there's going to be a city of refuge for Singaporeans so you're all invited to his house you just have to hear by revelation how to get there [Music] but as we sow into this see yourself seated with Jesus and give the way Jesus would give because this is how we're going to see the resources of heaven released to us in the days ahead you know the world is going to panic when economic collapse comes we just heard the report you know that some of you have heard of this store some of you haven't in America called Walmart or Sam's Club guess where they get all of their products China they're thinking it's going to be very difficult now for them to stay open there are grocery stores that are running out of products but you know what we're in Christ we have a kingdom that meets all of our needs supplies everything we have need of so search your heart tonight and so into this good ground arrest my hair from God this is going to reflect on all of us with the courts of heaven goddess close your eyes see Jesus seated just friend that picture Jesus seated on the time now walk up and sit in his lap just like a little child would sit in the lap of their father just get comfortable in his lap and then from that place in Christ look out see we're sewing and giving not from poverty or need were giving from more than abundance in heaven we're not praying from a for power we're praying from power we're not praying for blessing we're releasing from blessing so father tonight as you deal with our hearts as you prepare us to sow into this good soil and there's new work that will impact a nation stir us up to sow seeds for the future and we thank you for that father we thank you for that Lord everybody said what are the ways you give I should have asked that okay in Canada million misspelled bi L [Music] you [Music] thank you for the lambda mostly this maybes Jesus father we receive every gift every offer in your name to represent you represent your kingdom represent your sons and daughters that it is sown in good ground in Jesus name Amen amen praise God [Music] what a pleasure to see everybody even though the attendance is low but we know there's a wider audience is watching online it's a lot of people who ask around the world so we welcome you in Jesus name as well brother sadhu have asked me to share a little bit about the u.s. why suddenly some people thinking what is all this u.s. think so two minutes possible my session tomorrow I'll share a little bit more Thank You dr. Bruce for having us this offering last year oh sorry the year before which is two zero two zero two zero one nine two zero one eight November I was with Sado brother Sabu in Lancaster coming back while we were on the airport he was talking to someone and while he was talking the suddenly in the Lancaster sorry from Lancaster we came back to Los Angeles coming back to Singapore that's when when he spoke to someone on the phone suddenly the heavens were open and I was having coffee and I looked up why was this now I can see a hole in the heavens were open and from there the voice of the father came Charlotte is the place you must move that's your next assignment for you must go to prepare a place for the remnant and I thought it's going to be our regular ministry or maybe US ministry is going to open up more so all right came back and I was trying to mom I kept quiet trying to swallow it for the next twenty five hours or so to come back to Singapore tell my wife what was going on now that was a whole encounter process that I had but then I needed a confirmation right so I was speaking about this to brother Saudi usually whenever I tell him something he will pull his beard and he will be thinking like that so but this time he looked down and he looked up within a minute or so he said this is the Lord going get it so I was it was for me in very wrestling term it's a Grand Slam how to go and get it you know you need to have this you need to have that and this is us I've got no clue where Charlotte was and then we research all of that and within that he said well the Lord told you right so he will provide full stop there I'll ice okay faith is simple okay but it's not as simple to thing but every other thing from that first of all the property is a place where God said it is a place for the remnant to come now how what who are the remnant so and so forth I will only get it later on the way to South Africa when I was there on the first night when I woke up suddenly from the bait suddenly something happened I just slept woke up from the bed and I saw a vision I was taken to this property and I saw a vision that was abound there the prophet Elijah stood and it said this is a place of translation it's a place where God will do mighty miracles and you must build a bond so that was another thing that was the heat and then many things happen after that July we were in Gettysburg I didn't tell dr. Bruce anything we sorry April we were in Philippines this was much Philippines I was in April we were sitting on the dining table dr. Bruce I told him what was happening a little bit and he said look I'm going to tell you what the Lord is showing me now we were having dinner and across the table he said this is going to be a place of translation when angels and saints will come and be translated in these end times and everything else from then on is history and it was a lot of things took place Church handing over crying weeping so on and so forth the Lord spoke to pastor Michael vijaya whom you saw earlier to move from LA to Charlotte to plant this work together with us so Angeline and I and son Samuel together with a handful of team is going to go and plant this work tomorrow we'll add on a little bit I'm a little bit too anxious to hear the word of God more then disrupt this moment of the flow of God is that okay so I wanted to know you have sown into good ground I mean what ground is it I don't know I will tell you later probably next conference will show you a video what else is happening whether it's a place for Singaporeans our elite or NOLA you know you got a register in heaven and if your name lottery falls into the remnant group remnant means you're going to face the Antichrist you know that right yes or no okay lah then if you are going to fight together it means okay that's all good if you pray rapture me first beam me up Scotty then I'm not sure how's that are you in the place of heaven at this moment do you know this presence of God is saturating this place father we worship you for a world that is going to come forth like thunder like earthquake the Bible says Lord when the people prayed for boldness the place that they stood moved and it shaked and I pray in the midst of all the challenges that is going to that is happening right now around the world where fear is trying to show it sit like a serpent I pray God today the name of Jesus will be once again and throne the anointing will break the yoke in the name of Jesus even as we hear the word of the Lord from your prophet God in Jesus name Amen leading gentlemen can we all stand up together let's put our hands and welcome brother sadhus inner-selves Raj good evening everybody I trust you all are well and good today please be seated for a moment it's a great joy and I wonder to see all of you precious sayings in this wonderful place and I'm sure you all are very happy to be in the house of God are you alright this is becoming our de-facto conference center almost all of our conferences are held in this wonderful church another place and there's no power what are you going to do you must learn to throw up your voice right so I'm getting a practice now throw up my voice you are going to get a practice now to straight back to strain your years and launch your years so that you can hear better it better now I see technology works I am going to ask you a question now you really believe in God really you do you do to you and love you how many of you have ever prayed like this be very humble humble humble God make me humble the rest of you who don't pray like that are already humble either you're already humble or you don't need to be humble I mean or no I mean let me ask again how many of you have prayed a lease in Chile prayed Lord I want to be now more hands are going up so you have understood pill I still don't see all hands so it tells me those who are not putting up they're already very humble or you don't need to be humble okay question number two how many of you have prayed Lord very very meek like you so those of you are not putting up your hands I guess don't need to be Mick Mick Mick like the Lord you don't need to I mean yes I mean or no I mean so you don't need to be Mick am i right those who are not putting up your hands let me have one more time just like you all don't understand how many of you have prayed maybe you have not prayed because you don't need to be meek hey let me be very scriptural for you okay the scripture says blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth inherit which earth during the 1,000 year reign so those who are not neat will not inherit am i right very simple right so in order to inherit the earth you must be meek so if you're not meek so you ought to pray for big my right so now you understand that we are again in Eisley how many of you pray that Lord make me Mick like you now more hands are going up so when I preface my question we scriptures you understand better all right now question number three how many of you have prayed lord increase my faith so that I can really trust you more and more almost all hands are up now don't put up your hand halfway only those who are paralyzed should do like this are you paralyzed no you have nice hands then lift it straight I am you should not even do like this because then you are half paralyzed if you have nice hands helping hands lift up nicely okay almost all hands are going up very good all right things you have answered all my three questions it tells me that you are healthy Christian okay now comes to the question question number four you pray to be humble you pray to be meek how do you think God is going to answer your prayer to be humble and to be mixed how so you're praying Lord I want to be humble suddenly say Cooper suddenly you become humble how to some adverse circumstances right to walk through some adverse circumstances that will force you to be big and it breaks you once you're broken then the resultant effect is you become meloa my right everybody all right so humble and meek is the result of brokenness a large let's come to the third question how to have greater faith the praying for Lord increase my faith increase my faith and then how is God going to answer that question how is he going to answer you how is it going to increase your faith since you all have no answer to that question I'll give you a clue people like loosen up right so that you can find the answer to that question the clue is this Daniel chapter 3 in Daniel chapter 3 there we read of us a situation there where King Nebuchadnezzar builds a huge that you and then he demands that everybody in the 120 provinces belonging to Babylon which stretches from Egypt in the West all the way right up to India in the east that was how was the Babylonian Empire was and the statue was so high that everybody within that region can all see that statue today we have skyscrapers and see structure but in those days there was only one high skyscraper that tall sturdy so anybody at any distance in see so at the sound of a symphony he bought violin saxophone guitar what else do we have Trump's all the son of these instruments everybody must bow down and worship the statue so this is the Kings order in fact it is a law it became a law so at the sound of the music everybody bow down to worship the statue except how many except three three of them did not bow down oh very good you know your Bible okay that is not the answer so this was repeated three times and on the third time the king was very mad and he told the people the three of them if you will not bow down and worship the statue you all will be thrown into a furnace heated seven times by right everybody so on the third time told the stree Hebrews answered the King oh great king now listen to what they say we love you we honor you we respect you and we will obey the law of the land however when it contradicts the law of our God we will choose to obey our God rather than the law of the land King was very mad and how dare you say like this I'm going to heat the furnace seven times and throw you into the furnace and I'll see whether your God will help you or not they said o Great King our great God is able to save us but being known even if he doesn't save us we were still not bow down and worship the statue oh that was a great big declaration isn't it so here they have said our God is able to save us and then again they made another faith declaration but even then even if our God doesn't save us they Eve was spoken with the hope that God will save so the Eve was really not a reality statement but a declaration based on the previous statement where they said God is able to save us so the second Eve piggybacks on the first part so the second part does not really exist by their declaration it is it doesn't really stand on its own because when you make a statement like that you are greatly putting your trust in the first statement that God is able to serve a very bold statement oh the king was so mad but now God is watching down from heaven lies a bad fit let me test them let me test them how great is their faith so though he just came bound their hands bound their feet even then they were still standing strong their faith was not shaken then they were carried by the soldiers brought near to the fiery furnace with your faith fly off in the air tell me because they are still hoping that God he most of our faith is in preventive measure more than in actual reality all our faith all our prayer is not prevent this thing from happening it's not not in the mists of that you can still take care of me don't pray like that you know we don't really trust God like that it's always preventive not prevent me from going to jail prevent me from getting sick prevent me from all this prevent prevent prevent pre-emptive but the Lord tells you in Isaiah chapter 43 when you walk through the waters I am there when you walk through the fire I am there when you are submerged and drowning I am there it's not that he prevents you from walking in the water it's not that he prevents you from being thrown into the fire it's not that he prevents you from drowning he says in the midst of all that I am there so so you may be wondering ways based on this going if you really have faith why are you very young answer me you really believe God you really trust God your Savior staying away from gathering in judges question number three why have churches closed their services was very sudden when I read that in the papers that the churches have not all any postal services the church is supposed to be a healing center not as care center don't laugh don't laugh by our actions we have just spoken loud and clear to every non-christian in Singapore that the church is not a healing center the church is not a glory filled Penta then you want to stay away because virus come he's in the church a lighthouse hidden the Lord Jesus say that you are the light of the world so if that is true if one person is light you put together a community a group of believers a hundred believers all come together it becomes a city of light and that light is not an ordinary light that you see coming from the ceiling yeah it is the light of God that dispels darkness so the light that is inside you he spells darkness and what is darkness terms are darkness virus is darkness it should be spur so all the believers coming together as one body your whole church is a center of the glory light of God if that is true then which germ can come within the perimeter of your church nowhere else can pass through if you read Exodus chapter 8 to chapter 12 when the plagues deadly plagues fell upon Egypt not a single flick came within the borders of Goshen where the children of Israel were living every lies every locals every boys that came within the perimeter of Goshen drop dead nothing passed through there was like an invisible barrier which is the Lord in you jehova shamma the law is in the midst of you it was proven in the scriptures they were all over Egypt darkness except Goshen people were getting boils all away Egypt except in Goshen all the kettle's were dying in Egypt except in Goshen there was not a single single casualty Motul mortality rate was very high in Goshen where else anywhere else in Egypt they were dying and mass if you really believe God is in the midst of you then why close your services that was a terrible mistake you should keep our doors open let all the sick come to the house of God and get healed get delivered that free that would have been a great testimony to all to the saving power of the Living Christ but now we have put the Lord to open chain how many of you heard have heard of this wonderful man of God called John jelly now he was an American from the very same place where doctor Bruce Ellen is from and he felt called by God to go to South Africa to do his ministry so the bulk of his ministry were all done in South Africa and he ran there at the height of the bubonic plague he went there to help the people and to have the suffering people and you know at the height of the bubonic plague all the World Health Organization workers were all covered from head to toe with protective masks like how our health workers are wearing nothing wrong with all that so but when he went to help he refused to wear any of those and they said no no you must wear all that for your safety and for your protection he just simply told them greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world they wouldn't believe him but he said okay let's put me to the test if my test fails then I will abide by your condition but if my test passes then you must let me freely do my work without any hindrance so they agreed to the test so he put his hand under microscope and there was a small cut made in his hand and he asked the doctors to take that deadly bubonic virus and put in his hand in the beginning those doctors protested and no he was dying so he told them I will not die but the germs will die see just like how you love they also love like that you know I don't mean to insult you but the very fact that you are laughing tells me you're fit level your face is at zero level that's what you are laughing you think this is funny this is not funny and the reason what you love is because your spirituality is zero now I don't mean to insult you but I'm telling you the truth that's why you're laughing it's comical to you it wasn't comical to John gee Lake to him it was very serious because if he did not believe what he proclaimed he will die there if he did not believe what he just proclaimed he will die because people were dying in the hundreds and thousands by because of the bubonic plague so after much persuasion the doctors agreed to put the virus on his hand so he placed his hand under the microscope they made a more cut on his hand and they took this deadly virus and put in the incision that was made so that the germs can go direct into his body and as soon as the germs touch his blood vessels they died instantly every virus he said I took a special special vaccine and the code of the vaccine is bol bol that is the B oh le - seven even the vaccine all right it will cost you seven hundred and seventy seven dollars B Oh L - seven blood of the Lamb yeah why so long dude this decipher the blood of the Lamb the virus died instantly as soon as they touch don't you have that vaccine you see it is one thing to have the vaccine and it is totally another thing to walk in the faith your faith is useless if you don't proclaim it or practice it when I was flying from Chennai to Singapore I asked several of the students were wearing masks you know so he has to Singapore Airlines girls excuse me it's a situation so bad in Singapore that you all are wearing mass in the plane so she saw this that girl's Sutter laughing she said no no no no no no just precaution just precaution so that you all flying in the plane don't get the germs so I said are you a carrier so now during this crisis it's not a pleasant crisis but in this crisis is a good ground to practice our faith it's a good ground you know great day evil is coming in the days to come especially when the deadly plagues of Revelation chapter 16 are poured out then what will happen to us so now is the time to practice good good opportunity to practice your faith for what we believe I mean so what should you do with your must throw it away I mean instead I'll give you another mass that's called the mass of the glory mean I mean less than the FATA prayer then sings my soul my Savior God to thee How Great Thou O great thou then sings my soul my Savior God to thee How Great Thou O great [Applause] [Music] our gracious and loving Heavenly Father we come before your holy presence in the name of our dear Lord Jesus Christ this evening thank you a lot of a God for gathering all your dear children from various countries we have come together to meet with you at this conference I thank you Lord that your eyes your wonderful glorious love filled eyes and looking at looking at each and every one of them who are gathered here thank you my father all those who have chosen to pay a price all those who have chosen to come and meet with you at the place chosen by you at the place where you put your name to bless your eyes are lovingly looking at them and surely the promises that you have spoken over them will surely come to pass without delay thank you lord your promises that you have made to them will surely come to pass without delay I thank you Lord Jesus thank you now I pray that your presence become very tangibly real for each and every one of your dear sons and daughters right now let them tangibly feel Lord your loving embrace stretching out your two loving hands of light and just embrace them warmly to your bosom that they may know dwelling in the secret place of the Most High they shall be protected by all evil thank you Father thank you Lord Jesus thank you now I ask you spirit of the Living God to stretch out your blessing hands and to bless the president of this nation to bless the prime minister of this nation and to bless the deputy prime ministers and to bless each and every cabinet ministers and to bless every members of parliament and to bless all the generals of the three forces and to bless the police commissioner and to bless all those in authority according to your word we pray for the leaders of this nation and we bless them Lord that is the Christians duty so with all our hearts we stretch out our hands and we bless the prime minister mr. lee hsien loong we bless him with good health we pray that your hand will be all around him and his family and around his deputies and around all the cabinet ministers Lord we pray you'll put a hedge of protection around all the ministers and their families and I pray that the hand of the Lord will rest upon the Prime Minister and his cabinet ministers how to wisely deal with all the crisis that is surrounding this nation Lord more importantly I pray for all the churches in this nation Lord that as you said we are the light of God I pray Lord the light within every church in Singapore will become very bright that it will dispel every darkness that may be lurking anywhere in this nation we lift up our hands to you O Lord our God and we come on every cluster places where these viruses are inhabiting we command them to be destroyed in the name of the Lord Jesus right now right now in the name of the Lord Jesus will release the glory of God we release the glory of God to surround Grace Assembly of God Church that it will be sanctified not by earthly disinfectant but it will be purified sanctified by the glory of God in the name of the Lord Jesus we release your glory to pay Labour Assemblies of Trinity Church and let your glory purify and sanctify that church right now and we release your glory into all the churches where clusters have been found and we also release your glory into the commercial establishments where clusters of the virus have been found in the name of the Lord Jesus standing in glory I know come on this violence us to die in the name of the Lord Jesus I command every life in the strains of the viruses to die right now right now Thank You wonderful God from this vantage point we are people with one heart one mind and one voice release your glory to cover the entire perimeter of this nation and we pray for a canopy of the glory of God to cover the airwaves that this nation will become a glory island and for the light of the glory of God to shine forth all over this region even powerful enough to scatter and because the entire regions become virus free [Music] [Applause] Thank You Holy Father we believe what we just spoke Lord because you are a good god and you change not what you did during the days of Moses for Goshen you will do again Lord thank you wonderful God let us all lift up our holy hands and bless the name of the Living God because he's a good god His grace and mercy endures forever and ever thy loving-kindness is better than love thy loving-kindness is better than love my lips shall praise thee the swirl like bless thee thy loving-kindness is better than love I leave my hands up unto your knee I leave my hands up unto your name thy loving-kindness is better than life I will lift up my hands to the law I mean that's what I do when I forget some lines I just make some invention at the last moment all right let's be seated this morning I had a wonderful encounter in the presence of the Living God that gave me a word that I should deliver at this conference which I will share tomorrow I was meaning to deliver that today and I thought that was the message but at 3 o'clock in the afternoon as I went to wait on the Lord which is my usual time of prayer this thing is very meek full you know she's bowing down its head it must have listened to what I said earlier about being humble and meek full he is bowing down not lifting up so now he has made it very stubborn alright so this afternoon as I was waiting on God suddenly I felt the burden of the Lord come upon my spirit and I looked unto the Lord what the bird knees are bored and I saw into heaven and the Lord Jesus spoke from heaven and ask me a series of questions so that is specifically directed to this nation although there are many of you who have come from different countries to hear a word or to hear some teachings at this conference tonight I am going to share very specifically for the nation of Singapore so those of you who are not of this nation but since you are here you can take this word and pray for this great wonderful nation I mean so I am going to speak to you verbatim exactly as how the Lord spoke to me and gave me the word without any censorship as a prophet should not do all the censoring but I want you to open your heart and listen and take it into your heart how the Lord is looking at us and what is he saying so the first thing the Lord spoke to me was he asked me a question and this is the question are they ready to meet me this is the question are they ready to meet me so it can mean many things for example we are praying for a visitation of God in our churches so now the question comes are you ready for a visitation it can also mean we are praying for a revival to come to our nation a revival to come to our church a revival to come in our town or our area so a revival is not jazz a terminology it is the glory of God that comes when the glory of God comes it convicts people so the question is are you ready to meet me if I come are you ready so when we come to meetings like this what is the purpose of coming to a meeting like this we want to have an encounter with God am i right everybody you won't have an encounter so now comes a question are you ready to meet me if I ask this question broadly almost all of you almost all Christians will always say yes I am ready to meet the Lord anytime I'm ready but the reality is far from the truth what your mouth proclaims I am ready it's not exactly the condition of your spirit let me give you an example about 20 years ago I was asked to pray for young 23 year old girl who was dying of tuberculosis and you know to back losses is a treatable disease if diagnosed at the early stage today they've got wonderful medicines marvelous medical technology that can snip out the back losses at its infancy but if you don't take if you don't go to see a doctor at the early stage you allow the disease the virus to grow in you a little longer then it becomes quite difficult to treat and eventually the person will die so this young girl 23 year old girl married woman with two little kids a boy and a girl now was dying and she's the only daughter in the family the youngest and the only daughter the apple of the father's eye when there's only one dot in the family she automatically becomes the apple of the father's eye no oranges no pears only apple so now this girl little baby the father's baby is dying so the so the mother is our long-term partner of our ministry so she invited me to pray technically I don't go to pray for other church members because buses don't like that you know say why you come to steal my sheep so I have a policy that I should not do that but in this particular case her pastor invited me to go and pray for their church member so I went and this girl is a very very extremely pretty girl if you have seen people of Nepal they are gorgeously beautiful and I have known this girl from Bin's very small I saw her growing up to be a fine woman as she was right now but in the hospital I saw her skin and bones and the shadow of death was all over her body from the crown of a head to the sole of her feet her very light fair-skinned body is now covered with a layer of darkness that's how she looked like initially I could not even recognize her if not for her parents standing there I would not have recognized this girl anyway after all these little niceties of talking having a cup of tea and all that now came to the real matter the parents asked me to pray for her so I closed my eyes to pray as soon as I close my eyes I saw the Lord Jesus come and stand by my right side and he told me this girl will not leave she will die but she is not ready to meet me now these are generation Christians three four generation of Christians not just generational christine's belonging to a denominational church but to a Pentecostal church and the father and the mother elders in the Pentecostal church so this girl grew up in the Pentecostal church was water baptized and fill in the Holy Spirit okay this is the background now the Lord Jesus tells me she is not ready to meet me prepare her that she may meet me I was very surprised but that was the first time that I ever heard the Lord say a certain person though they are believers is not ready to meet the Lord externally she's a Christian washed by the blood of the Lord Jesus washed by water sealed by the Holy Spirit yet the Lord Jesus said she is not ready to meet me now I want you to look at this scenario in from a different perspective now suppose I did not go there and then this girl dies where will she go she will not be able to enter into heaven because she is not ready to meet the Lord so after the Lord told me that I put out her parents because before that I pleaded with the Lord why should she die Lord because she's only 23 years old and the word of the Lord says a person can live up to 70 years old if not 80 okay forget about 80 at least 70 so I made a quick math 70 minus 23 how many 47c so slow so I told the Lord at least she can leave for another 47 years why should she die now and then I told the Lord she got two little kids who's going to bring up those little kids if the mother dies her husband has forsaken her and went out with another woman so this poor girl is without a husband and her children are fatherless so what will happen to this little girl Lord so I went on pleading with the Lord for a life and the Lord patiently listened to what I said and then he said I'll give you three reasons why she would not live and he gave me three reasons among the three one is that young lady was praying day and night Lord take me home take me home take me home she prayed that she was praying that day and night day and night so the Lord told me I have come to answer her prayer and the other two is something very personal so after this I put the family out and I told the family I want to talk to your daughter privately so I pull my chair closer to her bed and I sat down and I asked her one question are you ready to meet the Lord the moment I asked her this question I could see a fear come upon her face and she really shuddered with the thought that she was not ready to meet the Lord so then I explained to her some protocols of what happens at the time of death and then when the spiritual eyes are opened at the time of death what happens and then how it will be of entry into heaven explain to all those things and then after reassuring her that all her sins are forgiven and the Lord does not hold any of ugly pass against her because you know you know during the moment of death all your ugly past will come before you that is the work of the devil to condemn you to prevent you from entering into the land of the living the devil will fight tooth to nail to arrest you cost you to doubt your salvation so that you will fail so after explaining all this to her and then I ask you now ready and peaceful to meet the Lord she beamed with great joy yes so then I call her parents to come they came inside I said ok now I'm going to pray for your daughter so I prayed I prayed in my native Tamil language so that nobody understands if I prayed in English the parents everybody will understand so I prayed in my mother tongue so that nobody understands what I was going to pray and I prayed telling the Lord giving me giving him an account of what I had done but the Lord told me and I told Lord now she's ready to meet you after praying all that in Tamil language then I reverse back to English to pray a general prayer prayer of blessing Lord I bless your dear daughter men the moment I said amen the shut of that departed from her body in a light shone all over her face so the parents was expecting they thought the daughter was healed but I know what richly actually happened and a week later she died and when I went to see the parents of the home call just to pay my respect the mother told me the last week of her daughter's life were the best years of her 23 years of life on this earth she was full of joy she's full of praise so full of glory she was praising God day and night till the last moment of her breath she never stopped praising God so comes back to the question are they ready to meet me then followed now a series of answers and questions and some pointers the Lord gave me to build up this subject he said consider Luke chapter 12 verses 16 to 21 I'm sorry because of the limitation of this mic I could not turn to the right side or to the left side to look at those people are seated on this extreme corners so please do not feel that I am ignoring you okay please don't misunderstand it's not me it is the technology say unfortunately this is doesn't move where I want it to move so is it okay everybody if you can find some places to come to the center well in good if not you see me from the side view they are not projecting up can they project up on the screen if they can project up then you can all see my wonderful face Luke chapter 12 verses 16 to 21 the Lord Jesus Christ told a parable about a rich man who trusted in his riches he had too much of witches too much of wealth and his portfolio was increasing on the leaps and bounds and he was amassing wealth and property all over the land so much so he decided to increase his wealth you know being a farmer and there was a great harvest so he decided to build more buns so he said to himself that one particular night after a great meal who looking at all the great wealth I have I now can peacefully leave for a long long life I don't have to worry anymore I can retire early many people like that notion you know retire early after hearing the story you should get rid of the tight at the word retire early get rid of that once a very rich man very wealthy man went to a beach resort so he that was his holiday home and as he was walking by the beach he saw a man just sitting on a branch in lazing in the Sun and he was fishing so this rich man looked at that young man and he was very upset he looked at the man he said why are you sitting here lazing around why don't you go and get a job and work hard so this young man looked up at him not a very young man he was in his thirties and he asked him so what will happen if I work oh then you can become rich so what if I become rich then you can have a lot of properties have vacation homes and so what happens if I have all that and then when you reach the pinnacle you can retire and have a vacation home like that don't need to work you can just sit in the Sun and the young men looked up to him what do you think I'm doing right now without having to slot like a peak all our life for wealthy gains just to retire with nothing so wealth is not everything so that night he had a dream in the dream the Lord told him oh you fool that's how the Lord called him he didn't call him o my dear son didn't call him like that he said oh you fool those who trust in riches the Lord calls them fools those who put their faith those who put their trust in riches in their wealth in wealth do I trust God calls them fools they say you fool you're going to die tonight so who is going to inherit all your wealth who and then came the next question and you are not ready to meet the Lord your God you're not ready you spend all your wealth all your pursuit in amassing wealth but you failed to prepare your soul you fail you know once upon a time there was great guarantee that you can live for 900 years up to the time of Noah it was guaranteed you can leave for 900 years so if you buy a house he should buy free whole not HTTP no 99 years free whole but then after Noah's Flood 900 years lifespan became 120 years then from 120 you come to the Book of Psalms it reduced to 70 oh the most 80 then from The Book of Psalms till today there is no guarantee that you can even live for one day because many babies died in the mother's womb am i right even before the the ovule is one day all women have miscarriage and the babies dies and some women give birth to stillborn dead so what guarantee is there to life you worked so hard for an earthly life but you failed to prepare yourselves to meet the Lord number 2 consider Luke chapter 23 verses 39 to 43 you look at the scenario of the Lord Jesus dying on the cross and surrounded by two thieves one on the right and one on the left and one of the thieves he repented of his evil ways had made himself ready to meet the Lord the other one was very arrogant was snobbish still living in his sins but the thief who cried out to the Lord remember me Lord when he come into your kingdom there were three things about that thief number one verse 41 tells us he was repentant he was going to die and when he dies according to Jewish theology they will meet God so he won to get rid of all his sins so that he can meet God with a clean heart number 2 verse 40 says he feared God during his lifetime he didn't offer God but at his dying moments he feared God because Jewish theology says you will stand before the judgment seat of God so he feared God thirdly verse 42 says he recognized the Lord Jesus as the Messiah who came to save he recognized that because of that he looked up to the Lord Jesus and he said Lord see the word Lord means Savior say Lord when you come into your kingdom please remember me please remember me the thief on the cross make himself ready to meet the Lord number three consider Exodus chapter 19 verses 10 to 11 the Lord God told the prophet Moses that he was going to come down on Mount Sinai and meet with all the three million Israelites and also to talk with them face-to-face three million Israelites every one of them not one or two but every one of the three million are going to get an awesome opportunity of seeing God face to face and hear his voice audibly into them so the Lord told Moses prepare them to meet with me three ways to prepare number one sanctify themselves what does that mean humbling of the soul through fasting and prayer so this is a discipline that is missing in the modern charismatic Pentecostal churches these days we all live by faith we all live by the grace of God therefore no need to caught caught God's favor through fasting and prayer those are all lies from the pit of hell the Lord Jesus Christ told his told the Pharisees when they asked him a question why are your disciples not fasting and praying like us so the Lord Jesus told them as long as the bridegroom is with the people why should the people fuss but a time is coming when the bridegroom will be taken away and then my disciples were fast so now the bridegroom is not with us so we fasten pray till the bridegroom comes again to meet with the bride and fasting is an act that humbles your soul see you put away food the basic necessity of our living that itself is an act of humbling and God looks at you and you'll be wondering why has this person put away the very food that is necessary for his survival and then he sees you sitting not in sackcloth but sitting down in humble contrition and making your requests known to God so fasting and prayer is like a double-barrel gun that is powerful and very effective and furthermore fasting is also a natural detoxing agent don't spend your money on buying detox powder give your money to me I show you a better way just put away food that is the moment you put away food not just putting away food we just put away food it's called dieting you must add another element Priya when you add Priya into it then it becomes fasting if you don't fast and you just go without food and then go about all your working schedule it's called dieting so please remember that most of the time we have been dieting and not fasting so if you fast you couple it with prayer I advice to people who work and they have to fast the lunch break that you have 1 hour lunch break find a corner and pray then you're fasting becomes worthwhile and fruitful that's number one number two the Lord told them wash their clothes why must this be something that is necessary today God doesn't need to tell us wash all your clothes because we do that every day or every other day but the people in the wilderness don't get to wash their clothes every day it's once in a year like during my years of ministry in Tibet you know the Tibetan people have a culture that only sinners wash their clothes not good people if you wash your clothes means you are a sinner so can you imagine how much of sin you all have committed by washing clothes regularly and once a year they have a special washing clothes festival and it was only during those festivals they will all gather by the River river bed and wash all the clothes other than that they don't wash their clothes and if you look at them you'll find a thick layer of dirt sit on their clothes all over so when I read the scripture he reminds me of my ministry among the Tibetan people so dot told them wash all your clothes get rid of the dirt what does it mean put away the works of the flesh because it pollutes pollutes your soul put away all the works of the flesh Galatians chapter 5 verses 19 to 21 number three they were told by the Lord God come not near your wives so which means to abstain from sexual relationships and by this all of you will have some general sense that that particular aspect was directed at married people so don't have to say that to the unmarried ones now the Bible tells us very specifically in 1st Corinthians chapter 7 verse 5 that a husband and wife should not abstain from normal sexual relationship except by consent during times of fasting and prayer if not for that they should not defraud one another and why because the Bible says so that the devil does not have a loophole to attack you now this is something very strange which if the Lord does not open our eyes to understand we will not know the intricacies of what the scripture really means now in many cultures or in many homes there is one great sin that many if not most women do when they don't get their own way with their husbands they deny their husbands the sexual rights over them now this is a sin in the eyes of God it's a sin how do I know this in the year 1987 I was praying for some believers in our church and I knew I would name them one by one and pray for them and then when I came to the elder of the church when I prayed for him the Lord told me tell him that I'm not hearing his prayer so I wondered why because in the natural he was a men's ILA's for the Lord in every prayer meeting he would be the first person to be there so it was very zealous to know the deep things of the Word of God so for the Lord to say tell him I'm not hearing his prayer was wonderful to me so I asked the Lord why because he is defrauding his wife in sexual relationships now this is an area that is foreign to me it is not my cup of tea you know so I can't even imagine in my mind what all this means so then I asked a lot but how am I going to tell him all this lot because it is difficult for me to broach on that subject you know in the Asian society you don't talk about this subject you stay away from these MU subjects and so the Lord told me all right I'll give you a clue to tell him to open up himself to you so ask him this question do you feel whenever you are praying like heaven is an iron brass to you ask him this question if he says yes then you tell him the rest so I ask this brother to come and see me he came I said I've got a word for you please come he came with great enthusiasm and then I asked him so how's everything with you your life see you don't broach the subject directly right you go around from the east from Changi you go to to us you make one big turn and then you come to geylang so I tried doing that trying to hit around the bush it was not getting anywhere he was denying everything say no no me and my wife are the best of buddies we are just like the Shunammite and bridegroom so I said all right so something must be wrong for a moment I doubted the revelation the Lord gave me then I remembered the clue the Lord gave me no so I asked him brother did you feel that whenever you pray heaven is like an iron brush over you and your prayer is not going up to heaven the moment I said that his eyes went wild I got his attention and he looked at me he did not have he doesn't appear to know but he just wrap his chin and he asked me he said yes and I see the the reason is because your wife is crying out to God and because of your wife's cries God is not hearing your prayer and do you know it is written in first Peter chapter three you can find the scripture there and he said no but my wife has never ever said that she feels defrauded in this area so I told him tonight after you you have put your two little sons to sleep have a good heart-to-heart talk with your wife then come and see me tomorrow then I'll have a solution for you so he had a good heart-to-heart talk with his wife and the wife did share that she felt defrauded so they were reconciled as a result of that a third child was born anyway see this is one area that you should not defraud one another now let me give you another reason another case study of where the devil comes in to destroy families there is this family all these case studies I'm cutting you off from Singapore the first was an Indian family now it's a Chinese family young couple so young couple newly married and this the wife comes and tells me whenever she is sleeping in the night she used to have very bad nightmares bad dreams like evil spirits coming to have sexual relationships with her I was surprised by that because till then I have never heard anything like this before now this girl is a spirit-filled girl a spirit-filled girl goes to a good spirit filled Church in a husband is peripheral man and they are wonderful god-fearing family if that been the case how can this girl have such a problem and all this happened after she gave birth to her first child and I was very intrigued by all that say how is it possible so of course in the natural I don't have any solution so I went and asked the Lord what is happening so the Lord told me because the husband and the wife are not having regular sexual relationship between them it opened the door for evil spirits to come to have to fulfill a desire that was lacking in the natural because a woman was desiring it but the husband was preventing her from having her natural deal so then I called the husband I asked him you know how is everything between you and your wife see you know Asian men they don't they always like to put up a macro image Oh everything is fine and everything is fine so when they said everything is fine how to go beyond that you cannot go beyond that so that's a roadblock there so then I asked the wife okay tell me your problem that you're having so she described the problem she's having every night every night without fail an evil spirit comes and has a physical contact with her like how she and her husband used to have in exact manner so then I asked her husband if you and your wife are having a normal relationship there is no way for an evil spirit to come in so tell me you must be doing something wrong then the husband confess he has withdrawn himself from having relationship with his wife for months and she used to have that urge and there was a defraud and now here comes Satan to do a tempting work so my dearly beloved brothers and sisters first Corinthians chapter seven verse five says except for prayer and fasting and with the consent of both husband and wife only then you should be separated if not for all other cases you should not deny either one of them they are do need so in this particular case the Lord told them now stay away for three days because I'm going to come and meet with you now what does that mean for us today abstaining from sexual relationships spiritually signifies put away the old man of the flesh put away the old man of the flesh efficience chapter 4 verse 22 and Colossians chapter 3 verse 9 humble yourselves to fasting and praying put away the works of the flesh put away the old men of the flesh thereby prepare to meet the Lord your God so after this 3-pointers then the Lord looked at me he asked me a question will you be ready now this is a question he's asking every person here although it is directed largely to the people of Singapore but it you can also take it for yourselves will you be ready to meet with God question mark will you be ready why because of two factors number 1 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 verse 10 says for we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ that each one may receive the things done in the body according to what he has done whether good or bad we shall all appear before the judgment seat of Christ now this we refers to every Christian only the judgment seat of Christ is a judgment for Christians in Revelation chapter 20 you read about the great white throne judgment where all flesh from the time of Adam all the way to the last man standing at the coming of the Lord whether all the good the bad the ugly everybody come and stand before the judgment throne of God and they will be judged only on one premise whether your name is written in the book of life or not and for your names to be written in the book of life you must have accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior period nothing more nothing less but the judgment seat of Christ is only for the Christians and what will you be judge 1st Corinthians chapter 3 verses 11 to 15 but before we look at first Corinthians 3 now look again at 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 verse 10 if you have your good old fashioned Bible you have good old fashioned Bible then turn your good old fashioned Bible to second Corinthians chapter 5 verse 10 those of you don't have your good old fashioned Bible please look at the digital Bible on the screen please have new king james version instead of ESV that is easy-to-understand version don't go for the easy to understand they corrupt the meanings we stay on the good old King James Version I mean okay anyway I'm reading from the New King James Version for we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ why so that each one may receive the things done in his body according to what he has done whether good or bad which means your actions our X the X that we have done in our life what are the X that we have done good or bad so now let's turn to first Corinthians chapter 3 verses 11 to 15 for no other foundation can anyone lay than that which is laid which is Jesus Christ now if any one builds on this foundation with gold silver precious stones wood hay straw each one's work will become clear for the day what day the judgment seat of Christ day will declare it because it will be revealed by fire and the fire will test each one's work of what sort it is if anyone's work which he has built on it and yours he will receive a reward if anyone's work is burned he will suffer loss but he himself will be saved yet so as through fire now if you go back to verse 12 and you look at there it says if anyone builds on this foundation the foundation is the Lord Jesus so let's don't worry about the foundation look at that gold silver precious stones wood hay strong six things now out of these six things if you pass fire to these six things which are the things will stay which will be become ashes what about gold stays what about silver stays precious stone stays so three stays what about wood burned Hey burn straw burn so three three all right three or so no loose no bean draw but the bad point is this look at the next scripture verse 15 if anyone's work is burned means all this now if your works are not gold silver or precious stone but your works are wood hay straw if they are burned all your works are gone but the good news is your salvation will not be lost your salvation is safe intact but all the works that you have done all the sacrifices you have done not counted it's gone burned gold silver precious stones they'll be tried by fire and they become pure gold pure silver pure precious stones now what does this mean now look at verse 11 for no other foundation can anyone lay then that which is laid which is Jesus Christ the Lord Jesus Christ lays a foundation stone now please listen carefully when you are born or when God gives you a ministry there is a scroll put in your spirit what you should do in your life what you should do in your ministry it's put in your spirit and the more you seek to discover your destiny now if you don't do that you go about your mundane life then forever that which is your highest potential will never be discovered which means all your other works that you do are you are building wood straw and hay you are not building gold silver or precious stones you're not doing all that because the foundation you have not known it the foundation is the call of God on your life the purpose of your life no one is born by accident you're not here without any purpose without any destiny the ISA purpose and sometimes the Lord makes you go one round to do other things to get some practice and then once you go around you'll come to the point where you encounter your destiny once you encounter your destiny then you lay down all to follow your destiny let me give you a good picture Exodus chapter 3 Moses left Egypt and he came to Midian and he built his family in median he married a wonderful beautiful woman called Zipporah and he was blessed with two wonderful boys and he was the heir of his father-in-law's properties being the oldest or the eldest son-in-law now zip rows father does not have any sons so the oldest son-in-law according to Eastern tradition becomes a son and he becomes the natural inheritor of all the property and Moses father-in-law was a very very wealthy man and he was also a priest in the whole of median so Moses was really very very wealthy like how he was in Egypt but at the same time his father was also feeding him about spiritual realities because his father-in-law was also the priests of Midian so the father-in-law was also teaching him spiritual realities and always pointing a hand at Mount Sinai and telling him that is the mountain of God that is the mountain of God so the seed was sown into Moses heart after 40 years 40 years of sowing seeds now the time has come for the seed to germinate when the time has come for the city germinate Moses felt a pool to go to the mountain to meet his destiny you know when you feel a pool like that to live your old church or to live another ministry or leave a family you fool it's not you've been pulled it's God calling you come come he's calling you come I have a destiny for you so Moses while tending his sheep felt drawn towards the mountain of God if I'll drawn so he started walking towards the mountain and when he came near the mountain he meets with the glory of God and he has an encounter with God now I want you to picture in your mind the scenario I'm sure you have seen the movie 10 commandments and you've seen the scene of the burning bush you can now imagine in your mind the whole scenario am i right everybody okay so picture in your mind so the burning bush and the glory cloud all over the place and Moses with his stuff in his hand and his bowing low to meet with God and then God asked him a question what do you have in your hand he said this is a shepherd's rod now it is not just a rod it is also the father's inheritance not just a rod inheritance so that is a symbol that he is the inheritor of all the father's wealth and he is the owner of all the ship therefore he is a man of authority so that is the symbol of the stuff and the Lord said throw it down throw it down you don't need that because now you're going in a different direction so you don't need your pass anointing anymore you don't need your past training anymore because now you have a new destiny a new direction so when you are repositioned for a new anointing for a new destiny don't go and clamor for the old don't go back to your own don't go back to your own don't go back to your old church don't go don't go back to your own ministry don't go back to your all relationships those are all severe severe of course this is painful but it is necessary if the umbilical cord is not cut when the baby comes out of the womb can the baby survive tell me more mother's three mothers here okay you know when the baby comes out the first thing the doctor does is cut the umbilical cord right if the doctor does not cut the umbilical cord can you always carry your baby and I'm like oh god still they're missing in the sweet by and by is it possible or not possible not possible right umbilical cord must be cut because now the baby has a new destiny a new beginning no more an enclosed small space inside the womb now it has a new destiny a new giftings new anointings are waiting in order to inherit that you must let go the old let go don't hole put one hand of the stick and then hold the other end some people do that you know if we do that that is a terrible mistake God told Abraham leave your father's house and follow me did Abraham obeyed God yes he did no he didn't he loved but it was not a hundred percent obedience because he brought along his nephew the nephew does not belong to his family the nephew is from the father's family and because of Abraham bringing lot along he faced a ton of problems needless Wars were fought because of Lord so when God cuts don't have an umbilical cord cut and go don't turn and look back because that is your pass the pass now God has a future before you walk in that direction don't turn back and look at your paths behold I have made all things new in your life that is the test that's the destiny that is the foundation the foundation that God put in Moses life he only knew when he had an encounter at the burning bush if he never went to the burning bush he would not have known the scroll that was inside him he would have not known that because the moment he had that encounter he thought God what is your will for me he was a seeker he was not just sitting in the church and enjoying all the sermons and hearing all the wonderful revelations what others say bend your knees don't go to any men where no matter how great and anointed prophet he may be and ask them for a word don't do that you bend your knees you fast and pray and you seek the mind of God and God will show you and then a word can come from in a knowing that person your pastor or your prophet confirming what you have already received this should be the way not the other way around the other way around is for kindergarten Christianity are your babies you know what is the word for you move on to Mount Zion move on don't stay at Mount Sinai don't stay move on if you state Mount Sinai you you will forever be frightened to hear the voice of God so you don't want to hear you see what we are doing today is what the Israel did in those days they had the privilege to hear the voice of God but they said no we don't want to hear you let Moses talk with you and we will get second and information that's what most of us are doing today instead of directly talking to God and hearing from God we go through a middleman a mediator say you talk to God you get a word and you tell me I am satisfied with that that is Mount Sinai living but you're called to move on to Mount Zion move on to Mount Zion and when you move on to Mount Zion there you will meet with the Lamb of God there you will meet with God himself there you will meet the spirits of just men made perfect there you'll meet the innumerable company of angels there you will meet God there you will meet the blood of the Lamb that Britz for you that's where you have been called so what is this fire the fire is the fire of God will test it will scrutinize each person's works on what basis or motives were the works done what is your motive for serving God what is your motive name fame recognition only the fire of God can test you number five where do you think now the Lord asks a question where do you think Ananias and Sapphira went after their death where did they go Acts chapter 5 verses 1 to 10 we read about their lives and we know the story that they withheld the property and they lied to Peter about the amount that they received from the sale of their property and the amount they donated in verses X chapter 5 verses 2 to 4 now this action of lying was because of right and greet to things right they wanted a name for themselves so that their names are written in the Hall of Fame of giving you know some churches they have all this big list we seen that vehicle east sometimes you can donate this pulpit donated by your name written there this microphone donated by name written there or this speaker donated by this keyboard rated by in some such as they have their own even the pews that you sit you can see names behind there this chair donated by fame name recognition the Lord Jesus very clearly taught us what the right hand does let not the left hand know so pride and greed now in the store in the real incident that a lot Jesus spoke about in Luke chapter 16 verses 19 to 31 concerning the rich man and Lazarus now we know from the story that when the rich man died he went straight to hell he did not go to heaven and that's where Ananias and Sapphira ended up now incidentally Ananias and Sapphira were born-again spirit filled Christians of the new church founded in Jerusalem but when they died as a judgment of God they went to hell so now the Lord Jesus asks a question how many Christians because of greed store up wealth all for themselves how many many nations will come up before God for viewing reviewing and for judgment nations if you read Jeremiah chapter 49 it carries a series of prophecies about judgments for nations and in Revelation chapter 2 and chapter 3 you'll read about the Lord Jesus Christ reviewing viewing and judging the seven churches that existed at the time now come to a very important factor the Lord Jesus asked me a question now he's asking me a question how do you think this nation Singapore will appear before my eyes I didn't give the Lord any answer you know I cannot give any answer based on my perception because our perceptions are always faulty so I've always learned to be quiet in the presence of the Lord and tell him only you know Lord how they look like and then followed another question are they pleasing to me are they doing what was yoke upon them the Lord put a yoke upon you that yoke is his burden the yoke that that a cow carries on his neck it's a burden the Lord puts on you his burden he's called his ministry upon you are they doing what was joke upon them question number three are they busy about their masters work so after asking these three questions the Lord answered his questions concerning Singapore this is what he said they are busy making a name for themselves number two they are busy making and creating wealth for themselves number three they are like the rich man holding up wealth for themselves saying they have saved enough for the second third and fourth generation but in one second their destruction will come the economy will tumble and be in ruins a flood of waters higher than the wall they can built can come to flood the nation number three this nation can be shaken to rinse by a powerful earthquake in it and from nearby places number four an underground earthquake like what happened in Sumatra in 2004 can devastate this nation and submerge it underwater Islands will disappear Revelation chapter 16 verse 20 says that in the last days Islands will disappear now some people can argue with the fact that if an earthquake strikes Sumatra like how how it happened in 2004 no tsunami can ever reach Singapore or Malaysia I agree 100% with that argument but what if the earthquake strikes in between Borneo and Indonesia then a huge tsunami will wipe out this entire nation in one second all this can happen so the Lord now ask you a question who then can save you can your pride save you can your wealth save you can your technological advance excellent save you can the power of your might save you finally this is the counsel of the Lord for this nation having said all these his he is showing you the problem where you have fallen down now he's giving you a solution what to do the solution is this come back to me you wayward daughter come back to me your safety is only there no other place come back to me Zechariah chapter 2 verse 7 come back to your first foundation come back to your foundation what is the foundation of your church what is the foundation of your ministry what is the foundation of your life the early starting blocks which means come back to your first love that is what it means foundation your original calling that you may be safe come back to their comeback Zechariah chapter 2 verse 10 if the Lord abides in your means then no evil can come some we have seriously made some grave moving away from the will of the Lord and I'm talking about corporate for the nation that is why there's such attack of this virus upon this nation of all places touches it paint it pained me very much every day when I read in the newspapers know now this church affected that church affected I asked a question how is it possible Lord these are supposed to be places where your presence is and then there are some people from other faiths who mock at the Christians that is another pin but why is this happening something has gone wrong something has gone wrong and we must find the solution what is the thing that we have gone wrong we have turned away our back gone far away so now the Lord is calling you come back come back or you wayward daughter come back to your first foundation come back to your first love come back to your original calling that you may be safe Amos chapter 4 verse 12 says prepare to meet the Lord your God I leave this word with you this is the word that I received from the Lord for this nation and for all Singaporeans now it is your responsibility to go and seek the face of God based on this tonight if you could before you go to bed kneel down and seek the face of God putting mass is not your safety because when you're eating you take the mass of right and they cannot the jumps come in at that time why we don't think uh I'm not insulting anybody I'm not demeaning wearing that but think logically if the germs wants to find you it knows your address you can find you anywhere when you're bathing you're not wearing your mass when you're eating you're not wearing your mass the germs can fly look at this people you know I all the wonderful nurses who take care of the patients even a poor nurse was affected who was now she had all her protective gear how did she got affected and the poor doctor in wuhan Rufus discovered this virus that poor doctor died so where is the safety you tell me now where is the safety safety is only in the Lord Jesus Christ I mean safety is only in the blood of the Lamb so please tonight you kneel down I am NOT going to pray for you tonight you are going to have your encounter with God so tonight you lay down you kneel down and you prop your heart with all these questions that the Lord asked you you prop your heart with all those questions and you find answers and you don't get out from your knees until you have answered all the questions and your heart is washed clean by the pure milk of the word of God let's stand up for a word of Prayer holy father I have communicated to your children all the words then you put in my mouth to share with them Lord your sons and your daughters have listened with attentive heart and attentive mind and now I pray the angel of the Lord who is present in armies will go with each and every one of them as they will seek your ways I pray the Spirit of Christ who will stand before them as they sing silly seek your face the Spirit of Christ will open their hearts open their minds to make your ways known to them Lord you are on our you are our only safety there is no other safety in anything else Lord your words say some trust in horses some trust in chariots but we will trust in the name of the Lord our God so all preventive measures are good but what good is it if we do not put our trust in Jehovah Rapha you are our ultimate healer Lord thank you wonderful father and now I pray the eye of the Lord that sees each and every one of your dear children [Music] the eye of the Lord that is upon the four living creatures and upon the kerubim I pray that I your all-seeing eyes will be with your dear children and probe deep into their hearts and probe deep into their minds Thank You wonderful Lord Jesus thank you wonderful Lord Jesus I see the wing of the right four wing of the carribean stretch before me right now and I see it with full of eyes full of eyes and I see this eye it's not just like how our eyes looks like but it is a multi-dimensional bright sky blue eye and light shines forth from within it in all directions in all directions and it will look into you into the very fiber in your body into every thoughts every intentions of your entire being I am made to see now it's not just our thoughts and our intentions but every body every organ in the body has a mind it functions it has a mind and it has a purpose and it has an intention because the scripture says all that is within me shall praise the Lord so this eye looks at your entire body at every direction of your body even the nerves they have a voice and they speak it will look and it will judge so humble yourselves tonight humble yourself tonight prostrate yourselves before the Living God and tell him Lord humbly I come before you judge me Lord try me test me and make me see who I really am let this be your humble cry tonight and then the Holy Spirit will bring all things to your remembrance and also plead for the sins of the land plead for the sins of your church plead for the sins of forsaking your call and destiny that God gave to this nation for he shall ask you why have you forsaken your destiny we have no answer but one thing we can do cry to him for forgiveness cry to him say Lord we have since lee sin Lord please forgive us so please pleat thank you wonderful God I see the eyes of the Lord now scanning this entire room to look for his intercessors where is he where is she who can stand in the gap before me for this nation who will be there to cry before me for this nation who shall stand before me and say Here I am Lord I stand before your presence for this nation let him arise and come before me and let him identify himself to me and let him come and present his strong arguments before me why should I not put forth my hand to strike for I put a blessing and a curse before you this day choose wisely the part that you want to walk for what you purpose shall also affect your children and your children's children thank you Father Lord we lift up our holy hands to you and we bless your holy name now I pray Lord as your sons and daughters will leave this place your presence will go with them that they may meet with you Lord in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray amen please be seated all right this concludes the session this evening but before you leave please pay attention to a very important announcement tomorrow morning for the delegates coming for the day conference as you fill out your health declaration form please fill in your full name as it is written in your IC or your passport and please also jot down your contact number okay and as we leave this place make sure you have all your belongings with you and tomorrow morning the doors will open at 7:30 a.m. so god bless you and have a good night you
Channel: Jesus My King Church
Views: 34,578
Rating: 4.7647057 out of 5
Keywords: pc2020
Id: zo5Ram8l8Js
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 192min 15sec (11535 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 20 2020
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