Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj | Open Heavens Conference Japan

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good afternoon everybody konnichiwa mina-san I like to say good afternoon JEP an acorn achieve a Tony homo detainees nah but I think there are more non-japanese than Japan here the monahon Geneva motto who can opener so no Yoda skaara nevertheless we are in Japan Novato sativa me horny he must so good afternoon in Japan discard any home no mina-san konnichiwa so all non-japanese Nihon genome in Assam we learn some Japanese for today and I'm gonna cut about mana be my show say konichiwa you must Bend bow low so stay was Iggy mushy mess let's do with the Japanese way okay sorry honey oh no ho ho this name already everybody samozang go honey konnichiwa konnichiwa there you go wonderful bara she does name now we learn one Japanese word then tomorrow we learn another word stop machine even gonna be mahjong by the end of this conference iconic companies nobody Malini you will pass graduate Japanese 101 icon on nihongo chosen or die has America so Mia some pacifists and you will qualify to be a missionary in Japan so stay and you no no shikaku emma's amen that is why you are here so no con year in this name right so the show if not why should you be here but I said yeah sure there has a timidity he must let's bow here for a word of Prayer hey come on e energy mahjong our gracious and loving Heavenly Father what s - no Megan if Kai i nee mr. Kamiyama we come before your holy presence in the name of our dear Lord Jesus Christ this afternoon I cannot go go what s that you know I stay a man I shoot yes mr. Naumann annuity what a statue econo QE Bassani that's money master thank you for gathering your dear children from far enniaa this day lord I know I see Kodomo tachi Oh automatically does I'm a step likeness we have come and gathered here this day at a sativa cost a conversion eco at smart master to make your ways known over this wonderful nation and at announced Marashi ho ho ho no Kuni Nishita many this day is special day in the history of Japan Okinawa Nihon no debts no she Nancy Becky Stowe Namas for on this day Japanese a new emperor a koa atashi no lift up our hands and bless the new emperor Ashish ma sha only father we bless the new emperor of japan curie kamioka no a terrace attendant enjoy arigato gozaimasu your word tells us and our community class amos it is God who sets Kings upon the troll and so stay coming Oh me chinga Coco no toaster Aramis Aramis so we ask you to bless the new emperor of japan is crack atrocity no an otaku squish take the Simas yoni fill him Lord with the knowledge of your ways such there anata o shiriuchi skinny Mita sorry ma Sione fill him with your wisdom to stare another not shed it asari mozzie oniy fill him with your understanding anata no decried the hydrometer sorry Marcy oniy we blessed the Emperor and his dear wife and their family an autonomy nanotech on atarashi tennouji-sama so no Kazuko chef qui t'a she must give them a new coat a cranny at Arecibo ridiculous I got them from all evil Lord associativity no Giacomo not or nosotras i'ma Sione this is the beginning of a new era in the history of Japan econo Nihon no atarashi Ganga no hazama oh toki de armas we pray from this day onwards peace and harmony were flourish in the nation of japan economy honey Emira no cheer hey vato matata hakuna colony ho need very messy oniy your word says you are the Prince of Peace sure haha hey 100 this so we welcome your kingdoms rule in Japan so the true peace can reign here she anatomica Schmid's so suitable Nihon need anata no hey manga mascara as this program is now telling us all over the airwaves of Japan a kono program agony Hong Sangu Kaito Naga sorry mascara we prayed that even the the airwaves and the spirits over the land will be shaken a cannoli hunt no a crew Junior Betty no Dana a human Aramis yoni we pray everything that is in the heavens over this land will hear the word of the law it's a steak on on even know a crew junior tenure mo no mo Sabet economic Oshima Sione we pray that everything that is in the land of Japan will hear the word of God is a stake on on Iran nods in China konasana McCoy Oshima Sione we pray everything that is in the waters below will hear the word of God so stayin on yo not chinos Daniel sabeti name is mo mata Shino McCoy Oshima Sione I now command the airwaves and the win over this nation to carry the word to every nook and corner of this nation as a steak on okuni needs Bassam what she know Nakata burger a Mario todos o hero Fatima Sione Thank You wonderful God arigato gozaimasu bara she comes a man and we thank you that your holy angels that are in this nation are gathered here this day to hear what God will speak for this nation so stay Cano Camino meets kya echo no no no any testimony that your word comfort Lord come unit an amicable much Nozomi must make your waist known to this nation kono clinic anata no Horace it akela say that this nation may know what the Lord God in the heaven speaks about it could only hunger and she knows sugar the tanana's own daughter Erica so they were shiruko Tonga Dimas Sione that this nation may know what the Lord God in the heavens think about it economy hunger echo no 10000 10000 general coming up eaten a neo Kenickie rica rico tuna the keema Sione that all the principalities and the powers that have been locking this nation may know that it's ways have been exposed submit Anoka no Kuni oh yes she has rich Cariah king cannot come in oh ho ho come in O H Cara Oh she'll go to naughty kemar Sione lord I come on all the dry and dead bones in this nation will hear the word of God Co Co no Kuni no a carita una subida she no McCoy ah kita each time own autonomous yoni his prophecies are uttered in every session in this conference let the dry and dead bones hear the word of prophecy and riser so no conference Auto staccato yoga no economic data for netizen achieve a so stay chilly monotone edema Sione I now command the four winds over this nation to hear the word of the Living God is a second okuni nods Antigua economic odubajo Chima Sione I command the Angels holding the four corners of the winds over these nations to hear the word of the Living God Akash there amid sky Tajik oh no Kuni no you see me on Osama tarasana mikuni Haqqanis new homes in coca-cola Konami koakuma notice a stake rosamma Sione we lift up our hands unto you O Lord our God but as such you are what I says not here anata no my knee agamous for you alone other true living go another Dhaka honto no each camellia Canada's you are the maker of heaven and earth and atewa him to choose her a master and the Seas and all the things in it associate Omotesando handsome sweetie no ma no mater a Mustang and even the earth below beneath and all things in it kuchinashi Tahari so no sabatelli mono same Oh scary monster for you have received the kingdom of heaven and the kingdoms of this earth to rule over it it's a stay anata wa a kunoichi of Shahi stay anonymous for all authority and power has now been given unto you submit an O Connor she hides Caracara attire Adama notice rain King Jesus reign over Japan yes a man Dozo Kanani ho ho shi hai stick that side she has to decide we are people humbly bow before you what a statue on autonomy he repeated take ho be autonomous and we lift up our hands to you so she Otis is not he'll Hamas and proclaim him that the Lord Jesus is king and lord over this nation of Japan such - yes Cristo Kesava kono Nihon no she knows she oh no or the art of Sangha dismiss me thou glorified a lot about God or king of the whole universe kono camión an autonomy not a king a Humira - so stay a coke sniffs ah she won of this now I pray Lord watashi wa mackaninee mass open our eyes potestas no mayo here i take the sign open our years - no me me oh she write it as I give us an understanding heart watashi no kokoro a title design give us a listening year but a snitch Cuba me on a tight a design that we may hear what God wants to speak to Japan an attacker coming up ever touch me honey katara tight so no koto katana de comercio knee in the name of our Blessed Lord Jesus Christ we pray but I said no sorry Becky yes Kristen a minute I mean mmm please be seated everybody knows Oh Osama oh sorry Desai seems like you all like you all want to avoid this center section do you Monica nobuaki Toyotas name tomorrow will be nicer if you all sit in the center here Moshe a status nay mana mana can you meet me as a Masato the most about a second ago that my eyes don't directly look at MPC stamina so Massacre coati Mirko Dadich mascara I want to since Lee thank our dear pastor Sara for inviting me to this wonderful nation of Japan Sara Boxley on a subarashii yoni magnetic disaster photo a kokoro kara concha Moshe Sharett I thought - arigato Jamar's thank you very much very good I seems she's Korean I should also greet her in Korean I know subarashii a no particular sign i'm sami de kum Sumida I'm good at only knowing one word in every language watashi wa submitting a gank on your ETA doctor doc a nebbish tips so don't be fooled that I know all languages I know what a citizen when a gang goes she - Tiffany Torito so now - Aaron I design I first came to Japan in the year 1993 ataxia sighs Tony Meehan externa Wow thank you you son and this that's a very very long time and so they're machinable to this in 1993 the Lord sent me to Japan to minister among the people of Tibet thank you a huge you son Andy Tibbitts oh no stubby - Oh a mini story suit of many attacks until the semester so now after 26 years back in this nation to bring the word of the Lord Association issued Documenta there is no mikata many conversion a mighty master the holy bible tells us in the book of psalms chapter 2 and Sheehan ithaca there the son is God speaks to the Salvi's a Coco they come is among us shi shi jing auto station asking of me the nation's not a continuous Ibaka taxi ask me concerning the works of my hands over the nation's nothing you can you are a soggy touch look and I will answer you hey watashi vacatio so God Himself invites us to ask him what he thinks about Nations that's got a kami-sama go Ginga a tie no no no diggity Renuka ku Nene watashi it hasn't in a Saito so come is another money tyrannous name I will always remember this one incident it's Mashtots not like he got my doesn't this now in the year 1991 I went for the first time to the United States but as you're saying he Haku huge which NASA made American in Turkey so I was into it on a television program in the city of Chicago in Chicago okay dude a core issue succotash master so after asking me about my testimony since the attacks in Oaxaca COC the wonderful American host of the program asked me one question so stay so no as far as she driven Camino education but actually cos never stopped he said I understand this is your first visit to our country yeah oh no Kuni liquidus I show no took it at Akitas what do you think about all the beautiful things in our Ganesha Kanaka Nene are super to know which cushy Soares cottonseed Oh Oh my master so I looked at him and I said I look so much like a demo what I think about the United States does not matter what action American eats it can go to a moon the idea are you insane because we all have our preferences so this or any given economy demo Naga today we may like this tomorrow we may not like that cuticle a demo sake like how much deny but let me tell you what God thinks about the America Scecina kara kami-sama ha Doka night America's war in CT kateri title - then I went on to reveal to them what God showed me about the United States so stay a camisa manga America needs a taken guy terracotta orchid semester in the same manner so no semi nada we have gathered here in this wonderful nation as such this para Shakuni Vinny got smashed and this conference is called open heavens prophetic conference Cordova quinita open heaven tango so in a my not confidence the skilled empowered our dear sister Reverend dr. Sarah would like the heavens or Japan to be opened but I said no subarashii she might instead they are you Sarah book schwa iconic tingle ten no matter he Ricardo you go to negative us that is why she took the trouble to organize this conference yes Cara is in see what cannot confidence Oh for the heavens over the nation of over a certain nation to be open cannot hanga are you clean ottoman akira toriyama first we must find out if the heavens are closed first we must know if the heavens are closed yes I Sunnis other Stasi guy she done academic an ANOVA thank God was he related to go Tony she's not a bikie Mustang is that heaven over the nation close or open a Tama daughter show here a current ratio Kashima did the show if you go to Israel metastasized annexed oh there is a constant open heaven over the nation and so when you are a Cooney cerana it's Nicole Cooney no tameni she write sohcahtoa miracle to predict mass the anointing and the presence of God still inhabits in many places in Israel Israel no you don't have a Shani Kanaka Ino Yamanaka I don't know widget or equal tonot MS let me give you one simple example they stood to know a Canton in Genesis chapter 12 so second no judicial we read that Abraham came to a place called battle and Abraham una a better idea by Shani keymaster and there he offered a sacrifice unto God and so stay Commission is hisagi monitor Schmid's and then he has an encounter with God encounter he meets with God Abraham so stay a commission at all Dinah's so Abraham first had a meeting with God abrahama so at the Commission adapted he saw a vision of God so the camino a mob or Oh show me then he built an order associates or Ekeroth go suck in our Kisuke mas and he worshiped God so stay coming tomorrow dehydration's about a hundred years later so they can go now Abraham's grandson Jacob comes to the same place Abraham no a mahoney Otaru Yakubu now hey bhishan yes probably he didn't know that that was where Abraham had had a meeting with God huh boom Yacouba so go there Abraham OG Stanga a so called a kami Tata Tata shiranai Thomas but guided by the Holy Spirit the more a-coming unanimity be correct he came to the exact same place yes or no massa needs oh no not a passionate artists and he lied down on the very same place where hundred years ago his grandfather set up an altar he sustained a mass anima onaji Boccioni you know what is Sebastian Cooper and that night Jacob had a dream sono toki knee so no bunny Jakob wah you may be mass he saw the heavens open so stating he rocketed anonymous now that that's the same thing that happened a hundred years before so no matter gonna go to got some re Haqqani my gnocchi Douglas even after 100 years so not Oh chuckling go nice I will not go to architect on this the open heavens over that area was still there echo no dang he rocketed I saw stay you do to you when you dedicate a certain place for the Living God but a cigar are you Paschal gonna each the coming ago Sasaki Cerrito I have seen this in the spirit sonna koto Amy time on your data says she Dakota polygamous what happens is the angels of god will come and stand in that place a son of a Shawnee a coming on it's coming out the top teams and they will guard that place from any other evil infiltration so she better know Geronimo no Kara Asano Bahama Montes because that's the place you have said and you created a portal in Attica to tosin Abasi oh whoa es una muchacha no Tom it's a socket a irregardless so in the same manner onaji Oni we are gathered here is your conurbation yes now we want to have an open heavens over Japan but I said you are gonna need ho no time I need King no ma here I do this first we must beat them in butter says your mother sighs shiny kokoro deck see other heavens over japan open or closed a master con only ho no Tommy no any ting okay well here I didn't know cut schmatta look it is open praise God once I got here I didn't ara she know me now meet a famous it is closed mushishi matilda then we want to know why is it closed nothing she might take no care what the situation what caused the problem for it to be closed Danny Hammond died a cannoli no tameni tabako GT you know the Bible tells us she showed us a second honest when a nation worships idols Masha Cunha guzo da mineira God will close the heavens a Chimaera attend Ahmad Osito it will not rain so stay in a currency the heavens will be brush a cone or anything no class or much time I'm Anastasia so there are many reasons for why heavens are closed over admission this garage so no key no Tenga couch - imitating you are okano do not condemn us in the same manner heavens can also be closed in an individual's lives even as you need what I said you know a cugino say cuts it so you could know you a need thing that was delayed echo Tomo Artemis when you walk away from the will of God Rachid Ghannouchi a coming on mikako okura sulla tiara kinara the heavens over your life is closed and I know genes in your carry a tender mother what was your item Imani there - oh when a husband defrauds his wife from fulfilling her sexual needs the heavens over him his clothes mushy who do not the many times they're still hotter I didna raba so no - oh if you read first Peter chapter 3 verse 7 first Peter chapter 3 verse 7 Daichi patron or son sure it tells us there that the husband's progress can be hindered because his wife is not fulfilled in her sexual needs mocchi semana so no a Satanist geometers Nalepa is not satisfied in the sexual life the husband's prayer not hurt so Sarah no a scary night oh I didn't know about this scripture until the Lord showed me in 1985 Thank You gotchas you gonna need it I sure do I go to mrs. Tabak Aramis and Esther I was praying one day I would hear the show in New York State and the Lord spoke to me about one of our church member so stay roq axion Akasha oh it's a monster and the Lord's pointed out that he has this problem a kind of acronym on Diagon and as a result his prayers are not hurt no tameni Corea charity and it's that happens over him are like brass I am aiso know Corino Jesus a new king Goku attainment it's no uni it Kotaku don't dismantle so when I asked the Lord I've never heard anything like this before hey Nico you not a mod isn't he thought of a team ascent oh there's a lot short me the scripture associate actually is a coffee machine which later when I told the church member about 8 when I told the church member so stay so no kyoukai no member you're not ugly he admitted they have a problem hey Sonu kanaeva Monty Monty rocoto shows yes master so there can be many reasons why heavens are closed and not open in an individual life this kurata such a cozy no seconds no eat another thing toasty rarity Rica attacks on Audrina además since in the land can cause applause heaven disc Iraq you know she show no economy who know she na nanika tango to zero so do Costa has this corruption and unrighteousness can close the heavens over nation if say this toka are you high so in tominaga attended otogi so I cannot say anonymous pride and arrogance can close the heaven over a nation are you afraid of this token woman so Naga can no econo sing arias self-sufficiency can close the heavens over the nisshin are even given that cannot go today a man Tokushima katana cannot say Don Imus my dearly beloved brothers and sisters so easter heavens open or closed over Japan Hinata many here - oka touch to the chakra that's why we are gathered here so no shiro Tommy attache Shikoku Nima's so not only we are going to hear a lot of wonderful messages dadada so no subarashii mrs. Ahmed academically but we should also spend a lot of time on our knees praying for this nation hey kono basho de attacks on Oh chicken she's a motley Coconino time I need another katana still this just like what you did this morning and choke Conoco the end chili last evening now on the 29th of April 29 team Thank You Duchess you couldn't hold us now I was praying one morning not a Celtic show interest in master and the Lord Jesus appeared before me so stage shoot yes somehow - no man about it and he said I want to talk to you about your trip to Japan it sustained me who you know II do konohana status and that morning I wasn't praying for this conference what kind of comparisons how many arrests Amos and Esther I was just meditating the scriptures in the morning as usual associates Midori ma I saw University Turkish so when I saw the Lord Jesus attack cigar shoot yes thermometer Toki I knelt down and asked him speak to me Lord what you want to say no socio anata no catalytic Otto katatak recite o immersed in one brief second so stay company Mizuki is shinai darling my spirit came out of my body but action all day nah a karateka rowdy and I stood over the nation of Japan akin only home no we touchy and the Lord Jesus was standing by my right side so stage you have attacks in Omaha anneal it a shot and before me stood a very gorgeous beautiful looking young woman as austere man my knee goes boorish it's cushy what kaijus a monster so I was wondering who is this woman just the kanojo selected her optimist and as I thought of that I said thought of that thought I said think about yet see the kongamato the Lord Jesus told me sooner what actually category us I'm Stan this is the virgin sea goddess over this region who know me who shows you're not coming yeah so remember these three words economy it's not about it's not just a sea goddess ha ha let me know communicating I could this sea goddess is a virgin let me know camino and showed a virgin sea goddess you mean no megami should I make a video so she rules over this region so no mega mega iconic on your she high state now I don't know for exact shoe is it if it was over the whole of Japan or fukuko where we are here hey so they can of coke addict and Annika and as after the Lord told me that she got a sneak attack us at the top she looked at me and she said cannot ricotta Co meeting why have you come here nothing ironic NACA with with great Authority the first time I encountered such a welcome was when I first went to Egypt and what I saw you Jana put them Antigua she's not go to voice no it totally isn't emerged in Egypt I encountered another very beautiful looking woman Egypt own UAT more so now it's cushy joe said to you mom or Oh show me must not real woman spirit woman on audio station I do know they take innocent eyes in fact when we came out of the airport in attack seiga kaku kaku Naruto we were in the bus going to the airport to the hotel a konoba singer and I was looking out at the streets in each it so stays on as external Authority much and they were so very beautiful to look at a totem Accord squishy Mohammed certainly I saw in the angel flying outside the bus and follow following it it was then attending a so no bus no Otto a Mustang I have seen angels who look like females it's a so no change singer not eager to say tikki they are no me master so when I looked at this angel I thought wow this must be a wonderful angel of this nation this Cara a karate to subarashii Coconino teeny-tiny night to minister so this this spirit wave at me and say hi how are you stay so no learning hi genki deska so before I was about to wave and say hi a what ASIMO a mass of what they call a no cognitive Otto you toward astanga I'm glad I didn't do that you know I'm glad I didn't do that Yoshi Nakata photo euro kendamas but but be I was aboard to do that so the most suited to horridest when that spirit told me hey so no they gotta see Tanika I am Nefertiti I never Nefertiti her name Nefertiti yes watashi wa Nefertiti na - oh oh oh Nefertiti is one of the Evil Queen's in Egypt a nefertiti you know what a don't know Jacana a-coming I mean which not stewardess she was like Jezebel yes oh no Jesse Baron is a very Madonna so it sounds like this so after long time this garrison ATO Nevada now I have another visit from another spirit yes on the owner moon Oh God so she asked me so she cannot really much Turkish now we come back to Japan so steam iota such a new home Nicky are you backing back to Japan from Egypt its Astaire and you know Egypt Okinawa no texture no courtesy take it a fact an Eskimo I'm taking you on a tour but a Shannon Coco - honey it's little cameo day but we must come back to where we are are you back in Japan where are we in Japan yes not open it's under Moscow where we I thought you were going to say Tokyo Tokyo Tokyo Tokyo Tokyo deskah are we in Tokyo Tokyo any Mosca see some say we are in Tokyo are we in Tokyo what a such a token he must know where are we the oniy Mosca Phu Quoc la coka this name alright very much trap so let's come back to off they were kokanee mono team a shop so this period ask me why I why have you come here it's a stay it's a kid on nothing on my own external captain I don't think I owe her any answer what does she was only it's a good time he must understand so I didn't even bother to look at her just looked at the Lord Jesus but as she cannot your miracle tonight not a shoe yes sir Momiji must and then the Lord told me such - wata sneak attack a master when you go to the land an attack aah aah raccoon in Aikido the spirit will come to content with you Hisoka no Kuni no daga oh my toe out of suit but I will come and show you about her so stay what the matter singer so no kanojo do you Monica the team is here the stronghold over this region it's not clean or a CHIKARA's euro side there so yesterday at 8 p.m. when I was meditating sach sach upon a Hitachi a karate genie ataxia Mach so steady master this same spirit visited me again this virgin sea goddess came to see me Nakano ocean or meghana what a Shanda quranic HD what a show me new auto shoes you know one thing always mystifies me all these years so you Kotoka econo towards the toka dmoz how do you know my address do it - no - sure this is something I can never figure out what is it more imagine eva peron a Puttanesca Domo even the Angels know our address change the subject now that is ok no they are angels mad mo Maestas Yoram artistically iike but even the demons know your address the more a Akuma more amina some juice his name and she entered into my room and so stay here Heidi for for about 20 minutes I ignored that spirit and shipping camera as another I wish tea master I didn't want to pay attention to what she's going to talk to me a conservatorship ethical twenty times there I choose your heretic Nakata but then I begin to fill the pool of God any more than the SHINee of the shimmy Saturday and when I ran to the study table to prepare the message economy kotoba Oh Jim be steady sanika I saw two mighty angels they came and caught hold of her boyfriend echo no she's not scary so a bit skyrocketed it cannot come I'll show it about me master and they were restraining the spirit from coming to content with me so stay Akana daga me Toto but I start opening could equal to one I only say again and at 9:00 p.m. last night so stay you back ooh she go Goku G the Lord Jesus came to me and he began to speak to me about this spirit so state she is Samana what has no context a con or any semester now before I tell you about what the Lord spoke about this nation but a sugar cone okuni treaty a kata koto o muhammad Wapiti remind me let me set a biblical foundation now a master saico-tek inna átodayá say title - concerning demons and spirits that rule over waters and the seas economic Ummah though can sway today na ma umi no biomass she hides things if you read Revelation chapter 14 verses 6 & 7 economic sugar gon show me Tamia stone then the angel flies over the heavens and proclaims a word of prophecy a gonna change singer economy no way Nikita so Stevie okay optimist fear God cameo so they'll give him the glory a Kamini a cockiness I worship Him will make the heavens and the earth esos take on attenti cheney no identity okano Kamisha day - and the Seas and the rivers and the fountains economy on are you a cheer come you're a high sell for his judgments were we made manifest Nana died Cara no sabaki na are Abbas our attacker they are so when the judgments of God are manifest Akana camino esta página are hacer dedo the judgments are manifest in the heavens a gonna ten they're coming on sabaki Gaara sorry it manifests on the earth so she cannot see tiara sorry and it manifests in the seas so state media are sorry the Bible tells us si should a gravitas in catania Mussina in Isaiah chapter 27 verse 1 Isaiah need you Nana show no he sits Psalms 104 verse 26 mother she annuity Mahathir además there is a large sea monster called l'viyah tongue maybe a tongue do I divide us unto you you mean okay it's anonymous and I'm sure you are very well familiar with the name of this spirit econo davia turn to you now my mom goes on stato - ooh among the many see demons a conotoxin no umi no come on labia tun is the most famous a gonna be a tangle chiba you made a snare that's why it's name is mentioned in the Bible yes Cara sana my gustation after day she deserted rockets secondly dynami Revelation chapter 9 verse 14 hemos sido Kanak you show it says that four angels who are very powerful they were they fell down with Lucifer and they were bound in the river of you Freitas economics you know you need no chikara joy it ain't starting a condo Lucifer oh you had a Sheba and the river Euphrates is in present-day Iraq economy heritage Sukhavati anova edik Osho chose Dimas I saw the river a few years ago I saw no comma watashi Sunni money beaten desk rhythm is a wide river is Ramona's book here octave and it's very very long a monastic corner right chorus and for powerful angels are bound and arrested and kept under the river as no a Kiwanis Thani yo Nino attending a shebar arrete Kuniko temerity when exactly Lucifer fell we don't know it's a doozy for cheatin Oh cow - that you have shitty muscle but let's suppose that he fell at that time when God created the earth demo Konoe camisa manga 10 Tokyo salsa - kini Emma - recife watched otaku status so nice awesome a show but it was definitely before that hey mama G service for you remove my desk a little money but just what simple calculation will take from that time madam Oh Matan genic a Sunday why I said that because so when you do in Genesis chapter 1 verse 2 it says cañazo psyche is shown is it's an item as Kodomo and the waters covered this earth I cannot missing Igoe and now that was the first flood that took place all over this earth before the Noah's Flood could even Noah Noah company isn't no hazama t heo misses the Jota Jota listen now why you need there be waters why why there be a flood now they're co-hosting Ithaca now we don't we are not going to go in deep into that subject now a city mark wash cars coming on st. Kodomo but they're suppose that Satan fell down on earth at that point of time Artemis atanga co-direct re Satan or Lucifer - gathered all the mighty angels fell down on earth echo no it was even Tony attend no admit scotoma mrs. Langston so from that day till today a so much car Akane - Marie now about 6,000 years have passed a dog sending a taskmaster those four mighty angels are bound in the river in you Freitas Kenyatta's Domino the colony yo yo Nino it's a bit sketchy but I did why are they bound for such a long period of time Anantha so Nana died she come - a variety the Bible says in the in these last days they will be released NASA Katya Vito astronomy Conner misguided Sega a Keiko sorry so there are fallen angels kept in the river it's got a sonic of the colony you need no meat skying ah Ashi Behati number three son died some hominid if you read Revelation chapter 5 verse 13 moksha Kuno go show juice answer to me oh stop when the 24 elders worship God needs you you need not Cho Rong ah come in some old a heist in US and all the angels worship God it was a sabaton omits kya hai still in the scripture says such as Yeshua Unova all the heavenly angels worshiped God is about 1000 1000 meet sky dancing ah become is a mode a high see all things on the earth worshipped God so stick on og do not submit a know his orbits not come you're a high sheep and all things in the seas worshipped God so she submitted no means no Nathaniel mo no mo it can be some other high she so who are the things in the seas it's got a daring economy no nakanishi Cindy Romano to show all the fishes Sakana all the sea creatures you mean on a tiny red kimono see each time you eat sushi its most suitable to kini please remember one thing a cotton with a sauce in disguise oh you are eating a creature that was praising god kami-sama oh oh my that I tell you so not a puppeteer in the sea every fish that you eat and a tonight small is a Kanata bertocchi every shark fin soup that you drink just at the right sivanna Konami Morimoto key they were all were praising God cannot Okemo us but it coming to me now how much I didn't when the fishermen caught it so they whoa Matsuri bit of a try see you prevented a creature from worshipping God yes kirai kirai raga hey come is mo home with a title Norma Gemma's chapters name number 4 young Bimini Revelation chapter 12 verse 12 Mashiro cannot judicial Genesis there was a judgment pronounced upon all creation is better known it's great equivalent is a ass hanging sorry and the scripture says so cessation Unova the judgment was upon the heavens econo sabaki are tender tender body upon all things on the earth so step on Sabatino christiana Minari and more importantly such a sanitized nobuta upon all things in the seas IKONOS we mean oceanic could are you submitting a monetized a economic yoga earlier on we all agreed that the fishes are in the sees this car iconic on you know but why judge the sees then was sweet on one another's ibaka my just the creek chest of fishes econom that's a car nothing city with no tie show tune Arianna no oak they don't hum anybody join I'd assume they just simply go in one every direction Yanukovych ricotta gnocchi Marduk it is two weeks ago I was in Philippines and issue camera at actually paneer master and the house in which I stayed here attack see also conversion ETA they have a very large porn porn porn walking up a and he has eight large koi fishes as a stay a happy no okay no Sakinaka t Mazda each koi fishes weighs ten kilo it's on a quick peek at our eg kilo are so you have de panamá notice every morning when I'm drinking tea but actually it's more channel Toki I'll stand and watch those fishes I watch the fishes so no second ah meeting master I don't fish watashi wa at city Oshima's and I watched them the second we did a kiss from one end of the pond they just swim to the far end echo no it cannot caress oh no hon time ultimate mother and then they swim back to the other end and sumata cuts kilometers get Ramos from morning till night for a Sakura remedy just simply swim tah-dah Oh Yoga Krishna and they don't hit each other so stick around I put skyrocket mo naku when they come near to one another doctor they just give me demo me to use such a peace loving creatures so Tomoko heretic a day I see Becky she's over today so why pass judgment on them and that's a colony sabaki Oh Aras an academic an initial and last week I was in Ghana but she was ain't you gonna muster I saw another pawn just a hookah no aka Oh me master this was really huge spawn accordance to Okinawa and the lady who owns top pawn so steak oh no could she show you still Joe Silva she's a prophet come yoga sure I wanted to show you my pawn a chronometer snow a comb is a tiny so I asked based upon dokoni kick-out at this guy so nearby Monica caucus so I thought nearby means nearby Chicago River I spoke at Chicago am i right nearby means nearby no it's calculated sake the Signet so we started walking so stay RIT and walk at first she wanted to take the car it hasn't make Okuma Dick Cavett honestly the most why I thought to myself the author says even cut out there since it's nearby now that Chicago Donnelly why go on the Kaoru Motzkin oka will just walk erect image even destroy started walking the other sociologists and walking erect destined walking austerity and walking sincerity the pawn was never to be found as austere a kiwa cashtivity Adiemus and so I asked the lady where's the pawn edokko Nicodemus now it's Sonia totemic skyress we kept on walking justice re-architecting Arita after 45 minutes Jung ji-hoon go the pawn finally came at Sweeney gangga rama stop so that is called nearby Karenga chika could to equal to ma no immediate cease this is not too bad Kurama worry more than act in India were cockney there saves a stone's throw you throw a stone koishi o- so it means that how near the distance is so no he soon again photonics casa a stone's throw is anywhere from 200 to 300 kilometres 200 to 300 kilometres stone's throw distance I see my shoe negativa money automated sandbag meter mokoro Arriba so when we came to this pawn in Ghana but a cigar kono a gonna gonna know it can extend so the lady told me there are many fishes in this phone as a status on Osaka right under also I asked her how many fishes second anime masca if you ask me a question like that if I own a porn and what actually indirect Akitas Natura I will estimate and tell you maybe 5000 or 2000 fishes but having taco same because I was knockin I didn't know kana this lady told me they want so much I gotta Unova 4821 you won't say how big each initiative so I ask you mean how do you know to do it and she said I counted every one of them what does you add same damn business of another consider this how she counted I don't know how much you got do what the caucus wakarimasen since she's the owner we believe by faith Tucanos a girl machine cono tomatoes I cannot be verifying if there are 4821 fishes mas uno uno Domo so sometimes in matters like this you have to believe by faith so this Kurama talking eco shinjiru to dice this name so I she told me another fascinating thing but econo Java static remaster she said all my fishes are very healthy and watashi no ii have been a king chorus they are organic fishes cara Dominico a yuki taking a aut batushka so we discuss tonight the sky she fits them good healthy vitamin rich food every day my knee t becoming she put in a monogamous and I saw the with my own eyes you notice him as 400 meter the caretaker came caretaker who looks up to the fish cat Nico second Alkatiri stop with a bed full of those food a taxon of March - Cuchillo sog beast and he threw them into the water stereo commis nico negative same hundreds of catfish economic son no economic they came up to the surface to just swallow it I stare master bathroom I see all these innocent peace-loving fishes and so no Massacre nice territory must know why cuz judgment on them now this on NASA para seaman on a topic you can either show big whales in the sea so nah is this about your classes to artichoke they all swim very peacefully Tomoko heiwa Technicolor ideal doctors yeah me I will cut of any tear these fish their release be hurt any terrorist wish Harry stone Osaka right now Ashoka have you ever thought of any monetary Mosca have you heard of any bombing in the seas nan economy eco bio sakamoto kita what are you masca have you heard any fishes coming out suicide bomber echo echo kara Donnie Kovach Adama might eat a second about the vaquita battalion masca they don't do all that a car that's wound about her she must not even some more a fish samurai vicious i'ma say all that is in the land Mina her she must see all those creatures are peace-loving yes Cara its toe GG otogi got this Sakinaka yume no naka Mina Kohei was named but revelation chapter 12 verse 12 says mo kono machi de Junio mighty mosquito woe to the sea creatures umi no a human wha was our idea so judgment - who in the seas yes Cara Umi no direct eyes Tsubaki Erika it cannot be the fishes and so there was - on it - oh no - are you insane it's something more that is in the seas Sakana they were naive and Annika gasps oh no umi no naka de draak this the Bible also tells us this is your motto inácio notice in Katrina's name in Revelation chapter 16 verse 5 a mock shirokino a Jew rock show cause it's there are angels of waters missus no attention I do so not only they are evil demons in the waters yes Cara Jack una década Veronica but God has his angels miss is no attention oh come on which they are please remember one thing Kalamata is notice if there is a thief there will be a policeman Moshe the robber baron era a cos K right so the show so the same manner on a journey for every demon there's also an angel mo she accumulate in Iraq a sort of scare attention led to this if the demons can be in the waters so can God assign angels over the waters machine tsunamis Nonaka or she has to do yeah COO mati mother they did not have a skier to change them 100 coming some also night-night this is what you read in 1615 it's gonna have 5m okie dokie no Gio Gio was an innocent guy meeting a few years ago I saw in a vision how these angels in the waters look like a but I see you soon and my niko no omits means no naka no attention to I'm on oka ticket or me master the whole body is made of water I cannot say ma'am is the dictator so they look so transparent just like the water company who made more money mr. CEO and I saw his own status now what is the responsibility of these angels of waters econom meets no meet sky no second even Anika there may be many attacks are - okay doc but the Lord revealed to me of two of their responsibilities famous oh no she knows that so can be some other she mistake the same as number one Tatsuo they are the guardians of entrances portal openings in the waters econom mrs. no ADA Gucci Oh Emma material a guard imanakum you still see on the earth they are doors that gives us entrance into a place so no diggity dig which to you so no basho got a supposed tashieka it could educate the Canaries in the heavenly realm you read of those bottles that opens so stay code ten days on over here a burrito in Revelation chapter 4 verse 1 mochi Roku we re Mosca we read that the door was open in heaven a gonna tend to have a higher correct there by John entered into heaven so stay at any if you are and in the same way you read about Hell opening and people falling down so stay honest journey so no Basilicata Mojtaba square chill they are called the gates of hell yesterday why do kunam undertow in the same manner Ana's Yannick there are entrances in the waters Ami's know ya honeymoon to manova ET good stay monogamous gateways it's a code hotel can I so these Guardians got against see demons and the spirits to keep them from passing through the Gateway to come over the land and so no attention enemies no mid sky that you are a son of a Chikara a only kanakam Itachi no side asana Basham on Arrakis now this is another very big subject a choreo mata stood note Nash sign language we are not here to talk about demonology kapalama Akuma its it a monoatomic - no - an iris but I'm just giving you a brief biblical introduction to show you to show you the reality of all these a demo cannot see show no suteki na h so there are many many nations in this world a connoisseur kai no attacks on okinawa needed especially island nations Sakuni Ashima Guney no cleaner fish like demon spirits rule and guard those territories kono sekai no no Jana Akuma so no basho she high stiffness and such a nation without them realizing it will have a fish as a symbol a what I said she was so they were so they're Tiffany Schneider mascara demo let me give you an example mo she don't know she must item I'm sure you have heard of a nation called Singapore I mean I'm a Singapore - can you vote on the show many Singaporeans I hear a combination apology namaskara the the symbol of Singapore is half lion half fish Singapore no symbol what a hunk burning humble second artist nano do you all know very well that it's not a holy symbol so they got a Huey symbol anatomy anatomy that is a demonic symbol a gorilla achromatic in ashing border half lion half fish a humble second ad a humble see the symbol of a fish is there a souvenir Sakana no shot your ship or garages and all this I some European nations where the subject of mermaid has become very popular econo Europe party motiva Emma Nuno tominaga I told Emma call me in Kiryat actor's name half-human half-fish a humble engine the Hamptons Akana in fact Hollywood just released a movie called The Little Mermaid it is a hurry to naked a mandatory mama dr. Vega Martinez named see what is all this correct and none on the saga creating an awareness of the reality of all this a Cora akin all day taking a sec I owe my show Joe Strummer noticing so now let's come back to Japan sir Nihon no Montana more OTT my shop so on the 30th of April at 9:00 p.m. when the Lord Jesus visited me a Connelly Bay it comes a Margaret actually credited as a Mustang up he came and he spoke for 30 minutes about this nation iconic una visita Sanji Wakata take the semester so now I'm going to narrate to you exactly as how the Lord spoke to me email korekara Asuna what actually could activist at Ettore no hana show me a summit obokata stein so all those of you have a great burden for to pray for Japan Amy Osama kukukaka tava it cannot how many in a route so you ammonia 29 so please write down all those pointers those okinawa density you could comity ridiculous size so that we can make them points of prayer and intercession it's also about Tory national narrator Kimmy don't not any Jewish negative economist the first sentence the Lord told me use this session or sugar fat articles at the kotoba cordis I have kept a blessing for this nation watashi wa kono cree no tameni Cusco Oh son I didn't and I have also kept a destruction for this nation Mata Conakry no tameni Hawkeye use an idea so a blessing and a destruction this garage roof akuto huh Qaeda's please remember one thing it also has no photon with us the ocean does not vary Deuteronomy chapter 28 Amy oh my gosh she making on you huh show me Naruto there God speaks to the prophet Moses saying like this I can almost say Yoga Yoga Shamu centers the canonical at dmoz I keep before you two things - most of toys - but as you're not attached mnemonic tottenham oh no wait a blessing and a curse shefket oh no idea if you follow the ways of God monitor coming oh ho ho nice tanara these are the 14 kinds of blessings you will receive Jung Joo young-soo Dino Cusco anatomica do but if you follow the ways of the world scaramouche Iannetta God cannot see no hana hana nara and what after other nations as a state cannot connealy not o wicked nara then 28 kinds of curses will come upon you ninja Hachinohe an autonomy near this you find written in Deuteronomy chapter 28 sano photo Miyazawa as she make me you have shown me her conservator documents all throughout the history of the nation of israel and so now is read not then dictionary you'll find them either been blessed or winkers econom akuto nor oh your miracle too meticulous let me give you another good example okay no Amy ho ho Sasha ghana's if you read the book of johna MOC Yuna show Yamato God sent the prophet Jonah to the city of Nineveh camisa mama you know Nene Menominee Oak Remus and he walked for three days in the great city to prophesy a judgment was coming so stay on our Amy Kaka yes oh no sirree amateur des neige Hakeem are becoming as a backing added Mr Amos when the King heard the prophecy hakuna Corey okey-dokey he proclaimed a national days of fasting in Carrara iconic who needs nth I know Dungey oh here we go give us the King left came down from his throne this was the caravaggio Kazakh orator he sat down in sackcloth and ashes akari bahudha Mizuki even all the way the domestic animals in the houses were all fasting and praying Eskimo isabetta no coach kanita remedy done GQ state including the cats the dogs and the mouse it is Kara a new toka an echo touka-sama little everybody even the newly born baby was deprived of milk from the mother they were fasting mother to the window bakari no car some of kumite was submitting a manga atlantic ocean master the Bible tells us Joshua in Messina yeah humility and the Christ which heaven econom radicular Ito is she no knowledge Korea became a total dock and God forgave the nation of their great wickedness so stay commission work on own you never know mojito Ajax so the same oh oh you - inna done this so the nation was spared from destruction this Karaka no Kuni hua Chi Cara oh man you very much for how long to regard a shoka for 100 years ah kun in Kunduz but then they went back to their wicked ways again demo correlogram a tassel jackson mo Duru toe now when then God sent another prophet called nay whom if that appeal to you a bit no you can show coming somehow creamers and may whom prophesied against me anyway sustainability' a okay Moshe and the first prophecy of John I eventually came to pass in any way and in a way was destroyed let's see Nico no yo naga as - eel Yogesh taka taka Kananga knee it's against the code Tony so God always puts two things before every nation this kara kami-sama Sveta no Kuni note on my knee if that's not at all also not telling us not only the nation but even for us individually I couldn't agree on aku what I started coaching coaching attached mo God always gives you two part but I said you need some of that is a part of blessing a part of curse and she cannot even talk yesterday at all Romina with him the Lord Jesus also said as such - she is a machinist I put before you two parts an autonomous tottenham annoyed the narrow path semi which toe and the white part zero image so in the same manner Ana's Yanni now God puts a blessing and a destruction for Japan it come is a Meccano neha no tameni akuto hawkeye son of tato autonomous let's look at the blessings first of course I shouldn't be my song while he wants to bless this nation another issue economy home wash couscous Tanaka because they have done many good bits Nausicaa to Votto Nihonjin wha espera SI saket obstacle odda in what ways have they done good deeds or good things don't go for this on Yokosuka number one stud wha they have stretched their hands to bless the poor Okinawa mother sister touchy Oh cuckoo sir domine yes oh no - oh no Buster now whatever I'm speaking to you now in Metaxa Hasegawa it has dual purpose it's more that's not mock the key Aramis individually and the nation as a whole a Kojima ties day matter Keynesian tinytest so why does God want to bless Japan another issue a new home wash couscous Tanaka because they've done good deeds Nausicaa - Yuto au equal toage Nakara firstly - e they have stretch out their hands to bless the poor a mother sister Ito oh she cuckoo certamen is notation of it secondly eva many they have done many good things through modern technology Karami you know again die no technology no coke intimidate espera Seco toast many wonderful technological inventions came out of Japan to bless the whole world it's not only home correct that Rosita Canseco cúcuta many Machida our delusions today is filled with Japanese products but as I see more kana imam on Nihon no they say god so Korra's uniqueness Panasonic cameras Panasonic camera sony camera yes only no camera you you come to a studio in any direction you turn to look at only Japanese products don't go meet em on a homeless Asian guy yes and if you come to my house so that's next era for years I was a great panasonic fan Yamaha Gannon a Panasonic no EDI fundus only recently I switched to Korea cycling can coax a guinea in request now I'm some some fan if I was hammerstone no founders that only happened recently Cook's hiking honesty's but for a long time the mana guy yeah the summer day rule in my house samurai no Jana but number three samba man they have protected and save people from the powers of destruction any hanji wa boku no stove it oh whoa acha acha remote number for your money they have raised their voice in support against unrighteousness so stay sanitized taiko through is so yo creo Anita this point when the Lord spoke a cuckoo toe shoe attack sneaker tacticals I was perceived in my spirit that those are the support their race at the United Nations and at other places a correctional date ok master Kodomo and number 5 a comma many they have worked without arrogance and hongting Wow Goemon in are katana cool I indeed humility and meekness is something that rules the Japanese culture Akane song Niassa demo Naga they are in their new homes anti no-oh-oh-oh Dimas this morning I watch on BBC news ataxia BBC news ok sir the emperor making way for the new yesterday the emperor making way for the new emperor so no isn't know oh he said no it ain't no atrocity not immature use it the Emperor is the highest number one person in the nation 10:02 noir and he honed a motto Takei Crimea yet when it comes for him to make way I'm sorry gonna meetcha use it he really bought on very lost if his respect to the whole nation so no Ichiban it has no katana they contain any what if you're still thirsty these are some wonderful respectful culture in the Japanese society occur even in Osaka ok do some cases Beckett's para sheep in Cadiz so these are all the good thing we have done that God wants to bless Japan hey kono kata Noi une kami-sama WA new home wash Koosh Koosh type is o-negative now let's see why God wants to send destruction for Japan sir Kondo ah nothing schewe Hawkeye yo me horny so night Erica sono hitomi tied up - because of the worship of the virgin sea goddess economy no sir no mega me oh hey hi steady Unni this is chiefly practice all over Japan Carina any horn oh sorry mondaya the worship of Sea gods River God's economy no Connie area car no Connie now who is this virgin sea goddess economy no social no megalith dictator in Anoka she is one of the chief among the notorious fallen angels a clever guy guy no Matta mo Akuma Takei is so you a day taking a Shahi know it's no story here the Bible tells us there are many chief Prince angels Oksana so you Kody takaku know the human values Gabriel is Prince Gabriel today box no tension Heba a Cavalier do you know ah a you Erik attention of Eden economist named Michael Lisa Prince Mota Amica alma mater hence no didn't occurs so was Lucifer Mata do see how much the Saudis these are all chief Prince angels Hakuna Matata Bonnaroo you didn't acquire your status then below them they are Prince angels its own austerities name it sky retention even awareness in Daniel chapter 10 you read about the Prince of Persia Akana Daniel J Sheehan Moscow a policía no Okutama contradict me and the Prince of Greece are Eva Grisha so these are powerful Prince angels a Carrera vomits Cara Zoe a connotation schedule Emma Oh Gino this virgin sea goddess belongs to that category econom me oh she has to do a show John Omega we do know ahsoka no attention no ridiculous a prince angel echo no attention its Caillou please oh so she is about hiring this character know Java kono sekai could I know attention and she received permission to rule this nation of Japan in Kannada work on only who she has is so you took out a tyrant it in Matthew chapter 4 a Mata Yan Cheu verses 8 to 9 hot cara knott pusat Luke chapter 4 verses 5 to 6 but we can use conditional yon show that they will appear to the Lord Jesus and said Akuma ah yes salmon Amara before he told the Lord Jesus something yes Somali you medical you mind me the Bible says say Arriba the devil carried the lodges to a high mountain Akuma wha Oconomowoc I imagine it's ready and in a moment of time economies changed he showed him all the kingdoms of the world it was a Goonies you know ago oh yes manumission missus all said the devil reproduce a vision for the Lord Jesus to see a corner yes crystal Imani vision maverick seminoma miss a dog's name it was not in the natural a Karami she's in need agreeable to tinnitus if you go to Israel motion has a nice ring in the wilderness of Judea a gonna you didn't oh gee no matter how sharp your eyes are - Aman omega2 radicchio guitarist mo the furthest you can see is Jordan a ship and talk Madhumita Moyer Ganga victorious and you cannot see beyond Jordan your hangar number call me Emma same but here the scripture says Emma conversational Emma the devil showed him all the kingdoms of the world yes Kristen touch their because you know a Kundalini Oh Oh Coco misses so high up on a mountain this kahramana sook Takayama so it's like watching an IMAX three-dimensional do an IMAX No Mas 3G no the snare a video instead of is attractive he had been doing IMAX movie data Khan IMAX know a gamete of Atari masca this is better than I mix a demo Korea I'm a cutie most goodness in all direction the devil show using who got committee whatever so he showed him in a vision so no vision won't be semester now listen to what the devil said matter forever you design all these nations I will give to you I gonna submit you know it could even be a Netanyahu Seamus because they have been given to me that's not a Scottish neat you didn't notice Ghana the nations of the world has been given to the devil economic Unni Geneva ah come on yet identity and he can give to whomsoever he will Akuma cañazo menara so that I can eat a task automatically so this virgin sea goddess has been given this nation of Japan hey kono you don't know megami Wow so you Akane home to you oh come on Cara what a Sarita like this so this is the ruling spirit over here in Sunaina a Kenosha high steamers now what are the works of these virgin sea goddess econom region Omega me no Hatake Aquarion Alka number one tightening to cause to drown in the waters Akiva economies noona can she see me Takuto unnatural process of drowning dannika echo season Co see boats they don't just happen like that so they were da da tunak equal to the unakku they are spirits in the waters that drag to pull you down economies no naka no de Maistre common a month ago I received a video clip of attack Shiva Kalitta before the mining maybe tomorrow I'll show you the video clip yes oh no ash Thomas at item on the scotoma where I swear a little boy was swimming in a swimming pool yesterday no hoko no kamae Co a swimming pool there really tenders and his father was standing beside him so stage 2 younger so much economist a and a demonic hand came from the waters and pulled the boy into the world a a kimono tiga a misguided educational misko Oh it was caught on video yesterday a video this has a certain long bony finger with glowing nails catching whole of the boys leg and pulling him into the waters Nyko una FATA yurina detective McKee city compass and I know of a wonderful prophetess in the u.s. called Jennifer LeClair a demo con Americanos separa she yoga Jennifer Takata she had experience of being pulled into the waters to be killed she experienced someone pulling her into the water to kill her a kind of super Sonico business history common across time and swish key three common it's so equal to' taiking semester so the chief works of these water spirits are to kill you through drowning it's only onna echo another Costa many she's very common so you daga now let's look at the spiritual aspect of drowning a condo up the Kenai media no mass see what's great about this what does this spirit do Gemini 10 años Renuka caused you to drown in vanity Amina sama or a bonus ISA to you Monica nice she's Emma's caused you to drown in the pleasures of life River niku not rush me to Yemen on on Akane Oh Boris a famous cost you to drown in the lust of the flesh a diva Nicki no Yacouba diamond economy Nozawa ashes Nemus this spirit is responsible for causing the children and the youth in Japan to fall to the snares of sexual pleasures econom a demon over any home no Ikuo MOA Bakuman Itachi nah yo no se Tecna Yoko Vito Romano dg3 Kumari ahsoka tano again yachts good Dimas so as the Lord was speaking to me Yeshua Tash Nakata 10 then he told me to stay here master now take a look at her cannot Ryoka me NASA so I looked at her here soon cannot only master and the Lord showed that she has trapped this nation's people to fall for her through vanities of her beauty and very stylish dressing a mess oh no it's Kashima stired a mob Daimonji silicon there a huge tear what you see sometimes manifests in the people's lives economics to Vito no circus annika deco McKenzie Akasha Ramanna what are the workings of the spirits eco no there no hatake's it is the spirit that will push you or inspired you to do things a Kannada guy because she - there is net Nana castrato studio Nima Mysterio so the spirit is pushing the people in this nation to become very vain and so after Emma Stone are my Timmy tobacco it's very no so you mr. kijima no need he oniy its own anyway stadium and pushing the people of this nation to stylish dressing eka no a stylish 'no sou kore a corny-ass abate a known carcinogen each to be Toshio stadium the next thing the Lord showed about her is a country with the sugar mystic repertoire she is the Virgin goddess of Las in Kanagawa yo Cubano show not megameters just as much as we need water to satisfy our thirst and water is needed for all things economy to monitor such a gas today NATO moment enjoy testimony likewise the spirit pushes these people to fulfill all their vain lustful imaginations and fantasies sunayana motohashi motohashi Triana tsuyoku burrito Munna Co Co burritos to be toka ricotta you notice it is this spirit that gives people lustful imaginations and to fulfill their lustful imaginative desires stupid Awards on Iona Yacouba Namita s also the Tovar OD a character today Sona Sona Torrini Co Co dose saw a hawk waiters to eat or wash the tips remember earlier on it that the devil's took up the Lord Jesus to a high mountain showed him visions sake odo Emma Akuma Disney yes Emma Oh the Holy Spirit can give us new inventive ideas say cierra what does this mean atashi no vision war is not GD you may come cut ridiculous all the wonderful medicines were all ideas given by God so that we can fight against diseases in this world Sirica rikudou kono subarashii vision Emma borassi idea - mano de economía no - Ted hi coach Ted Takako tuna dickmas during the World War two any tiny second Tyson technique the United States drop and hit atomic bomb over Hiroshima and Nagasaki America wha Hiroshima Nagasaki knee I came back auto semester but do you know the history of the atomic bomb history of atomic bomb do you know the history Cano demo Baku tanker at the high kamiya-san Kosciusko I read in a scientific journal no - Eva ikkaku no just she understood that it was a Jewish scientists who invented the atomic bomb Cora you didn't know Akasha na against Ibaka danwoah or hot mushy but his original purpose was for peaceful purposes mo Kariba mo mata Mata no mocked Akiva a Hema no mock Tecna time it's Krishna today there are many nuclear reactors all over Japan Emma any home d'Ivoire a Meccano taxon no a cocoon oh my how dangerous name and this nuclear reactors produce nuclear energy for peaceful purposes Kanaka kou ah a hero mock techie no tameni Kodomo you have to demo stickers so this atomic energy is the grandfather of nuclear energy yes Cara Akana jigen bakudan - you know ah so now Kaku residential no yes or no ma Oh Gigi and I think God gave a good idea for a good invention and they said kami-sama ewing idea no tameni URI Hudson but the devil loves the idea of God for evil purpose maka mr. McGurk anak Akuma WA Konomi someone oue mock Takeo it acts as a day why are you making out how many Mishima's see the devil did not come directly and spoke to Eve yes Cara Akuma Wow even it talks is the catechol can have a Paris name it's poked through a serpent a master heaven akattak okay now who's the serpent heavy toad are the show a creation of God a coming-home he zoomed this so the devil doesn't come directly miss Cara Akuma watch chokes it's gonna becomes name he uses God's creation a kami-sama no she's ovooed so Akuma Moochie must god's wonderful inventions are corrupted by the evil designs and plans of the devil a kami-sama know is Marashi is sold on amazon huh Konoha c'mon Oh AJ economically cannot have a nice car attachment in the same manner on a journey now the devil gives these people lustful imaginations Akuma wha what a satiny yaku born in Wichita I saw your Moyo atoms and then they used their technology technological genius Ness to invent equipment and devices to fulfill their lustful desires yes Caracas a conspiracy technology no it's me do you mano econo your Kubo an image tap a choreo Jitsu tammany really mocking atomettes cow it's not only Akuma Fatima's this is a wonderful nation with many wonderful scientists and engineers economica wha espera sheikah Raksha subarashii engineer sudoeste o associative a toga you critters you know in the olden days we had big Fed TVs TV television big fan television set o kina a television set or Aramis how many of you still have those fed all ladies in your so you okey Nutella vinegar stop nobody putting up your hand at a motel Unitas name so that big fat lady now became smaller and so you're walking out today big emoji second act just like we all like to go to exercising and slim our bodies and exercise or state system karaganda cinnamon and sugar big fat ladies slim - and Plus Smart TV Kazuma therapy to you Marco no Serena plus Smart TV became LCD TV on a plasma TV today bigger LCD TV became LED TV LCD not arriba arriba LED TV became or LED TV aridity terrific about the salon Houston atmosphere then oledb TV became full HD TV yesterday God meter on eco technologists tomorrow too ridiculous for HDTV became 4k TV Sega a 4k not led non-muslim you know where we get all these TVs from cannot Raveena all from Japan a channel submitting a homecare hudsmith it was Japan who introduced all this technology to the rest of the world anywho Nakano Sabatino technology Osaka 800 kilometers there is a television station in Japan called NHK NHK - unitary bangles NHK together with Toshiba in it educator Toshiba all these are Japanese companies a chorus about any hornaday now they have come up with a new TV called a 8k TV a condo ah a HK HK all these wonderful technologies were born in this soil so no it's Bereshit technology una Coco karate master from it was Japan who gave to the world all these wonderful inventions associate near Hongik on a subarashii hots mayo a genie is a Titleist today when you go to watch a three-dimensional movie and what assessing our economy now a chimera technique you need to wear a special glasses echo echo Meganium Cookie Monster but I tell you one truth I tell you one truth shinjitsu Millicent Ohana juice in the not-too-distant future token I show right they are going to invent a TV where you can watch three dimension without any glasses a cone or a grass oka kiss me yes or no yes or no three dinars so you monocots masala - oh this is not science fiction it will definitely come to true a curry ba a science fiction they were not there at home - no - this so like the good things yes on Iona Eureka no they are also using the technologies to invent evil to gratify their evil desires a saniana yo in managua Jacana mock taking automate your cooper oh geez again sattamini Machida what further evil are they doing Jen Aniston oka as such sacrifices of lusts are being offered on the mountains in this region external vision no marushin Mecca there so now your kupono it's a second a teamster now some of these things you will not read in the media you are not read in the television news in the media and so you co media owe me a summary cookie can I come a shitty messing up because these are secret sacrifices that have been done it's only own a core he meets no I saw you it's a second monitor on assertiveness name these such things who have practiced in the Old Testament times soon a pataga a cure cannot retain authority mr. in the Old Testament the prophets of Baal used to perform lustful activities on mountaintops and then offer sacrifices to burn it soon as I am unaware there is no cubano Sugimoto ganas are at their yesterday gacaca cheney aqo bush was in the same manner they have even offered such sacrifices of las indias buddhist temples asana yoku bonuses a kimono tee milonga booty oh no Tara demos as a readiness in the Old Testament after sexual relationship between homosexuals and lesbians a Kuryakin ATO a condo a homosexual a stoker lesbian today they take their seat and the offer as a sacrifice to the idols esta mañana y ou Cubano aigoo Sony omen a high stress so genetics what they did in the Old Testament they do in this nation yes oh no oh Chakri ah economy Honda when Artemus they offered the male seat and the female seat as an offerings on those idols sunayana Oh Hermes No hasta mañana kanna kuzhi second Adiemus nowhere else in the world you'll find a nation where the male sexual organ is worshipped as a god and Kuni no hoko no could you know doko demo dance a commodity it's so you can you man you honey guide ever Aramis I'm only in this nation you'll find that economy honed a kadai a soaring on assertiveness the other nation is India a hookah no Kuni into this but at least in India the idol doesn't clearly look like a male sex organ anymore it's connector mundo they were you know gusto us dances sake you know you wanna be customizing for all these evils that have been done in this nation it's not a NASA baton or Kanye Honda NASA data a Chicano Kenai that is why the Lord Jesus said I shook and third dish nation to destructions this Cara shiozawa Conakry no domine ho chi o so night on toast Chambliss this nation has experienced terrible earthquakes a so no koneko koneko ma you rushed at oh yes emotion most accurate no mo sono energy sign it ginga energy sing economy horse oh you monster those terrible earthquakes came not because the earth plates collided with one another a cannot be seen to manova a cannot see no pray to goddess narrator how many of qu not even I notice it's true they collided saniana dharak on your team but what made them collide he was not an operator what is relativity say Okinawa those plates under the earth they are so peaceful it's a Manitou karani what caused them to collide Asuna HT an operator has ready owner so what August 19 again the Bible says is God who shakes the heavens and the earth session laughter there a commission walk on a penguin what a to you guys to you who knows and now God says just to come you're famous for the evil that's done English nation a Kaku Nene okay do is submit an honest artichoke on OWASA I should start this nation unto destruction konnyaku neo a unison so stay hawk I need honor the people of Japan and the people of this world will never forget this dead in their life Kanani home mom add a second more iconic here was her go to an ID show 11 March 2011 Sangha to Jewish Michi he sent Georgina is this dead in your memory Makarova Mosca a terrible earthquake came and shook Japan also Rasheeda Shingen who also a master and a powerful tsunami came over the nation s austere sorrow sheets numbing up any Hornet also a monster now you all know from the media and from experience what happened economy the auto state the Nanticoke taka mina-san goes on to this now let me tell you a new story that you you do not know yamaha shiranai atarashi news hostess on 10th of March 2011 tens of March 2011 much too much 10 much time okay Sun God's toka he sent us on a stock that is one day before the earthquake came a connotation not Zen jitney I had taken a team of seven intercessors to Israel eka no intercessors to Israel rather they're not snowy tree nationality was a faculty Master the Lord told me to go and do a prayer walk in Israel Israel their echo in Orono who Koechner Saito so can you are a master one of the person in our team is a saintly prophet of God from India ya know in order to national story well India no internal national team of students so on the Levant of much in the morning a Sangha to Jewish in each NASA when we were going to have our tea but asserting our channel normal to keep I saw on the television the news of the earthquake in Japan terribly day and no AG chignon Usami master naturally I was very very broken hey what does she want the coke or attend master so when this man of God came to my room to have tea hey kono coming our stalker what does not here anymore challenge that okey I told him what happened to Japan Takuto car needs time master he said I already know this yesterday hey what a Chicano vato she no ash theta I said how do you know do it because this happened this morning could kiss October 2 the show he tell he told me on the 10th of March he sang mats toka when he was spraying cargo in Wasilla turkey at about 10:00 at night juju genie he felt somebody knocking on his window Kuroko no Kazuma Nevada so he opened his eyes the kind of America and he saw hundreds of angels flying passed by number kimono 18 cigar ski sicut economic and one particular angel came and tap on his window they saw no what you know external cigar mark Takano cos theta so he came near the window it's a stake I was opening and the angel said suit attentively master we are all going towards Japan do you want to come with us hey what does he mean Angie honey Kari demonetized Aika don't love what I would organize this is not funny man whatever emotion equal to the audience the people of Japan did not love gee what a vegetarian they were all crying on the 11th eco no Sangha to duty no Tommy so this is neil innes don't don't love quantity owaranai dakota sign so when this man of God he then asked the angel well why are you all going to Japan the Kuno communist or not a new phone you can escape okay master now please listen carefully those are to Akita cluster he angels told him a connotation currently diva we are going to shake the nation but as a Chicano cuneo is a brute do you want to come to witness what we are going to do what astonished recession silico Tomita shown in Narita Akatsuki master of course till that day we would not have understood what it meant shaking and what you don't sang got to do teen scene animal day Konoe curiosity go to me me on the kawashima-san de Stanga but the following day we heard in the news about the earthquake it signal he so new soutache their economy master so the earthquake is a judgment from God the scar ecology chinois a chemical on osaka's then one month later a car gets robbed on the 26th of April sang that song Ichiro Kenichi at 9 p.m. could he go back you see I was sitting in my room and meditating the scriptures does your hair nice what ami got a bomb exhausting master and at the same time I was thinking about the awful destruction that took place in Japan though Geneva - economy Hyundai Okita Tibetan Hawk I need sweetie a karate master and as I was deeply meditating the scriptures why should i canõt Szechenyi a high de Conde I saw an operation it so stead maharaja me master in this vision I saw three pairs of legs walking very briskly on the waters yes or no some man Oh Michael come he is nowhere cause back you go come on Goomer stop and I saw the edge of a rope like this white in color on their legs and they were all working very briskly on the waters gonna ban dog aku are demonic amis no because the back sano-sama this name and then I thought that those were angels yesterday lava emits Qaeda so I have the English where are you going so briefly that soon I saw the Duke with the scar so they said we are going to shake Japan one more time hey what a statue a new home once no you Roscoe I said oh no they just had a terrible earthquake on March 2 Ida is from that's how you know you think economist angel told me the material universe son of man coming on hakuna you do not know what really is in the nation stone Tokoyo anatomically the Nanticoke another carbocatine and God has appointed destruction so stay calm it's Americana hikari no koto state on the following day I read in the newspaper so not Sugino he symbol a powerful earthquake came and shook the nation Chikara goe Ginga sano-kun yo soy and the news media had captured on the video so stay so no a news they work on a video they would step a loud bright light that appeared on the O's on the sea before there was an earthquake yes oh no it just no matter the snare echo echoes and Shikari got a snake or do Makara touch ever so outside and this ball of light was unexplainable unexplainable they do not know the reason so they guy tendon Anoka we wakarimasen this time I knew what it was watashi wa nan de cárdenas because I saw the Angels walking towards survived ain't changed as you got me it's on a Meccano meter parodies my dearly beloved brothers and sisters attraction I showed IMI na Manasa one more time God says Moochie dog come is a mouth Sheamus this nation is going to be shaken and stirred a quinone niku neva she could use a relative and why that's the show because last night the Lord Jesus when he spoke about Japan Sakia tsugawa dashing attached to me only see the katate to keep he said the purpose was to wake them from the asleep and vanity and so they were economy mood coming a convener she named Lena Cara Bless America many Yas to wake you up under the motto of customary so that you don't put your trust in the riches of this world it's another matter that you are a con una mano machine Dakota Mohan either oh this material wealth will disappear in a moment of shaking or destruction hey kono my bush cygnus a kind they were Agha hey Sonu you did you go put on your team and not Ashima don't put your heart there and a tonneau a Kokoro soku neocon Ione put your heart in heaven and a tonneau cover or ten year ok no sign I mean mmm Colossians chapter 3 a corrosive eternal enemy Sancho versus one two three says its current assets set your heart on things that are above venom oh no ho anata no V pneumonia and the Lord Jesus said su is emotional it met each of the six aim at a rock show save up treasures in heaven and I thought acara or ten neat Aquinas I don't save treasures on this earth anata no Takara Cheney oh can i oniy because everything can be destroyed that's not as submitted at a ceremony horrible cara when the tsunami came in Indonesia its Namita Indonesia so Tata kini people lost everything overnight ash to beat washed up on the submit a Jewish neighbor star even my rich millionaires became beggars overnight so no millionaire know very much no more initiatives damage done 10 years ago June mi the city of Chennai in India was flooded econo in Nakano a mechina cuckoos anonymous tip it rain continuously for 40 days yawns una chica Omega tsuki the whole city was flooded my chickens in Tiger's name echoes in the area where our television studio is was flooded with waist-deep water a mom in a coma cicadas neck Oshima utter each day some places were flooded with neck deep waters naruto mommy no - vomiting mr. Cookie Monster many multi-millionaires became beggars overnight mo are you okay mr. Saxena much - Bunty they climb to do give tops and they had to spend living there until the waters subsided yes Ani or not mr. Deshmukh this the beggar was on the rooftop rooftop so stay kokujin eita a cozy Kiva a millionaire was on the rooftop of the house and so stead Arawa yoku Anita Amy Amy Okinawa chick the poor and the destitute and the Castaway of the society was on the rooftop of the house yes or no submitting on one of the hawk isolated and they were all sleeping together in the open a mano okay oh they mean nagamachi a coherent all your riches can disappear yes another now submit a no yokan a well okay sorry miss so these destructions godsend to wake the people up it's gotta come in Samoa what a such a cool custom any logic iooc Remus but alas they are still deep in their brain sleep demo in Madani the statue of Kai - she never an economist now whatever I'm sharing with you are not my personal opinions what action I am a diva no cause I'm taking a kangaroo are you saying I'm saying to you exactly I saw the Lord spoke to me Sunnah what action hirato sono mama - an emotion a getting us a big shaking is coming upon this nation oke na yoru Kushina economy Honecker the destruction by nature will come in the form and manner by which the sea goddess is worshipped kono she says hi guy do you know what I saw no GU those who Heidi Montag amorita so no umi no a mega me so no to Kakaako and now I give you my personal opinion koko de watashi no coach indignity emotions when the Lord said that should occur oh uh Toki I perceive in my spirit but I shall call dedicated that destruction will come in the form of waters economic IT noir a mrs. Costa crew because when when they said deep underground earthquake economic h no saku-dono koji cinto morado Kirito or undersea earthquake kono yume no Sokka noticing it can cause a big flood of waters to come into the land yes or no mrs. na Oki Nanami cannot the charity could also work at this just exactly what happened in 2011 so I got assignee when godsend destruction to Egypt through the prophet Moses camisa manga super night I stay a monster touched Erika Yohn attorney the egyptians cried seeing that they could not save or protect the nation as if to us on an average even a canoe or a mom or cotton are the key mas understand and all the gods not save them so stay Carolyn or coming um you are a chief do ketotic you must understand now the Lord Jesus says Iman sugar or shut-ins in the same manner that Japanese people will cry when I see you need Canelo's interest no you need Nihonjin one ok Katara but then they will stretch their hands to the emergency goddess to help them and so stay Kodama terranova see economy no a-hunting economic amitayus task Yamato me just like how the Egyptian gods could not save the people anymore Egypt ojung no oku no goose cuckoo taking a bath i oniy in the same manner the sea goddess cannot save this nation economy no mega me man me home was could go to a tec-9 now the Lord gives a word for the churches in this nation so stay as schewe and you Hunico can eat instead because columnas my people are not watchful in this nation but a casino Kuni you ok Kanaka Nene okay do what does not Amira amory chuba kuna they are all involved in gambling a Kerava gamberoni much commodities not gambling earning money okay neoclassical Campodonico not like they all the passes are going to casinos it's a better boxing occasionally territory tendonitis they are all busy trying to make a living earning money and so they were all say cuts not a Meno is ova me Cohutta like sheets media room that is a sort of gambling so I don't know much amber nuna one of this when you save up more money than what you really need what assessing are Co not easy only coconut comma comma comma that is gambling sorry become brutal not this my people are not watchful in this nation economic unit sit there ever - no Tommy me okay what a short time you are it's an opportunity so the Christians in this nation are sleeping yes Cara echo no Kuni no Christian wah in a more stadium they are not like watchful soldiers carava echo Kubica hey snow day one night standing god all around nation to prevent evil from coming in a coat up to the snare already Kojak on a Moraga Akana yoni Shiho ha poco me her so occasionally Onuaku the mouch Tina do you know what is the responsibility about Watchmen hey Sonu god oh my accordion and Ashoka a watchman has two responsibilities if that's no aquarianas he goes up to the watchtower a must Amy hurry to meet and then they stand there to look out what evil is coming in so me hurry Tokido snare and anakata same attack on a karateka Tomi Honaker mechanism so this shows three things so not so step firstly the watchman climbs up the watchtower a mizuka me hurry Tony tip secondly sustain Eva Marie a watchman must have good eyesight to see far kinome Amy hurry ostrich - ah so Timo yoku mega mean academic a night that Lee Samba many Watchmen must have good years hey kono Mahadeo sir story yo machina we hear the sound of what is coming Danica and a could occur so no co2 or economy music is it the donkey that's coming or horses that are coming a courier Dover 16 this is the first responsibility a gorilla dies no do this then what he sees calamity he must turn back and look into the city and warn the people of what is coming so stay you come to us or no much no home your citizen a guy could hit the auto so can you about an academic you myself this is the work of a watchman ocarina a constant testimony Aquarius the extraction comes because there is no watchman another soy una Hakka Hakka durka durka no Kuni mihari ninja in a carcass this is problem number one a Corrigan Montana tightness my people are perishing for lack of vision but has no Tamiya vision Emma Boris yokai Tilda so the Christians I spiritual eyes are blind discouraged Caledon OD taking a mega mo mo kono mama reading the Christian spiritual years are deaf a Christian nor a date ignominy wha Aquino 29 you can't see what is coming in the and don't know they got SEMATECH enough amazing you can't hear what God is freaking to you coming on Eternia Dakota the Kenai then thirdly they are spiritually dumb such as samba many-colored our dakini yeshe can i they cannot speak avocado but again they cannot prophesy Qaradawi ok Maserati can't speak to you come is a manga to be done in Geneva people are perishing for lack of knowledge yes correct oh no Kuni no Tom you are a community Isis you got 9 because the church is blind deaf and dumb doesn't run a joke I got MooMoo could mimic a zoo or see the car they are this is the problem here according economy honey oh come on Titus of course you will agree with me this is also a common problem in all nations Cory vamoose costura suno submit an acronym on data today imma do is take real commercial sale I mean I ma'am but we are not in all nations when Japan right now demo he must bethe recurrence is there an octane Nihon III Takata teams so I'm telling you what God shows me it's got a commission ago people are not watchful in this nation watashi no Tommy Wow Akon okuni oh you know more tonight they are involved in gambling qaradawi a gamberoni its own caste they want to earn more money Kodama token Akashi hope you get more offerings moto thinking AHA she how do you get more tides moto Jewish King King Ahaz she how do you keep them all so just a note symbol Tamatea grow their world and so stay Tommy knew it is a chose through my people involved in gambling - no Tom you are so now you're not gamble need a solid data the moment your heart goes towards that direction anata no koe Karuna es uno Haqqani Makoto you are no different from a gambler and a toois mo ha ha ha no AG Ambrose OH - Karan I monitors why do people gamble nothing to be a gambler soon of the show its greed for money yesterday while Oh Connie no your keyboardist am i right everybody so the show it's great that makes you go for gambling yochanan or your coop oh god yeah but in Makassar this why do you want your church to grow now they cook I got a challenger Scott not because you're winning souls another that you are Thomas your Kirsten because you want more money to come into you're so cunning actually kuru Cara say Chester cheeto negative my people are not watchful - no Tommy wha you cannot deny the people of this nation should be woken up a Conakry no estimate of our cubic there my dear pastor Sara ice to do a Sarah Bakshi now God gives your word it come in semana será box you know go to box I have kept my people watashi wa but there's no cameo cocconi it's automata and the Lord showed showed you in the vision I saw stare a sugar reduction in Sonoma borough show mr. Simon has kept you in this nation for that reason dakara anata wa kono Kunene e ad so there are a ton of songs idea to wake up these people economically connect of it all customary you must do prayer walks in many places around this nation a chronically no you don't have a show there you know co-ceo and a token an academic a name to sanctify the land a sono koe no kuni tomita me true prayer works you must remove spiritual mines planted in the ground so no in Orono Hakadosh there a Cano cheney you metadata icon or attic in a soap actor youkai host riccati kill this virgin sea goddess has planted many minds in the land all over this nation echo no Megan you mean Omega me wha iconically nee-sama semana de you may continue conferences like this must be regularly conducted to reclaim this nation back to god a konohana a conference na a tactic neo cannot be eaten so sahaba iconic una FATA be coming up any hi Scotty crap the Japanese people must be prepared for that coming of the Lord and honghua Akana Shino a light in autumn any sooner than I I mean I mean this is the word that I bring to you from the Lord according ominous Imani authorized to do she no cut about this my dearly beloved brothers and sisters production I thought I should you have not just come to a prophetic conference and I thought tada like oh no you get the key company stock no they were micing God has brought you here coming up and a talk on over since it extenders to shed tears for this nation economic Kunene easy to know if he meets the Minamoto Katja Domini because the scripture says that's not a silly charade timís God looks for a man it come in so much those harsh the residue to stand in the gap and to hold that hand of God from bringing destruction you know yeah we're getting that such the camino a coyote odometer it's so you're coming off those arrests already ezekiel chapter 22 verse 13 tells us like that he can easily show us so many cattle teams i seek for a man but as you I stole savage to do and I found none Scecina therefore my hand brought destruction what does not evoke Anoka new Hawk eyes that's none that a minute one day I was praying for the United States he America East a master Kodomo the Lord spoke something of a judgment that was coming upon the nation a Kakuna ties through Hawkeye sabaki military master so I quoted the scripture to the Lord associate a session amico Toba Oh Yoshi I said your word stage to look for one man schwa students to Sahaj did said Lord look at the nation so Stephanie oh me there are hundreds and thousands of people gathering for prayer movement as you know Nam vehicle nothing to you a coronary no movement to talk to you there more than one person there it's passing through your estupido why should you bring destruction data Serena Robin a second okay Neha kilometer ahsoka and then the Lord took that me so stay sugar or shangela you know what's the difference between this scripture and the people that you just showed me do you know the difference between the scripture and the people that you just quoted me economical Tanana Chiana the difference is this to our credit when God spoke of destruction that will come upon Israel echo no isn't hikaru keaney the prophet Moses fell on his face before God Mustafa a commission Menomonie cobia tulta and he never got up from his face until God said I will bless them so say mostly sh t so no set a cow ariados Nagata camisa manga Conoco know you restore Israel you do Stowe humid but how do we pray today to name is reka please sit down now HS know cha here to demonstrate I hope this won't break we sit like this o Lord we pray for Japan coati swatter snare oh what a shame your homecoming anonymous hallelujah I think I left it there sir thank you see posture getting mobile phone to judge this is demonstration a Korean asana Japan geoq new home de minimis [Music] Lord remember the homeless I yes we say I'm into that prayer Lord a testamentary mas imeem amen is this what we do so do me a San Jose Roberto go to the sky yes or no home to the sky so the sky let's be honest shows you keen on you Monsieur I don't mean you do you see this happening in your church a coriaci oka okay over the sky so the Lord asked me a question so for the shortage it has named us now you tell me imam - it has native or she where is that one man sorry darica there's none dare mo inai that's none that six the Lord sure you do cuss so you wanna wash 30 more we just come to conference trucks like these two here go conference notice a Tata Nanako she could how many that Nicodemus we hear and then we just walk away cheater so stay sorry mas we are like people who look into a mirror and walk away and forget how they look what I said haha me omit a another toe don't let me get a tag a bastard so it's not notice my dearly beloved brothers and sisters I secured a Shimano Mesa if you want to establish an open heavens mushy but as a singer 10 no motto she rocks tanara our heart attitude must change but I says no kokoro no Eric atomic Harvick darkness we must become a people that seek god what a sativa a cameo multimeric Soto not abacus we must become a people that will live for God but I said you are a coming out coming Ichigo Minato not weakness we must become a people that will love the Lord our God with all our hearts with all our soul with all our being what I said no submitting Ikaruga mother submitted Shekar Agha mother submit a no songs I got a cameo I see Motamedi monotone Arabic it is now God says come on Sheamus I look for one man but as you are telling us to serve a state are you that one man honest Amazonas 2d naritai the sky let's all stand up for a word of Prayer yeah in autumn a need to charity resign please close your eyes Meo Tuesday I perceive very strongly in my spirit and what a shame are they need oh it did Co kakanj Dimas the Lord asking you for a consecration sugar an attorney does not a mosquito can you lay down all and be the one man that God is looking for ha ha he's a Matsui tear its austere and Oh coming up savage to do it so in minato nari masca all eyes closed and all heads bowed it's a bit an omen on omega severity so submitted Amano ah he's a massacre if you can become that one man another gasps oh no Doreen are dhaba you please kneel down wherever you are quietly and AH mo he's a Mizuki and you make a consecration of yourselves right now so staying out of a sauna shoot you stick you tell the Lord such a senior shattered the glass eye please forgive me for my laziness but action or in a Makita kokoro you decide please forgive me for my grieved attacks no yoko you do stick it aside please forgive me for my foolishness but action o or o Kesava you restrict aside please forgive me for my judgmental attitude but action or osama coo coo coo reticulocyte please forgive me for criticizing one another tag iyashi honey I devote oh oh you designed please forgive me for stepping on others back a hookah no strategy no way to go Roni hi Bo Caracas ansiana a so now can I post a photo you erased it aside please forgive me for being very prideful never taxing ah a pride of a photo you decide there your heart my dear brothers and sisters no kokoro kara sorry oh my goodness i I'm not gonna cooperate reciting you cried to God right now so stay how many does a conductor say you confess your pride and at an opera of those okok acoustic design God is looking for that one man come here ah it's only one ash to ash dear will you be that one man another bath sauna come again Sebastian energy master you may be a Japanese here and at our new homes income cinema same you may be watching this program anywhere in Japan so stay Corriveau still stare you do commercially my sin if God is speaking to your heart you get up from your chest and kneel down right now was she coming on a tourniquet a veteran era he must wattage Cara or ETA so stage Hamas they take a design you can be anywhere in the world watching this program now new home daddy da musica no grow meteoritic eyes you know star demo are you the one man God is looking for another one coming us a vast already so your students to the sky come on get up from your get up from your chest you're so fine it down right now Janna tano is Cara super Cara it's a chair got tested she's amazi thickness I you tear your heart so Stan Akana kokoro o is high-tech goodness I don't just say out of your mouth tada coochie decay know what about her Schneider glass eye sight across a homicidal aside a glass eye you cried to God now and atewa coming EEMA those Oh knock second-degree size for your foolishness anata no oto pass on it city for your laziness and a tag on a Makita bottom city for your spiritual pride and at a node a Tokina humans and it's eating for yourself righteous attitude and at a no age even Jumanji cookie no condensity repent right now EEMA here at America's I repent right now eMac we automatically decide you cried to God and at accompanied second class i lord give me teach me how to be like Moses who stood before you sure what Asuka do a tara anata no money that emotion is nodding Rica oh aside teach me how to be like Samuel who stood before you in intercession is humare no yoni 20 national neurosis Agata I know somebody new another could do austerity Kirika oh a class I teach me how to be like Noah who stood before you an autonomous hot new on yoni Narnia dose Erica oh we decide today is the day of consecration a coma ESO no a Kyra here--a animus I see a mighty angel standing in our midst right now it is noted on Akane resumed its character no Mimas are you willing and a tomorrow negati Muska there your heart no Coco Coco me some other my niece high society decide let tears of repentance flow in this nation rather than waters of destruction coming upon this nation Kanaka Nene miss no human on a hawk aya kanai anymore Mashiro queer at Omega a canoe canoe now hurry on each to decide even the Philippines has experienced many destruction by waters a PDP Mamata Amy's economies in Oaxaca okayish master tears of repentance should flow rather than waters of destruction coming upon the land a queer Ataman own naina de navarra witness so no miss no hikari mama she know let's confess our pride but I says no pride of okokok SEMA Show let's confess the pride of technology technology sweetie no hikari no pride of war where Kakashi Masha let's confess the pride of self-sufficiency jibun de mando mando so no mana Coco Kojima shop let's confess the aptitude my nation is better than any other nation given Okinawa Okinawan EOD hurricane yo ass on Iona omoi todoku Kashima show will you repair queer Tamayo mahjong while you repair queer tomorrow are you willing to stand in the gap for this mission anatomic on ocarina Aborigine tots go to- Aska well the church in this nation wake up kono a ko kya mushi Messimer nara this angel tells me now imitating a karate Messiah God in the heavens has a great love for the nation of Japan 10 no Camilla Konoha no domine Akina Yamato rural this nation is called the Land of the Rising Sun economy homage you know bikini top Roberta but shouldn't it be called the niche the land of the Sun of righteousness a condo ah Gino Moscato you were originally pray that the Sun of righteousness will arise with healing over this nation of Japan econom Hinata yoga a noble soil Cretan arioni in Limassol pray that the Sun of righteousness will shine from the north to the south of this nation aconitine Oh Donna Deegan chikara de kagayakasete [Applause] protect the land from the Seas Akon okuni no a Quebec girl Oh camisa Maga pathetic Lhasa Ted to see me Carano Hawkeye Kurama Montague Rosario in Rhema shock as this angel is giving me this word Chicano Kobo Daishi Natalya Christmas I see an army of sea monsters and demons in the waters trying to bring a flood unto the land a watashiwa economy no a creator chinga a con ojos do a cocoon a motorist auto-steer no mere thousands and hundreds and thousands of sea monsters that look like shark gigantic shock fishes all waiting to push waters into the land in Ambika Nansen to you esta mañana attach hasta economy no human owner a canoe so toasted but when prior intense is raised of English land demo Cano in Eureka Cano Cano kuna da Mucha very social in audio issue to Samarra I see a wall of iron come all around the borders of this nation a Cano kinesin tonight I stare a coming up it's Angels themselves come and stand like iron plates one joint to another all around the board of this nation to prevent the flood of waters to come into land cannot Han Xin touchy so no honing Tichina a conscious no carbon Ione it hot sauce Ted Conover me Oh Cara also te Kura Hawkeye Cara crony home amor the strength of the land must be fortified economically no we're an academic a night the engineers in this nation are very wise to construct buildings that are earthquake proof echo no technology were akin oh geez in Toledo Ohio circuitry koto in the same manner so known as yoni the churches in this land must bend their knees deep into the land when as yoni gonna choke I nee hoor no joke I know he's aa cuckoo a Cheney yurikano yoni if he's a mother can I can I can I so the righteousness of God into the land sauce through naraba a coming out giga a cockney no cuckoo Dhoni when you do that sorry Austin rava the land would be strengthened Hakuna Matata Murali the church walks in the righteousness of God as a snake Hokianga coming out unity when the ministers in this nation walk in the fear of God so second okuni know a box touching a cameo or solitaire i'm Inara well the ministers of God practice righteousness of God as a snake coming out geo edges since Manama this land will be strengthened of God against all natural destruction that will come through earthquakes Coco Dawa a coming off its carotid humoral our Aloha kaya di Koko Karim Amaro [Music] is there any pure Japanese in this meeting will come and stand in the gap to pray as an step of identification akin oh yeah very good you need that's it so in haniwa you Luca any pure pure Japanese here a coke when you do Jews in any han ginam everday [Music] no Japanese new Honda extreme in Itasca please come don't keep it aside I need a mic mic or stop so delicious let us all kneel down saying these are my signature please pray Japan yeah those own how many keys I was gonna show thank you thank you for your precious service you said your server to wake this nation no you will will be taught in this country we praise we worship you we thank you we thank you we thank you we thank you we thank you we worship your church nation I offer this country to you let all this country though you are the true God you are the Creator you are the Almighty God Lord we are below to You Lord we are lost you know let's all stand up to our feet cookies goodness I just lift up our holy hands unto the Living God you see no cure eto exterior company I came ashore and let's bless His Holy Name for being we now means today so stay economic coming up what I says no man Akane me Takato a cursed item in us our God is a good god but Isis no come you are yo'ii committees I mean Amen Bible says his mercy endures forever and ever a session like any kamisama no irony Wow the earthiness it's because of his mercies that he makes his ways known to us come in sama know how our even though you need a shoe economy cocoa butter such negotiate across a monster so let's lift up our holy hands but there's no cure eto coming on miyajima show and let's say so stay in Russia [Music] bless the Lord O my soul O my soul worship his holy name sing like never before O my soul I'll worship your Holy Name bless their Lord O my soul O my soul worship his holy name sing like never before O my soul I'll worship your Holy Name Holy Father I thank you for beginning a good work today qe cameo anata no soba Rashi miyazono scishow oq atari gozaimashita arigato gozaimasu thank you for studying the hearts and the minds of your dear children anata no miko kuru and at a nice suit I couldn't watch any oshiete gozaimashita arigato gozaimasu and I pray that you will help them to yield more and more of themselves as such their economic and at a nice record mo-chica motto motto given day anata no koto vedecci Marchionne ito anonymous and I pray that you'll pour upon them the spirit of grace and supplication it's austere and I don't know how are you mean oh yeah hurry so very messy Oni and their spirit will teach them how to stand in the gap a sustained dono yoni ya breakage little vodka I said where's your hand it's austere energy so that instead of destruction only goodness and blessings may come in every nation in order to on your tear a hawk I know colony Kuna ACO no Kuni never do any animus yoni Thank You Holy Father still considers mas we bless your Holy Name anata no me now homie the timers oh you are a good girl we categorize your grace and mercy endures forever and ever anata wa lakum ito our remedy Beach style catalysts now as your children will leave this place to go back to their various homes kono anata no koto mo de chingar a certain abortion kite its humanity Monsieur I pray your presence will go with them anata no Dean ziege you know an eternal photomontage thoughts in it how many edema Sione and give them a good rest for the weary bodies tonight a comp am an attorney at a yo Kuya simcha Tova tiki Marchionne give them good sleep like a baby a patent iona jacuzzi or a tight Achilles Amos yoni because your word promises there has na anatomical Tobias Turkish Turkish you give sleep like a baby to your beloved children and atewa I see I said it ate it so I put them on Iona I come on Iona never you are tired oh but when they are deeply in sleep so stay current on a cocoon every to keep open the eyes of your understanding a Canada no dick I know Meg Akira Karima Co and speak to them through visions and dreams sistema Verrocchio Toshi you may host a qur'anic holokinetic the same a Sione show them of things to come law as a snake monogatari Vicki Monroe and so they woke her daddy this is the class I'm a CEO and when they get up in the morning so say Casa oxytocin a sauna talking you up let your world speak to their sustain an eternal to Pokhara you can set it aside and prepare them to come and meet you tomorrow low associate Astana a conference the coup d'etat me no Jim be auto-tune Whitaker decide one more time we lift up our hands to you mother such a mojo what SOT Oh an autonomy mighty again we bless you know to stay an autonomy now homie the time us because you're a good girl as Natasha go to the goddess your grace and mercy endures forever and ever anata wa making me go our in limits the alien no comida goddess mmm [Applause] thank you everybody are you told I'm a SAP
Channel: Jesus My King Church
Views: 18,675
Rating: 4.757576 out of 5
Id: N0t6dQjjMBA
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Length: 137min 16sec (8236 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2019
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