Mining Secret Loot And Mysterious Relics in Cave Digger VR

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oh hey there friends I'm blitz welcome to a game called Hydra near VR I'm actually kidding it's called cave digger but we get a pickaxe and we get to dig dirt that's read my do its look at this is there gemstones there better be I see one look at that oh hey there's more do eight come back here oh yeah that's the thing about virtual reality is the controls are always a little bit wonky huh so if you like this make sure you drop a like you get it anyway yes this is a cave digger and I played it a long time ago and the game's gotten a lot of uh-oh I broke something precious oh no it's gotten a lot of updates and so we're gonna check those out today hey look golden nugget yes oh there's I don't know what is silvery and shine what it's over there what is that oh I want to go in there I want to go in the Cape give me this one whoop and Dornan see if I can find a giant shard under here somewhere oh come on you can break that one and I do have a wristwatch and everyone up there you see that ticking down once I get to the red we go down another layer into the floor yes and then make a time finally some oh there's what I did no no no no no oh yes oh the gate closed on me touchdown you got it in the hole perfect okay where we going next uh press to release teleport I know that thanks game go wait tutorial I don't like you anymore I really should do a better job of scouting before I just randomly destroy things come from all right there's one over here yeah so if we destroy the ones oh it's not quite right there we see gems at we don't have to mindlessly destroy things although destroying things is interesting and fun come on break it off oh I don't see oh there's one Oh a sapphire come here where's that fire Hornet diamond wow that was the mother lode can get out of here I don't need you here you got those Oh headset fellow there you go grab that in the hole and the cash back beautiful need to destroy something bored oh oh geez right away perfect where'd my pink go oh there it is mmm did you see that I use the force they call me Luke there's so much goodies in this one I don't know what this thing is but it floated in space for a second more over there yes you come from and we got this one come here yes and another one over here let's see do I spot anything else I'm gonna destroy this big one maybe if I can get close enough to it nothing going Doggett oh hey I hear my red wristwatch ticking hey no okay after three levels we go to the top of the world now this is where the game has changed a lot now we used to be stuck right in this mining basket right over here but check this out yes we can escape we're free we're no longer trapped in the deep dark depths of dungeon land I got 255 money I get all these things and look there's loot over here hey why was there just a gold nugget hanging out in the in the jail place so long saloon to make it nope hey Clark I'm here I'm just gonna take one of these and we're gonna go outside with it we're gonna go right out here to the general store look at that a train so this is interesting if we buy this little handle for two thousand monies oh yes we can use that in the Train and then go off down the train track into a different world also there's other places we can do things at which is really cool miners can go outside the elevators on the train but there's no handle here I can't go anywhere also look at this beautiful construction I like to call it the commode we're gonna go inside look at this you couldn't tell that we're in a pandemic anywhere else in the world no says I cuz we got all the toilet paper we can need look this is more expensive than all of those diamonds I got and right down the hole whoa well so much for that no here we go give me this one what happens if we throw this watch this I'm gonna oh oh I was close okay I can get my own rebound whoop and also close and ready touchdown what how do I come on here come on slam dunk I need more bad sports puns go what come on you cheater do I have to shove it down there in my on my own straight here so back down into the dirty depths of the pool maybe maybe I want to buy some of this what is this one that's a better pickaxe how much does it cost it must be 300 or 350 whatever so time for more loot crystals we need those to power power our Hydra near plant oh yes more loot for me blue crystals everywhere hey Oh shiny blue crystal I need you so much Oh what is that thing hopefully it's worth like a million credits anything else hiding in here anywhere come on one more there's two more yes I got one and oh no rusted off okay what's in the next level oh yes perfect right away green emerald zoom stuff hey get this one I'll break it got oh oh there's so much look at that one I'm also kind of scared to turn around because I haven't looked outside yet and I hear like ominous music so we're gonna grab that piece of gold and then oh it's more crystal cave oh we're almost to the bottom level though give me this one I want this I don't even know what it is but it tastes good Oh what tastes like green stop moving that's very nauseating anything else easy to get maybe there's one right there of course how did I miss that before yes perfect oh hey hold on to it right in the hole nice oh we're going down another level more stuff anything else cool what is that shiny or red thing or injury or orange red got it look at that beast I want one of those in real life oh no I broke a precious vase grandma's gonna be so mad at me oh man there's three here Oh No if you miss them at the end of a level they disappear in all those little holes am I going down again no I'm back up okay how much loot did we get how much loot did we get how much loot did we get it's actually pretty good almost 700 6 600 that's not me at all I did not get 3,500 so I tell you what my friends I'm gonna buy some TNT we're gonna put that right up here I knock I'm just kidding I wasn't actually gonna put that there I'm gonna put it right here yeah that's not right we'll hang it there hey nope okay we have to buy this thing too I think we blow that right here and if I can afford a new pickaxe look Oh pickaxe oh I got lights no it's so much brighter my mom called me son mushrooms I need one of these oh oh oh can I eat another one oh this is not good pom-pom no no I can't eat another one okay well let's just break every thought what did i do what did i do I'm really tiny wait a minute what is going on I need that oh yeah that was weird I just got really small and now I'm dripping dripping on giant mushroom I don't even have hands anymore okay I'll better no none of that anymore oh not do that where's my where's my lady thing oh there's my ceiling fan here throw that over there somewhere oh oh oh oh I think that just fell down here we'll do that better this time grab that walk walk over yeah show that in the wall you're not gonna work it's gonna explode gonna explode yes I only got one one little nugget out of that whole thing do it again don't accept we're gonna do it over here this time we'll shove it right in there real good back up where's my pickaxe now there it is oh really no I only got two maybe a better suited I've blown things up this is just what I need really some TNT you don't think cops would like that I'm stuck I can't move that works got it G blitz why are you at the bank today with that shiny golden stick I don't know I heard there was free money outside of it and then you just leave the shiny stick it's not a good idea you don't want to do that for your life okay okay I grab a mushroom again huh we'll put it in the hole did I can I sell the mushrooms hold up oh I disappeared I wonder if you can sell those blasting time Oh blasting time how I love to blasting things kaboom do it do it yes that was a really bad one there is like no loot at all in this opus three nevermind yeah one more TNT for the last floor nevermind I'm back home I can't use it I can buy more buy more TNT way mining hat oh la la blow it up explode the lava run away run away from the lava give me more old man I don't know if I've done the lava levels these are the worst ents ever come here just got to put it right inside there there you go so what's at the bottom of all these lava rocks is there something else going it's just more lava okay he explored yes blow it up can I get like miniature nukes got it in the hole touchdown like just a baby nuke for science purposes I just have one just to play with it and really want one oh we're back up top so i mighta bought something new and exciting look at this it finds all the loot for us ooh there's something oh I don't have anything to drill I don't have there's a blue shiny we got lots of stuff in there okay I can't drill that my drill is only good for oil so throw that back up here actually let's just put that over here and I'll take one of these boomers and this was the honey hole we'll just put that right there and watch the explosion of goodies ready Get Set and yes work smarter not harder this is amazing alright loot where are you over here I will loot the loot ready explode got it with my pickaxe go see that and use the Force again oh I thought that was something exciting there's oil okay we got oil up there watch this trick out OOP OOP OOP get ready and gonna oil it there we go there we go we're getting the oil we're getting oil Oh Lord blurb blurb blurb in the bucket my dude is it glue Bing I got I got full bucket the goop Oh another one another one we're going for the black gold mine ooh this is turmoil - hot dang I got so many oils it's like a good day at McDonald's I just got oil four days I've no idea how much oil is worth but it's gonna be worth all the marbles in the marble Factory come here that's really loud - boy Oh No well that's all of it okay cool so thank you you can go back up here with your friend just kidding you don't have any friends look at this we got a red and a blue together America there is so much loot over here hot dang where did all this come from I didn't even see it no oh shoot Nuggets okay where's my scanner gotta get it thank you okay scanner need more oil there's so much loot there there's no more oil okay I'm just gonna go manual you this one I think all right now to clean up all the trash I mean trash one man's trash is another man's treasure I missed one right down here whoo got it just in the nick of time - whoo am I going up or down I'm going up so I'll be honest I have no idea how much that oil is worth nothing it's not worth anything I didn't get any money for it in fact I got less money that time than the rest of them combined what is out there now it's like we're on an alien planet oh this is a mushroom land again where was that one seriously up here yeah there it is ha no way shoot I'm going down again though that's good news we're gonna blast it all here you get blasted I'm like I'm like Oprah just blasting everything in here ready whoo water Green fall oh that might have hurt except it didn't because I don't have hit points I guess oh I got a free one I don't know where this came from yeah Oh No hey oh no oh no oh no oh oh no it just fell down way too far where it is my word my thing going I'm blind without my thingy I think I sold my scanner accidentally yeah I must here we go lots of loot lots of loot I wish I could crack that open and get this big expensive vase out of it but nope you have to literally crack it open they don't have them saw yet something making music over here is it this thing oh my stupid oops I didn't mean to I'm so sorry nope goodbye mushroom world oh I did it again that was probably dumb I think I'm going back to the surface though or not I'm just going into whose nation now what okie hey I want that really I just got a key from a who's nation resist you okay I'm gonna hold on to it can I put on my pants oh my kid look at that I'm gonna keep my pants Oh No Oh No come here mining tool I've got you a strike oh that was really weird but you have a queue up pants you got a cosmic key the good news is I think I have enough money to buy that branch thing for the train yeah I got $2,200 so oh the trains ready yes very time in my Peter Pan can I fly on a train okay I have no idea what this does I've never watched anyone do this there we go there we go no way I'm driving a train I feel like I should have my pickaxe I literally have no idea what I'm doing out here juju here we go so this is what Hydra near would be like if it was in VR huh do I get to pick up loot from the side of the world what does this say train oh okay I don't like being over here it's a little bit scary what's happening I can't see is a train in my way I'm going through a tunnel everything's dark except Mikey shine the light go great key of cosmic Ness oh we're going downhill okay we're gonna go uphill rollercoaster is this gonna kill me something gonna kill me in here you're gonna be like Trek cool what is this where's my pickaxe do I need it I want off I can't get off my stuff's over here my stuff's on the side of the train did you see that no way so it might have pickaxes right there oh you know what dur I have to stop this thing we'll just take this train back into which we came that kind of I'm I'm good at this game all right stop right here nope I don't want you hey stop it I'm good I think I just took a screenshot all right so I need to get my oh yeah I can get off okay I need this one you is there something up top there like a lantern and I need this one I think are they gonna make me do like a climbing puzzle here would that be kind of cool huh can I climb up there good no I feel like I really want maybe I can just grab it something making noise who's that who's dead what does that make a noise in here is this thing huh this I found something I found a secret ring no way is it the one ring to rule them all I want to put it on my finger actually I can put it my belt just kidding I can't put it my belt nope okay I'm dance music Wow okay I got a look at this thing a little bit of light here oh it's so bright in here I just fell through my hand let it go where'd it go no no let it go we're gonna be a dragon in the end of this long tunnel so I can't walk anymore down there am I still moving I think I'm stuck oh I'm totally still moving what is this what is this where did I found I don't know if I like what I found there's a grave site here that says start starchy start starchy Anton okay it's like a gravesite can i grab this no huh whole Easter Egg area I'm really not excited that I dropped my mystery ring of Awesomeness somewhere down here in the ground I can't pick it up anymore I'm so sad I was the chosen one schmegle gave it to me maybe being close to the Train actually put it in the bucket well hope so so that says pickaxes must be where we're going to the pickaxe area let's crank her up or dial maximum speed Oh what did that do maybe that's the radio it is the radio what is this place hold up what did I find here what is this more toilet paper yes we had the jackpot oh hello jackpot what's your name I'll be blitz I'll be glad to open you and just oh whoa what's it doing what is it doing do I need to destroy it but I wonder if I need a key I probably need a key No whoa hey thanks no that's mine hey wait you're friendly you're friendly hey buddy dude that's so awesome of you wait but you spit that stuff out so if I come over here I mean Jules that's you hey I love you already you're my best favorite new friend in the entire world look at you we're we're like friends everyone you need this you're Billy no you don't need that this spots got a bunch of oil and something in here so do you want that little dude you want to eat that you can go ahead and eat that here I'll promise oh nice wait you spit it out again what is it there's like a bar of soap here you ate it oh and I got money for it cool what do we have in here it looks like a red thing Oh a green one okay definitely don't want to touch those relics until we can come back later hey buddy there you go dude oh it gets so much bigger you look at that watch him get bigger haha oh where you going what are you going come back here I got loot for you here you go are you mad bro there you go what is this guy all about what can I take his gems what happens if I pry those out of there I bet you have to put something in his mouth oh sweet gherkins we got more loot oh there's so much here this is beautiful don't take that one he's eating you know hey buddy hey Chester oh you missed it eat it yeah ready I didn't know yes this is so cool I always wanted to have a pet chest here we go buddy he's getting mad again he's digesting I think hey Chester come with me you gonna come with me one little dude he's just gonna camp out right there and he's gonna run away okay that was fun I'll be honest I have no idea how this train works I have no idea where it goes or what it does whoa whoa whoa bro whoa bro slow down this train can I get off into those things Oh Chester's back dude sup bro wake up dude wake up oh wait it's not Chester is it gonna go to D 20 that's cool oh there he is hey bud here you go here you go you want one of these two a little bottle yeah take it and drink it be great where's that that's toilet back up looks like it's blocked off wait how do I get this thing promised enough about that what is in here I can't grab those huh okay just the bathroom break come on little dude I got a present for you over here I promise it'll be something cool what is this I know I know I've got loot here can I just open it oh it opens the other way Derb oh yeah oh my jam I will promise you something if you play VR games a lot you kind of get this idea that VR games no longer make you sick and this this game will test that no driving on the train through through tunnels and stuff yeah motion sickness for sure like my feet want to be moving but the games like no only your head is moving and then no no no no no we got to go upstairs now three guards or home I wonder you can go backwards nope we're just gonna hit an abrupt stop this is really gonna be bad on my brain okay that was whoa a little bit dizzy okay how do we how are we still dilute now did I did the loot come back cuz I only had like $200 would you stop that bernetta scroll over here so he had $200 when we left we're up to fifteen sixteen now so my good friends I guess that'll do it Oh was this we have so many different upgrades like a train upgrade no way and a broken track 19 that was in 999 MUX okay anyway guys that'll do it for today's video of cave digger of er hope you liked our adventure today what an interesting game I like it I definitely want to try out this thing in the future do whatever that does yeah anyway bye [Music]
Channel: Blitz
Views: 224,783
Rating: 4.9400649 out of 5
Keywords: blitz, cave digger, cave digger dlc, cave digger update, cave digger riches, cave digger vault, cave digger safe, cave digger halloween, cave digger game, cave digger vr, virtual reality, htc vive, video game, cave digger new, cave digger gauntlet, cave digger gameplay, cave digger secrets, mining vr, april2020, hydroneer
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 14sec (1394 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 16 2020
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