Consecrate A Fast | Steven Francis

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because in the church jesus rules amen the kingdom belongs to the lord as people of god we should never forget that we should never let those things away from our hearts and our mind during this times of uh end of the year for jesus my king church and this will be the first as we are here for the first time at the end of the year for the seven days of fasting and prayer this is the most sacred moments of our church i've been for 35 years i was as i walked with god praying fasting taken up into heaven and heavenly encounters with god about seven years ago when we planted the church in singapore that is uh it completed eight years one year after that i was fasting and praying and the lord said now you must teach them how to wait before me so that the church will experience encounters with god and their hunger for god will be stimulated from within are you with me hunger can be trained right it has to be stimulated it has to be provoked from inside you'll find david said as the tear pans after the water so my soul runs after you you see we have forgotten what it means because truly water is everywhere available for us so we cannot even define unless you are lost in the wilderness you are lost in some desert and you are wishing for water and that intense desire you cry out to god for help and then we will relate to it you see but from the city many things we have forgotten but there is a part of god that can never be satisfied by the world and the lord taught me if you would teach them how to wait i will come and visit everybody every day as they come and wait before me it was become the most sacred moments of the year and so we came up with these seven days of fasting and prayer which i will share with you how we could do that what happens during the seven days is that as we give a size of seven days before god the entire year will be filled with god's guidance and goodness over your life it is more important for us than going to jerusalem it's more important and sacred now we all know the whole year we come to jesus but in that seven days the lord will walk amongst us he will touch each individual lives of course the year the seven days will end with we praying for each individual as they would come even then the world has come in and said social distancing don't touch but jesus said when you touch the anointing comes amen and so we want to wait before the lord for this time so this morning i want to bring you to this attention of the book of joel chapter 2 verse 12 and 13. as i was praying i said god what is the scripture that we we can wait before you and this scripture was given to me the book of joel chapter 2 was 12 and 13. the bible says yet even now declares the lord return to me with all your heart with fasting with whipping with morning and rent your hearts and not your garments return to the lord your god for his gracious and merciful slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love and he relents over disaster that means he regrets he cries over it he's soft over it today we have been preaching about everything else except this when you preach such scriptures people say we are an old-fashioned church we are still talking about fasting and praying but you see i wish that god has changed over time i wish that since i've grown up so much there is bible be because bible is for new disciples and there is a bible b where you don't have to pray since now you know how to pray you don't have to fast since now you know how to fast but the bible has never changed amen god has made the rules of the game the same if you seek me early and you shall what and so if you are not finding him enough then means you are not seeking him early enough because that's the rules if you seek me early enough you will find me but then how early must i say that depends on you some people wake up four in the morning to go to their work and so four is normal but it's early for them that means they can wake up at three you see you got to define what early to you means kenneth hagin i used to be awake throughout the night because he is a late sleeper so for him he will be awake throughout the night till three in the morning for him that is his hours of seeking god and then later he sleeps for some people they wake up three in the morning and they pray throughout there are different types of seeking towards god but here look pay attention yet even now declares the lord the this morning is our as angeline and i we woke up in the morning early morning and we were praying now of course our fasting is starting on the first but our fasting is starting today early as we prepare our hearts because no one the bible says can enter the presence of god hastily you got to prepare your heart even before he can speak to us do you understand what i'm saying how sacred will the voice of god be all depending on how sacred you will treat the presence of god if all that you want is to hear jesus loves you i am with you i will never leave you well those are scriptures already there you really don't have to worry about that but if you want god to speak into your life and change that destiny that is in you move some dices in your life that god will show that path then go deeper in him that it can be altered in our life amen now you may wonder why suddenly our color changed for the steps while we were praying before i left i saw the color change and i told michael get this color changed to this color because it will represent the glory of god something is about to happen in 2021 in jesus might king church can you believe that god alters the colors he rearranges his house in the way he wants it to be that we can safely and gladly say this is the house of the lord it was built by the hands of jesus he chooses and he decides the vendors was chosen by god they fell into our lap they gave us a quotation 15 000 cheaper with an excellent service than other vendors that we called isn't that god and the vendors said you know pastor michael shared with me i think god is working in your church because there are others who ordered same or more items much more earlier and they did not get their items you ordered later and you got everything that the church is ready before the end of the year somebody say amen only god can do that only god can do that people ask me what connections you have only one heaven pull that best connection everything works out there is nothing that god will never do for you if you are willing to trust him amen yet even now declares the lord but you see the interesting thing about this is not this part we have to see the context of what is going on verse 1 of chapter 2 where the context of this scripture is built blow a trumpet in zion sound an alarm on my holy mountain let all the inhabitants of the land tremble are you guys seeing the scripture yes okay let all the inhabitants of the land tremble for the day of the lord is coming it is near verse 2 says a day of darkness and gloom a day of clouds and thick darkness like blackness that is a spread among the mountains a great and a powerful people the alike has never been before nor will there be ever again after them through the years of all generations the world is looking at darkness everywhere is darkness and gloom it seems to come with a new dress up now with new strains now you have two choices either to increase your fear or to grow in your faith amen because growing in faith is going to help us handle fear but growing in fear is not going to help anyone and so while the world is being blanketed in darkness well the world is trembling and we are not talking about third world countries where they don't have cleanliness or not enough understanding of social distancing we're not talking about those nations we're talking about developed countries which the disease is going uncontrollable it's spreading like wildfire and even the best minds put together are struggling how to handle are you with me while the world is being blanketed by thick darkness the bible says where the trumpet is being blown a day of darkness and gloom a day of clouds and thick darkness while darkness is pre prevailing around the world the bible says god secretly prepares his army do you see that there comes an army that is never like before where god is molding them in the secret place that is why in this season as we are living please do not overly be concerned with what is happening around the world pay attention to what god is doing in you we will fail the process of god trying to build an army which is you and me i can't say for everybody but you got to say whether you are going to be enlisted in the army of god some they just want to be church members some want to be visitors someone to be on lucas they will stay outside the church and look through the window what's going on because they don't want religion i hated religion anyway i'm not religious i love jesus do you understand what i'm saying for the last 35 years of my life i have to work against religion but keep growing with jesus and the question remains whether we are an onlooker or we are a visitor or we are a member of the church or we are a member of the kingdom you got to keep defining yourself but here the bible says so clearly while the world will be blanketed by darkness i'm going to raise my army in the secret place amen and i believe many of us are waiting for the seasons as such there are many young people amongst us probably have never experienced a revival before some of us are grown up or you accepted christ through a different wave of god that came through the world some of you accepted during the jesus movement in the 1970s some of you accepted christ during the word of faith movement in the 70s and the 80s some of you accepted christ in the in the late 80s where the apostolic or the prophetic movements were there some of you accepted christ during the evangelistic revivals in the 60s or the healing movements but there are many young of you who have not seen those things and i want to declare to you in jesus name now is your time now it's your time to experience a visitation and experience a miracle that has never done before so that your faith is plucked into the life fire with god are you with me we're not playing religion man we need to be connected to what jesus is doing it is so important and vital don't get lost in the darkness that's for the world be trained by god in the sacred place the bible tells us that god is preparing his people in the secret place god is reminding when the world is trying to tweak your mind to speak the world's language are you speaking my language some of you may know richard umran reverend richard who who who passed away a couple of years ago he started the tortured for christ ministry he was tortured for christ in romania during the uh world war when the whole nation european nation of that part of the world went into a communist regime that if you have never read this book before please get the book tortured for christ richard mumrah was placed in the nazi camp prison for 14 years he was already a priest by then he was a pastor jesus will come and talk to him every day he got people safe and when i read this book when i was 15 years old man i tell you i didn't put down the book i filled my history test the next day because i didn't read that history i was reading god's history i couldn't put down the book i was crying at every line here am i complaining i don't have water i don't have money but there man they lose their tooth and the nails every day because when you don't deny jesus one nail comes out being pulled out and they put needles in between your nails and the flesh and they like electricity to electrocute you they beat him up so bad on his feet and on his all his nerves damaged he forgot all his bible his wife was in another prison while he was in this prison separated everything was gone yet while he did not have enough food for himself he shed the loaf of bread with other prisoners and told them about jesus while the prisoners accepted christ the more people were converting inside the more his prison term was increased he was put into the chamber 24 7 no actually he said from morning to late noon for many months the loud speakers like deafening loudspeakers just for him because he's the priest and it will be a propaganda there is no god and jesus is not the true god there is no god jesus is not the true god and the propaganda keeps going on and on and on and on and on you know what and then he writes in his autobiography he has forgotten all about everything that he write in the bible except for one scripture that god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son he said that i could never forget i could never forget what the savior did for me so while the propaganda was going on day in and day out they could pull my nails but they cannot pull the bible out of me they can beat my socks and but they cannot beat my face out of me they broke my bones but they cannot break my spirit such men such saints who lived on earth and after many many years through the help of american friends and some humanitarian organization he was smuggled out of the camp and he came and stayed in america and then he went back to his homeland where he died i i he went to many churches around america and around the world many could not relate to his sufferings and torturings finally i had the opportunity to see this man before he died in a singapore he could not stand his hands shakes like that because all the nerves were broken all the nerves while they put him in stalks and they bit him on the sole of his feet that all his nerves will die they cannot he cannot stand and he will couldn't speak clearly but he know my brothers when the world or sisters when the world was trying to creep in inside that scripture kept him alive he forgot everything but he remembered one scripture and then he sang the song he said i forgot every song and every hymn that i could remember i forgot everything about it i could only remember jesus loves me this i know can't believe this yet today his organization is so active saving those who are in prison around the world he took one man and his wife has a long story of herself how she was tortured not as much as the husband was but enough and later they were reunited and they continued the ministry around the world are you with me you see while the world is being blanketed by darkness god prepares his people in the secret place but what we complain about we complain almost about everything and you know what's the other worry we want the world the kingdom of god to be compliant to the kingdom of the world and when that compliance does not come people of god get offended why are you not complying there will come a day when the antichrist will come so you're going to what do again now the fear is going everywhere now there is wisdom in compliance but there is also a ridiculous level of being compliant right we are using wisdom but we don't want to be ridiculous is that okay we have to have common consensus of what it is to be compliant but we can't be ridiculous to the point where our faith is no longer active it looks more like a community center where seniors and young people gather for whatever reason it doesn't look like the house of god anymore are you with me and therefore we have to make that stand because while the world is being blanketed god is preparing his army in strength and in faith it all has to bottom line come to the point what kind of words are you having in your mouth when the world is being blanketed if not we are just speaking the same thing without realizing we are enforcing or we're becoming a world police into the church you are polishing itself the world's programs into the church we have to be careful during these times you know the lord showed me just before i came the chip or the mark of the beast if it's a chip right it's a chip or whatever it's going to be before the chip can really enter into your body he will just chip your psychological mind if he can help you to believe the system of the world over time where you voluntarily allow your mind to be tripped to this world then to have a chip in your hand is really not a problem or whatever that is that is why the bible says in romans 12 1 and 2 do not conform yourself to the world we have to define what the world is i'm not talking about the normal government i'm not talking about the necessity for all law and order i'm not talking about all those things i'm not talking about observing healthy rules and common sense when we go to uh the hospital or paying a resp uh having respect to others who are not well and you create social distance i'm not talking about those things i'm talking about a spiritual factor amen and i want to speak to all of us as matured believers that you know what we are talking about we are not kidding around we are not talking uh uh we are you're not using lame examples but we know for god is asking us to rise above during these times he said in the midst of gloom and darkness i am going to raise up a great and a powerful people the wall has never seen before that means this has never happened before you know you may think well the day of pentecost was that group now that was one group there's coming another group there's coming another generation and the other generation our young people are just sitting listen when i say young i'm not just saying the older don't have to do anything we all have to just keep running forward for jesus amen amen i want to tell the older guys don't let the young overtake you how's that huh you see there's only one person saying amen or the other guy yeah whatever man [Laughter] don't let anybody overtake you because it's your race it has your number on it when i was going through life struggles many people told me you need to take a break stop take a two years break and leave the ministry for a while and finally now these are people who love me and cat for me you know so i really give them a lot of room in my life so i keep on listening okay one day i decided bring this matter to the lord and talk to him what he thinks about it i said lord if you tell me to live i'll leave because you're my boss so while i was i was in the in the gym while i was running in a treadmill i was praying now so this is the disclaimer all those who are watching online never pray when you're running on a treadmill the instructor asked me will you be okay yeah yeah don't worry about it it's all good man why are you praying in something while you are running now this is god's connection you won't know so he kind of left me alone while i was running i was brought in the spirit to a stadium where the runners were having a tag and they went to their line and they squat down they're ready but my number and my lane was empty because i was about to give up and the lord was calling out for my number he said stephen why are you there i said god i can't run anymore because they all told me to step up and the lord said but did i tell you say no come and stand in line because no one else can run your race you've got the number it's your lane could you tell your neighbor that no one can run your race see that is why remember the first thing that i mentioned when this church started on the first thing i said please don't give up on your baton let them have their own do you remember that you don't have to say well i've run my race dude tonight it's your turn come on take it no no no let them get their own it's always in one spirit that god is preparing his people now we really don't have a clue dear ladies and gentlemen i don't have a clue why god has to move an indian couple from singapore when we don't know what is king's mountain we don't know what it shall be we don't know even this part of this world in america and god you have never seen me before i have not seen you before strange people and why god brought us together i've got no clue but there must be a lot more divine reason just then to have barbecue isn't it there must be a reason a reason that the lord has not shown us yet a purpose that god has not revealed to us yet he is allowing us to deal with our shortcomings and our failures now because if i can accept you and you can accept me in my originality with my strengths and my weaknesses then tomorrow we can fight together in jesus name sometimes we are too impressed by the anointing but we can't accept the person because we smoke everybody with this floating grace i wish i could walk straight out of this stage but i can't i will fall are you with me i'm not trying to act like jesus and so god gives us this time before telling us what else to do there is a divine reason why this place was chosen there is a very important divine reason why each of you has been assembled by god in this place there must be the lord's reason and i don't know yet but this morning i found out while the world is being blanketed god is gathering his army and this army you and i are not weak but powerful we are not going to establish the name of the church we are going to talk about jesus we are not trying to make the church popular but we want to simply talk about jesus i've been praying that our church will become a place where salvation is filling up healing is being demonstrated not by a one-man hero but by everybody who can lay hands on the sick and pray some people are still in your baptist mind i'm a baptist praise god be a baptist and heal the sick how's that you don't have to change beer whatever man don't get stuck with what you are if i did not get stuck with any am i a pentecostal i don't know what else when in the immigration they ask you which group do you belong to jesus but that's not part of the group right so i have to say pentecostal i don't know what else to say but we're going to want to be a follower of jesus not a defender of a denomination are you with me you gotta don't get stuck with all these words man some of our affiliations are more greater to a denomination than to what the bible is saying and so we need to have a conversion process if god has brought you in this place for such a time that means he has enlisted you for a conversion process something about you is going to change something about you is going to convert i spend one week in tears asking god lord don't let me lose the game now because experience can kill you i've been there done that can kill you from the new things sometimes when you become older you can kill the vitality of the young people rising up by giving all your big experiences that means nothing to the new are you with me and so god what are you doing is the question don't let the politicians fool you or what is going on do you understand don't let the politicians fool you and i pray right now that we will pray more about your life and my life and the kingdom during this season and you don't have to really worry about what's going on in america it will all fill into place because god is in charge take a moment and say god i'm going to seek you let this thing handle by itself i think it's year two zero one one when we were in our 40th day fast the last day angeline and i were praying early in the morning and it was our last day 40th day i was worshiping god in the living room when i was having a pain a lot of pain on my shoulders you know the back shoulders and i was twitching away and i was telling angeline and she was getting disturbed instead of praying this fellas doing this doing that and i i i couldn't stop i was just turning and turning and turning and i said go what's going on and like something is trying to pop out of me you know was such an excruciating pain if i can use that because i don't know what else to say okay and then suddenly two large wings of an eagle popped out from my back even though it is a spirit yet it is so real because i could feel the weight i could feel the kind of the stretch of the uh uh uh the skin or the flesh now many of the mothers who have graciously given birth to babies you will know what it means to just pop out you don't know how to define it much pain some joy and it's all mixed with bitter and sweet but it did pop out that was the kind of an experience it cannot be relating exactly but it was something like that it just popped out and this wings was so large an angel came and stood beside me and it said what you have been praying for since you were 15 you wanted to experience what it is when you wait before the lord you shall mount up with wings like eagle isaiah 40 31 you have been praying that since you were 15 now the lord has come to show you those experience what it means the angel said come the lord has many things for you to see and i was brought in the spirit like tutored by this angel how to even flap the wings like if you do it too much you will fall if you do one side you will fall you know like they are holding me and said now just do it slowly when they say do it it was flapping on its own and i was floating up and angeline was there i was going away i was no longer in the room my body was there but my spirit was no longer there i was brought into different oceans and different places but i wrote that in a book but i want to tell you one part when god brought me and what god showed me i was brought into a desert area but it is somewhere uh i don't know whether it's america whether it's arabia i really can't recognize where the desert was rape sen everywhere mountainous regions and i was brought in the down into a dungeon where hundreds of feet below a mountain there was a bunker and the lord brought me now there are many things i don't understand why the angels said this way but i'm going to tell you one thing i've learned in spiritual experience not to question when they tell you something my job is to listen and do why what not important when the angel brought me i was brought to the corner like that the angel hold me because i was feeling i was having problem in my buoyancy you know i just couldn't hold myself so the angel hold me don't worry about it look and there right in front of me quite a distance i was in darkness hiding in the corner the angel said just see don't ask question and don't say anything back just see what is going on the political leaders of the nations gathered in that place now by the way it is a real location so that what i was seeing is not a spirit matter it was a real location where i was transported in the spirit to this place they said there is this bunker the political leaders of the world will gather to have secret appointments where they plan which country to pull down and which country to go up where are chaos which countries have to experience chaos where their currency will go or the oil will deflate or the precious gold and matter or whatever else business interest we will plan so this year you go i will buy shares from your country tomorrow i will go down you can buy and we all will prosper each other do you understand what i'm saying and there were a lot and and i was not allowed to see the faces of the political leaders they all were in dark suits and they were even darker like as though it's a shadow silhouette rather than uh i could even see or identify who they were and the lord said this is where many secret plans of the world are being planned and many of the accidents or national whatever that you can think about is already planned ahead of time for their own greed and after that the lord said now you come i'll bring you and show you other things and i was brought to the ocean and so many different things i saw so one thing i want to tell you even now kobe started for whatever reason but it is in the hands of these guys who are playing that game now we are so worried and we are thinking god god is allowing all this to happen because darkness is blanketing the whole world do you understand what i'm saying some people get very upset when you say god allowed it to happen oh my god it's not like that which god are you talking about you read in the bible what god does some of the commands which god gives to people you can't even relate and understand is there such a god we cannot know there is the other side of god do you understand if you read the old testament there are certain commandments given to conquest to fight to kill almost like god has a barbaric mind you cannot even relate because now we are grown up we are mature we are very socialized we have grown up there is a nicer humane way of handling do you you get what i'm saying but that's not my job my job is to see what god is doing so there are a lot of things which is beyond reason but yet god is at work are you with me god is at work 10 years before time while i was in that one of those prayer meetings i was brought into the spirit in an ocean and i was looking at the river just like that why am i kneeling at the river i had no clue and there a new virus was floating and the lord said what is this and i and i said what is that lord he said this is a new virus it is going to float and it's going to float to the nations of the world a river will connect to itself and then it will go into the seas and the seas and the wind will come it will connect to the other world the lord said now you will hear of new diseases has never been mentioned before it will become a worldwide pandemic and i wrote about this more than 10 years in all our annual seven days of fasting it came as a book of what the lord is saying until for the last few years now the lord said produce the usb and let it just go out and let people hear my brothers and sisters the lord the bible tells us god will share his secrets to his people first before he does that outside but you know what happened to us we are so well informed by the world and we are so surprised in what god is doing it is reversed the other way so i pray in the name of jesus we will revert our self back to people who are sitting in the heavenly places with jesus now i'm not putting the world down but sometimes you've got to know those places ah is the virus still absolutely who's doing it don't worry about it it's just too late about that everybody's doing something about it but everybody's suffering innocent people are dying and that's the most saddest part you know human play has been collateral damage people are dying we have to have the wisdom along these times what god is doing blow the trumpet in zion sound the alarm so the first blowing of the trumpet during this time is to the church not to publicly god is speaking to his church god is speaking to his people get your act together learn to pray together honor one another pray for healing for one another show concern and care are you with me this is not the time to avoid is the time to reach out if we behave just like the world instead of reaching out to the love of god and we avoid that means satan is already winning the game and so something about us must change now we all do have the limits we got to find out what those limits are what can we do something for jesus during these times blow the trumpet in zion so now the season now is when god is secretly preparing his church that is why the church must listen to his voice and not just the voice of reason outside it is not a political center it should not be a political center it may pray for politics and we pray for the peace of the government but it cannot become a political diverting party amen blow the trumpet in zion and what is the call to sound the trumpet it's very interesting to notice this trumpet enzyme is is blown the trumpet is blown in zion first and the bible says up in the holy mountain because you see blow the trumpet in zion sound an alarm on my holy mountain so therefore people of god this seven days of fasting and prayer is designed that you and i will go up to the mountains with god it's going to take some effort some of us are going to struggle with our prayer you don't know how to pray you will find it difficult to wake up in the morning and you will be fasting on the second day the chickens will start speaking to you come and eat me the cow will speak to you come take cut cut me you know your your friend that i've never seen before is going to invite you to the most expensive restaurant all kinds of things will come to hold you away from this mountain and if it's a mountain it's going to be some effort to seek god it's not going to be easy so reset your mind the seven days is going to be your challenge it's not going to be a piece of cake because food will be available all around your house but it can't touch it for some fasting is easy for some it is difficult for those who think because fasting is not dieting please don't think it's dieting it's not part of your yoga exercise and that's dieting fasting means you are seeking god the moment you add the value of seeking god all the hell will come against you have you noticed that you know sometimes you're gone the whole day without eating food and you're still functioning well nothing appeals you you're too busy working but the moment you said you're gonna fast and pray everything happens against you you want to keep on opening up your refrigerator so many times rebuke the devil open the devil rebuke the devils suddenly you have cravings all these time you okay you know because something about the enemy gets very frightened when you are ready to climb up the mountain with god are you with me oh you think it's easy for me to fast no it's not that i love food but this mountain is a different mountain this mountain is not self-righteous mountain it's a mountain of the lord that you need to climb up with the help of jesus every year has been my same practice whether it's of 7 days whether it's 14 whether it's 21 or whether it's 40 days the first day of my fast i will consecrate my heart and ask the help of the holy spirit help me to finish it god help me to finish that seven days before you because without you i cannot complete the process are you with me and so i want to encourage you put all your appointments after the seven days all the late whoever invites you say seven days you are fasting and pray after that you will come any other important event push it over later because meeting god must become the first amen psalms 9 11 says god dwells in zion he dwells in that place why we don't know you see the first trumpet is blown to the people of god you'll find in revelations chapter 8 verse 7 the next other trumpet is blown to the world where the judgments come down a different trumpet so before before the judgments are blown to the world the trumpet is being blown in the church calling us to walk with him amen calling us to come with his side and the bible says in matthew 24 31 jesus said it this self and he sent out his angels with a trumpet call listen and they will gather his elect from the four winds and from one end to uh have of heaven to the other the angels will gather the elect and i pray you and i will become one of those in joel chapter 2 verse 12 that we read in our context scripture yet even now declares the lord now the word now say the word now with me why was jesus persecuted right on the first day of his preaching assignment the jews when they become 30 years old that's when they enter into a time of maturity where they will be allowed to come into the synagogue to preach at least one quote of a scripture all the jewish males when they come into the age of 30 they will be allowed so that day it was the day of jesus turn he took out the book of isaiah he opened up to that scroll and he read isaiah chapter 61. remember that and after reading all the scripture everybody was very happy was a nice scripture when trouble started it started when jesus said today this scripture is fulfilled boom the trouble started you see the devil don't mind you reading bible as long as you don't believe it will happen now the devil don't mind you praying religiously as long as you don't believe that god is alive he doesn't mind you walking with the church religiously without following jesus and here the bible says yet now declares the lord that means there is something that god wants to do now not before not after but now and fasting has the capability to take what god is said in the scripture and bring that now effect in your life some of us have given old testimonies you know god used to speak to me 25 years ago god used to use me to pray for the sick 35 years ago when i was younger in the lord i used to be bold and we used this kind of old testimonies but god wants to give you the experience now again in jesus name are you with me today and therefore there are something about this is going to happen in jesus mighty king that we need to keep asking god for a now experience lord do this now in our life not just before because the bible says it's the same yesterday today and forever right that means do it now you'll be so surprised if god can't find someone in the church then he calls those people who are outside to believe in jesus in a day they will start believing in miracles we just have no clue there was this children in china it was written by roland baker angels on assignment and the children of adullam there was two books children from china in an orphanage were visited by angels one day as they were praying they had powerful visitations and their children were told by the angels go out to the street corner start preaching jesus people will come to you when they come lay hands and pray for them and god will do miracles and that's what really happened miracles started to happen when children prayed today god can do that once again turning our children to become evangelists amen so we pray in the name of jesus that god will do something amos chapter 3 verse 7 and 8 the bible says for the lord god will not do anything without revealing his secret to his servants his prophets the lion has roared who will not fear the lord god has spoken who can but prophesy that is what is going to happen in the coming days amen but if i'm going to do all these things the bible says return now to the lord go back to joel chapter 2 verse 12 yet even now declass the lord return to me with all your heart may i encourage my brothers and sisters parents please teach our children how to honor god please teach your children how to pray please teach your children how to kneel when they are praying when there is a posture in prayer the problem with us is we teach our children when it comes to god do whatever you like but when it comes to the world we tell them to comply deal with me are you with me i was preaching in a church in taiwan up in the mountains man up in the mountains the fear of god fell we're talking about 300 pastors and leaders falling on their feet and knees and crying and weeping you know and that sunday morning service this pastor who was crying and weeping in brain his child came sitting in the front putting his leg up in asian culture you can never show your feet across to the elders you know it's a root remarker he put his feet across me he was playing his computer games in the cell phone while i was preaching and i was watching what the parents going to say they didn't say anything and so in the between i stopped the message and i asked the parent if this child will do the same thing in school is that okay no cannot they will confiscate the cell phone they will call the parents to come do you understand what i'm saying but in church it's okay in church well god is not there anyway you have a guy screaming out so don't worry about it and therefore our church our children don't know kingdom culture they don't know jesus can come and speak to them they don't know that the presence of god is alive to them are you with me and we think that our children well god may not hear may here may not hear they're just kids anyway they are more sensitive to heaven than we are it starts with them are you with me and so teach let's teach kingdom culture what it is to wait upon god what it is to honor god just for that half an hour be still in the presence of god my brothers and sisters there will come a time when our children stand before heaven and when heaven questions them well they say my parents did not teach me how real is heaven to you now i wish now listen i am telling the honest lair i wish i could pretend i've never seen it before i wish i'm preaching to you as though i'm just a religious preacher or pastor but i've seen it there's too many times i've seen the savior too many times when i was taken up to heaven i've seen the mentions of god where jesus said i've been taken up to the river of life and seen the trees of life i've seen angels there too many times to even tell you it is real and whatever the bible says it is real the conviction is not out of my reasoning mind but it is out of my heart that i've seen and the apostles said how can i not preach what i've seen and i've heard are you with me and therefore i'm speaking to you it is a real place demons are just too real and they are ugly demonic spirit you know the spirit of lust for the sake of the matter the spirit of lust when you look at a woman or maybe a man is very lustful and very tempting they are overly dressed up overly putting on makeup the light the right lights and camera is showing their vital parts of their body but you have to see the real spirits and demons of lust oh you wish that they could be as beautiful as the human counterpart they look as ugly boils all over their body when you look at the actual spirit of lust you will just throw out i tell you it's disgusting yet the demonic spirits take over beautiful human bodies and become the persona and that is why those who indulge in those will always end up update their lives are never right it's all messed up and it's disgusting because that's what the demonic spirits are are you with me will we be tempted absolutely yes but let's overcome in jesus name and that is why today we are preaching with that conviction and i've seen god when we seek him where he allows his angels to come and set our path help us to walk in it throughout the year he gives us important landmarks when you stand someone will come and help you when you stand there another will come and help you your parents children listen your parents may or may not have tuition fees to help you in your college but our heavenly father does he will make miracles that have no clue you don't have to give up your desires but you got to give up your bad ones and hold on to your good ones how's that are you with me this is the father now i have to think about our children who are going to enter into college just the other day they give me some figures i said okay do you have it no but my father in heaven has he's got all the money we need he told me sikhi first the kingdom and all these things will be taken care for the last 35 years all that i did was to seek first the kingdom that god will look after our children amen and i know that is your faith too and this church now this is an example of how god will provide for his own church how many of you even remember we collected a special love offering for something small things yes but not like we had a driving force like let's wash everybody's car and collect some two dollars or something you you get what i'm saying or let's do a mission pledge let's do a fake pledge let's do a building pledge let's do the men's toilet pledge we had no pleasures man but god made sure his house is taken care somebody said how is it happening god is doing something for something to happen return back to the lord that's all it matters in the hebrew word return simply means come back to the starting point some people are too far into the world they are so afraid to come back some people are too far into wrong relationships they are so afraid to reset back into their life some people have walked away from god too much that they feel that you know it's just a long road i don't think so god will accept me if i would come back but there is a magic when you fast and pray the lord himself will hold you back i remember i was praying for a precious sister in singapore in one of those fasting prayers she has gone back so far away from god when i laid my hands on her i could see her spirit is so far away and you know what jesus said the lord said put your hand and reach out to her and pull her to the front i said what is going on man i'm praying here she's standing right in front of me but my spirit is no longer looking at that person who's in front of me i'm looking at the destiny that is so far away from where god wants us to be the lord said she is my daughter helper put your hand and pull her forward have you done that to your children when they are lost have you ever seen children before or not you have okay good so give some reaction yes you have have you ever purposefully let your children get lost in the mall if you are the policeman is there please accept no intentionally we don't because that's the wrong thing to do circumstances of life allows us to walk away and god in his mercy when you're fast and we will pull you forward you said god i've lost my destiny marcus too long but god has a way to advance you forward again return back to the starting point why the starting point because jesus always must be the beginning of every point and so he calls you back calls you back come back to that point where god wants you to be the bible says return with all your heart how can i return the bible tells us be fasting i remember i was preaching about fasting about 20 years ago in australia this particular church so the one guy asked me a question in front of everybody uh can i drink juice during fasting i said yes of course what about hamburger juice what do you mean what do you mean hamburger juice is there a juice i was asking is there juice in australia which i've never heard before you know he said buy a hamburger from mcdonald's put it into the blender and then drink it like a juice only in australia you can have i don't know what juice you want to drink but you have to consider that some kind of fasting fasting means it's going to pinch you right it cannot make you feel comfortable it must pinch you that pinching of the human body must be there and jesus gave a powerful example remember the disciples asked jesus why when you pray these demons are running away but when we pray nothing happens he said some kind will only go through fasting and prayer now let me give you a reason why this generation doesn't know that the new translations of the bible have those verses in a footnote no longer in the main text to say that the earlier manuscripts does not have this but the point being if the church fathers have approved that in the main text why are you putting it back down isn't that common sense isn't it because jesus was a man of fasting and prayer who said that joseph was the historian he said it he confirmed it so when this generation don't see such lines and it's in the footnote it is not part of that process fasting and prayer there are some stubborn demons in our life that can only go when we fast and pray some stubborn problems that keep on occurring in the family lineage can only be broken when we fast and pray and if next year i'm really praying for the lord to give me a time where i could teach on demonology i tell you all this what these demons are up to you know the bible says today and we want to conclude what is the time when i'm losing signs of time 12 12 o'clock 12 a.m what is this oh it's 12. if you're still early still a lot more today you're supposed to say amen at this point come on man what are you going to do on sunday it's the lord's day right return to the lord now i want to encourage you during this time of fasting and prayer prepare your heart what must i be asking god for what are the things i want to give up what are the things i'm praying for in my children's life for breakthroughs write it down let the lord come and look at your list areas that you want to occur or some new problems have come in your body that you want jesus to come step in and to let it go let the lord know so do a decisive action what time you're going to wake up you must in order to wake up you must give up something from doing are you with me now if you are coming on a all-night prayer for this coming uh watch night service please don't do hard work at home before you come you'll be sleeping in the night it's just simple common sense now if you're a person who sleep early then before coming for watch night please sleep in the afternoon and then come is that common sense yes because all our human bodies are different capacities the whole idea is to be in the presence of god and jesus shows up and jesus my king church saw jesus working things when we had our school of prophets on the second night do you remember when he came what happened in the service and i pray the same experience will come back the bible says later if you can go home and read i want to show you a very important scripture what happens when we fast and pray i've read this bible just too many times over the years i didn't know this phrase was hiding inside if we can look at joel chapter 2 and verse 14. who knows whether he will not turn and relent and and what and what and that's what happens when you're fasting and praying when jesus comes and visits you he will leave a blessing behind when he walks out who knows what god will do when he comes and leave a blessing behind him a grain offering and a drink offering for the lord your god a live a blessing behind that's always been the heart of god he will never leave empty when he visits he will always touch when i was 15 i cried out to jesus the lord did not tell me you are 15 year old wait till you grow up he opened my eyes that i saw him the very first experience i was in the corner like in a room we were praying about 15 of us it's a small room so it was tight space i was playing the uh the uh one of the instruments you know so i was at the corner just like that both sides of the wall were at my side and the preacher was saying jesus is in our midst i was crying out well everybody gets to kneel down and pray i'm supposed to be playing the percussion so that the worship is going on so i was getting very upset while i'm trying to keep up with the rhythm i'm crying out to jesus please open my eyes that i can see you i can stop playing in kneel down but that job was given to me you see so while i was playing from my right remember my right side is the wall just like that from my right side someone walked past and the clothes just brushed me oh my goosebumps just came out and i was so frightened i was losing a bit because of my hands was shaken i i opened my who was playing prank on me but everybody was crying everybody was kneeling down and i said god if it's you just do it one more time but from this left to the right because i want to know and then he walked past when he walked past again you open my eyes jesus was standing beside me and he ropes brush me and the lord said i am the lord your god who is in the front of you the lord said fear not from today you will see me from today you will sense me from today when you call upon me i will come and stand in front of you oh what a privilege 15 and a half i was a nobody man i was not a reverent doctor i got no other accomplishments in life but a heart that was crying out to jesus and i imagine if our children will be thought to cry out to jesus that he's real and he's there amen and that's what's going to happen in the seven days jesus will show up let me wrap this up by saying 15 16 17 of joel chapter 2 blow the trumpet in zion consecrate call a solemn assembly gather the people consecrate the congregation look at that assemble the elders now the elders are involved the congregation are involved gather the children look at the word children even nursing infants let the bridegroom leave his room and the bride her chamber that means even though you are recently married honor god during your time of fast that's what it means between the vestibule and the altar means it's a place between the altar and the front porch where they call it an open area it's in in in one of the language may call a portico now the bible says let the priests the ministers of the lord weep and pray spare your people and make not your heritage a reproach and that's what is our prayer today that god will visit us in a fresh way in shall be god will visit us in this county in the name of jesus that the churches will be revived because someone is willing to stand in the gap and pray some people who need jesus desperately will be visited by god in the name of jesus there will be healing testimony so may much that it will become the talk of the town amen because here the bible says don't let us be a byword don't let us be a parable but make us to be a testimony think about it for a minute how can you fast few pointers a normal fast could be where you miss your breakfast or lunch and open your fast at 5 pm have a light meal now remember you some of us are in medication some of your works are demanding work you must eat something and so take a breakfast have a light meal for lunch and have a light meal for dinner some of you may take a daniel fuss that means you are taking vegetarian food you may miss a meal whatever that works for you do it is it okay now even if you are taking a medication then be wise eat your food well because you need those things to work on you but your heart is so separated with the lord now if you are in some form of a medication exercise where you have to take your food then don't worry about it eat but fast your heart before god that means give up on tv give up on newspaper or or google or other rubbish talk and then spend a lot more time in the bible consecrate your heart and that's what the bible says isn't it so those kind of things are the exercises where at least 30 minutes to an hour spend time before you come for the fasting prayer in the night seek the lord first and then approach the presence of god what is going to happen when we pray and we fast we can take off in the spirit very easily the first two three days your flesh the gravity will pull you down it will not allow you on the third day it will let you go because it knows that you're not giving up and your spirit man will energize you again amen and so we are going to experience many things how god is going to do wonders in the midst of us amen can i ask you to stand up with me i'm going to close in a word of prayer
Channel: Jesus My King Church
Views: 3,957
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Length: 72min 59sec (4379 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 31 2020
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