Miniature Half Inch Postage Stamp Quilt Block Tutorial

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hi everyone it's me Darlene I am so excited to show you something I came up with I hope you are as excited as I am it probably not I have been consumed by my new postage stamp quilt addiction I had so much fun making that postage stamp quilt that you might have seen if you haven't the playlist link will be down below and I really enjoyed you know starting with like two inch blocks and putting those together but I wanted to go smaller so I had made a block during that series of squares that end up being like one inch square and I thought how super cute is that but I wanted to go smaller even smaller I wanted to get down to where each block once it's put together was about a half inch square but to do that by cutting squares you would need to start with one inch squares and sew them together and that's just not something I'd be interested in doing at all some people like to do that they like to put together the tiniest of pieces I don't so I thought I'm going to do strip sets but I want to figure out a way to do them quickly I did not want to have to cut a bunch of strips and sew those together so I thought of my scrappy pre cuts that I sell and I said hmm I know I've done something like this similar in the Krum quilt series if I remember right but I didn't go look and I don't think I've ever seen anybody making quilt blocks that end up looking like all little half-inch squares but I came up with this method I do think I did something similar in the quilt crumb quilt adventure I put these two together and I magically turn these squares into is it four or five strip sets and I'm going to take you to the Machine and show you how I did that but let me show you this remember how big my 64 patch squares were in the postage stamp quilt they measure twelve and a half inches this is a 64 patch when you make tiny tiny little blocks I haven't even measured it let me look but I think it's supposed to end up being four and a half is what you can trim it down to and again the edges look bigger because those are going to be connected so they're always wider but check out that huh is that too exciting or what so exciting I've made a few of them here's another one oh I've made four of them another one and another one now I didn't have a whole lot of prints available I was trying to use up the leftovers from the postage stamp quilt but there's so many possibilities with this you could use just two colors and it would end up looking like a checkerboard a tiny tiny little checkerboard but you can buy checkerboard fabric why would you do this because you have a sick and twisted addiction and you want to do this that's why it's the only reason I don't need to do this in my lifetime I can live without this piece of fabric but I needed it I needed to satisfy the desire to do this and some of you have the same desire I know you do here's the thing lots of seams going on in the back which makes it you know a bit more stable but surprisingly still you know quote tappable but who the hell would want to make an entire quilt top like this I wouldn't as much as I enjoy this I don't want to do that it would be very time-consuming this is easy I promise you but time consuming but it's just such a cool thing to do if you want to make some accent blocks to put in a quilt or I'm going to turn mine into a tote bag hopefully that will be a future video this isn't a series this is this one video I'm going to show you how to do this but when I make a tote bag I really want to I will have that be a video for you guys I just think that you know lined with something equally stiff or maybe even lined with denim or something I'd like to make just a cute little stand-up tote bag Oh can't wait so I have these for to start and I'm going to show you how I did this let's just get over to the sewing machine and do that right now I want to show you the pre cuts that I had in my recent fabric frenzy fabric frenzy number 18 I just had that this past weekend and I sold so many of these I have three left and I'm going to show you I will have them down below on eBay for whoever wants to grab one of these I have two in this lot and I have one left in this lot these are 50 free cuts no duplicates so I wanted to see if I can show you some of the prints you'll see the prints if you go to the auction listing but you know they're all different they're all super cool they're perfect for this kind of thing or for the postage stamp quilt and again 50 different ones here these fifty don't match any of these fifty so if you get both of them you get a hundred different prints so go check out the link below you save money on that stuff if you become a patron or a YouTube member those are paid memberships five bucks per month and you save big time on fabric I have a fabric frenzy about every five weeks and I have flash sales now every weekend you know if I'm available to do it I'm not going to promise every single weekend forever but I've been consistent with every weekend and I sell all kinds of cool stuff so consider becoming a patron or a YouTube member we'd be happy to have you inside those platforms so you can save money I also had a lot of 50 boutiques no duplicates and then I had a small a lot of 25 no duplicates of the regular cotton like I just so the exclusive members could get a total of a hundred and seventy-five blocks no duplicates and some people actually did that I have three left go grab them all right I'm a little bit limited here on prints because I'm just trying to use up what I have let's back up here let's back up more so I have eight different prints though this four and four more it doesn't matter what prints they are don't try to put things together you know what I like about something like this and this the little squares are only going to you know show as two inch squares so one could end up being just gray in the finished piece one could end up being just gold one could end up being just pink how exciting is that it's so exciting just like this oh I didn't realize same prints different colors and just like this some will appear to be just plain white some will be just plain pink and I'm going to show you the assembly line method because I'm assuming you want to make a few of these but you don't have to start with squares like this you could you know start with any size square or you could cut some 1-inch strips if you want to but this is so easy and you're never dealing with anything tiny to sew so take two pieces mine are about five inches square usually a little bit bigger and they're scrappy cuts I cut on the fold I cut according to the width of the fabric so they vary so all I do is I match you know the top and then this edge my right edge and if it's longer or you know wider that's okay and I tend to put them if they look a little bit wider than tall I put the width going this way oh this black tape we're not using this in the very first step but you want to put a long piece of black tape at least long enough so that if you have your fabric here you can still see the end of the tape we're going to be using that in a minute put it one inch away from your needle and the easiest way to do that well measuring tape is easy - like this you know I'm putting the inch line right where the needle would hit and then I just lay my tape an inch out we're going to sew just a quarter of an inch I just use the edge of my foot and that's a quarter of an inch let's go we're sending two more through and I'm going to do that to the other pieces also now I'm just going to stop right there and I'm going to snip everything off behind it I'm going to take these apart I just left this one so I can just continue sewing without having to waste thread and all that stuff okay this see this little seam line here we're going to put this seam line now this one is going to be done in a second and then we're going to do this same thing to all of these blocks put that black thread line well I say black because mine is black I'm matching that up to the inside of my tape so that means the next line I so is going to be an inch away from this line let me get you a little closer for this don't know if you can see what I'm doing but this line is matched up on the inside of my tape here's my needle I'm gonna be sewing right down I'm going to watch this to make sure that I'm sewing somewhat straight okay so my edge up here is okay and I'm going to just keep my eyes on this down here I don't really watch the top once I'm in very easy don't panic if you don't get it perfect next one [Music] and next one let's snip all these guys we're going to do this again but now we're going to put this line on the black tape crazy stuff it really is so easy oops this one didn't get the other line so that's okay I don't have to do these all in order this one I'm just going to follow this line because it's the only line I have just skipped that one no I'm going back to putting this line your goal is just to have a whole bunch of lines an inch apart so let's get caught up on this one on the tables now we're going to do it yet again I'm going to so where are you let me see this will be easy to see the black lines now I'm going to follow this line this is the line that's going on the tape just always make sure that the edge you started on is the edge that you keep to the right I don't know if somebody who is left-handed so is in a different way I just hope that you can adapt and make it work for you I'm always putting the last line that I sewed along the inside of that table [Music] and I'm going to go one more time so with my size blocks I'm going to get five stitch lines totally put my little leader in here back you up now I have four things like this oops I'm missing a line on this guy let me get that one done alright I have four pieces with black lines now find your original line it's the one that's like right up against the edge I'm going to lay that down or I am going to sometimes I hold it in my hand I think that's what I usually do you are free to get up and go put this on a board and use a ruler and rotary cutter there is no way in hell I'm taking that step because it's just too time-consuming what I'm going to do is let me show you first the first line we just leave it as is we're going to cut about a quarter of an inch on the inside of the next line and then the same here on the inside of the next line inside and then inside so as I hold it this line I do nothing with it this next line I'm going to cut about a quarter of an inch to the right of that line and it makes another piece you know with the line at the edge and if you did it right the little piece that you just cut you can open it up finger press then you have your first little startings of a strip set I'm going to do the same I'm holding it with this 1/4 inch seam to the right and I'm going to cut about a quarter of an inch to the right of that next line to the right of the next line to the right of this next line if I'm even under the camera I do not know sometimes this last little piece is wide enough to get one more little strip set this one isn't but I'm still going to open this little sucker and finger press it and it's going into my crumb quilt stash I don't throw that away we would just now take every one of these and open it up and finger press do not take the time to go press every one of these you would drive yourself insane there is pressing later but not right now so I'm not going to sit here and open all of these on camera too much time but I'm going to do the same with each and every one of these I'm going to take my piece and I'm going to hold it so that the quarter inch seam allowance is to the right and I'm always cutting to the right of that next stitch line and it goes really quick what a cool way to make a bunch of little strips little strip sets without having to pre-cut all those frigging strips and then here is my last little piece that will go for the crumbs it's so excited let me finish this up and I'll be right back I did want to say here's my last piece you know that I've been throwing in the crumb box this one looks wide enough what I do is I take one of the ones that I just cut and I just line it up and it looks like it's going to be wide enough equal to the others there's a part that's a little bit wider sticking out so I'm just going to trim right there trim that off doesn't have to be perfect we know this and that's going to give me an additional little strip I'm all done doing that now what we're doing we're ignoring the tape now we're just taking two of these and we're going to put these together and if you have like an edge that's straighter on one end you can go with that so I'm just putting those two together and I'm going to just sew a quarter of an inch seam allowance okay let's put these two together and is there a straighter edge yes let's go this way it's raining I'm just going to keep sending a bunch through okay let's stop here for now as we have a few of these now we're going to open up again finger press finger press I'm just going to open up the four that I made and now we're going to put two of these together so it's going to end up being eight strips do I have enough variety here I do and we'll put these two together now I'll see this matches here there's a match and I might have another one that I can throw in here oh I think I do let's do this one just cuz it'll add a little bit of difference lot of steps to this but it is easy I promise you gingka press finger press now is the next part trying to not have actual matches and I do I do not like I want to have two of these like with no identical going like right in a straight line so I need to make another one like this so let me do that okay if I put those together that would be good alright I'm going to sew these together that won't have anything matching the next step is to put these so that there's nothing all matchy-matchy I like it in this direction and we're going to put them together it's good to have two edges that are kind of straight so let me just trim this a little bit right here so I have a straight edge here straight edge here that looks good all right I'm going to put these together I'm looking at it my lines are going horizontally and these two one on top of the other and now we're going to sew this way we're going to sew over all these funky seams and don't worry if they flip or not you can control it a little bit better on the top but I'm not giving a about what's happening underneath because there's no way we can control all these seams same thing pretend that this is just like your starting block we're going to do a quarter of an inch seam going to take this off and this and I'm doing the same thing we did before let me move you up now I'm taking that stitch line and I'm going to follow the tape just like I did at the beginning again my line to the tape my line to the tape under you don't know how happy that makes me and that's the last one I can do here we go we are going to hold it so that the stitch line the first stitch line is to the right at least if you're right-handed I'm going to cut to the right of this next line just like the other blocks and just do that all the way across and now I have this left I'm just going to eyeball it turn it this way and I just trim by holding the other piece too it doesn't have to be exact I actually throw this away now we open all these up and you can see this is the beginning of our little tiny squares and now we have to put a whole bunch of those together yes yes we do so these steps you know start to get just a little bit more frustrating it's so worth it is it so fun now for real you can go hit these with an iron if you want but I still don't I rather just sit here and finish a block so now what I'm going to do is put these for suckers together I don't need my tape anymore so I'm just going to at the best that I can lay these down I am NOT concerned about the seams intersections anything just going to sometimes it's hard to control so I like to just get it started then I stop and I lay this flat and then I just so let me get the other one in there and you can and I didn't you can look to see if anything's matching up exactly it's not the end of the world if it does and if you're using a lot of busy prints sometimes they won't even look like they're the same we are on the last step to our first 64 patch block open it wants to curl because of all those seams open and I'm going to do it once again without pressing I am going to check we've got something matchy-matchy there oh I think we're good they're going to put those two together and now I am going to go press this masterpiece I went ahead and pressed this I press it this way and then I also press it on the back so it just helps it from you know curling as much you know that's not too horrible back there like I said don't worry about it I think this is so awesome for tote bags or decorative pillows that would be kind of cool or just think of a quilt for Barbie's bed you could make a quilt for Barbie with the little miniature squares or even a little carpet or something a little a little rug you you could even make this and then you know cut an oval shape if you wanted and finish it with some lace or ribbon or oh my god just so fun but for a tote bag that's going to be awesome especially you know you can line it you could just add a lining which is probably what I will do or maybe you could you know just iron on another piece of fabric to the back with some wonder under double-sided defusing that would make some possibly a stiff sides to make a nice little stand-up tote I'm very anxious to make a tote I hope I can do that won't be right away because I'm super busy but anyway this is like super cute let me check and see my little squares are coming in a little bit bigger than a half inch on that one half inch there half inch they're a little bit smaller than a half inch because of course I you know this isn't perfect and I wouldn't want it to be I mean it's just too cute now I wasn't planning on doing this but since I had some others made oh and I trimmed it to four and a half inches and I just tried to take off the same amount on very thready on each edge doesn't matter if you don't let's put four of these together and make a you know a four patch of these sixty-four patches huh let's do that so let me let's see let's look at this that looks good oh my goodness I haven't done this yet because I just haven't let's do the other two and these were all basically the same prints as what I just used good good so super cool let's open these guys up just turn to my iron back on so that I'll be able to press this one it's done oh my goodness I can't wait to make some kind of a tote bag let me go press this open this is so exciting to me you can't even imagine look now I do have some wonkiness going on up here one of the strip's kind of got lost I don't know if you can see but see does it matter nobody's gonna be studying this but I can see that your whatever the way I sewed this one was wider and and that is a little bit lost so you know quite a bit of wonky but come on look at this who on earth wants to do this it's really a very silly thing to do don't you think but it's just so cool this you trim to eight and a half and I did I trimmed it eight and a half inches square and it's just so awesome it just feels so good it's and this is the back which will be hidden can you imagine even making like a stuffed teddy bear or something you know making yourself fabric and then cutting your teddy bear parts ah I just think that would be so cool it really would alright this is 16 little tiny squares by 16 this way that's 256 squares in this block but we didn't have to deal with all little tiny pieces at all not at all it was so easy like I said it's a little bit time-consuming but it's really worth it give it a try you must or we can't be friends anymore and I'm going to want to play with different prints like I said two colors I don't know I think it would work to be a checkerboard maybe not or another thing I thought is somebody doing just like all different shades of blue or all different shades of pink you know with a little bit of a pattern in there and having just different shades of one color I think that would look so awesome so I will be playing with these ideas and I will show you what I come up with as I go I hope you enjoyed this thank you so much for watching oh and go check out my eBay and go get yourself some scrappy pre-cuts if the ones that I have that I showed you are sold out there's other Lots available please subscribe and I'll be back with more soon bye you
Channel: Darlene Michaud
Views: 62,261
Rating: 4.9063654 out of 5
Keywords: darlene michaud, sanford maine, darlene michaud ebay, postage stamp quilt, postage stamp quilt tutorial, postage stamp quilt pattern, darlene michaud quilt, darlene michaud quilting, darlene michaud quilt tutorial, how to make a postage stamp quilt, what is a postage stamp quilt, 2 inch squares quilt, tiny block quilts, strip set postage stamp quilt, easy postage stamp quilt, postage stamp quilt blocks, quilt blocks with tiny squares, quilt blocks with half inch squares
Id: w9uiLAvo82w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 36sec (1776 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 04 2019
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